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IAF Industry Day:

March 5, 2008 in Bonn/Germany
To users of management system certification from industry/business, regulators,

You may have heard that since some time there is an intensive discussion in accreditation and certifi-
cation circles about some perceived weaknesses in certification of management systems in some
areas. Some users complain that products and services from certain certified suppliers do not meet
their expectations. To react on these concerns, IAF has put improvement of customers feedback on
top of its strategic agenda.

A first measure is a series of three Industry Days which IAF organized to get in closer contact with
users of accredited certification: San Francisco March 2007, Beijing June 2007 and Bonn March 2008.
During these conferences, speakers from industry and other user groups (e. g. governments) will pre-
sent their views on the deliverables IAF should provide to industry in a dialogue with the Executive
Committee and technical leaders of IAF.

The next conference will be supported by the German Federal Ministry for Economics and
Technology. It is scheduled for Wednesday, March 5, 2008 in Bonn.
You are heartily invited to participate and discuss your concerns and possibilities for im-
provement in management system certification.

This is an opportunity for industry to engage in open dialogue to express the following:
3 What does an accredited management systems certificate mean in the industry represented?
3 Whats working and what isnt for accredited certification?
3 What does industry expect of a supplier with an accredited certificate?
3 Are these expectations being fulfilled?
3 Where are limitations of certification? What cannot be expected?
3 What are experiences with and wishes for the certification process?

The Industry Day will be held on Wednesday, March 05, 2008, from 9:00 to 16:00, in Bonn.
Registration for industry and government guests is free.
Bonn has an international airport (Kln/Bonn). From Frankfurt international Airport it is around
1 hours to Bonn by Inter City Express fast trains.

For more information on the conference including the details on the program, registration
and recommended hotels, etc. please visit There is also information on the earlier
Industry Days and the International Accreditation Forum in general.

Best regards . and see you in Bonn!

Dr. Thomas Facklam Gnther Beer

IAF Chairman IAF Director for industry & users

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