Independent - March 2017

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March 2017
Donald Trump forms agency to publish list of crimes
by immigrants
Andrew Griffin
Donald Trump will form a new agency to publish a regular list
of all crimes committed by immigrants.
During a speech markedly softer in tone than his
inauguration address, in which he dialled back his trademark
brash rhetoric, he revealed that he would set up a special
agency for "immigrant crime".
The agency is expected to publish a weekly list of all crimes
committed by what it terms "aliens".
That does not seem to refer only to undocumented migrants
suggesting that anyone who has moved to the US could
find their name on the public list.
Audible groans greeted the President's announcement,
during a speech that was mostly met with applause from
The controversial orders Donald Trump has already
"I have ordered the Department of Homeland Security to
create an office to serve American Victims," he said in the
"The office is called VOICE Victims Of Immigration Crime
Engagement. We are providing a voice to those who have
been ignored by our media, and silenced by special
He went on to list a number of people who he claimed had
been killed by immigrants that he would have banned from
the country.
"Joining us in the audience tonight are four very brave
Americans whose government failed them," he said.
He made the commitment during his first ever speech to
It is a realisation of a plan that has drawn sustained and
strong criticism, signed into law by Mr Trump just days into
his Presidency.
The controversial policy has already drawn comparisons with
the "black crime" section on the Breitbart News, which
published a list of offences committed by African-Americans.
That website was recently edited by Steve Bannon, who now
serves as Donald Trump's closest advisor in the White House.
Morgellons disease Learn
1 March 2017 / Ingrid Niesman /

Two groups, one from Bethesda, MD and the other from

Modena, Italy, provide an interesting contrast in the scientific
investigation of a rare and mysterious disease. They arrive at
polar opposite conclusions about the origins and causation of
the bizarre and outwardly creepy condition known as
Morgellons disease (MD) from their studies. Symptoms of
this strange disease, described as early as the 1600s,
include the eruption of black or multicolored fibers from skin
lesions. Patients also report a sensation of movements under
the skin, literally having their skin crawl. Up until the past
few years, the vague fatigue, joint pain, general neuropathy
and reported skin fibers, were dismissed as delusional and
patients treated for psychosis. However, the very creepy
nature of this disease may well be the basis for any
underlying psychosis present and hallucinations may result
from the actual disease onset.

The rise of tick-borne diseases

Lyme disease (LD) and the spirochete bacteria causing the
disease, Borrelia burgdorferi, are now well studied. Deer
ticks are the major vectors for human transmission and
classical signs of infection typically begin with a red round
rash at the site of the initial tick bite. Although infrequent,
some patients experience long lasting symptoms, including
joint pain and memory loss. Although these symptoms are
very reminiscent of the vague issues reported by MD suffers,
a direct connection between the two diseases has only
recently been uncovered.

Delusion or reality? Scientific evidence supports both.

Perhaps because the majority of described cases of MD are
middle-aged white women, doctors have generally assumed
that this condition is a delusional disorder and patients are
left to suffer without interventional treatments. Evidence
recently published in the journal Ultrastructural Pathology
(June 2106) suggests that at least in the one patient they
studied, the erupting fibers viewed with sophisticated high-
powered electron microscopy paired with x-ray micro-
elemental analysis reveal considerable similarity to her dogs
hair. They conclude that psychotherapy, not antibiotic
therapy, would be the desired treatment for a disease in the
Munchausen by proxy family of mental disorders. However,
they have based their conclusion on a single patient and
without any other clinical monitoring or analysis for Borrelia
spp. signatures.

Two publications from a leading LD disease research team

offer a different story. They initially hypothesize that MD is a
cutaneous, i.e. skin, form of LD, after spiral shaped bacteria
were discovered in skin samples from four MD patients. In
the first publication from BMC Dermatology in 2015, the
authors utilize multiple methods to detect traces of Borrelia
spp. from a cohort of 25 MD patient samples. Strong PCR
based evidence, combined with definitive re-culturing
experiments, lead these scientist to conclude that MD is a
true somatic dermopathology with Borrelia burgdorferi as
chief causative agent. Further, they are able to pinpoint the
likely cell types most affected by the spirochetes as
keratinocytes and skin fibroblasts, the major producer of hair
collagen and keratin, explaining the variations in color seen
as fibers emerge from patient lesions.

The most recent study from this group provides additional

evidence for this theory. Citing similarities between human
MD and bovine digital dermatitis (BDD), a known spirochete
induced condition, and citing a previous study demonstrating
a 98% correlation of MD patients with clinical tick-borne
disease biomarkers verses only 6% of LD patients with
correlative MD symptoms; they investigate the possibility
that an additional trigger exists for the development of MD.
With startling clarity, they visually demonstrate the
emergence of fibers and the presence of morphological
spirochetes in specific skin cells. Others have found
additional infectious bacteria or pathogens in MD samples,
leading to the speculation that MD is driven by co-infections
or environmental factors, such as compromised immune
status, existing inflammatory states or genetic backgrounds.
Interestingly, genetic regulation of known collagen and
keratin promoters and transcription factors are positively
influenced by inflammatory signaling molecules, indicating a
possible rational explanation for development of long fibers
composed of collagen/keratin bundles.

Leaving patients in the wind

With the longstanding controversy surrounding etiology of
MD clearly unresolved, patients will still be at risk for mental
illness diagnoses. Both research and clinical reports indicate
that LD is associated with some neurological issues spanning
the spectrum from schizophrenia to depression but these
data havent translated to MD yet. The idea that people
experience creepy crawly skin and erupting unknown long
strings is like a scene from an alien horror movie. It is
understandable that clinical definitions of MD have currently
excluded the possibility that this disease is potentially
treatable with antibiotics. Let us use science to carefully
unravel this mysterious illness before labeling people

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