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CTE Definition

Howard Gordon defined CTE as a, Organized educational programs offering sequence

of courses directly related to the preparation of individuals in paid or unpaid employment and in

current or emerging occupations requiring other than a baccalaureate or advanced degree. (457).

CTE is a field of study that seeks to prepare students for employment in areas of current jobs that

need further skills to meet job requirements as well as fields of work in emerging new areas of

employment such as green energy. ACTE defines CTE as, Todays cutting-edge, rigorous and

relevant career and technical education (CTE) prepares youth and adults for a wide range of

high-wage, high-skill, high-demand careers. CTE is more than a dumping ground for

delinquents or drop outs. It is a place for all adults and students who want to make a better life

for themselves. It takes adult who need further skills for their job, or adults looking for a new

job, or youth preparing to enter the work force and prepares them.

I am passionate that CTE is a vital part of the education system. CTE prepares adults and

students to work in high demand jobs. These are jobs that require highly skilled and prepared

workers. Adults and youth are able to participate in CTE. CTE is the integration of STEM

materials into the classroom or work place. It allows students to take what they have learned in

the classroom and apply it to a particular field of study. It shows that materials learned at school

are applicable to life. As a future CTE high school teacher, I feel that CTE can help my students

prepare to enter the workforce. They will leave school with skills enabling them to have higher

paying jobs. CTE gives students purpose and direction in life. They learn skills and abilities that

they have. They participate in hands on activities to help them understand the material. They are

also able to learn and practice in an environment that is similar to what their future employment

will be like. My students will be prepared to have a better future through CTE.
Work Cited

Gordon, Howard R D. The History and Growth of Career and Technical Education in America.

Waveland Press, Inc. 2014.

What is CTE? ACTE. 2017. Retrieved from:

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