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Student Book Audioscript

UNIT 1 yesterday in the skies over Saskatoon, Saskatchewan,

Canada. Samantha Yang and Darrell Hammer hired
EXERCISE 6 (page 10) a minister, Reverend Robert Martinez, to jump with
them out of a twin-engine Cessna and marry them
Jim: Hi, Mary. How are things going? You look like in the air before they landed. Yang and Hammer
you lost your best friend. met four years ago at a meeting of the Saskatoon
Mary: Not well. Im having some pretty serious Sky-Divers, of which they have been members for
money problems. many years. To date, each of them has made over
Jim: Why? Whats wrong? thirty jumps. Interviewed as to why they wanted
to get married in such an unusual way, Yang said,
Mary: Well, someone got hold of my credit card
Were just adventurous souls, I guess. We like new
and different things. We didnt want a conventional
Jim: You mean somebody stole your credit card? wedding. Hammer agreed, adding, We were going
Mary: No, somebody got the number. Youve heard to get married on a bungee jump, but when we got
of identity theft? Well, this is a good example of it. to thinking about it, we decided that would be just a
Jim: Oh, no! Really? I know that sort of thing little too dangerous. Plus, we couldnt find a minister
happens, but Ive never known anyone it happened to. who would bungee-jump with us.
Reverend Martinez had never made a parachute
Mary: Yeah. The whole thing is really upsetting.
jump before yesterday. Asked if he had ever
Whoever got the number has been charging a lot on
performed such an unusual wedding ceremony
my card$8,000.
before, Martinez responded, No, I think this one
Jim: How do you think it happened? is the oddest. I used to be a pastor in Arizona. I
Mary: Well, Im almost positive it was on the would get some fairly unusual requests. I mean, for
Internet. About two months ago I bought some CDs example, once I married two people on horseback.
from a website and used my card. They said it was a But nothing quite like this.
secure site, but apparently it wasnt. Would he do another parachute-jump-wedding
Jim: So what happens now? You wont have to pay or even another parachute jump? I dont think
the $8,000, will you? so, Martinez said. No, I think this is one for the
scrapbook. At this point, I can just say, Been there,
Mary: Probably not, but I might have to pay
done that.
something. Youre supposed to report thefts like this
Thats the news on the half hour. Stay tuned for
our next broadcast on the hour.
Jim: Didnt you?
Mary: No, not right away. I got a credit card bill
with a big purchase on it that I couldnt remember
making, but I thought it was probably my mistake,
and I didnt do anything for a few days. By the time I EXERCISE 6 (page 41)
reported it, there were a lot of other purchases. Mom: Tim? Come on! Were going to be late if you
Jim: Im really sorry. This is terrible. dont get up right now.
Mary: Thanks. You know, the Internet makes things Tim: Why? Where are we going?
easy. Maybe too easy. Mom: To the historical museum. Remember?
Jim: Yeah. Its easy for us to get information, but its Tim: Do we have to? Amy and I want to go to the
also easy for criminals to get it. Thats the downside West Edmonton Mall.
of the Internet.
Amy: Thats right, Mom. Museums are boring.
Dad: But this is a really interesting museum. Therell
UNIT 2 be all kinds of thing to learn.
Tim: Why do we have to learn things when were on
EXERCISE 7 (page 24) vacation?
In other news, the first-ever wedding of a couple Amy: Dad, cant you and Mom drop us off at the
jumping from a plane in parachutes took place mall? Then you can go to the museum.


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Mom: Its all arranged, kids. Were meeting the tour Do you think we could get away with not giving her a
bus at 9:30. In fact, if we dont get down to the lobby, present today? If we took a little more time, we could
were going to miss it. find something really nice.
Tim: Oh, no! Not a tour! Bev: Dad! Of course not! Everybody whos here has
Dad: Yes. Sometimes a tour is the best way to see brought something. You and Ray will be the only
things. ones. And Dad, remember what you told me when I
was a girl? Dont put things off to the last minute?
Amy: I hate tours. If we have to go to the historical
museum, cant we at least go by ourselves? Dad: Yes, dear; I know. We shouldve gone shopping
last week. But honey, what do you suggest?
Mom: Come on, kids. Were going to be late.
Bev: What about a camera?
Amy: Can we go to the mall later?
Dad: Shes got three cameras. In fact, she just got rid
Dad: Sure. Tell you what: The tour will be over by
of one of her old cameras last week.
12:30. As soon as we get back from the tour, well go
to the mall. Bev: How about some article of clothing?

Tim: Can we go ice-skating at the mall? Dad: Great idea. A dress, maybe?

Mom: Yes. As a matter of fact, weve got reservations Bev: Dad! You cant just buy her a dress. Shed never
for all of us to skate. buy a dress without trying on several first.

