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Philosophy of Nursing

NURS 300- Introduction to Theories and Concepts I

NURS 431- Transition to Professional Nursing Practice

Purpose of Assignment
The purpose of this assignment is to enable the student to rediscover his or her personal
philosophy of nursing as it exists upon the completion of the baccalaureate nursing program.

Student Approach to Assignment

Our personal philosophy guides our behavior, whether we are consciously aware of its
existence. By examining my personal philosophy of nursing, I was able to clarify and outline my
values, beliefs and professional outlook of my nursing education and career. The inclusion of my
nursing philosophy from the beginning and the end of the nursing program showed how my view
of nursing has expanded and become more in-depth. This assignment also reinforced my
commitment to making my nursing practice consistent with professional standards of practice
and my personal principles.

Reason for Inclusion of this Assignment in the Portfolio

This required portfolio assignment shows my growth understanding the depth and breadth of
nursing practice as I develop the framework that will guide my career. The following program
objectives are highlighted:

Critical Thinking
Uses nursing and other appropriate theories and models to guide professional practice.
Example: In the paper, I discussed my assumptions of the relationship between the
nurse and the client, the nurse and the community, and the nurse and other healthcare
professionals based on Leiningers transcultural nursing theory, Florence
Nightingales environment theory, and the shared governance theory.

Articulates the values of the profession and the role of the nurse as member of the
interdisciplinary health care team.
Example: In the paper, I outlined the values of the nursing profession as to practice
with compassion and respect for the inherent dignity, worth, and unique attributes of
every person. With the utilization of Madeleine Leiningers transcultural nursing
theory, I can use the aspects of the theory to provide care for my patients as a whole
person from a physiological, psychological, spiritual, and social perspective.
Applies an ethical decision-making framework and legal guidelines to clinical situations
that incorporate moral concepts, professional ethics, and advocacy for patient well-being
and preferences.
Example: In the paper, I described the two major principles that guide my nursing
practice as respect for all individuals and ensuring the same duty to self as to others to
promote health and safety for myself and patients. These two principles are not only
my personal moral integration but are two provisions of the ANA Code of Ethics for
Nurses. They are provision 1 and 5. Provision 1 emphasizes how nurses should
practice with compassion and respect with every patient and addresses nurses
fundamental obligation for patient respect and development of trust in the nurse-
patient relationship. Provision 5 emphasizes what nurses must do for themselves in
order to create an environment in which they will be able to provide the best care for
patients. For example, ensuring adequate rest, stress relief, and maintaining a healthy
lifestyle are all necessary in order to provide safe care to patients and prevent burnout
or altered nursing judgment.

Integrates knowledge of cultural diversity in performing nursing interventions.
Example: In the paper, I discussed my assumption about the nurse- client relationship
in a culturally diverse setting and pointed out the importance for the nurse to be
sensitive and nonjudgmental towards health practices of the diverse client population.
The transcultural nursing theory I discussed that I will be using for my practice
considers the importance to take a patient's culture and cultural background into
consideration when deciding how to care for that patient.

Uses therapeutic communication within the nurse-patient relationship.
Example: In the paper, I discussed my assumption about the nurse-patient relationship
and the nurse and other healthcare professional relationship. With the utilization of
Florence Nightingales Environment theory, the nurse must address environmental
factors on an individual basis because these factors affect different patients uniquely
to their situation and illness and this will support the nurse-patient relationship. In
regards to the nurse and other healthcare professional relationship, I pointed out the
importance of sharing the same values such as collaboration, discipline,
understanding, problem-solving, and accountability. With the utilization of the shared
governance theoretical model, it is designed to improve communication in the nurses
work environment, satisfaction, and retention.

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