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ADC = Analog Digital Converter

ATcommand = Attention Command
AVR = Alf and Vegard RISC
CISC = Complex Instruction Set Computer
CMOS = Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor
DC = Direct Current
E = Enable
EEPROM = Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory
ETSI = European Telecomunication Standards Institute
FeCl3 = Fericlorida
GND = Ground
GPRS = General Packet Radio Service
GSM = Global System for Mobile communication
I/O = Input Output
I2C = Inter-Integrated Circuit
IC = Integrated Circuit
ICSP = In-Circuit Serial Programing
IDE = Integrated Development Environment
KB = KiloByte
K = Kilo Ohm
LED = Light Emitting Dioda
LCD = Liquid Crystal Display
Mhz = MegaHertz
MISO = Master Input/Slave Output
MOSI = Master Output/Slave Input
= Ohm
PCB = Printing Circuit Board
PHB = Panel Hubung Bagi
PLN = Perusahaan Listrik Negara
PWM = Pulse Width Modulation
PWK = Power Key
R/W = Read or Write
RAM = Random Acces Memory
SMD = Surface Mount Device
SD Card = Secure Digital Card
ROM = Read Only Memory
RS = Register Select
RTC = Real Time Clock

RX = Receiver
SC = Service Center
SCK = Serial Clock
SCL = Serial Clock
SCT = Split-core Current Transformer
SDA = Serial Data
SIM = Subscriber Identity Module
SMS = Short Message Service
SMSC = Short Message Service Centre
SPI = Serial Peripheral Interface
SRAM = Static Random Access Memory
TM = Tegangan Menengah
TR = Tegangan Rendah
TX = Transmitter
UART = Universal Asynchronous Receiver-Transmitter
USART = Universal Synchronous and Asynchronous serial Receiver and
USB = Universal Serial Bus
V = Volt
Vc = Circuit Voltage
VCC = Voltage Common Collector
Vdc = Direct Voltage
XTAL = Crystal
F = mikroFarad


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