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According to the biological perspective, psychological disorders result from:

A Traumatic childhood experiences
B Lack of positive self-regard
C Distorted thinking
D Dysfunctional societal views
E Brain abnormalities

What kind of psychologist would be most likely to describe depression as the result of an unconscious
process in which anger is turned inward, likely due to repression?
A Biomedical
B Cognitive
C Behavioral
D Psychoanalytic
E Sociocultural

During the manic phase of a bipolar disorder, individuals are most likely to experience:
A visual or auditory hallucinations.
B high self-esteem.
C schizophrenia.
D delusions of persecution.
E uncontrollable grief and despair.

Which of the following is considered to be a psychotic disorder?
A antisocial personality disorder
B dissociative identity disorder
C post-traumatic stress disorder
D obsessive-compulsive disorder
E schizophrenia

An antisocial personality disorder is most likely to be characterized by:
A a lack of feelings of guilt.
B a persistent, irrational fear of people.
C delusions of grandeur.
D disruptions in conscious awareness and sense of identity.
E episodes of intense autonomic nervous system arousal.

What are obsessions?
A False beliefs of persecution of grandeur.
B Hyperactive, wildly optimistic states of emotion.
C Offensive and unwanted thoughts that persistently preoccupy a person.
D Periodic episodes of intense dread accompanied by frightening physical sensations.
E Persistent, irrational fears of specific objects or situations.

For which of the following would the DSM-V be most useful?
A Kim is excessively introverted.
B Denise is chronically depressed.
C John is insane.
D Tyson is extremely irrational.
E Tony is shy.
People with a narcissistic personality disorder are likely to be preoccupied with:
A an irrational fear of people
B delusions of persecution
C physical symptoms of distress
D sexual fantasies
E their own self-importance

Leslie, a teacher, complains that she feels apprehensive and fearful most of the time but doesnt know
why. Without warning, her heart begins to pound, her hands get icy, and she breaks out in a cold sweat.
What psychological disorder does Leslie likely suffer from?
A dissociative disorder
B dysthymic disorder
C generalized anxiety disorder
D obsessive-compulsive disorder
E phobia

Which category of psychological disorders is the most common in the United States?
A Delusional disorders
B Mood disorders
C Schizophrenic disorders
D Sexual disorders
E Somatoform disorders

Lula Cooks husband, Peter, went on a work trip and never returned home. Lula and her children
presumed him to be dead. Years later, while on a road trip in another state, a real estate billboard
caught Lulas eyebecause it was her husband, now with a new life and a new family! Peters symptoms
and behavior would suggest what psychological occurrence?
A Dissociative fugue
B Dissociative identity disorder
C Escapism
D Learned helplessness
E Schizophrenia

Edward is an institutionalized mental patient who believes that people are out to get him and that the
President communicates directly with him via the ketchup bottle on the dinner table. Edward is
demonstrating what psychological symptom?
A Anxiety
B Depression
C Dissociative disorder
D Manic episodes
E Paranoia

The DSM-5 classification of psychological disorders does not consider which of the following to be a
A Anorexia nervosa
B Depression
C Dissociative Identity Disorder
D Homosexuality
E Schizophrenia
Hugh has returned from a 6-month deployment in Afghanistan. He now hits the ground at the sight of
an airplane or helicopter, jumps at the sound of a firecracker, and has vivid nightmares that haunt him in
his sleep. Which psychological disorder does he likely suffer from?
A Delusions of Persecution
B Dissociative Identity Disorder
C Generalized Anxiety Disorder
D Obsessive-compulsive disorder
E Posttraumatic Stress Disorder

Someone diagnosed as agoraphobic would most likely be:
A Afraid of being trapped in an enclosed space
B Afraid of learning
C Afraid of public places
D Demonstrating delusions of grandeur
E Starving themselves because they have a distorted body image

Which of the following is true of schizophrenia?
A It affects men more frequently than women.
B It is a component of Dissociative Identity Disorder.
C It is caused by an increase in serotonin to the brain.
D It is more prevalent among the wealthy than the poor.
E It typically becomes apparent in early adulthood.

