Sub Plans 1-5

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Sub Plans

January 5, 2017

Quick Note:
Good morning! Thank you so much for covering my class!

Students know what to do in the morning. They will come in, unpack, do
lunch count, turn in their homework, and they SHOULD be seated and read
quietly. That doesnt always happen for all students. There is also an
optional coloring sheet students can work on as well.
Announcements will come on and then do the pledge
Make an announcement: Last call for lunch count. All homework should be
turned in the homework bin. It is a book exchange day, so make sure all your
books are in the bins at the front. Please read quietly while I take
Lunch count is taped on the board, do the count on the small sheet of paper
on top, and send it down to the office with a student.
Send the books down with the classroom librarian and she can bring one
friend to help her.
At 9:05, make sure Mrs. Swopes math students are ready to line up

About half of my students will be dismissed to go to math with Mrs. Swope.
The list of students are
After you are finished taking attendance, and doing lunch count, say: Mrs.
Swopes math students, please line up at the door
You can dismiss them, and they should wait quietly until Mrs. Swope lets
them in
Some of Mrs. Swopes class comes in, and they will lined up quietly against
the side of the wall. They can come in as soon as my class has left.

9:05-10:30: Math
Mrs. Swopes class will come into class. They all have assigned seats they sit
in sit at the back table (crowded classroom)!
One student, who sits at back of the class, is on a warning basis. If he is
misbehaving, out of his seat, or calling out, you can say that is not
appropriate behavior. This is your first warning. If he has a second incident,
he gets sent to the office. Just call to let them know hes coming.
There are warm up problems on the back board.
Say Good morning, everyone! and they should all say Good morning, Mrs.
_________ (this is optional )
Announce that students should be working on the warm up problems on the
back board. They know to work on these quietly (although I often have to
remind them).
As students finish up, take volunteers who have finished all of their work to
put examples on the board. Answers to the warm up problems are attached
to this lesson plan (yellow piece of paper)
After students have written it on the board, announce that all students should
check their work.
Ask if there are any questions. You can have another student answer that
students question.
Next, students need to complete their Basic Facts Assessment C. This is in
the organized pile on my desk on the top. Pass them out. Students have a
minute to complete each side. Allow students to put their name on both
sides. Then tell students what side you want them to start on. Timer is on
the chalkboard under Jeffrey the Zebra. Say start and give them one
minute. Give them a minute for the next side. Collect all papers.
Ask students to open up to page 473 in their math books Am I ready?
students should complete this independently.
Go over answers with them. I have the page marked in the teacher math
leaves to go to LS with Mrs. Galbreath at 9:55. He knows when to leave.
Give students the option of two worksheets. They both have puzzles and
brain teasers on them. You have the answer keys attached to these lesson
Tell them they should work on at least two of these puzzles. Once they
complete two of them, then they may grab a laptop and work on First in Math
or Khan Academy. They may not do math arcade games or cool math games.
Dismiss Mrs. Swopes kids back to their own class at 10:30. Have them line
up, then wait quietly in the hallway. Our class will come back in.

Ask students to put all their math away
Line up for library.
I have a line leader and door holders. They know what to do and where to
stop in the hallways.
After students get quiet, walk with them down the hallway to library.
Special starts at 10:35 so try to leave by 10:33

Students finish special at 11:20. You should be at the library at that time to
pick them up.

Have students come back to their seats.
This is EI time, so students work on a variety of things. Mr. McCabe, the gym
teacher, comes to help at this time.
need to finish test corrections. Their tests and correction papers are on the
pile on my desk.
need to finish their benchmark test. This is also on the pile.
has been absent and should work on his benchmark test. Also on the pile.
Remind him he may use a calculator.
Students should finish their Classroom Rules illustration which is in a pile on
the back counter.
If students finished this, tell them they may read quietly.
The whole class should be quiet during this time since many students are

Have students clean up whatever they are working on.
At 11:47 start lining up students like this: A lunches, please line up. B
lunches, please line up. C1 and C2 lunches. D lunches. And packers
Everyone should line up with their jackets for recess
should leave ahead of everyone with the lunch bin.
need to sit at the detention table since they didnt have their yellow folder
signed yesterday.
Walk down to lunch at 11:48 to be down there by 11:50
Stand with the students in line as they get their lunch. Once our class is
through, you can go to the faculty room and eat

Enjoy your lunch time!

