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Computer Networks 72 (2014) 7498

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Computer Networks
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Survey Paper

Software dened networking: State of the art and research

Manar Jammal a,, Taranpreet Singh a, Abdallah Shami a, Rasool Asal b, Yiming Li c
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Western University, Canada
ETISALAT BT Innovation Center, UK
StarTech.com, Canada

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Network usage and demands are growing at a rapid pace, while the network administra-
Received 4 December 2013 tors are facing difculties in tracking the frequent users access of the network. Conse-
Received in revised form 17 June 2014 quently, managing the infrastructure supporting these demands has become a
Accepted 15 July 2014
complicated and time-consuming task. Networks are also in a ux state, they are not only
Available online 25 July 2014
expanding but require recongurations to meet the business needs. Software dened net-
working (SDN) and network function virtualization (NFV) technologies have emerged as
promising solutions that change the cost prole and agility of internet protocol (IP) net-
Software dened networking
works. Conceptually, SDN separates the network control logic from its underlying hard-
Data centers ware, enabling network administrators to exert more control over network functioning
Network as a service and providing a unied global view of the network. However, SDN and NFV can be merged
Network virtualization and have the potential to mitigate the challenges of legacy networks. In this paper, our aim
Network function virtualization is to describe the benets of using SDN in a multitude of environments such as in data cen-
ters, data center networks, and Network as Service offerings. We also present the various
challenges facing SDN, from scalability to reliability and security concerns, and discuss
existing solutions to these challenges.
2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction processes for switching or routing are collocated on the

same device. This situation is elucidated in Fig. 1. The
Todays Internet applications require the underlying net- decision-making capability or network intelligence is
works to be fast, carry large amounts of trafc, and to deploy distributed across the various network hardware compo-
a number of distinct, dynamic applications and services. nents. This makes the introduction of any new network
Adoption of the concepts of inter-connected data centers device or service a tedious job because it requires
and server virtualization has increased network demand reconguration of each of the numerous network nodes.
tremendously. In addition to various proprietary network Legacy networks have become difcult to automate
hardware, distributed protocols, and software components, [1,2]. Networks today depend on IP addresses to identify
legacy networks are inundated with switching devices that and locate servers and applications. This approach works
decide on the route taken by each packet individually; ne for static networks where each physical device is recog-
moreover, the data paths and the decision-making nizable by an IP address, but is extremely laborious for large
virtual networks. Managing such complex environments
Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 519 661 2111.
using traditional networks is time-consuming and expen-
E-mail addresses: mjammal@uwo.ca (M. Jammal), rasool.asal@bt.com
sive, especially in the case of virtual machine (VM) migra-
(R. Asal), yili.mba2015@ivey.ca (Y. Li). tion and network conguration. To simplify the task of

1389-1286/ 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
M. Jammal et al. / Computer Networks 72 (2014) 7498 75

Fig. 1. Inexible legacy infrastructure.

managing large virtualized networks, administrators must

resolve the physical infrastructure concerns that increase
management complexity. In addition, most modern-day
vendors use control-plane software to optimize data ow
to achieve high performance and competitive advantage
[2]. This switch-based control-plane paradigm gives net-
work administrators very little opportunity to increase
data-ow efciency across the network as a whole. The
rigid structure of legacy networks prohibits programmabil-
ity to meet the variety of client requirements, sometimes
forcing vendors into deploying complex and fragile pro-
grammable management systems. In addition, vast teams
of network administrators are employed to make thousands
of changes manually to network components [2,3].
The demand for services and network usage is growing
rapidly. Although growth drivers such as video trafc, big
data, and mobile usage augment revenues, they pose sig-
nicant challenges for network operators [4]. Mobile and
Telco operators are encountering spectrum congestion,
the shift to internet protocol (IP), and increased mobile
users. Concurrently, data-center operators are facing tre-
mendous growth in the number of servers and virtual
machines, increasing server-to-server communication traf-
c. In order to tackle these challenges, operators require a
network that is efcient, exible, agile, and scalable.
Inspired by the words of Marc Andreesen, software is
eating the world, software-dened networking (SDN) and
virtualization are poised to be the solutions that overcome
the challenges described above. SDN operates on an
aggregated and centralized control plane that might be a
promising solution for network management and control
problems. The main idea behind SDN is to separate the for-
warding/data plane from the control plane while providing
programmability on the control plane, as illustrated in Fig. 2. Fig. 2. SDN architecture.
76 M. Jammal et al. / Computer Networks 72 (2014) 7498

Despite its obvious advantages and its ability to simplify 2.1.2. Northbound application interfaces
networks, SDN encounters some technical challenges that The northbound application programming interfaces
can restrict its functionality and performance in cloud com- (APIs) represent the software interfaces between the soft-
puting, information technology (IT) organizations, and net- ware modules of the controller platform and the SDN
working enterprises. Compared to recent surveys [5,6], this applications running atop the network platform. These
paper tackles most of the SDN challenges with their causes APIs expose universal network abstraction data models
and existing solutions in a comprehensive and detailed and functionality for use by network applications. The
manner. It addresses reliability, scalability, latency, control- northbound APIs are open source-based.
ler placement, recent hardware shortages, and security
issues. Overcoming these challenges might assist IT organi- 2.1.3. EastWest protocols
zations and network enterprises in exploring and improv- In the case of a multi-controller-based architecture, the
ing the various opportunities and functionalities of SDN. EastWest interface protocol manages interactions
In this paper, Section 2 denes SDN and discusses its between the various controllers.
architecture and its protocol, OpenFlow. The concept of
network virtualization (NV) is elucidated in Section 3, with 2.1.4. Data plane and southbound protocols
a discussion of how NV has emerged as a potential solution The data plane represents the forwarding hardware in
to the current ossied network architecture and offers ben- the SDN network architecture. Because the controller
ets that can rapidly alter both the networking and cloud- needs to communicate with the network infrastructure, it
computing industries. Section 4 discusses various SDN requires certain protocols to control and manage the inter-
applications in data-center networks and Network as a Ser- face between various pieces of network equipment. The
vice. Section 5 analyzes the various challenges facing SDN, most popular southbound protocol is the OpenFlow pro-
their causes, and their recent solutions. Finally, the last tocol. The following section explains OpenFlow and its
section summarizes various research initiatives in the architecture.
SDN eld, starting from SDN prototypes, development
tools and languages, and virtualization implementations 2.2. SDN benets
using SDN and ending with the various SDN vendors.
SDN provides several benets to address the challenges
2. Software-dened networking and openow facing legacy network architectures.
2.2.1. Programmability of the network
Most current network devices have control and data- By implementing a new orchestration level, SDN can
ow functionalities operating on the same device. The only tackle the inexibility and complexity of the traditional
control available to a network administrator is from the network. SDN provides enterprises with the ability to con-
network management plane, which is used to congure trol their networks programmatically and to scale them
each network node separately. The static nature of current without affecting performance, reliability, or the user
network devices does not permit detailed control-plane experience [4]. The data- and control-plane abstractions
conguration. This is exactly where software-dened net- constitute the immense worth of SDN. By eliminating the
working comes into the picture. The ultimate goal of SDN complexity of the infrastructure layer and adding visibility
as dened in [7] is to provide open user-controlled man- for applications and services, SDN simplies network man-
agement of the forwarding hardware of a network element. agement and brings virtualization to the network. It
SDN operates on the idea of centralizing control-plane abstracts ow control from individual devices to the net-
intelligence, but keeping the data plane separate. Thus, work level. Network-wide data-ow control gives adminis-
the network hardware devices keep their switching fabric trators the power to dene network ows that meet
(data plane), but hand over their intelligence (switching connectivity requirements and address the specic needs
and routing functionalities) to the controller. This enables of discrete user communities.
the administrator to congure the network hardware With the SDN approach, network administrators no
directly from the controller. This centralized control of longer need to implement custom policies and protocols
the entire network makes the network highly exible [8,9]. on each device in the network separately. In the general
SDN architecture, control-plane functions are separated
from physical devices and are performed by an external
2.1. SDN architecture controller (e.g., standard server running SDN software).
SDN provides programmability on the control plane itself,
Compared to legacy networks, there are four additional through which changes can be implemented and dissemi-
components in SDN [810] (see Figs. 3 and 4). nated either to a specic device or throughout the network
hardware on a secure channel. This approach promises to
2.1.1. Control plane facilitate the integration of new devices into the existing
The control plane/controller presents an abstract view architecture. The SDN controller improves the trafc engi-
of the complete network infrastructure, enabling the neering capabilities of the network operators using video
administrator to apply custom policies/protocols across trafc. It enables network operators to control their con-
the network hardware. The network operating system gestion hot spots and reduces the complexity of trafc
(NOX) controller is the most widely deployed controller. engineering [4].
M. Jammal et al. / Computer Networks 72 (2014) 7498 77

Fig. 3. Basic SDN-based network architecture.

Fig. 4. API directionality in SDN architecture.

2.2.2. The rise of virtualization providers. This enables their tenants to obtain various
SDN is a promising opportunity for managing hyper- views over the data-center network (DCN) according to
scale data centers (DCs). Data centers raise signicant sca- their demands.
lability issues, especially with the growth of virtual SDN is a promising approach for offering Networks as a
machines (VMs) and their migration. Moving a VM and Service (NaaS) which will enable exible service models
updating the media access control (MAC) address table and virtual network operators and endow enterprises with
using traditional network architecture may interrupt the the ability to control DCs and their trafc. This paper intro-
user experience and applications. duces the benets of NaaS and its consolidation with SDN
Therefore, network virtualization, which can be seen as using different cloud models.
an SDN application, offers a prominent opportunity for
hyper-scale data centers. It provides tunnels that can 2.2.3. Device conguration and troubleshooting
abstract the MAC address from the infrastructure layer, With SDN, device conguration and troubleshooting
enabling Layer 2 trafc to run over Layer 3 overlays and can be done from a single point on the network which
simplifying VM deployment and migration in the network pushes us closer to realizing the ultimate goal of a
[4]. dynamic network that can be congured and made adapt-
Furthermore, SDN enables multi-tenant hosting provid- able according to needs. SDN also provides the capability
ers to link their physical and virtual servers, local and to encourage innovation in the networking eld by offering
remote facilities, and public and private clouds into a sin- a programmable platform for experiments on novel proto-
gle logical network. As a result, each customer will have cols and policies using production trafc. Separating data
an isolated view of the network provider. SDN adds a virtu- ows from test ows facilitates the adoption of newer pro-
alization layer to the fabric architecture of the cloud tocols and ideas into the networking domain [2,3].
78 M. Jammal et al. / Computer Networks 72 (2014) 7498

