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Page 41 Established in 1977 /

TUESDAY, APRIL 4, 2017 / RAJAB 7, 1438 AH emergency number 112 NO. 16432 44 PAGES 150 FILS


Blast on Russian subway claims 10
Second device disarmed
ST. PETERSBURG, April 3, (RTRS): Ten people
were killed and more than 20 were injured when
an explosion tore through a train carriage in a St.
Petersburg metro tunnel on Monday in what au-
thorities called a probable terrorist attack
Russian news media reported that police were searching for a
man recorded on surveillance cameras who was thought to have
been involved in the attack, which coincided with a visit to the
city by President Vladimir Putin.
A grainy photograph published by the Fontanka news outlet
showed a middle aged man with beard and black hat. Interfax news
agency cited unnamed sources as saying the bomb, packed with
shrapnel, may have been hidden in a train carriage inside a briefcase.
Russias National Anti-Terrorist Committee said an explosive
device had been found at a different metro station, hidden under a
re extinguisher, but had been made safe.
The Investigative Committee, a state body which investigates
major crimes, opened a criminal case on charges of terrorism.
Russia has been the target in the past of numerous bomb attacks,
frequently targeting public transport. Most were blamed on Islam-
ist rebels from Russias North Caucasus region. The rebellion there
has been largely crushed, but security experts say Russias military
intervention in Syria has made Russia a potential target for Islamic
State attacks.
Soon after the blast happened at 2:40 pm, ambulances and re
engines descended on the concrete-and-glass Sennaya Ploshchad
metro station as a helicopter hovered overhead.
I appeal to you citizens of St Petersburg and guests of our city to
be alert, attentive and cautious and to behave in a responsible mat-
ter in light of events, St Petersburg Governor Georgy Poltavchen-
ko said in an address.
The blast raised security fears beyond Russian frontiers. France,
which has itself suffered a series of attacks, announced additional
security measures in Paris.
Video from the scene of Mondays blast showed injured people
lying bleeding on a platform, some being treated by emergency ser-
vices and fellow passengers. Others ran away from the platform amid
clouds of smoke, some screaming or holding their hands to their faces.
I saw a lot of smoke, a crowd making its way to the escala-
tors, people with blood and other peoples insides on their clothes,
bloody faces,, St Petersburg resident Leonid Chaika, who said he
was at the station where the blast happened, told Reuters by phone.
Blast victims lie near a subway train hit by an explosion at the Tekhnologichesky Institut subway station in St Petersburg, Russia on April 3. The subway in the Rus- Many were crying.
sian city of St Petersburg reported that several people were injured in the explosion on the subway train. (AP) Continued on Page 37

Ranks of non-state militias swell

Trump kin Kushner in Iraq

BAGHDAD, April 3, (RTRS):
US President Donald Trumps
Newswatch son-in-law, Jared Kushner,
ew into Iraq on Monday with
the top US military ofcer to
DUBAI: Dubai police have get a rst-hand assessment of
arrested foreign hackers who the battle against Islamic State
targeted five senior White from US commanders on the
House officials in a blackmail ground and to meet Iraqi of-
email scam, state-owned cials.
media reported on Monday.
The Arabic-language Al For Kushner, who has not
Bayan newspaper and the been to Iraq before, the trip
television channel Dubai One comes at a critical time as
reported the arrests, while Trump examines ways to ac-
Dubai police did not answer celerate a US-led coalition
repeated calls for comment. campaign that US and Iraqi
The arrests come as the ofcials say has so far been
United Arab Emirates, largely successful in uprooting
which hosts some 4,000 US
troops fighting the Islamic Islamic State militants in Iraq
State group, remains a crucial and Syria.
regional ally. The visit appears to demon-
Al Bayan quoted Maj strate the far-reaching portfolio
Saud al-Khalidi of Dubai of Kushner, 36, who is part of
police as saying an African Trumps innermost circle and
gang broke into the emails who has been given a wide
of the five senior officials and range of domestic and foreign
got highly confidential
information. He said the US policy responsibilities, includ-
asked Dubai police for assis- ing working on a Middle East
US President Donald Trump shakes hands peace deal.
tance. with Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-
Al-Khalidi was quoted as Sisi in the Oval Ofce of the White House in Marine General Joseph
saying that investigators Washington on April 3. (AP) Dunford, the chairman of the
tracked down the gang to an US militarys Joint Chiefs of
apartment in the emirate of Staff, said he invited Kushner
Ajman and arrested three
suspects. Those arrested are Full support to Sisi, and Tom Bossert, White House
homeland security adviser, to
Continued on Page 37
joint fight on terror accompany him so they could
hear rst-hand and unltered
from military advisers about
WASHINGTON, April 3, (RTRS): US Presi-
US$/KD 0.30495/05
dent Donald Trump moved to reset US relations
the situation on the ground and
interact with US forces.
Euro/KD 0.3254 with Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi on
Monday after the prior Obama administrations
I said, Hey, next time I go
to Iraq, if youre interested,
Yen/KD 0.0027 strained ties, giving him rm backing and vow- come and itd be good, Dun-
ing to work together to ght Islamic militants. ford said, adding he extended
British /KD 0.3805 I just want to let everybody know in case the invitation weeks ago.
there was any doubt that we are very much be- That kind of ground-level
KSE -22.14 pts at closing April 3 hind President Sisi. Hes done a fantastic job awareness of the war helps in-
See Page 35 in a very difcult situation. We are very much form strategic decisions, Dun-
behind Egypt and the people of Egypt, Trump ford said, adding it was the
Dow -58.30 pts at 21:40 April 3 said in an Oval Ofce meeting with the Egyp-
tian leader.
same reason he regularly leaves
See Page 36 Washington to visit Iraq.
The trip was Sisis rst ofcial US visit since The more appreciation you
Nasdaq -19.82 pts at 21:40 April 3 being elected president in 2014. Trumps pre-
decessor, Barack Obama, never extended an
could have for whats actually
happening on the ground, the
invitation. more informed you are when
FTSE -40.23 pts at closing April 3 Obama froze aid to Egypt for two years after you start talking about the stra-
Sisi, then a general, overthrew President Moham- tegic issues, Dunford said.
ed Morsi in mid-2013 after mass protests against Kushner, who is married
Nikkei +73.97 pts at closing April 3 Morsis rule. Morsi, a Muslim Brotherhood mem- to Trumps daughter Ivanka
ber, had been elected the previous year. Trump, did not speak with re-
Gold $1,247.25 per oz (London) The one-on-one meeting between Trump and porters during the ight to Iraq.
Sisi, followed by a separate gathering with top Dunfords spokesman, Navy
aides, showed how intent the new US president Captain Greg Hicks, said Kush-
NYMEX crude $50.41 pb
is on rebooting the bilateral relationship and ner was traveling on behalf of
building on the strong connection the two presi- Trump to express the presi-
Brent crude $53.28 pb
dents established when they rst met in New dents support and commit-
3-month $ LIBOR rate 1.14956% York last September. ment to Iraqs government and
Continued on Page 37 Continued on Page 37


KUNA photo
Workshop participants pose for a group photo.

Studies & scientific projects

to address air pollution: KISR
Quarter of worlds diseases caused by exposure to pollutants
KUWAIT CITY, April that a quarter of the worlds dis-
eases is caused by exposure to
3, (KUNA): Director- pollutants in the domestic envi-
General of Kuwait In- ronment and have an effect on
stitute for Scientic the respiratory and nervous sys-
tem, she said.
Research (KISR) Dr The centers air quality group is
Samira Omar, stressed working on developing strategies
Monday KISRs keeness to improve air quality and health
in Kuwait by giving recommenda-
on the air pollution as tions based on the research meth-
an important environ- odology of government and indus-
mental issue in Kuwait. trial decision makers on the best
During the opening of (In- ways and means to mitigate the
effects of air pollution, air qual-
door Air Quality In Dry And ity control and pollution reduction
Hot Climates) workshop, Dr KUNA photo techniques, she added.
Omar said, the pollution not Director General of Kuwait Institute for Scientic Research (KISR) Dr
Samira Omar. For his part, head of the work-
only includes outside air but shops organizing committee Dr
the inside air as well, which is Mohammad Yaseen said, the in-
one of the most important fac- stitute held this workshop as a step
tors affecting human health, to support and enhance coopera-
tion and exchange of experiences
especially that the most time among scientic institutions in all
of life is spent inside homes parts of the world and to show the
and ofces. results of scientic research on in-
Any imbalance in the standards door air pollution. KUNA photos
of internal air clarity and humidity WHO announced that 2.4 mil- Kuwait divers lift tons of waste from Fahaheel waters.
will cause unhealthy conditions lion people die every year due to
leading to permanent or tempo- some factors caused by air pollu- KDT lifts tons of waste
rary diseases that will affect also tion, where 1.5 million of them die Kuwait Dive Team (KDT), afliated waters and the rest of Kuwait beach-
the level of human productivity, from diseases caused by indoor with the Environmental Voluntary es that pose dangers to navigation of
she added. pollution, he said. Foundation (EVF), on Monday lifted ships and boats and cause pollution
For her part, Head of the En- A group of experts and research- two tons of disposed shing nets in to the marine environment.
vironment and Life Sciences Re- KUNA photo ers from Arab, Islamic and foreign addition to plastic and wood waste, He called for tightening relevant
search Center Dr Faiza Al-Yama- Head of the Environment and Life Sciences Research Center Dr Faiza countries who participated at the from Fahaheel waters in cooperation laws against shermen in regards with
with Kuwait Ports Authority and pri- such malpractices and to protect the
ni said the workshop is the rst of Al-Yamani workshop presented more than 35 vate bodies. marine environment of Kuwait.
its kind in Kuwait and the Middle measuring its severity to ensure its improve air quality. scientic papers dealt with the lat- In statement to KUNA, the teams He urged citizens spotting such ille-
East, aims at measuring indoor consistency with national safety The World Health Organiza- est scientic research on internal leader Waleed Al-Fadhel stressed the gal acts at sea to report to the author-
and outdoor air pollution as well standards and adopting a policy to tions (WHO) statistics show air quality. continuous efforts to clean Fahaheel ized bodies. (KUNA)

News in Brief

Exhibit witnesses high turnout: The 18th Annual Ku-

wait Textile Art Association Exhibition organized by Kuwait
Textile Arts Association aflliated to Bait Al Sadu witnessed
a high turnout of visitors fond of this art. A total of 25 par-
ticipants from Kuwait, Europe, United States, India, Pakistan,
Jordan, Egypt and Yemen took part in the fair that is held
under the auspices of the General Secretariat of the National
Council for Culture, Arts and Letters (NCAAL).
This fair aims at encouraging textile art inside Kuwait as
well as mantling the traditional knitting and textile arts of Ku-
wait and the participating countries. (KUNA)

KNPC upgrades 43 fuel stations: Kuwait National Pe-
troleum Company (KNPC) has commenced developing and
upgrading of 43 fuel stations after the study it assigned the
Kuwait National Fund for Small and Medium Enterprise
Development to carry out on privatization was completed,
reports Al-Shahed daily. According to sources, the company
has allotted some activities for the local private sector to un-
dertake which include lube oil blending factory, and to oat a
tender for construction of 19 fuel stations.
KNPCs Deputy CEO for Administration and Commercial
Affairs Bassam Al-Essa said he is expecting the tender for
preliminary studies worth KD 400 million of Al Mutla Ware-
house Project for oil products to be oated in June.

Theatrical seminar April 6-9: Bandar Al-Mutairi, the
Director of the Fouad Al-Shatti International Theatrical
Seminar revealed that the rst edition of the seminar will be
held in Kuwait on April 6-9, reports Al-Anba daily. He ex-
plained that the seminar is being organized by the Arabian
theater team in Kuwait under the patronage of His Highness
the Prime Minister Sheikh Jaber Al-Mubarak Al-Sabah. It
will host one of the most important theater personalities in
the world as well as a number of prominent Arab theater stars.

Association taps Kuwaiti MP: Kuwaiti member of
parliament Allam Al-Kanderi has been chosen as a mem-
ber of the Executive Board of the Inter-Parliamentary Un-
ion (IPU)s Association of Secretaries-General.
This took place during the 136th session of the IPU held
in the Bangladeshi capital of Dhaka. Al-Kanderi has been
chosen to ll one of the associations three vacant posts.
Al-Kanderi is a member of a Kuwaiti parliamentary
delegation participating in the 136th IPU Assembly, led
by head of the Kuwaiti Parliamentary Caucus MP Rakan
Al-Nisf. (KUNA)


KUNA photos
From left: HH the Crown Prince Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah with Sheikh Nasser, Hind Al-Sabeeh and Sheikh Thamer Ali Sabah.

His Highness the Crown Prince receives state officials

His Highness the Crown Prince Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah country. State Minister for Economic Affairs Hind Al-Sabeeh who presented His
received Monday at Bayan Palace Minister of Amiri Diwan Affairs Sheikh The meeting was attended by Minister of Awqaf and Islamic Affairs and Highness a report on the developmental planning march in the state of
Nasser Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah. State Minister for Municipality Affairs Mohammad Naser Al-Jabri and Head Kuwait during the past 65 years.
His Highness also received member of the senior scholars council of the Amiri Protocol in the Diwan of His Highness the Crown Prince His Highness then received President of the National Security Bureau
and special adviser to the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques Dr Sheikh Mubarak Sabah Al-Salem Al-Humoud Al-Sabah. Sheikh Thamer Ali Sabah Al-Salem Al-Sabah and Dr Bader Hamad
Abdullah bin Mohammad Al-Mutlaq on the occasion of his visit to the His Highness later received Minister of Social Affairs and Labor and Al-Essa. (KUNA)

Cabinet approves committee

on revocation of citizenship
FM briefs on outcome of Amirs participation in 28th Arab Summit
3, (KUNA): The
Cabinet has consented
HH the Crown Prince Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah with Dr Bader
Al-Essa. to a decree forming an
ad hoc committee
Funeral details to be announced later entrusted with looking
into Kuwaiti citizen-
ship abrogation cases.
Liberian envoy to Kuwait, The move was taken during
a customary weekly Cabinet
meeting held Monday at

UAE passes away: report Bayan Palace under chair-

manship of His Highness the
Prime Minister Sheikh Jaber
LIBERIA, April 3: A Foreign Ministry Plenipotentiary to Egypt from 2006 to Al-Mubarak Al-Hamad
press release said Ambassador Konah K. 2010. Before then, he served as Charge Al-Sabah.
Blackett died on March 28, 2017, at the St dAffaires/Chief of Mission of the Republic The committee would also
Nicholas Hospital in Lagos, Nigeria where of Liberia to the United States of America give appropriate practical over-
he had sought medical from 1992 to 1993 and Minister Counselor tures in this regard in line with
attention since March at Liberias Permanent Mission to the law, and would eventually report
18, 2017, after falling United Nations in New York, United States to the Cabinet over relevant find-
ill while in transit of America from 1989 to 1992. ings, Minister of State for
enroute to the State of The late Ambassador Blackett served as Cabinet Affairs Sheikh
Photo from PMs Diwan
Kuwait, reports the Counselor and later Charge dAffaires at His Highness the PM Sheikh Jaber Al-Mubarak Al-Sabah chairs the weekly Cabinet meeting.
Mohammad Abdullah Liberias Embassy in the Federal Republic of Al-Mubarak Al-Sabah said in a
He had just attended Nigeria from 1982 to 1986. He also served press statement following the
a two-day retreat for as First Secretary and later Charge dAffaires meeting.
heads of Liberias 25 at Liberias Embassy in the Kingdom of The Cabinet also instructed all
diplomatic and consul- Belgium, Luxembourg and the European state agencies to use the logo of
ar missions here in Economic Community from 1978 to 1982. activities pertinent to the choos-
Monrovia from March Blackett Before joining Liberias diplomatic ser- ing of Kuwait Capital of Arab
9, 10, 2017. The late vice, the late Ambassador Blackett served Youth for 2017 on their respec-
Ambassador Blackett, before his appoint- as Deputy Director, Bureau of General
ment to the State of Kuwait and the United Accounting at the Ministry of Finance. tive websites, added Sheikh
Arab Emirates, served as Liberias Meanwhile, funeral arrangements will be Mohammad Abdullah, who dou-
Ambassador Extraordinary and announced later. bles as Acting Minister of
At the onset of the meeting,
the ministers were apprised of a
Kuwait Today letter addressed to His Highness
the Amir from UN Secretary
General Antonio Guterres, invit-
ing him to attend a donor confer-
Prayer Timings
Fajr ............................................................... 04:14
deaths ence on Yemen due in Geneva
Sunrise .......................................................... 05:35 Enba Mustafa Ahmad, 55 years old, buried on on April 25.
Zohr ............................................................... 11:51 Monday. Condolences: (Men) Ali Sabah Al Salem,
Asr .................................................................. 15:23 Block 1, Street 34, House 14, Tel: 55885806. Participation
Maghrib ........................................................ 18:08 (Women) Ali Sabah Al Salem, Block 6, Street 28,
Isha ............................................................... 19:26 House 5, Tel: 60405669. Ibrahim Khaleel Abu
The ministers then listened to
Al-Hasan Al-Qaed, 64 years old, buried on a briefing from First Deputy
Weather Monday. Condolences: (Men) Daiya, Diwan Al Prime Minister and Foreign
Expected weather for the next 24 hours: Awadi, Tel: 50588899. (Women) Sabah Al Salem, Minister Sheikh Sabah
By Night: Fair with light to moderate north west- Block 4, Street 12, House 51, Tel: 99566526.
erly wind, with speed of 12-32 km/h.
Al-Khaled Al-Hamad Al-Sabah
Mishref Meshaileh Khabeeb Al-Dehani, 63 years
By Day: Mostly sunny with light to moderate old, buried on Monday. Condolences: (Men)
on the outcomes of His Highness
freshening gradually at times north westerly wind, Ferdous, Block 2, Street 1, Avenue 15, House 6, the Amirs participation in the
with speed of 15-40 km/h with chance for blowing 28th Arab Summit held in Dead
dust over open areas.
Tel: 60093888 / 52224047. Khadeeja Ali
Station Max Min Sulaiman, 84 years old, buried on Monday. Sea in Jordan. KUNA photo
Exp Rec Condolences: Rawda, Block 4, Abu Musa Al Ashari In the briefing, Sheikh Sabah
Kuwait City 30 20 Street, House 36, Tel: 67062323 / 99999543. KUNA Chairman Sheikh Mubarak Al-Duaij poses with other officials in the bureau in Riyadh.
Zakiya Abdul Razak Sultan, 75 years old, widow
Al-Khaled quoted His Highness
Kuwait Airport 32 20
the Amir as calling for a fresh
of Abdullah Ahmad Al-Farhan, buried on Monday.
Condolences: (Men) Faiha, Block 9, Street 91, approach to be adopted in order KUNAs chief tours bureau in Riyadh
Jahra 33 20 House 1, Diwan Al Farhan, Tel: 99666910. to address the grave challenges
Failaka Island 26 20 (Women) Rawda, Block 5, Al Baroudi Street, of the Arab world.
Salmiyah 26 20 Chairman of the Board of Directors in Riyadh and all its affiliated offic- dards of credibility, impartiality
Avenue 53, House 1. Zahra Abdul Rasoul Husein The Cabinet lauded the efforts
Ahmadi 23 21 Ali Al-Khayat, 75 years old, wife of Taher Kathem
and Director General of Kuwait es, stressing the need to strength- and transparency and always
Nuwaisib 33 21 Al-Khayat, buried on Monday. Condolences: (Men) of His Highness the Amir and News Agency (KUNA), Sheikh en the agencys status regionally seeks to benefit from the latest
Wafra 33 20 other Arab leaders during this Mubarak Al-Duaij Al-Ibrahim and internationally through inten- technical means in dealing with
Daiya, Al Bahrana Mosque, Tel: 66523586.
Salmy 33 16
(Women) Adan, Block 2, Street 61, House 3. Sanaa summit, and thanked Jordanian Al-Sabah, on Monday paid an offi- sive follow-up to the news as well the news materials in order to
4 days forecast - Weather Mohammad Taqi Al-Awadi, 55 years old, to be King Abdullah II for proper cial visit to KUNAs office in Riyadh. as events around the world. achieve flexibility and speed in the
Tuesday, April 04 buried on Tuesday at 09:00 am. Condolences: preparations and successful orga- Sheikh Mubarak Al-Duaij and He added that KUNAs offices transfer of news and events.
Expected weather ................ Sunny + blowing dust (Men) Daiya, Diwan Al Awadi, Tel: 99770067 (for his accompanying delegation abroad are important and promi- On the other hand, Kuwaits
Max Temp ........................................................ 30C men only). (Women) Edailiya, Block 3, Isa Al nizing of the Arab gathering.
Min Temp ......................................................... 18C Asousi Street, House 44. Afterwards, Sheikh Sabah were briefed about the work prog- nent, pointing out that the work of Ambassador to the Kingdom
Wind Direction ...................................................NW Al-Khaled kept the ministers ress in the office and ways of the agencys offices is a main Sheikh Thamer Jaber Al-Ahmad
Wind Speed ...........................................15-40 km/h April 3, 2017 posted on the outcomes of the dealing with the various news. complement to the work of the Al-Jaber Al-Sabah held earlier a
Wednesday, April 05 Sheikh Mubarak called for con- Kuwaiti embassies. dinner banquet in honor of Sheikh
Expected weather..........................................Sunny Min Temp ......................................................... 17C 142nd session of the GCC
Max Temp ........................................................ 31C Wind Direction .......................................... NW-VRB Ministerial Council recently held stant communication between He stressed KUNAs keenness Mubarak Al-Duaij and his delega-
Min Temp ......................................................... 17C Wind Speed ...........................................12-35 km/h in Riyadh, which underlined KUNA and the Kuwaiti embassy to adhere to the professional stan- tion. (KUNA)
Wind Direction .......................................... NW-VRB Thursday, April 06
Wind Speed ...........................................12-35 km/h Expected weather......................Clouds to increase Gulf positions and resolutions
Thursday, April 06
Expected weather......................Clouds to increase
........................................................+ scattered rain
Sea state ................................... Slight to moderate
against terrorism and extremism.
Meanwhile, the Cabinet con-
Two Kuwaiti writers honored by Tunis Intl Book Fair
........................................................+ scattered rain Wave height ................................................... 2-4 ft demned a recent attack that tar-
Max Temp ........................................................ 32C Max Temp ........................................................ 32C
geted a police training center in
Min Temp ......................................................... 20C
Wind Direction ........................................... VRB-SE
Wind Speed ...........................................10-32 km/h
Friday, April 07
Min Temp ......................................................... 20C
Wind Direction ........................................... VRB-SE
Wind Speed ....................................................10-32
Friday, April 07
Tanta City in Gharbiya
Governorate in Egypt, and left
Kuwaiti farmer nominated for agric prize
Expected weather.....Partly cloudy + scattered rain Expected weather ....Partly cloudy + scattered rain several policemen wounded. KUWAIT CITY, April 3, (KUNA): After the referees committee eval- Meanwhile, the Tunis International
Max Temp ........................................................ 35C Sea State..................... Moderate to rough at times The Cabinet reiterated Middle East Agricultural Award for uated hundreds of participants, Book Fair honored at the end of its
Min Temp ......................................................... 21C Wave height ................................................... 3-6 ft Kuwaits unshakable positions best innovation in Dubai selected Al-Kuraibani was chosen as one of 33rd session on Sunday many literary
Wind Direction ....................................................SE Max Temp ........................................................ 35C
Wind Speed ...........................................15-40 km/h Min Temp ......................................................... 21C
based on rejecting all terrorist act Kuwaiti farmer Yousef Al-Kuraibani the best three nominees, as he took and novelist figures in Tunisia and
Wind Direction ....................................................SE regardless of relevant motives for the second consecutive year part individually and presented a the Arab world, including Kuwaiti
Marine Forecast Wind Speed ...........................................15-40 km/h and goals. among best three nominees to win comprehensive project of planting writers Amal Randi and Latifa Buti,
Station Max Min Sea Todays
Exp Rec Surf Waves Tide times at Shuwaikh Port the prize. rare kinds of vegetables which he who held a childrens workshop dur-
Ht Direction 1st high tide: ...................................................15:39 Al-Kuraibani said in remarks to succeeded to plant for the first time ing the exhibition.
South Dolphin 25 20 21 6ft NW 2nd high tide: ..................................................06:11 KUNA on Monday that hundreds of in the Middle East region. Director of Tunis International
Umm Mudayrah 25 20 - 6ft NW 1st low tide: ....................................................10:17
Beacon M28 - - - 6ft NW 2nd low tide: ...................................................23:14 companies, universities, research His plantations include black Book Fair Shokri Al-Mabkhout pre-
Beacon N6 24 20 - 6ft NW Sunrise: ..........................................................05:36 centers and agricultural organizations tomatoes, white strawberries, and red sented certificates of appreciation to
Qaruh Island 25 20 - 6ft NW Sunset: ...........................................................18:07 around the world are competing to corn besides many other rare kinds. both writers for their respective awards
Umm Al-Maradim 25 20 - 6ft NW
Sea Island Buo - - - -ft - Recorded yesterday at Kuwait Airport win the prize, one of the top agricul- I prefer to take part in this competi- in the child literature recently and for
Salmiyah 26 20 - 6ft NW Max temp.......................................................... 36C tural prizes in the region. tion individually and to compete with their efforts, perseverance and creativ-
Min temp........................................................... 21C The prize is not only restricted to international companies and organiza- ity in the field of childrens literature.
4 days forecast - Marine Max Rh .............................................................87% the Middle East, but also allowed tions to prove the ability of young Al-Randi expressed to Kuwait
Tuesday, April 04 Min Rh ..............................................................24%
Expected weather.................... Sunny blowing dust Max Wind .............................................SE 53 km/h participation of companies and agri- Kuwaiti youth, Al-Kuraibani said. News Agency (KUNA) her pride to
Sea state ..................... Moderate to rough at times Total Rainfall in 24 hrs ...................................0 mm cultural organizations around the The prize recognizes the promi- be honored by the Tunis International
Wave height ................................................... 3-6 ft world in case they possess branches in nent achievements of individuals, Book Fair, noting that she won two
Max Temp ........................................................ 30C Recorded yesterday at South Dolphin the Middle East like many American departments, teams, or organizations weeks ago the first place in the chil-
Min Temp ......................................................... 18C Min/Max Air Temp ....................................... 21/26C
Wind Direction ...................................................NW Min/Max Rel Hum ........................................51/91% and European companies that have that contributed to the growth and dren literature branch of the Sheikh
Wind Speed ...........................................15-40 km/h Wind Direction/Wind Speed .................NE/45 km/h long expertise in this domain. development of agriculture, aquacul- Rashid Bin Humaid Award for
Wednesday, April 05 Prev Wave Dir/Max Wave Ht ........................... N/-ft This resulted in raising the number ture and veterinary industry. Culture and Science in Ajman.
Expected weather..........................................Sunny Min/Max Sea Surface Temp............................... - /-
Sea state ................................... Slight to moderate Sea Current ............................................ Downdraft of participants from various parts of The UAE Ministry of Climate Buti won the Sheikh Zayed Book
Wave height ................................................... 2-5 ft Directorate General of Civil Aviation, the world and made the competition Change and Environment approved Award for the childrens literature
Max Temp ........................................................ 31C Meteorological Dept. Antonio Guterres tougher. the prize officially in 2017. category.


