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Nelson Middle School

PTA General Membership Meeting Minutes

February 21, 2017
Nelson Middle School Cafeteria
o Called to order at 5:49 pm.
Attendees: Marilyn Peebles; Jennifer Kent; Dianna Jordan; Holly Brogdon; Amy McCaulley;
Lori Bettencourt; Christina Draper; Jennifer Davis; Teresa Pearce; Kelsey Schenck; Bobbie
Gray; Rebecca Farr; Stephanie and Bryce Eaton; Erin Harris; Sarah Hill; Kylie Edwards;
Alicia Brown; Crisha Lewis; Marie Drais; Celeste Hanvey; Jennifer Curtis
Approval of Minutes Marilyn Peebles
o General Membership Meeting November 2, 2016
o No additions/changes/modifications noted to the minutes. Approved as distributed,
and will be filed accordingly.
Nelson Update Mrs. Garner
o Not present; no update provided.
Officer Reports
o President Jennifer Kent
Upcoming Events
April 19 Kickball Tournament
Nelson PTA will be meeting on Friday, February 24, 2017 to begin
initially planning for the event.
o Treasurer Craig Hogan
Budget Update
Currently have $17,160.71 in the account.
$2,400 still to be deducted from this amount for items still to be paid.
Motion: Approve purchase of Chrome Books for $2,500 for Nelson Middle
Motion: Teresa Pearce
Second: Jennifer Davis
No discussion to the motion.
Motion passed.
Motion: Increase Programs Budget by $535.
Motion: Kylie Edwards
Second: Bobbie Gray
No discussion to the motion.
Motion passed.
Motion: To create a line item of $500 for future scholarships under Frisco
Education Foundation.
Motion: Lori Bettencourt
Second: Rebecca Farr
No discussion to the motion.
Motion passed.
Motion: To create a budget line item under hospitality in the amount of $750
for Concessions.
Motion: Kelsey Schenck
Second: Kylie Edwards
No discussion to the motion.
Motion passed.
o VP Ways & Means Amy McCaulley
Fundraiser Update
Color Run
o Motion: To utilize Nelson Middle School PTA and Volunteers to run
the 2017 Color Run.
o Motion not required for this initiative.
Box Tops Collection
o Currently in the process of wrapping up the collection and
preparing it for submission.
o VP Membership - Christina Draper
Membership Update
Current membership is 311 members, including two new members.
Committee Reports
o Reflections Update Sumera Begum
March 2 (7:45 am) - Donut Breakfast for Winners
o Bulletin Board Melissa Walch
No update provided.
o Inclusivity Update Cindy Zhang
Multicultural Night March 20
o Spirit Night Update Crystal Horne
March 27 Chick-Fil-A
April 6 Kendra Scott Benefit Night (Watters Creek; Allen, TX)
April 11 Costa Vida Benefit Night
May 9 Dairy Queen (3-8 pm)
o Hospitality Update Angela Maroney
No update provided.
o Book Fair Update Holly Brogdon
March 20 24, 2017
March 17th Teacher Preview Day
o Garden Update Laura Van Poppel
Nelson PTA is excited to be creating the best garden ever, along with the
paver campaign.
o Programs Dianna Jordan
o Council Update Meredith Smith
April 29 Vendor Fair (Lebanon Trail)
Additional Business
o Motion: To create a 2017-2018 PTA Officer Nominating Committee to include
Meredith Smith, Laura van Poppel, and Angela Maroney.
Motion: Lori Bettencourt
Second: Jennifer Davis
No discussion to the motion.
Motion passed.
Next General Membership Meeting Marilyn Peebles
o April 6, 2017 (3:45 pm) 2017 PTA Officer Elections
o Meeting adjourned at 5:59 pm.

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