From a broader perspective, SDN offers a form of net- common ground with the architectures proposed by
working in which packet routing control can be separated ForCES and SoftRouter; however, the difference lies in
from switching hardware [3]. As a result, when the SDN inserting the concept of ows and leveraging the existence
and Ethernet fabrics are consolidated, real network intelli- of ow tables in commercial switches [11].
gence is achieved [4]. OpenFlow-compliant switches come in two main types:
Since OpenFlow is the industrial standard interface for OpenFlow-only and OpenFlow-hybrid. OpenFlow-only
SDN between the control and the data layers, the following switches support only OpenFlow operations, i.e., all packets
subsection denes it and its architecture. are processed by the OpenFlow pipeline. OpenFlow-hybrid
switches support both OpenFlow operations and normal
2.3. OpenFlow Ethernet switching operations, i.e., traditional L2 and L3
switching and routing. These hybrid switches support a
OpenFlow is the protocol used for managing the south- classication mechanism outside of OpenFlow that routes
bound interface of the generalized SDN architecture. It is trafc to either of the packet-processing pipelines [11].
the rst standard interface dened to facilitate interaction
between the control and data planes of the SDN architec- 2.3.1. OpenFlow architecture
ture. OpenFlow provides software-based access to the ow Basically, the OpenFlow architecture consists of numer-
tables that instruct switches and routers how to direct net- ous pieces of OpenFlow-enabled switching equipment
work trafc. Using these ow tables, administrators can which are managed by one or more OpenFlow controllers,
quickly change network layout and trafc ow. In addition, as shown in Fig. 5.
the OpenFlow protocol provides a basic set of management
tools which can be used to control features such as topol- Dening a ow. Network trafc can be partitioned
ogy changes and packet ltering. The OpenFlow specica- into ows, where a ow could be a transmission control
tion is controlled and dened by the non-prot open protocol (TCP) connection, packets with the same MAC
network foundation (ONF), which is led by a board of address or IP address, packets with the same virtual local
directors from seven companies that own and operate area network (VLAN) tag, or packets arriving from the
some of the largest networks in the world (Deutsche Tele- same switch port [9].
kom, Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Verizon, Yahoo, and
NTT). Most of the networking hardware vendors such as OpenFlow switch. An OpenFlow switch consists of
HP, IBM, and CISCO offer switches and routers that use one or more ow tables and a group table. It performs
the OpenFlow protocol [10]. OpenFlow shares much packet look-ups and forwarding. The controller manages

Fig. 5. Basic architecture of OpenFlow.

M. Jammal et al. / Computer Networks 72 (2014) 7498 79

the OpenFlow-enabled switch using the OpenFlow proto- SDN controllers can be implemented in the following
col over a secure channel. Each ow table in the switch is three structures [12]:
made up of a set of ow entries in which each ow entry
consists of match header elds, counters, and a set of I. Centralized structure.
instructions to apply to matching packets [11]. II. Distributed structure.
III. Multi-layer structure. OpenFlow channel. The OpenFlow channel is the
interface that connects each OpenFlow switch to a control- 2.3.2. Flow & group tables
ler. Using this interface, the controller congures and man- Each entry in the ow table has three elds [11]:
ages the switch. The OpenFlow protocol supports three
message types, all of which are sent over a secure channel.  A packet header is specic to the ow and denes it.
These messages can be categorized as controller-to-switch, This header is almost a ten-tuple. Its elds contain
asynchronous, and symmetric, each having multiple sub- information such as VLAN ID, source and destination
types. Controller-to-switch messages are initiated by the ports, IP address, and Ethernet source and destination.
controller and are used to manage or derive information  The action species how the packets in a ow will be
directly about the state of the switch. Asynchronous mes- processed. An action can be any one of the following:
sages are initiated by the switch and are used to update (i) Forward the packet to a given port or ports.
the controller with network events and changes to the (ii) Drop the packet.
switch state. Symmetric messages are initiated by either (iii) Forward the packet to the controller.
the switch or the controller and are sent without solicita-  Statistics include information such as number of pack-
tion. The OpenFlow channel is usually encrypted using ets, number of bytes, time since the last packet matched
transport layer security (TLS), but can also operate directly the ow, and so on for each type of ow [11]. Most of
over TCP [11]. the time, counters are used to keep track of the number
of packets and bytes for each ow and the elapsed time OpenFlow controller. The controller is responsible since ow initiation.
for maintaining all the network protocols and policies
and distributing appropriate instructions to the network 2.3.3. OpenFlow protocol
devices. In other words, the OpenFlow controller is respon- An OpenFlow switch contains multiple ow and group
sible for determining how to handle packets without valid tables. Each ow table consists of many ow entries. These
ow entries. It manages the switch ow table by adding entries are specic to a particular ow and are used to per-
and removing ow entries over the secure channel using form packet look-up and forwarding. The ow entries can
the OpenFlow protocol. The controller essentially central- be manipulated as desired through OpenFlow messages
izes network intelligence. The switch must be able to exchanged between the switch and the controller on a
establish communication with a controller at a user-con- secure channel. By maintaining a ow table, the switch
gurable (but otherwise xed) IP address using a user- can make forwarding decisions for incoming packets by a
specied port. The switch initiates a standard TLS or TCP simple look-up on its ow-table entries. OpenFlow
connection to the controller when it knows its IP address. switches perform an exact match check on specic elds
Trafc to and from the OpenFlow channel does not travel of the incoming packets. For every incoming packet, the
through the OpenFlow pipeline. Therefore, the switch must switch goes through its ow table to nd a matching entry.
identify incoming trafc as local before checking it against The ow tables are sequentially numbered, starting at 0.
the ow tables. The switch may establish communication The packet-processing pipeline always starts at the rst
with a single controller or with multiple controllers. ow table. The packet is rst matched against the entries
Having multiple controllers improves reliability of ow table 0. If the packet matches a ow entry in a ow
because the switch can continue to operate in OpenFlow table, the corresponding instruction set is executed.
mode if one controller connection fails. The hand-over Instructions associated with each ow entry describe
between controllers is entirely managed by the controllers packet forwarding, packet modication, group table pro-
themselves, which enables load balancing and fast recov- cessing, and pipeline processing.
ery from failure. The controllers coordinate the manage- Pipeline-processing instructions enable packets to be
ment of the switch among themselves, and the goal of sent to subsequent tables for further processing and enable
the multiple controller functionality is only to help syn- aggregated information (metadata) to be communicated
chronize controller hand-offs performed by the controllers. between tables. Flow entries may also forward to a port.
The multiple controller functionality addresses only This is usually a physical port, but may also be a virtual port.
controller fail-over and load balancing. When OpenFlow Flow entries may also point to a group, which species
operation is initiated, the switch must connect to all con- additional processing. A group table consisting of group
trollers with which it is congured and try to maintain entries offers additional methods of forwarding (multicast,
connectivity with all of them concurrently. Many control- broadcast, fast reroute, link aggregation, etc.). A group
lers may send controller-to-switch commands to the entry consists of a group identier, a group type, counters,
switch; the reply or error messages related to these com- and a list of action buckets, where each action bucket
mands must be sent only on the controller connection contains a set of actions to be executed and associated
associated with that command. Typically, the controller parameters. Groups also enable multiple ows to be for-
runs on a network-attached server [11]. warded to a single identier, e.g., IP forwarding to a
80 M. Jammal et al. / Computer Networks 72 (2014) 7498

common next hop. Sometimes packet may not match a Network virtualization projects the network hardware as
ow entry in any of the ow tables; this is called a table a business platform capable of delivering a wide range of IT
miss. The action taken in case of a miss depends on the services and corporate value [16]. It delivers increased appli-
table conguration. By default, the packet is sent to the cation performance by dynamically maximizing network
controller over the secure channel. Another option is to asset utilization while reducing operating requirements [7].
drop the packet [11]. With the emergence of SDN, network virtualization
In summary, SDN provides a new concept and architec- becomes engaged in cloud computing applications. NV
ture for managing and conguring networks using a provides network management for the interconnection
dynamic and agile infrastructure. But the networking area between servers in DCs. It allows the cloud services to be
is not only experiencing the emergence of SDN but also dynamically allocated and extend the limits of DC into
network virtualization and network function virtualiza- the network infrastructure [17].
tion. The three solutions build an automated, scalable, vir- Network virtualization has many aspects, including vir-
tualized and agile networking and cloud environment. tualized dual backbones, network service virtualization,
Therefore, the following section introduces network virtu- virtual service orchestration, network I/O virtualization,
alization, network function virtualization and their rela- and network-hosted storage virtualization. Fig. 7 presents
tionship with SDN. a general network-virtualization architecture consisting
of rewall-dened layers [18,19].
Starting from the bottom:
3. Network virtualization

The value of SDN in the enterprise lies specically in its 3.1.1. Infrastructure provider (InP)
ability to provide network virtualization and automated The infrastructure provider (InP) is responsible for
conguration across the entire network fabric, enabling maintaining the underlying physical equipment. Each
rapid deployment of new services and end systems in addi- organization taking on this role must offer its resources
tion to minimizing operating cost [13,14]. virtually to build a virtual network.

3.1.2. Virtual network provider (VNP)

3.1. Denition
The virtual network provider (VNP) is responsible for
requesting virtual resources and assembling the virtual
Conceptually, network virtualization decouples and iso-
network for a virtual network operator (VNO). The virtual
lates virtual networks from the underlying network hard-
network provider can use a number of infrastructure pro-
ware [15], as shown in Fig. 6.
viders to provide virtual network resources.
The isolated networks share the same physical infra-
structure. Once virtualized, the underlying physical net-
work is used only for packet forwarding. Multiple 3.1.3. Virtual network operator (VNO)
independent virtual networks are then overlaid on the VNOs must assess the network requirements for the VNP
existing network hardware, offering the same features to assemble the virtual resources. VNOs are also responsible
and guarantees as a physical network, but with the operat- for managing and granting access to virtual networks.
ing benets and hardware independence of virtual
machines [13]. To achieve virtualization at the network 3.1.4. Service provider
level, a network virtualization platform (NVP) is needed Service providers use virtual network resources and
to transform the physical network components into a gen- services to tailor specialized services for end users.
eralized pool of network capacity, similar to how a server
hypervisor transforms physical servers into a pool of com- 3.1.5. Virtual network user/end user
pute capacity. Decoupling virtual networks from physical End users consume the resources of the virtual network
hardware enables network capacity to scale without affect- through services provided by the virtual network directly
ing virtual network operations [13,14]. or services provided by a service provider.

Physical Layer Virtual Networks

Hardware Layer Soware Logical Logical Switch
Layer (Decoupling, Layer Router

VLANs Conguraons
Logical Load Logical
Balancer Firewall

Fig. 6. The concept of network virtualization.

M. Jammal et al. / Computer Networks 72 (2014) 7498 81

Fig. 7. General network virtualization architecture.

