Davis Dan Gsaps Review Final

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Running head: Current reality and GSAPS analysis

Professional Learning Current Reality and GSAPS Analysis

Dan Davis, Columbia Middle School

Kennesaw State University

September 2016
Current reality and GSAPS analysis

Professional Learning Current Reality

School Background

Columbia Middle School (CMS) is a suburban school with over 1,000 students in sixth through eighth grades. There is a diverse

culture in the school, with teachers of varying backgrounds, ability levels in relation to professional learning and technology

integration, and experiences. The new school building was opened in 2013 and has a layout that separates the grade levels with few

common areas. Classes all have Wi-Fi access and students mostly participate in the county-wide bring BYOD program. Teachers and

students use a variety of technology, including three computer labs, iPods, iPads, and a new mobile lab with 2-n-1 laptops. Every

classroom if equipped with an Activboard and at least one desktop computer.

Teachers use an assortment of technology and learning management systems (LMS) to teach, assess, and organize their classes. The

ultimate goal, according to my interview with the principal, is to use the technology available to the school to foster relationships

inside the school and open doors to the outside world. At CMS the mission is to have students participate in the 21 st century, and some

of the professional learning and school improvement plan (SIP) goals support the inclusion of technology in order to achieve that end

result. The types of learning and training provided is often dictated by student data from the end-of-quarter assessments and end-of-

grade tests.

Types of Professional Learning

Needs based learning takes part in two different forms. Both of these forms of PL are funded by the county, who provides the schools

with a professional learning budget. This budget also carved out an instructional coach position at each of the district middle schools.
Current reality and GSAPS analysis

Professional learning and the resources that the instructional coach offers make a continued focus on teacher and student improvement

a focus of the district.

The first need based professional learning (PL) relates to the school improvement plan. Teachers and all grade levels but not content

areas participate collaboratively in professional learning communities related to increasing student literacy. These professional

learning communities occur during common planning time and are teacher facilitated. The goal of the PLCs was set at the county level

in an effort to increase student achievement using research-based strategies. It piggy-backs on the district PLC sessions from last year

which focused on increasing writing skills. The school instructional coach sits in on these professional learning sessions, and offers

her tone in support of teachers in implementing the strategies. She also encouraged, posts helpful links and online resources, and

offers her time to classroom teachers to aid instruction. Country wide PL sessions also reflect these same goals, and are available to

all teachers in all subject areas.

The second type of professional learning that takes place is more focused on teacher use of individual organs available to them to

teach, assess, and engage students on the classroom. PL sessions include the use of web programs for assessments, using technology,

and utilizing Microsoft Office 365 as a collaborative tool for teachers and students.

Technology and Professional Learning

Technology is used in many facets of professional learning and classroom instruction at CMS. According to the interview with Mr.

Putnam, the ultimate goal of technology use in the building is to be able to move forward with the county's proposed 1:1 initiative.

Much discussion, research, and data analysis went in to the county's decision to move towards each child having his or her own

device. Technology needs in relation to infrastructure, network capacity, and security are constantly being improved. Administrators
Current reality and GSAPS analysis

and faculty members have been intensely preparing for the transition by attending PL about online LMS like Edmodo and Schoology,

and by using sharing and cloud storage solutions from the county partnership with Microsoft. The major hurdle to full implementation

of 1:1 at the school and district level is the education of all stakeholders on how to effectively manage and utilize the devices to

increase student achievement.

Professional Learning and School Improvement

The professional learning in place at the school and county level are both closely aligned to the school improvement plan. The

primary goal of the SIP is to lower the failure rate of students and decrease summer school enrollment numbers. Teachers and

administration believe this is possible by working on the literacy strategies mastered throughout the year during PL sessions and

taught to the students as beneficial strategies to comprehend content material (E. Putnam, personal interview, Sept. 21 2016).

Supporting and Measuring Professional Learning

Support and feedback are essential to the success of any professional learning. CMS has a system in place in order to allow a

feedback loop to work on improving instruction via the PL sessions. Follow up meetings occur at regularly scheduled intervals after

sessions to allow teachers to "share successes of strategies and how they were integrated" (E. Putnam, personal interview, Sept. 21

2016). This public sharing makes teachers feel that they are part of the learning themselves, which does increase buy-in and the rate

of implementation of new strategies. The follow-up meeting sessions include team meetings, content are meetings, and grade level

meetings. There is, however, a lack of collaborative support and sharing across grade levels of PL on a wide scale in any form other

than supporting technology integration and learning management system usage.

Current reality and GSAPS analysis

Currently, PL sessions are based on the literacy of all students. Increasing literacy is a goal that was identified by and supported by all

stakeholders. Since this is the first year the literacy PLCs are being implemented, there is currently no data to support its

effectiveness other that teacher reports. On a positive note, teacher morale in relation to the PLCs and the rate of successful

implementation is high compared to previous years. Benchmark exams at the end of each quarter will be a good measure of the

success of the professional learning goals for the current school year.