KUNA photo
His Highness the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah received at Bayan Palace Monday Minister of Health Dr Jamal Mansour Al-Harbi and members of the Gulf Union for Cancer Control on the occasion of the first
Gulf joint conference on cancer control in Kuwait. The meeting was attended by Deputy Minister of Amiri Diwan Affairs Sheikh Ali Jarrah Al-Sabah. (KUNA)

Kuwaits integrated educational

system on par with that of Spore
Two-semester system alleviates stress: officials
KUWAIT CITY, April 3, (Agencies): Minister of is similar to Singapores experience in this field and
Education and Minister of Higher Education Dr. competes with it.
Al-Fares said in an interview with the local daily Al-Seyassah published
Mohammed Al-Fares said that the integrated system on Monday that the ministry is going through a real and integrated experiment
is a Kuwaiti educational project of a global nature that for the development of education, consisting of five axes, pointing out that the
project of integrated system
will bear fruit during the next
NBAAEQA team to visit Egyptian universities five years.
He explained that the project
KUWAIT CITY, April 3: Head of Kuwaiti students of certain courses in adding that 90 percent of them are will be carried out by interna-
National Bureau for Academic some of these universities, reports paying for their expenses from their tional consultants in coopera-
Accreditation and Education Quality Aljarida daily. own pockets. tion with their Kuwaiti coun-
Assurance (NBAAEQA) Dr Nouria Dr Al-Awadhi said the recent statis- She explained that the delegation terparts and experts in the field
Al-Awadhi has affirmed that a delega- tics prepared by the cultural attach in from the bureau will meet the univer- of education, indicating that it
tion from the bureau will visit a num- Cairo reveal that the number of sity presidents and deans of the col- is related to the development of
ber of Egyptian universities next week Kuwaiti students registered in leges and institutes with specialties curricula through the curricu-
to explore and inquire about the causes Egyptian universities and higher stud- which have large number of Kuwaiti lum competencies, raise the
for increase and accumulation of ies institutions has exceeded 15,000, students. performance of the teacher and
the development of schools.
He said that national test-
ing procedures, national mea-
surement, decision-making
mechanism and organizing
the organizational structure of
educational institutions will
start soon, pointing out that
the ministry is working on
transferring this experiment,
in its second year, to other
Meanwhile, some education
officials are of the view that
cancellation of the four-semes-
ter system has benefited stu- Top & above: Some photos from the training course for teachers organized by
dents, parents and teachers a Zak Solutions for Computer systems.
great deal. They added applica-
tion of the two-semester sys- Training course for teachers held on use of iCloud
tem alleviated stress on the stu-
dents and teachers, reports Zak Solutions for Computer Systems ized programs.
Al-Anba daily. in cooperation with Microsoft orga- The teachers who were coached by
Records nized a training course for teachers a team of instructors expressed joy
on the use of iCloud application MS for advanced skill theyve obtained,
Director of Jahra Educational Office 365 in the framework of which will help them make the best of
Zone Waleed Ben Ghaith developing education through computer applications in the field of
pointed to the main difference advanced technology and special- education.
between the old and the new
system. He explained the old
system preserved the cumula- 20,000 new e-passports issued to citizens
tive records of secondary
school students as follows;
Grade 10 (10 percent), Grade
11 (30 percent) and Grade 12
Over 9,000 sons of Bedoun military
(60 percent). He added the two
semester system also preserves officers register through e-system
the marks for Grade 12 by 100
percent. KUWAIT CITY, April 3: The sons of the approved service centers in all six
several Bedoun military officers have governorates, has issued 20,000 new
Chairman of the Board of been registering to join the Kuwait Army e-passports to citizens whose passports
Directors of Kuwait Teachers such that more than 9,000 of them have validity had expired or will expire in less
Society (KTS) Mutee Al-Ajmi registered through the electronic system than six months, reports Al-Shahed daily
stressed the cancellation of first as of Sunday, reports Al-Nahar daily quoting an official.
and third semester exams is quoting informed sources. He said it is possible for citizens with
welcomed by teachers, students They said 500 volunteers will be passports that are valid for more than one
and parents in proportion to accepted in each batch for military train- year to get the new e-passports, if they
plans to review curriculum and ing, the duration of which has been want, indicating that they will go through
specific subjects. He noted reduced to two and a half months in order the same process just like the 20,000 citi-
some students were having dif- to enable entry of a huge number of train- zens in getting fingerprints vetted before
ficulty with the high number of ees among the applicants in the coming applying for the new passports.
lessons. phase. Most of the 20,000 citizens who
Manager of Balat However, the sources stressed that reg- received e-passports are from the Capital,
Al-Shuhada Secondary School istration does not necessarily mean Hawally and Mubarak Al Kabeer gover-
for Boys Khalid Al-Saeed stat- admission, as priority will be given to the norates, while those from Farwaniya,
ed the new system has contrib- sons of martyrs and registered POWs as Jahra and Ahmadi governorates form a
well as sons of retired military officers minority.
uted to reduce absenteeism, and those who are still serving in the It is reported that several MPs are
which was generally witnessed military in addition to members of the under pressure from their constituencies
among the students ahead of families included in the 1965 census. to intervene in the cancellation of finger-
first and third semester exams. Meanwhile, General Department for prints conditions before applying for the
He added some subjects have Citizenship and Passport Affairs, through new e-passport.
been replaced by two or three
short exams. This is one nega-
tive consequence of the deci-
sion, he added.
Manager of Munira Al-Sabah
News in Brief
Secondary School for Girls
Sawsan Al-Kandari also said
the new system eases stress on Move to supply gas: Iraqi Oil basis in the context of good coopera-
families and teachers, although Minister Jabar Al-Luaibi said Sunday tive relations between both countries,
the curricular still needs to be his country will complete soon a proj- Al-Luaibi addressed the two-day
revised and reformed. ect for supplying gas to Kuwait in line forum.
Technical Supervisor of with an earlier agreement hammered The Iraqi minister also unfolded
Psychiatric Services Badria out between both sides. Iraqi-Iranian talks on a partnership
The minister made the remark dur- agreement pertinent to the production
Al-Rouqi indicated the new of joint border oilfields.
ing the third Iraq Energy Forum held
system places the marks in the in Baghdad between April 2-3, lauding He added that his country has
hands of teachers, which is a good cooperative relations between invested 1.4 billion cubic feet of
great source of worry, as they Iraq and Kuwait. gas a day in 2017, compared with
might abuse the code of ethics Iraq will supply around 200 million 650 million cubic feet last year.
based on personal relationships cubic feet of gas to Kuwait on a daily (KUNA)
with students.


MP seeks to know number

of citizens, expats in MoCI
Al-Mirdas queries on oil pipeline tender
By Abubakar A. Ibrahim
Arab Times Staff
Since Kuwait has embarked
The host HH Sheikh Nasser and his guest Dr Abdullah Al-Mutlaq with Dr Khalid Al-Mathkour, Sheikh Ali Al-Jarrah, on a program to offer jobs
Dr Ismail Al-Shatti and Sheikh Dr Ibrahim Al-Duaij.
for Kuwaitis, MP Nasser
Al-Dosari has forwarded
a parliamentary query to
the Minister of Commerce
and Industry and Minister
of State for Youth Affairs
Khaled Al-Roudan to know
the number of Kuwaitis and
expatriates working in the
He has asked the minister to
provide him a list of expats and
Kuwaitis hired as advisers in the
Ministry of Commerce and In-
dustry and its subsidiaries from
Jan 1, 2016 to date. He also wants
to see the individual contracts
signed with these advisers.
Moreover, MP Nayef Al-Mirdas
has presented two parliamentary que-
ries to Minister of Oil, Electricity and
Water Essam Al-Marzouk for details
on the oil pipeline tender and projects
owned by the Petrofac company in
Sheikh Nasser is anked on the right side by Dr Abdullah Al-Mutlaq, Dherar Al-Ghanim and Abdul-Rahman Al- Kuwait since 2000 to date.
Shurae, while he is anked on the left by Sheikh Dr Ibrahim Al-Duaij, Dr Ismail Al-Shatti and Dean Ahmad Al- He has also asked for a copy of a de-
Jarallah. cision issued by the Supreme Petrole-
um Council cancelling the oil pipeline
tender No. 2013041 and the legal basis
which allows the Supreme Petroleum
Council to cancel the tender since the
contract was awarded in a public offer-
ing by the Central Tenders Committee
(CTC) on Jan 4, 2017.
He also asked for a copy of list of
names of companies and contractors
who have obtained tenders for oil pro-
jects with all state oil companies be-
lieved to be worth KD 100 million and
above from Jan 1, 2005 until the date.
He added the list should contain
the name of the project, the duration
of the contract, the contract value and
Sheikh Dr Salem Al-Jaber, Faisal Al-Hajji and Hamoud Sheikh Nasser in the middle with Fahad Al-Daihani and the names of companies and contrac-
Hamad Al-Roumi. Waleed Al-Raslan. tors who have not delivered on time;
for how long the project was delayed
and percentage of work to be com-
He also has asked for a list of names
of companies and contractors who
have won the tenders for oil projects
with state-owned companies but have Photos by Rizk Tauq
cases pending in courts against them, Above: Some photos from the National Day celebration.
complete with all details from Jan 1,
2005 until the date. Kuwait, Pakistan enjoy strong ties
He has requested the names of
companies qualified for the Staging Minister of Social Affairs and Labor tion with the Pakistani government.
Center Tender (32) of the Kuwait Oil Hind Al-Sabeeh attended an event She commended the strong rela-
Company (KOC) and the estimated which was held at the Pakistani Em- tions shared between Kuwait and
budget value, a list of projects of the bassy in Kuwait to mark the Nation- Pakistan, afrming the keenness of
companies qualified for this tender al Day of Pakistan. Kuwait to enhance the friendly bilat-
and percentage of work completion. During a press conference held on eral relations.
Marzouq Al-Khora, Dr Yaqoub Al-Sane and Dean Ah- Ahmed Ismail Behbehani, Luay Al-Khora and Adel Al- He wants to know if the CTC has the sidelines of the event, the min- Meanwhile, the Pakistani Ambas-
mad Al-Jarallah. Rashid. requested the KOC to provide it with ister highlight the Kuwaiti-Pakistani sador to Kuwait Ghulam Dastager
the names of the disqualified compa- agreement to host Pakistani experts insisted that Pakistans relations
nies and if the answer is Yes, he wants in the medical and engineering elds, with Kuwait are distinguished, af-
indicating that Ministry of Interior is rming his governments keenness
the list of companies which were dis- taking necessary steps to complete to bolster political, economic and
qualified. the security processes in coordina- social ties with Kuwait.
With regard the second question, Al-
Mirdas said UKs The Times newspaper
has published a statement quoting a newspaper on April 8, 2016. and if any Petrofac official was invited
Petrofac official that bribe was paid to The lawmaker wants to know what to obtain information on this topic and
KOC officials to win oil contracts. This legal action has taken against British when was he invited and who is this of-
statement was carried by the Al-Anba newspaper for publishing this statement ficial and what is his post in Petrofac?

Dr Khalid Al-Mathkour, Dr Mohammad Al-Tabtabaei Abdul-Rahman Al-Ghunaim, Dr Nayef Al-Ajraf and Dr

and Ahmad Baqer. Mohammad Al-Busairi.

HH Sheikh Nasser hosts Saudi scholar

His Highness Sheikh Nasser Al-Muhammad Al-Ahmad member of the Council of Senior Scholars, and advisor
Al-Sabah organized a luncheon party at his Shuwai- to the royal diwan in Saudi Arabia Dr Abdullah Muham-
kh Palace in honor of the visiting member of the Per- mad Abdulrahman Al-Mutlaq and his accompanying
manent Committee for Scholarly Research and Iftah, delegation.

Singer vows to
give back to his
fans in few days
3: Singer Abdulaziz
Al-Mufrej, popularly
known as Shadi Al-
Khaleej (Singer of the
Gulf) has promised to
give back in the next
few days to his fans and
well-wishers who sup-
ported him on his treat-
ment abroad and those
who received him at the
airport upon his return
to the country, reports
Al-Anba daily.
Al-Mufrej noted hell
not hesitate in partici-
pating in the National
Days festivities once
hes in good health.



MPs must have a role in DIWANIYA

fostering tolerant culture A DIGEST OF PUBLIC OPINION

End rifts, solve own issues

Almost 4,000 fail to declare assets
3, (Agencies): A
Arab future in foreign hands
IN POLITICS, ambition is always linked to practical capable of stopping them without the support of Russia,
Kuwaiti member of reality because humans cannot understand what they Talal Abdulkareem Al-Arab wrote for Al-Qabas daily.
Parliament underlined want particularly if their ship is moving against the The Syrian regime has been moving towards collapse
wind, as an Arab poet says, columnist and former MP regardless of the monstrous different forces of invasion
Monday the significant Abdulmohsen Yusuf Jamal wrote for Al-Qabas daily. against Syrians. The only option left for Bashar regime
role by lawmakers in Speaking of the Arab recent summit near the Dead and Iran is to request for support from the powerful
the promotion of cul- Sea in Jordan, it is needless to say this summit has faced Russia, which is capable of rescuing Syrian regime from
a difficult reality and it is known to all, particularly the imminent dead-end and save Iran from ruthless defeat.
ture of tolerance and since we know that solving of the Arab-Arab crisis is In December 2016, Iran and Russia interfered under
accepting others. not in the hands of Arabs, rather in the hands of others the guise of fighting DAESH, so they left DAESH
Speaking to reporters on the great powers and the latter are being consulted aside, while they mounted severe attacks on the opposi-
the sidelines of the 136th for any Arab-Arab solution. tion and civilians with bombs and hand grenades. They
Inter-Parliamentary Union It has been said the delegates to the Arab summit did not differentiate between fighters and infants, and
have agreed to send representatives to the capitals of the did not see any difference between military bases, hos-
(IPU) Conference held in the so-called great powers to find necessary solutions for pitals and refugee camps.
Bangladeshi capital of Dhaka, Arab problems because Arabs have failed to solve the
Walid Al-Tabtabaei called for Arab problems.
promoting democracy and As a matter of fact, HH the Amir always observes Constitutional citizenship is the basis of a democratic
respect of human rights. the situations and promptly diagnoses the Arab reality. civil state. There is no relation between other frame-
In this context, he sharply Speaking before the delegates to the Dead Sea Summit, works, such as ideologies, families and origins, and their
lashed out at the serious violation HH the Amir said what is currently facing the Arab citizenship, rights and general duties, Dr Fahad
KUNA photo Marzouq Al-Enezi wrote for Al-Kuwaitiah daily.
Head of the Kuwaiti delegation MP Rakan Al-Nisf and MP Dr Walid Al-Tabtabaei of human rights in Syria, Palestine world in terms of big challenges and imminent dangers
and Myanmar, not to mention rac- entail that we must abide by a new method different It is known that democracy is a political and social
at the conference.
ism against immigrants and for- from the current one. system, in which people are the source of sovereignty
eigners in Europe and US. In this context, HH the Amir has made it clear and and power. Add to this, democracy makes the society
However, he claimed that he was frank when he said the so-called Arab Spring control itself through representatives. There is no doubt
that practicing democracy, as one among the elements
News in Brief Islam advocates tolerance and
respect of human rights, and sup-
has actually undermined the security and stability of the
brotherly nations and this has impeded the development of citizenship, is linked to citizenship. Any political
ports the principles and basics of in these countries. propositions remain applicable because it can include
human rights. He added, the negative reper- any citizen.
A Kuwaiti parliamentary dele- cussions of the Arab Spring have The consolidation and establishment of the constitu-
Immigration relocated: zens, reports Al-Shahed daily quoting gation is participating in the 136th actually seeped into many other tionality principles means that the authorities derive its
Following the decision to demolish sources. parts of the Arab world leading to legitimacy from the high legal reference, and citizens
They said this move by the ministry
IPU Assembly. It comprises head
Capital Immigration Department with- of the Kuwaiti Parliamentary steady deterioration of the secu- respect the Constitution and refer to the judiciary to
in the next few days, the transactions will be implemented gradually in coor- rity and the peoples of these settle their conflicts.
dination with the Civil Service Caucus MP Rakan Al-Nisf, the
of citizens and expatriates affiliated to caucus secretary, Dr Odah countries face a life of bitter tor-
the governorate will be completed at Commission (CSC). ment.
Al-Ruwaiee, the treasurer MP Dr. When are we going to be an effective nation that
the old Hawalli Immigration Walid Al-Tabtabaei, members of Notwithstanding, the accurate
Department premises in Salmiya area, adopts and embraces factors that make us effective and
Customs meetings: Kuwait is the executive committee MPs diagnosis of the situations by HH beneficial? Those who think they can continue living
reports Al-Rai daily. the Amir before the delegates
keen on taking part in Arab and Omar Al-Tabtabaei and Yousef without improving their knowledge and culture by read-
The daily quoting reliable sources shall ring a bell in the ears of the
regional customs meetings to activate Al-Fadhalah as well as the ing, acquiring knowledge, and encouraging their family
said reconstruction work at the Capital leaders of the Arab nation, particu- Jamal
action of World Customs Organization National Assembly Secretary members or friends to read especially subjects related to
Immigration Department building will
be completed within two and half
(WCO), said Acting Director General General, Allam Al-Kanderi. larly when he said the differences arts and science, are wrong, Dr Sabah Al-Suwaifan
of General Administration of Customs which have surfaced at the moment will result in more
Adnan Al-Qedheebi. wrote for Al-Rai daily.
divisions and this will reflect on our attitudes when we
Al-Qedheebi made the statement to About 3,980 officials in deal with various issues. This shall give birth to a state
By living, we mean becoming effective individuals
KUNA on Monday on the sidelines of Kuwait have yet to declare their that contribute to the society. Through reading, indi-
Jobs in July: Minister of Education of weakness and promote incoherence in our ranks. viduals widen their horizon of knowledge. We were
and Higher Education Dr Mohammad the 45th meeting of heads of customs assets regardless of efforts and In this connection, persistent Arab-Arab differences
Al-Fares stated the ministrys intention in North of Africa, and Near and notifications they have received once a reading nation. How did we become a nation
in the absence of real diagnosis and serious attempts to that does not read? Even when we read, we are not
to fill vacancies in its departments and Middle East (MENA) region. from concerned authorities in provide necessary solutions coming from the Arab real-
educational zones coming July or Kuwaits participation in the meet- that regard, and 3,020 others patient enough to carry out serious constructive reading.
ity but rather depending on the foreign countries includ- A lot of us are fond of reading entertainment stuff that
September, reports Al-Anba daily. ing is part of its eagerness to activate have already done the needful, ing the great powers to deal with the Arab-Arab differ-
Meanwhile, Assistant the role of WCO, and its realization of reports Al-Qabas daily. lack substance and articles about famous people and
the importance of coordination and
ences will bear no fruit, nothing but aggravate and stars or scandals and other strange subjects. When it
Undersecretary for Administrative The daily quoting a source deepen the crisis, because the foreign countries will only
Affairs in the Ministry of Education consultation with member states to added the majority of officials have comes to serious constructive reading of scientific or
benefit them, he said. look at their interests and will not exert any efforts to artistic books, we get bored very fast.
Fahad Al-Ghais affirmed that Civil declined to abide by stipulations of look at the sufferings of our countries and our peoples.
Service Commission (CSC) has He stressed Kuwaits commitment the rule of law, indicating the offi- Reading is the only way for nations to rise to top posi-
to all recommendations issued by the Consequently, we suggest HH the Amir has right- tions; otherwise nations are condemned to backwardness.
endorsed the payment of monthly KD cials are not law abiding as they fully told the delegates to the recent Arab Summit and
35 hazard allowance to Gulf and meeting, adding that participants dis- Yes, the Arab and Islamic societies all boast about the old
cussed some of topics of the agenda, ignore the anti-corruption law and urged them to hold themselves above their current dif-
Kuwaiti Chemistry teachers in second- care less about the possible penal- ages which did not attain civilization and scientific devel-
ary schools beginning April, reports including a report of the 76th session ferences and work to find solutions for the Arab-Arab
ties thereof, which shows lack of problems, provided these solutions are realistic, and not opment but still took the world by surprise through the
Al-Anba daily. of WCOs general policies commit- habit of reading and seeking knowledge.
tee and the activities of regional respect to the countrys laws. based on the dreams of the foreign countries which are
He noted the high number of currently striving to persuade us about the feasibility of We are required to be readers; not just readers but
bureau. serious readers to reach the required levels. Let us read
Ambulances sought: Senior He noted that the meeting also dealt officials who have declined to these dreams.
health officials disclosed that Ministry with a Moroccos report on entering cooperate with the directive is In the meantime, we must keep in mind that the great and teach others what we have learnt. Let the books be
of Health will sign contract worth KD the WTO Trade Facilitation disastrous, especially as the same powers will surprise us sooner or later that they are deal- our guide to development because we are seriously not
4 million with the automobile compa- Agreement into effect, and a working officials are in charge of imple- ing with the global problems including the Arab issues doing our nations any good by waiting for someone else
nies to supply new and modern ambu- paper on governance of WCO. menting laws! He reiterated the through the relevant realities, but not through emotions, to come with the knowledge we want or for someone
lances, reports Al-Anba daily. It focused on observations provided law obliges Public Authority for or in response to our desires. else to come and invent and discover for us.
Meanwhile, State Ministry for by Kuwait on evaluation of the World Anti Corruption to refer default-
Services has decided to replace 50 Bank to improve business atmo- ers to prosecution and slam Also: Honorable lawmaker Riyadh Al-Adsani in his blogs
percent of its expatriate employees spheres in collaboration with Kuwait appropriate penalties on them. He I have read and heard that the Iraqi prime minster
with citizens before the end of this Direct Investment Promotion sought explanation from us regarding the recent state of
wondered if it will be possible to calls for normalizing ties with the elderly sisterly coun- affairs in the local political terrain the most notable
year based on the government policy Authority (KDIPA), he pointed out. fight corruption when the major- try the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and open the doors
to provide jobs for unemployed citi- (KUNA) of the inquiry was governments relationship with the
ity of officials who are supposed for commercial investments between the two Arab Islamic Constitutional Movement (ICM), Mubarak
to be responsible are defaulters. neighbors, columnist Abdulaziz Al-Tamimi wrote for Fahad Al-Duwailah wrote for Al-Qabas daily.
Al-Shahed daily. We are obliged to comment on the issue, consider-
Certainly both the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Iraq, ing the questions are legitimate and have been circulated
are two important nations within the Arab and Islamic on the surface from various quarters. It came from
geography, but I think the Iraqi Prime Minister Haider somebody whose case is important to us, because we
Al-Abadi has chosen the wrong term, normalization as understand his mindset, and well avoid fishing in dirty
it has been reported, because I believe the appropriate waters in the same way the antagonists of the movement
sentence Al-Abadi should have used is to boost and act on small and big issues.
enrich the fraternal relations between the two sisterly The lawmaker asked about stripping MPs Jamaan
countries of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Iraq. Al-Harbash and Merdas Al-Ajmi of their parliamentary
We say the above, because the term normalization, immunity. He wondered if there was any agreement
can be used for resuming ties between two antagonizing with government in that regard. This is a legitimate
nations, but our peoples in the Arabian Gulf are linked inquiry but hes not aware that the ministers present
with fraternal ties in terms of blood, religion and lan- voted in favor of lifting the immunity! Look at the
guage. In other words, we are living under one ceiling antagonists of the movement around you today who are
and dont need normalization. busy crying foul and suspicion each day and night. You
Such being the case, we would like to address the will notice theyre not the kind of personalities whose
Iraqi prime minister by saying Your Excellency, you involvement will be of interest to you.
are welcome in your country the Kingdom of Saudi
Arabia among your brothers.
In this regard may I take upon myself to speak on Taking care of people with special needs is a com-
behalf of our brothers in Saudi Arabia and tell Your mendable humanitarian attitude. Our religion urges
Excellency that all of us in the Arabian Gulf and Iraq are everybody to imbibe this trait by all possible means and
brothers in terms of blood bonds, and this means neither approaches, Abdul-Rahman Al-Awwad wrote for
we nor you will need normalization or the so-called Al-Sabah daily.
protocol because our doors shall remain open for our Islam played a frontline role in taking care of the
peoples and eventually keep in mind that our emotions rights of people of this category, as the religion takes
towards our Arab peoples are unlimited. care of people of all categories. It teaches preservation
In this context, we would like to point out that the of peoples dignity, justice and equality. It encourages
rules of the right neighborhood, can be realized by the the need to balance between their rights and rights of
Arabs like Your Excellency, hence, you have to expect other normal people, especially their rights to job, edu-
every appreciation from your brothers in the Arabia cation, training and engagement.
Gulf, particularly if you have extended the hand of Kuwait is one of the countries that provide full wel-
cooperation and solidarity to them far away from the fare to this segment such that their right to basic and
intervention of the foreigners who are hiding under the secondary education. The government completely bears
cloak of Islam. the costs in both stages. It also creates an avenue for
In conclusion, I would like to say Your Excellency them to engage in sporting activities, in addition to ter-
you are welcome to any place in the Arab world. We tiary education. They are recognized in Kuwait as an
also need no official invitation from you to visit your integral part of the society with roles to play in the
country, because we prefer to stay away from the diplo- national development and to move the wheel of devel-
matic traditions in this respect. Looking forward to see opment forward.
you and hoping that our relations will not be troubled by
the intervention of any foreign party.

