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Causes and consequences of political corruption

Corruption is a chain that spans the various countries of the globe. Few are those who
enjoy using the term "transparency", being that the power is very easy to corrupt.
Political corruption is the misuse of public power that aims to gain some advantage or
advantage in an illegal way, usually secretly and privately. Governments are very
sensitive to political corruption. However, there are many types of corruption, such as
illegitimate use of inside information, drug trafficking, sponsorship, extortion, bribery,
fraud, embezzlement, nepotism, despotism, impunity and many more.

The causes and consequences of political corruption are characterized by relying on

certain factors as well as specific areas. The endogenous or internal causes of political
corruption are associated with the actions of the corrupt individual and his thinking. The
lack of social conscience is one of the main causes, since the individual does not give
importance to the citizens nor the commitment that has with them, the lack of education
and culture of the commitment, like negative examples, is the way How they act. It can
be said that a corrupt person is antisocial, since it is a behavior that goes against the
society in search of the own benefit. Corruption will continue if the corrupt allows it,
the distorted perception of the seriousness of the matter also cause corruption to
continue, equally do not think about the possibility of being discovered.

Likewise, external or external causes have great importance for all forms of corruption
to take place in a government. The society has a serious influence on the acceptance of
corruption, since they can intervene in which acts of corruption go unpunished;
Corporations also promote this as they take sides, social models without values,
concentration of power in certain decisions that the government takes, bribes, control
over the media so that certain information is not disclosed to the public. Also, they
promote the low purchasing power of citizens, no transparency regarding the use of
public funds and decisions taken, do not manage well the resources of the country.

The consequences of corruption prevent state growth, generating inefficiency. It can be

said that the effects of corruption are very broad and can spread in all areas for a nation
to come out afloat; In the private sector, corruption has a great impact on it, since it
influences the cost of business and corporate activities, since the price of illicit expenses
has to be added, as well as the cost of controlling negotiations with Public office and the
lack of security of compliance with the agreements. Corruption causes distortion of the
public sector when public investments are derailed to projects where bribes are very
common. Officials in charge of this type of works can increase the size of the works and
the complexity to distort in this way even more to where they allocate the funds and use
it as a shield. Corruption in turn causes that the services and infrastructures made by the
government are of lower quality but that the budget is increasingly greater.

The social and environmental effects are also a consequence of corruption, as it

promotes the destruction of the environment, governments usually have a department
that is in charge of protecting the environment and promoting their protection in the
country; However, this work can not be fulfilled if those responsible for compliance are
easily bribed. The same can happen for labor protection, syndication, social rights and
other departments covering the nation. Many countries have demonstrated the misuse of
public power, some with high levels and others a little more discreet. African countries
have shown a low development of investment due to the incredible misappropriation of
funds they have made throughout history. However, both developed and developing
countries have proved corrupt in many of their spheres of power.

Spain has shown throughout its political history many corrupt actions, either from the
last century to the current government. In the government of Mariano Rajoy (2011-
present) there have been several cases of corruption, some more serious than others such
as the Emarsa Case, Operation Pitiusa, Operation Pokemon, Case Dvar, Case of
Cooperation, Alcorcn Case, Brcenas Case, Amy Case Martin, Case Opaque Caja
Madrid Cards, Punic Operation, Terra Natura Benidorm Case. These cases of corruption
have been characterized by large groups of politicians who organize and embezzle the
funds of certain departments or public entities. In a range of 1 to 10 corruption, Spanish
citizens gave the government a 6.5 out of 10.

Typically, people with positions in public entities steal state property. Countries like
India have stolen more than 80% of the aid given to families with food and by people
with corrupt charges. In this century and the past there are multiple examples of
governments that have stolen food from the people to benefit them. Corruption causes
distrust in political parties, as in leaders and most public institutions, leading people to
adopt strategies that do not promote cooperation. As a consequence of this, citizens are
no longer interested in policy issues for long periods. Also protest movements are very
common in countries of corruption, generating political instability and later political
repression that includes the police acting against the people.

Humanitarian aid is also very vulnerable to corruption, with aid such as food,
construction and other forms of aid being easily corrupted. Food aid to the most needy
may be diverted from its destination, owing to the manipulation of funds and corruption
in all agencies of the law.

Spain today has a huge problem of corruption, we are used to seeing cases of corruption
among in the news every day, but are only involved politicians from different parties,
but also businessmen and professionals. It is evident that corruption does great damage:
creates distrust, encourages further abusive behavior, social purposes detracts money ....
It is therefore necessary to fight energetically against corruption

For most citizens, corruption is one of the main problems of

our country. With each new corruption scandal, public
institutions and our political system lost legitimacy,and
distrust of citizens towards political leaders, political
parties and governmentintensifies. Ultimately,
corruption generates public disaffection with politics.

However, although now seems to be more widespread than

ever, corruption exists,to a greater or lesser extent in all
political and social systems.
Its natural to think of elections when we think of political corruption. People or
organisations with their own agendas can skew voting. They may secretly give parties
big donations. Or parties and candidates can buy votes instead of winning them.

But political corruption isnt just about election rigging. It can lead politicians in office
to steer away from good government. Their decisions can benefit those who fund them.
The public interest comes second. Political corruption can divert scarce resources from
poor and disadvantaged people. This is especially common in countries where
democratic institutions are weak or absent. Private rather than public interests dictate

This means an ethical line has been crossed. Governments cant act freely and
democracy cant function. Our trust in politicians is damaged. We can turn away from
involvement with how were governed. Then political corruption continues unchecked.
The solution

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