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5:06 | Addition and Subtraction of Directed Numbers In the game of indoor cricket, 1 point is gained for every run made and 5 points are lost es every time a player gets out. So 1 run and 1 player out gives a total score of (1) + (-5) = —4. Find the total score for ezch of these. 1 runs and 1 player out 2 2runs and 1 player out 508 3. Sruns and 1 player out 4 runs and 1 player out 5. 1 player out and 10 runs 6 1 player out and 3 runs 7 1 player out and 5 runs 8 1 player out and no runs 9 2 players out and O runs yo 8 runs and 2 players out « a worked ‘examples 1 Adding directed numbers: In Section 8:05 and in the Prep Quiz we have been adding directed numbers. 8 -543=-2 or (-5)+(3)=-2 A loss of 5 and a gain of 3 gives a loss of 2 b -34-5=-8 or (-3)+(-5) A loss of 3 and a loss of 5 giv © l#-10=-8 or (1) +(-10) A gain 07 1 and a loss of 10 gives a loss of 9. 2. Using the east-west road to subtract posi < West Home ‘A negative number | can represent a loss; | a positive number | can represent a gain 340-30 -20 10 0080 ~~ ae 20 20 west of -20 40 west of 20 a -20-20=-40 =20 take away 20 gives —40. b 30-40=-10 30 take away 40 gives -10, ‘Adding the negative of a number is the ‘same as subtracting the positive number, eg -2+-3=-2-3. S48 2 The number line could be used to show that: (2)+¢3)=-5 or -2-3=-5. A loss of 2 and a loss of 3 gives a loss of 5. ‘CHAPTER 5 HECTED NUMBERS AND THE NUMBER PLANE| (Cpencisegos Ma -8+4 b -345 c -64+6 d -104+3 e -1+12 F -~6+8 g -l1+8 h -347 i €2)+3) i C6)+Cn k GD+C10) 1 )+C4) m -10+-3 n -8+-1 0 -34-5 p -8+-2 q @+C3) r (9)+C15) 5 Q)+CD t (100)+-7) u 94-1 v 8+-8 w 6+-11 x 1+-7 Ed Use the east-west road on page 220 to write a number sentence, giving the answer for each as a directed number. a 30 west of 10 b 20 east of -10 © 30 east of 10 d= 20 west of -10 © 50 west of 5 £ 40 east of -20 & 20 east of -53 fh 100 west of 33 i 33 east of -4 j 33east of -6 Ba 2-0 b 2-1 € 2-2 e 2-4 f 2-5 g 0-2 i -6-1 el k 3-5 m-1-1 n -3-4 0 4-2 q 2-12 1 5-9 = 3-13 u 30-90 v -20-30 w -15-45 Ba -343 b -6+6 © -545 d @)+C4) 2 +9) f a+cn g 6+-6 h 24-2 i 7+-7 j -8+8 k -l+l | -94+9 m 054-05 n 14) +(14) 0 (-0)+(0) 3)4@ 34 (3 1yeat p (3)+@) a (d+c3) r Gid+aty 4 Ba (6)+(-3) b (1)+(-3) © (12)+(5) ei cpposlec d 6-3 e 1-3 f 12-5 g +42 ho i+-s i 7-2 lee k 1-5 eed “The answers to question 5 suggest that ‘when an addition and a subtraction sign are side by side (with no numeral between them), the two unlike signs give « minus’. eg 74+-3=7~3, (2)+€8)=2-8, (6)-G4)=6-4 Ba -5+-7 b 6+-3 © 8+-10 d -24+-3 @ 6-(3+5) f -2-€8+9) gg -5-(3+6) hh 4-7-2) i G-1+2 j G1-5)-1 k Q+8)-12 1 94+(3-4) m -8+(4%2) n -5+(3x2) o -16+(7x2) — p (8x2)-20 134) semana wsrasuaris, 5:O7 | Subtracting a Negative Number Discussion Complete the two patterns below. Saal 8-2 8--4= =e hB 1 = = 8 = 8-0 = = 9 = 8+1 = = 10 = 8+2 = = ll = 8+3 = = 12 = 8+4 [Ep | The answers were increasing one ata time. | | EB | To take away a negative, add its opposte. EB) ce 5-3)=5+3 8--5=8+5 = S-(A)=5+4 8--6=8+6 “| When wwo minus signs are side by side (with no ans © | numeral between them), the two like signs give a plus. Using opposites Using reasoning 6--3=(6) -(-3) If in ‘Adventure in the Jungle’ (Section 8:05), If we add 3 to both numbers, our total so far is 9 and we lose 3, it won't change the answer. what is the new total? 