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System Check

Author : PHAM Quoc Hung

Status : Initial
Version : 1
Last update :

Number of pages : 29
Part I: Summary of the Document.....................................................5
1 Maintenance of the document..................................................................................5

1.1 Modifications......................................................................................................5

Part II: System Check Overview.........................................................6

1 List of Systems and frequency of checks...................................................................6

1.1 Currently available SAP systems in RAIZEN...........................................................6

1.2 List of SAP systems to be monitored.....................................................................6

2 Description of the files to be sent after the check.......................................................7

2.1 Microsoft Word file..............................................................................................7

3 Time window for checks..........................................................................................8

Part III: Detailed description of the checks.........................................9

1 Transactions to be checked for SAP ECC....................................................................9

1.1 DB12................................................................................................................9
1.1.1 Check the Database files sizes.....................................................................................................9
1.1.2 Check if there are missing objects in the database...........................................................................9
1.1.3 Deadlock monitor......................................................................................................................10

1.2 DB12..............................................................................................................11
1.2.1 Check the backup......................................................................................................................11
1.2.2 Check the scheduled SQLAgent Jobs............................................................................................11

1.3 SM12..............................................................................................................12

1.4 SM13..............................................................................................................13

1.5 SM35..............................................................................................................14

1.6 SM37..............................................................................................................15

1.7 SM58..............................................................................................................16

1.8 SMQ1..............................................................................................................17

1.9 SMQ2..............................................................................................................18

1.10 SP01...............................................................................................................18

1.11 19

1.12 ST22...............................................................................................................20

1.13 SM21..............................................................................................................21

1.14 SM28..............................................................................................................22

1.15 22

1.16 SM50..............................................................................................................23
1.16.1 Check for errors in the work process............................................................................................23
1.16.2 Check the resources..................................................................................................................23

1.17 ST02...............................................................................................................25
1.18 ST04...............................................................................................................26

1.19 ST06...............................................................................................................27

Part IV: Procedures...........................................................................28

1 How to Connect to RAIZEN....................................................................................28

2 Procedure of sending the checks report...................................................................28

3 Contacts..............................................................................................................28
Part I: Summary of the Document
This document describes in detail the checks to be carried out in RAIZEN, the list of systems
and control procedures established for various administrative tasks.

1 Maintenance of the document

Person Responsible for the Document :
Name : PHAM Quoc Hung Company/location: Teamwork Vietnam / Ho Chi Minh
Telephone: +84-8-4371090 Fax: +84-8-4371091

1.1 Modifications
24/07/2012 Creation PHAM Quoc Hung Document Creation TWM BC-FM
RAIZEN SAP Systems Check Procedure

Part II: System Check Overview

1 List of Systems and frequency of checks

1.1 Currently available SAP systems in RAIZEN

SAP System Version OS Version Database

System SAP
PRD 10 ECC6 Windows Server2003 MSSQL 2005 9.00.4035 x64
x64 (SP2) (SP3)
DEV 10 ECC6 Windows Server2003 MSSQL 2005 9.00.4035 x64
x64 (SP2) (SP3)
SMA 10 Solman 7 Windows Server2003 MSSQL 2005 9.00.4035 x64
x64 (SP2) (SP3)

System SAP system Host name Host IP System

type ID number
Solman 7 SSM SAPSOLMAN01 10

1.2 List of SAP systems to be monitored

System Frequency Responsibility
PRD 1 time / day Checked 1 time by TeamWork Vietnam before 8:00 AM CET
DEV 1 time / day Checked 1 time by TeamWork Vietnam before 8:00 AM CET

The checks are to be carried out from Monday to Friday excluding Public holidays in France.

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2 Description of the files to be sent after the check

2.1 Microsoft Word file

Format of the Name of the MS word file:

checkRAIZEN _<YYYYMMDD>.doc for the check on morning

The Word file contains a screen shot only for each error or warning found in the SAP system.

At the end of the file, a summary table is included indicating the status of each transaction
checked in Excel format for the check on morning and afternoon

If there is a problem, remarks and actions to be taken to solve it has to be mentioned in the
corresponding section.

The checks document is produced in the following way:

< problematic transaction >
Analysis of the problem
Corrective action if any

For example for Transaction DB02:



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RAIZEN SAP Systems Check Procedure

96% of the space of the PSAPBTABD tablespace is used.

I added more space to it by increasing sizes the datafiles.

3 Time window for checks

Always use 00:00 hours of Current Day-1.

Ex: If you check on 24th, you have to specify start day as 23th and time as 00:00
If current day-1 was a holiday or week end, you have to use last working day.
Ex :When the checks are performed on Monday, you have to take the start day as
Friday (if Friday was not a holiday).

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Part III: Detailed description of the checks

1 Transactions to be checked for SAP ECC

1.1 DB12

1.1.1 Check the Database files sizes.

Description of the check:

Check if the database files sizes reach their limit. If there is no limit for database files
to extend, pay attention to the free disk

It is not safe to keep this configuration. The better is to limit the size of the database
files size. It should be done in short term

1.1.2 Check if there are missing objects in the database

Description of the check:

Make sure that there is not any missing primary index in the database
Include a screenshot of it in the check file when there is missing object in the database

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1.1.3 Deadlock monitor

Description of the check:

Check if there is a deadlock in the database
Include the screenshot of it in the check file when there is a deadlock

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1.2 DB12

1.2.1 Check the backup

Description of the check:

Make sure the backups (Full + Log) on last Monday are successful.
Make sure there is a full backup last week
If the backups are not successful or not backup last week, include a screenshot of it in the
checks file and also include a screenshot of the failed backup log which shows the reason for

1.2.2 Check the scheduled SQLAgent Jobs

Description of the check:

Make sure all agent jobs are executed successfully in its schedule time
Include a screenshot in the check file if a job failed or not executed.