A group of academics and professors at the Public
Authority for Applied Education and Training (PAAET)
Several Muslims have relocated from their home were referred for investigation last week over state-
countries to Europe, the United States, Canada and ments they posted on social media expressing their
Australia to become immigrant settlers there, Sultan opinions on outstanding problems the sector and its
Al-Khalaf wrote for Al-Anba daily. affiliates face, columnist Ahmad Al-Khayat wrote for
They have left their home countries due to unfavor- Al Jarida daily.
able political situation there, especially military coups, Its a shame that discussion in an academic edifice
regimes which do not respect the right of people to has reached a dictatorial level and professors are
make dignified living, coupled with unemployment and dragged to court for expressing opinion. The issue was
low standard of living. People are forced to search for supposed be resolved amicably with all frankness
greener pastures or education and Muslim immigrants instead of using threats or a neutral committee.
have to contend with a new lifestyle and contribute Obviously, the complainants resorted to social media
meritorious services to their newly found countries. to be heard, because their calls met deaf ears. Major
Many of them occupy high political places and some of issues are yet-to-be disclosed if those expressing opin-
them turn out to be great physicians, surgeons, engi- ions have been referred for investigation as punishment.
neers, experts and scientists. The idea of referring personnel to investigation is
Former Director of Space Research Institute in the not a good way of in dealing with academics considered
United States Farouq Al-Baz and Nobel Laureate in role models to their students. PAAET must respect its
Chemistry Ahmad Zuwael is among them. In spite of academic staff.
meritorious services offered by Muslim migrants to the I am friend of some colleagues who work there, and
West, the governments are still uncomfortable integrat- I know the kind of problems they are facing. The sector
ing them completely in their societies. without doubt needs reform, and nobody should be
silent about it. The intervention of the Minister of
A series of attacks recently carried out by the oppo- Education Dr Mohammad Al-Fares is needed to rescue
sition in Damascus and several other locations in Syria the deteriorating situation in the authority.
is an affirmation that Bashar regime and Iran are not Compiled by Zaki Taleb


Other Voices

Good people in society

There is light at tunnel end

By Ahmad Al-Sarraf sion of the head of Neurology Depart-
ment at the Ibn Sina Hospital Dr Jas-
I n the midst of gloom and frustration
which we are experiencing because
of the political and administrative cor-
sem Al-Hashel.
Thanks to this team and a group
of distinguished physicians, Kuwait
ruption, not to mention the daily head- has become one of the most advanced
aches caused by the Muslim Brother- countries in the treatment of this dis-
hood group afliated members and ease, which is evidenced by the re-
the related hassle in the National As- markable achievements since the es-
sembly, desperate attempts have been tablishment of the unit four years ago.
made to make gains and sweep their Since then the unit has gained rec-
scandals under the carpet. ognition from the global hospitals for
Nonetheless, there are a lot of no- its ability to provide the best treatment
ticeable efforts which have been ex- without the need to send patients for
erted and are worthy of being high- medical treatment abroad.
lighted. The unit has performed
We asked many people more than 1,700 CT (com-
for their opinion about puted tomography) scans
the efforts that have been for patients with epilepsy,
exerted by Ahmad Al- ranging from 1 to 5 days,
Manfouhi in the Kuwait and was able also to diag-
Municipality. By the nose patients who needed
way, I had written earlier surgery.
on this subject. Some of them were
We must also not forget operated in Kuwait, while
the sincerity of Ahmad others were sent abroad
Al-Mousa who works at for accurate surgery and
the Public Authority for returned to Kuwait for re-
Manpower and the efforts cuperation.
exerted by Abdul Karim Al-Sarraf
The Ibn Sina Hospital
Taki and Abdullah Al Za- has also planted a large number of bat-
mami in the development of the Public teries in the body of patients suffering
Authority for Industry, which is suffer- from epilepsy and provided medical
ing from serious problems. care to thousands of other cases us-
However, all these people have been ing the latest technology and adopted
exerting all out efforts to correct situa- globally scientic methods.
tions in their respective institutions. We should also mention the smooth
We must also commend the efforts and civilized transition of the leader-
exerted by the Minister of Social Af- ship of the Kuwait Investment Author-
fairs and Labor and her relentless ef- ity, the worlds oldest sovereign wealth
forts to develop a Ministry that is ex- fund, which managed more than $2
periencing rampant corruption. trillion of our funds, after Farouk Al
Let us also laud the good efforts Zanki became the new Managing
made by the Center for Child Evalua- Director. And Bader Al Saad, for-
tion & Teaching (CCET), about which mer managing director has become a
I will write soon because this institu- member of the Board of Directors of
tion is not receiving proper funding the Authority, after having played his
and is semi-forgotten in spite of its role faithfully and sincerely for more
educational and humanitarian effec- than 13 years.
tiveness. KFSD photos
In a wonderful attempt to bring joy Kuwaiti Fire Department ofcers at the Dubai exhibition.
We should also pay tribute to the to life, LOYAC will broadcast the
specialized consultants who work World Peace show from the ancient
relentlessly to treat the neurological French theater of Olympia to Kuwait KFSD in Dubai exhibition
diseases. It is because of their efforts on April 8, a show combining various
Kuwait today has reached the high- civilizations, led by world-renowned Kuwait Fire Service Directorate Al-Maktoum. Lieutenant General Mohammad dia and Social Media Ofcer First
est level of treatment at the Arab and artiste Naseer Shamma with a group (KFSD) is currently participating in Secretary General of Dubai Ex- Al-Salem, Head of Administrative Lieutenant Redha Al-Salman,
regional level in the treatment of epi- of most procient musicians, who will Dubai International Exhibition for ecutive Council Abdullah Al-Shai- Support Department Lieutenant Head of Service Improvement and
lepsy using the latest methods and sci- take us on a outward journey drawing Government Achievements slated bani also graced the occasion. Mohammad Dashti, Major Engi- Work Methodologies Department
entic techniques. boundaries outside time and space.
I mentioned this on the sidelines of for April 2-4 under the auspices The Kuwaiti delegation was led neer Mohammad Al-Sahaf from Ms Afrah Al-Faraj, Head of Data-
Tickets can be booked electroni- and presence of Vice President by the Deputy Director General of Quality Control Department and base Department Engineer Eman
a Kuwaiti-Lebanese conference which cally through: or
was held in Beirut with the same ad- of the United Arab Emirates, the Human Resources Major General Public Relations Ofcer Captain Salah, and Head of Projects Ex-
from the Jaber Cultural Center, or by Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai Khalid Yousef Al-Terkit, Comptrol- Mohammad Al-Najar. ecution Department Ms Mashael
vanced level of management reached contacting Marwa: 97239408.
by the Epilepsy Treatment Unit at Ibn Sheikh Mohammad Bin Rashid ler of Administrative Development It also included Electronic Me- Al-Hamad.
Sina Hospital under the management
of Dr Maher Orabi and able supervi- email:

Aden University hails Kuwait

total support to Yemen people
Urgent aid campaign for drought-hit Somalis
RIYADH, April 3,
(KUNA): The University
of Aden on Monday high-
ly appreciated Kuwaits
support to the Yemeni
KUNA photo people who are experienc-
Deputy Premier and Minister of Defense Sheikh Mohammed Khaled Al-Hamad
Al-Sabah Monday received the American Ambassador to Kuwait Lawrence Sil- ing terrible conditions.
verman who was accompanied by the Deputy Chief of the Ofce of Military Co- The university honored the
operation Lieutenant Colonel Scott Rowe. A number of issues of mutual interest Chairman of the Patients Help-
and ways to enhance them were discussed during the meeting along with the ing Fund Society and the head
latest regional and international developments. Sheikh Mohammed Al-Khaled
also received the French Ambassador to Kuwait Christian Nakhla who was ac- of the Health Committee of the
companied by the military attach of the French Embassy Patrick Peret. They Kuwait Society for Relief Dr
discussed issues of mutual interest for the two nations and ways to bolster co- Mohammad Al-Sharhan, offer-
operation between them. Both meetings were attended by the Chief of General
Staff of Kuwait Armed Forces Lieutenant General Mohammed Al-Khader and ing him its golden shield.
other military ofcials. (KUNA) The honoring came in recog-
nition of Al-Sharhans efforts in
support of the health education
sector in Yemen within the frame-
News in Brief work of the Kuwait beside you
relief campaign, according to a
statement by the health commit-
Yemeni attacked: A Yemeni
Japan $1bln loan According to the statement,
expatriate sustained serious injuries
when he was attacked by two Kuwaiti University President Dr Al-
citizens with a cleaver during a quarrel
between them in Qasr area, says Al-
Refinery overhaul Khedr Nasser Lasour expressed
gratitude and high appreciation KUNA photo
Seyassah. KUWAIT CITY, April 3: The Ja- to the State of Kuwait and the Kuwait Patients Helping Fund Society team members in discussions with members from the UN Ofce for
According to security sources, the pan Bank for International Coop- humanitarian efforts in Yemen.
victim went to a Kuwaiti citizens eration plans to extend $1 billion Kuwaiti people for their gener-
house in Waha area to discuss about to a Kuwaiti oil renery company ous support to Yemen, saying it
the dispute. While he was standing in in concert with Japanese mega- will also serve education in the
front of the house and discussing with
the citizen, the brother of the latter
banks and a major British nancial
rm, it was learned on Sunday, re-
various faculties.
He said that the University has
Guard mentally ill girls to avert abuse
pulled out a pistol and tried to shoot at ports japan times.
the victim. When the victim managed The government-backed JBIC a host of future projects and is KUWAIT CITY, April 3: Some stressed that this surgery is carried mously agreed that such practices
to dodge the bullets, the other suspect and the commercial bank group, looking forward to further Ku- families especially those with girls out to disable Kuwaiti girls with the are illegal if they are not backed by
attacked the victim using a cleaver, comprising Sumitomo Mitsui waiti support, referring to the suffering from severe mental dis- approval of their families. medical reasons.
causing the victim to fall on the ground Banking Corp, Bank of Tokyo- huge devastation caused by war abilities force such girls to undergo Meanwhile, the Obstetric, A member of the Fatwa Depart-
and bleed profusely. Mitsubishi UFJ, Mizuho Bank hysterectomy when they reach pu- Gynecology and Infertility Con- ment at Ministry of Awqaf and Is-
and Britains HSBC, will evenly in Aden. berty under the pretext of fears over sultant Dr Naheda Al-Ali said lamic Affairs Dr Ahmad Al-Kordi
He was taken to Farwaniya Hospital On his part, Dr Al-Sharhan
where he was admitted in the Intensive share the 11-year loans, informed their future and social reputation, hysterectomy surgeries are car- said removal of any organ from the
Care Unit in serious condition. sources said, adding that the voiced pleasure for visiting the reports Al-Qabas daily. ried out on girls who suffer from body without urgent medical rea-
A case has been registered against commercial lending portion will be teaching edice whose gradu- Along with some specialists who severe mental disabilities such as sons is religiously prohibited.
the two citizens, and investigations are covered by the Nippon Export and ates took part in the building and are against such an action, consid- cerebral palsy, with the approval He stressed that hysterectomy
ongoing to nd and arrest them. Investment Insurances overseas ering them as changing the nature of their guardians. does not prevent exposure to sexual
investment insurance. The funds development in Yemen and the
will be used to nance a project neighboring countries. of the body which can result in She revealed that she has seen aggressions such as rapes, adding
to renovate a renery of Kuwait He added that the university dangerous consequences, Director ve such cases and carried out three that it is better to pay extra atten-
Forbidden items: General De- of Genetic Diseases Center at Ob- surgeries. tion on such girls and keep them on
partment of Public Relations and National Petroleum Co (KNPC), will have a good share of the third
a subsidiary of Kuwait Petroleum stetrics Hospital Dr Laila Bastaki In addition, lawyers unani- constant watch.
Media Security of Ministry of Interior phase of the health committee re-
revealed in a press statement that Corp, the sources said.
Japanese engineering com- lief campaign.
Central Prison ofcers arrested two
individuals for attempting to smuggle pany JGC Corp. will take part in Meanwhile, the health commit- Meanwhile, the Kuwait-based Islamic Charitable Organization 7,000 people, he added.
banned items into the prison, reports the project to enable Al-Ahmadi tee delegation visited the Yemeni Mercy International, afliated (IICO) and Al-Najat Charity, be- Al-Otaibi noted that the part-
Al-Seyassah daily. Renery in southern Kuwait to Minister of Higher Education to the Association of Social Re- sides Qatars Eid Charity Foun- nership between the charity or-
The department explained that the produce gasoline, gas oil and jet and Scientic Research Dr Hus- form, on Monday announced the dation, head of the African sec- ganizations in Kuwaiti and the
Jail Security Department arrested the fuel that meet stringent European
standards. sein Abdulrahman Baslama. The launch of an urgent relief cam- tion at the Mercy International Gulf region has come to form a
two suspects during inspections at the
Security Section. The Japanese public and com- meeting discussed the coopera- paign for the victims of drought Saad Al-Otaibi told KUNA. pillar of humanitarian efforts to
The rst suspect was found in pos- mercial lenders hope that the tion between the universities and in Somalia. Mercy International and part- overcome challenges and reach
session of a mobile SIM card which he concerted loans, the rst foreign the research institutions in both The campaign includes medi- ners are targeting the regions victims in areas of conicts. So-
wanted to hand over to his brother who funds to be procured by KNPC. countries. cal programs, food packages and most affected by the drought malia is one of four countries at
is an inmate. The second suspect was The delegation also visited the mobile water tanks, to be car- wave in Somalia, with a short- high risk of famine, in addition
found in possession of drugs and drug The suspects were referred to the
paraphernalia which he had hidden in a concerned authorities for necessary Yemeni Health Ministrys Primary ried out in cooperation with Ku- term plan, offering food, and a to Nigeria, South Sudan and Ye-
small bag in his pocket. legal action. Health Care, where they were ac- waits Zakat House, the Kuwait long-term one that will see water men, Al-Otaibi said citing UN
quainted with the services it offers. Relief Society, the International wells dug for the benet of about report.


Court Cases

Barrack acquitted

Return Kuwaiti citizens

docus, court orders MoI
By Jaber Al-Hamoud Barrak acquitted: The Court of
Al-Seyassah Staff Appeals yesterday acquitted the
former MP Musallam Al-Barrak
KUWAIT CITY, April 3: The of charges of insulting and
Third Administrative Circuit of offending the former Head of the
the Court of First Instance decid- Judiciary Committee Judge
ed to cancel the decision of Faisal Al-Murshid.
Ministry of Interior to hold back Previously, the Public
a Kuwaiti citizens passport. Prosecution had charged
According to the lawsuit filed by Al-Barrak of offending Judge
Lawyer Esmat Al-Kharboutli on Al-Murshid, even though the
the behalf of the citizen, the plain- defendant denied the charges,
tiff suffers claiming irregularities in
from a psychi- them.
atric disease According to the case files, the
and had trav- Misdemeanor Court had fined
elled to Al-Barrak KD 150 for the charg-
Thailand for es leveled against him, which
convalescence involved insults and defamation.
for a couple of However, the defense insisted
weeks after that the prosecution did not sub-
mit any substantial evidence to MoI photo
leaving the Marine forces, Air Force help in freeing the oil tanker during the drill.
hospital. Kharboutli back the claims.
Based on the
doctors advice, he had taken his Wrong procedure: The
Seized oil tanker freed, chem arms dealt with
medicines with him. However, he Misdem-eanor Court of First The participants of Eagles field of defense. an oil tanker belonging to Kuwait Coastguard, Ministry of Interior
was forced to extend his stay in Instance acquitted a suspect in Resolve 2017 (Hasm Al-Uqban) Major Hussain Al-Anzi gave a Oil Tankers Company targeted by Helicopter, Marine Rescue Team
Thailand. When his medicines ran his 30s of possessing an unli- dealt with a chemical missile and brief representation about the pirates. at Kuwait Fire Service Directorate,
out, he searched for the medicines censed weapon and illicit drugs freed a seized oil tanker in the important role played by Air Kuwait Air Force, Kuwait Navy, and Kuwait Petroleum Company
in pharmacies in Thailand but did for sale. He was arrested while current stage of the field training Defense Forces in the massive Al-Maghaweer Brigade 25, Kuwait participated in the exercise with
not find them. He then called parking his car in front of the to bolster joint cooperation destruction of weapons. Armys Medical Services forces from several friendly and
between the GCC countries and Muhammad Al-Ahmad Marine Department, the Directorate sisterly countries, including Saudi
Kuwaits Ministry of Foreign Central Prison. United States of America in the Base also conducted a drill to free General of Special Security, Arabia, Qatar, Emirates and USA.
Affairs, asking for help but did not The prosecution officer
receive any response. After a few explained that security opera-
tives were busy conducting

3 deported, 71 arrested, 189

days, his medical condition deteri-
orated and he fell unconscious checking at a makeshift check-
after reaching Kuwait International point inside the Central Prison
Airport. However, securitymen and Firdous area when they
seized his passport and referred sighted the suspects car.
him to Psychiatric Medicine The officers found the weapon

cars seized in traffic swoop

Hospital where he was admitted at the backseat as they approached
for three months. After he left the the suspect for checking. They
hospital, the General Department later found illicit drugs on him dur-
of Criminal Investigations refused ing a thorough search and referred
him to concerned authorities.
to give him his passport. In his defense, Lawyer Ali
Lawyer Al-Kharboutli said the
passport is the right of the citizen and
Matar Al-Wawan faulted the idea Kuwaiti dies in accident; man drowns at sea
of searching and arresting his cli-
should be with him wherever he is, ent. He noted the wrongful arrest
insisting that there are no criminal shouldnt have led to testing the KUWAIT CITY, April 3:
cases recorded against her client. She sample of his clients urine,
asked the court to return the passport The remains of an uniden-
because the officers had no tified person who drowned
to her client. search and arrest warrant for that
purpose. while swimming with his
friends, have been
referred to Forensics,
reports Al-Rai daily.
According to reports the friends
Other Voices failed to rescue him. He was
reportedly swept away by the
rough waves and an undercur-
It is the era of power Meanwhile, a Kuwaiti died on the
spot in a traffic accident on the Sixth
Ring Road opposite Saad
By Yousef Awadh Al-Azmi strategic objectives related to Kurds. Al-Abdullah City, reports Al-Anba
Apart from that, Turkey is willing to daily.
T he ongoing events in the Arab give and take to the extent that even
world, which began few years contradicting itself will not be an
ago especially in Iraq and Syria, are issue.
The victim reportedly lost control
over the vehicle and crashed into a
metal barrier.
massive operations aimed at preoc- Saudi Arabia was suffering from He was rushed to the hospital but
cupying and exhausting the regimes stiff relations with the former pronounced dead on arrival.
and people of the region. Perhaps, Democrats administration of the
in the end, there will be a demo- United States of America. However,
graphic change and even changes it currently appears as though all that Traffic crackdown: General Traf-
fic Department carried out several
on the map of the region. has changed and the new American traffic campaigns in all six governor-
This is the art of politics, which President is willing to work with ates of Kuwait from March 26 to
manipulates the maps of countries Saudi Arabia all the way. April 1, reports Al-Seyassah daily.
based on the principle of power. In addition, the ability of Saudi During the campaigns, a total of
Considering that this started years Arabia to accommodate international 36,185 traffic citations were issued,
ago, very few have managed to end it changes with a good political 189 vehicles and 17 motorbikes were
and reach where they are demeanor has been seized, 71 individuals were detained
today in terms of demo- observed, considering in traffic custody, three expatriates
graphic changes, which the recent interesting were referred for deportation for
occur openly in front of meeting between the driving without licenses and five Municipality workers removing the abandoned tents.
cameras, despite some U.S. President Donald vehicles that are involved in various
ineffective opposition
here and there.
Trump and the Deputy
Crown Prince
cases were discovered. Camping tents demolished
The General Department of Public
The actual process of Mohammed bin Salman Relations and Media Security of
annexation or partition of who received a pompous Ministry of Interior urged road users The Public Relations and Media ed to organization of the surrounding areas as well as
lands is carried out with- reception in the White to follow the traffic rules and regula- Department of Kuwait 2016/2017 camping season Ahmadi Stables area.
out the original dwellers House. Municipality announced the which started on Oct 1, 2016 The department affirmed that
tions. launch of campaigns to remove and ended on March 31, 2017, the campaigns, which are spear-
and owners of those lands This is a clear unequiv-
having any say in the Al-Azmi violating spring camping tents in reports Al-Seyassah daily. headed by specialized teams
ocal message to the accordance with the administra- The campaigns began with the from the municipality, will contin-
matter. Such a process region regarding the vital role that Smuggling bid foiled: General
cannot be described as random, as it Department of Public Relations and tive decision No. 25/2016 relat- removal of 41 tents in Julaia and ue.
Saudi Arabia will have in the future,
happens through agreements among Media Security at Ministry of Interior
major powers and prior planning. which will be boosted by its successful
political and military alliance in the revealed in a press statement that the
The use of militias, especially for- Coast Guard Department arrested a
eign militias, has a significant effect
in the entire process. This is why the
Operation Desert Resolve and other
important political achievements.
Regarding the Kurds, despite their
Kuwaiti citizen and a Saudi national
for attempting to smuggle drugs into
Court sets April 24 Fintas Group trial
utilization of a group like DAESH in the country via sea, reports
this new arrangement comes in smartness and brilliance in dealing By Jaber Al-Hamoud issued by the Court of First Al-Hajraf, Sheikh Ali Al-Khalifa,
with any changes that would affect Al-Seyassah daily. Instance which sentenced Hamad
handy until the mission is completed. The department explained that the Al-Seyassah Staff Sheikh Ahmad Dawood Al-Sabah
Hence you see the Syrian regime their status quo or the demographic of Al-Haroun, the prime suspect, in and Sheikh Athbi Al-Sabah to
their influence and land, they trans- Marine Security Department received KUWAIT CITY, April 3: The absentia to ten-year imprisonment
being handed a peace card to remain a tipoff about a group of people who five-year imprisonment with hard
in power under the same previously- form them into positive changes that Court of Cassation has set the ses- with hard labor. It also imposed
are planning to smuggle drugs into sion of April 24 for the trial of the labor. Saud Al-Asfouri was sen-
mentioned arrangements, considering solely serve their interests. jail sentences against three other
However, the Kurdish decision- Kuwait via sea. They immediately case filed against a group infa- Kuwaitis who helped Al-Haroun tenced to one-year imprisonment
that it no longer poses any threat or held investigations, which confirmed
obstacle or even problem in front of makers might get deceived by how mously known as Fintas Group. escape from the country. with hard labor while the other
the tipoff was true. Necessary legal Previously, the Court of defendants involved in the case
any agreement which was signed or events are transpiring into making them action was taken after which the sus- The court also sentenced
will be signed in the future. think that change is easy. Nothing that pects a Kuwaiti citizen and a Appeals had upheld the verdict Abdulmohsen Al-Ateeqi, Falah were acquitted.
When it comes to the main regional will happen on the ground will be a Saudi national were placed under
players, all that is permissible is to air coincidence, even when it comes to observation. Eventually they were
an opinion or observation, which can expansion of its influence and authori- arrested in possession of a bag of 60 Securitymen arrested the rest of the those who have shown interest in her The thief, an ex-convict, would
be either accepted or rejected. This is ty. Everything must go through the pieces of a drug. suspects who also confessed to the case. pry on motorists who leave the
the mentality of the force at its best. major powersWashington, London, The suspects were referred with thefts. They revealed that they sold The housemaid said she did not engine in operation and go to a gro-
Iran continues to market itself as Paris and Moscow hence, it is not as the drug to the concerned authorities the stolen items in the scrapyard. attempt to commit suicide but she cery or a store, get behind the wheel
the rentable gun due to its military easy as it appears. for necessary legal action. Necessary action was taken and just wanted to attract the attention and escape.
importance. However, in reality, it Finally, the region is taking various
has failed in that aspect. If it were not risky political and military turns. The the suspects were referred to the and avoid being killed by her spon- He would then change the number
Public Prosecution. sor. plates of stolen vehicles, park them
for the Russian intervention in Syria, situation is very sensitive, let alone Gang of thieves held: A gang of Meanwhile, Jahra securitymen Investigations conducted by on open ground with a for sale tag,
its ally Bashar Al-Assad would fall. unpredictable and unknown about the five Syrians were arrested for steal- arrested a wanted Kuwaiti citizen in Criminal Investigation Department receive down payment under pretext
Iran incorporates paid militias in its direction the major powers are head- ing from vehicles parked in Hawally possession of narcotic pills. He was revealed the maid was reported of completing registration formalities
fight either on sectarian or any other ing towards, even though it appears Governorate, says Al-Seyassah. discovered to be involved in three absconding by her sponsor since and disappear.
basis. Some of its military elements easy for them to change directions. According to security sources,
have not even proven their compe- when the General Department of
criminal cases. 2014.
However, on the regional front, Reports said the maid had not been
tence and effectiveness in the war to nothing can be done except receive Criminal Investigations received paid her salary for a month and this Officer detained: A Kuwaiti
save Al-Assad. the letter which will inform the rele- complaints about thefts of contents Maid reveals ordeal: An prompted her to commit suicide. This working for the Ministry of Defense
Previously, Turkey was not vant regimes about the new develop- from parked vehicles in Hawally Ethiopian housemaid who appeared is not true and baseless because the has been kept in the custody of the
allowed to intervene even in a con- ments and actions that need to be Governorate, a team was formed and in a video clip made by her sponsor maid had begun work in the spon- Fintas Police Station for assaulting a
flict that was just few meters away taken. They do not have the luxury of investigations were carried out which and circulated on the social media sors home only three days before the compatriot, reports Al-Rai daily.
from its door in a town called Qabbani even setting forth their observations. led to the discovery that a gang of which shows the maid attempting to incident. The arrest came after the victim
in Syria. However, even though it is Syrian expatriates are involved in the jump to her death from the seventh filed a complaint and submitted a
now fully engaged in the war in Syria,
It is tough to be weak; it is the era of
thefts. floor of a residential building, is seen medical report, and the car plate
its presence will not change anything.

Securitymen managed to arrest in another clip lying on a hospital Cunning thief: Personnel from the number of the suspects vehicle.
In fact, Turkey is careless about one of the gang members who con- bed, reports Al-Anba daily. Criminal Investigations Department Upon instructions from the mili-
anything apart from achieving its twitter@alzmi1969 fessed to committing the thefts with The maid reportedly says she is have arrested a Kuwaiti for stealing tary police the military man has been
the help of four other compatriots. fine and recovering and thanks all cars, reports Al-Anba daily. asked to change his military uniform.


Ministry panel accuses officials of negligence for floods

Kuwait, S. Korea sign Saad Al-Abdullah city contract

KUWAIT CITY, April 3, (KUNA): eco-friendly and smart city in the Mid- vironmental and scientic studies of the of Public Works which is responsible for
Kuwaiti Minister of State for Housing dle East, mainly depending on modern smart city, as well as the structural chart investigating the recent ood issue has
Affairs and Minister of State for Ser- technology, Abul said. and the design of the road network. started its tasks in studying the Sabahiya
vices Yasser Abul and the Korea Land The contract was signed following The total area of the project is 64.42 and Mangaf tunnels in coordination with
and Housing Corporation on Sunday detailed talks, and a visit by His High- million square meters, with 30,000 a number of concerned specialized of-
signed a contract for the planning and ness the Prime Minister Sheikh Jaber Al- housing units, he added. cials, reports Al-Anba daily.
design of the Saad Al-Abdullah city. Mubarak Al-Hamad Al-Sabah to South Al-Waqayyan referred to a MoU Their investigations lasted for nearly
The contract will be implemented over Korea for boosting bilateral ties, espe- signed between Kuwait and South Ko- two hours and involved reviewing the
two years at costs of KD 12.5 million (about cially in housing welfare and new cities. rea on Sept 21, 2014 for cooperation in documents of the project. In the end,
$41 million), the minister said. It is an ex- On his part, Director General of the housing welfare and new cities. the committee accused the ofcials of
ample of successful partnership and co- Public Authority for Housing Welfare negligence, non-protection of citizens
operation between nations, he said. Bader Al-Waqayyan said that the con- and non-operation of the Mangaf sta-
Saad Al-Abdullah will be the rst tract covers the technical, economic, en- The committee afliated to Ministry tion during the rainfalls.

