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154 Comisului Street

Apostolache, Prahova
11th January

Dear Alison,
Thanks very much for your invitation! I am sorry I havent written lately, but my I had a lot of
exams at school. Finally I finished them!
I was very surprised when I got your letter in which you invited me to your graduation party!
When did the years pass? I cant believe you finish college this year!
Of course I will come to your party on 25 th May! I am eager to come for a few days and spend
some time there. You said that I don't need to bring much with me. What sort of clothes should I
pack? Casual or formal? Where will be the party? Are all of our old friends coming? I hope they
do because I havent seen them for ages! But until then, how are your parents? What about your
sister? Are they ok? Oh, I cant wait to see you all, especially our old friends from elementary
school! Well, thats enough for now!
Im really looking forward to seeing you and dont forget to write soon so that I come to the
party well dressed and prepared!


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