Three components are essential for a virtual network to as a tool in the deployment of networks using different or
function properly: virtual servers, virtual nodes, and vir- even incompatible routing protocols.
tual links. Virtual servers provide end users with a means
to access virtual network services by implementing virtual 3.2.2. Encouraging network innovation
machines. The virtual servers can also switch transparently Like SDN, network virtualization can be used to encour-
between virtual machines to enable dynamic service age innovation in the networking domain. The isolation
changes. This feature is particularly helpful in the face of that can exist between two virtual networks can be used
ever-changing client needs. Virtual nodes represent physi- to create separate domains for production trafc and test
cal nodes such as routers and switches. A virtual node trafc. This isolation guarantees that a malfunction exper-
operates in both the data and control planes. The node is iment will not affect production trafc.
congured by VNOs to forward data appropriately. Virtual
links provide a means of dividing and sharing physical 3.2.3. Provisioning of independent and diverse networks
links. The concept of virtual links ensures exibility in net- NV deploys packet handling, quality of service (QoS)
work topology [18,19]. and security policies to congure network operations and
behaviors. This conguration allows the categorization of
3.2. Benets of network virtualization different networks based on their services, users and
Some of the key benets offered by network virtualiza-
tion are mentioned below [20,21]. 3.2.4. Deployment of agile network capabilities
The inclusion of agile facilities into the current network
3.2.1. Co-existence of dissimilar networks improves the data transport efciency and provides robust
Network virtualization makes it possible to create mul- network. With the agile manner, NV allows the integration
tiple virtual networks on the same physical hardware. between legacy and advanced networks. Also, it enables
However, these virtual networks can be isolated from migration from legacy systems into advanced ones in an
other existing virtual networks. This isolation can be used agile manner.
82 M. Jammal et al. / Computer Networks 72 (2014) 7498

3.2.5. Resource optimization network to reect any changes in the network. Therefore,
The dynamic mapping of multiple virtual network NV can be viewed as an overlay connecting any two
nodes to the physical substrate ensures that the network domains in a network. While NV can be viewed as an over-
hardware is utilized up to capacity. This approach cuts lay, NFV deploys services on it.
down on hardware costs and delivers additional prot to NFV uses the virtualization technology to manage the
the infrastructure provider. networking functions through software. It builds blocks
of virtualized network functions (VNFs) that handle spe-
3.2.6. Deployment of distinct network services cic functions running in VMs on top of the networking
Network services such as wireless local area networks infrastructure such as routers, switches, or servers. NFV
(WLANs) and Intranet require specic network architec- uses these functions to allow the administrators turn up
tures. In addition, a multi-national corporation might need the rewalls or intrusion prevention systems (IPS) in the
to offer distinct services to its employees. This can add same way they set up VMs. NFV virtualizes the functions
complexity to the existing overlay network. Network virtu- from layer 4 (L4) till layer 7 (L7) such as load balancing
alization can help alleviate these problems by deploying and rewalls. If an administrator can enable modications
such services in separate virtual networks. at the top of the infrastructure layer, NFV can provide
changes for L4L7 functions virtually.
3.3. Network function virtualization Both NV and NFV may run on high performance x86
platforms. NV tunnel facilitates VM migration indepen-
As for the ambiguity between the concepts of network dently of the underlying network. NFV enables the func-
function virtualization (NFV) and SDN, it is necessary to tions on NV, provides an abstraction and virtual services
take advantage of the denitions and benets of both on it. As NV eliminates the need for network recongura-
technologies. tion, NFV saves time on manual training and provisioning.

3.3.1. Denition of NFV 3.3.3. NFV and SDN

Expansion of the deployment of various applications SDN and NFV are complementary technologies; they do
and network services induced service providers to come not depend on each other. However, both concepts can be
up with the concept of NFV. Therefore, they established a merged to mitigate potentially the challenges of legacy
European telecommunication standards institute (ETSI) networks. The functions of the SDN controller can be
Industry Specication Group for NFV. The group dened deployed as virtual functions, meaning that the OpenFlow
the real concept of NFV together with its requirements switches will be controlled using NFV software. SDN tech-
and architecture. niques can be used to program the networking infrastruc-
NFV decouples network functions, e.g., rewalls, ture to connect VNFs when setting up an NFV service. The
domain name service (DNS), and caching, from dedicated SDN controller can program the physical and the virtual
hardware appliances and entrusts them to a software- switches associated with hypervisors to create routing
based application running on a standardized IT infrastruc- rules in order to add VNFs to the network. Both NFV and
ture, high-volume servers, switches, and storage devices. SDN automate the deployment and management of differ-
The interesting feature of NFV is its availability for both ent network services, by running their software in a virtu-
wired and wireless network platforms. NFV reduces capital alized or cloud environments.
expenditures (CAPEX) and operating expenditures (OPEX) The multi-tenancy requirements of the cloud pushed
by minimizing the purchase of dedicated hardware appli- the NFV to support use of a software overlay network. This
ances, as well as their power and cooling requirements. software network is created by SDN. It consists of a set of
Virtualization of network functions enables fast scale-up tunnels and virtual switches that prohibits sudden interac-
or scale-down of various network services and provides tions between different virtual network functions. These
agile delivery of these services using a software application functions will be managed using the SDN model.
running on commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) servers. Merging NFV and SDN enables replacement of expen-
sive and dedicated hardware equipment by software and
3.3.2. NFV and NV generic hardware. The control plane is transferred from
NV partitions the network logically and creates logical dedicated platforms to optimized locations in DCs.
segments in it. It uses then the network resources through Abstraction of this plane eliminates the need to upgrade
these logical segmentations. This is achieved by installing network appliances simultaneously and thus accelerates
software and services that manage the sharing of the evolution and deployment of network services and
resources, storage and applications. Using NV, all services applications. Table 1 provides a comparison between SDN
and servers in the network appear as a single resources and NFV concepts.
pool. In summary, both NFV and SDN aims at transitioning
At the ow level, NV creates virtual networks on the the network management from hardware to the software
shared physical network to facilitate the movement of layer. However, NFV concentrates on moving network
VMs across different logical domains without recongur- functions to virtualized environments and use standard
ing the network. In this isolation approach, each tenant x86 processors for everything while SDN aims at separat-
has a virtual network supporting virtual subnets and rout- ing the network control layer from the forwarding layer.
ing. Since a software is used to dene these virtual net- The alphabet soup might be devastating, but the three
works, it is not necessary to recongure the physical types of technology, NV, NFV and SDN, are trying to solve
M. Jammal et al. / Computer Networks 72 (2014) 7498 83

Table 1
Comparison between SDN and NFV.

Motivation  Decoupling of control and data planes Abstraction of network functions from
 Providing centralized controller and network programmability dedicated hardware appliances to COTS servers
Network location Data centers, cloud, campus Service provider networks
Network devices Servers and switches Servers and switches
Protocols OpenFlow N/A
Applications Cloud orchestration and networking Firewalls, gateways, content delivery network,
routers, wide area network accelerators
Standardization committee Open Networking Forum (ONF) ETSI NFV group

different subsets of the network agility, scalability and server tiers and horizontal scaling. Therefore, data centers
mobility. While NV and NFV can reside on the servers of need to brace themselves for an increase in internal trafc
the existing network, SDN requires the construction of new due to massive deployment of these Web applications.
network where the control and data layers are decoupled. Because dynamic scaling in data-center networks is
based on static network devices (Ethernet and IP packet
4. SDN applications connections), IT teams encounter a discontinuity gap dur-
ing the implementation of scalable data-center networks.
SDN is a promising approach that can overcome the However, it appears that the ood waters are about to
challenges facing cloud computing services, specically overrun tactical network sandbags [22]. The ESG describes
NaaS and DCNs. Therefore, the following section highlights the main network challenges as follows:
the importance of SDN in these elds and describes its var-
ious applications in DCNs and NaaS. Network segmentation and security. Nowadays, DCN
segmentation is based on a mix of VLANs, IP subnets,
4.1. Data-center networks device-based access-control lists (ACLs), and rewall rules
that have been maintained for years. However, these hard-
4.1.1. Motivation wired segmentation and security controls are not compat-
The scale and complexity of data-center networks ible with data centers that are populated by VM workloads
(DCNs) are approaching the limit of traditional networking and cloud-computing platforms.
equipment and IT operations [22]. Currently, the infra-
structure of data-center networks is undergoing tremen- Trafc engineering. Any trafc congestion or hard-
dous and rapid changes. ware failure will affect the performance and latency of all
The Enterprise Strategy Group (ESG) has dened the other devices because network trafc follows xed paths
reasons that have provoked these changes and summarizes and multiple hops. In addition, the deployment of VMs
them as follows: and virtual servers in recent DCNs adds a supplementary
burden to network performance [23].
 Aggressive alliances in data centers. Network provisioning and conguration. Although
ESGs research statistics show that 63% of the enter- virtual servers are provisioned by cloud orchestration
prises polled are planning the fusion of their data centers tools, the policies of the data-center equipment and control
[22]. A large expansion may occur in these data centers paths must be set up on a device-to-device or ow-to-ow
as they harbor extra applications, network trafc, and basis, and heterogeneous networks must be managed by
devices. Therefore, many associations might consolidate multiple management systems. Even though network
their data centers into multi-tenant facilities. management software can help at this stage, network con-
guration changes remain a tedious link-level slog [22].
 Progressive use of virtualization technology. Further information concerning DCN challenges can be
found in [22,23]. Ultimately, DCN discontinuity will be a
Large enterprises such as Citrix, Microsoft, and VMware threat to business operations because it may induce degra-
are deploying server virtualization technologies. In addi- dations in service level, delays in business initiatives, and
tion, other organizations are now willing to introduce increase in IT operating costs [22]. Although networking
new initiatives to their infrastructure that use virtualiza- vendors have launched some innovations such as network
tion technology concepts. Consequently, compact integra- fabric and convergence architectures to x the fractures in
tion among physical infrastructure, virtual servers, and the DCN infrastructure, these solutions do not address the
networks is required. problems in heterogeneous networks. Nevertheless, the
software-dened network paradigm is a promising solu-
 Wide deployment of web applications. tion to solve these challenges in DCN setups.

