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By: Hailey Bucklin

Cyberbullying: harm inflicted on others through the use of interactive technology
Cyberbullying is something that almost
everyone on social media has seen at
some point. It affects almost everyone
because they have seen someone being
a cyber bullied or been the one being
cyberbullied. It is important to raise
awareness about cyberbullying in order
to try and prevent it.
Pornography: Today, any child with
unrestricted Internet
Pornography is something that is access is just a mouse
unfortunately way too easy to get ahold of
in todays society. Without even realizing click away from
many children end up looking at viewing, either
pornography because it is something that
intentionally or
is advertised, and made way too available.
This is a problem for societys children accidentally, sexually
because they are sometimes exposed to explicit material
pornography at early ages.
Safety 101
Social Media:
Social media is a big part of todays society.
Children are on social media at a young age
and are not fully aware of all the dangers that
come with it. It is important for children to
understand that social media is not something
that you can take lightly. There are predators,
bullies, and also things that are too
inappropriate for them to see at their age. It is
important for them to be aware of the dangers
that come along with it and also understand
how to deal with certain situations.
One-third of youth
43 percent of nine- to
ages 11 to 17 have
12-year-olds have a their own cell phones
social media profile today; it is expected
37% of 3 and 4 year olds that half will have them
use their parents within the next two
tablets and years
smartphones as do 87%
of 5 to 7 year olds.
Social Media and Careers:
Social media has affected
many peoples chances of
getting a job.
Anything that you post will
last forever
People have gotten fired over
things that have been posted
of them or what they have
Remember that your decisions
now can affect you later.
Online Predators:
Predators are everywhere and
especially on the Internet
there are over 747,408 Registered
Sex Offenders in the United States
and only 265,000 are under the
supervision of correctional
children need to be aware that not
everyone on the Internet means
Predators come in all different types of
forms on the Internet

They sometimes even catfish people in

order to get what they want.

Be cautious when talking to new people

on the Internet.

Be careful with what you post, who you talk to,

and what you do on the Internet. You never know
what repercussions will happen.
Works Cited:
Kam, K. (n.d.). 4 Dangers of the Internet. Retrieved February 22, 2017, from

Safety. (n.d.). Retrieved February 22, 2017, from

INTERNET SAFETY 101:. (n.d.). Retrieved February 22, 2017, from

Woda, S. (n.d.). Global Perspective on Cyberbullying. Retrieved February 22, 2017, from

Social media logos. (n.d.). Retrieved February 22, 2017, from

Work & Business. (n.d.). Retrieved February 22, 2017, from

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