Pick up the students outside of the door (youll see them when they line up
outside of the faculty room at 12:30
Go out and count the students (you should have 23 unless someone is
Let them inside, and they get a quick drink by the fountains right outside the
Then walk them back to class. They all get a quick bathroom break right
from lunch. About half the students wont take one and will go right back to
class, the rest of them will wait in the hallway in line for the bathroom.

Students should be finished bathroom breaks by 12:40
Students will practice their focus skill. Ask students to describe cause and
effect and give examples. After discussing this, pass out their review packet
on the skill.
Students can work in small groups or independently to complete this packet.
Make sure they at least complete the front and back of the first page.
Depending on time, allow them to move onto the last page
Keep some time to go over the answers. Answers are attached to this lesson

Students have social studies.
Ask students these review questions
o We recently learned about a man who delivered a famous speech.
Does anyone remember his name? (Patrick Henry)
o What was his famous line from his speech? (Give me liberty, or give
me death!)
o What does this mean? (Answers will vary, take multiple answers)
o Today we are going to learn about Paul Revere. Does anyone know
anything about Paul Revere?
Students will be performing a readers theater. I have never tried this with
my students so you can play it by ear.
Pass out the readers theater packets. Also in the stack. Tell students that
this is NOT theirs to keep, so do NOT write on it.
Explain that students will be selected to play each part. They wont have any
practice time. They are just going to come to the class and read.
Take volunteers for each part (Characters listed on the front). Students will
come to the front of the class. Encourage students to talk with intonation and
volume. They do not have to act
Read through the play, and make sure other students are following along in
their packets.
Pass around questions sheet and have students answer questions regarding
important points from the play.
Depending on time, you can also watch part of Liberty Kids Episode 5. You
can take a classroom computer and plug it into the red cord near my desk
which connects you to the projector. Youll just have to turn the projector on.
To access liberty Kids, go to Youtube and search Liberty Kids Episode 5 and
it will come up.

Depending on the weather (and how well they are behaving) you can give
them a 10-15 minute brain break. I normally take them outside for recess. If
its raining you can allow them to play in the room with the classroom games
as well.

Students should read their story in their Anthology book. Tell students to
open to Stormalong in their books. Ask them what their predictions were
for what this story was going to be about (we discussed this yesterday). Pass
out the Cause/Effect worksheet for Stormalong (also in the pile). Explain that
students should be filling this out as they read it. Based on their behavior,
you can decide if you want to read the story together as a class,
independently, in small groups, or in partners. I usually decide based on their
behavior that day. I would like them to finish the story, so if they do not
complete it, they should finish it for homework. You do not have to go over
the cause/effect sheetI will do that tomorrow
Ask students to get out their writing journals (this should be done in the last
15ish minutes of class). Give them this prompt: Life on a farm is quite
different from life at sea. Think about which you are better suited for. Write a
paragraph telling which is a better place for you to live and work. They know
they should write at least one paragraph. Then, based on time, either allow
them to share it with a partner, or ask some volunteers to share it as a class.

Tell students to get out their red planner and folder
Go over the homework on the back board (just read it aloud). Students
should copy their spelling words 3 times, each in a different color.
Ask students to pack up and to do their jobs
will go to the LS teacher at the very end of the day to get his homework
checked. Thats ok to let him go. He goes to the Y afterwards

Walkers and Y students are dismissed
Everyone else should line up.
I have car duty, so we all walk down to the buses before they are dismissed.
The students all get on their buses. Carriders and bikeriders stand at the
corner by the office.
I wait at the crosswalk with Beth Kaplan until the buses are dismissed and
then help get carriders into their proper cars

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