Web-based applications are widely used in many orga- 4.1.2. SDN deployment in DCNs
nizations [22]. Moreover, these applications use server-to- In SDN OpenFlow based-networks, the virtual network
server communication because they are based on x86 segments are centrally congured, and network security
84 M. Jammal et al. / Computer Networks 72 (2014) 7498

is simplied by directing ows to security policy services. uses IP addresses for VM identication and provides
Moreover, the central controller transforms the core and load-balanced services based on encoding strategies. The
aggregation devices into a high-speed transport back- architecture is implemented on a multi-rooted tree (CORE,
plane [22]. The controller can provision a new device that AGGR, and ToR) because this is a common DCN topology.
is added to the network and allow it to receive the cong- However, other topologies can be considered in a SiBF
uration policy when it appears online. Finally, SDN data-center architecture. The OpenFlow controller, e.g.,
improves DCN infrastructure, its power consumption, and the rack manager, installs the ow mapping into the ToR
its various metrics. Due to these improvements and modi- switches and consists of directory services, topology ser-
cations, different SDN applications in DCNs have been vices, and topology discovery. With its modules, the con-
proposed. troller can be implemented as an application in the NOX
controller. Flow requests are handled by neighboring rack Changes in DCN Infrastructure. Automation and vir- managers in case of any failure in the master controller.
tualization of data-center LANs and WANs has resulted in a However, when an OpenFlow switch fails, its trafc is
exible and dynamic infrastructure that can accommodate interrupted until the SiBF installs new mappings (new ow
operating-cost challenges. As a result, Vello systems [24] routes) in the ToR switches. The proposed data-center
has proposed an open and scalable virtualization solution architecture, based on distributed OpenFlow controllers,
that connects the storage and computation resources of guarantees better scalability and fault-tolerant perfor-
the data center to private and public cloud platforms. To mance in the DCN. Table 2 summarizes various approaches
facilitate the migration of VMs from their Layer 2 network, for implementing SDN in a DCN infrastructure.
Layer 2 was extended across multiple DCs using Layer 3
routing. However, Layer 3 routing introduces challenges The green DCN. Implementing an energy-efcient
in intra-data center connectivity and cannot meet the data-center network is an important step toward a green
requirements for VM migration across DCs. Therefore, the cloud. An energy-aware data-center architecture based on
proposed solution is based on a cloud-switching system an OpenFlow platform has been proposed in [26]. Because
that enables cloud providers and enterprises to overcome designing an energy-efcient data center requires an
the traditional Layer 2 domains, the direct server-to-server experimental environment, the authors in [26] analyzed
connection, and virtual server migration. the proposed architecture based on the Reducing Energy
Because the switching system supports integration of Consumption in Data-Center Networks and Trafc Engi-
end-to-end network attributes, its operating system can neering (ECODANE) project. The platform provides guide-
provide a framework for SDN. Thus, OpenFlow-based allow lines for measuring and analyzing energy consumption in
the cloud to migrate performance, QoS, and security poli- DCN elements (ports, links, and switches) based on realis-
cies concurrently with VM migration. Finally, the SDN- tic measurements from NetFPGA-based OpenFlow
based Vello systems permit a unied view and control of switches. The NetFPGA energy model was extracted from
the global cloud for WAN resource optimization. several energy measurements using the Xilinx power-esti-
In [25], an OpenFlow-based test-bed implementation, mation tool. The Xpower tool uses the Verilog source code
switching with in-packet Bloom lters (SiBF), has been of the OpenFlow switch as its input and estimates the
proposed as data-center architecture. The suggested archi- power measurements.
tecture was inspired by the onset of SDN, which transforms The power-estimation model was tested using the Min-
the DCN into a software problem while leaving the hard- inet [27] emulator, a simple testbed for developing Open-
ware vendors responsible for device implementation. SiBF Flow applications. The Elastic Tree topology was used to
introduces an army of rack managers that act as distrib- test the proposed data-center architecture. The OpenFlow
uted controllers, contain all the ow-setup congurations, switches are controlled by the NOX controller, which
and require only topology information. Intrinsically, SiBF consists of an optimizer, a power controller, and routing

Table 2
SDN in DCN infrastructure.

Proposed solution Objective Functionality

Changes in DCN infrastructure
SDN-based Vello systems [24]  Override the traditional Layer 2 domains  Enable migration of performance and QoS and security
and Layer 3 routing challenges policies with VM migration
 Facilitate live VM migration within and  Provide a unied view and control of the global cloud for WAN
across DCNs resource optimization
 Provide network automation and virtualization of LAN and
WAN connectivity and resource allocation
Switching with in-packet Override the single point of failure problem by using a distributed
Bloom lters (SiBF) [25] controller system
 Transform the DCN into a software problem  Provide load-balancing services
 Leave the responsibility for device  Guarantee better scalability and fault tolerance performance
implementation to hardware vendors in DCN by using rack managers
 No evaluation of the proposed routing approach
 Lack of trafc engineering studies of different ow sizes
M. Jammal et al. / Computer Networks 72 (2014) 7498 85

modules. The optimizer nds the minimum power of the Furthermore, SDN has often been mentioned as an
network subset that satises the trafc conditions and approach to implementing and improving the metrics of
QoS requirements. The minimum power estimate is data-center networks. In [30], a loss-free multipathing
deduced from the number of links or switches that are (MP) control congestion (CC) approach for a DCN was pro-
turned off or put in sleep mode. The power-control module posed. The authors introduced integration between MP
determines the power state of the network elements based and CC to provide lossless delivery and better throughput
on the OpenFlow messages and Mininet APIs and noties for the DCN.
switches to enter the appropriate power-saving mode. The integration mechanism was based on a dynamic
The last module is used to nd the optimal routing path load-balancing multipathing approach [31]. The proposed
in the DCN. This study is a rst stage in building a green mechanism uses OpenFlow switches and a central control-
data center based on the new SDN paradigm. Table 3 sum- ler to reduce network overhead (path load updates) and
marizes various SDN approaches in a green DCN. enable the switches to deal with any network situation
Based on the results and the proposed data-center even during trafc bursts [30]. OpenFlow is enabled only
architecture described in [26], an extension to OpenFlow in the access switches. The controller collects information
switches for saving energy consumption in data centers about the network from their routing tables. The controller
has been proposed in [28] and can be used later on as a ref- updates the switches with any change in the path load
erence. The authors presented a solution to decrease the on the associated routes with a short delay. Although the
environmental inuence of massive carbon emissions in MP-CC integration mechanism shows lossless delivery
data centers. This solution consists of controlling power due to fast reaction of the switches to network changes,
consumption in data-center switches based on an exten- the proposed algorithm considers path load as the only
sion to OpenFlow switches. This extension adds new mes- parameter to handle DCN trafc.
sages to the OpenFlow protocol which enable the Recent applications have imposed many requirements
controller to control the switch over different power-sav- on cloud service providers, and therefore, cloud data-cen-
ing modes. More detailed information about the new ter networks have to be multi-tenant, low-cost, exible,
power-control messages and the design of the OpenFlow and recongurable on demand. On the other hand, current
Switch Controller (OSC) can be found in [28]. OpenFlow DCN strategies cannot meet all these requirements, and
can reduce conguration time and enable exible pro- therefore [32] proposed an SDN-based network solution.
grammable controller-based management operations and The proposed prototype consists of a central controller
is therefore recommended for use in cloud data centers. that manages multiple OpenFlow switch instances and
packet ltering. The controller stores the database of the Improving DCN metrics. Baker et al. [29] describes management information of the L2 virtual network, called
an experimental study for improving the performance, sca- the slice. The proposed prototype removes the limitations
lability, and agility of a cloud data center using the Open- on the number of VLANs and responds to on-demand net-
Flow protocol. The authors built a prototype cloud data work updates based on APIs that simplify these congura-
center in which the route trafc was controlled by an tion updates. However, the ow-setup process in the
OpenFlow controller; different metrics were tested on the switch introduces a longer ow-setup time than in legacy
prototype. The proposed algorithms and the prototype networks [32].
design are discussed in detail in [29]. Testing of perfor- Another study proposed an approach to evaluate DCN
mance, throughput, and bandwidth for various network performance by implementing an OpenFlow re-routing
sizes and topologies was done using the Mininet emulator control mechanism to manage DCN ows [33]. Perfor-
with its numerous tools. The results show that bandwidth mance is represented by load distribution, throughput,
performance and the number of ow modications per and link utilization metrics. The proposed re-routing
second were better with the Kernel switches, a test image scheme initially uses the least loaded route; in case of con-
of OpenFlow, than with user-space switches. However, gestion, large ows are re-routed onto alternative paths,
replacement of data-center switches with OpenFlow while small ows pursue their track. The re-routing frame-
switches is not recommended until standardization of the work consists of an NOX controller, a monitor to store
software platform has been achieved. switch statistics, a host tracker that tracks the entire set

Table 3
SDN in a green DCN.

Proposed solution Objective Functionality

Green DCN
OpenFlow platform for energy- Provide guidelines for studying energy  Estimate the minimum power for a given network topology
aware data center [26] consumption in DCN elements  Satisfy the trafc conditions and QoS requirements
 Provide a power module in the controller that determines
the power state of network elements
 No evaluation of the proposed approach on different
network topologies
OpenFlow Switch Controller (OSC) Decrease the inuence of carbon emissions  Reduce conguration time of network elements
[28] in the DCs  Enable exible power management operations based on the
programmable controller
86 M. Jammal et al. / Computer Networks 72 (2014) 7498

of detected hosts in the network, and nally a routing content-addressable memory (TCAM), and a controller that
engine which is responsible for routing and re-routing generates the Flow IDs. Experimental simulations were
functions. carried out to test the performance of the proposed frame-
A comparison between the single-path, equal-cost work. Results showed that Scissor introduced substantial
multi-path, and OpenFlow re-routing mechanisms showed latency improvements, as high as 30%. The evaluated
that the proposed framework has better load distribution, power gains were only 20% in the best-case scenario
throughput, and link utilization. Table 4 summarizes the because no scissor operations were performed within the
improvements in DCN metrics using the SDN approach. rack that is responsible for 75% of the DCN trafc [35].
In spite of the benets provided by introducing SDN
into DCNs, [34] concluded that building an OpenFlow sys- Virtualization in DCNs. The SDN approach mitigates
tem requires observation of the relative load on the Open- the interconnection challenges of cloud DCNs [34]. The
Flow controller. The authors studied the performance of characteristics of heterogeneous DCN architectures (VL2,
this controller in educational and private networks and Portland, and Elastic Tree) are represented by OpenFlow
concluded that a processing time of 240 ls is sufcient rules. These rules are passed to all DCN elements to imple-
for an educational network, but that private networks ment inter-DCN connectivity [36]. These rules support
require a more powerful controller with better processing VM migration between different DCN schemes without
time or distributed controllers; otherwise, severe packet connectivity interruption based on re-routing mechanisms.
loss and high packet sojourn times may occur [34]. Live VM migration in DCN is crucial in the case of disas-
The OMNet++ simulation environment was used to ter recovery, providing fault tolerance, high availability,
evaluate system performance by measuring relative packet dynamic workload balance, and server consolidation [37].
loss and mean packet sojourn time. This reference proposed a network fabric based on Open-
Packet headers are responsible for 3040% of DC trafc Flow, CrossRoads, that enables both live and ofine VM
[35] and network power consumption. Therefore, the migration across data centers. CrossRoads supports East
authors of [35] proposed a new framework, the Scissor, West trafc for VM migration within data centers and
which replaces redundant header information with a short northsouth trafc for VM migration to external clients.
identity, the Flow ID. The framework consists of a centralized controller in each
The Flow ID identies all the packets belonging to the data center, thus extending the controller placement prob-
same ow. Trimming of header information is done by lem. Table 5 presents a couple of implemented SDN
micro-architectural hardware that consists of multiplexers approaches to virtualized DCNs.
to select the elds that will be retained by the Scissor, a Experimental results showed that the proposed net-
buffer to hold the complete header temporarily, ternary work fabric has negligible overhead with respect to the

Table 4
Improvements in DCN Metrics with SDN.

