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Humanistic psychology has been most closely associated with an emphasis on the importance of what?
A External locus of control
B Free association
C Projective tests
D Positive self-concept
E Reciprocal determinism

Which personality test classifies people in terms of the personality dimensions highlighted by Carl Jung?
A Thematic Apperception Test
B Rorschach inkblot test
C Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory
D Stanford-Binet Test
E Sternbergs Triarchic Personality Test

Who proposed that the mind is split up into three partsid, ego, and super ego?
A Mary Horney
B Sigmund Freud
C Carl Jung
D Harry Harlow
E Carl Rogers

What is the act of reverting to childish behaviors?
A Compensation
B Rationalization
C Repression
D Regression
E Reaction formation

Which of the following theorists would most likely agree with the statement: Patients need to know
that we respect them, no matter the choices they make.?
A Alfred Adler
B Sigmund Freud
C Karen Horney
D Carl Jung
E Carl Rogers

A person with an external locus of control who gets an F in mathematics class is most likely to say:
A I wish I liked math more.
B I knew I should have cheated.
C If I would have studied harder, I bet I would have passed the class.
D Next time I take a class like that, Ill know how to do better on tests.
E Teachers dont like me, so I never pass classes like this.

Which theory of personality emphasizes the value and importance of unconditional positive regard in
A Behavioral
B Cognitive
C Developmental
D Humanistic
E Psychoanalytic

Dr. Foster wants to assess the extent to which a client is suffering from depression, delusions, and other
symptoms of psychological disorders. Which personality assessment would be most helpful for this
A Hypnosis
B Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory
C Stanford-Binet Test
D Rorschach Test
E Thematic Apperception Test

When parents refuse to accept several psychologists diagnosis of a childs mental illness, they are using
which of the following defense mechanisms?
A Denial
B Displacement
C Projection
D Rationalization
E Regression

According to Sigmund Freud, a childs early experience in coping with external demands leads to the
development of the
A unconscious
B preconscious
C Oedipus Complex
D id
E ego

According to Albert Bandura, people who believe that their efforts will be successful and that they are
in control of events have a high level of
A insight
B self-efficacy
C social responsibility
D reciprocal determinism
E self-monitoring skill

In a normal distribution of test scores, the percentage of scores that fall at or below the mean score is
A 17.5
B 25
C 50
D 66.6
E 95

It is widely known in Jerrys social circle that he is the most stubborn and inflexible member of the
group. Yet Jerry complains that all his friends are opinionated and rigid. Jerrys complaints are most
clearly a sign of
A displacement
B repression
C projection
D reaction formation
E rationalization
The hypothesis that intelligence is in part inherited is best supported by the fact that the IQ correlation
A pairs of twins reared together is greater than the correlation for pairs of twins reared apart
B pairs of identical twins is greater than for pairs of fraternal twins
C pairs of fraternal twins is greater than the correlation for other pairs of siblings
D adopted children and their adoptive parents is greater than zero
E adopted children and their adoptive parents is greater than the correlation for the same children
and their biological parents

One criticism of Freuds psychosexual theory of development is that it
A emphasizes developmental changes in the oral and anal stages
B views adult disorders as adjustments to the environment
C views fear of loss as a motivating drive
D is based on empirically unverifiable constructs
E is based on ethnographic studies

The defense mechanism of reaction formation is best exemplified in which of the following situations?
A A college student speaks sharply to her roommate after quarreling with her professor about her
B A woman who is unaware of her anger toward her friend expresses affection for that friend.
C A runner forgets the name of the opponent who just defeated her in an event for which she
held the record.
D A man who dislikes his supervisor believes that his supervisor dislikes him.
E An elderly man lights up a cigarette just after learning that he has been cured of a respiratory

Which of the following types of test is designed to measure an individuals knowledge of a subject?
A Achievement
B Attitude
C Aptitude
D Projective
E Interest inventory

In Sigmund Freuds view, the role of the ego is to
A make the individual feel superior to others
B make the individual feel inferior to others
C mediate among the id, the superego, and reality
D serve the demands of the unconscious
E serve the demands of the superego

A hostile person with type A personality is most at risk for developing which of the following?
A Phobias
B Heart disease
C Bulimia Nervosa
D Multiple Personality
E Antisocial personality

Psychologists who emphasize the importance of personality traits are most often criticized for
A being naive and overly optimistic
B being subjective in interpreting unverifiable phenomena
C overestimating the number of basic traits
D underestimating the role of emotions
E underestimating the variability of behavior from situation to situation

According to the Stanford-Binet formula for an intelligence quotient (IQ), the IQ of a ten-year old child
with a mental age of eight and a half years is
A 85
B 95
C 100
D 105
E 115

Figures such as the one above are used in which of the following types of test?
A Verbal intelligence
B Nonverbal intelligence
C Self-report personality
D Projective personality
E Cognitive reasoning

An important difference between humanistic and psychoanalytic approaches is that humanistic
psychologists believe in the importance of
A learning
B free will
C determinism
D biological instincts
E unconscious processes

A student who obtained a percentile rank of 75 on an achievement test is best characterized as having
A ranked 75th from the top in a group of 100 test takers
B answered 75% of the questions correctly
C scored higher than 75% of the test takers
D scored 75% higher than the average test taker
E scored 75% of the highest score

The performance of the group on which an IQ test is standardized sets the
A method of administration most suitable for the test
B extent to which IQ is determined by environment
C criteria for the diagnostic significance of intelligence
D degree of the validity of the IQ test
E norms against which the performance of later test takers can be evaluated
Montgomery prepares his resume carelessly and arrives late for his job interview. He is rejected by the
prospective employer. Montgomery concludes that its all a matter of luck, anyway. Montgomerys
judgment of his situation most clearly reflects
A delay of gratification
B the mechanism of reaction formation
C unconscious inference
D fixation and regression
E external locus of control

A test that is labeled an achievement test is most likely to be given to
A predict an individuals ability to succeed in a particular job
B allow a student to be exempted from a college course
C assess the mental age of a gifted eight-year-old
D determine whether a person is an extrovert or an introvert
E investigate an individuals cognitive style

Which of the following methods is used in studies designed to determine the primary components of
A Test-retest
B Alternate forms
C Random sampling
D Factor analysis
E Standardization

A normally functioning 65-year-old who cannot solve abstract logic puzzles as quickly as he did when
he was younger is experiencing a
A phenomenon that is uncommon for people of his age
B phenomenon predicted by Erik Erikson as part of the eight stages of psychosocial development
C decrease in his crystallized intelligence
D decrease in his fluid intelligence
E difficulty with concrete operational thinking

Which of the following is the most appropriate criterion for evaluating the predictive validity of an
intelligence test?
A Intelligence quotient
B Mental age
C Chronological age
D Scholastic aptitude
E School grades

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