Ms. Esquivel Classroom Management Plan: Rules

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Classroom Management Plan

Listen and follow directions.
Raise your hand before speaking or leaving your seat.
Listen when your teacher/adult is talking.
Respect others, respect yourself, and respect your school.
Always be prepared. (mainly for 3rd 6th graders)

1. Take a break.
Find your self-control before it gets too bad.
2. You break it, you fix it.
Do whatever you need to do to make the
situation right again.
3. Logical consequence.
The punishment fits the crime.
4. Loss of a privilege.
Try harder. Youve taken it too far.

Homework passes
Extra recess
Buckaroos- Students write their names on a ticket, on Fridays if
their name gets drawn, they get to choose a prize from the
treasure box. They have the chance to get these tickets if they
are well behaved.

Classroom Jobs Line leader, Door holder, Restroom monitors, light
switcher, Messenger, Teacher helper, etc.
Fast finishers Board If your work is finished, read a book, practice sight
word/spelling words, Math flash cards, unfinished folder, etc.
Blurt Beans The goal is to fill up the Reward Jar to earn prizes along the
way as a whole class such as Extra Recess, Movie Day, Popcorn Party, etc.
There is another jar called the Blurt Beans. Give each student 5 beans to
start off each day. If a child is talking or blurts out during a lesson or when
they are not supposed to, tell them to put a bean in the Blurt Bean jar. At
the end of the day all the beans that are left in the students desk go in the
Reward Jar.
Have labeled folders and Journal for each student such as a work in
progress folder (left tab: Finished, right tab: Unfinished), writers workshop,
Science Journal, Writing journal, Jam Journal, etc.
Make pencil on Popsicle stick. Write name of students, eraser up means that
you havent called them. Point up means you have.
Tables will be in groups and each table will have a color.

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