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A promising new on-line method of tar

quantification by mass spectrometry during steam
gasification of biomass

F. Defoort*, S. Thiery, S. Ravel

CEA, DRT/LITEN/DTBH/LTB, 17 rue des Martyrs, 38054 Grenoble Cedex 9, France

article info abstract

Article history: This paper presents an on-line method of measuring at mm3 m3 level some organic
Received 23 July 2013 compounds such as BTX (Benzene, Toluene, Xylene) and PAH (Polycyclic Aromatic Hy-
Received in revised form drocarbon) which are called tar for biomass gasification applications. This method is
25 March 2014 based on the ion molecule reaction (IMR) mass spectrometer (MS) principle. Due to the low
Accepted 2 April 2014 energy of ionization of Hg, Xe or Kr almost no overlapping spectra can damage the inter-
Available online 19 April 2014 pretation of the detected results. IMR-MS results of concentrated (above cm3 m3) and trace
(below cm3 m3) tars are presented after a bubbling fluidized bed and a tar cracker
Keywords: respectively. Results are compared with other measurement methods such as microgas
BTX chromatography for benzene and toluene or Tar Protocol or Solid Phase Adsorption tech-
PAH nique both methods for BTX and PAH giving good confidence to the results.
On-line 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Mass spectrometry

On-line measurements of BTX are currently made by

1. Introduction micro-gas chromatography with a thermal conductimetry
detector (mGC-TCD). The detection limit is above several
Contaminants present in the gas obtained from the biomass cm3 m3 [1]. Naphthalene can also be measured on-line
gasification may induce saturation of the gas cleaning sys- directly in the gas phase by FTIR (Fourier Transform Infra-
tems or degradation of the catalysts used for fuel synthesis. Red) [2]. Naphthalene, fluoranthene and pyrene by LIF (Laser
They are important to be measured on-line in order to detect Induced Fluorescence) [3e5]. The detection limit is above
rapidly their variations for process control. Furthermore, after several cm3 m3 level for FTIR. LIF presents strong in-
gas cleaning systems, they are at a trace level, i.e. at mm3 m3 terferences with other species present in the gas. Molecular
level. These contaminants are gaseous organic compounds beam mass spectrometry (MBMS) is another on-line method
such as BTX (Benzene, Toluene, Xylene) and PAH (Polycyclic capable of measuring all tars from BTX to PAHs and others [6]
Aromatic Hydrocarbon) which are called tar for biomass using a specific gas sampling to collect condensable species
gasification applications. Some gaseous inorganic compo- thanks to a molecular beam inlet system. This method suffers
nents as sulfured species (H2S, COS, thiophene.) are also from the conventional high ionization energy (70 eV) when the

* Corresponding author. Tel.: 33 (0)4 38 78 46 53; fax: 33 (0)4 38 78 52 51.

E-mail address: (F. Defoort).
0961-9534/ 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
b i o m a s s a n d b i o e n e r g y 6 5 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 6 4 e7 1 65

Fig. 1 e IMR-MS principle (partly reported from Ref. [17]).

