OSHA Newsletter ISS-201701

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Presidents Letter
by Suzanne H. Kimball
Issue Date
Happy 2017! worked so diligently in front of
and behind the scenes to keep
As I write for this "winter" edition Medical Issues
OSHA running smoothly. There Page 3
of the OSHA newsletter, I can't were a lot of happenings in 2016,
help but notice the blooming but Jeff managed to make it look
trees and flowers all around me like it was all smooth sailing.
and the higher than average Thank you so much for a job well
temperatures that we have been done, Jeff!
experiencing most of the past
month or two. Despite my Secondly, I would also like to Government Relations
physical surroundings, I welcome thank all of the members of the Page 4
you to another year of the Executive Council in 2016. OSHA
Oklahoma Speech-Language and could not be the organization
Hearing Association. I am thrilled that it is without the help of our
and honored to be serving as your volunteers. It truly takes a village
president this year. I am looking as the expression goes, so much
Ethical Ethel
forward to serving the association thanks to those that give of your
Page 4
in this role and hope that you will spare time to serve your
be patient with me as I transition. profession in this manner.
First, I would like to thank Jeff (Contd. on pg. 2)
Meadows, the OSHA immediate
past-president for his loyal service Schools Issues
to the association in 2016. Jeff Page 5
Issue 2017-1

Presidents Letter, Contd. both big and small tasks and you WINTER TUNE-UP
are invited to participate in as
So here we are in 2017 already. little or as much as you deem
Sometimes I wonder where time appropriate. We are a STATE
has gone. There are MANY association, so just because you
changes coming to OSHA this don't live in a metro area does not
year, the most significant of mean you can't participate. We
which is a complete change in our use videoconferencing for our EC
website platform. Surely some of and committee meetings so with
you have tried to log on recently CEUs
the use of technology, no one has
and haven't been able to get very Schedule time to update and tune-up your
to travel too far. Both knowledge and skills. Visit
farthat is because we are audiologists and speech-language http://www.asha.org/ce/ to find ASHA CE
diligently working on the new pathologists are needed. I often provider offerings. You still have a few
website which will be revealed hear, "what does OSHA do for wonderful CEU opportunities offered in
very soon. Our goal is to feature a me"? Once you become an active
Oklahoma this Spring:
"members only" section where we participant in the association, you
will have noteworthy information truly can comprehend the April 7, 2017
exclusively for our members. The benefits of membership and there
plan is to include things like job are many. Encourage other
professionals around you to join COMMUNICATION DISORDERS:
interesting articles and anything the association as well. The
else that we think would be stronger we are as a team, the IMPLEMENTING SOCIAL THINKING
meaningful for our members. CONCEPTS & VOCABULARY
more we can accomplish
Here is where you can help. After together. 8:00AM 5:00PM
the launch of the new site, take
some time to peruse the content Let 2017 be the year you give OKLAHOMA STATE UNIVERSITY
and send suggestions for your time and resources to
additional links and sources. We OSHA! Send me your thoughts http://cccd.okstate.edu/
are open to anything that and ideas, participate in OSHA
members think is essential. The activities, and willingly give back April 22, 2017
EC cannot do this alone. to your professional association.
Remember that most of our
OSHA volunteers have full time Please feel free to contact me. I INEZ MILLER CONFERENCE ON
employment commitments, welcome your feedback. The COMMUNICATION SCIENCES AND
Oklahoma Speech-Language and DISORDERS:
families and other outside
activities. As the saying goes, Hearing Association stands ready DR. PAMELA A. HADLEY
"many hands make light work". to serve you.
Help us to have our best website Sincerely, AND INTERVENTION IN A
yet both for our own members as SENTENCE-FOCUSED
well as for the families and Suzanne H. Kimball, AuD FRAMEWORK: TARGETING VERBS
consumers that seek our services.
Never fear, there are other ways OKLAHOMA
that you can serve the association NIGH UNIVERSITY CENTER
as well. There is committee work
to be done, advocacy efforts to
participate in, and the annual
conference to attend. There are

Medical Issues Update!

