Intothewild Authorsnote Alexisdillon

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Bellwork: what does it mean to live deliberately?

To live life doing everything on purpose knowing and took well thought of, one's own

3. Discussion:
I wont claim to be an impartial biographer. McCandlesss strange tale struck a personal
note that made a dispassionate rendering of the tragedy impossible. Through most of the
book, I have triedand largely succeeded, I thinkto minimize my authorial presence. But
let the reader be warned: I interrupt McCandlesss story with fragments of a narrative drawn
from my own youth. I do so in the hope that my experiences will throw some oblique light on
the enigma of Chris McCandless. [From Authors Note]

Why is Chris McCandless an enigma? How do Krakauers personal mountaineering

experiences affect the story? Do you agree with his decision to not be an impartial
I believe Chris was such an enigma because he was just a curious person tired of modern
original society and what others expect and what is considered great
To show possible motives to McCandless doings and to bring more understanding
I agree somewhat on Krakauer's decision to not to be an impartial biographer because his
thoughts can change the reader's perspective to something counter to McCandless actions
ot thinkings , wanting a more cut to the chance and fact biography
4. Words in Context :
Instead, his innocent mistakes turned out to be pivotal and irreversible, his name because
the stuff of tabloid headlines, and his bewildered family was left clutching the shards of a
fierce and painful love. (Authors Note, n.p) See TE for sample response.
McCandless changing his name and trying to disappear made his new and old name even
more vital than it was before by his innocence and problems leading to his death and
bringing pain and lost to ones who loved him

5. Learning Reflection: How well do you understand the major ideas we are studying?

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