Relection On Pre-Test

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1. Why is assessment important?

Assessment is an integral part of instruction, as it determines whether or not the

goals of education are being met. Assessment affects decisions about grades,
placement, advancement, instructional needs, curriculum, and, in some cases,
funding.Today's students need to know not only the basic reading and arithmetic skills,
but also skills that will allow them to face a world that is continually changing. They must
be able to think critically, to analyze, and to make inferences. Changes in the skills base
and knowledge our students need require new learning goals; these new learning goals
change the relationship between assessment and instruction.

2. Why is it important to develop a quality pre-test?

Pretesting is valuable at several stages of message and material development. Some

methods can be used in the early stages to test concepts or general issues and to spark
ideas; other methods are more useful when materials are in close-to-final form.
Factors to consider in selecting a pretest method include, in addition to the stage of
development of the materials, the kind of audience at which the materials are aimed, the
sensitivity and complexity of the materials, and the resources available. This can drive
the way a teacher teaches so that they can understand what the student actually needs.

3. How will you use the pre-test to drive your instructions?

I plan on using pre-tests in the classroom more because it showed me that it can help me know
what to teach according to the students knowledge of the pre-test. Being able to identify
students prior knowledge and understanding can allow me to focus on the topics and standards
that students do not comprehend well. I will use KWL charts more often because I feel like that
is a good tool to use in the classroom for pre assessments.

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