American Hospital Dubai conducts

KUNA photo
maiden cancer treatment operation
Kuwaiti Minister of State for Housing Affairs and Minister of State for
Services Yasser Abul and the Korea Land and Housing Corporation after UN precedented medical achievement in Gulf
signing the contract.
DUBAI, April 3: A team
of physicians at Ameri-
can Hospital Dubai the
rst accredited hospital
of Mayo Clinic Care Net-
work in the Middle East
successfully completed
the rst cancer treatment
operation of its kind in
the Gulf region. The mile-
stone achievement was
announced at a press con-
ference this morning in
the presence of Sheikha
Hind bint Faisal Al Qas-
simi and Doctor Marwan
Mohd Al Mulla, acting
director of Health Regu-
Radio 1 ofcials lation Department. The
press conference was held
ADMs journey to success at the American Hospital
Dubais premises.
Abu Dhabi Media officially Led by Dr Tariq Dufan, Di-
rector of Radiation Oncology,
American Hospital Dubai, the
launches Radio 1, Radio 2 team of physicians conducted an
operation to treat cancer of the
DUBAI, April 3: Abu Dhabi Media has eighth cranial nerve in a record
announced the ofcial launch of Radio time of four minutes. The pa-
1 and Radio 2 stations, part of the Abu tients discharge on the same day
Dhabi Radio Network, bringing the total of the operation is considered an
number of stations under its umbrella to unprecedented medical achieve-
eight stations. The new launch, which ment in the Gulf and a signicant
brings ADMs number of brands up to advancement in same day opera-
27, underscores the corporations plans tions, regionally.
to expand its English-language radio American Hospital Dubai also
stations. launched several treatment services
The ofcial launch for the two radio during the press conference including
stations follows Abu Dhabi Radio Net- Stereotactic Ablative Radiotherapy
works comprehensive development (SABR) / Stereotactic Body Radia-
of content for both stations to ensure tion Therapy (SBRT) and Stereotac-
that they broadcast exceptional content
that appeals directly to audience inter-
tic Radio Surgery (SRS) to treat vari-
ests. This approach is aligned with Abu ous types of cancers, becoming the
Dhabi Medias commitment to offering rst healthcare facility in the GCC to
targeted and diverse media content that introduce the ground-breaking can-
resonates with the organizations wide cer treatments. In addition, it is the
audience base. only hospital in Dubai to successfully
Radio 1 launched on 100.5 FM in perform Brachytherapy for treating
Abu Dhabi and on 104.1 FM in Dubai. of prostrate, cervix, endometrium,
While Radio 2 started airing on 106FM breast, skin, bronchus, and esophagus
in Abu Dhabi and on 99.3 FM in Dubai. cancers as well as soft tissue sarco-
Abdul Rehman Awadh Al-Harthi mas, among others.
Abu Dhabi Media revealed that Radio
1 has been transformed to specialize in SABR / SBRT is an innovative,
eral, Abu Dhabi Media said: Since its non-invasive procedure for treating
delivering music content that targets 18- establishment, Abu Dhabi Media has
30 year olds; while Radio 2 will broad- cancers in the lung, head and neck,
worked tirelessly to build a broad audi- prostrate and liver along with other
cast content catering to 30-45 year olds, ence base through our 27 diverse brands
who are interested in music and hits disease sites outside the central nerv-
and distinguish a strong media presence ous system (CNS). This line of treat-
from the 1980s and 1990s. not only in the UAE but also across the
Mohamed Ebraheem Al Mahmood, ment escalates the dose to the target
Middle East. lesion to increase local control while
Chairman and Managing Director at Dr bin Tamim added: Radio 1 and
Abu Dhabi Media said: The ofcial limiting the effect on nearby critical
Radio 2 represent a new phase in Abu
launch of Radio 1 and Radio 2 under Dhabi Medias journey aimed at reach- structures and normal tissues. SRS,
Abu Dhabi Media underscores our stra- ing a more diverse radio audience with on the other hand, is most commonly
tegic efforts to create tangible change a new cultural perspective that imitates used for tumors and other medical Doctors perform operation at the American Hospital Dubai.
in media content at Abu Dhabi Media, the lifestyle of listeners, seeking to pro- conditions in the brain or CNS, deliv-
and diversify the media brands under its vide content that is compatible with their ering high doses of radiation to treat
umbrella. interests taking into account age range tumors with precision.
This procedure uses Varian tech-
Sharjah groceries have a year to adhere to new rules
Al Mahmood added: The addition of and varied cultural backgrounds.
Radio 1 and Radio 2 reafrms our con- Abdulrahman Awadh Al Harthi, Ex- nology and is widening the options
tinuous commitment to enhancing Abu
Dhabi Media as a comprehensive and di-
verse media platform. It also highlights
ecutive Director of Radio, said: Launch-
ing Radio 1 and Radio 2 is an indication
of our ongoing pursuit of a larger base of
available to multi-disciplinary oncol-
ogy teams worldwide.
Lastly, Brachytherapy make use
of two different techniques Low
Dubai dispels food safety rumors
our ongoing efforts to further advance listeners, delivering the best radio content DUBAI, April 3: The municipality has impurities or carcinogenic substances ment Department (SEDD) has given
the media sector in the UAE and the and achieving a diversity that suits all tar- Dose Rate (LDR) and High Dose
Rate (HDR) to place radioactive responded to the latest food rumour in the food in circulation in the emirate groceries a year to implement the
region by supporting all traditional and geted audiences across our community by circulating on social media lately, of Dubai. changes, starting with those in com-
modern media. providing the broadcasting sector with a sources directly into or next to the
Dr Ali bin Tamim, Director Gen- unique media experience. malignant area. It enables oncologists which questions the safety of tea bags Al Bastaki said: Before being circu- mercial areas.
to efciently deliver a high dose with in Dubai. lated and sold to the public, the food Sultan Al Suwaidi, chairman of
minimal impact on the surround- Authorities on Wednesday issued a in Dubai is subjected to routine health SEDD, said the new requirements would
ing healthy anatomy. Image Guides statement responding to the rumours, as- inspections. They have to undergo a contribute to the quality of service and
suring residents that all tea bags are safe comprehensive analysis to make sure help increase consumer demand.
News in Brief Brachytherapy (IGBT), on the other
hand, combines advanced imaging for consumption, Gulf News reported. that they are free from anything that The SEDD recently started distribut-
techniques with modern procedures Eman Al Bastaki, Director of Food is detrimental to the health and safety ing brochures to groceries to explain
for quick and precise treatment. Safety Department at Dubai Munici- of consumers and the community in the new requirements.
American Hospital Dubai has a pality, said that the rumours claimed Dubai. We ensure they are free from The move is similar to the Baqala
UAE woman wins award: Dr upbringing of such children with state-of-the-art oncology department that a material called Epichlorohydrin the dangers of any illegal substances. (Grocery) project in Abu Dhabi, imple-
Manal Raq Jarour, Vice-President tenacity to get out the best of them. offering a comprehensive and in- was used to make tea bags, which is a They are also tested to make sure mented in 2013, that introduced univer-
of the Emirates Down Syndrome As- She said that the award is an ap- novative range of treatment to can- substance used in making pesticides. that they are free of carcinogens in or- sal decor in groceries as well as better
sociation, has won the Ideal Mother preciation from the Khara Centre in cer patients. In our quest to provide The laboratory tests conducted by der to preserve public health and safety refrigeration and shelving methods.
Award for Intellectual Disabilities Kuwait in recognition to the efforts of patients with the latest techniques the Municipality have proved that the of citizens and residents, and all the Hundreds of groceries that were too
in Kuwait. these mothers. Dr Jarour expressed tea bags are free from this material, foodstuffs adhere to international spec- small, or failed to comply with other
gratitude for her selection within a in the treatment of cancer, we have
Aisha Al-Salem, Director of Al become regional pioneers in offering said Al Bastaki. ications in food control, she added. Baqala standards, had to close.
Khara Activity Kids Centre in distinguished elite of mothers interested The municipality conrmed that it The municipality has conrmed that Sharjahs new rules stipulate that gro-
Kuwait, announced at a press confer- in the affairs of sons and daughters with SABR and SRS procedures and the
rst hospital in Dubai to administer has tested different samples of tea bags the grades belonged to another country, ceries must not be less than 30 square
ence the names of 19 mothers who disabilities inside and outside Kuwait.
Brachytherapy. of several brands to check their safety although they did not specify which one. metres in area, a grocery manager said.
won the Ideal Mother Award for and afrmed that they are all compliant On its ofcial Facebook page, Dubai Cluttered shelves will not be allowed,
Intellectual Disabilities from the Our objective is to ensure quick,
State of Kuwait, the GCC states and LNG index launched: Singapore effective and precise treatment while with global specications, with labora- Municipality assured that all food im- with separate metal shelves for baked
some Arab countries. Exchange (SGX) and Tullett Prebon causing minimal impact to nearby tory tests proving the rumours wrong. ported into the UAE are safe and adhere items. Fruits and vegetables must be dis-
The event was organised for the have successfully launched a lique- healthy tissues. We are condent that For this, we have devoted a large to strict safety protocols that follow Gulf played in refrigerators, while ve-gallon
fth year in a row to honour the ed natural gas (LNG) spot index for our new line of cancer treatments will force of observers and inspectors in Cooperation Council (GCC) regulations. water bottles must be secured in metal
mothers who have spent their lives Dubai, Kuwait and India (DKI). be a swift and painless experience, all areas concerning the protection of Kindly note there are international enclosures. There must also be a provi-
in the service of their children with A statement said it is: a collabo- enabling patients to live long, healthy public health in terms of waste, food or regulations for meat and chicken, based sion for insect traps.
disabilities. ration that seeks to enhance price and cancer-free lives, concluded Dr pest control, she said. on the World Organization for Ani- All groceries must have a glass front
She stressed the importance of discovery and risk management in Tarek Dufan, Director of Radiation She pointed out that all the food mal Health (OIE), and the circulating under the new standards, which also
highlighting the parents of children one of the fastest-growing regions Oncology, American Hospital Dubai. that enter the emirate undergo various grades are not issued by an ofcial or make it compulsory for grocery staff to
with the intellectual disabilities, their for LNG spot trading. American Hospital Dubai is a rounds of inspections. concerned entity, but a media website. wear uniforms that include name tags.
role in society, as well as encourag- The DKI Sling offers a transpar- premium, multi-specialty healthcare The documents attached to the con- Dubai Municipality also pointed that The project also aims to, Al Suwaidi
ing them to sustain social work so ent and trusted reference price signment undergo a thorough scrutiny according to the International Noti- said, create investment opportuni-
for LNG delivered ex-ship under
facility in Dubai. Its cutting-edge
as to continue improving the lives of oncology department offers the and then random samples are taken cation System, the authority did not ties for the citizens of Sharjah and the
their children with disabilities. exible terms to key ports in the
three countries, complementing an most advanced treatments for vari- by the Food Safety Department for receive any notication regarding the UAE. He emphasised that the main
Dr Jarour expressed her pride
in the appreciation of Kuwait and increase in spot trading volumes. ous types of cancers administered by lab tests on a regular basis before let- matter. goal of the new standards is to develop
the Gulf States, adding, What First introduced in January for expert and experienced oncologists. ting them out in the market. The food Meanwhile, Groceries in Sharjah the retail sale sector in terms of operat-
distinguishes a mother endowed with launch during the second quarter, it Its latest treatments include SABR / samples are subjected to microbiologi- have to conform to new standards, in- ing mechanisms, from traditional ways
a child with disability is the consent provides an independent physical SBRT for tumors outside the CNS, cal, chemical, and radiological tests by cluding installing uniform signboards to a modern framework. The chairman
and acceptance of the Lords gift. price marker as the industry moves SRS for tumors and medical con- the Food and Environment Laboratory and security cameras, and adopting added that the project contributes to the
She added, These mothers exercise away from oil-linked pricing and ditions in the brain or CNS, and Section of Dubai Central Laboratory stricter food storage standards, authori- development of the emirates economy
patience and persevere in their towards gas-on-gas pricing. Brachytherapy, a highly-advanced Department, Al Bastaki explained. ties said on Monday. by making the sector more attractive
form of radiotherapy. She also denied the presence of any The Sharjah Economic Develop- for investors.


World News Roundup


Fights nothing new

Unlikely Gorsuch
can clear hurdle
WASHINGTON, April 3, (Agencies): The top Demo-
crat in the US Senate said on Sunday it was unlikely
that Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch would be
able to clear a procedural hurdle to a nal vote, even
as a third Senate Democrat threw support behind the
Senator Joe Donnelly, a Democrat from Indiana,
said he would vote in favor of Gorsuch, calling him in
a statement a qualied jurist who ... is well-respected
among his peers.
Donnelly joined Senators Joe Manchin of West Vir-
ginia and Heidi Heitkamp of North Dakota as the only
Senate Democrats to announce support for President
Donald Trumps court pick.
If conrmed to ll a vacancy created by the Feb-
ruary 2016 death of conserva-
tive Justice Antonin Scalia,
Gorsuch, 49, an appeals court
judge, would restore the nine-
seat high courts conserva-
tive majority, fullling one of
Trumps top campaign prom-
Most other Democrats have
made their opposition clear
and 37 senators have indicat-
ed support for a libuster of
the nomination, which would
force Republicans to come up
with 60 votes to move forward. Republicans control
the Senate 52-48.
Its highly, highly unlikely that hell get to 60,
Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer said on
NBCs Meet the Press.
On Sunday evening, Democratic Senator Jon In this March 8, 2017 photo high school teacher Natalie OBrien (center), calls on students during a civics class called We the People, at North Smitheld High
Tester declared he would vote against Gorsuch. In a School in North Smitheld, Rhode Island. More states are requiring graduating high school students to know at least as much about the US founding documents as
statement, the Montana lawmaker said Gorsuch was immigrants passing a citizenship test. (AP)
smart but added: That doesnt make him right for a
lifetime appointment to the US Supreme Court.
If the planned libuster holds, Senate Republican
leader Mitch McConnell would only be able to ad-
vance the nomination of Gorsuch by changing long-
standing Senate rules so it could be approved by a
simple majority.
McConnell, who also appeared on Meet the Press, More states look to teach it
declined to rule out that option, which the Republican
president has urged, and vowed the Senate would con-
rm Gorsuch one way or another.
What I can tell you is Neil Gorsuch will be con-
rmed this week. How that happens really depends on
Knowing US Constitution required
our Democratic friends, he said.
The Senate Judiciary Committee was set to vote on NORTH SMITHFIELD, RI, April
3, (AP): Should US high school stu-
the nomination on Monday, setting the stage for what
McConnell has said will be a vote in the full Senate
on Friday.
dents know at least as much about
the Declaration of Independence, the Can you pass the American
McConnell declined to say if he had sufficient Constitution and the Federalist pa-
support among his fellow Republicans to change
the Senates rules.
pers as immigrants passing an Ameri-
can citizenship test?
In a growing number of school sys-
Citizenship test? try it out
Vote tems, having such a basic knowledge WASHINGTON, April 3, (AP): In ported the passage of the Constitu-
In related news, a US Senate panel on Monday was Sen Rand Paul, R-Kentucky (center), is now a graduation requirement. But a growing number of states, high tion. Name one of the writers.
expected to advance Gorsuch, to a full Senate vote waits for his turn to get in the presi- states are taking different approaches school graduates are being re- 9. There are four amendments
later in the week, setting up a political showdown as dential vehicle on the South Lawn to combating whats seen as a wide- quired to know at least as much to the Constitution about who can
Democrats seek to block his conrmation. driveway at the White House in Wash- spread lack of knowledge about how about U.S. founding documents as vote. Describe one of them.
Republicans hold an 11-9 majority on the Senate ington on April 2. (AP) government works. immigrants passing the citizenship 10. What is one right or freedom
Judiciary Committee, which is considering Gorsuchs Kentucky last week and Arkansas test. Can you ace it? from the First Amendment?
nomination, and control the full Senate by 52-48. But on March 16 became the latest of An applicant must correctly answer ANSWERS
Democrats are planning to use a procedural hurdle
called a libuster that requires 60 votes to allow a
America more than a dozen states since 2015 six out of 10 questions, selected from
100 possible questions, to pass the
1. Sets up the government, de-
nes the government and protects
that have required the high school
conrmation vote. social studies curriculum to include civics portion. A sample test, with the basic rights of Americans
The Senates No. 2 Republican, John Cornyn, said Trump takes up health with Paul: material covered by the 100 ques- answers at the bottom: 2. We the People
on Sunday the expected libuster was a last-gasp President Donald Trump brought Sen QUESTIONS 3. A change or an addition to the
tions asked on the naturalization 1. What does the Constitution Constitution
effort by Democrats. Rand Paul to his Virginia golf course exam. Lawmakers in other states,
If they libuster Neil Gorsuch, they are going to on Sunday to talk health policy with the do? 4. The Bill of Rights
outspoken critic of the failed plan to repeal
including Minnesota, are hoping to 2. The idea of self-government is 5. 27
libuster everyone that this president might propose, foster even deeper understanding
Cornyn said on the CBS program Face the Nation. and replace so-called Obamacare. in the rst three words of the Con- 6. Life, liberty, the pursuit of hap-
The outing to Trump National Golf Club of the fundamentals of American stitution. What are these words? piness
Meanwhile, wondering when Supreme Court nomi-
nations became so politically contentious? Only about came hours after Trump tweeted that talks democracy by adding a full course 3. What is an amendment? 7. To print money, to declare
222 years ago when the Senate voted down George on replacing the law have been going on to study its most important docu- 4. What do we call the rst 10 war, to create an army or to make
Washingtons choice for chief justice. and will continue until such time as a deal ments. amendments to the Constitution? treaties
This years brouhaha sees Senate Democrats and is hopefully struck. Rights might be inherent, but 5. How many amendments does 8. James Madison, Alexander
He added that anyone who thinks the ideas need to be taught, said Maida the Constitution have? Hamilton, John Jay (under the col-
Republicans bracing for a showdown over Presi- effort is dead does not know the love and
dent Donald Trumps nominee, Neil Gorsuch. Its Buckley, a retired classroom teacher 6. What are two rights in the Dec- lective pseudonym Publius)
strength in R Party! in Fairbanks, Alaska, who testi- laration of Independence? 9. Citizens 18 and older can vote;
the latest twist in the political wrangling that has Trump golfed and discussed policy with 7. Under our Constitution, some you dont have to pay to vote; any
surrounded the high court vacancy almost from the ed last year to an Alaskan legisla-
Paul and budget director Mick Mulvaney, powers belong to the federal gov- citizen can vote, a male citizen of
moment Justice Antonin Scalia died in February said White House spokeswoman Stephanie tive task force on civics education.
When you have a system of govern- ernment. What is one power of the any race can vote
2016. Grisham. federal government? 10. Speech, religion, assembly,
We are in an era of extreme partisan energy right Paul came out strongly against the ment thats based on ideas, espoused
8. The Federalist Papers sup- press, petition the government
now, said University of Georgia law professor Lori House GOP legislation, and its collapse in the Declaration of Independence
Ringhand. In such a moment, the partisanship will humiliated Trump in the early days of his and carried out with a working docu-
manifest itself across government, and theres no rea- administration. After their golf excursion, ment in the Constitution, those ideas the higher-level discussions. tapping case.
son to think the nomination process will be exempt Paul struck a positive tone, calling it a need to be taught. Other civics education boosters say Their teacher, Natalie OBrien,
from that. It hasnt been in the past, great day with the president. Its a bipartisan cause, and in many such a mandate is too simplistic. gently prodded them to think criti-
Each side has accused the other of unprecedented I continue to be very optimistic that we states such bills are jointly introduced If you do something like that, peo- cally and tap into more than 200
obstruction. Republicans wouldnt even hold a hear- are getting closer and closer to an agree- by Republicans and Democrats. But ple are going to start teaching to the years of American history and legal
ing for Merrick Garland, president Barack Obamas ment on replacing Obamacare, said the
Kentucky senator, who fell to Trump in the
proponents motivations vary from test and teaching a game of Trivial philosophy. She didnt tell them that,
nominee. Democrats are threatening a libuster, dismay about the lack of participation Pursuit, said Charles Quigley, ex- in 2014, a unanimous Supreme Court
2016 Republican presidential primary.
which takes 60 votes to overcome, to try to stop Gor- Trump talked about his efforts to move in local school boards and town halls ecutive director of the Calabasas, ruled in the California case that po-
such from becoming a justice. If they succeed, Re- forward on health care in an interview with to concerns about how Republican California-based Center for Civic lice may not generally search the cell-
publicans who control the Senate could change the the Financial Times published online Sunday. President Donald Trump and his sup- Education. Kids are already tested phones of people they arrest without
rules and prevail with a simple majority vote in the Of the recent defeat, Trump said: I dont like porters view the power of the executive to death. rst getting search warrants.
100-member body. to lose. But that wasnt a denitive day. They branch. The Rhode Island bill, introduced Someones going to channel
As she lays out in Supreme Court Conrmation are negotiating as we speak. We clearly have seen there is a by a Republican from North Smith- James Madison, right? she asked.
Hearings and Constitutional Change, the book she Trump said the bill was pulled because serious civics deciency in this coun- field, a conservative town where What would Brandeis be saying
co-wrote, Ringhand said, There were more rejected I didnt want to take a vote. It was my try, all the way up to the top, the very Trump is popular, is partly inspired about this particular decision? What
nominees in the rst half of the nations history than idea. And he said that one way or the top, said Rhode Island Democratic by a ninth-grade class taught at would the founders be saying?
in the second half. That controversy has been partisan other, I promised the people great health
care. We are going to have great health state Rep Gregg Amore, a longtime North Smithfield High School. The North Smitheld High student
in many cases, back to George Washington.
care in this country. high school history teacher who is honors class uses the We the Peo- Megan Skinner said she didnt pay
Controversial It is not clear how a new health care bill co-sponsoring legislation that con- ple curriculum developed by Quig- much attention to politics before
Conrmations have been episodically controver- will come together, with deep divides among tends the survival of the republic leys group. Students participate in OBriens class, but the 15-year-old
sial, said Ringhand, who is the Georgia law schools Republicans and little interest in cooperation depends on Americans understanding a national competition in which now said she now uses the founding
associate dean. The level of controversy has ebbed from Democrats. Since the bill went down, its principles and history. they must orally defend their ideas. US documents as a guide as family
and owed. Trump has repeatedly lashed out at members A campaign by the Scottsdale, On a March afternoon, teenagers and friends debate the Trump presi-
of the conservative House Freedom Caucus Arizona-based Joe Foss Institute has stood at their classrooms lectern one dency.
John Rutledge, a South Carolinian who was a who contributed to the defeat.
drafter of the Constitution, was the rst to succumb led many states to pass laws requiring by one, debating whether a California It gives us an entirely new per-
On CNNs State of the Union on students to know whats on the citi- police ofcer can search a suspected spective on all the events that are
to politics. The Senate conrmed Rutledge as a justice Sunday, a member of the caucus, Rep Jim
in 1789, a post he gave up a couple of years later to Jordan, R-Ohio, responded to those attacks. zenship test. gang members smartphone without a going on, Skinner said. You see
become South Carolinas chief justice. He said tweets and statements and blame Its not a panacea or silver bul- warrant. all these things in the news, and es-
In 1795, Washington nominated Rutledge to re- dont change facts. And the facts remain let, but its a step forward, said the As they argued, some cited lan- pecially about the election, and all
place John Jay as chief justice. By then, Rutledge had the same. When you look at the document, groups Lucian Spataro, who said guage from the US Constitutions the things that are going on with the
become an outspoken opponent of the Jay Treaty, when you look at the legislation, it doesnt 17 states have adopted the model Fourth Amendment. Others looked to executive orders he passed, the travel
which sought to reduce tensions with England. A year repeal Obamacare. or something similar. You have to Supreme Court Justice Louis Brande- bans. Before this class, we wouldnt
after ratifying the treaty, the Senate voted down Rut- Trump told the Financial Times that learn the basics before you can have is 1928 dissenting opinion in a wire- have understood these things.
ledges nomination. members of the caucus were friends of
The rejected chief justice was partly a victim of his mine. But he added: if we dont get what
own design. He was among the drafters who insisted we want, we will make a deal with the
Congress should have a role in the Supreme Court ap- Democrats and we will have in my opinion
pointment process, rather than leave it solely to the not as good a form of health care, but we Impeachment probe weighed: The has violated the emoluments clause of the
president, historian Henry Abraham wrote in his his- are going to have a very good form of Massachusetts city of Cambridge is weigh- US Constitution that prohibits govern-
health care and it will be a bipartisan form ing whether to call for an impeachment ment ofcials from proting from foreign
tory of high court appointments, Justices, Presidents, of health care.
and Senators. investigation into President Donald Trump. businesses.
The Sunday golf outing was not unusual Vice-Mayor Marc McGovern has led McGovern said he believes the Republi-
Rutledge was not the last to get close to the lifetime for Trump, who has visited his golf courses can president is still deeply involved in his
a policy order for Mondays city council
appointment to the court only to see it yanked away. in Virginia and Florida repeatedly since meeting pushing for an investigation. business operations.
The most recent were Garland and former White taking office. Sometimes these rounds The proposed order calls on the US Cambridge voted for Democrat Hillary
House counsel Harriet Miers, whose nomination by incorporate official business, like when House to back a resolution directing the Clinton in the presidential election.
President George W. Bush was withdrawn under pres- he played with Japanese Prime Minister Judiciary Committee to investigate whether The city is across the Charles River
sure from conservatives. Shinzo Abe in Florida. (AP) there are grounds to impeach Trump. from Boston, and is home to Harvard
McGovern and others believe Trump Trump McGovern University. (AP)


The White House is lit with blue lights in honor of World Autism Awareness Day, on April 2, in Washington. On World Autism Awareness Day, we highlight the importance of addressing the causes and improving the treatments for autism
spectrum disorders (ASDs), President Donald Trump said in a presidential proclamation. (AP)

