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Hayden Roberts

Podcast Script Assignment

Topic: Mississippi State Intramural Sports
Recording Time: 11 min. 50 sec.
Date Filed: 3-29-2017

1) MUSIC BED VOLUME UP: Mississippi State fight song (6 sec.)


3) Host VO incue: Michael Jordan once said just play. Have fun. Enjoy the game.

4) My name is Hayden Roberts. I will be your host for the series. We will be recording

5) from campus to reach you all. We at the Mississippi State University Department of

6) Recreational Sports, recognize that university life can be very busy and stressful at

7) times. We realize that finding ways to connect with other students can be a chore

8) upon itself. We also know that staying in shape during your time at university can be

9) a challenge also. This podcast is here to give you some solutions to these issues

10) Mississippi State intramural sports. This is the first episode of a podcast series

11) produced by the Mississippi State University Department of Recreational Sports and

12) sponsored by MSU intramural sports. On today's episode, we are going to cover

13) why intramural sports are important and how to get started. We're going to touch on

14) three different topics today:

15) Why intramural sports are beneficial

16) Sports that are available now

17) and How to create your own team

18) On today's episode we have two guest to give us insight on later topics,
19) JON-A-THAN Adams, Coordinator of Competitive Sports, to tell us about sports that

20) are available now, and HAR-OLD SCR-UGGS, a senior biomedical technology

21) major and intramural soccer team captain to talk about making a team.

22) Host outcue: Lets get started with why intramural sports are beneficial.

(1 min., 25 sec.)

23) MUSICAL BRIDGE custom jingle (3 sec.)

Segment 1

24) Host incue: Many universities around the country have intramural sports programs

25) for their students and faculty. Here, we believe that intramural sports can help

26) students and faculty on many different levels. The first level we're going to discuss

27) is the health benefits.

28) It's no secret that getting active and exercising is good for your body. Many students

29) and faculty members aren't getting a healthy amount of exercise in their day to day

30) activities. It's hard to fit in time on your own to work out and get in shape while

31) you're also trying to balance school. Getting enrolled in intramural sports is an easy

32) way to set a date and time to exercise with fellow students or faculty. There are an

33) abundance of different sports to choose from, making it easy for a participant to find

34) an activity that works for them.

35) Another benefit from intramural sports is social interaction. For some people, it is

36) hard to make new friends while also trying to succeed in school. Social interaction is

37) a key role in whether a college experience is great or not, and being involved in
38) intramural sports is a great way to make new friends. Not only are you just meeting

39) new people, you're working together with them, trying to achieve a common goal of

40) succeeding on the field or court. This sense of working together can create strong

41) bonds between teammates, which can then lead to great friendships.

42) The last benefit we're discussing is something we touched on earlier, and that's

43) team building. Team building is something that is important to both students and

44) faculty. Team building creates character and gives a sense of appreciation for your

45) teammates and other around you. For students, team building is important because

46) it creates an idea that all the students on campus are equal and should work

47) together to make the school and each other better. For faculty, team building on the

48) field or court is great, because it lets you get to know your coworkers or your

49) students on a more personal level.

50) The benefits of participating in intramural sports go beyond what we've discussed in

51) this segment. Intramural sports can benefit anyone willing to take the jump and sign

52) up.

53) Host outcue: Next up, we'll be talking to Coordinator of Competitive Sports JON-

54) A-THAN Adams about what sports are available now. (2 min., 25 sec.)

Segment 2

55) Host incue: JON-A-THAN Adams joins us now. Welcome to the show.

56) Guest: Thanks for having me.

57) Host: In the earlier segment, we discussed some benefits of intramural sports, but

58) the listeners need to know what sports are available now.
59) What sports are available for registration now?

60) How should a person pick a sport?

61) Do you think a person should have experience in the sport?

62) Do you think the intramural program will continue to get more sports?

63) Thanks for being here JON-A-THAN. Next we'll be joined by intramural soccer team

64) captain, HAR-OLD SCR-UGGS.

65) Host outcue: But before that, a quick word from our sponsor: Mississippi State

66) University Department of Recreational Sports. (3 min.)

67) COMMERCIAL SPOT (30 sec.)

Segment 3

68) Host incue: Welcome back to the pilot episode of your MSU intramural sports

69) podcast. I'm your host Hayden Roberts. With us now is intramural soccer team

70) captain HAR-OLD SCR-UGGS. Welcome HAR-OLD.

71) Guest: Its good to be here

72) Host: So you're an intramural soccer team captain, let's talk about how you

73) started your team.

74) How do you make an intramural team?

75) How do you pick who is on your team?

76) What are some tips on getting players to join your team?

77) Are there any tips on being a good captain? (3 min., 15 sec.)


78) Thanks for being with us today HAR-OLD. That's going to do to for today's episode.
79) Next week we're going to talk about what sports are most popular on campus and

80) also give some tips on how to hold an effective practice. Until then, you can find us

81) online at r-e-c-s-p-o-r-t-s-dot-m-s-s-t-a-t-e-dot-e-d-u, that's r-e-c-s-p-o-r-t-s-dot-

82) m-s-s-t-a-t-e-dot-e-d-u. Or you can download the I-M Leagues app and look at

83) the different intramural sports there. Until next time, thanks for listening. This is your

84) host Hayden Roberts signing off.

85) Host outcue: Remember the words of Michael Jordan, just play. Have fun. Enjoy the

86) game. (1 min)

87) MUSIC BED VOLUME UP: Mississippi State fight song (6 sec.)


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