Amy: Right on, Mom! Dad: Well, Bev, were running out of time here. Cant
you think of something?
EXERCISE 7 (page 41) Bev: Well, you might get her a blouse. She loves
1. I wont be able to go with you tonight, but I blouses.
will be able to go tomorrow night. Dad: No way, Bev. I tried that once, and your mother
2. Im not going to attend college this fall, but I hated what I got her.
am going to attend in the spring. Bev: Well . . . lets see. How about a couple of nice
3. I will be able to help you tomorrow; scarves?
unfortunately, I wont be able to help you today.
Dad: Good! What material? What color?
4. We wont be traveling in Asia in July, but we
will be there in August. Bev: Why dont you look for a couple of silk scarves
5. They wont be moving to a new house in in some conservative color?
September, but they will be moving in November. Dad: Good idea. Will do. Well get there as soon as
6. Were not leaving this weekend, but we are we can.
leaving next weekend. Bev: OK, Dad, but hurry up! Mom could be home
7. We wont have visited every South American any minute.
country by the end of our trip, but we will have
seen most of them.
UNIT 4 EXERCISE 6 (page 80)
EXERCISE 6 (page 62)
Professor: OK, folks. Today were going to talk
Bev:Hello? about a question related to hearing. I want to begin
Dad: Hi, Bev. This is Dad. by telling you about an experience I had the first
Bev: Dad! Where are you? Moms surprise party is time I heard my voice on a recording. It was at a
supposed to start in 15 minutes. Everybodys already speech class when I was in college. The professor
shown up. Were just waiting for you and Ray and recorded our voices and then played them back.
Mom. When I heard mine, I said, That couldnt have been
me. Theres got to be some mistake. I dont sound
Dad: Great. You dont think your mother has figured
like that. Now, Id venture to say all of you must
out whats going on, do you?
have had this experience at one time or another. Am
Bev: No, Im sure she hasnt. She thinks were all I right? Let me see a show of hands . . . Uh-huh, just
going to a concert this afternoon. She says shes as I thought. Now, the question is why. Why do we
really looking forward to it. hear our voices differently than others do? Based
Dad: Good. Anyway, heres the problem, Bev. Ray on what weve been studying, you should be able to
and I are at the department store trying to find a gift figure this out. Allison, what do you think?
for your mom, and we cant come up with anything.

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Allison: I think it must be because were hearing the UNIT 6
sound in a different way.
Professor: Very good. Youve got the right idea. EXERCISE 6 (page 100)
Now, anybody want to expand on that? Bart?
Dr. Jindal: Hello, Mr. Smith. Have a seat and make
Bart: It could be because the sound is traveling yourself comfortable. Im Larry Jindal.
through different substances.
Joe Smith: Its good to meet you, Dr. Jindal. I guess
Professor: Right. Go on. Can you explain? you know why Im here.
Bart: Well, lets see. When somebody speaks, the Dr. Jindal: Yes. I understand your wife was on one
sound of that persons voice comes to us through the of those TV medical shows and asked the speaker
air. We hear our own voice through our head. a question about your health. The speaker said you
Professor: Good, good . . . Kathy, can you add needed to lose some weight?
something? Joe Smith: Yeah, thats basically it. My wife insisted
Kathy: I agree with Bart when he says we hear our I see a doctor, so here I am.
own voice through our own head. But dont we also Dr. Jindal: Well, Im looking at your records hereI
hear it through the air? It might be a combination of see that youre 5 feet eleven, and your weight is 257
the two things. pounds. Your cholesterol level is 322. So Id say the
Professor: Yes, youre both right. You see, when speaker was right. Tell me about your daily routine.
we hear our own voice, we hear partly through How many meals do you eat a day, where do you eat
our earsexternally. But we also hear through the them, how much do you exercisethat sort of thing.
bone in our head and through the fluid in our inner Joe Smith: Well, I just eat two meals a daylunch
earinternally. Most of the sound we hear internally and dinner. I dont really get any exercise, since I
comes through liquid . . . Now, heres one more work 12-hour days and dont really have time.
question. Which sound is the real sound? The way
Dr. Jindal: What about lunch? Do you take a lunch
other people hear our voices, or the way we hear
with you? Eat out?
them? . . . Darren?
Joe Smith: I eat out at various fast-food places near
Darren: I think the sound others hear has to be the
where I work.
real sound.
Dr. Jindal: And you dont eat breakfast?
Professor: Uh huh, anybody else?
Joe Smith: No. It seems like I never have time. Plus,
Kathy: Id say the opposite. The sound we hear must
I never feel like eating anything until about 11 a.m.
be the real sound.
Then I have a snack at workusually doughnuts or
Professor: Actually, Kathy is right. Internal hearing some other pastry.
is of higher fidelity than external hearing.
Dr. Jindal: Well, Id say youre at high risk for
B a heart attack. Your cholesterol is what Id call
1. That couldnt have been me. dangerously high. Your BMI would be about 35.
2. Theres got to be some mistake. Anything over 25 is considered overweight.
3. All of you must have had this experience at Joe Smith: So are you going to put me on a diet?
one time or another.
Dr. Jindal: No. For the most part diets dont work.
4. You should be able to figure this out.
Im going to suggest a radical change in your eating
5. It must be because were hearing the sound
habits. That includes eating breakfastwhether you
in a different way.
feel like eating it or not. You can still eat a lot of the
6. It could be because the sound is traveling
foods you like, but in much smaller portions. And I
through different substances.
want you to start an exercise program. You can begin
7. It might be a combination of the two things.
slowlysay three times a week, with non-strenuous
8. The sound others hear has to be the real
exercise at first. Are you willing? It wont be easy. But
you can do it if you work at it.
9. The sound we hear must be the real sound.
10. Internal hearing is of higher fidelity than Joe Smith: Well, I guess so. Theres nothing to lose,
external hearing. I guess.
Dr. Jindal: And a lot to gain.