electronic impact (EI) method is employed. Indeed the major G NH4  /GH NH3 (2)
drawback with this ionization energy is the fragmentation of
The principle of the IMR-MS method is explained in Ref.
molecules leading to complex mass spectra and multiple
[16] and schematized in Fig. 1.
overlapping intensities in complex gas mixtures. To overcome
An inert gas (Hg, Xe or Kr) is ionized by electron impact (EI)
this limitation several soft ionizations have been used with
in the chamber of primary ion ionization as:
photoionization techniques such as Resonance-Enhanced
Multiphoton Ionization (REMPI) or Single-Photon Ionization A e/A 2e (3)
(SPI) with Time-Of-Flight Mass Spectrometry (TOFMS) [7e9].
However, mainly identification and few quantifications are primary ionization.
performed. Other methods measuring on-line total tar con- Primary ions A are conducted to the reaction chamber
tents exist, such as the ECN Tar Dew Point [10], the FID (Flame through a high frequency octopole ion guide. Here the primary
Ionization Detector) tar analyzer (TA 120-3) currently used by ions react with the sampled gas G with the ion molecule re-
IFK University of Stuttgart [11] or the PID (Photo-Ionization action [eq. (1)]. Contrary to CI-MS, the chamber of primary ion
Detection) tar analyzer recently developed by Ahmadi [12] but generation and the reaction chamber are separated in IMR-
the nature of the species is not known for these methods. MS. In addition, the ion molecule reaction happens with a
This paper presents a soft ionization mass spectrometry vacuum of w10 mPa (CI-MS about 100 Pa). The G ions
method based on the ion molecule reaction (IMR) mass spec- generated are conducted to a classical quadrupole and a
trometry (MS) principle. Such an IMR-MS method has already downstream counter to be separated (mass separation),
been used to measure on-line major components (CO, CO2 detected and quantified.
etc.) as well as some inorganic (SO2, NO) or organic (benzene, The ion molecule reaction [eq. (1)] can only occur if the
acetaldehyde) pollutants at the exhaust of incineration pro- ionization potential of the primary ion A is higher than the one
cesses [13,14]. However, to our knowledge, this method has of the gas sample G. Fig. 2 shows the ionization potential of
never measured the composition of a syngas from a biomass several molecules of interest and to the inert gas Hg, Xe and Kr.
gasification process. For example the ionization potential of mercury
(IP(Hg) 10.43 eV) is higher than the one of BTX, PAHs and
thiophene (C4H4S). If the excess energy IP(Hg) e IP(G) is small
(w<1 eV) no fragmentation will occur otherwise it might be
2. Principle of IMR-MS
used to break the weakest bond of the ionized molecule
leaving a lower molecular weight fragment ion. Mercury is
The IMR method is well known in ion physics. It is an
able to ionize these species almost without fragmentation as
important path of primary ion loss in plasma. The monograph
by Harrison is especially recommended for further reading
[15]. A simplified description is given in our paper. IMR-MS
method is similar to CI-MS (Chemical Ionization Mass Spec-
trometry) but one of the differences is that the primary ion
source is run with an inert gas such as Hg, Xe, Kr instead of a
reactant gas such as NH3, CH4 or N2eH2O mixture. The main
pathway in IMR-MS to ionize a sampling gas G with a primary
inert gas ion A (A Hg, Xe or Kr) is a charge transfer as given
in [eq. (1)].

G A /G A (1)

ion molecule reaction.

For CI-MS more complex ionization pathways are occur-
ring as proton transfer [Eq. (2)] Fig. 2 e Ionization potential of several molecules.
66 b i o m a s s a n d b i o e n e r g y 6 5 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 6 4 e7 1

the Hg excess energy is small. Fig. 2 shows also that NH3, H2S
Table 1 e Technical details of the airsense apparatus.
and C2H4 can be ionized by mercury. Xenon (IP(Xe) 12.12 eV)
is able to ionize COS, CH4, C2H2, C2H6 and H2O. Krypton Mass range 0e512 amu
Resolution <1 amu
(IP(Kr) 13.99 eV) is able to ionize CO, CO2, HCl and HCN.
Analysis time >1 ms
Finally, these three inert ionized gases can measure all syngas
Measuring range Four decades possible
molecules (except H2). Mercury primary ionized gas is the best Response time T90 < 50 ms
case as it is not sensitive to species having higher ionization Lower detection limit <1 ppbv (benzene in air)
potential than Hg. The Hg mass spectrum is simpler than the <10 ppbv (benzene in exhaust gas)
Xe one that is itself simpler than the Kr one. A careful study Drift concentration <5% over 12 h (1 ppmv benzene)
must be done with Xe and Kr to check if there is a mass Reproducibility <3% (1 ppmv benzene)
Accuracy <2% (1 ppmv benzene)
overlapping due to isotopes and fragmentation.
Apparatus tested: The IMR mass spectrometer apparatus
tested in this work is called Airsense. An Austrian company
has developed it (V&F Analyse- und Messtechnik GmbH: the gas of the process (Fig. 3). A small filter is positioned just It was rented for one month by CEA Gre- before the capillary to avoid clogging by dust or deposits. A
noble. It is currently used by V&F customers mainly for dilution with a neutral gas is possible just entering the vac-
automotive, food, beverages & tobacco applications but also uum chamber (Fig. 3).
for medical use [16e18]. It has never been used to analyze
syngas to our knowledge. A picture of the apparatus is shown
in Fig. 3. It is very compact (59 cm  65 cm  73 cm) and easy to 3. Experimental
transport thanks to wheels (100 kg). Its technical character-
istics are summarized in Table 1. The apparatus is equipped 3.1. Gasification tests
with a combined primary ion source for Kr, Xe and Hg. Each
inert gas is successively introduced in the chamber. The time Gasification tests were performed to measure tars in
required for each inert gas is controlled by a program written concentrated as well as in trace amounts. Concentrated tar
in the software. This is decided before the experiment. The measurements, i.e. above cm3 m3 level, were performed in
software is able to operate the apparatus with two modes: the raw product gas at the exhaust of the fluidized bed fa-
cility (LFHT) developed at CEA-Grenoble. Traces tar mea-
1 The scan mode where all masses from 1 to 500 amu are surements, i.e. below cm3 m3 level, were performed at the
scanned for each ion source. This mode allows checking of exhaust of the tar cracker (gas reforming) reactor (PEGASE).
isotopes and overlapping. Then, the correct amu can be An insulated line, heated to 800  C in order to avoid
chosen to be recorded during the process. condensation of inorganic species, links both facilities. Full
2 The monitoring mode, in which more than 20 mass amu description of both facilities is emphasized in Ref. [19]. Steam
for each of the three ion sources are recorded versus time. gasification of wheat straw at a temperature of 850  C, total
This allows the tracking of the process versus time for the pressure of 0.2 MPa and biomass flow rate of 1 kg h1 (steam
selected amu. to biomass mass ratio of 2) has been performed in the flu-
idized bed. The temperature of the tar cracker has been set at
The software and the required skills for operation are very 1400  C. Fig. 4 is a schematic view of the facilities where tars
easy to use. sampling are presented.
To avoid condensation of water and condensable species Sampling is possible before and after the cold traps for both
(tars, NH4Cl), a heated (180  C) low pressure capillary samples facilities.

