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Summer 2009

The Castellaw Courier Page 4

Lariat staff reports from the nation’s capital

Continued from page one
Standing at the foot of the Capitol
Building was quite a moment. You could
feel the prestige and significance of a
presidential inauguration. You could hear
a million people chanting behind you.
You could sense a collective excitement
and patriotic spirit.
The rest of the week, we continued
working on stories about the aftermath
of the inauguration and the general tone
around Washington. As we flew home on
Friday, I remember thinking back over the
week and feeling proud about our team.
It was hard to believe that we had com-
pleted 13 stories, 35 blog entries and three
photo essays between the four of us in four
days. I’m so grateful to be involved in a Courtesy photo
journalism department that values giving Ashley Killough interviews Obama supporters while on her inauguration day reporting duties on Capitol
their students real world experiences. Hill. During the week the Lariateers blogged and posted photos to

Authors offer advice at panel, ceremony

Jenna DeWitt
Co-editor of The Castellaw Courier

O n March 31, the jour-

The department also spon-
department sored a question and answer
honored its students with panel with the authors later
scholarships, awards and in the evening, emceed by
its honor society initiation Associate Professor Robert
at an afternoon tea in the Darden, in Meadows Audi-
Hughes- Dillard Alumni torium of the Glennis Mc-
Center. More Crary Music
than 60 scholar- “Every writer hopes to Building. The
ships were fund- have as wide a reader- panelists also
ed by alumni ship as possible. I hope took questions
and other donors to tell a good story.” from students Photo by Shanna Taylor
this year. -Carlton Stowers, author after the for- Journalism students Sarah Rafique, Cristina Kruse and Charly Edsitty cel-
In attendance mal discus- ebrate their awards and scholarships at the department’s ceremony.
for the day’s events were sion. When asked what stay focused on finding out places where you can hone
four of Texas’ most promi- advice they would give to what makes a good story. your craft. You have to be
nent authors, Jeff Guinn, young journalists consid- “If you’re going to be a flexible. The story is the
Mary Rogers, Carlton Stow- ering the recent economic writer you have to find heart of everything,” Rog-
ers and Jim Donovan. downturn, Rogers said to those internships and those ers said.

11Number of Mark of Ex- 5 Number of first place 45 Number of Texas Intercol- 1 Award for First
cellence awards Baylor Mark of Excellence legiate Press Association Place Best of Show
journalism students won awards won at SPJ’s awards won by the Baylor won by The Baylor
at SPJ’s regional conven- regional convention in student publications staffs Lariat at Dallas
tion in Fort Worth Fort Worth at the centennial convention TIPA convention

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