6 +3)- (23 +3) 9+(-3)=6 If we were told to lose 3 by mistake, we would have to take that score away in order to get back to our previous score. +6-(-3)=9 OR 6+3=9, b c d 6--10 f 8 h 16-7) i k 1 -10--9 n -9-(-4) o -2-(-7) p -8~(-5) FED-CD s (-2)-(-8) t (60) ~(-4) v -8--7 w -9--9 x -l1--11 Courrensoncreowuusts ano taenuueereune (135, i 5-10) m 6-(-7+3) q --10 u 6-(-3+8) Simplify: a 02--03 dé -0.11-0.43 F x rec 15) --7 6-8 W--1 2--12 3-(6-10) 0-(-10) 2-6-2) 22--07 0-8-0.9 Eee aor Oa 3) can mean ‘the opposite of -3.. Simplify: © -(-2) d -(-8) g--1 h --9 c W344 d 16-9 g 2-23 h -4-6 k 144-4) 1-945 0 5-(-1-8) p -10-(6-7) 5 0--13 t -(13) w-5-(C1+10) x -3-(-8+9) -14--04 01-08 | The same methods can 25 be used with decimals poe a) | and fractions. 1 3)4C2) BJ on ID Card 3 on page xv. fa @ Write down the question and its answer for each of (1) to (24) a 136) vremanonatusmreuancs + + We have produced 843 coconuts from our farm in Hawaii and 1104 from our fam in Sri Lanka. We calculated that the number lft afer filing an ‘order for 2000 coconuts will be=53. ‘What does this answer mean? 5:08 | The Number Plane Extended 1. What are the coordinates of the origin? (2, 62 to the right] Give the letter used to name these points: on 3 2,2 3 G3) 4 (3) 5 0,3) 6 4,0) 7 G1) 8 0,0) 9 @,2) 1 (0,2) sof Just as we extended the number line, we can now extend the number plane, worked examples 1 3,2) is 3 to the left and 2 up. 4 2 (3,1) is 3 to the left and 1 down. j 4 3 (0,-3) is Oto the rightand 3down. (9,2 | 1 of 1 | 4. G,-2) is 3 10 the right and 2 down, li _ lien 5 Ais below ~2 and cross from ~3, * Ais (-2,-3). + e 7 +t 6 Bis om —1 and across from 0, 1 Bis 1,0). 3-0 Spo] =a} $(8.-2) IH Write down the letter used to name each ; of these points. # a G2) b a,-) © (,0) d e (1,2) f (0,3) g h (,-3) i 30 14 i k G,2) (Gn, GN m n (0-1) © (2,-1 4 Pp q 21) r (3,0) te _4 s t G,-3) u (2,2) v w (2,0) x (3,3) |s z (,-2) ‘CHAPTER RECTED NUMER AND THE WUNEY PANE € 509 Use the number plane in question 1 to write down the coordinates of these points. aa bB ae db er fF £G hu i ie kK aes mM nN ae) pP 4Q rR s 8 tT uu vv ww xX yy a B EI Use the letters on the number plane in question 1 to decode these messages. a €2,-2) (0, -2) (0,2) (1-1)... C1, 2) (0, 3) C2, -2) G, -3) (0, 0) C1, -3) 2, -2) @, -2) (0, -2) (4-1)... 1, =D) C1, 0) (0, 0) C1, 2) (1, -3) (0, -2) 3, -3) (2,0) (,-2) ) (0, 3) (2, -2) (2, =) (0, 3) 2, 1) G, -3) (0, 3) G1, 0) ©, -2).... (2,0) 0, 0) 1) (2-2)... 2,-1) 2, 2) ©, 3) G,-3) G,-3) 2, -2) 2) 1,0)... 1,2) €2, 2) @, 3) (2, -3) (©, -2).. .(-3,-3) 2, 2), -2) 2,0)... 