Fig. 3 e Photos of the airsense apparatus and of the heated capillary sampling line.
b i o m a s s a n d b i o e n e r g y 6 5 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 6 4 e7 1 67

Fig. 4 e Schematic view of the pilot scale facilities LFHT linked to PEGASE and gas analysis.

3.2. Gaseous measurement methods species such as PAHs in addition to BTX. SPA probes and
liquid samples of TP are analyzed later by gas chromatog-
The IMR-MS measurements were performed after and before raphy (GC) with a flame ionization detector (FID) and after a
cold traps to check the accuracy of results in dry and wet gas thermal desorption for SPA. Both methods allow mea-
and to measure steam content on wet gas. Because the gas surements of BTX and PAHs. TP allows measurement
inlet chamber is not heated, a dilution factor of 4 with nitrogen above cm3 m3 level and SPA above roughly 10 mm3 m3
was applied for wet sampling to make sure no condensation [1].
has happened. This has been performed by introducing a
neutral gas flow rate just before entering the gas inlet cham- For all these gas analysis methods, a great care was made
ber of the apparatus (Fig. 3). The dilution factor was adjusted on the sampling method in order to avoid any deposit of tar
before to connect the apparatus to the sampling point by and water or any change in the tar content before the sam-
measuring O2 from ambient air. No dilution was applied on pling point (heated line or dilution by a neutral gas).
dry gas because it was unnecessary. Calibration of the appa-
ratus was done for BTX, steam and some other components
(H2S, COS, NH3, HCN, HCl, CH4, C2H4) with certified gas stan- 4. Results
dard bottle tanks. No calibration was done for PAH and thio-
phene. However, a semi-quantitative results could be 4.1. Mass spectra
obtained from the experience of V&F, by applying the benzene
sensitivity (in cps (cm3 m3)1) to these compounds. IMR-MS An example of syngas mass spectra acquired on wet gas
records are every 25 s. (dilution 4:1) in the raw product gas at the exhaust of the
Other tar measurement methods were performed in order fluidized bed with the mercury ions source is presented in
to compare the results between them and the IMR-MS one: Fig. 5a and b for mass 10e100 and 100e200 respectively.

 BTX gaseous species C6H6, C7H8 C8H10 are measured on- a: mass 10e100 amu
line by micro-gas chromatography (mGC) coupled with b: mass 100e200 amu
thermal conductivity detectors (TCD). As dry gas is neces-
sary for this apparatus, gas is sampled after the cold traps. It is observed that the masses corresponding to benzene,
Other species are also analyzed by mGC because the toluene, thiophene, phenol, indene, acenaphthylene,
analyzer is equipped with four columns allowing the biphenyl acenaphtene, fluorene,
measurement of Ar, CO2, CO, CH4, N2, H2, C2H2, C2H4, C2H6, phenanthrene anthracene are well defined. The other
C3H8 and H2S and COS. Every 3 min a spectrum is acquired. masses observed are from their isotopes. Calculations of the
This method allows measurement of BTX above several isotopic ratio are in line with the intensity ratio measured in
cm3 m3. Fig. 5. Furthermore it is observed that some others masses
Two other measurement methods are also implemented: corresponding to some inorganic gaseous species such as H2S,
the well known tar protocol method (TP) [20] and the solid NH3 or hydrocarbon C2H4 are present (Fig. 5a).
phase adsorption SPA method [21]. Both methods are off-
line and based on condensation of tar in liquid phase 4.2. Concentrated tars (above cm3 m3)
(isopropanol) thanks to an impinger train for TP and in a
solid amino phase adsorbent for the SPA. Gas is sampled Figs. 6e10 present the concentration of benzene, toluene,
before the cold trap in order to measure condensable thiophene, indene, acenaphthylene, biphenyl acenaphtene,
68 b i o m a s s a n d b i o e n e r g y 6 5 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 6 4 e7 1

Fig. 7 e Toluene volume concentration (fluidized bed)

measured by IMR-MS, mGC-TCD, TP and SPA in wet gas
sampling and dry gas sampling.

