Meralco Safety Tips

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General Safety

When not in use, unplug all small appliances.

Use the correct fuse size. Over or under-sized fuses could start a fire.

Never replace a busted fuse with other materials. Wires and other conductors used in place of the
fuses may not be able to isolate the electric circuit in case of a short circuit

Avoid octopus connections. Overloading might occur if multiple cords are connected to outlets
designed only for one or two plugs.

Secure loose electrical cords. Family members might trip over wires that are hanging loose along

If light switches or outlets feel warm when turned on or in use, turn them off. Call a qualified
electrician to immediately check the wiring.

If plugs seem to fit loosely in a wall outlet, check the plugs or the outlet. A loose or poor electrical
connection between plug and the outlet may cause overheating.

Pull the plug, not the wire. Pulling the wire itself might make the insulation and wires snap or twist.

Use outlet covers and outlet plates to help prevent electrocution. These can help prevent electric
shock and possible electrocution.

Never try to repair electrical products yourself unless you are a qualified electrician

General Appliances

Keep your appliances well maintained. They operate more efficiently and use less energy when in
good working order.
When shopping for appliances, you can think of two price tags. The first one covers the purchase
pricethink of it as a down payment. The second price tag is the cost of operating the appliance
during its lifetime. You'll be paying for that second price tag every month with your utility bill for the
next 10 to 20 years, depending on the appliance. Refrigerators last an average of 20 years; room
air conditioners and dishwashers, about 10 years each; and washing machines, about 14 years

Unplug all electronic equipment when not in use. Transformers or voltage regulators need to be
unplugged when not in use as they can heat up and consume more electricity

Electrical Measuring Tools and Equipment

CAPACITANCE METER is a piece of electronic

AMMETER (from Ampere Meter) is a measuring test equipment used to measure capacitance,
instrument used to measure the current in mainly of discrete capacitors. Depending on the
a circuit. Electric currents are measured sophistication of the meter, it may display
in amperes (A), hence the name. Instruments the capacitance only, or it may also measure a
used to measure smaller currents, in the number of other parameters such
milliampere or microampere range, are as leakage, equivalent series resistance (ESR),
designated as milliammeters or microammeters. and inductance. For most purposes and in most
Early ammeters were laboratory instruments cases the capacitor must be disconnected
which relied on the Earth's magnetic field for from circuit; ESR can usually be measured in
operation. circuit.
a trademarked device Megger) measure large
values of resistance. The unit of measurement for
resistance is ohms ().

OHMETER is an electrical instrument that

measures electrical resistance, the opposition to
an electric current. Micro-ohmmeters TRANSISTOR TESTERS are instruments for
(microhmmeter or microohmmeter) make low testing the electrical behavior of transistors and
resistance measurements. Megohmmeters (also solid-state diodes.
Electrical Symbols
Name Electrical Symbol Function Description
A connection to earth. Used for zero potential reference and
electrical shock protection.
Equipotentiality is a symbol to identify parts that have the same
voltage (i.e. same electrical potential i.e. equipotential). Since
equipotential surfaces all have the same voltage, you won't get
shocked if you touch two such surfaces (unless of course you are
also touching some OTHER part that has a different potential from
the first two).

chassis Connected to the chassis of the circuit.

Supplies electrical energy. A battery is more than one cell. It

battery generates constant voltage and represents a battery in an
equipment package.
A resistor restricts the flow of current, for example to limit the current
resister passing through an LED. A resistor is used with a capacitor in a
timing circuit.
A box with input and control logic on one side, and output on the
A capacitor stores electric charge. A capacitor is used with a resistor
capacitor in a timing circuit. It can also be used as a filter, to block DC signals
but pass AC signals.
Accumulators are designed to increase or relieve pressure in the
A antenna is a radio antenna that can be made of a simple wire,
with a center-fed driven element.
A loop antenna is a radio antenna consisting of a loop (or loops) of
loop antenna wire, tubing, or other electrical conductor with its ends connected to
a balanced transmission line.
A crystal oscillator uses the mechanical resonance of a vibrating
crystal crystal of piezoelectric material to create an electrical signal with a
very precise frequency.
A circuit breaker is an automatically operated electrical switch
circuit breaker designed to protect an electrical circuit from damage caused by
overload or short circuit.
A type of sacrificial overcurrent protection device. Represents low
voltage and power fuses.