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UNIT 7 Mike: All right, let me just get the check here . . .
Everything looks right . . . Uh-oh!
EXERCISE 6 (page 115) Steve: Whats wrong?

Wife: Anything interesting in the paper? Mike: I dont have my wallet! I must have left it
somewhere, but I cant think where. Have you got
Husband: Not a whole lot. Theres a story about
any money, Steve?
reintroducing wolves into national parks.
Steve: I dont think so, but let me check. I didnt
Wife: Oh yeah? What does it say?
bring my wallet because you said you were paying
Husband: Oh, the usual nonsense. Its on the side of . . . Let me just look . . . oh yea, I found a few dollars.
the environmentalists. How much is the bill?
Wife: Why do you think its nonsense? Mike:Seventy-five.
Husband: Because its too pro-environmentalist. It Steve: Oh, too bad. Ive got less than $20.
doesnt really look at the viewpoint of ranchers and
Mike: Have you got a credit card with you?
Steve: No, I dont. Actually, Sally and I dont have
Wife: Well, youre a hunter, so Im not surprised. But
any credit cards at all. We dont use them.
do you support the ranchers too?
Mike: Hmm. Maybe Mary has her card or some
Husband: Yes, I do, basically.
money with her. I sure hope so. Otherwise well be
Wife: Why? Do you think its a bad thing to put washing dishes.
wolves back into the wilderness?
Mary: Hi, guys. Were back. Is the bill all taken care
Husband: Well, yes, in a lot of ways I do. Wolves are of?
dangerous creatures. They kill farm animals. Theyve
Mike: No, its not. Weve got a problem. I dont have
even been known to kill people.
my wallet. Do you have any money, Mary?
Wife: Bill, where are you getting your information?
Mary: Gee, Mike, I dont know. Let me look . . .
Thats an old stereotype.
Looks like Ive got about $25.
Husband: All those old stories must mean
Mike: Well, Steve has about $15. Its still not enough
to pay the bill. Do you have your credit card, Mary?
Wife: Well, I support the plan to put wolves back
Mary: No, I dont think so . . . Oh, wait a minute, but
into national parks.
heres my bank card. We can use it at an ATM. I dont
Husband:Why? think they take debit cards here.
Wife: Ive done some reading about it. They put a Mike: But there arent any ATM machines here, are
few wolves into Yellowstone National Park back in there?
1995. Theyve multiplied quite a bit and have done a
Mary: Yes, there are. Theres one in the hotel lobby.
lot to restore the balance of nature. There were too
many elk there, but the wolves have killed off some Mike: Whew! Saved. I just wonder what I could have
of the old and sick ones. Wolves are really intelligent done with my wallet . . .
and helpful.
Husband: Hmm. I guess youve got a point. But I still UNIT 9
think we have to consider the ranchers point of view.
EXERCISE 6 (page 144)
Dr. Tanaka: OK, Josh, lets get started. Our first
EXERCISE 6 (page 130) meeting is only going to be a thirty-minute session.
We dont want to make this a brain-breaker. Now,
Mary: Mmm. That sure was a great meal. Thanks for
first I want you to tell me exactly how you feel when
suggesting this restaurant, Mike.
your teacher asks you to read.
Mike: Glad you liked it. There arent as many menu
Josh: I feel like a total, complete idiot. And I feel like
choices as at that restaurant we went to last month,
I have an ugly, high-pitched, squeaky voice.
but what they serve is really delicious.
Dr. Tanaka: Your voice sounds fine, Josh. Youre just
Steve: Yeah. And the prices are lower here, too.
going through a rapid adolescent growth period, so
Sally: Well, guys, Mary and I are going to the ladies your voice is changing. It happens to a lot of twelve-
room. Back soon. year-old boys. All right. Now, the key to getting you
Steve:OK. over this fear-of-oral-reading problem is to distract

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you from thinking about how well youre doing. Lets Jean: I dont know what you mean.
think of a short, easy-to-remember phrase that you Greg: Somebody tells a joke, and youre expected to
can keep in the back of your mind. When youre laugh, whether you think its funny or not. Basically,
reading and you start to feel nervous or frustrated, the problem is that youre usually forced to be
you say it and distract yourself. dishonest.
Josh: How about Roses are red, violets are blue? Jean: Youre too sensitive. Dont laugh if you dont
Dr. Tanaka: Thatll do fine. All right, lets put it to think its funny.
the test. I want you to read this passage. If you start Greg: But everybody thinks youre a drag if you
feeling anxious, just start saying the phrase. dont laugh.
Josh: It was an icy, dark, stormy evening. It Jean: What? Explain.
promised to be one of those famous three-dog
Greg: Well, a lot of times I dont get what the point of
nights. . . . Whats a three-dog night?
the joke is. I feel like Im stupid when that happens.
Dr. Tanaka: Its a night thats so cold you need three
Jean: I know what: Ill tell you a funny storynot
large, warm, furry dogs to sleep with to keep you
exactly a jokeand lets see if you understand.
warm. Anyway, you read that beautifully. Did you
feel nervous? Greg: All right. Go ahead.