Diplomacy Politics

Aides complete review Federal prosecutors raise fresh concerns

Trump to press Messy ties in Turkish moguls case

Xi on N. Korea WASHINGTON, April 3, (AP): A
high-ying Turkish-Iranian business-
man is busted in Miami, accused of
laundering money for Iran. Turkey
of dollars for Iran and claim to have
thousands of pages of bank, email
and phone records to prove it. Zarrab
pleaded not guilty.
Turkey involving allegations of brib-
ery, fraud and smuggling. Zarrab and
Turkish state-owned bank Halkbank
were at the center of the storm.
WASHINGTON, April 3, (Agencies): US President
Donald Trump held out the possibility on Sunday of accuses the prominent American pros- Its not surprising the involvement Homes linked to several top Erdog-
using trade as a lever to secure Chinese cooperation ecutor of ties to a shadowy group it of Giuliani and Mukasey would raise an lieutenants were raided and three
against North Korea and suggested Washington might Rachel Baker, a Unitarian Minister from blames for a failed coup attempt. Presi- red ags. sons of Turkish ministers detained.
deal with Pyongyangs nuclear and missile programs Las Vegas, Nevada, maneuvers to take dent Donald Trump res the prosecu- Giuliani, one of candidate Trumps Erdogan dismissed the allegations as
on its own if need be. a sele through the US-Mexico border tor. Then the businessman hires a for- staunchest supporters, advises the a conspiracy by Fetullah Gulen, the
fence while standing in Nogales, Arizona, mer New York mayor close to Trump president, in an unofcial capacity, on Muslim cleric who lives in Pennsyl-
The comments, in an interview published on Sunday during a solidarity march, on April 2. (AP)
by the Financial Times, appeared designed to pres- to help him avoid conviction. cybersecurity. Both his and Mukaseys vania and leads a global movement of
sure Chinese President Xi Jinping ahead of his visit to And the case becomes a bitter dis- law rms have represented bank vic- schools and charities.
Trumps Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida this week. traction for two allies that are sup- tims in Zarrabs case, which prosecu- The corruption scandal eventually
China has great inuence over North Korea. And posed to be focused on ghting the tors say may be a conict of interest. subsided. Yet it contributed to a dra-
China will either decide to help us with North Korea, Islamic State group. Giulianis company has also regis- matic falling out between Erdogan
or they wont. And if they do that will be very good In the year since Reza Zarrab was tered as a foreign agent for Turkey, a then Turkeys prime minister and
for China, and if they dont it wont be good for any- arrested, his case has grown ever more trait shared with another of Trumps Gulen, whose movement had long
one, Trump was quoted as saying, according to an ed- complex and far-reaching. As Turkey advisers: Michael Flynn. The former been allied with Erdogans party.
ited transcript published by the presses the Trump administration to Trump national security adviser had The rivalry has only grown worse.
newspaper. get the charges tossed, an increasingly to register retroactively for work he Turkey has been feverishly seeking
Asked what incentive the messy web of connections has come performed in 2016 that could have Gulens extradition from the US after
United States had to offer Chi- into view, prompting questions about beneted Turkeys government. At the blaming him for a failed coup attempt
na, Trump replied: Trade is the conicts of interest, Turkish corruption time, Flynn was a Trump campaign last July that killed more than 270 peo-
incentive. It is all about trade. Trump Moreno and pro-Turkey lobbying by individuals adviser. ple. Gulen denies involvement in the
Asked if he would consider a near the center of Trumps orbit. coup, and the US has said Turkeys
On Friday, federal prosecutors raised Foreign evidence is unconvincing.
grand bargain in which China
pressured Pyongyang in return America fresh concerns about a recent trip that There have been no indications Although the Turkish charges
for a guarantee the United States former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani Flynn ever lobbied on Zarrabs case. against Zarrab were ultimately
would later remove troops from made to Turkey to consult with Presi- Flynns foreign agent ling says his in- dropped, his subsequent arrest in the
US backs out of Latam fund: The United dent Recep Tayyip Erdogan about the telligence rm was hired by a company US has brought fresh attention to
the Korean peninsula, the news- States, historically a major backer of multi-
Xi paper quoted Trump as saying: case. Joining Giuliani was former At- owned by a Turkish businessman close concerns about corruption in Turkey.
lateral lending institutions, will not renew its
Well if China is not going to solve North Korea, we contribution to a Inter-American Develop- torney General Michael Mukasey. to Erdogan, and conducted research Worsening matters for Erdogan, the
will. That is all I am telling you. ment Bank fund that supports pilot develop- Both were hired by Zarrabs de- into a Muslim cleric and Erdogan foe deputy CEO of Halkbank, Mehmet
It is not clear whether Trumps comments will move ment projects, the head of the Washington- fense. But oddly, neither is involved who also emerges in Zarrabs case. Hakan Atilla, was arrested in New
China, which has taken steps to increase economic pres- based organization said on Sunday. in pleading the case in US District If theres intrigue about the defense York this week on charges of conspir-
sure on Pyongyang but has long been unwilling to do an- In a news conference at the IDBs annual Court, leading prosecutors to wonder team, it extends to the prosecution. ing with Zarrab.
ything that may destabilize the North and send millions board of governors meeting in Paraguays if the defense is trying to circumvent Last month Trump red Preet Bha- Turkeys response has been force-
of refugees across their border. It is also unclear what the capital, Asuncion, President Luis Alberto the regular judicial process by going rara, the US attorney who launched ful. Erdogans government has argued
United States might do on its own to deect North Korea Moreno linked the US decision to a policy above prosecutors heads. the case against Zarrab, as part of a that Atillas prosecution is politically
from the expansion of its nuclear capabilities and from shift since Republican President Donald In a letter to the judge, Zarrabs at- purge of Obama-era prosecutors. Bha- motivated. And at a meeting this week
the development of missiles with ever-longer ranges and Trump took ofce in January. torneys said what Giuliani and Muka- rara was dismissed even though Trump with Secretary of State Rex Tillerson,
the capacity to deliver atomic warheads. On this occasion, the United States, sey are up to quite frankly is none of made a point during the presidential Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Ca-
Trumps national security aides have completed for various domestic reasons, did not want the governments business. transition of asking him to stay. vusoglu offered another explanation:
a review of US options to try to curb North Koreas to participate, Moreno said. He added Zarrab, a 33-year-old gold-trader Bhararas possible replacement: Bharara, the former Manhattan pros-
that the US delegation had indicated at an married to a Turkish pop star, was Mukaseys son, Marc Mukasey, who ecutor, is loyal to Gulen.
nuclear and missile programs that includes economic October 2016 meeting that it was willing to
and military measures but leans more toward sanctions arrested in Florida last year. He and is frequently mentioned as a contender. He retweets or likes everything that
contribute, but that it all depended on the several others are accused of conspir- That could put the younger Mukasey is anti-Turkey, Cavusoglu said.
and increased pressure on Beijing to rein in its reclusive result of the election.
neighbor, a US ofcial said. ing to evade US sanctions against Iran, in charge of prosecuting the man his Bharara says hes never been to
Once President Trumps government using a network of companies to mask father has been trying to set free. Turkey and had to Google Gulen to
Strikes began, they informed us -at the beginning the true nature of transactions and de- For Turkey, the saga is bigger than learn who he was. But the Gulenist
of February that the United States would
Although the option of pre-emptive military strikes not be making any contribution. fraud multiple banks. Prosecutors say Zarrabs case. It has its origins in a charge from Erdogans government
on North Korea is not off the table, the review prioritiz- The IDB provides loans to govern- they processed hundreds of millions massive 2013 corruption scandal in isnt surprising.
es less-risky steps and de-emphasizes direct military ments and businesses to nance projects
action, the ofcial added, saying it was not immedi- ranging from large-scale infrastructure to
ately known if the National Security Council recom- small businesses. Founded in 1959, it says A representative of the US delegation While the United States will not be US Supreme Court on Monday agreed
mendations had made their way to Trump. it is the leading source of development said delegates were under instruction not to pledging additional funding, we remain to consider reviving litigation seeking to
The White House declined comment on the recom- nancing for Latin America, lending $11.3 comment. committed to the MIF and will continue to hold Arab Bank Plc nancially liable for
mendations. Trump and Xi are also expected to discuss billion and $13.8 billion in 2015 and 2014, US talking points for MIF Replenish- militant attacks in Israel and the Palestinian
respectively. The Multilateral Investment play an active role on the Donors Commit-
Chinese ambitions in the South China Sea, through ment Discussions seen by Reuters and tee, the talking points read. (RTRS) territories that accused the Jordan-based
which about $5 trillion in ship-borne trade passes every Fund, or MIF, created in 1993, was instru- dated on Sunday, said the worlds largest bank of being the paymaster to militant
year, when they meet on Thursday and Friday. China mental in the development of micronance
economy applauded the increased contribu- groups.
claims most of the resource-rich South China Sea, and provides technical assistance to small tions by Latin American countries. SC to weigh banks liability: The The justices agreed to hear an appeal
projects aimed at providing economic op- by roughly 6,000 plaintiffs, who included
while Brunei, Malaysia, the Philippines, Taiwan and portunity to the poor.
Vietnam also have claims on the strategic waterway. relatives of non-US citizens killed in such
It was a brainchild of former US presi-
Secretary of State Rex Tillerson spoke on Sun- attacks and survivors of the incidents,
dent George H.W. Bush, and the United
day with Chinas top diplomat, State Councilor Yang States has historically been its largest of a lower court ruling throwing out the
Jiechi, about Xis visit and other issues of bilateral and donor, the IDB said in a statement. litigation.
regional importance, a State Department ofcial said IDB member countries pledge to renew The plaintiffs accused Arab Bank under
on condition of anonymity. the funds coffers every several years. At a US law called the Alien Tort Statute of
Chinas foreign ministry said in a statement on Mon- the October meeting, the IDB governors deliberately nancing terrorism, including
day about the call that Yang had described the meeting agreed to provide an additional $300 mil- suicide bombings and other attacks. They
between Xi and Trump as being of great signicance lion to keep the fund running from 2019 are hoping to overturn a 2015 New York
for peace, stability and prosperity in the Asia-Pacic to 2023. federal appeals court ruling that the bank
region and the world at large. Tillerson told Yang that This marked the rst time since the MIFs could not be sued under the statute because
the United States would do its utmost to ensure that the founding that the United States did not it is a corporation.
meeting had positive results, the ministry said. contribute to its fund replenishment, an IDB The Alien Tort Statute, a law dating
spokesman conrmed. It comes as Trump back to 1789, lets non-US citizens seek
Trumps deputy national security adviser, K.T. Mc- damages in US courts for human rights
Farland, said there was a real possibility North Ko- has proposed slashing the US foreign aid
and diplomacy budget by 28 percent. violations abroad. The lead plaintiff in the
rea could be capable of hitting the United States with a case is Joseph Jesner, whose British citizen
nuclear-armed missile by the end of Trumps four-year In the US absence, Latin American and
Caribbean countries contributed 55 percent son was killed at age 19 in a 2002 suicide
term, the Financial Times reported. of the total $317 million added to the MIF bombing of a bus in Tel Aviv.
While China provides diplomatic and economic sup- this year, while Japan pledged $85 million, The plaintiffs led several lawsuits
port to its neighbor, it claims that its inuence over Kim the IDB said. During the last replenishment under the law in Brooklyn federal court,
Jong Uns government is limited. in 2007, contributions from Latin America claiming Arab Bank used its New York
See Also Page 15 and the Caribbean totaled 8 percent of the branch to transfer money and serve as a
$501 million added to the fund. The United The remains of a trailer lie where a woman and her 3-year-old daughter were killed paymaster for international terrorists.
States contributed $150 million. following a severe storm, in Breaux Bridge, La, on April 2. (AP) (RTRS)


World News Roundup


No change on Gibraltar

Merkel wants to
limit Brexit fallout
BERLIN, April 3, (RTRS): The European Union (EU)
should try to limit the fallout from Britains decision
to leave the European Union, German Chancellor
Angela Merkel said on Monday, conceding that some
damage was inevitable.
This is an incision for the European Union, its an
unfortunate event Britains decision, Merkel told
a joint news conference with Slovakian Prime
Minister Robert Fico and Czech Prime Minister
Bohuslav Sobotka in Berlin.
We want to limit the damage. But there will natu-
rally be some negative impact, Merkel said, adding
that it was more important that the remaining 27 EU
member states stick together
and improve the competitive-
ness of the bloc.
Meanwhile, there will be no
change to Gibraltars sover-
eignty without Britains con-
sent, Foreign Secretary Boris
Johnson said on Monday,
while his Dutch counterpart
called for calm after a British
politician raised talk of defend-
ing the outpost.
Merkel The sovereignty of
Gibraltar is unchanged and is
not going to change, and cannot conceivably change
without the express support and consent of the people
of Gibraltar and the United Kingdom, and that is not
is going to change, Johnson said on arrival at a meet-
ing of EU foreign ministers in Luxembourg.
A former leader of Mays Conservative party said
she would even be prepared to go to war to defend the
territory, as then prime minister Margaret Thatcher
did with Argentina over the Falkland Islands 35 years
ago. A member of the Royal Collection Trust inspects the Vessel of Friendship, a model of the treasure ship sailed by the 15th century Chinese navigator Zeng He,
Asked by reporters if Gibraltar could become a that was presented by Chinese President Xi Jinping in 2015 at Buckingham Palace in London, on April 3. A selection of objects from Royal Gifts will be on display
military issue, Dutch Foreign Minister Bert Koenders as part of the Summer Opening of the State Rooms at Buckingham Palace on July 22, 2017.(AP)
urged everyone to keep their cool in Britains exit
negotiations from the EU.
You can now see how difficult the divorce is,
Koenders said. Let us be cool and carry on and not
use too harsh language. Let us negotiate, I think thats
the most important.
Britain will wait until the end of the month to find Le Pen renews anti-Islam rhetoric
out what guidelines the other members of the
European Union have agreed regarding issues such as
Gibraltar, Mays spokesman said on Monday.
The future of Gibraltar has become the first dispute
of the exit talks since May filed the formal divorce
papers, with the EU draft joint position saying any
Fillon eyes Hollande inquiry
agreement on the British outpost on Spains southern PARIS, April 3, (Agencies): French case. If they dont do so and if I am The cautionary note from the watch-
tip had be agreed between Spain and Britain. presidential candidate Francois Fillon, elected president, there will be a par- dog on pre-election polling followed
These are draft guidelines that were issued ... We an outsider to win after involvement in liamentary commission of enquiry, allegations in February by aides of
will wait and see what is agreed by the 27 (EU coun- financial scandal, said on Monday he Fillon said. centrist candidate Emmanuel Macron
tries), the spokesman told reporters. would order a parliamentary inquiry Hollandes office has rejected that he was a target of fake news put
Britains Brexit minister David Davis held a into allegations President Francois Fillons accusations and denied inter- out by Russian media including the
friendly and constructive meeting with Spains Hollande interfered in the justice sys- ference in the justice system. Sputnik news agency.
Foreign Minister Alfonso Dastis in Madrid on tem, if elected. Fillon said that, given the investiga- Macron takes a hard line on
Monday as part of a pre-arranged visit, the spokes- Once the frontrunner, the conserva- tions against him, there was every European Union sanctions imposed on
man added, during which he raised the issue of tive former prime ministers poll rat- chance his own phone was tapped. Moscow over the Ukraine crisis,
Gibraltar. ings have slumped since allegations Fillon also said that Francois Baroin, whereas Fillon has said they are totally
On Sunday a former leader of Mays Conservative A plaque commemorating The surfaced that he paid his wife and sons a former finance minister, would be a ineffective, creating a cold war cli-
party, Michael Howard, said she would be prepared to Falkland Island conflict, at the hundreds of thousands of euros of pub- very good choice for prime minister mate that needs to be reversed.
go to war to defend the territory, as then prime minis- National Memorial Arboretum during lic money for minimal work. if he won election to the Elysee. Almost all media in France are
ter Margaret Thatcher did with Argentina over the a service marking the 35th anniver- Although some polls show his sup- drawing on polls that have shown
Falkland Islands 35 years ago. sary of the Argentine invasion of the port recovering slightly with less than Election since mid-February that Fillon, a for-
Mays spokesman said what Howard was trying to Falkland Islands, in Staffordshire, three weeks to the April 23 first round, Meanwhile, with just three weeks mer prime minister, is trailing in third
establish was the resolve that we will have to protect England, on April 2. Forces veterans he is well behind far-right leader Marine before the first round of Frances pres- place behind Macron and far right
the rights of Gibraltar and its sovereignty. gathered to remember the 255 British Le Pen and independent centrist idential election, far-right candidate leader Marine Le Pen for the April 23
Asked if that would include ultimately sending a military personnel and three civilians Emmanuel Macron, who are tipped to Marine Le Pen is working to galvanize first round. Third place would mean
naval taskforce to protect Gibraltar as Britain did to killed during the 1982 conflict over
sovereignty of the South Atlantic go through to a May 7 run-off. voters with the anti-Islam rhetoric that Fillons elimination from the May 7
the Falklands, he said: That isnt going to hap- Fillon, 63, who is being investigated is one of her trademarks. runoff.
pen. Falkland Islands. (AP)
by magistrates over the jobs allega- Le Pen addressed thousands of sup- State-run Sputnik carried different
Gibraltars leader on Monday cast EU Council porters on Sunday in the southwest
President Donald Tusk as a cuckolded husband tak- tions and over a gift of expensive suits, findings in a report on March 29 under
insisted on his innocence. French city of Bordeaux, where she the headline: 2017 presidential elec-
ing it out on the kids for explicitly proposing that
Spain be given a veto over the ties between the British If I had the slightest doubt about vowed to uncompromisingly fight tions: the return of Fillon at the head of
enclave and the European Union after Brexit. my guilt I wouldnt be a candidate in Islamist fundamentalism which seeks the polls.
The future of Gibraltar, a British Overseas Territory the presidential election, he told BFM to impose its oppressive rules in our It quoted Moscow-based Brand
of just over 2-square miles (6.7 sq kms) of rock on TV. country. Analytics, an online audience research
Spains southern tip, has become the first big dispute He said he was the victim of She also criticized the headscarves firm, as saying that its study based on
of Brexit since May filed formal divorce papers on manipulation and believed his case that some Muslim women wear, say- an analysis of French social media put
March 29. was being closely followed by the ing girls in France should be able to Fillon out in front.
In the EUs draft position on the exit talks distrib- highest authorities. dress as they wish and shouldnt be In a statement, Frances polling
uted by Tusk, Gibraltar was given explicit mention. He drew back from previous allega- forced to bury themselves under commission said the study could not
Spain was specifically named as having a veto on the tions that Hollande, a Socialist presi- clothes of another age. be described as representative of pub-
application of any future EU trade deal with Britain. Rowling Watson dent who is not standing for a second Polls suggest Le Pen is one of the lic opinion and Sputnik had improper-
Mr Tusk, who has been given to using the analo- term, had personally led a smear cam- top contenders in the elections first ly called it a poll, as defined by law
gies of the divorce and divorce petition, is behaving paign against him. He said he could round on April 23, but would lose in in France.
not prove this. the May 7 runoff. It is imperative that publication of
like a cuckolded husband who is taking it out on the
children, Gibraltars Chief Minister, Fabian Picardo,
Britain He said however that prosecutors In another development, Frances this type of survey be treated with cau-
told Reuters in an interview. should open an inquiry into allegations polling commission has issued a warn- tion so that public opinion is aware of
This is clear Spanish bullying. Statue for suffragist: British votes made in a book by two journalists ing over a Russian news report sug- its non-representative nature, it said.
Picardo said the EU should remove the reference to for women campaigner Millicent Fawcett from the satirical weekly Le Canard gesting conservative candidate Brand Analytics track record either
Gibraltar, which voted overwhelmingly to stay in the is to become the first woman to be hon- Enchaine that Hollande had had judi- Francois Fillon leads the race for the for political polling or for commercial
EU, from the draft guidelines. oured with a statue in Londons Parliament cial wiretaps that interested him sent to presidency - something which contra- internet audience measurement outside
While years of tortuous negotiations await on Square. his office. dicts the findings of mainstream opin- of Russia and former Soviet territory is
issues that could affect trillions of dollars in trade, the Fawcett, who formed the National Prosecutors should take up this ion pollsters. unknown.
Brexit debate in Britain has for three days focused on Union of Womens Suffrage Societies in
the future of the Rock captured by Britain in 1704 1897, spent decades advocating for equal
but which Spain wants back. rights including voting rights and access to to Michael Jackson in the middle of our dom. (AP) English city of Bristol of grammatical
higher education. sitting room. errors in its shop signs.
Influence The idea for the statue gained momen-
Supporters also affixed to the trees He goes out at night with a self-styled
The row over Gibraltar illustrates how swiftly the tum following an online petition which quotes from Zaghari-Ratcliffes fellow Grammar vigilante fixing signs: device used to cover up misplaced apostro-
United Kingdoms influence has declined since the garnered more than 80,000 signatures and inmates at Evin prison in Iran describing Its an urban myth come true the pres- phes from street signs in the city 120 miles
June 23 Brexit vote in this case in Spains favour was backed by Harry Potter author J.K. (195 kilometers) west of London. He uses
Rowling, actress Emma Watson and what they would do with one day of free- ence of a man dedicated to ridding the
and how issues perceived by EU powers as mar- stickers, not paint.
ginal can become major complications. London mayor Sadiq Khan. The man has not been identified but he
After the explicit reference to Spain and Gibraltar The example Millicent Fawcett set dur- told BBC in a report broadcast Monday
ing the struggle for equality continues to that he doesnt consider his alterations of
became publicly known, May spoke to Picardo and inspire the battle against the burning injus-
issued a statement saying London was steadfast in the signs and store fronts to be a crime.
tices of today, Prime Minister Theresa (AP)
its commitment to the territory which has positioned May said in a statement.
itself as a springboard for finance to the EU because
It is right and proper that she is hon-
of an attractive tax and regulatory regime. oured in Parliament Square alongside for- Police charge 5 over attack: British
A former leader of Mays Conservative party, mer leaders who changed our country. Her police said on Monday they had charged
Michael Howard, even said she would be prepared to statue will stand as a reminder of how poli- five people over a brutal attack involving
go to war to defend the territory, as then prime minis- tics only has value if it works for everyone a gang of up to 30 assailants on a teenage
ter Margaret Thatcher did with Argentina over the in society. (RTRS) asylum seeker in south London which left
Falkland Islands 35 years ago. the victim with a fractured skull and blood
The Spanish government is a little surprised by the clot on his brain.
tone of comments coming out of Britain, a country Detained woman remembered: The Detectives, who are treating the incident
known for its composure, Spains Foreign Minister family of a British-Iranian woman detained as a racially motivated hate crime, said the
Alfonso Dastis said during a conference in Madrid. in Iran marked the first anniversary of her 17-year-old Kurdish Iranian boy was left crit-
Ceded to Britain in perpetuity in the 1713 Treaty detention by tying yellow ribbons on the ically injured after the attack shortly before
of Utrecht, Gibraltar has long been a bone of conten- branches of trees at a park near her home. midnight on Friday as he waited at a bus stop
tion between London and Madrid and the border was Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe has been held with two friends near a pub in Croydon.
closed for many years during the Franco dictatorship. in Iran for one year on allegations she con- It is understood that the suspects asked
In a 2002 referendum, Gibralatrians rejected by 98 spired to overthrow the countrys cleric- the victim where he was from and when
run government. they established that he was an asylum
percent a proposal for joint British-Spanish sover- Zaghari-Ratcliffe, who has dual British-
eignty. seeker they chased him and launched a
Iranian citizenship, was returning home to brutal attack, said Detective Inspector
The sovereignty of Gibraltar is unchanged and is Britain after visiting her family in Tehran Britains Prince Charles and his wife Camilla, the Duchess of Cornwall, visit the Gary Castle.
not going to change, British Foreign Secretary Boris with her toddler daughter. SantAmbrogio Market in Florence, Italy, on April 3. The heir to the British throne He sustained serious head and facial
Johnson said on Monday as he arrived for an EU for- Ahead of the anniversary event in north- is on a three-country trip seen as an effort to reassure European Union nations injuries as a result of this attack, which
eign ministers meeting in Luxembourg. west London on Sunday, she described her that Britain remains a close ally despite its impending departure from the bloc. included repeated blows to the head by a
wish to see her husband and child dancing (AP) large group of attackers. (AP)



Extremist gets life sentence

Refugees must have
to respect tolerance
BERLIN, April 3, (Agencies): Chancellor An-
gela Merkel said refugees in Germany must
respect tolerance, openness and freedom of reli-
gion, while senior members of her party called
for a ban on foreign funding of mosques.
Merkel, who will seek a fourth term as chan-
cellor in what is expected to be a tight election
in September, has come under re for allowing
more than one million refugees to enter Germany
over the past two years.
Interviewed by a Syrian journalist who came to
Germany in 2015 and asked about what Germany
was expecting from refugees, Merkel said in her
weekly podcast:
We expect the people who come to us to stick
to our laws.
Merkel said it was para-
mount that new arrivals re-
spected and understood the
liberal values of modern
Germany such as tolerance,
openness, freedom of reli-
gion and freedom of opin-
The centre-right leader
urged Germans to show
openness in return. We
know very few things about
Syria, we know very few things about Iraq or Af-
rican countries. And we must see this as an op-
portunity to learn more and experience more,
she said.
Merkels conservative Christian Democratic
Union (CDU) party has lost support since her de-
cision in 2015 to leave Germanys borders open
for hundreds of thousands refugees eeing the
civil war in Syria and Iraq.
Immigration and security are set to be major
issues in the election, in which the far-right, anti-
immigrant Alternative for Germany (AfD) party Uwe Gerstenberg decorates a robinia tree with nearly 10,000 painted Easter eggs in Saalfeld, central Germany on April 2. (AP)
is expected to enter parliament.
In an apparent attempt to address unease among
traditional CDU voters over Merkels migration
policy, CDU deputy party leader Julia Kloeckner Poland
called for stricter rules for Islamic preachers and
a ban on foreign funding of mosques, echoing
comments by other senior CDU members in re-
cent days. Putin spokesman rejects Polish claims
Most of the four million Muslims living in
Germany have a Turkish background and some
mosques in Germany are nanced by the Turkish
government. Poland accuses Russians in crash
WARSAW, Poland, April 3, (AP): to land in heavy fog at a rarely used remain in Russia almost seven years
An Islam law can place the rights and duties Polish prosecutors alleged Monday airport near Smolensk, Russia. The later.
of Muslims living in Germany on a new legal ba- that a new analysis of evidence from plane clipped a tree on approaching Defense Minister Antoni Maciere-
sis, Kloeckner told Bild am Sonntag. the 2010 plane crash in Russia that the runway and crashed. wicz sent a note to military prosecutors
Kloeckner also called for a public register that killed the Polish president shows It was the worst tragedy in modern last month accusing Tusk of commit-
would list all mosques in Germany and provide that two Russian air trafc control- Polish history and at rst the nation ting the crime of diplomatic treason,
background information on sponsors and nan- lers and a third Russian ofcial in the united in grief. alleging he worked with Putin to harm
ciers. control tower deliberately contribut- But the Smolensk tragedy has Polands interests after the crash.
Such rules should also include a right to a Mus- ed to the disaster. since become a highly divisive po- Tusk strongly denies those claims
lim religious counsellor in prisons, hospitals and Russian President Vladimir Pu- litical issue, pitting liberal Poles and government critics believe Kac-
nursing homes, she added. tins spokesman quickly rejected the against conservative supporters of zynski and his nationalistic sup-
The CDUs coalition partner and rival party the Polish claims, which seemed likely Kaczynski and his twin brother Ja- porters have encouraged conspiracy
SPD, whose new leader Martin Schulz will stand Armenias President Serzh Sargsyan to deepen already tense ties between theories to win political points with
casts his ballot at a polling station dur- roslaw Kaczynski, a former prime
against Merkel in Septembers election, atly re- Russia and NATO member Poland. minister who now heads the populist voters skeptical of Russia and pro-
ing a parliamentary election in Yere-
jected the idea. van, Armenia on April 2. Armenians The circumstances of this trag- ruling Law and Justice party. European liberals like Tusk.
In my opinion, the proposals are hardly com- voted Sunday in the countrys rst edy have been thoroughly studied, Some critics said they consider
patible with the German constitution, SPD and we cannot agree with such con-
Guilt allegations against the Russians as
parliamentary election since the ex-
deputy leader Olaf Scholz told the Funke media Soviet nation modied its constitution clusions, Dmitry Peskov said. Jaroslaw Kaczynski has suggested a sign that a commission headed by
group, adding that a law could not only be made to expand the powers of parliament Polands National Prosecutor that Russian President Vladimir Pu- Macierewicz that is investigating the
for a single religious community. and the prime minister. (AP) Marek Kuczynski said there is no tin and the Polish prime minister at tragedy has not uncovered anything
The chairman of the Islamic Council in Germa- doubt that one of the causes of the the time, Donald Tusk, now a top new.
ny, Burhan Kesici, said the proposals were popu- crash was the behavior of those in European Union leader, bear guilt There were two major investiga-
list and put Muslims under blanket suspicion. the control tower. Deputy prosecu- for the tragedy. tions into the crash separately car-
Meanwhile, the German government says tor Marek Pasionek said the two air Kaczynski and his allies have made ried out by Poland and Russia.
theres no need for new legislation to regulate Is- trafc controllers were guilty of a range of allegations, at times suggest- The Polish investigation blamed
lamic organizations in the country. deliberately causing an air trafc ing that there was an explosive device the disaster on a combination of fac-
Members of Merkels center-right Christian catastrophe, and said the third Rus- on board that brought the plane down tors, including bad weather and er-
Democratic Union party have called for a ban on sian ofcial present was guilty of or that Putin ordered the assassination rors made by a pilot who was not ad-
foreign funding of Islamic organizations, and for assisting in deliberately causing a of the Polish leader, who was deeply equately trained on the plane he was
Muslims to get statutory rights to pastoral care catastrophe. critical of Russia. Other suggestions ying, a Tupolev-154. That probe
from an imam in prisons and hospitals. Polish investigators said they want have included an unproven claim that also said Russian air trafc control-
Government spokesman Steffen Seibert said to question the men and cannot re- the Russians produced fake fog to dis- lers gave incorrect and confusing
Monday that such a law was a non-issue at the Markovic Anastasiades veal details about the evidence until orient the pilots. landing instructions to pilots but
moment and noted that religious freedom is guar- that happens. They have also alleged that Tusk it stopped short of alleging intention-
anteed by the German constitution. The crash on April 10, 2010, killed failed to provide adequate security al wrongdoing.
The arrival of hundreds of thousands of Mus- President Lech Kaczynski and 95 for the presidential ight and that A Russian investigation at the
lim migrants in Germany in recent years has re- Europe others, many of them top Polish state he failed to properly investigate the time put all blame on the Polish side,
kindled public debates about the countrys rela- and military leaders. The disaster tragedy afterward or get back the nding no fault with the Russian air
tionship with Islam. More work needed for talks: The occurred when the Polish crew tried wreckage or ight recorders, which trafc controllers.
A recent report by public broadcaster ARD rival leaders of ethnically divided Cyprus
found that the Islam preached in some mosques said Sunday more work is needed to Russia strongly opposes NATOs expan- in coming weeks. Markovic says protests Sundays election was the rst since the
is more conservative than in many Muslim coun- prepare the ground for the resumption of sion in the Balkans. Montenegro accuses are legitimate. (AP) ex-Soviet nation modied its constitution
tries. stalled reunication talks, despite having Moscow of plotting an election day coup to expand the powers of parliament and the
their rst face-to-face meeting after nearly
A German court handed lengthy prison sen- in October to try to keep the country out of prime minister.
tences Monday to four Islamic extremists over two months that was hoped would clear the the alliance. Sargsyan party wins vote: Armenias
negotiations logjam. The Republican Party of Armenia, led by
plots to bomb a train station and kill a far-right Montenegrin Prime Minister Dusko ruling party has won just under half of the President Serzh Sargsyan, won 49 percent
Greek Cypriot President Nicos Anas- Markovic says he expects accession op- vote in the nations parliamentary elec-
politician. tasiades and the islands breakaway Turk- of the vote, and the bloc led by businessman
ponents to organize protests ahead of par- tion, enough to claim a majority of seats, Gagik Tsarukian trailed with 27 percent, the
Laws ish Cypriot leader, Mustafa Akinci, said in liamentary ratication of the entry protocol authorities said Monday.
a joint statement that United Nations Envoy Central Election Commission said on Monday
The Duesseldorf regional court found 29-year- Espen Barth Eide would continue contacts after all ballots were counted.
old Marco G., whose surname wasnt published with them both to get negotiations back on Two more parties cleared the 5-percent
in line with privacy laws, guilty of attempted track. barrier necessary to get seats in parliament.
murder for placing an explosive device at the The leaders said they had an open and The ofcial results are to be announced
constructive exchange about what caused later this week.
main train station in the western city of Bonn in Critics see the constitutional amend-
December 2012. the talks to break down on Feb 16 and
shared ideas about moving the process ments as part of Sargsyans efforts to retain
Although the home-made bomb was discov- forward. control of the country after he steps down
ered and defused before it detonated, the court The two leaders reconrmed their joint in 2018 due to term limits. If his party
said the German convert to Islam deserved commitment to nding a solution in the controls parliament, he could be appointed
a life sentence due to the seriousness of the best interest of all Cypriots, taking into ac- prime minister after that. (AP)
crime, the dpa news agency reported. It ruled count the concerns of both communities,
out his release after 15 years, the usual life the joint statement said. Russia has launch attack ability:
term in Germany. The brief statement came at the end of a Russia has developed the capability to launch
He and three others were also found guilty of highly anticipated dinner hosted by Eide, an attack on the Baltic states with as little as
forming a terrorist organization and planning to where it was hoped the two leaders could
24 hours notice, limiting NATOs options
smooth out their differences and then get
kill a member of the far-right Pro NRW party back to the negotiating table as soon as to respond other than to have military forces
who had taken part in protests against mosques possible. (AP) already deployed in the region, Lithuanias
during which caricatures of the Muslim prophet intelligence service said on Monday.
Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia, annexed by
Muhammad were shown.
Judges sentenced Albanian citizen Enea B., 46, Montenegro NATO entry historic: the Soviet Union in the 1940s but now part of
Albanias prime minister says neighboring both NATO and the European Union, have
German-Turkish dual national Koray D., 28, and Montenegros upcoming accession into been increasingly nervous since the Russian
German citizen Tayfun S., 27, to between 9- NATO is a historic event for the troubled takeover of Crimea in 2014.
years and 12 years in prison. Balkan region. The Lithuanian intelligence service said
Prosecutors said the mens plan was partly fu- Prime Minister Edi Rama said Monday in its annual threat assessment that Russia
eled by an audio message disseminated by the that Montenegros entry into the military had upgraded its military in the Kalinin-
Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan. They were alliance would mean that the entire Adri- grad region last year, reducing lead times
atic and Ionian coast will become a zone of People greet Pope Francis in front of the Duomo of Mirandola, northern Italy, for any attack and potentially preventing
arrested in March 2013, the night before the during a one-day pastoral visit to Carpi and Mirandola on April 2. Greeted by
planned killing. NATO. NATO reinforcements.
Montenegro is slated to join NATO once tens of thousands of faithful, Pope Francis on Sunday visited Italys northern The Russian upgrade included Su-30
Their lawyers had asked the court to acquit the all 28 member states conrm the entry in Emilia Romagna region that has largely been rebuilt after a pair of deadly earth- ghter aircraft and missile systems allow-
men, according to dpa. their parliaments. The US Senate gave its quakes ve years ago, an example meant to give hope to central Italy, which is ing ships to be targeted almost anywhere in
approval last week. still reeling from more devastating temblors last year. (AP) the Baltic Sea. (RTRS)


