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1 2 3 4
Below Standards Approaching Meets Standards Exceeds
Standards Standards
Beginning Lacks evidence of Shows some Lead catches the Effective lead the
lead and setting evidence of lead and readers attention clearly catches the
setting, may not and setting is readers attention
attract the readers described and setting is
attention clearly described
Middle Lacks evidence of Shows some Addresses the topic Clearly addresses
details that evidence of details and stretches out the topic and
address the topic that address the the event by using provides specific
topic details and relevant details
Ending and Lacks evidence of Ending does not Ending reflects the Ending clearly
Message ending reflect growth of the growth of the reflects the growth
author author of the author
Voice Shows little or no Shows some Shows awareness Clearly shows
-your awareness of awareness of of audience and awareness of
individual audience and audience and purpose audience and
writing purpose purpose purpose
Conventions Contains repeated Contains errors in May contain errors Contains few errors
errors in grammar, in grammar, in grammar,
grammar, punctuation, punctuation, punctuation,
punctuation, capitalization and capitalization and capitalization and
capitalization and spelling spelling, and does spelling
spelling - distracting to the not distract the
distracting to reader reader


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