Josh: Just for a second, and I started saying the line Jean: OK. Here we go. There was a school in
from the poem. After that it was fine. I think Im Oregon that was faced with a unique problem. A lot
going to like this. of the girls used lipstick, and they would put it on in
the girls bathroom. There was nothing wrong with
B that, but after theyd put it on, theyd press their lips
1. Our first meeting is only going to be a against the mirror just to make sure the lipstick was
30-minute session. on right, and that would leave dozens of lip prints
2. I feel like a total, complete idiot. all over the mirror. So finally the principal of the
3. And I feel like I have an ugly, high-pitched, school decided something had to be done about the
squeaky voice. problem.
4. Youre just going through a rapid adolescent
Greg: So what did he do?
growth period.
5. Now, the key to getting you over this fear-of- Jean: It wasnt a he; it was a she. Anyway, heres
oral-reading problem is to distract you from what she did: She told some of the girls to report
thinking about how well youre doing. to the bathroom, and shed meet them there with
6. Lets think of a short, easy-to-remember the school custodian. She explained to the girls that
phrase that you can keep in the back of your the lip prints were causing a major problem for the
mind. custodian because he had to clean the mirrors every
7. It was an icy, dark, stormy evening. day. To show the girls how difficult this was, she
8. It promised to be one of those famous three- asked the custodian to clean one of them. He took a
dog-nights. mop with a long handle, dipped it into a toilet, and
9. Its a night thats so cold you need three then cleaned the mirror with it. Ever since then there
large, warm, furry dogs to sleep with to keep you havent been any lip prints on the mirror.
warm. Greg: Gross. Pretty funny, though.
Jean: Are you sure youre not just saying that just so
you dont feel stupid?
Greg: Nope. It wasnt exactly a joke, but it was
EXERCISE 6 (page 168) funny.

Jean: Hi, Greg.

Greg: Hi, yourself. Hows it going? UNIT 11
Jean: Great. Hey, do you want to hear a joke?
EXERCISE 6 (page 186)
Greg: A joke? Why do you think Id want to hear a
joke? Announcer: Were back, everyone. Once again,
my guest today is communication expert Ellen
Jean: Dont you like jokes?
Sands, who is telling us about ways to minimize
Greg: Not usually. verbal conflict. Ellen, youve talked about active
Jean: Why not? listening and about stating things positively instead
Greg: Well . . . what bothers me about most jokes is of negatively. Whats another way to improve
that theyre too . . . programmed. communication?

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Ellen Sands: A third way involves speaking about class thats in the morning. The history class that I
yourself instead of about the other person, especially have in the afternoon looks like its going to be the
in a conflict situation. That means focusing on how easiest. My math class is going to be a piece of cake.
the other persons statements are affecting you. It Mom: One thing Im curious aboutis this an all-
does not involve returning anger for anger. male dorm, or are there girls living there too?
Announcer: How about an example? Al: Well, there are two parts to the building. The
Ellen Sands: Sure. Heres a situation from my girls live on one side and the guys on the other. And
own private practice. A few months back, two there are three cafeterias. The girls who live on the
sisters, whom Ill call Rosa and Alicia, came to me second floor eat with us at the cafeteria on our floor.
for help with a family dispute. Their mother had Dad: What about your advisors? Advisors helped me
died, and they were arguing about dividing up the a lot when I was in college.
family estate. Their mother hadnt left a will, so
Al: Well, my advisor, who is from Minneapolis, is
the situation was pretty complicated. It wasnt long
wonderful. Shes told me just what subjects I have to
before Rosa and Alicia were at each others throats.
Rosa said, Alicia, you always got everything because
you were Mothers favorite. Alicia was clearly Mom: OK, now I have another question . . .
hurt by the criticism and angrily responded, The
problem is that youre a very selfish person. After EXERCISE 7 (page 208)
that it just got worse. 1. The man, who lives down the street from
Announcer: What would have been a better way to me, is a friend of my father.
handle this? 2. The man who lives down the street from me
is a friend of my father.
Ellen Sands: Well, Rosa was the aggressive one,
3. The tie, which has a stain on it, needs to be
but it takes two people to make an argument. Alicia
should have spoken about how Rosa made her feel
4. The tie which has a stain on it needs to be
instead of attacking Rosa back. She could have said
something like, You know, Rosa, you really hurt my
5. The teacher who handed out the awards is
feelings when you said that. Then she could have
really a well-known scientist.
said, I felt disrespected. Youd be surprised how
6. The teacher, who handed out the awards, is
much statements like these can defuse anger and
really a well-known scientist.
help in a conflict situation.
7. The student who lives close to the campus
Announcer: Very interesting! All right, were going to has low gasoline bills.
take another break and then hear more from Ellen 8. The student, who lives close to the campus,
Sands. has low gasoline bills.
9. The garden, which Mary planted, is the
UNIT 12 most beautiful one of all.
10. The garden which Mary planted is the most
beautiful one of all.
EXERCISE 6 (page 206)
Al: Hi, Mom. Hi, Dad. I just thought Id call and tell
you about my week. UNIT 13
Mom: Hi, Al. How are things going now?
EXERCISE 7 (page 222)
Al: Pretty well. I like the dormitory. The supervisor,
who lives right down the hall from me, is really
Good evening, all you movie buffs. Im Penelope
helpful. And he doesnt inspect our rooms.
Truman with this weeks Movie Mania. Run, dont
Dad: How about your roommates, son? walk, to the film festival being held this holiday
Al: I really like the one whos from Minnesota. Hes weekend on the university campus. A series of all-
great to hang around with. Im not so sure about the time classics, some recent and some of which havent
other one. been shown on the big screen in over a decade, will
Dad: Whats the problem with him? be shown in the film school auditorium. For the $25
admission price, you can see eight movies. Here are
Al: Hes always asking to borrow money.
my special picks:
Mom: Well, I hope that stops happening. What about First: A Beautiful Mind, the creation of director
your courses? Are they hard? Ron Howard, is a fascinating biography starring
Al: Well, my English course, which is really tough, Russell Crowe and based on the life of M.I.T.
is going to require a lot of writing. So is the history professor and mathematical genius John Nash, who