by Teresa Bierig

The StAMP network - The State

The Medical Issues Committee has
Advocates for Medicare Policy work
carefully watched upcoming changes
to influence local public policy
on the horizon. Current items of
decisions that affect Medicare
interest include:
coverage and reimbursement of
Oklahoma Healthcare Authority speech-language pathology and
audiology services. The StAMP
OHCA will be hosting Provider
2017 OSHA Conference Training Workshops in Durant,
network is following:

StAMPS have looked at the

Road to Success: Tulsa, OKC, Guymon April-June.
More information can be found following topics during monthly

Efficiency, on the provider training page on presentations:

the OHCA website. The use of the cognitive CPT
Effectiveness & Oklahoma legislation for a cigarette
code in Medicare billing
Various payment models
Energizing Your tax to sustain health agencies and to
keep healthcare affordable and being implemented in Medicare
reimbursement, including
Practice available as a priority.
bundled payment/episode of
ASHA Reimbursement Networks care, accountable care
STARs and STAMPs! organizations (ACO), Patient-
Brushing up your skills or learning Centered Medical Home
The STAR network - State Advocates concept, and Alternative
more about an area of interest can
for Reimbursement advocate in each Payment Models (APM)
rejuvenate you mind! Attend the state for improved health care
annual OSHA Conference! Use of CF and Medicare billing
coverage and reasonable
reimbursement. Recent topics of
interest from the STAR network Please feel free to contact me with
FAST FACTS include: any questions, comments, or need
for assistance and I will be happy to
All states are closely watching try to help!
Sept. 15-16 what will happen next with
Medicaid funding with the new
Dates of the 2017 OSHA Conference. administration considering
repeal of the Affordable Care Act Teresa Bierig
(ACA). tabierig@yahoo.com

Reed Habilitation Advocacy is being

addressed by ASHA with
Medical Issues Chair
Oklahoma STAR

Conference dissemination of information for

advocacy at the state level as
Oklahoma StAMP
well as identification of
Center representatives in each state as a
designated HAB advocate.
Midwest City, OK Location of the 2017 OSHA Conf.
Oklahomas advocate for
FOR MORE INFORMATION habilitation therapy is Sarah
Watch the OSHA Website
Issue 2017-1

Government Relations OBESPA lobbyist Mona Ryan has

been focusing on changes to
by Christina McDougall
licensure language for legislation
for speech-language pathology and
The Government Regulations Committee and audiology. The act made it out of committee before
School Issues Committee are working to secure the March 2nd deadline, and hopefully will be heard
salary supplements for the upcoming school year. in early March.
Superintendent Joy Hofmeister has requested the

Watch for the DATE! Capitol Day is coming in late April!

funds in the 2018 OSDE budget, but it will be up to In late April, OSHA and OSPA will collaborate on a
the legislature to appropriate the monies. Andrea mini Capitol Day to focus on funding for the salary
Kunkel, representative for Cooperative Council for stipend. School-based SLPs should contact their
School Administration and Oklahoma Directors of legislators at any time now to let them know how
Special Services, has offered to join forces with much this 10-15% salary cut has hurt, coming after
OSHA and the Oklahoma School Psychological nine years without raises.
Association (OSPA) to address this issue.

continuing education in the area of each even year. At least 3% of

ethics during each 2-year audit licensees are audited. For more
Ethical Ethel cycle. The current audit period information on continuing
by Karen Copeland
began in January 2017 and will end education requirements, visit
on December 31, 2018. When you https://www.ok.gov/obespa/docum
Dear Ethel, renew your license for 2019, you will ents/20170111155952256.pdf .
be required to attest to completing Section 690: 10-3-8 covers
I recently moved to Oklahoma
a minimum of 20 total hours of continuing education requirements.
and have obtained my license
continuing education. Three hours
to practice SLP. Is it true that I Happy Learning!
must be in the area of ethics, and
have to obtain continuing E.E.
these hours can be obtained in a
education in the area of ethics?
variety of ways, including face-to-
How does this work? How can I Note: Any similarity to actual
face traditional learning. Online events are coincidental. Do you
obtain these hours?
continuing education activities, have a question for this
Signed, such as ASHA webinars, related to column? Please forward to the
Nancy Newbie ethics are also acceptable. If you OSHA Standards & Ethics
dont use the ASHA registry, be sure Committee:
Dear Nancy, to keep copies of all course oslhaethics@gmail.com . Your
Welcome to Oklahoma! You will certificates, learning objectives, and question may appear in a future
like it here! Oklahoma has some other documentation in case of an edition of The OSHA
audit. The Board of Examiners for Newsletter. All inquiries will
great SLPs and audiologists! Yes,
SLP/A conducts an audit of remain confidential.
you are correct. All licensees are
required to complete 3 hours of continuing education compliance in
Dear Ethel,
Issue 2017-1

