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The Agenda

04 S T U D E N T L I F E
C O L L E G E E S S AY S :
Though, at times, applying for college feels like youre jumping through a series of increasingly smaller flaming hoops, at other times the satisfaction after
having completed a piece of spectacular work makes you realize youve made it, that the cumulation of all these years at school allow us to write with
such finesse, splendor, & magnifigance. Lets hear it for the college essay - painful and transformative at the same time.

Prompt: Which corrupts more, power or powerlessness?

Power corrupts more tion arising from powerlessness. system where power is fed by the
than powerlessness. Corruption However, that is untrue. In these maintenance of powerlessness
on behalf of the powerless is not rough neighborhoods the lack of through systematic and deliberate
their own - it is the corruption of police activity and law enforce- subjugation and marginalization of
a system which holds the power- ment attention (because theyre so groups of people.
less accountable for choices they run down, poor, and have such a Oppression is the specific
are forced to make. The corruption high percentage of people of color) tool of the powerful to maintain
of the powerless solely originates results in the formation of gangs powerlessness. Oppression in turn
in necessity, however corruption of as a means of self protection. Its maintains the corruption that
the powerful originates from with- a cruel cycle - people of power stems from powerlessness, and
in. In order to be purely, definitive- neglect people who are powerless, makes it so powerless and disad-
Detroit. Photo courtesy of The Huffington Post. ly corrupt, one must have agency which in turn encourages and ne- vantaged people must maintain
and autonomy - the ability to some level of corruption (as neces-

choose between doing something sitated by oppression) in order to
good or bad. In almost every survive in societies in which they
situation, the powerless dont have
any choice, because their agency is
Oppression is are oppressed.
When corruption of
limited or restricted by the power-
ful. Corruption as a result of power
the specific tool the powerless is discussed, we of-
ten reference increased rates of
exists more than that of the pow-
erless. Powerlessness originates
of the powerful theft or disorderly conduct, but in
the majority of cases these exist
from the existence of the powerful-
without the corruption of the pow-
to maintain because the system encourages it
and leaves people with no choice.
erful, there would be no corruption
of the powerless.
powerlessness The many examples of this dichot-
omy between the Powerful and

The corruption of a per- Powerless include the Holocaust
sons morals when they have little (criminalization of Jewish people),
to no autonomy or means to survive Rwandan genocide (Hutus and
originates in the pursual of some- cessitates powerless people to do Tutsis), and Whites and their slaves
thing essential to survival, like what they need to do to live, eat, in early 17th century and beyond.
and be safe. Because the power- Power corrupts more than
Chicago slums. Photo courtesy of The Atlantic. food or water. The corruption the
powerless experience as a result of less are often neglected in society, powerlessness, because the cor-
their powerlessness isnt true cor- and not cared for or accounted for, ruption of the powerless isnt real
HUMAN DNA ruption, because it is a result of op- they are forced to resort to drastic corruption - it is necessitated by
oppression. The pseudo-corrup-
pression by the powerful. The ba- measures to secure the necessities
FA B R I C A T I O N sic human instinct is survival, and
in many instances the corruption of
that are food, water, and safety.
By doing this, they may do some-
tion experienced by the powerless
is solely a product of systematic
Prompt: Building on recent successes in DNA researchincluding ge- the powerless stems from basic hu- thing that is deemed corrupt, like oppression and a lack of agency.
netically modified crops, the creation of insulin within genetically mod- man necessities, which we all share breaking the law, but their cor- The corruption of the powerless
ified cells, and the sequencing of the human genomescientists have For example, one could ruption originates from the power wouldnt exist if it werent for the
begun discussions about the fabrication of all DNA present in human say that the formation of gangs in other people exert over them, and it corruption of the powerful, show-
chromosomes. Some foresee dramatic breakthroughs for humankind, impoverished city neighborhoods isnt on their own behalf. Corrup- ing decisively that Power corrupts
while others worry that the knowledge would give parents the ability like Compton, Detroit, and Chica- tion of the powerless is frequently more often, and corrupts more peo-
to select the traits of their offspring and perhaps allow for the creation go are prime examples of corrup- the result of a corrupt system, a ple, than Powerlessness.
of humans without biological parents. There is widespread agreement
that the research touches ethical as well as scientific questions. In your
view, do the potential benefits outweigh its risks? If so, how should its
risks be addressed?

The ethical question of ally select traits deemed favorable,

DNA fabrication is a complex and selection patterns will inevitably
far-reaching one. When examin- arise from concentrated societies.
ing benefits in relation to risks, it A Western-based scien-
becomes clear that the potential tific revolution dealing with de-
benefits of human DNA fabrication liberate DNA trait selection will
do not outweigh the many risks. A result in a dominance of Western-
preliminary assessment of the risks
(discussed below), and application
of governmental regulation on said
DNA fabrication are crucial in ad-

The more homogenous
dressing these risks and preventing the human race is, the
abuse of the power which humans Photo courtesy of Mashable.
more vulnerable it be-
are granted when allowed to fabri- its eugenically based Biological their natural DNA. A widespread increase elitism. In addition, if
cate DNA. comes
State, in which they proceeded to flare up of ableism would be in- this technology became more ac-

The risks are many and outcrop genetic aberrations, claim- escapable. A dichotomy forming cessible but heavily regulated, a
extensive. The prompt suggests ing it was a matter of genetic hy- between people who have been ge- situation may arise, similar to the
that the Western world is at the preferred trait selections, and will giene. netically modified and people who United States issue with back-alley
forefront of this scientific devel- surely result a widening of the rift The ability to fabricate are natural is very realistic. We do abortions - people attempting to
opment, implying that selection of which already separates developed DNA will not only widen the divide not want to risk the production of replicate complex medical proce-
specific traits in humans without and undeveloped nations. If the between East and West, but would a dystopian society modeling what dures with little success, simultane-
biological parents would be on power to select traits in unborn decrease Human biodiversity (as we only see in movies or books to- ously putting their lives in danger.
the Western rubric - not only for children lies in the hands of the a result of selection trends), thus day, having similarities to Aldous Though one could argue that the
medical research purposes, but Western world, there will be an in- resulting in more homogenous so- Huxleys Brave New World, or Su- benefits are worth it, that is un-
also for cosmetic purposes. With crease in children who cosmetical- cieties. The more homogenous the zanne Collins trilogy, The Hunger true. This DNA fabrication could
the Western world leading this ly match western beauty trends and human race is, the more vulnerable Games. However extreme that may prevent many deaths, yes, but at
scientific movement, it will cre- ideals. For example, there would be it becomes to one individual threat seem, it is a very substantial risk what cost? The societal inequali-
ate tension between Eastern and a palpable spike in the number of taking it out in one fell swoop, and possibility. ties which would arise, resulting in
Western cultures, especially in our children with blue eyes and blonde much like humans almost experi- These complex DNA fab- further oppression of already dis-
increasingly eurocentric world. hair. The desire to weed out traits enced with the Black Death. In ad- rication-based medical procedures advantaged minority groups, along
Human DNA fabrication will cre- that are objectionable may origi- dition to a decrease of biodiversity, would be expensive, meaning they with the possibility of another Bi-
ate new and larger scaled social in- nate with well-meaning intentions, it would instill harder stereotyping would be used primarily by the ological State are not worth it.
equalities, different from the ones but its comparable to the desires on people with natural disabilities upper class. This would contrib-
that exist today. As humans manu- of the Third Reich, when forming and chronic diseases because of ute to the rift between classes and Both essays written by Lizzy Elkins

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