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suffered from schizophrenia and had some very 4. Ultimately, its a touching film for which
interesting delusions. You have to pay close attention Jennifer Connelly won an Oscar for her
to this one: which characters are real, and which performance as Nashs wife.
arent? Ultimately, its a touching film for which 5. Rashomon is probably the most famous
Jennifer Connelly won an Oscar for her performance picture of Japanese director Akira Kurosawa
as Nashs wife. and the winner of the Oscar for best foreign film.
Second: Rashomon is probably the most famous 6. Set in the Japan of several centuries ago, it
picture of Japanese director Akira Kurosawa and deals with the notion that truth is often in the
the winner of the Oscar for best foreign film. Its an eye of the witness.
unusual movie about a rape and murder recounted 7. Chicago, starring Rene Zellweger, Richard
by four different witnesses of the episode. Set in Gere, and Catherine Zeta-Jones, is a story of the
the Japan of several centuries ago, it deals with the almost lawless times in the city of Chicago after
notion that truth is often in the eye of the witness. World War I.
Third: We dont see as many musicals as we used 8. Back to the Future, the movie that was
to, which is too bad, but they may be making a responsible for launching the movie career of
comeback. Even if youre not a fan of musicals, this Michael J. Fox, is about a teenager who has
one deserves your attention. Chicago, starring Rene to travel back in time to arrange for his own
Zellweger, Richard Gere, and Catherine Zeta-Jones, parents to meet so that he wont cease to exist!
is a story of the almost lawless times in the city of 9. Casablanca, showcasing the talents of
Chicago after World War I. Zellweger plays a woman Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman, is more
on trial for murdering her husband, and Gere plays than just a movie. This picture, my personal
the lawyer who defends her. Whoever would have all-time favorite, is a must-see for all regarding
thought Gere could sing and dance? Zeta-Jones won themselves as serious movie buffs.
an Oscar for her role as Zellwegers fellow prisoner. 10. This movie, filmed in black and white,
Fourth: Back to the Future, the movie that was may not be a pretty picture, but its certainly a
responsible for launching the movie career of profound one.
Michael J. Fox, is about a teenager who has to travel
back in time to arrange for his own parents to meet
so that he wont cease to exist! Back to the Future is UNIT 14
especially fun because it gives us a semi-objective
comparison of our own era and an earlier one. EXERCISE 7 (page 245)
Finally: For all of you old-timers out there a kiss Here is breaking news from KKBO News Channel
may be just a kiss, but Casablanca, showcasing the 6. A hit-and-run accident occurred this evening
talents of Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman, is at 8:45 p.m. at the intersection of 4th Avenue and
more than just a movie. This picture, my personal Madison Street downtown. An eight-year-old
all-time favorite, is a must-see for all regarding boy was crossing the intersection alone when he
themselves as serious movie buffs. This movie, was struck by a blue late-model Toyota Camry.
filmed in black and white, may not be a pretty The Toyota disappeared from the intersection
picture, but its certainly a profound one. immediately, and no information has been received
So, there they are. My spies tell me that tickets as to the cars license number or the drivers identity.
are likely to sell like hotcakes, in which case youd The boy sustained massive injuries and was taken to
better call right away or order your tickets online if Downtown Medical Center, where he is being cared
you want to attend. Im Penelope Truman for Movie for in the Intensive Care Unit. The boys condition
Mania, and Ill see you at the movies. is described as critical. Anyone with information is
asked to call 444-6968. A reward is being offered for
information leading to the arrest of the driver of the
1. Run, dont walk, to the film festival being
held this holiday weekend on the university
2. A series of all-time classics, some recent
EXERCISE 8 (page 246)
and some of which havent been seen on the big 1. The prisoners being interrogated.
screen in more than a decade, will be shown in 2. The issues been discussed.
the film school auditorium. 3. Bobs been promoted to police chief.
3. A Beautiful Mind, the creation of director 4. The investigations being completed.
Ron Howard, is a fascinating biography starring 5. The planes being hijacked.
Russell Crowe and based on the life of M.I.T. 6. The boys being treated for injuries.
professor and mathematical genius John Nash. 7. The reports been written.
8. The mysterys been solved.