ideal source
generic component
A coil of wire which creates a magnetic field when current passes
through it. It may have an iron core inside the coil. It can be used as
inductor a transducer converting electrical energy to mechanical energy by
pulling on something. It is a passive two-terminal electrical
component used to store energy in a magnetic field.

half inductor

pickup head
saw tooth
step function
Explosive squib is often used on stage and film to trigger various
explosive squib
special effects.
sensing link squib
squib igniter
Surge protectors protect your electronics from power surges in your
surge protectors
electrical system.
For example, a voltmeter is an instrument used for measuring
electrical potential difference between two points in an electric
circuit. The wattmeter is an instrument for measuring the electric
power in watts of any given circuit.
Delay element provides a specified delay between actuation of the
delay element
propellant-actuated devices.
A permanent magnet is a material or object that produces a
permanent magnet
magnetic field.

magnet core

ferrite core

igniter plug
The electric bell is found in a normal house doorbell, and when
activated it makes a ringing sound.
An electrical buzzer is similar to the bell, but instead of a single tone
or bell sound it makes a constant buzz noise.
thermal element
A transducer which converts electrical energy to light, which is used
lamp for a lamp providing illumination, for example a car headlamp or
torch bulb.
fluorescent lamp
A speaker can take digital input and turn it into analogue sound
speaker waves. One of the most important parts of a wide range of electrical
products like TVs and telephones.
Produces a repetitive electronic signal, often a sine wave or a
square wave.

AC source Alternating Current, continually change direction.

DC source Direct Current, always flow in one direction.

Electrical Signs
These electrical safety symbols can be found around workplaces particularly in places such as construction sites,
factories and farms where the use of high-voltage electrical equipment or cables is common as well as in any
building or location where electricity may pose a danger. The text and color of the signs may vary but the pictograms
are universal. They are used to warn you of the potential electrical hazards in the area and must not be ignored.
Examples include:

Maintenance of Electrical Tools and

To ensure that your electric tools work when you need them to, you must take proper care of them. A good regimen
of maintenance for your tools is one thing that you can do to make sure that the tool you need is working when you
need it.

Clean out the Dust

To make sure that your electric tools are ready to go when you are, keep them clean and free of dust. The housing
intake on your electric tools and the exhaust are especially important areas to keep clean. Take some time to clean
out the dust every once in a while on your tools while they are sitting in storage.

Check the Cords

Look for wear and tear on the power cords on your electric tools. There can be damage to the insulation and you
should keep an eye out for loose wires. This will ensure that your electric tool can get the power that it needs to
function without an accident. Wipe the cords down to keep them from becoming damaged from oil and grease. The
prongs on the cords should be examined as well. Make sure that the casing is intact and the prongs are not loose.

Oil Some Electric Tools

The electric tools in your toolbox that have a cutting surface should be lightly oiled to prevent rust. Examine the
cutting surface for rust to make sure that your tools are kept in good condition.

Storing Your Tools

Keep your electric tools stored in their original cases and containers. This will keep them free of dust and dirt while
they are not being used.

The proper care of your electric tools is the key to making sure that they last for many years.
Buying good quality power tools will also guarantee that they will last. Use the brand names that you know and trust
when it is time to buy new power tools. A little research of consumer reviews will give you a good indication of which
tool is the best for your use.

Only use your tools for the job they were intended. Using a tool to perform a task that it was not intended to do is a
sure way to break it. Cutting tools should only be used to cut the materials they were designed to cut. Keep blades
sharp and ready to go so that the tool does not have to work as hard to cut a single item.

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