Proposed solution Objective Functionality

DCN metrics
OpenFlow platform for  Improve performance, scalability, and agility in a  Improve bandwidth performance and the number of ow
scalable and agile data cloud data center modications per second in the kernel switches
center [27]  Reduce cost of operations and switch conguration time
Loss-free multipathing  Provide lossless delivery and better throughput  Reduce path-load update overhead of the network
congestion control DCN for DCN using OpenFlow switches and a central  Handle any network status and trafc burst states
[30] controller  Use the path load as the only parameter to evaluate trafc
in the DCN
SDN-based DCN solution  Meet the requirements of different applications  Remove the limitation on the number of VLANs
[32] in a cloud DCN  Respond to on-demand network updates
 Introduce longer ow-setup time compared to legacy
OpenFlow re-routing  Evaluate DCN performance and manage its ows  Use the least loaded route and alternative paths for ow
control mechanism in congestion
DCN [34]  Provide storage of switch statistics, tracking all the detected
hosts in the network and various routing and re-routing
 Provide better load distribution, throughput, and link
utilization compared to other routing mechanisms
 Combat severe packet loss and high packet sojourn time in
case of low processing time for private networks
Scissor [35]  Modify packet headers to minimize DC trafc and  Replace redundant header information with a short
network power consumption identier, the Flow ID
 Combine packets of the same ow in the same ID
 Improve latency and introduce slight improvements in
power gains
 Absence of scissor operations within the rack that is
responsible for 75% of DCN trafc
M. Jammal et al. / Computer Networks 72 (2014) 7498 87

Table 5
Virtualized DCN using SDN.

Proposed solution Objective Functionality

Virtualized DCN
Inter-DCN connectivity Mitigate the interconnection  Insert new OpenFlow rules to implement inter-DCN connectivity in the cloud
based on OpenFlow [36] challenges in a cloud DCN  Support live VM migration between different DCNs
 Minimize connectivity interruption of VMs during the migration process
CrossRoads [37] Facilitate live and ofine VM  Support EastWest trafc for migration within DCs
migration across data centers  Support NorthSouth trafc for VM migration to external clients
 Provide negligible overhead with respect to that of legacy networks

default network and outperforms the default network by SOA eliminates the tight coupling and lack of interoper-
30% [37]. ability between diverse middleware in a network. It has
In summary; SDN is a promising solution that alleviates been endorsed by Cloud Computing (CC) services; Infra-
most of the challenges faced by cloud DCNs. However, structure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS)
recent research studies have been based on small topolo- and Software as a Service (SaaS). Fig. 9 elucidates SOA in
gies or emulators. Therefore, coupling SDN to a DCN and CC environment. CC implements SOA in its different elds
a cloud resource environment and testing the performance to exploit the resources virtualization feature. This in turn
of the scheme on a real large network is needed to achieve allows SOA to introduce Network as a Service (NaaS) into
better understanding of the performance of SDN-based CC [7].
DCN setups.

4.2. Network as a service 4.2.2. Motivation

Cloud computing offers on-demand provisioning of
4.2.1. Service oriented architecture computational resources for tenants using a pay-as-you-
The service oriented architecture (SOA) is the concept of go model and outsources hardware maintenance and pur-
building a software system based on multiple integrated chases [39]. However, these tenants have limited visibility
logical units. These units known as services allow better and control over network resources and must resort to
construction and management to solve large problems in overlay networks to complete their tasks. The separation
different domains. The basic components of SOA are eluci- of computation from end-to-end routing in traditional net-
dated in Fig. 8. The architecture depends on the Services works in the cloud-computing environment could affect
used by the Service User entity. The Service Provider hands data-plane performance and control-plane exibility.
over these services and the Service Registry coordinates These drawbacks can be addressed by NaaS. It provides
the services information and publishes them for the Ser- secure and direct access for tenants to cloud resources and
vice User [38]. offerings and enables efcient use of the network
SOA satises the requirements of different applications infrastructure in the data center [39]. NaaS is a new Inter-
by balancing the computational resources. It virtualizes net-based model that enables a communication service
and integrates these resources in form of services entities. provider to provide network resources on demand to the
Therefore, the basic aspect of SOA is the coupling user according to a service-level agreement (SLA). NaaS
between different systems. Every system has information can also be seen from the service point of view as an
about the behavior and implementation of its partners. abstraction between network functions and protocols [40].
The information gathering procedure facilitates the cou- The top abstraction layers deal with NaaS as a service
pling feature in SOA. that uses the network and customizes its capacity. Cus-
tomization in the lower layers is replaced by resource
management policies. [13] denes Naas as Telco as a Ser-
Service Directory vice (TaaS), which offers a common network and IT sub-
strate that can be virtualized and combined as a slice.
Naas is also dened as a Web 2.0 model that provides
Find Register
software as a service utility by exposing network capabili-
ties (billing, charging, location, etc.) as APIs to third-party
application service providers [41]. In NaaS, the owners of
the underlying network infrastructure offer virtual net-
work services to a third party. There is a clear demarcation
Service Consumer lnvoke Service Provider between the roles of infrastructure providers (InPs) and
virtual network operators (VNOs).
The InP is responsible for the operating processes in the
Client Service
underlying network infrastructure, and the VNO is respon-
sible for the operating processes in the virtual networks
Fig. 8. Components of SOA. that run on top of the physical infrastructure.
88 M. Jammal et al. / Computer Networks 72 (2014) 7498

Mobile Applications Business Applications Subscription Layer

Map services Globe Services Database Services

Server Publishing Layer

Authoring Layer

Fig. 9. SOA in cloud computing environment.

The NaaS scenario offers many business incentives, allocation, interconnection, and reliability assurance for
such as higher revenues for InPs and lower capital and protocol service instances through service migration in
operating expenditures for VNOs, because it enables a cases of network failures and high load [40]. Finally, the
number of virtual networks to run on the same underlying NPS is responsible for describing, managing, and compos-
network infrastructure. Detailed information on the inter- ing the new implemented network protocols.
action between InPs and VNOs is available in [13]. The proposed architecture is implemented using the
In summary, NaaS provides the following benets to OpenFlow protocol. The implementation consists of two
operators [42]: layers: the controller control plane and the network data
plane. The rst layer is responsible for NRE and NPS func-
 Faster time to transition NaaS to market. tions. It consists of a master controller that distributes the
 Self-service provisioning. data stream to the slave servers and slave controllers that
 Flexibility in upgrading NaaS resources without long- perform switching, routing, and rewall functions. The
term constraints. data-plane layer contains the OpenFlow switches that per-
 Payment only for resources used. form packet forwarding services based on controller
 Repair and maintenance are part of the service. instructions. The authors in [40] presented NaaS in a
 Greater control in adding, changing, and deleting cloud-based network, but performance and evaluation
services. studies of the suggested implementation were not carried
4.2.3. NaaS and SDN integration The limitations on tenants in controlling and congur-
NaaS is one of the promising opportunities for SDN. ing networks in current cloud environments provided a
NaaS providers can use SDN orchestration systems to motivation for the authors of [43] to implement a Cloud-
obtain a powerful user interface for controlling and view- NaaS model. The proposed networking framework enables
ing network layers. A variety of research studies have pro- the tenant to access functions for virtual network isolation,
posed NaaS platforms in an SDN environment. addressing, and deployment of middlebox appliances [44]
for caching and application acceleration. Cloud-NaaS model. Feng et al. [40] introduced a The CloudNaaS consists of the cloud controller and the
cloud-based network architecture which evaluates the network controller. The cloud controller manages virtual
provision, delivery, and consumption of NaaS. The pro- resources and physical hosts and supports the APIs which
posed cloud-based network consists of four layers: the net- set network policies. It also species user requirements
work resource pool (NRP), the network operation interface and transforms them into a communication matrix that
(NOI), the network run-time environment (NRE), and the resides on the OpenNebula framework. These matrices
network protocol service (NPS). are compiled into network-level rules by the network con-
The NRP consists of network resources: the bandwidth, troller (NOX controller).
queues, and addresses for packet forwarding. The NOI is a The network controller installs these rules in virtual
standardized API for managing and conguring the NRP. switches, monitors and manages the conguration of net-
The NRE is the environment that performs billing, resource work devices, and decides on the placement of VMs in
M. Jammal et al. / Computer Networks 72 (2014) 7498 89

the cloud. The authors proposed optimization techniques

to mitigate the hardware limitations mentioned in [43].
These techniques were implemented in the network con-
troller and were designed to optimize trafc during VM
placement and forwarding-entry aggregation using the Scalability Low Level
same output ports. The implemented CloudNaaS exhibited
good performance with an increasing number of provision-
ing requests and used cloud resources in an effective
manner. Performance CPU
Challenges Limitations Network management in NaaS. Raghavendra et al.

[45] presents a scalable graph-query design, NetGraph, Controller Interoperability
which supports network-management operations in NaaS Placement
modules. NetGraph is implemented on a software module
on a SDN platform. The network controller consists of mul- Security
tiple service modules that collect information about the
physical and virtual network infrastructure.
The NetGraph module resides in the centralized con-
Fig. 10. SDN challenges.
troller, collects information about network topology to cal-
culate the graph of the existing topology, and supports the
service modules (NaaS modules) in their query mission. 5.1. Reliability
Details on the implementation design and the algorithms
used (Dijkstra, TEDI, and APSP) for nding the shortest The SDN controller must intelligently congure and val-
paths in a weighted graph are addressed in [45]. The idate network topologies to prevent manual errors and
authors showed that the proposed algorithms have practi- increase network availability [48]. However, this intelli-
cal compute time and are suitable for centralized gence can be inhibited because of the brain-split problem
architectures. that makes the controller liable to a single point of failure
NaaS can be seen as the ultimate connection between [49,50].
SDN and cloud computing. NaaS is a supplementary In legacy networks, when one or more network devices
scheme for SDN; while SDN is responsible for packet for- fail, network trafc is routed through alternative or nearby
warding and network administration, NaaS provides appli- nodes or devices to maintain ow continuity. However, in
cation-specic packet processing for cloud tenants [44]. centralized controller architecture (SDN) and in the
With NaaS schemes, the operators can control the band- absence of a stand-by controller, only one central control-
width, routing, and QoS requirements of their data. Even- ler is in charge of the whole network. If this controller fails,
tually, with SDN, operators can leverage current NaaS the whole network may collapse. To address this challenge,
initiatives and build their own SDN infrastructure [46]. IT organizations should concentrate on exploiting the main
However, integration with existing hardware and software controller functions that can increase network reliability
systems and providing diverse and efcient APIs are crucial [48]. In case of path/link failure, the SDN controller should
requirements for adopting the SDN and NaaS concepts have the ability to support multiple-path solutions or fast
[44]. trafc rerouting into active links.
Although the SDN concept is attracting the attention of If the controller supports technologies such as Virtual
IT organizations and networking enterprises and has vari- Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP) and Multi-Chassis
ous applications in DCNs and NaaS, the overall adoption Link Aggregation Group (MC-LAG), these might contribute
of SDN has encountered various obstacles, such as reliabil- to increasing network availability. In case of controller fail-
ity, scalability, latency, and security challenges. Section 5 ure, it is important that the controller can enable clustering
describes these challenges and presents some of the recent of two or more SDN controllers in an active stand-by
solutions proposed in the literature. Overcoming these mode; however, memory synchronization between active
challenges might assist IT organizations and network and stand-by controllers must be maintained [48].
enterprises to improve the various opportunities and ser- The authors in [25] showed that centralized controller
vices offered by SDN. architecture will interrupt network trafc and ow
requests in case of controller failure. Specically, they pro-
posed a distributed architecture, SiBF, which consists of an
5. SDN challenges and existing solutions army of rack managers (RMs), one per rack, acting as con-
trollers. Consequently, when the master controller fails,
Although SDN is a promising solution for IT and cloud ow requests are handled by another stand-by controller
providers and enterprises, it faces certain challenges that (RM) until the master controller comes back up. In case
could hinder its performance and implementation in cloud of switch failure, SiBF installs new mappings (new back-
and wireless networks [47]. Below, a list of SDN challenges up ow entries) in the ToR switches for each active entry.
and some of their existing solutions are discussed and The packets in the ToR will be routed to their destinations
illustrated in Fig. 10. on the alternative paths indicated by the back-up entries.
90 M. Jammal et al. / Computer Networks 72 (2014) 7498