2, 1) 2, -2) ,-2) = 2, 0) (0, 0) 3, 1) C1, 0) C2, 0)... (0, -2) 1, 0) (0, 0) (-3, 1) C2, 0) (-2, 2) + ©3,=3) (0, 0)... =3) (0, =2) @, 1) (2, =2) 1, 0) El Use a grid that has values on the x-axis from —16 to 20 and values on the y-axis from 20 to 16 (5mm graph paper is ideal). On this number plane, graph the points listed below, joining them in the order given. Colour the picture you have made. a 1,-6) C1, -4) (1,1) (7, 1) (10, 8) (43, 11) (9, 8) (17, 7) 7, 6) (18, 6) (16, 4) b (5, 10) (13, 8) (13, 7) (15, 6) (16, 4) (15, 2) (15, -2) (13, -7) —16) (8, -18) (6, -17) (4, -18) (6, -16) (5,-11) 12) (3, =12) (4, ~9) (3, -12) (2, -16) (3, -18) 18) (1,-16) (2, -12) G, -9) (2, -12) (1, -11) (1, -6) -7) C11, 4) 14, -2) CLL, 9) 13, 9) (-9, 11) 4,10 27 G,-D (12, 10) (9, 13) (10, 14) (11, 13) (12, 15) (13, 14) (14, 15) (25, 15) (16, 14) (28, 13) (19, 11) (17, 9) (15, 8) (15, 9) (16, 9) (16, 8) (15, 8) 5:09 | Multiplication of Directed Numbers Complete: 1 6+6+6+6=four lots of 6 2 (-7)+(-7)+ (7) = three lots of (-7) 3 8+8+8=three lows of B 4 (-2)+ 2) + C2) ae Evaluate: 5 3 lots of -10 6 6 lots of -3 7 10 lots of -7 ‘Complete the patterns. 8 6,4,2,0,. 9 9,6,3,0,..,... 10 -9-6,-3,0,.. 13.8) avremurionALwaTHewarics x We can discover the rules for multiplication by extending number patterns. 3x3=9 3x3=9 § 3x2=6 | 2x3=6 3xl=3 1x3=3 3x0=0 | 0x3=0 0x-3=0 3x-15-3|-1x3=-3] -1x-3=3 3x-2=-6|-2x3=-6| __-2x-3=6 : The answers above | The answers above >| were decreasing, were increasing by 3 each time, by 3 each time, plus x minus =minus | minus x minus minus x plus = minus __| = plus | Multiplying ewo un Multiplying two like S _| signs gives a minus. signs gives a plus. [= | -8x7=-56 8x7 =56 Ma ixcn b 4x-2 © 6x2) d 5x-5 e -8x1 f -3x4 g -lx4 h -2x8 i €2)x@5) j -3x-3 k -2x-4 1 CDxen m -8x0 n Ox-7 © -12x0 p 0x-9 q -3x7 3x2 s -2x-6 t 4x3 u 4x-5 v -1x-7 w -8x2 x -7x=2 a 7x-5 b 4x-7 © -3x9 d 9x-5 e -4x-4 f -8x-4 g -7x-6 h -8x6 i 6x4) j 9x-9 k 5x-8 1 4x-9 m -8x7 n 7x(-1) 0 -1x-4 p C8)x9 q -6x-6 Fr 9x8 s -9x-7 t -4x6 u xu v -9x-6 w 8x8, x -7%-9 a Gi? b 2 © 3) d cay e G5)? f (62 Pony h 3p i Coy j G10? k Cpe 1 G12? a -4x80 b -5x-30 © -9x10 d 8x3 e 6x-03 f 8x(-05) g -0.2%0.2 h -03x-06 i 07x-01 j -0llx07 k 006-8 1 -07x-08 a -3x-3x-3 b -2x-2x-2 © -5x-5x-5 d -5x-2x5 @ -1x-3x6 Fo -4x-8x2 g -19x3x5 h 4x-2x5 i 3x4x-3 j 2x6x-1 k 6x-3x-1 | -3x-8x-1 Courensprecren nousers ano THENUMEELPANE! 13.Q) Investigation 5:09 | Multiplying directed numbers Please use the Assessment Grid on the following page to help you understand what is required 09 | for this Investigation. + Imagine a video showing a person walking forwards, towards a tree, If the video is played backwards, in which direction (forwards or backwards) does the person appear to be walking? + Think of a football umpire running backwards after awarding a free kick. When the video is played backwards, in which direction does he appear to be running? + Ona videotape an umpire is shown running both forwards (+) and backwards (~). The tape can be played forwards (+) or in reverse (~). Complete the table to