Based on that, the primary incentive of supporting professional learning and improving his or her own practice is not extrinsically

visible so much at the school. "I hope the incentives are the intrinsic desire to become a better teacher and in turn provide students

with better learning opportunities" (personal interview, Sept. 21 2016) reports Mr. Putnam about why the use of extrinsic motivators

may not be so visible at CMS. This drive to learn, to improve, is part of the school's vision for all learners, and is an excellent model

to meet school improvement goals.

Current reality and GSAPS analysis

GSAPS Review Columbia Middle School

Professional Learning Standard 1: Aligns professional learning with needs identified through analysis of a variety of data

Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1

Exemplary Operational Emerging Not Evident

Professional learning needs are Professional learning needs are Professional learning needs are Professional learning needs are
identified and differentiated identified through a identified using limited identified using little or no
through a collaborative collaborative analysis process sources of data. data.
analysis process using a using a variety of data (e.g.,
variety of data (e.g., student student achievement data,
achievement data, examination examination of student work,
of student work, process data, process data, teacher and
teacher and leader leader effectiveness data,
effectiveness data, action action research data,
research data, perception data perception data from students,
from students, staff, and staff, and families).
families). Ongoing support is
provided through
differentiated professional

EVIDENCE: In the space below, provide detailed evidence supporting your rating above
Professional learning (PL) is identified by several stakeholders. District leaders and administration analyze various sorts of school-
level data to develop PL sessions that meet needs during the summer. Teachers and administration use student data collected on
formative and summative measures to identify smaller, school-level PL sessions. Some of these may be led by outside individuals
or groups, some may be led by teacher-leaders or administration. Individual and small groups of teachers may also elect to attend
PL sessions on their own based on their own classroom.

RECOMMENDATIONS: Have faculty sit in with administration on meetings to decide PL sessions that they feel would be most
valuable in an effort to boost faculty involvement and increase student achievement.
Current reality and GSAPS analysis

Professional Learning Standard 2: Establishes a culture of collaboration among administrators and staff to enhance individual
and collective performance

Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1

Exemplary Operational Emerging Not Evident

Administrators and staff, as a Administrators and staff Administrators and staff Administrators and staff
foundational practice, routinely collaborate to routinely collaborate to routinely collaborate to
consistently collaborate to improve individual and improve individual and improve individual and
support leadership and collective performance (e.g., collective performance (e.g., collective performance (e.g.,
personal accountability and to construct knowledge, acquire construct knowledge, acquire construct knowledge, acquire
enhance individual and skills, refine practice, provide skills, refine practice, provide skills, refine practice, provide
collective performance (e.g., feedback). feedback). feedback).
construct knowledge, acquire
skills, refine practice, provide
Teachers conduct action
research and assume
ownership of professional
learning processes.

EVIDENCE: In the space below, provide detailed evidence supporting your rating above
Administration and faculty routinely collaborate in the form of grade-level, department, and individual meetings to discuss
performance of both the teacher and the students.

RECOMMENDATIONS: Using these collaboration sessions to implement model classroom visits would be a good way to move
the school culture of collaboration to the next performance level.
Current reality and GSAPS analysis

Professional Learning Standard 3: Defines expectations for implementing professional learning

Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1

Exemplary Operational Emerging Not Evident

Administrators, teacher Administrators, teacher Administrators, teacher Administrators, teacher

leaders, or both consistently leaders, or both regularly leaders, or both occasionally leaders, or both rarely, if ever,
define expectations for the define expectations for the define expectations for the define expectations for the
implementation of professional implementation of professional implementation of professional implementation of professional
learning, including details learning. learning. learning.
regarding the stages of
implementation and how
monitoring will occur as
implementation progresses.

EVIDENCE: In the space below, provide detailed evidence supporting your rating above
PL sessions are well-planned, timed, and organized both at a school and district level. Progress monitoring is spelled out and
frequent checks are completed during PL implementation.

RECOMMENDATIONS: Incorporate more teacher-leaders into the implementation process at the school level.
Current reality and GSAPS analysis

Professional Learning Standard 4: Uses multiple professional learning designs to support the various learning needs of the staff

Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1

Exemplary Operational Emerging Not Evident

Staff members actively Staff members actively Some staff members are Staff members receive single,
participate in job-embedded participate in professional engaged in professional stand-alone professional
professional learning that learning, most of which is job- learning that makes use of learning events that are
engages collaborative teams in embedded, which includes more than one learning design informational and mostly
a variety of appropriate multiple designs (e.g., to address their identified large-group presentation
learning designs (e.g., collaborative lesson study, needs. designs.
collaborative lesson study, analysis of student work,
analysis of student work, problem-solving sessions,
problem solving sessions, curriculum development,
curriculum development, coursework, action research,
coursework, action research, classroom observations, online
classroom observations, online networks) to support their
networks). Professional various learning needs.
learning includes extensive Professional learning includes
follow-up with descriptive follow-up with feedback and
feedback and coaching. coaching.