Looking for a conference thats all

Schools Issues about your practice setting? Find it
in New Orleans! ASHA is co-locating
by Kathy Wheat
three conferences this summer:
OSHA Schools Committee Rural Schools Connect, Health Care Connect, and Private
Practice Connect.
Networking Initiative
The committee has been reaching out to SLPs and Get practical solutions for your everyday challenges
SLPAs in rural settings to work on networking. If you by attending the sessions that apply to your specific
are interested, contact Melodye Pipes @ concerns, led by the experts in your field.
We hope to use the network to support practice and Earn up to 1.7 continuing education credits in
share ideas via web conferencing scheduled just one weekend
opportunities. Develop new skills at 2 days of education
sessions targeted to your learning needs
and extend your learning at the poster
ASHA School Issues News sessions on Saturday
Share experiences, challenges, and solutions
ASHA Schools 2016 Survey with other SLPs from your practice setting
Build relationships with colleagues and
experts, old and new, at receptions, lunches,
http://www.asha.org/Research/me and roundtables
Get the latest research and cutting-edge
takeaways you can apply right away
Find the best solutions, new technologies,

ASHA Connect (formerly ASHA and services for your practice in the exhibit
Schools Conference) Earn even more CE hours when you purchase
the PLUS Package recordings** and join the
Louisiana Speech-Language-Hearing
Association for pre-conference workshops*
on Thursday afternoon!
Explore all the charm New Orleans has to
Join us to learn and connect with others who share
your unique set of challenges and concerns and are
looking for focused dialogue. Whether you are a
speech-language pathologist who works in a school,
health care, or private practice setting, each
conference focuses on the challenges you face in your
practice setting.
July 79, 2017 Mark your calendar! Registration and housing
(Plus pre-conference workshops on July 6, 2017*) open April 20, 2017.
Hyatt Regency New Orleans *from ASHA website
New Orleans, Louisiana
Issue 2017-1

Oklahoma State Department of

ACA and Habilitation Education Handbook Changes
(If you bill Medicaid for services, this could be of
The Oklahoma Special Education Handbook
resulted from collaboration between the OSDE-SES
What is On the Horizon? In light of the recent and stakeholders across the State. To further this
discussions surrounding the repeal and replacement collaboration, we invite all stakeholders to provide
of the ACA/Obamacare, all state habilitation suggestions or comments on the content included in
advocacy contacts are invited to participate in a the Handbook. To submit changes go to
webinar for an update and to learn more about http://ok.gov/sde/documents-forms.All suggestions
advocating at the state level. The webinar will take will be reviewed for summer revisions to the
place during the STAR monthly conference call, which Oklahoma Special Education Handbook. Please
is scheduled on March 22, 2017, at 7:00 p.m. ET, and submit suggestions by March 17th.
will be hosted by Daneen Grooms, MHSA, ASHAs
director of health reform analysis and advocacy. To
join the webinar, go to
You can also dial in using your phone. United States
+1 (646) 749-3131; Access Code: 441-181-869.
Anyone with an interest in habilitation services and
devices coverage is also encouraged to join in for the

Yes, OSHA is looking for volunteers!

We dont want your first born or all your waking hours!

Just volunteer a few hours, sometimes per week, sometimes per month, sometimes per year.
If you are the person that says, It would be better if. Or If they would., then you are just the type of
person we need on committees and in chair positions in OSHA. All OSHA positions are volunteer, which means,
the more hands that help, the lighter the load for all. You know that OSHA provides value to all SLPs and AuDs
in the state by working on issues at the state level, keeping you up to date/current at the conference, and by
representing Oklahoma in ASHA and its various groups and committees. Yet, the number of paying members is
far fewer than the number of licensed SLPs in the state! We need more dues paying members and more
volunteers! Make that commitment today! Pay your dues. Volunteer by contacting the OSHA website or our
fearless president, Suzanne Kimball.

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