Another suggested solution that can counteract reliability The solution would then be to reschedule the backup to a
limitations in a centralized architecture is described in less busy time. Unfortunately, with SDN, only a tunnel
[30]. The integration between free multipathing and con- source and a tunnel endpoint with User Datagram Protocol
trol congestion is based on a dynamic load-balancing mul- (UDP) trafc are visible, but crucially, one cannot see who
tipathing approach which runs a distributed algorithm in is using the tunnel. There is no way to determine whether
case of controller failure. The algorithm updates the the problem is the replication process, the email system, or
switches with any changes in path load on the associated something else. The true top talker is shielded from view
routes in cases of trafc congestion and load imbalance. by the UDP tunnels, which means that when trafc slows
and users complain, pinpointing the problem area in the
5.2. Scalability network is a challenge. With this loss of visibility, trouble-
shooting is hindered, scalability limitations emerge, and
Decoupling between the data and control planes distin- delays in resolution could become detrimental to the busi-
guishes SDN from a traditional network. In SDN, both planes ness [51,55]. In order to minimize the proliferation of ow
can evolve independently as long as APIs connect them entries, the controller should use header rewrites in the
[51], and this centralized view of the network accelerates network core. The ow entries will be at the ingress and
changes in the control plane. However, decoupling has its egress switches.
own drawbacks. Besides the complexity of dening stan- Improved network scalability can also be ensured by
dard APIs between both planes, scalability limitations may enabling VM and virtual storage migration between sites,
arise. Voellmy et al. [52] concluded that when the network as in IaaS software middleware based on OpenFlow and
scales up in the number of switches and the number of end CrossRoads, a network fabric based on OpenFlow, which
hosts, the SDN controller can become a key bottleneck. was discussed in previous sections [36,37]. Another solu-
As the bandwidth and the number of switches and tion to scalability concerns is proposed in DIFANE [56].
ows increase, more requests will be queued to the con- This is a distributed ow-management architecture that
troller, which may not be able to handle them all. Studies can scale up to meet the requirements (large numbers of
on a SDN controller (NOX) have shown that it can handle hosts, ows, and rules) of large networks.
30 K requests/s [53]. This may be sufcient for enterprises A viable solution to scalability challenges is proposed in
and campus networks, but it is a bottleneck for data-center the CORONET fault-tolerant SDN architecture, which is
networks with high ow rates. In addition, [53] estimates scalable to large networks because of the VLAN mechanism
that a large data center consisting of 2 million virtual installed in local switches [57]. CORONET has fast recovery
machines may generate 20 million ows per second. How- from switch or link failures, supports scalable networks,
ever, current controllers can support approximately 105 uses alternative multipath routing techniques, works with
ows per second in the optimal case [54,25]. In addition any network topology, and uses a centralized controller to
to controller overload, the ow-setup process may impose forward packets. It consists of modules responsible for
limitations on network scalability. topology discovery, route planning, trafc assignment,
Flow setup consists of four steps: and shortest-route path calculation (the Dijkstra algo-
rithm). The main feature of CORONET is the use of VLANs,
1. A packet arrives at a switch and does not match any which can simplify packet forwarding, minimize the num-
ow entry. ber of ow rules, and support scalability properties.
2. The switch sends a request to the controller to get In another solution, DevoFlow [58,59], micro-ows
instructions on how to forward the packet. are managed in the data plane and more massive ows
3. The controller sends a new ow entry with new for- in the controller, meaning that controller load will
warding rules back to the switch. decrease and network scalability will be maximized. This
4. The switch updates its entries in the ow table. approach minimizes the cost of controller visibility associ-
ated with every ow setup and reduces the effect of
The performance of the setup process depends on ow-scheduling overhead, thus enhancing network perfor-
switch resources (CPU, memory, etc.) and controller (soft- mance and scalability.
ware) performance. The update time of the switchs for- Finally, [52] describes a scalable SDN control frame-
warding information base (FIB) introduces delay in work, McNettle, which is executed on shared-memory
setting up any new ow. Early benchmarks on SDN con- multicore servers and based on Nettle [60]. Experiments
trollers and switches showed that the controller could showed that McNettle could serve 5000 switches with a
respond to a ow-setup request within one millisecond, single controller with 46 cores and could handle 14 million
while hardware switches could support a few thousand ows per second with latency below 200 ls for light loads
installations per second with a sub-10 ms latency at best and 10 ms for loads consisting of up to 5000 switches [52].
Flow-setup delays may pose a challenge to network sca- 5.3. Performance under latency constraints
lability. Furthermore, network broadcast overhead and the
proliferation of ow-table entries limit SDN scalability SDN is a ow-based technique, and therefore its perfor-
[48]. The SDN platform may cause limited visibility of net- mance is measured based on two metrics: ow-setup time,
work trafc, making troubleshooting nearly impossible. and the number of ows per second that the controller can
Prior to SDN, a network team could quickly spot, for handle [48]. There are two ways to setup a ow: proactive
example, that a backup was slowing the network down. and reactive. In proactive mode, ow setup takes place
M. Jammal et al. / Computer Networks 72 (2014) 7498 91

before packet arrival at the switch, and therefore, when a Maestro [67,68]. Maestro used two basic parameters; the
packet arrives, the switch already knows how to deal with input batching threshold (IBT), a tuneable threshold
it. This mode has negligible delay and removes the limits value that determines the stage for creating a ow-task
on the number of ows per second that can be handled process to handle the ow request, and the pending
by the controller. raw-packet threshold (PRT) that determines the allowable
In general, the SDN controller lls the ow table with number of pending packets in the queue to be processed.
the maximum number of possible ows. In reactive mode, Calibration of these parameters will identify suitable val-
ow setup is performed when a packet arriving at the ues that will decrease latency and maximize network
switch does not match any of the switch entries. Then throughput according to network state. As the values of
the controller will decide how to process/handle that PRT and IBT increase, throughput increases and delays
packet, and the instructions will be cached onto the switch. decrease [67]. Optimization techniques should be used to
As a result, reactive ow-setup time is the sum of the pro- nd the optimal range for values of PRT and IBT.
cessing time in the controller and the time for updating the Finally, the DevoFlow and McNettle architectures
switch as the ow changes. Therefore, ow initiation adds described previously can be considered as feasible solu-
overhead that limits network scalability and introduces tions to reduce network latency. McNettle implementa-
reactive ow-setup delay [61,62]. tions have shown that its improvements result in a
In other words, a new ow setup requires a controller to 50-fold reduction in controller latency [52].
agree on the ow of trafc, which means that every ow
now needs to go through the controller, which in turn 5.4. Controlling the data path between the ASIC and the CPU
instantiates the ow on the switch [6365]. However, a
controller is an application running on a server OS over a Although the control data path in a line-card ASIC is
10 GB/s link (with a latency of tens of milliseconds). It is fast, the data path between the ASIC and the CPU is not
in charge of controlling a switch which could be switching used in the frequent operations of the traditional switch,
1.2 TB/s of trafc at an average latency of 1 ls. Moreover, and therefore it is considered as a slow path. The ProCurve
the switch may deal with 100 K ows, with an average of 5406lz Ethernet switch has a bandwidth of 300 GB/s, but
30 K being dropped. Therefore, a controller may take tens the measured loopback bandwidth between the ASIC and
of milliseconds to set up a ow, while the life of a ow the CPU is 35 MB/s [59]. Note also that the slow-switch
transferring 10 MB of data (a typical Web page) is 10 ms CPU limits the bandwidth between the switch and the con-
[66,54]. troller. For instance, the bandwidth of the ow-setup pay-
The authors in [59] carried out various setup experi- load has been measured between the Procurve 5406lz
ments to test the throughput and latency of various con- Ethernet switch and the OpenFlow controller and seems
trollers. They varied the number of switches, number of to be 10 MB/s [59]. However, the DIFANE [56] architecture
threads, and controller workload. Based on these experi- leverages these limitations by distributing the OpenFlow
ments and simulations, they concluded that adding more wildcard rules among various switches to ensure that for-
threads beyond the number of switches does not improve warding decisions occur in the data plane.
latency and that serving a number of switches larger than Controlling the data path between the ASIC and the CPU
the number of available CPUs increases controller response is not a traditional operation [63]. OpenFlow species
time [62]. The experiments also showed that controller three counters for each ow-table entry: the number of
response time varies between 4 and 30 ms for different matches, the number of packet bytes in these matches,
number of switches with 4 threads and 212 requests on and the ow duration. Each counter is specied as 64 bits,
the y. However, the experimental setup and assumptions and therefore this adds 192 bits (24 bytes) of extra storage
described in [62] need to be veried in realistic network per table entry [69]. OpenFlow counters and the logic to
environments. support them add signicant ASIC complexity and area
Dealing with 100 K ows requires that the switch ASICs and place more burdens on the CPU [65,69,70]. If counters
must have this kind of ow capability. Current ASICs do not are implemented in the ASIC hardware, it may be very dif-
have this capability, and therefore the ow table must be cult to change their function as the SDN protocol evolves
used as a cache [66]. In conclusion, ow setup rate is ane- because this would require re-designing the ASIC or
mic at best on existing hardware [66], and therefore only a deploying new switch hardware [69]. Moreover, transfer-
limited number of ows per second are possible. The big O ring the local counter from the ASIC to the controller can
notation O(n) linear lookup for software tables cannot dramatically limit SDN performance.
approach the O(1) lookup of a hardware-accelerated TCAM In addition, adding SDN support to create ASICs means
in a switch, causing a drop in the packet-forwarding rate nding space for structures not typically found on an ASIC;
for large wildcard table sizes [64]. the per-ow byte counters used by OpenFlow could be the
To overcome performance limitations, the key factors largest such structures. In other words, the counters take
that affect ow-setup time should be considered. As men- space from the ASIC area, in full knowledge that this area
tioned in [48], these key factors are the processing and I/O in considered precious because designing an ASIC costs a
performance of the controller. Early benchmarks suggested lot of money and time. However, because the cost of switch
that controller performance can be increased considerably ASICs depends on their area, there is an upper limit on the
by well-known optimization techniques such as I/O area of a cost-effective ASIC [69]. Because ASIC area is valu-
batching [62]. Another viable solution to alleviate the able, this places limits on the sizes of on-chip memory
performance challenge was proposed under the name structures such as TCAMs to support ow-table entries
92 M. Jammal et al. / Computer Networks 72 (2014) 7498