Rod was a boxer, routinely taking punches to his head and body. One day, he was punched over his
right eye, and he indicated immediately afterward that he was blind. Doctors in the hospital indicated
no physiological cause for the blindness. This may be a case of what psychological disorder?
A Anxiety Disorder
B Conversion Disorder
C Paranoid schizophrenia
D Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
E Traumatic Brain Injury

David counts the cracks in the sidewalk while he walks to work from his subway stop. As he sees the
front door of his office, he fears he has miscounted and must return to the subway stop to get an
accurate count before beginning his day. What psychological disorder is this behavior exemplifying?
A Agoraphobia
B Conversion disorder
C Hypochondriasis
D Obsessive-compulsive disorder
E Schizophrenia

Daniel lied, stole, fought, and conned people throughout his life. Further, he felt no guilt for his actions,
even as he ruined the lives of those closest to him. He likely would be diagnosed with which personality
A Antisocial
B Borderline
C Catatonic
D Domineering
E Histrionic
Archaeologists and anthropologists have found evidence that prehistoric man may have used what to
treat perceived mental disorders?
A Corpus callosum removal
B Nothing they were ostracized from society and left for dead
C Religious rituals
D Trephining
E Walking on hot coals

Generalized anxiety disorders:
A Are synonymous with phobias.
B Are much less debilitating than phobias.
C Can be easily and quickly treated.
D Have no specific external cause.
E Typically begin due to a tragic event.

Which of the following behavior-therapy techniques is typically used to reduce fear of heights?
A Time-out
B Punishment
C Discrimination learning
D Token economy
E Systematic desensitization

If a man who is a heavy smoker is given an electric shock every time he takes a puff on a cigarette,
which of the following behavior-modification techniques is being used?
A Systematic desensitization
B Modeling
C Aversive conditioning
D Homogeneous reinforcement
E Interlocking reinforcement

Which of the following is most characteristic of individuals with schizophrenia?
A Extreme mood swings
B Disordered thinking
C Profound sadness
D Unaccountable loss of body function
E Loss of memory

The cognitive theory of depression states that depression results from
A anger directed toward the self and significant others
B an excess of certain neurotransmitters in the brain
C failure in adult love relationships
D maladaptive interpretations of life events
E oral fixations from disturbed mother-infant relationships

The release of those with mental disorders from mental hospitals for the purpose of treating them in
their home communities is called
A deinstitutionalization
B milieu therapy
C primary prevention
D secondary prevention
E noncrisis intervention

Which of the following is a characteristic common to all individuals with a narcissistic personality
A A domineering attitude towards others
B An unwarranted sense of self-importance
C Restricted ability to express warmth and affection
D Inability to form social relationships
E Oversensitivity to rejection or possible humiliation

Persistent repetitive thoughts that cannot be controlled are known as
A compulsions
B obsessions
C phobias
D delusions
E sublimations

Which of the following best characterizes individuals diagnosed as having personality disorders?
A They are typically afraid to leave their homes
B They are consistently psychotic in their cognition and affect
C They may function reasonably well in society
D Their symptoms are characterized by sudden onset and short duration
E They developed their problems as a result of drug abuse

Which of the following is typically cited as a characteristic of autistic children?
A Minor developmental delays in academic achievement
B Above-average performance on tests of creativity
C Severely impaired interpersonal communication
D Tendency to seek younger playmates
E Paranoia comparable with that experienced in schizophrenia

The goal of rational-emotive therapy is to help clients
A focus on the significance of childhood events for current feelings of self-worth
B correct self-defeating thoughts about their lives
C avoid putting themselves in risky situations
D practice relaxation techniques and autohypnosis to reduce anxiety
E use introspection to alleviate their feelings of self-doubt

