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Thomas More Wedding Guide

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

This Wedding Booklet is aimed at guiding couples who are preparing to receive the Sacrament
of Holy Matrimony at the Church of St. Thomas More, Subang Jaya.

Please refer to the parish priest, church office or your BEC Representatives for any further
advice or information.


The couple must contact the parish priest at least 6 months prior to the anticipated wedding


The couple is required to register and attend the CMPC. The Church will inform the couple of
the earliest available session. The CMPC stretches over a period of 7 weeks; one session per
week and the duration of each session is approximately 3 hours. There is also a weekend
CMPWC for couples who work irregular hours. Registration forms for CMPC and CMPWC are
available at the parish office. There is also a separate session on Natural Family Planning.

A certificate will be presented to the couple on the last day of the programme. This certificate
is a prerequisite for marriage in the Catholic Church.

Contact persons:

St. Thomas More Wedding Guide

Matthew & Serina 012-3981523& 016-2768934& 03-56335878

On completion of the CMPC the couple must then make an appointment to meet the parish
priest for the pre-nuptial session.

The couple must present at this session, their

1. CMPC Certificates
2. Baptism Certificates
3. Copies of IC of bride & groom
4. Copies of Witnesses IC
5. Passport size photograph of bride & groom

This interview should be completed before making arrangement for the Civil Registration.

Upon completion of the CMPC, the couple will be required to register their marriage with the
Civil Registration Office. There is now a Registrar Mr Anthony Soosay at the Church of
Assumption, PJ. He can be contacted at the Assumption Parish office or directly at 012-288
3421, 03-7783 4204.

Couples should note that the wedding bands are required by law to be placed at the
Registration Office for a period of at least one month, before the civil registration can take
place. Wedding bands will also be placed in the parish bulletin. It is advisable to have the civil

St. Thomas More Wedding Guide

registration a few weeks before the wedding at the church.


1. Kindly refrain from selecting SECULAR Songs during Mass. There are many
Catholic/Christian hymns that are suited for weddings.

2. Cameraman/photo-taking are allowed only during:

- Entrance of the bride
- Exchange of vows and rings
- Signing of the wedding registrar
- Lighting of unity candle
- Bride & Grooms exit
- Cameraman are not allowed onto the Sanctuary

- Please DO NOT THROW CONFETTI inside or outside the Church. SOAP BUBBLES can
only be blows outside the Church. The Church is Sacred and a place of Worship.

- You may, if you wish, prepare your own Wedding Booklet. For more details, please see
Preparation of Wedding Booklet below.
- All handphones are to be switched off or on silent mode during the Mass. This could be
inserted in the wedding booklets prepared by the couple and reminded at the start of the Mass.

- As this is your special day, please ensure that the bride and groom as well as the
wedding entourage are attired appropriately.
- Please be PUNCTUAL for your special day. DO NOT BE LATE as it may affect other
mass arrangements.
- The commentator and reader are to be selected by the couple. They should be Catholic.
- Should the couple required the service of the church Choir, please see details below.


STM Parish has several choir groups and musicians who can serve at your Wedding Mass.

St. Thomas More Wedding Guide

Should you require their service, please contact the following at least 3 months before the

Contact persons:
Patrick Archibald: 012-377 1848
Richard Lee: 012-2232401

Should you wish to use any other singing group and/or musicians, please consult the Parish
Priest. He will make a decision on this matter on a case to case basis.

Hymns used should be liturgically correct and suitable for Mass. For this purpose, a list of
hymns has been prepared for you to choose from. This comes with the Wedding Leaflet.

You may, if you wish to select your own hymns outside of the hymn list. However, you will
need to check their suitability for Mass with the Parish Priest. Should you need advice on this,
please contact the above.

As the Church is a sacred place of worship, all floral arrangements and decorations inside the
church can only be put up by members of the Altar Ladies Ministry of St Thomas More Parish.
Should you require this service, please contact the following at least one month before the

Contact persons:
Lillian Teh: 019-391 4152
Sharon Ong: 012-201 3590
Alice Leong: 012-625 1660

St. Thomas More Wedding Guide

NO commercial wedding planners would be permitted to decorate the church and sanctuary.
Decorations of pews, the use of nails, staples, cellophane or double sided tapes are also NOT
allowed. You may, if you wish put up decorations outside the church but please do not over
decorate as this can reduce the sanctity of the church. Any of such decorations must follow the
Liturgical Colors of the season and must be removed immediately after the Mass.


The couple will have to prepare the booklet themselves and make their own selection of
Catholic hymn, readings, etc. To assist you in this, you may download the softcopy of the Wed
ding Liturgy and Rites
and the list of
Wedding Hymns
. Notwithstanding, you will need to hand in the draft copy of your Wedding Booklet to the
Parish Priest for confirmation before printing.

Church Stipend: RM200.
This payment is for the use of the church (inclusive of air-conditioning).

Choir & Musicians: RM250.

Should you require to use your own singers/musicians (with permission from the Parish Priest),
you need pay only RM50. All proceeds will go towards the Music Ministry to run their programs
and for maintenance of Church musical instruments and sound system.

Floral arrangement & Decorations:

Costs are to be discussed directly with the above mentioned representative of the Altar Ladies
Ministry. All floral arrangements and decorations must follow Liturgical Colors. No decorations
or candles are to be placed on the floor along the aisle.

St. Thomas More Wedding Guide

Please note the following when making payment:

1. All payment shall be made at least 1 week before the Wedding date.
2. Payments can be made by cash or cheque. If by cheque, shall be made out to Parish
of St Thomas More

3. All payments are to be made at the Parish Office.

4. Please insist on an official STM receipt for all payments made.

Contact person:
George De Costa: 016-238 2749

To the married I give this command (Not I, but the Lord): a wife must not leave her
husbandand a husband must not divorce his wife


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