TCD, TP and SPA. Results are in the 15% relative uncertainties

Naphthalene measurements are shown in Fig. 8. IMR-MS
results are lower than TP and SPA (factor 2). Taking into ac-
count that naphthalene is not calibrated but is linked to the
benzene IMR-MS response, the agreement is acceptable.
PAH results, shown in Fig. 9, indicate that IMR-MS results
are in between TP and SPA results. As naphthalene, PAHs are
Fig. 5 e Mass spectra in the raw product gas at the exhaust not calibrated but are linked to benzene response.
of LFHT (wet gas). Fig. 10 presents the IMR-MS results for thiophene that is
between 1 and 10 cm3 m3. Thiophene is not calibrated and
there is no other method to compare. However, it is seen in the
literature that thiophene is measured in the 1e10 cm3 m3
fluorene, phenanthrene anthracene recorded versus time in range in fluidized bed gasification [23].
the raw product gas at the exhaust of the fluidized bed before Variations observed in the IMR-MS (and in the mGC-TCD)
the cold traps in wet gas (12:00 to 13:25) and after the cold records which are in the 10e20% relative uncertainties are not
traps in dry gas (13:25 to 14:40). significant to process events. However, the variations above
In these figures the dilution correction and the wet to dry these uncertainties are significant. As an example, it is
correction have been done to present all results as cm3 m3 observed that the apparatus is disconnected from the syngas
dry with neutral gas included. Results obtained are in agree- flux during the TP. A strong decrease of all components is thus
ment with expected BTX and PAH values currently obtained in observed 25 s later. In Fig. 10 strong variations of the IMR-MS
these conditions, i.e. in the 1000 cm3 m3 level for benzene, signal between 10:55 and 11:02 that are related to process
50 cm3 m3 for naphthalene, 10 cm3 m3 for toluene and event (over pressure in the reactor) are observed. This shows
1 cm3 m3 for PAHs [19,22]. the capability of and the interest in having an on-line method
A very good agreement is observed for benzene and even if the example cited is also observed with pressure sen-
toluene between the four analytical methods IMR-MS, mGC- sors. A study should be made with compositional change

Fig. 6 e Benzene volume concentration (fluidized bed) Fig. 8 e Naphthalene volume concentration (fluidized bed)
measured by IMR-MS, mGC-TCD, TP and SPA in wet gas measured by IMR-MS, TP and SPA in wet gas sampling and
sampling and dry gas sampling. dry gas sampling.
b i o m a s s a n d b i o e n e r g y 6 5 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 6 4 e7 1 69

Fig. 9 e PAHs volume concentration (fluidized bed)

measured by IMR-MS, TP and SPA in wet gas sampling.
Fig. 11 e Benzene volume concentration (tar cracker)
measured by IMR-MS and SPA in wet gas sampling and dry
gas sampling.

(biomass composition in homogeneity or saturation of a gas

cleaning unit).

4.3. Trace tars (below cm3 m3)

Figs. 11 and 12 show the concentration of benzene and some

PAHs. The other tars were undetectable.
In these figures it is observed that results are more
consistent in dry gas rather than in wet gas because there is no
correction (dilution and dry gas i.e. factor 8) to apply to the dry
measurements as it is necessary for the wet one. Indeed,
before correction, measurements in wet gas are in the
mm3 m3 level that is close to the detection limit of the
apparatus. Results obtained are in agreement with expected
BTX and PAHs values, i.e. hundred and tenth of mm3 m3
respectively, which have already been obtained at 1400  C
Due to the low concentration measured (<1 cm3 m3),
there are only SPA results available giving acceptable results Fig. 12 e PAH volume concentration (tar cracker) measured
with IMR-MS. by IMR-MS and SPA in wet gas sampling and dry gas
4.4. Other results with Hg, Xe and Kr ionization

Good results were also obtained for other components present

in the syngas such as:

Fig. 10 e Thiophene volume concentration (fluidized bed) Fig. 13 e H2O volume concentration (fluidized bed)
measured by IMR-MS in wet gas sampling and dry gas measured by IMR-MS and compared with the measure of
sampling. the water collected in the cold trap.
70 b i o m a s s a n d b i o e n e r g y 6 5 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 6 4 e7 1

This method has a potential for process control monitoring

as well as research and development applications on tar


The authors would like to thank gratefully GIE-Arvalis ONI-

DOL and RAGT-Energie for the supply of biomass samples.

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Connecting a steam fluidized bed to a high temperature gas

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