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UNIT 15 Brian: No, I havent. Do you need to be experienced?
Jane: Not necessarily. You can learn. Weve got
EXERCISE 6 (page 261) several different levels of participants. You do need
We interrupt our regularly scheduled program to be in good physical condition.
to bring you this news bulletin. A massive series of Brian: Well, I havent been doing much exercising
earthquakes has struck the nation, causing extreme lately, but Dr. Stevens says Im basically in good
damage to most major cities. The earthquakes are physical shape. So can you give me some details?
said to have registered a 9 on the Richter scale, How often do you go orienteering, and where do you
although this information is considered preliminary. go, and stuff like that?
The minister of science has stated that the epicenter Jane: Sure! We try to go at least twice a month,
of the quakes was located in the Atlantic Ocean normally on Saturdays. Usually we go to the
some 40 miles west of Gibraltar. According to Sherwood Forest area. Sometimes we only manage
unconfirmed reports, vast sections of the coastline to go once a month, but most months its at least
are reported to be under water as a consequence of twice. In the summer we get around by fast hiking,
a gigantic tsunami that hit the coastal areas after but right now we navigate by cross-country skiing.
the earthquakes. The exact number of casualties of Do you know how to ski?
the tsunami is not known, although it is estimated
Brian: I tried cross-country skiing a couple of years
that more than 200,000 people have drowned.
ago, but I havent done it since then. I did pretty well
Serious flooding is believed to have occurred in cities
at it, though. I still have my skis.
farther inland. The president, who was vacationing
at his mountain retreat, has returned to the capital. Jane: Great. Lets see . . . what else? Uhmm, the
Looting is alleged to be taking place in most major group is pretty diverse. There are some married
cities, and it is assumed that the president will people and their kids, some singles, all ages. But
be speaking to the nation shortly, in an effort to were an actual club. We have dues of $40 a year;
reestablish law and order. As he was boarding his thats to pay for organizing the activities. Sounds like
plane for the flight to the capital, the president youd like the club. Its a good way to make friends.
said, A grave tragedy has struck our nation. It is to The members really enjoy being together.
be hoped that the citizens of Atlantis will conduct Brian: Sounds great to me. Whens your next
themselves in a calm, gentle, and law-abiding activity?
manner in our time of need. In the meantime, Jane: Were meeting on Saturday morning, the 15th,
Atlanteans are advised to gather provisions and to at 6 a.m. in front of Darcys Coffee Shop in Stapleton.
head for the highest ground that they can find. Stay Well get to the forest by carpooling. Do you know
tuned for further bulletins. where Darcys is?
Brian: I think so. But I have a GPS, just in case.
UNIT 16 Jane: OK, good. Dont forget to bring your skis. And
remember to bring a lunchhopefully with a lot of
EXERCISE 6 (page 281) high-protein stuff in it.

Jane: Hello? Brian: Super. Ill see you on the 15th at 6 a.m.
Thanks a lot.
Brian: Hello. May I speak with Jane Travanti?
Jane: Sure. Ill look forward to meeting you in
Jane: This is Jane.
person. Bye.
Brian: Jane, my name is Brian Hansen. Dr. Ralph
Stevens gave me your number. I understand that
you belong to an orienteering club. Im interested in UNIT 17
joining a group like that and getting to know some
people, and . . . he suggested calling you to find EXERCISE 7 (page 296)
out some details. Would you mind giving me some Good afternoon. Here is a bulletin from the
information about your club and about becoming a Mason County Sheriffs Office. Convicted bank
member? robber Charles Gallagher and two other inmates
Jane: Sure, Id be glad to. Are you new in town? are reported to have escaped from the maximum
Brian: Um, yeah, Ive been here about five months security prison in Grandview. Listeners may recall
and havent really met anyone. Dr. Stevens thinks I that two years ago Gallagher was sentenced to serve
need to stop working so hard and try to enjoy myself a minimum of 20 years without parole. The three
more. Hes probably right. prisoners are thought to have escaped in a prison
laundry truck. Authorities are not saying how the
Jane: Have you ever done any orienteering before?
break-out could have taken place, but according to

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usually reliable sources, the three men are believed McGaffey: All right, Lu. Thanks for your comments.
to have been helped in their escape, allegedly by Call me back sometime . . Well be back after this
a prison employee. A new state-of-the-art security commercial message.
system was supposed to have been installed two
months ago, but because of unexpected delays and
postponements, it is not yet in place. Listeners UNIT 19
should be aware that the three prisoners are thought
to have weapons and are believed to be heading EXERCISE 6 (page 334)
through a rugged mountainous area in the direction Mary: Thanks for tuning in to Sports Talk, all you
of Union City. Listeners are warned not to approach listeners out there. Im Mary Mobley, and today
the prisoners but are asked to contact the Sheriffs were talking with Lillian Swanson, champion
Office or call the toll-free number, 1-800-555-9999, if swimmer, whose Team Jamaica just won the world
they have any information. championship. Lillian will be participating in the
upcoming Olympics as part of the Jamaican national
team. Lillian, thanks so much for being here with us.
Lillian: Thanks for having me, Mary.
EXERCISE 7 (page 318) Mary: There are a million questions I could
ask, Lillian, but Ill start with this one: From all
McGaffey: Our next caller is from Singapore. Heres
appearances, youve had a charmed athletic career.
Lu Adijojo. Lu, whats your view?
To what do you attribute your success?
Lu Adijojo: Hello, Mike. Before I give my viewpoint,
Lillian: Well, Mary, whenever Ive been asked that
I just want to say how much I enjoy your show. I get
question, Ive always answered it in the same way: It
a chance to listen only once a week or so, but I really
was because my parents loved and supported me.
like it.
Mary: OK. Tell us more. How did it all happen?
McGaffey: Thanks. Thats nice to hear. So how do
you feel about what these two callers said? Do you Lillian: It started when I was a girl in Jamaica.
agree with either of them? I learned to swim when I was four. I swam in the
Caribbean, and swimming wasnt a big deal. Its the
Lu Adijojo: Well, Im sort of in between. Basically,
most natural thing in the world in Jamaica. I think
I guess Im closer to the lady from Canada. I dont
I became a good swimmer because I had to swim in
totally disagree with Jerry, but I do disagree with
the Caribbean, which is a lot more difficult to swim
what he said about service needing to be voluntary.
in than a pool.
Like the second caller, I also think it should be
required. But I do agree with Jerry about women in Mary: Who taught you to swim?
combat. Lillian: My parents. My family and I spent a lot of
McGaffey: OK. Give me some specifics. Why time at the beach since we didnt have many toys or
shouldnt women be in combat? video games or things like that.