and per-entry counters. However, any silicon area allo- tistics and incremental controller-state updates. The main
cated to counters will not be available for look-up tables feature that differentiates Flog from other languages is its
[69]. Ethernet learning switch. The learning process consists of
As is well known, switches have a CPU to manage the monitoring, grouping, and storing the packets that arrive
ASICs, but the bandwidth between the two is limited [69]. at a switch and then transferring this information to a
Therefore, storing the counters in the CPU and DRAM instead learning database. Afterward, the policy generator creates
of in the ASIC would simplify the path from the counters to low-level rules that ood all arriving packets, and then,
the controller and minimize the overhead on the controller based on the information learned, the policy creates a pre-
to access these counters. Another feasible solution that cise high-level forwarding rule.
could address the limitations discussed above was sug-
gested in [69]. The authors proposed software-dened 5.6. Controller placement problem
counters (SDCs) because implementing counters in software
does not require re-designing the ASIC and can support more The controller placement problem inuences every
innovations. In the proposed SDC, the ASIC does not contain aspect of a decoupled control plane, from ow-setup laten-
any counters, but it does generate event records that will be cies to network reliability, to fault tolerance, and nally to
added to the buffer. Whenever a buffer block is full, the ASIC performance metrics. For example, long-propagation-delay
moves it to the CPU. The CPU extracts the records and wide-area networks (WANs) limit availability and conver-
updates its counters, which are stored on the attached gence time. This has practical implications for software
DRAM. SDC proposes two system designs: design, affecting whether controllers can respond to events
in real-time or whether they must push forwarding actions
(i) A SDC switch in which the counter is moved out of to forwarding elements in advance [75]. This problem
the ASIC and replaced by buffer blocks. includes controller placement with respect to the available
(ii) A SDC switch in which the CPU is installed on the network topology and the number of controllers needed.
ASIC. Although the second design requires additional The user denes various metrics (latency, increase in the
ASIC space, it minimizes the bandwidth between the number of nodes, etc.) that control the placement of the
data plane and the CPU. controller in a network.
Random placement for a small k-value in the k-median
5.5. Use of low-level interfaces between the controller and the problem, a clustering analysis algorithm, will result in an
network device average latency between 1.4 and 1.7 larger than that of
the optimal placement [75]. Finding the optimal controller
Although SDN simplies network management by placement is a hot SDN research topic, especially for wide-
developing control applications with simple interfaces to area SDN deployments because they require multiple
determine high-level network policies, the underlying controllers and their placement affects every metric in the
SDN framework needs to translate these policies into network. Improving reliability is important because network
low-level switch congurations [71]. The controllers avail- failures cause disconnections between the control and
able today provide a programming interface that supports forwarding planes and could disable some of the switches.
a low-level, imperative, and event-driven model. The inter- A reliability-aware controller placement problem has
face reacts to network events such as packet arrivals and been proposed in [76]. The main objective of the problem
link status updates by installing and uninstalling individ- can be understood using the following question: how to
ual low-level packet-processing rules, rule-by-rule and place a given number of controllers in a certain physical
switch-by-switch [72]. In such a situation, programmers network such that the predened objective function is opti-
must constantly consider whether un-installing switch mized. The authors in [76] considered the reliability issue
policies will affect other future events monitored by the as a placement metric which is reected by the percentage
controller. Also, they must coordinate multiple asynchro- of valid control paths. They developed an optimization
nous events at the switches to perform even simple tasks. model that maximized the expected percentage of valid
In addition, this interface generates a time-absorption control paths. This percentage is affected by the location
problem and requires detailed knowledge of the software of the controller on one of the candidate nodes, the number
module or hardware device that is performing the required of controller-to-controller adjacencies, the available num-
services. Many researchers are developing various pro- ber of controllers, and the reservation of the switches on
gramming languages that enable the programmer to the controller. Finally, a random placement algorithm and
describe network behavior using high-level abstractions, greedy algorithms have been suggested as heuristics to
leaving the run-time system and compiler to take care of solve the reliable controller placement problem.
implementation details. Hinrichs et al. [73] proposes FML, Beheshti and Zhang [77] states that any failure that dis-
a high-level programming language consisting of operators connects the forwarding plane from the controller may lead
that allow or deny ows while coordinating the ows to serious performance degradation. Based on this observa-
through rewalls and maintaining QoS. However, it is an tion, the authors in [77] described a (path) resiliency (path
inexible language because it cannot redirect or move protection)-aware controller placement problem. They con-
ows as they are processed [74]. sidered connection resiliency between the controller and
Finally, Flog, an event-driven logic programming the switch as a placement metric which was reected by
language, was proposed in [72]. Introducing logic the ability of the switches to protect their paths to the
programming to SDN is useful for processing network sta- controller. The proposed heuristics aimed to maximize the
M. Jammal et al. / Computer Networks 72 (2014) 7498 93

possibility of fast failover based on resilience-aware con- interface. The application controller adjusts the application
troller placement and control-trafc routing in the network. behavior using the network. For the east/westbound inter-
These heuristics consisted of two algorithms for choosing face, it is a tunnel of information between the SDN control-
the best controller location and maximizing the connection lers of different network domains, and between SDN
resiliency metric: the optimized placement algorithm and controller and non-SDN control plane, such as Multi-Proto-
the approximation (greedy) placement algorithm. col Label Switching (MPLS) control plane. It exchanges
Finally, the authors of [75] developed a latency-aware information of the network state that affect the routing
controller placement problem. Their objective was not to decisions of the existing controllers and enables the seam-
nd the optimal solution for the latency-aware controller less ow setup across multiple controllers. Regarding the
placement problem, but to provide an initial analysis for interface with non-SDN domains, a translation component
further study of the formulation of fundamental design between the SDN controller and the legacy control plane is
problems. Therefore, the problem aimed to minimize the required. Although these three interfaces make SDN a
average propagation latency based on suitable controller powerful and exible approach for network operations,
placement. The minimization was based on an optimiza- but the absence of a standardization of the northbound
tion model generated on the basis of the minimum k-med- and east/westbound interfaces will inhibit the adoption
ian problem [75]. of SDN and its accompanied technologies.
In order to achieve the exibility and adaptability
5.7. Security objectives, the interfaces of SDN should be open and stan-
dardized. A closed interface connes the component inno-
Based on statistical studies carried out by IT organiza- vation and exchangeability. In the absence of a standard
tions [78], 12% of respondents in IT business technologies open interface, the interchangeability of network devices,
stated that SDN has security challenges, and 31% of respon- application programming interfaces (APIs) and control
dents in IT business technologies were undecided whether planes will disappear.
SDN is a less secure or a more secure network paradigm For the east/westbound interface standards, the Inter-
than others. Clearly, IT organizations believe that SDN net Engineering Task Force (IETF) is working on developing
may pose certain security challenges. According to the SDNi, a protocol that provides interface between SDN
above studies, SDN security risks emerge from the absence domain controllers [80]. SDNi denes some requirements
of integration with existing security technologies and the for the ow setup. The requirements originate from by
inability to poke around every packet. Furthermore, exchanged information such as QoS, path requirement,
improving the intelligence of the controller software may QoS, and SLA across multiple domains. Also, SDNi
increase controller vulnerability to hackers and attack sur- exchanges information to enable the inter-SDN routing.
faces. If hackers access the controller, they will damage This reachability information allows a ow to navigate
every aspect of the network, and it will be game over [78]. across multiple SDN domains and enables each controller
Increasing SDN security requires from the controller the to select the appropriate path. The proposed protocol can
ability to support the authentication and authorization clas- be orchestrated to increase the scalability of the distrib-
ses of the networks administrators. In addition, leveraging uted control plane.
the impact of security requires from the administrators the For the northbound interface, NOSIX [81] is one of the via-
ability to use the same policies for trafc management to ble solution in this path. It presents a lightweight portability
prevent access to SDN control trafc. Additional security- layer deployed in the SDN controller. This layer can be seen
aware solutions are the implementation of an intelligent as a rendezvous point between the application and vendor
access control list (ACL) in the controller to lter packets knowledge because it separates the applications require-
and complete isolation between the tenants sharing the ments from the switch specications and implementation.
infrastructure. Finally, the controller should be able to alert OpenDaylight provides a controller platform that
the administrators in case of any sudden attack and to limit exposes open northbound interface used by different
control communication during an attack [48]. applications [82]. The platform is based on the Open Ser-
SDN is a promising technology for computer networks vice Gateway Initiative (OSGi) framework and bidirectional
and data-center networks, but it still lacks standardization representational state transfer (REST) for the northbound
policies. The current SDN architecture does not include API. The OSGi is used for applications running in the same
standards for understanding topology, delay, or loss. Other address space of the controller while the REST is used for
features that are not available include loop detection and applications running in different address space of the con-
the ability to x errors in a state. SDN does not support troller. These applications use the controller to collect net-
horizontal communications between network nodes to work information, perform analytics, and to coordinate the
enable collaboration between devices [79]. new deployed rules over the network.
Also, Open Networking Foundation (ONF) is working
5.8. Interoperability toward the standardization of the northbound interface.
It provides a regulation on the nature of the APIs and on
In addition to the southbound interface between the their applicable instances. Finally, initiatives in [83,84]
control and data layers, SDN has two other interfaces; present software frameworks based on NaaS and SDN par-
the northbound and the east/westbound interfaces. The adigms. They focus on providing on-demand end-to-end
SDN controller exchanges information with applications network QoS provisioning based on the requirements of
running on top of the network through the northbound the running applications.
94 M. Jammal et al. / Computer Networks 72 (2014) 7498

