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Proprioceptive Input

Run and Play Floor Tic Tac Toe

Idea by Victor D. Rivera

Description: This activity is a fun way to play Tic Tac Toe and do heavy work
which helps children with the need for sensory and proprioceptive input before
attending to task.
Age and population: Kindergarten, 1st 3rd grade, Developmental Delay, Autism,
Downs Syndrome

9 small Hula Hoops, two different colored bean bags or other items.

Lay out 9 small Hula Hoops in a square 3 x 3 pattern to simulate the grid of a typical
Tic Tac Toe game. A team of two children will either run, hop or skip to the pattern
laid out on the floor and place one of their bean bags before returning to retrieve
another. They will again return to the grid laid out on the floor by running, skipping
or hopping to place another bean bag. The procedure will repeat until one team
player has managed to get three in a row as in a typical game of Tic Tac Toe.

Upgrade: Provide an obstacle course to add a bit of difficulty in getting to the grid.
Use heavier bean bags.
Downgrade: Shortening the length of the distance to the grid. Walking only to the

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