demonstrate the rules for ‘multiplication of directed numbers. Forwards for Forwards at a l2steps | a B3seconds | 4 steps/sec forwards G3) | GA) G12) 3x 4512 Forwards for Backwards at |b b It looks like a 3 seconds 4 steps/sec walk Forward G3) CH Backwards for | Forwardsat |¢ c nf 3 seconds 4 steps/sec ©) +4) Backwards for | Backwards a | d d 3 seconds 4 steps/sec 3) C4) ghee, ‘Challenge 5:09 | Using pronumerals 1 Complete each table using the rule given. 509 a b y=-4xx © y=-2xx43 2/3]4] Pelz i+le] BserEe [| eal ba 2 Ix=~7, find the value of y in each case. a b y=xx-4 c y= d y=/i+x 3. What values of the pronumeral will make each true? a 5xx=-15 b x-3=-2 © x+2=-7 d xxx=9 14.0) wrenumiowawaraguarsy a Assessment Grid for Investigation 5:09 | Multiplying directed numbers The following is a sample assessment grid for this investigation. You should carefully read the criteria before beginning the investigation so that you know what is required, Assessment Criteria (B, C, D) ‘An organised approach has not been used to answer the questions. ‘An organised approach has been used and an attempt has been made to work out the answers. ‘An organised approach has been used and there is some explanation of how the results were obtained. There is a full explanation of the how the results were obtained. Application & Reasoning Full explanations are given and all the answers are reasonable, There is no working out or explanations given. Working out is shown and presentation is good and easy to follow. § us as £g bE 8 Working out and explanations are well communicated using symbols or words. Some attempt has been made to explain how the answers were obtained. The method and majority of processes are justified and the answers have been checked for reasonableness with some success. Reasoned explanations are given for the processes used and all answers have been checked for reasonableness. Criterion D Reflection & Evaluation Very concise and exact justifications are given for the processes used and answers are evaluated. mae e te 5:10 | Division of Directed Numbers Find the value of the square in each if the sentence is true. 1 6x5=0,-.0+5=6 2 6x-5=0, -.0+-5=6 3 -6x-5=0, -.0+- 4 -6X5=0, .0+5=-6 Copy and complete: 3 Give 6 6x....=-30 7 ~6x....=30 8B -6x....=-30 9. How many losses of 2 are needed to make loss of 107 (ie -10 + ~ d 10 What would you multiply 5 by to get -10? (ie -10+5= From the Prep Quiz questions 1 to 4 we see that: 1 30+5=6 Division involving two like signs ; 2 -30+-5=6 gives a plus. Mise s5=30) 3 30+-5=-6 Division involving two unlike signs 30+-6=-5 | 4 -3045=-6 gives a minus. and | 30 +=: For multiplication and division: © two like signs give a plus © two unlike signs give a minus (SESS (Chrerisespo Ta 18+3 b -18+3 c 18+-3 samen bat 4 -8+-2 © 16+-4 fF -20+2 ae 9+CL) h C6)+CD i C10)+2 j -28+4 k -244-3 1 60+-6 m -354-7 n 20+-5 © -30+10 p -16+2 q -27+-3 © 202-4 5 6+(-6) b C9)+9 u GD+CD 1.4.2) wenarona uatasusncss 5:11 | Using Directed Numbers Give the besic (simplest) numeral for: 1 8-15 2-9-4 3 846 4 6--3 5 5+(7) 7 8x5 & (400) +(-5) 32 ” 94 Ce sry —4y 3,2, “Ay 0, 1, 2,3, 450 std etme) Order of operations The order of operations introduced in 3:01 will, of course, apply to directed numbers, worked examples 2 -6+(-3)?