Multiple personality is a type of
A dissociative disorder
B schizophrenia
C dementia praecox
D bipolar disorder
E manic-depressive psychosis

Electroconvulsive therapy has been most successful in the treatment of
A phobias
B schizophrenia
C psychogenic amnesia
D multiple personality
E clinical depression

Which of the following has been most effective in the treatment of schizophrenia?
A Administration of L-dopa
B Prefrontal lobotomy
C Psychoanalytic therapy
D Drug therapy that blocks neurotransmitter sites
E Drug therapy that increases the activity of limbic system neurons

Bipolar disorders are most effectively treated with a combination of tricyclic antidepressants and
A acetaminophen
B antianxiety drugs
C beta-blockers
D amphetamines
E lithium carbonate

According to Carl Rogers, the role of the therapist in client-centered therapy is to
A accept the client unconditionally so that the clients own desire for mental health and positive
growth will flourish
B express warmth and empathy and suppress negative feelings that arise in the relationship with
the client
C use a didactic approach to teach the client to correct maladaptive behavior
D establish behavior-change programs to alter the problematic behavior that is often learned in
early childhood
E define ideal characteristics of mental health for the client and to encourage the client to
incorporate these elements in his or her personality

Behaviorally oriented therapists seek to modify a clients behavior by
A repressing the clients deviant thoughts
B relating past events to the clients current behavior
C removing the underlying causes of the clients behavioral problems
D explaining the significance of the clients dreams
E changing the contingencies of reinforcement for the client

For several weeks ever since she did not receive a raise that was given to several colleagues Enid
has lacked energy, has been unable to go to work, and has expected bad things to happen every day. Of
the following, she is most likely experiencing
A posttraumatic stress
B mania
C hypochondria
D depression
E fugue

Psychotic disorders frequently involve perceptions of nonexistent sensory stimulation, such as voices.
Symptoms such as these are called
A delusions
B paraphilias
C hallucinations
D paranormal images
E psychic phenomena

The precipitous decline of inpatient populations of state and county mental hospitals since the 1950s
can be attributed to which of the following?

I Declining incidence of severe mental illnesses

II A policy of deinstitutionalization
III New drug therapies

A I only
B II only
C III only
D II and III only
E I, II, and III

One suspected cause of schizophrenia is the abnormal increase of which of the following
neurotransmitters in the brain?
A Acetylcholine
B Somatotropin
C Dopamine
D Norepinephrine
E Serotonin

An individuals fear of dogs that is lost as the individual is exposed to dogs in nonthreatening situations
is referred to by behaviorists as a fear that has been
A satiated
B suppressed
C repressed
D extinguished
E punished

Which of the following personality disorders is characterized by behavior that includes dishonesty,
repeated trouble with authority figures, and an absence of remose for these types of conduct?
A Antisocial
B Histrionic
C Passive-aggressive
D Narcissistic
E Borderline

The phenomenon of transference is a recognized component of which of the following therapeutic
A Flooding
B Systematic desensitization
C Milieu therapy
D Psychoanalysis
E Family therapy

Contemporary definitions of abnormal behavior typically characterize such behavior as all of the
following EXCEPT
A atypical
B maladaptive
C inappropriate
D due to inappropriate child-rearing practices
E disturbing to the individual exhibiting the behavior

Which of the following therapeutic approaches is most likely to be criticized because it does not treat
the underlying cause of the disorder?
A Cognitive
B Behavioral
C Biological
D Psychoanalytic
E Phenomenological

Behavior therapists emphasize which of the following in their treatment of clients?
A Freedom of choice about the future
B The uncovering of unconscious defense mechanisms
C Responses that have been reinforced in the past
D Early childhood conflicts
E Repressed aggressive impulses

A man who experiences sudden blindness on witnessing the death of his wife is probably suffering from
A a type of paraphilia
B psychosis
C multiple personality disorder
D panic disorder
E conversion disorder

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