Lu Adijojo: Well, one reason is that many women of Mary: What did you mean when you said that your
military service age are mothers. I just dont think parents supported you?
its right for women to go off and fight when their Lillian: Well, when I was 12, I decided I wanted
children are at home. The motherly role is just too to become a champion swimmer and go to the
important. Olympics someday. My parents said theyd pay for
McGaffey: All right. What about his idea that lessons and training if I would stick to my plan and
fighting is not feminine? practice regularly. So I did. They helped me become
a disciplined person.
Lu Adijojo: I agree with the lady on this part.
Fighting in combat doesnt mean that a woman Mary: Twelve is pretty young to make a decision like
in unfeminine. I just think its not advisable for that. Didnt you ever get tired of practicing all the
mothers. We dont allow women in Singapore to fight time? And did you ever get discouraged?
in combat, and not even pro-military people want to Lillian: Sure I got tired of practicing, lots of times.
change that. And yes, I got discouraged whenever I had a hard
McGaffey: What do you think about Sarahs idea time learning a new stroke.
about national service in every country? Mary: Any regrets?
Lu Adijojo: I think its basically a good idea. But Im Lillian: None at all. Because swimming is a total
afraid this probably wont happen in most countries passion for me, I cant imagine myself doing
because there might not be enough money to carry anything else. But I owe it all to my parents. Once I
it out. started my lessons, they wouldnt let me quit.

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Mary: Well, Lillian, thanks very much for talking and use their names. Clients like to be called by
with us. And good luck in the Olympics. their names, so its good for business. Therefore, its
Lillian: Thanks. My pleasure. absolutely essential that you say the peoples names
when you meet them. Second, you need to notice
one particular thing about each person and link that
UNIT 20 thing with the persons name. For example, suppose
the person has strong, prominent eyebrows. And
EXERCISE 6 (page 353) suppose the persons name is Ed. You can link the e
Good afternoon. This is the latest news from the in eyebrows with the e in Ed, and then you have an
World Broadcasting Network. The cease-fire has easier . . . Yes, May I help you?
been broken in Franconia. Asked whether he would Visitor: Yes. My name is Keoki Kendall.
attend next weeks peace conference in Geneva, Leader: Excuse me, Mr. Kendall, but were in the
rebel leader Amalde declined to commit himself, middle of a workshop here. Id. . .
saying that the success of the conference depends
Visitor: I wont keep you long. Im from the
on the good-faith actions of Mr. Tintor, the countrys
university police. I want everyone to stand up.
president. Mr. Amalde went on to say that Mr. Tintor
Quick! Everyone! Some money has been stolen from
could demonstrate good faith by agreeing to free
the Registrars Office, and I need to inspect your
elections. Interviewed about Mr. Amaldes comments,
belongings. Please empty your purses and backpacks
an aide to President Tintor, speaking off the record,
and your pockets onto your desks . . . Thank you.
said he did not expect the conference to take place
You have all been very cooperative. You may put
as scheduled. One of the key issues to be discussed is
your things away now. Thank you. Aloha.
amnesty for the rebels.
Meanwhile, researchers from the Global Health Bob: What in the world was that about?
Foundation announced plans to test a new vaccine Mike: Come on, you guys. He wasnt for real.
for AIDS. Acknowledging that the current vaccine Sarah: What? Are you kidding?
is ineffective, the researchers claim that their new
Mike: Didnt you notice? He wasnt in uniform.
vaccine is a marked improvement of the existing one
Besides that, Marsha, you didnt really act like this
and believe that it holds great promise.
was an interruption. So this must have all been
A new nation comes into existence at midnight
tonight. To be known as the Central Asian Republic,
the new nation has been carved out of the eastern Leader: Yes, Mike youre right. It was all planned.
portion of Spartania. According to its president, the But Ill bet he had you going for a minute. Right,
new country will need billions of dollars of foreign Bob?
aid in order to become a viable state. Bob: Ill have to admit it.
Finally, here is todays human interest story: In St. Leader: All right. The question is what you got out
Louis, Missouri, 16-year-old Sam Michaels was saved of the experience. Lets see what you remember. How
from drowning in a swimming pool by 12-year-old was he dressed?
Carrie Hutchinson. Being unable to swim, Michaels
Sarah: He had on a suit, a tuxedo actually, but he
had almost given up hope of being rescued. Having
wasnt wearing a white shirt.
heard his cries for help, Hutchinson located him,
jumped into the water, and pulled him to safety Leader: OK, good. What color was his shirt? . . . No
by using the lifesaving techniques she had learned one remembers? All right. What about his shoes?
in swimming classes. Michaels, grateful for the What color were they?
rescue, said he planned to start swimming lessons Mike:Brown?
immediately. Leader: Sorry. As a matter of fact, they were black.
Thats the news from the World Broadcasting What was his name?
Network. Stay tuned for further developments.
Sarah: Uh . . . I . . . I think his first name was . . .
UNIT 21 Leader: Thats right. Very good. Now why do you
think you were able to remember that name?
EXERCISE 6 (page 369) Sarah: Well, its an unusual first nameexcept in
Leader: All right, folks, were ready to start Part Hawaii.
2 of the workshop. Lets just review the points we Leader: Good. Now what was his last name?
made before. First, its important to get peoples
names in your short-term memory. When youre
meeting clients, its crucial to be able to remember