World News Roundup


Settlers getting fed up

As settlement growth
slows, some drift away
BEITAR ILLIT, West Bank, April 3, (RTRS): After
ve years, Batsheva Reback couldnt take living in
an Israeli settlement in the occupied West Bank any
Despite renting a house with a garden for far less
than it would cost in Israel itself, it didnt make sense.
Her new apartment in Israel may be small, but unlike
where she used to live it has a supermarket and a clinic
nearby, its a quicker commute to work and she feels
her children are safer.
Its easier to get things done, said the 26-year-old
kindergarten assistant, adding that the decision was
not based on expedience alone. I started feeling un-
comfortable living in a settlement. Personally, I dont
think building more and more settlements is going to
help bring peace.
To the world, the narrative
on settlements often reads
one way: more of them being
built, with more settlers mov-
ing in. But there are cracks in
the picture, and signs Rebacks
perspective is not uncommon
settlers are getting fed up.
Statistics show the popula-
tion continues to rise, having
now reached around 400,000
Arieli in the West Bank and 200,000
in East Jerusalem.
But behind the gures lies a different story. Al-
though the population may have risen by nearly Turkeys President Recep Tayyip Erdogan waves at supporters during a rally in Ankara on April 2. Turkey is heading to a contentious on April 16 referendum on
two-thirds in the past decade, the rate of increase has constitutional reforms to expand Erdogans powers. (AP)
slowed sharply, according to Israels Central Bureau
of Statistics.
A decade ago, for every 1,000 settlers already living
in occupied territory, 20 more arrived each year. Now Turkey
the expansion rate is just six per 1,000.
The settlement enterprise is waning and what is
left is being articially kept alive by the government
pouring money in, said Shaul Arieli, an analyst at
the Economic Cooperation Foundation, a think-tank
Voters in EU should defy grandchildren of Nazism
that advocates for a two-state solution to the Israeli-
Palestinian conict.
Successive Many Turks seeking asylum in Germany
Since capturing the West Bank in the 1967 Middle BERLIN, April 3, (Agencies): At least and sacked or suspended more than and in helping slow and regulate the
East war, successive Israeli governments have helped 262 Turkish diplomats and army per- 100,000 in the military, civil service and ow of migrants into Europe.
establish more than 120 settlements, spending billions sonnel have applied for asylum in Ger- private sector. Turkish ofcials attempts to rally
of dollars to build tens of thousand of homes and the
infrastructure to support them: roads, electricity, gas, many since a failed July coup that Tur- support among their citizens living in
key blames on supporters of a US-based Germany last month for a referendum
water and communications. Germanys Foreign Minister thanked over whether to expand Erdogans pow-
There are scores more informal settler outposts, cleric, a spokeswoman for the German
Interior Ministry said on Monday. his Turkish counterpart Monday for er caused widespread irritation in Ger-
some of which have also received government fund- granting consular access to a German- many, and several of their public events
ing. The number of Turkish citizens seek-
ing asylum in Germany rose dramatical- Turkish journalist detained since Janu- were canceled. That caused Erdogan to
While Israels right-wing government headed by ary, the rst positive development accuse German ofcials of acting like
Benjamin Natanyahu is in talks with the Trump ad- ly after the failed coup and Turkey has
warned its NATO ally to reject applica- between the two NATO partners after Nazis which, in turn, prompted strong
ministration about limiting expansion, it has also weeks of acrimony. condemnation of the Turkish presidents
promised to build thousands more units this year to tions from soldiers it suspects of having
links to exiled cleric Fethullah Gulen. The detention of Deniz Yucel on words from Chancellor Angela Merkel.
accommodate what it calls natural growth families Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Net- charges of producing terrorist propagan-
having more children. anyahu (right), stands with Israeli air Annegret Korff, a German Interior
force commander, Major-General, Ministry spokeswoman, said 151 appli-
da and incitement to hatred was one of Eligible
Yet while population growth in the settlements is several issues that have caused friction There are some 3 million people of
Amir Eshel, next to the Davids Sling cants had diplomatic passports and 111
higher than the national average, its rate is also fall- Air Defense System during a cer- between Ankara and Berlin in recent Turkish origin in Germany, almost half
ing: In 1995, it stood at 10 percent. By 2015, it had had no-fee passports, which are issued months.
emony at the Hatzor Airbase, Israel by governments to military personnel of whom were eligible to vote in the ref-
dropped to 4 percent. on April 2. Netanyahu warned Israels Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel erendum. There was further sniping be-
Leaders of the settler movement acknowledge the and other civil servants who are on of- said that he had pressed Germanys case
enemies not to test the Jewish state at cial travel assignments. tween the two governments last week,
decline but say it does not reect falling popularity. a ceremony inaugurating the joint US for diplomatic access to Yucel in one- after German ofcials revealed that Tur-
While the downturn is a concern, they say it stems Israeli missile interceptor. (AP) She did not specify whether the 262 on-one talks with his Turkish counter-
also included diplomats families, who keys foreign intelligence agency MIT
from government curbs on construction: people arent part Mevlut Cavusoglu on the sidelines had provided them a list of suspected
moving to the settlements because there arent enough would also have diplomatic status. of a NATO meeting on Friday, and that supporters of a US-based cleric, who
homes to house them. Statistically Cavusoglu came through, telling him Turkey claims was behind last years
The pioneering settlement spirit, the desire to re- verbally on the weekend it would be failed coup.
turn to those places where the people of Israel have Those gures are not actually statis- granted.
tically sound because they are based on Turkey asked Germany to put the
always been, is just getting stronger, said Yigal Dil- This morning Turkey also ofcially people under surveillance, but instead
moni, deputy head of the Yesha Council, the settlers the voluntary statements of the asylum conrmed that we will receive access to
applicants, Korff told a regular govern- Germany warned those on the list,
main representative body. Deniz Yucel tomorrow nally so that which reportedly included a member
That is what concerns the international community, ment news conference, suggesting the we can determine for ourselves his well-
real number could be higher. of German Parliament, they were under
which views settlements on occupied land as a breach being after difcult days in custody, Turkish suspicion.
of international law and an obstacle to peace between Tensions are running high between Gabriel said in a statement.
the two NATO allies ahead of a referen- Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildi-
Israelis and Palestinians, who seek a state in the West Turkish President Recep Tayyip Er- rim called the German move not ethi-
Bank, East Jerusalem and Gaza. dum in Turkey next month that propos- dogan has alleged the reporter for Die
Bashi El-Sisi es expanding the powers of President cal.
Israel disputes the view that the settlements are ille- Welt was a German spy and a repre- A German parliament resolution la-
gal, and argues that it has biblical and historical ties to Tayyip Erdogan. Germany infuriated sentative of the Kurdish PKK rebel
Turkey by cancelling several campaign beling the early-20th century killing of
the land. Some right-wing members of the Israeli gov- group all of which the newspaper
ernment want to annex up to 60 percent of the West Mideast rallies by Turkish ministers on German denies.
Armenians in Turkey as genocide and
an offensive poem about Erdogan by a
Bank and massively ramp up the settlement enterprise. soil, drawing accusations from Turkey Germany has pressed repeatedly for
Palestinians see any expansion of settlements as German comic have also soured rela-
Israel blocking access to Gaza: An of Nazi tactics. consular access to Yucel, something tions between the two countries.
part of an Israeli project to deny them a state. international human rights group on Monday The German government said in De- Turkey was not obliged to provide
They are building settlements at a rate of construc- cember that 5,166 Turkish citizens had because the reporter is also a Turkish
accused Israel of barring foreign researchers
tion that is politically motivated, Xavier Abu Eid, from entering the Gaza Strip to document applied for asylum in the rst 11 months citizen. In comments last week, Gabriel President Tayyip Erdogan on Mon-
spokesman for the Palestinian Authoritys Negotia- abuses, saying the restrictions call into ques- of last year, compared with 1,767 appli- slammed Turkey for preventing access, day called on Turkish voters in Europe
tions Affairs Department. Settlements and the incen- tion Israels stated commitment to investigat- cations received in the whole of 2015. saying one must almost assume that to defy the grandchildren of Nazism
tives given to settlers are part of the Israeli govern- ing possible rights violations. Some 80 percent of the applicants were Yucel is serving the Turkish leadership and back a referendum this month on
ments agenda. The two-state solution is clearly not. In a 47-page report, Human Rights Watch ethnic Kurds. as a political football in a dirty election changing the constitution, comments
Settlement population growth is now largely driven accused Israel of systematically preventing Turkish Defence Minister Fikri Isik campaign. likely to cause further ire in Europe.
by a handful of settlements built for the ultra-Ortho- its researchers from visiting Gaza since 2008, urged Germany in January to reject asy- Yucels case is just one of several Erdogan has repeatedly lashed out at
dox community, whose families on average have six only granting them one exceptional permit lum applications from 40 mostly high- spats to arise between Ankara and Ber- European countries, including Germa-
children. last year. The group also said that Egypt has ranking former soldiers suspected by lin over the past year at a time when ny, in campaigning for the referendum,
Over the past two decades, the two main ultra-or- prevented it and London-based Amnesty Ankara of having links to the coup. Germany and the rest of the European accusing them of Nazi-like tactics for
thodox settlements, Beitar Illit and Modiin Illit, have International from entering Gaza from its Following the July 15 coup, Turkey Union are looking to Turkey for its sup- banning his ministers from speaking to
grown from comprising about 10 percent of the West territory since 2012.
Israel and Egypt have imposed a blockade has arrested more than 40,000 people port in the ght against the Islamic State rallies of Turkish voters abroad.
Bank settler population to making up nearly a third
of it. on Gaza, home to nearly 2 million people,
since the militant Hamas group took over
judiciarys councils and courts. Currently, Judges believe the draft law is tailored the streets in April last year. Hundreds were
Cramped the territory in 2007. Israel and Hamas, an
the most senior judges automatically get the to prevent specic judges from presid- detained, but were mostly released later.
Islamic group sworn to Israels destruction,
Unlike many of the hardline, ideological settle- have fought three wars since then. top jobs. ing over top courts and may be linked to (AP)
ments deep in the West Bank, Beitar Illit and Modiin International rights groups have accused We fully respect and appreciate the a pair of high-prole rulings that annulled
Illit are adjacent to Israel and would probably be in- both sides of committing war crimes, while legislative branch and believe that it has an agreement to transfer two strategic Red
corporated in any peace deal with the Palestinians. a discretionary authority ... however, this Sea islands to Saudi Arabia signed a year German, Lebanese ties solid: The Ger-
the International Criminal Court (ICC) is man-Lebanese relations date back to 1953
Their cramped apartment blocs stand in stark con- conducting a preliminary investigation into discretionary authority doesnt mean in any ago. President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi and his
trast to the red-roofed, spacious houses with gardens way the presence of an authoritarian power, government insist the islands are Saudi, but when Germany appointed its rst envoy in
possible wrongdoing by both sides. Lebanon. The Lebanon Government then
that identify most settlements built on West Bank Israel has long accused Human Rights Samir al-Bahy, deputy head of Egypts State the agreement sparked the largest anti-gov-
hilltops. Council, told the news conference. The State ernment street demonstrations since el-Sisi sent an ambassador to the European country.
Watch of being unfairly biased against it. Recognizing East Germany (German
Ultra-Orthodox residents say they moved here be- Last month, Israel refused to grant a work Council is one of Egypts judicial authorities. took ofce in 2014, when thousands took to
Democratic Republic) in 1973, Lebanon also
cause its cheap. The conict with the Palestinians and permit to the New York groups regional
appointed an envoy in East Berlin. After
settling the land are not on their minds. Any place that director, though it later allowed him to visit
the country as a tourist. the reunion of East and West Germany in
enables their often poor and close-knit community to 1990, the embassy was closed. In 2000, it
live together is ne. Human Rights Watch said the Israeli
restrictions cast doubt on the governments was moved to Bonn, formerly capital of the
Politically Im not bothered. All those global con- once Federal Republic of Germany (West
siderations are not something the average ultra-Ortho- claims that it is conducting its own investiga-
tions and there is no need for the ICC to get Germany), then to the new capital of Berlin.
dox family can afford, said 37-year-old Motti Hizki- According to the Germany Foreign
yahu, standing outside a discount store in Modiin Illit. involved. If Israel wants the ICC prosecutor
to take seriously its argument that its criminal Ministry, state visits by Lebanese ofcials to
While the rate of people moving to settlements and Berlin over the past decade have contributed
the growth within them has tapered, there are also investigations are adequate, a good rst step
would be to allow human rights researchers a lot to promoting bilateral ties.
signs of a generational shift in some of the most es- to bring relevant information to light, said Former Lebanese president Michel Sulei-
tablished, ideological settlements that spearheaded the Sari Bashi, Israel and Palestine advocacy man paid an ofcial visit to Berlin in 2008,
movement in the 1970s. director at Human Rights Watch. (AP) and former Prime Minister Fuad Seniora
Itzik Fleger, a real-estate agent in Beit-El settle- visited Germany in 2006, 2007 and 2008.
ment, said the founding generation is beginning to get Premier Naguib Miqati visited the country in
older, their children have grown up and some have Bill unconstitutional: Egypts judges 2012. (KUNA)
moved away. are up in arms over a draft law expanding the
It took Ruchi Avital two years of deliberations until presidents control of the judiciary, explain-
she left the settlement of Ofra, her home of 30 years, ing on Sunday that the bill would undermine 3 Palestinians injured: Three Palestin-
to be closer to her children, all of whom moved out of their independence and violate the principal ians have been wounded as a result of an ex-
the West Bank. She is a still an ardent supporter of the of separation of powers. plosion in a military site west of Rafah, south
Speaking at a news conference, judges of Gaza City, medical sources said Monday.
settlement enterprise, but a desire to be closer to her Spokesman for the Palestinian Ministry of
children overrode ideology. labelled the bill as suspicious and uncon-
stitutional. Health, Ashraf Al-Qadra, said that three Pal-
Pictures of her former two-storey house and garden An Iranian woman smokes a water-pipe during the ancient festival of Sizdeh estinians were injured as a result of a blast in
are afxed to her refrigerator in her new Jerusalem The bill, whose rst reading was rushed
through Parliament last week with uncus- Bedar, an annual public picnic day on the 13th day of the Iranian New Year, west Tal Al-Sultan area, west of Rafah city in the
apartment, which she said is double the price and half tomary speed, empowers the president to of Tehran, Iran on April 2. Sizdeh Bedar, which comes from the Farsi words for southern Gaza Strip. Al-Qadra said that the
the size. ultimately pick the countrys top judges from thirteen and day out, is a legacy from Irans pre-Islamic past that hard-liners in injured were taken to Abu Yusuf Al-Najjar
three nominees put forward by each of the the Islamic Republic never managed to erase from calendars. (AP) Hospital for treatment.(KUNA)


People on boats enjoy the blooming cherry blossoms along the Chidorigafuchi imperial moat in Tokyo, on April 3. (Inset) A couple on a boat enjoy the blooming cherry blossoms. (AP)

Philippines North Korea

More than 10 militants killed Going it alone not his Plan A

Duterte warns rebels
ahead of peace talks Can Trump solve N. Korea?
TOKYO, April 3, (AP): US President Sanctions advocates in the US be- capable of hitting the US mainland.
MANILA, Philippines, April 3, (Agencies): Philip- Donald Trump is suggesting ahead of lieve that with just the right amount Whatever Trump has in mind, any
pine President Rodrigo Duterte threatened Monday to his meeting later this week with Chi- of pressure, the North can be coerced change in the status quo that comes
unleash new attack aircraft and the full power of the nese President Xi Jinping that he can into giving up its nuclear weapons. about without Chinas participation,
state against communist rebels if a new round of peace handle Washingtons North Korea But thats not a certainty. Too much or Russias, is likely to antagonize the
talks fails, and insisted they accept new conditions in- problem with or without Beijings help pressure could also lead to open con- Norths two nuclear-armed neighbors.
cluding a halt to extortion and to territorial claims. totally. ict with a tremendously high cost in Trump may not need to tell a news-
Government and rebel negotiators have own to the Is the self-proclaimed master of the casualties and deaths, wreaking havoc paper what his plan is. But if hes got
Netherlands for a resumption of the talks, which col- deal doing what he does best talking on the Chinese, South Korean and one, leaders across Asia are all ears.
lapsed in February after Duterte angrily protested the up his game? And P.S., from your UN ambas-
killings of government troops in renewed attacks by Japanese and by extension US
A reworks display is set off over the Even Trump said going it alone is economies. A North Korean implo- sador:
the New Peoples Army rebels. The formal opening Lotte World Tower ahead of the of- not his Plan A. While declaring the US Trumps ambassador to the United
ceremony of the Norwegian-brokered talks, which the sion, meanwhile, could be even more
cial opening of the tower in Seoul, is ready to deal with Pyongyang on its problematic, causing a massive refu- Nations, Nikki Haley, also had some
government announced would take place Sunday, was South Korea, on April 2. The Lotte own, Trump stressed in an interview tough talk over the weekend but it
delayed by a day. World Tower, with 123 oors over the gee crisis. As Beijing well knows, that
with the Financial Times that hed would impact China far more dramati- conicted with the presidents.
Were facing the NPAs, were having talks in the 555-meter height skyscraper, is the rather much rather, actually have She said on ABCs This Week
Netherlands, they have not fth tallest building in the world and Beijing on board. China, he noted, has cally than the faraway US. that China needs to show us how
made any progress because I will open on April 3. (AP) Trump: According to the Financial
the most inuence over the North eco- concerned they are ... They need to
have some conditions to impose nomically and politically. Times report, when pressed on wheth- put pressure on North Korea. The only
before we go back, Duterte But can he sway Beijing into do- er the US really could resolve the country that can stop North Korea is
said in a speech at the presiden- ing more of what Washington wants? North Korean denuclearization prob- China, and they know that.
tial palace in Manila. The big meeting is set to take place at lem without China, he said, Totally. The Context: If Haley is right and
He accused the guerrillas of Trumps Mar-a-Lago estate in South I dont have to say any more. To- China is the only country that can stop
undermining the talks and said Florida on Thursday and Friday. tally. North Korea, it stands to reason the US
the 48-year conict one of Heres a closer look at some of The Context: So there it is, the cant resolve this issue alone. And no
Asias longest-running rebel- the rhetoric being tossed around, by tease. one expects it to.
lions may continue if the re- Trump in the interview released Sun- If Trump does have a dramatic so- UN resolutions and unilateral sanc-
bels dont accept his conditions. day, and by a top US ofcial: lution to this problem, it will have to tions imposed on the North have so far
Duterte told reporters Sunday Trump: China has great inuence be pretty clever. And the stakes are ex- failed to deter Pyongyang from con-
that he had asked his adviser on the talks, Jesus Dureza, over North Korea. And China will ei- tremely high. ducting nuclear and missile tests. Last
and chief government negotiator Silvestre Bello III to Nagamine Jae-win ther decide to help us with North Ko- year, the North conducted two nuclear
stick to four new conditions he has laid down, including rea, or they wont. And if they do that
Pre-emptive tests and two dozen tests of ballistic
the forging of a joint cease-re and an end to extortion will be very good for China, and if they Back in 1994, President Bill Clin- missiles. During his swing through
by the rebels and their claims to rural territories. All Asia dont it wont be good for anyone. ton considered a pre-emptive strike to Asia last month, Secretary of State Rex
military, police and civilians held by the rebels should The Context: China is without take out the Norths nuclear weapons Tillerson said the past 20 years of US
also be freed, he said. doubt a lifeline for North Korea. It building capability. That was ruled out policy toward Pyongyang have been a
Japan envoy recalled: Japan said Mon- accounts for about 90 percent of the as too risky. He chose negotiations, failure. In fact, that could be extended
day that it is sending back its ambassador and those failed, too, after George W.
Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte told school to South Korea despite an ongoing impasse Norths trade and is a key supplier all the way back to President Truman
over a comfort woman statue, stressing of fuel and many of the other neces- Bush took over. and the Korean War, which thanks
children on Monday he would not hesitate to kill to
protect them from the scourge of drugs and encouraged that it is not meant to be a compromise. sities that keep the Norths economy Fast forward to today, and North to Chinas decision to back the North
them to enlist in the army to defend the country from Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida an- running. If Beijing were to aggres- Korea has a nuclear arsenal. It may al- ended not in a peace treaty in 1953
its enemies. nounced that Ambassador Yasumasa Nag- sively clamp down on all its trade with ready be able to hit Japan and the tens but in an armistice.
Speaking during a Boys Scouts ceremony at the amine will y back to Seoul on Tuesday, Pyongyang, the North would certainly of thousands of US troops based there So what would the US actually do if
presidential palace, Duterte did not mince words, say- along with the consul-general in the South feel the pain and possibly collapse. with nuclear warheads. It could be just China doesnt cooperate?
ing he would kill dealers if you touch our children. Korean city of Busan. The question, however, is what a few years if that away from hav- China has to cooperate, Haley
Kishida said Japan made the decision Trump means by help. ing an intercontinental ballistic missile said.
Duterte has repeatedly rebuffed international criti- because of the need to study and develop
cism about his bloody war on drugs, during which more ties with a new government succeeding
than 8,000 people have been killed since he took power ousted South Korean President Park Geun-
on June 30 last year. hye amid North Koreas missile threat. He security thats been riddled with holes, (RTRS) sile defence system, a Lotte executive said
Police have taken responsibility for a third of those said Japan regrets that South Korea has not Moon told an enthusiastic party crowd in on Monday, denying rumours it wants to
deaths, citing self-defence during anti-narcotics opera- complied with what was supposed to be a his acceptance speech. scale back there.
tions. nal agreement to resolve their differences In a major policy statement in March, No reason to pull of China: South Chinese authorities closed dozens of
over the comfort woman issue in late 2015, Moon said there was no choice but to Koreas Lotte Group will continue to invest Lotte retail stores following inspections,
and that the ambassador will be working to recognise Kim Jong Un as the leader of in its China business despite diplomatic ramping up pressure on Koreas fth-larg-
Philippine soldiers killed more than 10 Islamic make sure the new administration respects reclusive North Korea and deal with him. tensions over the deployment of a US mis- est family-run conglomerate after it agreed
State-linked Abu Sayyaf militants in an attempt to free the deal. to provide land for the US Terminal High
Vietnamese captives held on a remote southern island Before and during World War II, Japan Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) missile
as troops red howitzer shells on rebel positions, an forced many Korean and other women in system outside Seoul.
army general said on Monday. Asia to work in brothels for the Japanese South Korea and its ally the United
The small but violent militant group, known for ex- military in what was known as the comfort States say the system is designed to thwart
tortion, beheading and kidnap-for-ransom activities, is woman system. nuclear-armed North Koreas missile
holding more than two dozen captives on Jolo island. It The agreement is a promise that the threat, but Beijing says its radar can also
beheaded a German captive two months ago when no two countries made to international society. reach far into China. Chinese state media
ransom was paid for his release. We must sincerely implement it, Kishida have called for a boycott of Lotte busi-
Major-General Carlito Galvez, military command- said. (AP) nesses in response to the THAAD deploy-
ment. (RTRS)
er of western Mindanao, said 32 soldiers were also
wounded in Sundays assault on an Abu Sayyaf hideout
South Korean liberal wins: South Ko-
in Talipao town, where the militants were believed to rean human rights lawyer Moon Jae-win Attack in Thai south wounds 12:
be holding six Vietnamese captives. won the liberal Democratic Party primary Insurgents red hundreds of shots into a
vote on Monday, setting him on course to police booth in restive Muslim-majority
become the next president and perhaps take southern Thailand on Monday, wounding
Philippine authorities said Monday that have arrested a softer line on North Korea. 12 ofcers in what police called the biggest
three South Koreans wanted in their home country, in- Moon has been leading in opinion polls such attack in years.
cluding a man who allegedly swindled his compatriots ahead of the May 9 election to succeed A decades-old separatist insurgency
of more than $5 million. impeached Park Geun-hye, who was in the provinces of Yala, Pattani and
Interpol had issued red notices for the three and coor- dismissed last month over a corruption Narathiwat has claimed more than 6,500
dinated their arrests with Philippine police and the im- scandal involving family-run conglomer- lives since it escalated in 2004, according
migration bureau, said the Philippines national police ates, or chaebol. to independent monitoring group Deep
chief, Ronald dela Rosa. If elected, Moon, 64, is expected to South Watch.
Among the three is 32-year-old Yong Ho Jeon, who soften South Koreas policy towards North CCTV footage showed what appeared
was arrested March 25 in his rented condominium in Korea, possibly delay deployment of a to be about 30 insurgents surround a Yala
metropolitan Manila after hiding in the Philippines for US anti-missile defence system that has police booth and ring more than 500 shots
enraged China and get tough on corporate Protesters against Afghan President Ashraf Ghanis visit to Australia gather out- inside the building, Police Major General
two years, dela Rosa said. South Koreas Jeonju Dis- Kritsada Kaewchandee, chief of Yala pro-
trict Court has issued an arrest warrant for him on fraud criminals, including chaebol bosses. side Government House where Ghani met with Governor-General Peter Cos-
I will do everything I have to do to look grove, in Canberra on April 3. Hundreds of protesters demonstrated against his vincial police, said. This was the biggest
charges. after the failing standard of peoples living, visit, calling for his government to end discrimination against the Hazara ethnic attack in the deep south in many years, he
revive the economy and resurrect national minority and to refuse to repatriate asylum seekers rejected by Australia. (AP) told Reuters. (RTRS)