EVIDENCE: In the space below, provide detailed evidence supporting your rating above
The most common type of PL session is the sit and get where the information is delivered and then expected to be implemented.
The delivery process itself is made as interesting as possible and on terms that generally meet the needs of the faculty.

RECOMMENDATIONS: Faculty involvement and implementation of PL strategies would increase with a more research-based PL
model. Use a variety of delivery models and teacher surveys to gauge interest.
Current reality and GSAPS analysis

Professional Learning Standard 5: Allocates resources and establishes systems to support and sustain effective professional

Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1

Exemplary Operational Emerging Not Evident

Extensive resources (e.g., Adequate resources (e.g., Some resources and systems Few, if any, resources and
substitute teachers, materials, substitute teachers, materials, are allocated to support and systems are provided to
handouts, tools, stipends, handouts, tools, stipends, sustain professional learning. support and sustain
facilitators, technology) and facilitators, technology) and professional learning.
systems (e.g., conducive systems (e.g., conducive
schedules, adequate schedules, adequate
collaborative time, model collaborative time, model
classrooms) are allocated to classrooms) are in place to
support and sustain effective support and sustain
professional learning. professional learning.
Opportunities to practice
skills, receive follow-up,
feedback, and coaching are
provided to support the
effectiveness of professional

EVIDENCE: In the space below, provide detailed evidence supporting your rating above
A variety of resources are available in person, on county wikispaces, handed out during PL sessions, or shared through Microsoft
OneDrive. Planning and meeting times have been set up prior to the school year beginning, and dates and times can be adjusted
accordingly to meet teacher needs.

RECOMMENDATIONS: Increase resources from a variety of sources including peer, administration, outside resources/experts,
and students.
Current reality and GSAPS analysis

Professional Learning Standard 6: Monitors and evaluates the impact of professional learning on staff practices and student

Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1

Exemplary Operational Emerging Not Evident

Monitoring and evaluating the Monitoring and evaluating the Monitoring and evaluating the Monitoring and evaluating the
impact of professional learning impact of professional learning impact of professional learning impact of professional learning
on staff practices and increases on staff practices and student on staff practices occurs on staff practices occurs rarely,
in student learning occurs learning occurs routinely. sporadically. if ever.
extensively. Evaluation results
are used to identify and
implement processes to extend
student learning.

EVIDENCE: In the space below, provide detailed evidence supporting your rating above Very little outside monitoring of PL
implementation is conducted, even though it is mandated by norms. Most evaluation is by verbal reporting only and sharing of
student work and teacher successes is very limited.

RECOMMENDATIONS: Increase follow-up and implementation success by having a measure of PL in place and include feedback
from a variety of sources including peer, administration, and students. This could be done during content are settings and during
faculty meetings.
Current reality and GSAPS analysis

KSU ITEC Professional Learning Standard: Professional learning reinforces educators understanding and use of strategies for
promoting equity and high expectations for all students, application of research-based teaching strategies and assessment processes,
and involvement of families and other stakeholders in promoting student learning.

Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1

Exemplary Operational Emerging Not Evident

Classroom practices (e.g., Classroom practices of most Classroom practices of some Classroom practices reflect
considering interests, teachers reflect skill in teachers reflect evidence of little or no evidence of
backgrounds, strengths, and communicating high teachers training in teachers training in
preferences to provide expectations for each student understanding the impact that understanding the impact that
meaningful, relevant lessons and adjusting classroom attitudes regarding race, attitudes regarding race,
and assess student progress, activities to meet student disabilities, background, disabilities, background,
differentiating instruction, and needs. Respect for students culture, high expectations, and culture, high expectations, and
nurturing student capacity for cultures and life experiences is social class of both students social class of both students
self-management) of all evident through the and teachers have on the and teachers have on the
teachers reflect an emotionally emotionally and physically teaching and learning process. teaching and learning process.
and physically safe safe learning environment
environment where respect and where students of diverse
appreciation for a diverse backgrounds and experiences
population is evident. There are taught the school code of
are high achievement conduct (customs) to help
expectations for all students them be successful in the
and teachers. The principal and school context.
other leaders provide
professional learning for
teachers lacking understanding
of the impact that attitudes
regarding race, disabilities,
background, culture, high
expectations, and social class
of both students and teachers
have on the teaching and
learning process.
Current reality and GSAPS analysis

EVIDENCE: In the space below, provide detailed evidence supporting your rating above
The faculty recognizes the diverse population of the student body and actively works to address any attitudes and issues relating to
race, gender, etc. Student expectations are high, and kept positive by trusted adults and students organizations like weekly prayer
groups. A cultural fair was held to celebrate the differences in culture of the students attending the school.

RECOMMENDATIONS: Have more emphasis placed on suffering people's placed on all content classes, especially social studies.
Increase participation in the cultural fair and make it an ongoing feature of the school's diversity.

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