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Mike: I think it was Kendall. I dont think I would April: Well, its too late now, isnt it?
have remembered it, except for the fact that you Sally: Have you given it to him?
repeated it when you said, Excuse me, Mr. Kendall.
April: No, not yet.
Leader: Right. Excellent. Now what was the last
Sally: Then its not too late. If I were you, Id call
word he said?
him up and tell him Id changed my mind.
Bob: Aloha.
April: How can I do that? What can I say?
Leader: Very good. Why were you able to remember
Sally: Just tell him you wont be able to do it
because your conscience is bothering you.
Bob: Well, its not the usual way we say good-bye.
April: What should I do if he gets mad and says he
Everyone knows the word, of course. But people
wants to break up?
dont say it much.
Sally: Say good-bye. Hes not worth having as a
Leader: Right. OK. Now lets just sum up the point
boyfriend if thats his reaction.
here. You were able to remember some of the
particulars about our visitor but not all of them. Its April: I guess youre right. Have you got any courage
true that you were distracted. That was deliberate. pills?
But . . . most importantly, if youre going to improve
your memory and use it well, youre going to have to EXERCISE 8 (page 392)
learn to focus your attention consistently. You were 1. I wish youd stop riding motorcycles.
able to remember the flashy things, and thats a good 2. I wish youd stopped riding motorcycles.
start. But its the ordinary things you have to work 3. Mary wishes Id accepted the job.
on. You have to pay attention to those things, too. 4. Mary wishes Id accept the job.
5. I sure wish shed call me.
6. I sure wish shed called me.
UNIT 22 7. My dad wishes Id visited more often.
8. My dad wishes Id visit more often.
EXERCISE 7 (page 390) 9. I wish itd rained more.
Sally: Hi, April. Whats wrong? You look upset 10. I wish itd rain more.
about something.
April: I am. I wish Bob and I werent going together. UNIT 23
April: He asked me if he could borrow my EXERCISE 7 (page 409)
workbook for French classto copy it. We have to Marge:Hello?
turn our workbooks in on Friday. Ive finished mine,
Nancy: Hi, Marge. Its Nancy. Got a moment? I need
but Bobs done almost nothing.
some advice.
Sally: I hope youre going to tell me you said no.
Marge: Sure. Whats the problem?
April: I said yes.
Nancy: My daughter Amanda called an hour or so
Sally: April! I wish you hadnt done that. ago and asked me to babysit. When I said no, she
April: Well, I knew it wasnt a good idea to lend almost demanded I do it. I gave in and said yes,
it to him, but I thought hed break up with me if I but I wish I hadnt. Had I known she was calling, I
refused. wouldnt have answered the phone. What would you
Sally: This is trouble, girl. suggest?
April: What would you have done? Marge: Has this been happening a lot?
Sally: I would have told him no, plain and simple. Nancy: Yes, it has. Its the fifth time in three weeks.
The last time it happened, it was 10 oclock at night,
April: Easier said than done. Hes very persuasive,
and I was feeling sick. I had to call and insist she
and he is my boyfriend.
come and get the kids.
Sally: Its the wrong thing to do.
Marge: Did she?
April: Yeah, I know. If the teacher finds out, shell
Nancy: Yes, but she was mad. I love her and my
fail both of us.
grandchildren, but enough is enough.
Sally: Probably. But the main problem is that its
Marge: Whats her problem, anyway? Why is she
just wrong. You worked for your grade. Hes done
asking you to baby-sit all the time?
nothing. Its not fair to you, and its not fair to
anyone whos done the work.

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Nancy: Well, both she and Stan have strange work Marge: Well, this isnt a matter of survival. They
schedules. Shes been working overtime. have a nice enough home already. I suggest you call
Marge: They seem pretty well off to me. Why is her back and tell her youve changed your mind.
Amanda working so much? Youre not her slave.

Nancy: She and Stan want to buy another house. Nancy: Thanks, Marge. That was my thought, too. I
Personally I think shes been neglecting the children. just wanted some support.
Its important that she pay more attention to those Marge: Absolutely! You raised one family; you
kids. shouldnt have to raise another.

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