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Goodbye, my love

He suddenly put a blind fold over your eyes and picked you up in bridal style.


Nothing. Just shh...

You were so close to him you can feel his hot breath against your skin, which made your heart
beat faster. You lean your head on his shoulder. You could smell the scent on him. He smells as
good as ever. You unknowingly smiled to yourself. After walking for some time, he finally put
you down.

Ready? He whispered softly into your ear, causing the hair at the back of your neck to stand.

Okay.. He slowly took off your blind fold.

He covered your eyes with his hands for awhile, until you got used to the surrounding light then
he slowly lowered his hand. The sight in front of you sent your jaws dropping to your feet. You
were standing in front a huge Ferris wheel, brightly lit up with the wordsI LOVE YOU flashing.
The Ferris wheel was turning so ever slowly. You look at him, unable to say anything.

He took your hand, leading you towards the Ferris wheel. You two got inside a nicely decorated
car. The ride started, it took you awhile before you found your voice.

You... You look at him, lost for words.

Merry Christmas, I dont know how I can make up for the last three years, I just wanted you to
feel special. He looked into your eyes.

You know what? The fact you are here with me to celebrate Christmas this year, its already
very special. You hugged him tightly as If afraid he may run away.
I want to do this for you every year..
I dont know how to thank you enough for your.. your unconditional love, your patience, your
youth, your everything. You practically wasted three years just waiting for something that may
never happened.. You could have done so much more but you stayed..

Not a single minute in that three years was wasted, because I was with you. And a miracle
happened, didnt it? Youre here with me now..
Im so sorry.. So so sorry..
But baby, next time, dont wait..

You pulled away from him, looking at him, confused.

Huh? What.. next time?

He shook his head, Nothing.. Its nothing..

He pulled you back into his arms. You sensed something weird about him, but you just could not
tell what exactly it was. You brushed it off, not wanting to spoil the mood. You admired the night
scenery in his arms. The Ferris wheel returned to the ground after two hours. As much as you
wanted to stay on, it was late and the both of you were visibly tired.

Did you enjoy today? He asked suddenly during the ride home.

You shook your head. He looked as if all the cheerfulness in him was washed out because of
your single sentence.

I LOVE today.. You grinned at him.

OH! Someone is learning to take revenge? Good.. He threatened.

What what!? I cant!? You tried to put on a brave front.

Well see..

The moment he stopped the car, he got over to your side and scooped you into his arms. He gave
you a perverted smile and you knew what he was up to.

This, is for trying to take revenge!

This, is the last time..

He did not even bother to go into the room, but not that you mind, the sofa was big enough. You
willingly let him take charge during your make out session. After a few rounds, it was obvious
that he was losing stamina.

Lets... take a bath.. He panted, smiling at you.

You nodded.
You got dressed and stood up first. When you were about to help him up, you felt a weight jump
onto you causing you to almost fall face flat onto the floor.


Hehe.. Piggy back me.. GO!!! He stretched out his hand like a kid.



shut up immediately.
Go.. He said in a soft whisper.

Even though the toilet was near, you had a hard time walking over because of his weight.

Your back is so warm... Ill never have a chance to feel it again.. Sorry if I am torturing you..
He hugged your neck, resting his chin on your shoulder. You heard him sniffing softly.

Tabi? Are you.. crying? You stopped, turning your head slightly, but he pushed your head back
to face the front.
CRY!? FOR WHAT!? Youre so slow! Im cold! My nose is running!! He said loudly, trying to
cover up his tears that fell without his consent.

You finally made your way to the toilet. You dropped him into the tub. The both of you helped
each other wash. He was really gentle when it came to washing you. His eyes were not perverted
at all, he genuinely wanted to help you wash your body. While washing him, you notice how thin
he has become, which made your heart ache a little. Your fingers trace down to his collar bone,
you smiled slightly.

You know, I always love your collar bone. They are so.. beautiful.. perfect.. You smiled,
fingers still tracing on them.
But I like it a little fleshier thou~ It has become too distinct now, its scary..
He did not say anything, instead he just smiled.

Come, lets go..

After the both of you put on some clothes, he pulled you onto his back and gave you a piggy
back ride back. You could smell the scent of his shampoo so strongly.
Mmm.. You smell good.. You said aloud what was meant to be in your head.
Hehe.. Really? You like it? He asked.

You know I do.

You got ready for bed. He snuggled up to you. He put your arm across his shoulder, and head on
your chest, so he would be sleeping in your arms.

Why? Whats wrong?

Nothing.. I just want to be in your arms. Because you smell so good, feel so good.. I feel safe in
your arms, like as if there is nothing else to fear in the world.

Huh? Hahaha.. Okay, if it makes you feel safe. Anything for you.. You move closer to him.
You turned off the lights and peck him lightly on his forehead.

Good night, Tabi.. You whispered softly.

Good night, Darling.. His voice was soft.

Good bye, Baby..

You almost fell asleep when he poked your arm.

Can I ask you a question?

If I wasnt Big Bangs TOP, if I was just the regular Choi Seung Hyun, would you still love

I dont see a reason why I would not.. To be honest, I have always seen you as Choi Seung
Hyun, not TOP.
Mmm.. I see..


Okay, sleep already.. You pat his arm softly, coaxing him to sleep, but in fact, you were falling
asleep yourself.

You love me, real or not real?

You stole that line from the book I was reading.. Hahaha.. But, real.. Nothing can be more real
than my love for you. That was your favourite line from a particular book you read. You
mentioned it to him once. You were surprised he actually remembered.
Have I met up to your expectations as a boyfriend?

Always. You always have..

"Can you call me that...?"

"Hmm? Oppa.. Tabi Oppa.." You kissed him on his cheek, before falling asleep totally.
Goodbye. my love, my baby, my everything.. Thank you, for giving me such a memorable
relationship. Ill miss you.. Your scent, your touch, your smile, your everything.. Ill miss you.. I
love you.. I never felt a love so real before.. Im sorry that Im still lacking in many ways.. Im
sorry I made you wait.. I am sorry I have to go so soon.. His voice got weaker and softer.

He turned around to give you a final peck on your cheek before he felt his eyelids got heavier. He
closed his eyes despite tears pouring out of them, ready to face whatever he had to face. He kept
mumbling I love you, until the life in him slowly slipped away.

Seven days is up. He had a promise to fulfil. He never expected it to be so painful, so torturous.
But he was very sure, he did not regret a single bit of his decision.

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