As SDN gains in popularity, several researchers and and query APIs; the declarative API creates the shape of
enterprises have developed various SDN initiatives. They the multi-virtual machine application, while the query API
have proposed SDN prototypes, development tools, and supports requests for topology views and network statistics.
languages for OpenFlow and SDN controllers and SDN The orchestration layer provides services such as a global
cloud-computing networks [85]. Section 6 covers some view of the data-center topology, routing algorithms, and
recent SDN implementations and tools. scheduling network conguration and control functions.
The lowest layer is responsible for creating virtual networks.
6. Research initiatives for SDN In addition to the importance of Meridian in supporting a
service-level model, it is considered as an initial prototype
SDN enables network owners and operators to build a of SDN in the cloud. Researchers would like to explore the
simpler, customizable, programmable, and manageable performance of Meridian in cases of sensitive workloads,
network. According to the network research community, the scalability of this framework to support large networks,
SDN will alter the future of networking and will import and its ability to recover failed plans [90].
new innovations to the market [86]. With this in mind, a
number of research initiatives have proposed SDN proto- 6.3. SDN tools and languages
types and applied them to DCN, wireless networking, soft-
ware-dened radio, enterprises, and campus networks. Various tools and languages are used to monitor and
implement SDN. Certain SDN initiatives have focussed on
6.1. SDN prototypes a forming platform, Onix, to implement SDN controllers
as a distributed system for exible network management
The concept of SDN emerged in 2005, when the authors [91]. Other studies have presented a network debugging
of [87] proposed a 4D approach to network control and tool, Veriow [92], which is capable of discovering the
management. Afterward, a new network architecture, Eth- faults in SDN application rules and hence preventing them
ane, which provides network control using centralized pol- from disrupting network performance. Additional initia-
icies, was described in [88]. tives [93] have developed a routing architecture, Route-
Ethane uses a centralized controller that holds network ow, which is inspired by SDN concepts and provides
policies to control ow routing. It also uses Ethane switches interaction between commercial hardware performance
which receive instructions from the controller to forward and exible open-source routing stacks. Hence, it opens
packets to their destinations. Policies are programmed the door to migration from traditional IP deployments to
using a ow-based security language based on DATALOG. SDN.
Ethane was deployed in the Stanford computer science In addition to recent studies that developed physical
department to serve 300 hosts and in a small business to SDN prototypes, other researchers [64] have provided an
serve 30 hosts. Its deployment was an experiment to eval- efcient SDN innovation, Mininet. Mininet is a virtual
uate central network management, and it showed that a emulator which provides an environment for prototyping
single controller could support 10,000 new ow requests any SDN idea. Whenever the prototype evaluation is
per second for small network designs and that a distributed acceptable, then it can be deployed in research networks
set of controllers could be deployed for large network and for general use [64]. However, Mininets services are
topologies. Ethane has two limitations that prevent it from hindered by certain limitations: poor performance at high
being implemented using current traditional network tech- loads and its lightweight virtualization approach.
niques. Initially, it requires knowledge about network users Research has also been directed toward developing con-
and nodes, and it demands control over routing at the ow trol support for SDN and describing new language
level [89]. These limitations were addressed by NOX, a net- approaches to program OpenFlow networks.
work operating-system framework. Foster et al. [74] proposes a design for Frenetic, a high-
Under NOX, applications can access the source and des- level language for programming OpenFlow architectures.
tination of each event, and routing modules can perform Frenetic consists of a query language based on SQL syntax,
constrained routing computations. NOX makes it possible a stream-processing language, and a specication language
to build a scalable network with exible control because for packet forwarding. With the combination of these three
it uses ows as its intermediate granularity [89]. languages, Frenetic simplies the programmers task by
enabling him/her to produce forwarding policies as high-
6.2. Cloud computing and virtualization in SDN level abstractions.
It addresses some of OpenFlows shortcomings which
Other recent studies [90] have developed an SDN-based are due to the lack of consistency between installing a rule
controller framework, Meridian, for cloud-computing net- in the switches and allowing other packets to be processed,
works. Meridian provides a network services model that in addition to the lack of synchronization between the
enables users to construct and manage a suitable logical packet arrival time and the rule installation time. It con-
topology for their cloud workloads. In addition, it allows vir- sists of two abstraction levels, the source-level operators
tual implementations on the underlying physical networks. that deal with network trafc, and the run-time system
Inspired by SDN, Meridian is composed of three logical lay- responsible for installing rules into switches.
ers: the network model and API layer, network orchestra- In addition to the Frenetic language that can program
tion, and interfaces to network devices. The rst layer OpenFlow networks, a number of other OpenFlow pro-
provides interaction with the network through declarative gramming languages have been proposed, such as Procera
M. Jammal et al. / Computer Networks 72 (2014) 7498 95

[94,95] and Nettle [60]. These languages are based on func- SDN controller and SDN-compatible switches. Because
tional reactive programming, facilitate network manage- SDN makes it possible to build programmable and agile
ment, and support event-driven networks. networks, academic researchers and network engineers
are exploiting its exibility and programmability to gener-
ate strategies that simplify the management of data-center
6.4. SDN vendors
LANs and WANs and make them more secure. Besides, SDN
supports NaaS, the new Internet-based model that acts as a
Ref. [96] describes the Floodlight controller platform. It
link between cloud computing and SDN. While SDN man-
is an enterprise-class, Apache-licensed, Java-based Open-
ages forwarding decisions and network administration,
Flow controller that supports OpenStack orchestration
NaaS will provide packet-processing applications for cloud
and virtual and physical switches and manages OpenFlow
tenants. In addition, researchers are proposing various SDN
and non-OpenFlow networks. In addition, NEC has
prototypes that will serve DCNs, wireless networks, enter-
designed a network virtualization architecture encapsu-
prises, and campus networks. Despite all the promising
lated as NEC ProgrammableFlow. The ProgrammableFlow
opportunities that accompany SDN, it encounters certain
technology provides management of their networking fab-
technical challenges that might hinder its functionality in
ric. NEC has created custom physical switches, PF5240 and
cloud computing and enterprises. Therefore, IT organiza-
PF5820, to facilitate the ProgrammableFlow network archi-
tions and network enterprises should be aware of these
tecture. The ProgrammableFlow controller can control any
challenges and explore the functionality of the SDN archi-
ProgrammableFlow or OpenFlow switch in a virtual net-
tecture to counter these criticisms.
work [97]. Ref. [98] provides an option list of existing
OpenFlow controllers (NOX, Beacon [99], Helios, etc.) and
switches (software and hardware options such as Open
vSwitch and Pronto) to design SDN prototypes.
Besides these initiatives, researchers and enterprises [1] T. Anderson, L. Peterson, S. Shenker, J. Turner, Overcoming the
have designed virtualization platforms for SDN [100]. NIC- internet impasse through virtualization, Computer 38 (4) (2005)
IRA has created a complete SDN solution: the network vir- 3441.
[2] HP, Deliver HP Virtual Application Networks, 2012. <http://
tualization platform (NVP). It can be injected over existing h17007.www1.hp.com/docs/interopny/4AA4-3872ENW.pdf>.
network infrastructure or designed into emerging network [3] HP, Realizing the Power of SDN with HP Virtual Application
fabrics. The NVP system works in collaboration with Open Networks, 2012. <http://h17007.www1.hp.com/docs/interopny/
vSwitches that are congured in the hypervisor or used as [4] Brocade Communications Systems, Network Transformation with
gateways to legacy VLANs. Network virtualization is tasked Software-Dened Networking and Ethernet Fabrics, California,
to the Controller Cluster. The cluster is an array of control USA, 2012. <http://www.brocade.com/downloads/documents/
structures running on servers separate from the network
[5] W. Xia, Y. Wen, C.H. Foh, D. Niyato, H. Xie, A survey on software-
infrastructure. Control is separated not only from network dened networking, Commun. Surv. Tutorials, IEEE PP (99) (2014).
devices, but also from the network itself. Each cluster is 1, 1.
[6] B. Nunes, M. Mendonca, X. Nguyen, K. Obraczka, T. Turletti, A
capable of controlling thousands of Open vSwitch devices.
survey of software-dened networking: past, present, and future of
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98 M. Jammal et al. / Computer Networks 72 (2014) 7498

Manar Jammal received her M.S. degree in IEEE Communications Tutorials and Survey and has served on the edito-
electrical and electronics engineering in 2012 rial board of IEEE Communications Letters (20082013). He has chaired
from Lebanese Unive rsity, Beirut, Lebanon in key symposia for IEEE GLOBECOM, IEEE ICC, IEEE ICNC, and ICCIT. He is a
cooperation with University of Technology of Senior Member of IEEE.
Compigne. She is currently working towards
the Ph.D. degree in cloud computing and vir-
Rasool Asal received his Ph.D. degree in
tualization technology at Western Ontario
physics from the University of Leicester
University. Her research interests include
(Leicester, UK). He then moved to the Uni-
cloud computing, virtualization, software
versity of Southampton to take up a post-
dened network and virtual machine migra-
doctoral position within the Electronic and
Computer Science Department. He is a Chief
Researcher at Etisalat BT Innovation Center
(EBTIC) leading EBTIC research and innovation
activities in the area of Cloud Computing. For
the past fteen years, he has been working
Taranpreet Singh received his Masters in
with British Telecommunications Group at
engineering (M.Eng.) degree in Communica-
Adastral Park (Ipswich, U.K), designing and
tions and Data Networking from the Univer-
developing a considerable volume of high-performance enterprise
sity of Western Ontario, London, Canada in
applications, mostly in the area of telecommunications. He is a speaker at
September 2013. He has worked as a Consul-
many international conferences and events, most recently at the IEEE 8th
tant with Accenture Technology Services and
International World Congress on Services (Cloud & Services 2012),
holds special interest in the Cisco Networking
Hawaii, USA. He has edited two books and published research papers in
domain. His research interests include Soft-
leading international conferences and journals. He is currently acting as
ware Dened Networking, Network Function
Senior Guest Editor for Journal of Mobile Multimedia Special Issue on
Virtualization and Network Security.
Cloud Computing Operation. His current interest focuses primarily on the
Cloud Technologies, Cloud Security Architectures and the design of wide-
area distributed cloud compliance enterprise systems that scale to mil-
lions of users.

Abdallah Shami received the B.E. degree in Yiming Li received a B.Eng. in Electrical
Electrical and Computer Engineering from the Engineering from Western University, Lon-
Lebanese University, Beirut, Lebanon in 1997, don, Ontario, Canada. Yiming is an Assistant
and the Ph.D. Degree in Electrical Engineering Product Manager at StarTech.com. He is
from the Graduate School and University Responsible for product planning and product
Center, City University of New York, New development. His research interests are in the
York, NY in September 2002. In September areas of cloud computing, software dened
2002, he joined the Department of Electrical networking and network virtualization.
Engineering at Lakehead University, Thunder
Bay, ON, Canada as an Assistant Professor.
Since July 2004, he has been with Western
University, Canada where he is currently an
Associate Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer
Engineering. His current research interests are in the area of network
optimization, cloud computing, and wireless networks. He is an Editor for

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