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1.3 SM12

Description of the check:

Select all clients (*)
Select all users (*)
If there are lock entries which had been made last date or before that, include a screenshot of
it in the check file.
No need to inform any lock entries made very recently (ex: 3-4 hrs back) as this may indicate
some system activity currently on progress. (Do Not Delete Lock Entry)

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1.4 SM13

Description of the check:

Verify the Update System is active.

Do the selection of the timing interval as described in section 3:Time window for checks
Check whether there are cancelled updates.

If there are cancelled updates, include a screenshot of those cancelled updates in the check file
and check for the cause.
Usually we do not perform any corrections for those problematic updates.

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1.5 SM35

Description of the check:

Make sure there is no batch input session in error, or create with a lock date
Include the screenshot if there is any error

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1.6 SM37

Description of the check:

Select all (*) Job Name and all (*) User Name
De select the job status Ready Active and Canceled
Do the selection of the timing interval as described in section 3:Time window for checks
If there are cancelled jobs or jobs running for very long time or waiting for long time, include
the screen shot of those and their log in the check file.

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1.7 SM58

Description of the check:

Do the selection of the timing interval as described in section 3:Time window for checks
Use * for all other fields.
If there are errors in RFC, include the screen shot of the erroneous RFC in the check file and
try to find the cause and the solution.

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1.8 SMQ1

Description of the check:

Select all clients (*)
Leave other fields as they are.
Make sure that there are no queues waiting older than 1 month
If there are waiting queues, include a screen shot in the checks file. This type of problem is
treated as a warning. So make sure you color the corresponding box in excel sheet in yellow.
If you find queues in DEV and PRD systems destined to BWP, inform the customer to delete
the queues.

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1.9 SMQ2

Description of the check:

Select all clients (*)
Leave other fields as they are.
Make sure that there are no queues waiting older than 1 month
If there are waiting queues, include a screen shot in the checks file. This type of problem is
treated as a warning. So make sure you color the corresponding box in excel sheet in yellow.

1.10 SP01

Description of the check:

Select * for Created By field
Do the selection of the timing interval as described in section 3:Time window for checks
Select * for Client
Make sure only the Problem check box is selected.

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If there are errors, include a screenshot in the checks file.


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Description of the check:

Do the selection of the timing interval as described in section 3:Time window for checks
Use * user
Check The program affected and Program and associated application components
(long runtime)
If there are dumps, include a screenshot of those in the check file. Find possible solutions for
the dumps which are not occurred by customer developments.

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1.13 SM21

Description of the check:

Do the selection of the timing interval as described in section 3:Time window for checks
Select All Messages for Problem class.

Check for any errors which are not explainable or repetitive. In case there are errors of this
sort, include a screenshot of it in the check file.
If there are error Operating system call recv failed in connection, you can ignore

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1.14 SM28

Description of the check:

Check the initial consistency
If there is an error, include a screenshot in the checks file and look for the cause and for a


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1.16.1Check for errors in the work process

Description of the check:

Make sure that there are no problems (running / hanging for very long time) in work
Select the work process 0
Click the appropriate icon to see the trace of that work process.
Check that there are no repetitive error messages.
If there are problematic work processes or there are errors in the work process trace, take a
screenshot and include it in the check file.
Look for a solution.

1.16.2Check the resources

Description of the check:

Click on the clock
Make sure that at least one of all process kind has a CPU time ~0 second.

If there is no free work process, include a screenshot to the report and ask the customer to
increase the number of work processes.

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Ex: There is not enough dialog work processes for the system, I asked the customer to add 2
more dialog work processes.

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RAIZEN SAP Systems Check Procedure

1.17 ST02

Description of the check:

Check the activity of Buffers and Swaps.

Potential performance problems:

Swaps in NTAB buffer.
There are more than 10.000 swaps per day for other buffers.
The MaxUse of Extended Memory reaches the memory allocated

If above mentioned problems encountered, include a screenshot in to check file.

Take necessary actions to resolve it.
Correction of above problems will most probably involve change of profile parameters and a
SAP system restart. Therefore it is necessary to inform and get approval from NOVACAP before
the corrective is performed.

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1.18 ST04

Description of the check:

Check the Data cache quality and Proc Cache quality.
Preferred level for those 2 would be : Data Cache >= 96%
Proc Cache >= 95%

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1.19 ST06

Description of the check:

Refresh the output several times.
Check the CPU utilization. Usually it should not show very high level of activity all the
If you do not see any information on ST06, probably saposcol is not running. So you
have to start it in os level.

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Part IV: Procedures

1 How to Connect to RAIZEN


2 Procedure of sending the checks report

The daily check report has to be sent by mail to the following address mail before
8:00a.m.CET for the check on morning
Mr. Massad : mailto
M. Bruno Maniglia : mailto
M. Adriano Cecilio Cardenas : mailto
Support technique : mailto
Mr. Gessoli : mailto
Team SAP BC FM : mailto

3 Contacts

Person Responsible for checks: PHAM Quoc Hung

Office Telephone number: +84 8 54 37 10 90
Mobile telephone number: +84 9 83 25 11 25
Location: Ho Chi Minh (Vietnam)

2nd Responsible of Teamwork: PHAM Hoang Lam

Office Telephone number: +84 8 54 37 10 90
Mobile telephone number: +84 9 07 94 11 55
Location: Ho Chi Minh (Vietnam)

1st contact of RAIZEN: Mr. Jose Massad

Office Telephone number: +33
Mobile telephone number: +33
Location: France

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2st contact of RAIZEN: Mr. Bruno Maniglia

Office Telephone number: +33
Mobile telephone number: +33
Location: France

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