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Hastings Sunrise Rotary

Meeting Agenda Minutes

Tuesday April 4th, 2017 7:00 A.M.

Mary Lanning Memorial Hospital

Rotary Serving Humanity

*Rotary Theme for 2016-2017

The meeting was called to order by President Scott Kummer

The Pledge and Prayer was led by President Scott Kummer
Program: Admin Day

Dale was the lucky one to win split the pot.

Upcoming Meetings:
o April 11th Scott is looking for a presentation for this day. Dale is going to
reach out to the former district governor regarding a global grant idea.
Guest Jerry Seiler
o April 18th Tim Overmiller
Guest Laura Schneider
o April 25th Doug Saathoff
Guest Dick and Paula Witt

Discussion Topics:

Rotary Job Shadow: Nate thanked the group for its participation in Rotary Job Shadow
day as the guidance counselors reported the positive reactions of the students.

Leadership Hastings: Scott mentioned that he was scheduled to speak at the leadership
Hastings breakfast April 12th if any Rotarian wants to accompany him. Kayla would be a
good liaison for this group.

Paul Harris Points: Members agreed to use club points to get new members and
members under 1000 donation points up to their first Paul Harris award in return for a
commitment to continue to donate to the foundation. The club has a goal of getting every
member to Paul Harris Fellow status. The club will also donate to incoming exchange
students to get them Paul Harris fellow status.

Tree Planting: The club agreed to pay for the planting of five trees at the location of the
school administrators choosing. Cost per tree will range from $100-$150. Jeff Schneider

Hastings Sunrise Rotary

Meeting Agenda Minutes
will report back on where the trees will be planted and what trees the schools are
interested in.

Rotary Flags: Greg is revising the brochure with suggested changes. A suggestion was
made that Rotary Field flag be added to the brochure. Discussion was also had regarding
replacing the flag at Rotary Field.

Cooperative Project with Mikes Club: Scott mentioned that Mike Mlejnek had reached
out to him regarding a project that his Club is working on in China. His club is raising
money to provide YMCA scholarships to rural children that have been left behind. Cost
of scholarships are $36 each. Scott suggested sponsoring 10 scholarships and will
provide more information on it.

Rotary Youth Exchange: Paula mentioned that we are in need of two additional host
families from Adams Central. The Cass family has stepped up to host if we receive a
female inbound student. If Rotarians know of any potential Adams Central families or
would be interested in hosting please reach out to Paula.

Discussion was had on Jarod Straw and how he is missed. Scott mentioned that he was
working on an MBA program and everyone expressed that he has been missed.

Next meeting: Tuesday April 11th 2017 @ 7:00 A.M.

Rotarian in charge of next program:

February 7th Scott or Dale

President Scott Kummer rang the bell and adjourned the meeting.

Hastings Sunrise Rotary

Meeting Agenda Minutes

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