World News Roundup


S. Sudan frees 6

Pirates kidnap
Indian sailors
DUBAI, UAE, April 3, (Agencies):
Pirates have seized a small boat
and kidnapped its 11 Indian crew
members off the coast of Somalia,
an investigator said Monday, the
latest vessel targeted by the
regions resurgent hijackers.
The attack on the small ship
happened Saturday as the vessel
passed through
the narrow
c h a n n e l
b e t w e e n
Y e m e n s
Socotra island
and the Somali
coast, said
Graeme Gibbon
Brooks, the
CEO of the
maritime firm
Dryad Mariti- McConnaughey
me. The pirates
are taking the vessel to the Eyl
area of northern Somalia, he said.
The small dhow, a traditional
wooden ship common in regional
waters, initially was heading from
Dubai to Bosaso, Somalia, he said.
Lt Ian McConnaughey, a
spokesman for the US Navys 5th
Fleet in Bahrain, said sailors there
are aware of the reports and we
are monitoring the situation. The
5th Fleet oversees regional anti-
piracy efforts.
Alianza PAIS ruling party presidential candidate Lenin Moreno waves an Ecuador flag as he celebrates winning Ecuadors presidency, at a victory rally in Quito, Ecuador on April 2. Piracy off Somalias coast was
Moreno was declared the winner of Ecuadors presidential runoff by the National Electoral Council saying he beat his rival, conservative banker Guillermo Lasso 51 percent to 49 once a serious threat to the global
percent. Lasso has yet to concede defeat and demanded a recount after three exit polls showed him winning. (AP)
shipping industry. It has lessened
in recent years after an interna-
tional effort to patrol near the
Subcontinent Ecuador country, whose weak central gov-
ernment has been trying to assert
itself after a quarter-century of
conflict. Since then, concerns
about piracy off Africas coast
German tourist rape Relief for WikiLeaks Assange have largely shifted to the West
Africas Gulf of Guinea on the
Atlantic Ocean.
Pakistan women ride But frustrations have been rising

bikes to claim space Moreno wins vote among Somali fishermen, includ-
ing former pirates, at what they say
are foreign fishermen illegally
fishing in local waters.
QUITO, Ecuador, April 3, (AP): expressed by the people at the voting
ISLAMABAD, April 3, (Agencies): Dozens of Leftist candidate Lenin Moreno booths, National Electoral President
women in Pakistan took part in female-only bike races appeared to have won Ecuadors Juan Pablo Pozo said while announc- No confidence motion: South
in major cities on Sunday, in an event organised to presidential election but his opposi- ing results. Africas Speaker of parliament
challenge male dominance of public spaces in the tion rival refused to recognize the So far the only evidence of possi- said she is considering an emer-
country. Firefighters and rescuers cover with a results, calling on his supporters to ble fraud presented by Lassos cam- gency motion of no confidence
Our strategy is simply to be visible in public blanket the body of a woman in take to the streets to guard against paign are the results in one tiny pro- against President Jacob Zuma after
spaces, said Meher Bano of Girls at Dhabas, a femi- Mocoa, Colombia on April 2. fraud. vincial voting center that it said were he fired the countrys widely
nist group which organised the races after a woman Colombias President Juan Manuel Sundays second-round runoff in reversed when they were reported to respected finance minister last
from Lahore was pushed off her bicycle by a group of Santos, who has declared Mocoa a the Andean nation of 16 million was electoral authorities in Quito. There week.
men last year for not responding to catcalls. disaster area, said that at least 254 being watched closely as a barometer was no immediate comment from the Baleka Mbete said Sunday that
The bike race was one of many events organised in were killed but that the death toll was of whether the left, which had domi- OAS, which sent a mission of elec-
changing every moment. Authorities she cut short an overseas trip to
the last few years by Girls at nated South American politics for the toral observers. deal with the serious parliamen-
Dhabas the name given to said another 200 people, many of
them children, were injured and just past 15 years, could stop a string of Moreno, meanwhile, said he would tary issues that have arisen since
roadside restaurants in Pakistan right-wing victories across the start work immediately on his transi- Zuma reshuffled his Cabinet last
as many were unaccounted for amid
to promote female partici- the destruction. (AP) region. tion. With Correa standing behind week.
pation in public events, fight With more than 97 percent of vot- him, the two joined supporters in sing- Mbete, speaking to
restrictions faced by women in ing acts counted, Moreno garnered ing leftist classics in an outdoor rally. Johannesburg at Johannesburg air-
public places and increase 51 percent of the vote while conser- port upon her arrival from
awareness. Election
I drive on these roads all
Lat/Am vative banker Guillermo Lasso stood
at just under 49 percent. A difference Outside the region, the election
Bangladesh, said her office
received a letter from the main
the time but this was maybe of about 224,000 votes separated the was being closely watched by sup- opposition party, the Democratic
the first time I got to experi- Rescuers dig for victims: Families two candidates with a smaller num- porters of WikiLeaks founder Julian Alliance, requesting that the
ence them while biking, said and rescuers searched desperately on ber of ballots still left to count. Assange, who has been living under national assembly, which is in
Baloch Humay Waseem, one of the Sunday through mud-plastered rubble for Lasso said he would challenge the asylum at Ecuadors embassy in recess until May 10, resume earlier
riders on the 5-km race around victims of flooding and landslides in results in all of Ecuadors 24 prov- London since 2012. Before the elec- to vote on the motion.
Pakistans leafy capital Islamabad. Colombia that have killed 254 people, inces after three exit polls showed tion, Lasso had said he would evict
Members of Girls at Dhabas say they are a new injured hundreds and devastated entire him winning. He also questioned the Australian activist, who is wanted
generation of Pakistani feminists determined to build neighborhoods. why results that took three days to for extradition by Sweden, within 30 South Sudan releases 6: An
on progress made by their predecessors. Several rivers burst their banks near the calculate following the first round of days of taking office. Moreno said he international aid organization says
Last September, an upcoming Pakistani fashion southwestern city of Mocoa in the early voting in February were announced would allow him to stay. South Sudans military has
brand, called Do Your Own Thing, removed an adver- hours of Saturday, sending water, mud and so quickly in Sundays runoff. On his Twitter account shortly released six of its workers who had
tising campaign on social media featuring a female debris crashing down streets and into hous- This is very sickening. Were not after the results became known, been arrested in January and
flash mob after the women appearing in it faced es as people slept. going to allow it, Lasso told sup- Assange took a jab at Lassos pledge. accused of smuggling arms.
online harassment. Volunteers and firefighters tended to 82 porters, adding that he had shared his I cordially invite Lasso to leave Doctors Without Borders told
In July, Qandeel Baloch, a social media celebrity bodies downstream in the town of concerns with the head of the Ecuador within 30 days (with or The Associated Press Monday that
known for her risque online posts was killed by her Villagarzon and said many corpses were Organization of American States in a without his tax haven millions), he the aid workers were arrested Jan 4
brother for bringing dishonour to the family. She became still caught in debris. phone conversation. wrote. in the Yei area on suspicion of
a feminist icon after her murder shocked the nation. We had to recover them ourselves. We Three exit polls had shown Lasso transferring weapons to the oppo-

think well find more, Villagarzon Mayor Accused winning, including one that accurate- sition, charges denied by the
Jhon Ever Calderon told Reuters. He said Switzerland-based organization.
the town had no coffins or sanitary storage. He accused President Rafael Correa ly predicted the first-round results
4 Afghan intel agents killed: Afghan officials of trying to install an illegitimate and gave him a six-percentage point However, South Sudans
confirm that at least four provincial intelligence ser- Many families in Mocoa stayed up Information Minister Michael
through the night to search through the government and called on his support- victory. A quick count of voting acts
vice agents have been killed in an attack by Taleban ers to protest peacefully but firmly. by a respected local watchdog found Makuei insisted on Monday that
insurgents in eastern Ghazni province. debris, despite the lack of electricity in the
city. Thousands of outraged Lasso sup- there was a technical tie with a differ- the charges are valid. He added
Two provincial officials from eastern Paktika prov- I need to know where they are, if they porters shouting fraud crashed ence of less than 0.6 percentage that the released workers left Yei
ince confirmed on Monday that the deputy provincial are injured or where to find them, sobbed through metal barricades to almost points separating the two candidates. without permission.
director for Paktika, Abdul Wahib Khan, as well as Maria Lilia Tisoy, 37, looking through the reach the entrance of the electoral The group refrained from saying
his driver and two other people were killed in the rubble for her two daughters, one pregnant, councils headquarters in Quito. By which candidate had the advantage.
ambush on Sunday. Armed gang steal cash cargo:
and a 4-year-old granddaughter. (RTRS) midnight a few hundred protesters Correa said the exit polls had lied. South Africa police are hunting for
The attack took place when their convoy was trav- remained. The moral fraud of the right-wing
elling from Ghazni toward Paktika province. Both a gang of armed robbers who blew
In Guayaquil, where Lasso is wont go unpunished, he wrote on up an armored cash-in-transit truck
officials spoke on condition of anonymity, because Maduro wins power over oil: The from, supporters shouted Get out Twitter.
they were not authorized to talk about intelligence- Venezuelan Supreme Court may have in busy traffic in Johannesburg,
amended part of its explosive decision to Correa! and threw sticks at riot For weeks Ecuadoreans polarized escaping with an undisclosed
related issues. police in formation before being by 10 years of Correas iron-fisted rule
take over the opposition-led congress, but amount of money.
it still gives embattled leftist President pushed back with tear gas. There had been bracing for a contested vote Police spokesman Lungelo
German tourist raped: Indian police say they are Nicolas Maduro broad new powers over were reports of small scuffles and With Ecuadors economy slated to Dlamini said Sunday that police
searching for two men suspected of raping a German the OPEC nations vast oil wealth. clashes in other cities. shrink by 2.7 percent this year as oil recovered the two vehicles used in
tourist in the beach town of Mamallapuram in south- The reversal on Saturday came after Correa accused Lasso supporters prices remain low, analysts had been the heist and are hunting for the
ern India. political leaders worldwide and street pro- of trying to disavow the results and anticipating that Lasso would rally suspects but no arrests have been
The German woman told police that she went for a testors at home accused the pro-govern- provoke violence, while the head of support from the 60 percent of voters made.
walk and dozed off in a deserted part of the beach ment court of effectively making Maduro a the electoral council, a favorite who backed anti-Correa candidates The robbers, travelling in a
when she was raped Sunday. dictator. punching bag of the opposition, in the first round and join the grow- BMW and a Mercedes-Benz, shot
While the court backed off its appealed for calm. ing list of Latin American nations out the tires of the armored truck
The woman was part of a group of German tourists Wednesday decision to fully take over the
visiting the town, which is famous for its many Hindu Ecuador deserves that its political Argentina, Brazil, Peru and shortly before noon on Saturday as
legislative branch, it left in place sweeping actors show ethical responsibility in Venezuela shifting to the right in
temples. new authority for Maduro to cut oil deals it was traveling toward
Teams of police were searching nearby areas in recognizing the democratic will recent elections. Johannesburgs international air-
on behalf of PDVSA, the state-run oil
Tamil Nadu state. Police said Monday that no arrests company, without congressional approval. port, according to police.
had been made so far. Maduros cash-strapped government
The incident highlights persistent violence against now has the autonomy to sell stakes in proposed amendment that would allow The capital has been relatively calm
women in India despite tougher laws against sexual Venezuelas oil fields, which contain the Paraguays president to stand for re-elec- since rioters stormed and set fire to 3 suicide bombers die:
assault imposed after the 2012 death of a young worlds largest reserves, or launch new tion while his allies vowed to move for- Congress, though anger simmers over the Nigerian police confirm that three
woman who was gang-raped on a bus in New Delhi. joint ventures with foreign firms. ward with the measure despite Fridays death of a protester who was killed when suicide bombers blew themselves
The court action sets the stage for a pro- violent clashes. police fired shots at the headquarters of the up attempting to get into the north-
countrys second-largest political party. eastern city of Maiduguri.
tracted legal and political fracas that could
Pakistan interrogating suspects: Pakistani spook foreign investors and further under- Paraguays constitution, introduced in Police spokesman Victor Isuku
police say an anti-terrorism court has given police mine the nations efforts to stabilize 1992 after 35 years of dictatorship, strictly said that on Sunday morning two
three days to finish the interrogation of four men sus- PDVSA, said opposition lawmakers and limits presidents to a single five-year term. men detonated explosive vests
pected in the killing of 20 devotees at a shrine in industry experts. The state-run firm is Fridays secret vote in the Senate on a con- when security agents challenged
eastern Punjab province. already reeling from lower oil prices, a stitutional amendment that would allow them near an entry to Maiduguri,
The custodian of a local shrine and his accomplices cash-flow crisis and chronic operational President Horacio Cartes to run for re- the northeastern city that has sus-
are said to have killed the 20 after intoxicating them problems that have crippled its ability to election sparked riots. tained several attacks. He said the
serve customers worldwide. (RTRS) The most important thing is to with- bombers killed only themselves.
amid a dispute over custodianship of the shrine. draw the amendment ... if this is not done,
Police officer Shamsher Joya says the four appeared we are sitting on a time bomb that could
Isuku said a lone bomber at a
before the court on Monday where Judge Zahid Iqbal different location also blew him-
End re-election proposal: blow up at any moment, said Asuncion
self up, injuring a civilian.
extended their custody pending the investigation. Protesters were collecting signatures on Mayor Mario Ferreiro, a member of an
Sunday demanding the withdrawal of a Maduro Cartes opposition party. (RTRS)


World News Roundup

In this photo taken on March 29, 2017, a man walks out from a ladybird shaped public toilet in Beijing, China. Launched two years ago, a toilet revolution campaign calls for at least 34,000 new public bathrooms to be con-
structed in Beijing and 23,000 renovated by the end of this year. (AP)

Using technology, China ramps up its toilet revolution

Fed up with the theft of toilet paper from are a special focus of the campaign, a re- At Beijings 600-year-old Temple of ery nine minutes following a face scan. Authorities are also encouraging the instal-
public bathrooms, tourist authorities in Chi- sponse to a vast expansion in domestic Heaven, administrators recognized the People take away the paper mostly be- lation of Western-style sit-down commodes
nas capital have begun using facial recog- travel and demands for better-quality facili- need to stock the public bathrooms with cause they are worried they cant nd any rather than the more common squat toilets.
nition technology to limit how much paper ties from a more afuent public. toilet paper, a requirement for obtaining a when they want to use it the next time. But Around 25 billion yuan ($3.6 billion) has al-
a person can take. Today in China, people are highly en- top rating from the National Tourism Au- if we can provide it in every toilet, most peo- ready been spent on the program, accord-
The unusual move part of a toilet thusiastic about tourism, and we have thority. But they needed a means of pre- ple will not do it anymore, Zhan said. ing to the National Tourism Administration.
revolution is another step in Chinas entered a new era of public tourism, said venting patrons from stripping them bare Launched two years ago, the revolution The ultimate target, Zhan said, is to
vast upgrading of public facilities. Zhan Dongmei, a researcher with the Chi- for personal use hence the introduction calls for at least 34,000 new public bath- have a sufcient amount of toilets which
Bathrooms at tourist sites, notorious for na Tourism Academy. The expectation of of new technology that dispenses just one rooms to be constructed in Beijing and are clean and odorless and free to use.
their primitive conditions and nasty odors, the public for the toilet is becoming higher. 60-centimeter (2-foot) section of paper ev- 23,000 renovated by the end of this year. (AP)

Electricity Technology

Billion trapped in poverty Cyborgs at work

Energy access grows, Employees get microchip implants
gaps need plugging Self-described body hacker Jowan
Osterlund from Biohax Sweden, holds STOCKHOLM, April 3, (AP): The sy- even for me at rst, said Mesterton, could get data about your health, you
a small microchip implant, similar to ringe slides in between the thumb and remembering how he initially had had could get data about your whereabouts,
LONDON, April 3, (RTRS): Access to energy is neces- those implanted into workers at the
sary to meet peoples basic needs: to grow, distribute and index nger. Then, with a click, a mi- doubts. how often youre working, how long
Epicenter digital innovation business crochip is injected in the employees But then on the other hand, I mean, youre working, if youre taking toilet
cook food, to light homes, and to power machines and centre during a party at the co-work-
technologies. hand. Another cyborg is created. people have been implanting things breaks and things like that.
ing space in central Stockholm on What could pass for a dystopian vi- into their body, like pacemakers and Libberton said that if such data is
It is also a key requirement for agriculture, commerce March 14, 2017. (AP)
and industry and the provision of public services, such as sion of the workplace is almost routine stuff to control your heart, he said. collected, the big question remains of
education or health. at the Swedish startup hub Epicenter. Thats a way, way more serious thing what happens to it, who uses it, and for
But more than one billion peo- The company offers to implant its than having a small chip that can actu- what purpose.
ple, or one in seven, still lacked workers and startup members with mi- ally communicate with devices. So far, Epicenters group of cyborgs
access to electricity in 2014 and crochips the size of grains of rice that Epicenter, which is home to more doesnt seem too concerned.
many more suffer from poor sup- function as swipe cards: to open doors, than 100 companies and some 2,000 People ask me; Are you chipped?
ply, which keeps them trapped in operate printers, or buy smoothies with workers, began implanting workers in and I say; Yes, why not, said Fredric
poverty, experts say. a wave of the hand. January 2015. Now, about 150 work- Kaijser, the 47-year-old chief experience
The injections have become so pop- ers have them. A company based in ofcer at Epicenter. And they all get ex-
This week, governments, busi- ular that workers at Epicenter hold par- Belgium also offers its employees such cited about privacy issues and what that
ness, development agencies and ties for those willing to get implanted. implants, and there are isolated cases means and so forth. And for me its just a
others will meet in New York The biggest benet I think is con- around the world where tech enthusi- matter of I like to try new things and just
to work out how to reach three venience, said Patrick Mesterton, asts have tried this out in recent years. see it as more of an enabler and what that
international goals by 2030: uni- co-founder and CEO of Epicenter. As would bring into the future.
versal access to modern energy Trump Mier Devices
Kyte a demonstration, he unlocks a door by The implants have become so
services, doubling the rate of im- merely waving near it. It basically re- The small implants use Near Field popular that Epicenter workers stage
provement in energy efciency, and doubling the share of
renewables in the global energy mix. Discovery places a lot of things you have, other
communication devices, whether it be
Communication (NFC) technology,
the same as in contactless credit cards
monthly events where attendees have
the option of being chipped for free.
Here are some facts about access to energy, based on credit cards or keys. or mobile payments. When activated That means visits from self-de-
2014 gures when comprehensive data was last compiled 3 tiger cubs rescued in Lebanon: The technology in itself is not new. by a reader a few centimeters (inches) scribed body hacker Jowan Oster-
: Three Siberian tiger cubs destined for a zoo Such chips are used as virtual collar away, a small amount of data ows lund from Biohax Sweden who per-
More than 95 percent of those living without electric- in war-torn Syria were rescued by a Leba- plates for pets. Companies use them between the two devices via electro- forms the operation.
ity are in sub-Saharan Africa and developing countries in nese animal rights group after being trapped to track deliveries. Its just never been magnetic waves. The implants are He injects the implants using pre-
Asia, predominantly in rural areas. in an unmarked, maggot-infested crate in used to tag employees on a broad scale passive, meaning they contain infor- loaded syringes into the eshy area
Africa, excluding North Africa, has the largest per- Beiruts airport for almost a week. before. Epicenter and a handful of oth- mation that other devices can read, but of the hand, just next to the thumb. The
centage of people living without electricity at 37 percent The tigers, which were being transported er companies are the rst to make chip cannot read information themselves. process lasts a few seconds, and more
overall and just 17 percent in rural areas. from Ukraine, arrived at the Beirut airport
implants broadly available. Ben Libberton, a microbiologist at often than not there are no screams
South Sudan is the country with the lowest access on March 7, inside a ventilated 0.3-cubic-
And as with most new technologies, Stockholms Karolinska Institute, says and barely a drop of blood. The next
rate in the world at ve percent, followed by Burundi at meter (10.6-cubic feet) crate, where they
could not stand or move and were forced to it raises security and privacy issues. hackers could conceivably gain huge step for electronics is to move into the
seven, Chad at eight and Liberia at nine percent. While biologically safe, the data gen- swathes of information from embed- body, he says.
Urban areas across the world have close to univer- urinate and defecate on each other, accord-
erated by the chips can show how often ded microchips. The ethical dilemmas Sandra Haglof, 25, who works for
sal access at 96 percent although challenges remain in the ing to Animals Lebanon.
The animal rights group, which had been an employee comes to work or what will become bigger the more sophisti- Eventomatic, an events company that
rapidly growing cities of Africa and in the Asia-Pacic they buy. Unlike company swipe cards cated the microchips become. works with Epicenter, has had three
region. alerted to the shipment ultimately bound
for Samer al-Husainawi Zoo in Damascus or smartphones, which can generate The data that you could possibly piercings before, and her left hand
Progress in electrifying urban areas has outpaced that before it landed in Beirut, petitioned a Leba- the same data, a person cannot easily get from a chip that is embedded in barely shakes as Osterlund injects the
in rural areas where electrication rates have reached 73 nese judge to release the tigers into their separate themselves from the chip. your body is a lot different from the small chip.
percent. care the following week, Executive Director Of course, putting things into your data that you can get from a smart- I want to be part of the future, she
Even regions with almost universal access to electric- Jason Mier said. body is quite a big step to do and it was phone, he says. Conceptually you laughs.
ity, such as Latin America and the Caribbean, have coun- The judge responded by issuing an order
tries that lag behind: in Haiti only 38 percent of people demanding the tigers be released, citing
have access electricity. concerns for their health and welfare, the
Meanwhile, just over 1 billion people, or around one in group said. go toward investing in, and maintaining, Cook Inlet oil leak stopped: The ow yet known how much crude poured into the
seven, still have no access to electricity, a gure that has Once we nally got them out of the box, existing national parks, refuges and public of oil from an underwater pipeline leak water posing a threat to wildlife.
barely improved in two years, while the number cooking the box had dozens and dozens of maggots lands. (AP) discovered in Alaskas Cook Inlet over the The leak was discovered Saturday com-
with health-harming fuels rose slightly to just over 3 bil- crawling around in it. There were maggots weekend has been stopped, although its not ing from an 8-inch-wide pipeline that was
lion, a report said on Monday. all over the back thighs of the animals and carrying more than 19,000 gallons of crude
Data showed progress in providing clean, modern en- around their anus, Mier said. The tigers oil, according to the Alaska Department of
ergy to the poor was losing the race against population also suffered from dehydration, according to Environmental Conservation. Workers on
growth, especially in rural areas, the World Bank and the the group. (AP) a Hilcorp Alaska offshore platform noticed
International Energy Agency (IEA) said in a tracking re- an oil sheen and bubbling from underwater.
port. Backlog could fuel budget cuts: (AP)
If we are to make access to clean, affordable and reli- Visitation to national parks, monuments
able energy a reality, were going to have to drive the rate and other sites managed by the National
of progress up, and that is going to require political leader- Park Service increased in 2016, but the
Losses may be less than feared:
ship, said Rachel Kyte, CEO of Sustainable Energy for Economic damage from a Colorado mine
parks popularity has led to $11.9 billion in waste spill caused by the US Environmental
All, an initiative of the UN Secretary-General. deferred maintenance needs.
Protection Agency may be far less than
Reaching those targets is fundamental to achieving oth- Last year, 330 million people visited NPS
sites nationwide 7 percent more visitors originally feared after attorneys drastically
er global goals to end poverty and boost healthcare and ed- reduced some of the larger claims, The As-
ucation, as well as keeping global temperature rise below than in 2015, The Arizona Daily Sun (http:// ) reported last week. sociated Press has learned.
limits set in the Paris climate change accord, Kyte said. Farmers, business owners, residents and
Every day we delay, or every day we dont deliver, it But conservation groups worry that the
park maintenance backlog $371 million others initially said they suffered a stag-
becomes more painful and expensive, and we risk losing gering $1.2 billion in lost income, property
people and leaving people behind, she told journalists by at Grand Canyon National Park alone
could be used as an argument to increase damage and personal injuries from the
telephone. The three organisations behind the report said privatization of national parks and as a 2015 spill at the Gold King Mine, which
some countries even among the poorest are making reason to defund other Interior Department tainted rivers in Colorado, New Mexico
rapid progress. programs. and Utah.
For example, Kenya, Malawi, Sudan, Uganda and President Donald Trumps latest budget But the total now appears to be about
Zambia increased electrication by two to three percent- proposal includes a 12 percent cut to the De- $420 million. A single law rm that origi-
age points per year, while Rwanda topped that and Af- partment of the Interior, which manages the nally led claims totaling $900 million for
ghanistan and Cambodia made use of off-grid solar energy parks. The spending plan justies eliminat- In this March 29, 2017 photo, Siberian tigers destined for a zoo in war-torn Syria, a handful of New Mexico property owners
to expand access even faster. ing $120 million used to fund federal lands and rescued by Animals Lebanon, an animal rights group, eat inside a cage in told the AP it had lowered their claims to
acquisition by saying the money will instead Aley, east of Beirut, Lebanon. (AP) $120 million. (AP)
Annabelle reveals origin of Conjurings cursed doll

Mummy shows more of Boutellas creepy villain

LOS ANGELES, April 3, (RTRS): Dont mess with an angry mummy. rst created the toy that would become a demonic conduit, along with colorful bounce house, families had fun with carnival games and free
Universal dropped the terrifying new trailer for its latest take on her husband. After tragically losing their own child, the couple takes food for a few hours before being treated to a show when many of the
The Mummy on Sunday, which shows Soa Boutellas evil mum- in a nun and a group of girls, who can be seen being terrorized by the lms stars, including Demi Lovato, Joe Manganiello, and Danny
my, Ahmanet, on a quest to swallow the earth. But dont worry she evil spirit in the trailer. Pudi, made their arrivals.
wont if Tom Cruise has anything to say about it. The contact started small, but then it wanted permission to move Culver City, celebrating its centennial this year, did not hold back in
Cruises Nick Morton unearths Ahmanet from her crypt, and, as seen into a doll so that it could be with us forever, explains Miranda Otto celebrating its rst world premiere in the citys hundred-year history.
in the rst trailer, dies in a plane crash while trying to transport the in the footage. Mayor Jim Clarke, proudly wearing a white smurfs hat, even ofcially
mummy. However, hes resurrected himself, and is joined by Anna- The previous lm, directed by John R. Leonetti, followed a cou- declared one of the streets in the fair to be renamed Smurfs Lane for the
belle Wallis Jenny Halsey and Jake Johnsons Sgt Vail on his quest to ple that was plagued by Annabelle after welcoming the doll into their day. The stars of the lm, who all arrived on the top deck of a sightsee-
stop Ahmanet from destroying the world. home. Lights Out helmer David F. Sandberg takes over directing ing tour bus, walked the carpet and talked about their enthusiasm for
She will not stop until she makes our world her own, says Russell duties for Annabelle: Creation. both the lms premiere and the unique nature of the festival being held
Crowes Dr Jekyll of Ahmanet in the new footage. in the lms honor.
The trailer debuted earlier this week at CinemaCon in Las Vegas, Produce
Pudi, who plays Brainy Smurf in the lm, talked about his excite-
where stars revealed to theater owners that Cruise did 64 takes in zero The Conjuring and The Conjuring 2 director James Wan re- ment in sharing the movie with his children. Its something that I can
gravity for the plane crash sequence. turns to produce Annabelle: Creation, reteaming with Sandberg after share with my kids right now. Theyre ve years old, this is the rst

We jump off buildings ... and Tom really does it all, said Johnson. working with him as a producer on Lights Out. The cast includes premiere Im taking them to being together as a family. It feels really
My character dies. I almost died. Talitha Bateman, Stephanie Sigman, Philippa Anne Coulthard, cool to share that, said Pudi. And the fact that I get to be Brainy
Alex Kurtzman directed The Mummy from a script by Jon Spaihts. Lulu Wilson, Lou Lou Safran, Grace Fulton, Tayler Buck, Samara Smurf and identiable makes it real easy to point and say, Im that
Kurtzman also produced with Chris Morgan and Sean Daniel. Court- Lee, and Anthony LaPaglia.
one. Im the blue one without a shirt with glasses.
ney B. Vance also stars. The lm, unlike previous Smurfs movies, is fully animated, and
The Mummy will hit theaters on June 9.
Although none of the stars of Smurfs: The Lost Village wore the many of the actors expressed their enthusiasm with the creative free-
signature white Smurf hat when they walked the carpet for the lms dom that the medium affords. Jack McBrayer, who plays Clumsy
The haunting new trailer for Annabelle: Creation, released on world premiere, it seemed like almost everyone else in the crowd did. Smurf, talked about the change and what it meant for the lm. With
Sunday, gives an origin story to the titular cursed doll. For a few hours on Saturday morning, the area in front of the Arc- animation you can do anything, and the story that this one has followed
Creation, which is a prequel to 2014s Annabelle itself a pre- Light Culver City was transformed into a colorful Smurfs-themed is pretty spectacular, McBrayer said. It has some great messages for
quel to the 2013 hit The Conjuring takes us to the dollmaker who street fair in honor of Sonys animated feature. Under the shadow of a kids and parents, and its a beautiful movie.


