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Control Theory II - Homework 1

PhD. Walter Orozco Tupacyupanqui - Universidad Politcnica Salesiana

Semester (50): March - August 2017

Due date: 04/04/2017

1 Problems
1.1 Write the dierential equations for the mechanical systems shown in Fig. 1

Figure 1: Mechanical system

1.2 In many mechanical positioning systems there is exibility between one part of the system and another.
Fig. 2 depicts such a situation, where a force u is applied to the mass M and another mass m is connected to it.
The coupling between the objects is often modeled by a spring constant k with a damping coecient k, although
the actual situation is usually much more complicated than this. (a) Write the equations of motion governing this
system. (b) Find the transfer function between the control input u and the output y .

Figure 2: Schematic of a system with exibility

1.3 A very typical problem of electromechanical position control is an electric motor driving a load that has one
dominant vibration mode. The problem arises in computer-disk-head control, reel-to-reel tape drives, and many
other applications. A schematic diagram is sketched in Fig. 3. The motor has an electrical constant Ke , a torque
constant Kt , an armature inductance La , and a resistance Ra . The rotor has an inertia J1 and a viscous friction B.
The load has an inertia J2 . The two inertias are connected by a shaft with a spring constant k and an equivalent
viscous damping b. Write the equations of motion.

Figure 3: Motor with a exible load

1.4 Given the system
4 1 0
x= x+ u
2 1 1

with zero initial conditions, nd the steady-state value of x for a step input u.

1.5 Consider the system shown in Fig. 4

Figure 4: A block diagram for problem 1.5

(a) Find the transfer function from U to Y

(b) Write state equations for the system using the state variables indicated.

1.6 Consider the plant described by

0 1 1
x= x+ u
7 4 2

y= 1 3 x

(a) Draw a block diagram for the plant with one integrator for each state-variable. (b) Find the transfer

1.7 Consider the electric circuit shown in Fig. 5

Figure 5: Electric circuit

(a) Write the internal (state) equations for the circuit. The input u(t) is a current, and the output y is a voltage.
Let x1 = iL and x2 = vc , (b) What condition(s) on R, L, and C will guarantee that the system is controllable?,
(c) What condition(s) on R, L, and C will guarantee that the system is observable?

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