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On which code is the current North Carolina Building Code based

(Ordinance section at (Links to
an external site.))? International Code 2009 IBC
2. Using the International Building Code, find the use and occupancy
classification of the proposed new CEEC/CTEC School Building. On which code is the
current section 305 educational group E
3. Using the PowerPoint from this Activity, describe each of the four types of
construction. Based on your proposed structure, under which of these types of
construction could the CEEC/CTEC building fall? Most likely I/II
4. Compare the allowable building heights and areas (IBC 2015 table 504.4) for
the School using different construction types. What is the least restrictive construction
type that can be used for the School? Is a fire-protective layer required over the
structural elements? Note: The letter A indicates that the structural members are
protected by a fire-rated coating or cover (gypsum wallboard, spray-on, or another
approved method). The letter B indicates that the structural members are not protected
by an additional fire-rated coating or cover. Unlimited
5. What materials do you propose to use for the new interior walls and floor for
the Keystone Building? Justify your answer. Tile is typically used for its easy
manageability in schools. Red brick because that is what is around the campus.
6. Use the IBC to determine the occupant load (IBC 2012 section 1004) for the
School assuming a second floor is added. 20sq feet
7. The occupant load is used to determine the minimum egress width for each
section of the building. Use the IBC to determine the required total egress width (IBC
2015 section 1005.3.2) for the School and for the second floor alone (IBC 2015 section
Classroom: 17 students (20net each) 14 rooms 4760
8. Read IBC 2015 section 1022. What is the minimum number of exits required
for the occupant load?2 because less than 500
9. In which zoning designation does the CEEC/CTEC School Building property lie?
(Refer to the Virtual Charlotte Map at (Links to an external site.) to
help locate the site on the zoning map. Click Planning, then Zoning). Institutional
10. Describe the purpose of this zoning designation. Document your answer with a
section number from the code (Code of Ordinance Appendix A). used on univeristies
11. Is the use proposed in CEEC/CTEC School permitted on this property? Document
your answer. Yes, section c

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