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From 22.08.2011 to 30.06.2016 (OCTMP) worked as District Consultant under WR Department Govt. of Odisha.

To assist SPU/DPU/Cluster in holding workshops/seminars to be held at each level.

To guide Clusters persons working with PPs in constituting FIG, SHGs, taking up IGA and building market linkages.
To share information relating to Institutional building & livelihood with Team Leader and SPU.
Responsible for district and local level coordination with Government and Non-Government counterparts for timely
implementation of planned activities specifically related to livelihood promotion among poor land reforms beneficiaries
relating to Agriculture,Horticulture,Animal husbandary & fishery.
Fair understanding of project planning and implementation.
Understanding of issues of rural poor in general and agricultural extension practices in particular and a commitment to the
poor for adding value to improve their livelihood.
Identify and overcome programme challenges and learning through regular site/village visits, interaction with project
partners and other stakeholders.
Training and capacity building of stakeholders on agricultural extension for livelihood augmentation.
To assist SPU in identification of organizations /Institutes /NGOs/VOs specializing in the field of IGA and ME and
preparation of TIMP.
Preparation and submission of the Capacity Building plan of OCTMP to concern line department for necessary approval
and leverage of fund to concerned line dept/District Administration.
Identify human interest stories and work with team members to develop into case studies.
Facilitate NGO/ Community in preparation of training need assessment, capacity building plan, training methodology etc.
Preparation and submission of the Capacity Building plan of PP with concern line department for necessary approval and
leverage of fund from concerned line dept/District Administration.
Timely release of fund to respective PPs for capacity building & livelihood activities.
Timely execution of capacity building & empowerment activities approved by District Project Director.
Collection & compilation of Annual Progress report/ Success Story /Case Studies/Learning / New Innovations/ Best
Practices/ New Technology etc.
Coordinate in organizing training/ workshop/exposure visit of the PP members and other staffs of the unit.
Take up other relevant responsibility as assigned.

Since 4th February 2002 with IAEET (A Non-Govt.Organisation) worked as Programme Coordinator.

Ability to build and maintain rapport with government and other public agencies.
To create awareness in the community regarding the provision of food security.
Gender sensitivity and commitment to promote gender equity.
Identify and overcome programme challenges and learning through regular site/village visits, interaction with project
partners and other stakeholders.
To create swasthya sebika in the village level for the promotion of health..
Sensitivity to cultural diversity and the ability to work in a wide variety of cultural contexts.
Respect for Adivasi communities.
To share information relating IGA with Team Leader NGO personnels
Ability to build and maintain rapport with government and other public agencies.
Ensure timely reporting and documenting progress reports for internal and external circulation..
Identify human interest stories and work with team members to develop into case studies.
Any other responsibilities given by the organization for program and organizational development.
Ensure capacity building of Block Coordinators and Gram Panchayat facilitators on MIS.
Establish a mechanism for maintaining data sets for all evaluations and research studies and use these for further
Strong integrity, commitment and dedication to the cause of women and children.
Assisting in conducting baseline, and end line assessments.
Keep focus on the important data (primary and secondary) so that proper decisions can be taken for strengthening
the program.
Any other responsibilities given by the organization for program and organizational development.
From 01.01.2008 to 30.07.2009 (AHDP) worked as District Project Officer at Nehru Yuva Kendra (NYK), Koraput.

Roles and Responsibilities:

To conduct training programmes regarding life skill education.

Organizing youth fair and conducting youth club activities such as one to one counseling, group counseling assisted by
adolescent peer volunteers regarding adolescent problems.
To build the capacity of the youth clubs, youth volunteer, peer educators associated with NYKs dealing with adolescents.
To sensitize the stakeholders, parents, teachers, Govt. functionaries, the media, the community and the youth about the
needs, problems and promise of the adolescents through sustained awareness and advocacy.
To set up and run counseling centre in the district to redress various physical, and psychological problems faced by
adolescents during the transitional process of life.
Facilitate trainings, workshops, conferences, baseline survey at district level.
Networking and organizing meeting with stakeholders to ensure appropriate, effective and efficient delivery of
programme outputs.
Planning and quality implementation of activities at block level, as per the implementation and monitoring plan of the

Travel regularly to project sites for regular monitoring; ensure effective and smooth implementation of health programs.

Leading the health program which includes but is not limited to program planning, implementation, monitoring and
evaluation to ensure quality program delivery.

Building capacities of the sub project staff and providing support as required.

Design and develop appropriate project based formats for data collection and process accurately & submit the
required reports.
Develop tools and formats to capture community level processes and learning document to present at internal and
external forums.
Travel periodically in the project blocks and within the district as per the project needs.
Plan and implement systems for continuing relations of the youth.
Analytical and Timely submission of reports.

From 08.02.2008 to 30.07.2011 NRHM, (Odisha) worked as Block Manager Child Health (BMCHC),
Bamra Block, Dist-Sambalpur.

Roles and Responsibilities:

Supporting the ASHA PNC Program, VHND, RKS, Immunization activities in the Block.
Guiding ASHAs in preparation of Program Implementation plan (PIP), especially in the context of community processes
and related activities under NHM.
Promotion of safe motherhood and children related activities.
Smooth implementation and planning of maternal and child activities in the block.
Regular attendance at VHND to know the status of mother, child and adolescent girl.
Functioning and supervision of ILR point in the block.
Improvement of immunization coverage especially in outreach areas.
Supervision of PNC checkups by ASHA and ASHA training completion
Ensuring child health related trainings in the block, programme progress report and fund utilization for improvement in
child health.
Regular Report generation from SC and PHC level regarding child health activities.
Utilization of untied fund for improvement of Maternal and child health issues at block level.
Conducted Pustikar Divas at the block level.
Timely Planning & Monitoring of all the activities at the CHC/Block level.
Provide technical support at Block level staffs to facilitate inter-departmental coordination.
Ensure Support services to Mothers in health care of children.
Ensure Support services to Mothers in behavioral formation of children.
Individual counseling to children and purposeful interactions on regular basis.
Provide regular support to documentation and advocacy unit for generating evidence based report.
Participate in the block and district level planning and review meetings.

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