-(-1-3) Ma 58-5x2 b 15-4x4 © 645-25 d 11-1548 e 6x-4+2 f -30+10x2 ae g 3-7)x-9 h 3+(-3+6) i 9+@3x-3) P: ji ©3-3)*0-7) k 6-3x4-3 1 10-12+4-7 m -1x[-8+(-4+6)] a 6-[15-(-3-2)] Order of Operations B 2 -38+9 b -47-54 «86-104 aie d 411--011 © -100+9.56 f 1465-20 Shean g 635x-6 h -05x-05 i C037 j -103+10 k -6.24+-6 1 0.05+(-5) m -100x(0-1)? nh -13+03 © 27x02 Vhy are you IX Complete these number patterns. clnays 0 negatived a 9,7,5,3, 7 2 oa peepee enone ‘ d e . f 64,-32,16,-8,....... a: Ill The fraction bar! | 4 | groups both the top | and bottom. ‘ourensoecren ers no we nounenrANe (143 EX Travelling in a lift 3 floors up, then 4 floors down could istatewitroos be shown as 3-4 =—1. Make up stories of your own for: ithout me you'd be nothing) a-4-7=0 6 -2+10=0 ¢ 6-10=0 Fs ay d6x-3=0 ¢ -60+4=0 f -8+2=0 True or false? a -6x0=-6 b -8x1=-8 © 3-5=5-3 d 3-5=-543 @ -3-5=-5-3 f ~6x-32-3 & 5X(-6+3)=5x-645x3 h @6-7)-8=-6+(-7-8) i (3x-4)x-5=-3xC4x-3) Which of the integers -10, 7, 3, and ~2 is closest to zero on the 5-2-3, then number line? EI From the integers -7, ~ whose sum is: a2 b2 co Find the value of the square if: a -8x0=304 b 6xO=-612 ¢ 6+0=-17 IE) One more than ~4 is added to the product of 2 and four less than 2, What is the result? 1-3, 1,4, 7, find the three integers often called the set]. II] Start with the integer 2. Subtract 7. From your answer subtract 1, then multiply your last answer by —3. Now subtract 20 from the last answer. What is your final answer? On a very cold day the temperature at 6 am was ~4°C. By 12 noon the temperature had risen bby 6°C but in the following 8 hours it fell by 11°C. What was the temperature at 8 pm? BB) Yachts Southern Cross and Northern Lights raced over a course that had six sections. Northern Lights started with a 10-second advantage. Over the six sections that followed the start, Northern Lights gained 20 seconds, then lost 1 minute, then gained 15 seconds, then lost 27 seconds, then gained 41 seconds and then lost 6 seconds. Who won the race and by how much? ivostok is always 3 hours ahead of Singapore time, and Singapore is always gion, which is 12 hours ahead of London, What is the time difference between Viadivostok and London? EB @ Two numbers have a product of 12 but their sum is —7. What are the numbers? b The sum of two numbers is 1 but their product is 30. What are they? [Ata Weightwatchers Club since the last meeting, the most weight lost by a member was 2-4 kg; the most gained was 0-7 kg. Five members worked out the total of their changes since the last meeting, Which of the following could be their answer? A again of +hg B aloss of O-1kg € alloss of 15kg D aloss of 144k 14.4) wremuona.uatasuanicss

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