Hosts Luke Bryan (left), and Dierks Bentley present a performance by Florida Georgia Line and Backstreet Boys at the 52nd annual Academy of Country Music Awards at the T-Mobile Arena on April 2,
in Las Vegas. (AP)

ACM Awards

Lambert wins album of year, female vocalist of year

NEW YORK: The taskmaster
toddler of The Boss Baby
dethroned Disneys Beauty and
the Beast at the box ofce with
Backstreet Boys bring nostalgia

a $49 million debut, handing its

star Alec Baldwin what President
Donald Trump might call a By Mesfin Fekadu For the man that inuenced every form of music, Academy Awards.
huge no. 1 opening. including country, Bryan said. This is odd. David? asked Entertainment To-
Paramount Pictures suffered
another op with its controversy-
plagued Ghost in the Shell.
W hile Justin Timberlake had a show-stopping
moment alongside Chris Stapleton at the
2015 Country Music Association Awards, it was
Keith Urban, who had success with his genre-
bending, Grammy-nominated album Ripcord, was
night host Nancy ODell, who had the winners
card in her hand.
The DreamWorks Animation the top nominee with seven, though he walked away Emma Stone, La La Land, magician David
release from 20th Century Fox, the Backstreet Boys who shined brightly at the 2017 empty-handed. Coppereld announced.
starring Baldwin as a suit-clad Academy of Country Music Awards. But he shined onstage when he sang the soulful Rhett also won male vocalist of the year, beating
baby, narrowly edged out the previ- The boy band had the nights liveliest moment Sun- Blue Aint Your Color with a throwback, black- out Urban, Aldean, Bentley and Chris Stapleton. In his
ous two-week leader, according to day in Las Vegas: the vesome brought the party vibe and-white vibe, while the back of the stage was seat, he shook his head after his name was announced.
studio estimates Sunday. The live- to life while singing their classic Everybody (Back- smoky and bright blue. As he switched to the upbeat,
action Beauty and the Beast took I dont have a whole lot of words except for: Eve-
street Back) along with duo Florida Georgia Line. disco-avored The Fighter where he was joined ryone in this category are my idols, said Rhett, who
in $48 million in its third weekend. Carrie Underwood and Nicole Kidman were just a
Final North American ticket sales by Underwood the camera focused on his actress- was teary-eyed and paused throughout his speech.
were to be released Monday.
few of the audience members at the T-Mobile Arena wife, who sang and danced along. This is the most amazing award that Ive ever re-
We expected a decent opening. who felt the nostalgia, sang along and danced excit- ceived in my whole existence.
We didnt expect to be number edly. Hit
Rhett also sang his new collaboration with Maren
one, said Chris Aronson, Fox The performance hit a new height when Brian Miranda Lambert also had a top-notch perfor- Morris, who won new female vocalist of the year.
distribution chief. Kelley and Tyler Hubbard of FGL joined the Back- mance: She earned a standing ovation after she sang
Despite the popularity of street Boys during their memorable dance routine, Sam Hunt performed his No. 1 hit, Body Like
the slow, acoustic-sounding Tin Man as the crowd a Back Road, and he went into the audience to sit
Beauty and the Beast (nearly earning louder cheers from the crowd. watched along seriously while she hit all the right
$400 million domestically in 17 Before that moment, FGL sang their duet with next to his anc to sing the song. Other performers
days, and $876.3 million globally), notes and strummed her guitar. included Rascal Flatts, Little Big Town, Kelsea Bal-
Boss Baby was able to attract its the boy band, , Your Mama and Me. It was the She won album of the year for her double disc,
duos third performance at three-hour show, which lerini as well as Faith Hill and Tim McGraw, who
own family audience. (AP) The Weight of These Wings, and female vocalist sang a new duet.
aired live on CBS. of the year, besting Reba McEntires record for most
Though they won two awards, FGL lost the top The music video for Forever Country, the medley
wins in the category. celebrating the Country Music Association Awards
LOS ANGELES: Beauty and the prize entertainer of the year to Jason Aldean, I am really so thrilled that I can still lead the
Beast is waltzing toward the $1 who also won the honor last year. 50th anniversary featuring Willie Nelson, Dolly Par-
billion mark. charge for women in this business, on any level of
Man, one of the Eagles just gave me an award, this business, singer-songwriters, anybody behind- ton and others, won video of the year. Brothers Os-
The Disney romance has earned borne were double winners, while Jon Pardi and song-
$876.3 million globally after he said, looking to Joe Walsh. I am so thankful. the-scenes, managers, whatever it is, Lambert said
You guys dont know how much I love getting up backstage, winning her eighth consecutive female writer Lori McKenna also picked up trophies.
three weeks of release. It added
another $66.5 million to that haul and doing what I do every day. vocalist trophy. I am just so thrilled that I can keep Little Big Town won vocal group of the year, beat-
last weekend, topping the foreign FGL, Aldean and Walsh were part of the six sepa- pushing forward and making way for other women ing out Lady Antebellum.
box ofce in the process. The lm rate performances that kicked off the high-energy to do the same thing. I just wanna be in Lady Antebellums band, Lit-
added a number of territories, ACM Awards. Thomas Rhett was a multiple winner too. Before tle Big Towns Kimberly Schlapman yelled.
including The Netherlands, Ma- Walsh and co-hosts Luke Bryan and Dierks Bent- he took home song of the year for Die a Happy Me too, screamed fellow member Karen Fair-
laysia, New Zealand, and Chile, child.
and is now screening in 55 Territo- ley performed Johnny B. Goode in tribute to Man, the presenters earned laughs from the audi-
ries. Japan is the last major market Chuck Berry, who died last month. ence for mocking the infamous mishap at the recent Continued on Page 21
where Beauty and the Beast has
yet to screen it opens in the
country on April 21.
Beauty and the Beasts suc- did better overseas, pulling in lm along with Paramount. It cost box ofce, in a quiet weekend million. They both nished with
cess continues Disneys hot streak. $40.1 million abroad from 50 for- a hefty $110 million to bring to ahead of a public holiday. $22.6 million for the three days.
The studio made $7 billion glob- eign territories. The science-ction the screen. Set in the near future, Suspect X, a Chinese adapta- For Kong the weekend score
ally last year, with four of its lms adventure has been dogged by Johansson plays an agent on the tion of a Japanese detective novel represented a 67% drop from its
crossing $1 billion. Next month charges of whitewashing after trail of terrorist hackers. (RTRS) that has been popular in China, powerful opening last week. But it
brings a sequel to Guardians of Scarlett Johansson landed the opened on top on Friday. It made also propelled its 10-day cumula-
the Galaxy, with followups to lead role. Her character, a cyber- $6.71 million from some 72,000 tive score to $123 million. That
Cars, Thor, and Star Wars enhanced human, was Asian in the LOS ANGELES: New release, screenings, according to data from is good news for Wanda, owner
all slated to open this year. Japanese manga that inspired the The Devotion of Suspect X and Ent Group. But on Saturday and of Kong producer Legendary
After bombing domestically, lm. DreamWorks Pictures and holdover Kong: Skull Island Sunday, Kong headed the chart Entertainment and for investor
Paramounts Ghost in the Shell Reliance Entertainment backed the Baldwin Trump were neck and neck at the Chinese with $6.99 million and $10.8 Tencent. (RTRS)


People & Places


Roland founder
Digital music pioneer
Ikutaro Kakehashi dies
TOKYO, April 3, (AP): Ikutaro Kakehashi, the
Japanese engineer who pioneered digital music and
founded synthesizer giant Roland Corp, has died, his
company ATV Corp said Monday. He was 87.
Kakehashi, reputed to have devoted his life to the
pursuit of live entertainment, had a denitive impact
on shaping the sound of electronic, hip hop and dance
He founded Roland in 1972, and the companys
rst product was the rhythm machine. Since then, Ro-
land instruments have graced the stage of top artists
from Lady Gaga to Omar Hakim.
Kakehashi received a Grammy in 2013 for devel-
oping MIDI, or Musical Instrument Digital Interface,
which digitally connects instruments.
Upon receiving the Gram-
my, Kakehashi noted how
quickly the years had passed
since the debut of the MIDI
protocol in 1983.
It is my great pleasure that
MIDI played a signicant role
in their prevalence, he said at
that time on the Roland web-
site. This years Technical
Grammy Award is the result of
the cooperation by the compa-
nies who worked towards the
Kakehashi same dream growth of elec-
tronic musical instruments.
ATV, a company Kakehashi founded in 2013, after
he left Roland, declined to give details about his death,
citing the familys wishes for privacy. Japanese media
reports said Kakehashi died on Saturday.
Music literally would not be what it is today with-
out Mr Kakehashi, said Steven Fisher, now at Yama-
ha and a former employee at Roland, who worked
with Kakehashi on electronic percussion and drum
Kakehashi taught him not to plan for something per-
fect, instead advising him to take action, follow your
passion and respect your competition, Fisher said on In this Jan 29, 1989 le photo, Clinto Eastwood poses with Doris Day at the 46th annual Golden Globe Awards in Beverly Hills, Calif. (AP)
his Facebook page Saturday, mourning his death.
Kakehashi always stressed that the advent of elec-
tronic music was not at odds with acoustic instru-
ments, or that it was trying to undermine the rich
legacy of music.
But amplication held great potential, including the Shes actually 95
possibility to create various speakers as well as pre-
sent music to far larger audiences, like the hundreds
at concert halls, not the previous dozens in old-style
chamber settings, he said.
One Roland product he liked to show off was a gui-
tar that was a collaboration with Fender, which could
Bday surprise for ageless Day
not only play Stratocaster riffs but also the sounds of LOS ANGELES, April 3, (AP): To On previous birthdays, Day has said goody two shoes image as so bor-
an acoustic guitar, sitar and 12-string acoustic guitar, Doris Days many admirers, the pert she doesnt care about her age but rath- ing, isnt necessarily predictable:
as well as instantly drop octaves and distort notes. and fresh-faced charmer who starred er using the occasion to highlight her Walters said she has been offered the
The options have widened, Kakehashi said of in Pillow Talk and Move Over Dar- favorite cause: animals. honorary award several times and po-
electronic music at a Roland seminar in 2012. I be- ling is ageless. A longtime supporter of animal wel- litely declined. She always concludes,
lieve the ways of musical expression have expanded. But Day turns 95 on Monday fare, Day founded the nonprot Doris he said, in a classic Doris tone
which is a birthday surprise to even Day Animal Foundation in 1978 to Never say never!
the star herself, who has long pegged provide grants to projects that rescue,
Chicago blues musician Lonnie Brooks, whose re- her age to a 1924 birthdate that would care for and protect animals. Among Also:
lationship with his adopted hometown was cemented make her 93. Media outlets have vari- the wide-ranging recipients: a group POUGHKEEPSIE, New York: A con-
by his hit recording of Robert Johnsons Sweet ously reported her as between 93 and that helps seniors and others with pet cert venue owned by recording star
Home Chicago, died at age 83, his son Ronnie Bak- In this Jan 11, 2013 photo, Ikutaro 95. care needs; one that provides trained Daryl Hall is suing a New York town,
er Brooks said Sunday. Kakehashi speaks during a press con- A copy of Days birth certicate, service dogs for veterans and others; saying that measures taken to reduce
A prolic musician known for his intense guitar so- ference after he received a Grammy, obtained by The Associated Press from Iowa Parrot Rescue, and Mist Acres, the occupancy of the site would force
los and raspy but strong voice, Brooks died on Satur- for developing MIDI, or Musical Instru- Ohios Ofce of Vital Statistics, settles a Minnesota horse sanctuary. the business to close.
day night, his son said. mental Digital Interface technology, the issue: Doris Mary Kappelhoff, her The Poughkeepsie Journal reports
Brooks came to the blues by a circuitous route. which digitally connects instruments, pre-fame name, was born on April 3, Mission the dispute comes amid negotiations
Born Lee Baker Jr in Louisiana, he was focused on in Hamamatsu, central Japan. (AP) 1922, making her 95. Her parents were Day, who lives in Carmel, Califor- to build an outdoor stage at Daryls
guitar when he was noticed and invited to Chicago by Alma and William Kappelhoff of Cin- nia, has effectively parlayed her fame House, a venue owned by the Hall and
soul singer Sam Cooke more than 50 years ago. He cinnati. for her mission. This year, shes seek- Oates musician.
stayed and changed his name to Lonnie Brooks. Ive always said that age is just a ing to bring younger people on board A lawsuit led in March seeks to
He recorded a number of albums for Chicago-based number and I have never paid much with a social media campaign that asks prevent the town of Pawling from
Alligator Records Living Chicago Blues series attention to birthdays, but its great to people to post a photo or video of their lowering the venues maximum occu-
including classics such as Bayou Lightning, Hot nally know how old I really am! Day pet with the hashtag #DorisBirthday- pancy from 318 standees to 198.
Shot, and Lone Star Shootout. He appeared in Dan said in a statement Sunday. Wish and the tag @ddaf_org for her The lawsuit comes in response to
Aykroyds lm Blues Brothers 2000. Shes in excellent company with foundation. The best of the submis- notice given in early March that says
In an interview with the Chicago Tribune in 1992, other vibrant Hollywood standouts sions will be combined into a digital the venues headcount was over capac-
Brooks said the blues did not come naturally to him lucky enough to reach that milestone birthday card for her. ity.
at rst. year, including Betty White, a close Famous friends and admirers are Live From Daryls House is a mu-
Then one night, I saw Magic Sam (Maghett) in a friend, and Carl Reiner. among those saluting Day online. sic program that lms at the Hudson
little blues club on the South Side. He went on stage There has long been speculation Country music star Reba McEntire Valley venue. Performers last year in-
right after hed gotten into a big ght with his girl- Cena Bella and rumors about Doris age and we tweeted that she was donating to the cluded Kenny Loggins, Wyclef Jean,
friend, and it was like he was taking it out on his gui- get this question a lot, looks like we foundation and invited her Twitter fol- Cheap Trick and Elle King.
tar. I seen how it came from the heart, so I went home nally have the answer, said Days lowers to do the same.
to the basement, and got into that mood that Magic spokesman, Charley Cullen Walters. Day, who started out as a big band
Sam had been in, and the blues came to me, Brooks Variety The story I have heard the most is singer, made her lm debut in 1948 LOS ANGELES: Michael Jacksons
said. that at one point Doris was up for a with Romance On the High Seas son, Prince, is showing off a tattoo
He toured for many years with his son Wayne and role when quite young and her age may before starring in a string of smash- tribute to the late King of Pop.
Ronnie, who are both guitar players.
LOS ANGELES: Paramount Pictures has have been miswritten on the audition hit 1950s and 60s rom-coms. She Prince Jackson posted a video of
named longtime Disney executive Dan form. We dont know if thats correct, remained a pop star as well, with hits the new ink on Instagram on Friday. It
He was a great family man and a great musician Cohen the new president of worldwide
and did a hell of a job with both, Ronnie Baker but if so it couldve simply stuck for all including Whatever Will Be Will Be shows Michael Jackson in a signature
television licensing, Variety has learned. black-and-red outt striking a dance
Brooks said. In his new role, Cohen will oversee the these years. (Que Sera) and Secret Love.
Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel called him a blues global licensing and distribution of all He said Day and White had long Pillow Talk earned her an Acad- pose. His up-raised arms are laced with
legend with a towering talent and soulful style that Paramount lms, television series and other joked about White being two years emy Award nomination, and she won angel wings. Prince Jackson calls the
won him legions of fans across the country and around content across multiple platforms including older. critical acclaim for dramatic turns in tattoo incredible and beautiful. He
the world. mobile, pay television, broadcast, cable and Now we know that they are actu- Midnight Lace and Love Me or says it took nine hours to complete.
SVOD as well as emerging digital arenas. ally just a couple months apart, and Leave Me. But Oscar gold, including He and younger sister Paris also re-
He will lead the television licensing teams turns out its an even bigger exciting the lifetime achievement award that vealed a set of companion tattoos last
Darcus Howe, one of the most prominent black ac- in setting strategy and guiding the teams landmark than we thought, Walters her career justies, hasnt come to her. month, with each sporting one half of
tivists of his generation in Britain, has died. He was in their negotiations across the global said. White was born in January 1922. Yet Day, who once dismissed her the yin and yang symbol on their legs.
74, and had been suffering from prostate cancer. marketplace and nding strategic distribu-
Howe was a leader of the UKs little-chronicled tion opportunities. In this new role, he will
black power movement, which battled institutional report to Andrew Gumpert, Paramounts ask her to marry him. among the companies and organizations rity Initiative, will be based at the City
racism and challenged the prevailing view that racism chief operating ofcer. She said yes. (AP) launching a $14 million fund to promote University of New York. It will run as an
wasnt a problem in modern-day Britain. Im thrilled to bring aboard a seasoned news literacy and increase trust in journal- independent project of the CUNY Graduate
executive like Dan, who was the force School of Journalism.
Genuine behind some of the most important pay-tv NEW YORK: Facebook and Mozilla are The nonprot, called the News Integ- Others contributing to the fund include
He was a genuine radical, Howes biographer, licensing deals in our industry, Gumpert Craigslist founder Craig Newmark and the
Robin Bunce of Cambridge University, said. He was said. He has a proven track record of Ford Foundation.
at the center for bringing racial justice to the UK. growing the business while discovering Recent polls show the publics trust in
Howe rose to prominence in 1970 when he mas- the ideal distribution platforms for content. the news industry at a low.
terminded a campaign to stop the Metropolitan Police I look forward to working with him to False news and misinformation, often
from closing down the Mangrove Restaurant in Not- maximize our revenue opportunities for masquerading as trustworthy news and
ting Hill, a hub of black culture. Police had raided the Paramounts lms, series and catalogs. spreading on social media, has gained a lot
restaurant a dozen times, triggering a backlash that Cohen previously spent 20 years at Dis- of attention since the 2016 US presidential
ney/ABC where he most recently served as election. Companies like Facebook are try-
climaxed in a pitched battle between police and 250 executive vice president of pay television ing to address the issue. (AP)
protesters. and digital sales for home entertainment
Howe and eight others the so-called Mangrove
and television distribution for The Walt
Nine were charged with riot, affray and assault. But Disney Studios, where he distributed LOS ANGELES: Chinas theatrical box
the trial, and Howes ultimate acquittal, brought pub- catalog and properties including Disney, ofce showed no sign of recovery in the
lic attention to the issue. Pixar, Marvel, Lucaslm, ABC and Disney rst quarter of the year. A weak March fol-
A decade later, he organized a march to protest Channel to businesses around the globe. lowed an up and down rst two months.
what activists saw as the failure of police to fully in- (RTRS) Box ofce revenue for March was
vestigate allegations that a racially motivated arson RMB3.37 billion ($88 million) according
attack caused the New Cross Fire, in which 13 young to data from Ent Group. That was a 9%
black people died. ORLANDO, Florida: Wrestlers John lower than March 2016 when the reported
Born in Trinidad, Howe came to Britain in 1961 Cena and Nikki Bella nished off their op- total was $539 million (RMB3.72 billion.)
with the intention of studying law. Instead, he became ponents at WrestleMania and then decided Admissions were 101 million compared
a writer. At the advice of his uncle, the Caribbean to take on what could be their biggest chal- with 109 million in the equivalent month
intellectual C.L.R. James, Howe in 1968 attended a lenge yet: Marriage. last year.
Cena got down on one knee after the pair (Data had shown January gaining on last
congress of black writers in Montreal, where he met defeated The Miz and Marse in a tag team year, and February declining. But with the
members of the US-based Black Panther Party. match Sunday at WrestleMania 33. A tweet Chinese New Year holidays having shifted
He recalled his early days in London in a 2013 col- from WWE showed Cena proposing with a from February last year into January this
umn for the Guardian newspaper. diamond ring. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau (right), and his wife Sophie Gregoire time, such month-by-month comparisons
He said he had been waiting so long to Trudeau appear on stage at the Juno Awards show on April 2, in Ottawa. (AP) were distorted.) (RTRS)


Brian Kelley (third from left), and Tyler Hubbard (third from right), of Florida Georgia Line and (from left), AJ McLean, Brian Littrell, Nick Carter, Howie Dorough and Kevin Richardson, of Backstreet Boys, perform at the 52nd
annual Academy of Country Music Awards at the T-Mobile Arena on April 2 in Las Vegas. (AP)

Jason Aldean, winner of the award for Carrie Underwood (left), and Keith Urban perform The Fighter. (AP) Faith Hill (left), and Tim McGraw perform Speak To a Girl. (AP) Brian Kelley (left), and Tyler Hubbard,
Entertainer of the Year, poses in the of Florida Georgia Line, pose in the
press room. (AP) press room with their awards. (AP)

Cole Swindell performs Flatliner. Luke Bryan (from left), Joe Walsh and Dierks Bentley perform John- Hillary Scott (from left), Charles Kelley, and Dave Haywood, of Lady Kelsea Ballerini performs Yeah Boy.
(AP) ny B. Goode. (AP) Antebellum perform. (AP) (AP)

T.J. Osborne (left), and John Osborne, of Brothers Jon Pardi poses in the press room with the award. Thomas Rhett poses in the press room with his Miranda Lambert accepts the award for Female Vo-
Osborne, pose in the press room with their awards. (AP) awards. (AP) calist of the Year. (AP)

Top nominee Urban walks away empty-handed

Jason Aldean wins entertainer of the year

Continued from Page 19 titude will be a main focus Sunday night as Single record of the year: H.O.L.Y.,
The Academy of Country Music Awards country musics A-list players celebrate their Florida Georgia Line.
will unite Democrats and Republicans, ac- success in the genre. Song of the year: Die a Happy Man,
cording to Luke Bryan, the shows host and a Florida Georgia Line may have lost enter- Thomas Rhett.
part-time comedian. tainer of the year to Jason Aldean, but the Male vocalist of the year: Thomas Rhett.
The country star, hosting Sundays show country duo owned the Academy of Country Female vocalist of the year: Miranda
for the fth straight year, joked as usual Music Awards, thanks to some help from the Lambert.
about his duties at the country music party held Backstreet Boys. Vocal duo of the year: Brothers Osborne.
annually in Las Vegas and airing live on CBS. The boy band brought the audience to its Vocal group of the year: Little Big Town.
Democrats and Republicans are going to get feet at the T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas on Video of the year: Forever Country,
along on Sunday night. Theyre all going to watch Sunday night, singing their anthemic classic Artists of Then, Now & Forever.
the ACMs together and stuffs going to start hap- Everybody (Backstreets Back), and get- Vocal event of the year: May We All,
pening in this country. Its going to change, Bry- ting fans such as Carrie Underwood, Nicole Florida Georgia Line and Tim McGraw.
an said in an interview with The Associated Press. Kidman, Tim McGraw and others out of their New female vocalist of the year: Maren
Cats and dogs are going to make out. seats to sing and dance along. Morris.
Coming to an election near you. Is politics New male vocalist of the year: Jon Pardi.
your next career? chimed in fellow country Winners New vocal duo or group of the year:
Raelynn arrives at the 52nd annual singer Dierks Bentley, who will co-host with Entertainer of the year: Jason Aldean. Brothers Osborne. Nicole Kidman (left), and Keith Urban
Academy of Country Music Awards. Bryan. Yes, Bryan replied. Album of the year: The Weight of These Songwriter of the year: Lori McKenna. arrive at the 52nd annual Academy of
(AP) Their playful demeanor and carefree at- Wings, Miranda Lambert. (AP) Country Music Awards. (AP)


Cantores Maiores Choir human live voice

Dar Al Athar to present Springtime Music

KUWAIT CITY, April 3: Dar Al
Athar Al Islamiyya will hold Organ
and Choir Concert Springtime Music
by Cantores Maiores on Wednesday,
April 5 at 07:00 pm at the Al-
Yarmouk Cultural Centre Yarmouk,
Block 3, Street 3. The concert is being
held as part of the 22nd Cultural
Season. Entrance is free.
The project Springtime Music by
Cantores Maiores Choir is a contin-
uation of a 8-year conductors activity
of Dr Valentina Maria Baginska in
Kuwait. The purpose of it is to present
the beauty and emotional richness of
worldwide famous and favorite songs
from movies and musicals.
Cantores Maiores Choir is very
young, lled with talented people
coming from different cultural back-
grounds and many countries: Egypt,
India, Philippines and Poland. They
were brought together by their com-
mon love to singing and to music.
Dr Valentina Maria Baginska
consecutively fullls her artistic
visions, perfecting vocal abilities of
the singers, combining the members
of Cantores Maiores into a single,
perfect and most beautiful musical
instrument human live voice.
The predecessor of Cantores
Maiores was The Embassy Vo-
cal Ensemble The Polish Singers
which came to existence thanks to its
founder and director, Maestro Valenti-
na Maria Baginska in May 2010. The
purpose of The Polish Singers was
to popularize Polish music in Kuwait.
The rst project ,Polonia Restituta
(Poland Reborn) was concluded
with a concert on the 8th of Novem-
ber 2010 to the occasion of Polish
Independence Day. The repertoire
consisted of historical and patriotic
songs, as well as instrumental music
and presentation of Polish rich history
by the narrator.
The second project, Music Semper
Viva (Music Always Alive) had its
purpose to bring Polish folk tradition,
show the richest and varsity of Pol-
ish folk songs from all over Poland.
Similarly, the Polish dances (polonez,
mazur, krakowiak, oberek, kujawiak).
The project concluded with a per-
formance on the Dec 14, 2011 to the
occasion of the Polish Presidency in Dr Valentina Maria Baginska, music director and conductor
the Council of the European Union.
The third project , Music from
Mazurkas Land consisted of tra-
ditional, army and popular songs, as
well as instrumental dance music. The
concert took place on Dec 5, 2012.
The fourth project , Musica Lin-
gua Mundi (Music is the Language
of the World) on Dec 8, 2013 was of
international nature in 12 languages.
Music is a universal language, felt and
understood without the need of trans-
lating the text. Every human being is
able to feel the atmosphere created
by the music, as well as the emotion.
Music is a medium of expressing hu-
man emotion. Music, choral singing
is a bridge, connecting people all over
the world.
The fth project, The Art of
Canons on April 29, 2015 presented
a richness of European polyphonic
music starting from 13th century and
requested more advanced skill in
choral singing.
The sixth project The Sound of
Music on 6th April 2016 was ful-
lled by the songs composed by Oscar
Hammerstein II (lyric) and Richard
Rodgers (music).
Dr Valentina Maria Baginska is an
artist with international achievements
as a conductor, concert organist,
pianist, music professor, juror, lec-
turer and impresario. She graduated
with rst class honors degree at the
Frederic Chopin University of Music
in Warsaw, the Music Academies
in Gdansk (PhD in organ perform-
ing) and in Riga. She perfected her Cantores Maiores Choir
virtuoso skills in prestigious European
music centers.
She was assistant professor and
associate conductor at the Frederic GSC regularly holds seminars with experts in various fields of study
Chopin University of Music and su-
pervisor in the National Philharmonic
in Warsaw, conducted many choirs
and orchestras. Some of her students
are currently famous Polish vocalists,
opera singers and conductors.
GUST holds workshop on Technical Communication
KUWAIT CITY, April 3: Gulf Uni- University of Navarra, Professor al political, economic, social, cultural,
Prestigious versity for Science and Technology Lloyd Davis, University of Otago, and environmental issues of critical
Maestro Baginska performed in (GUST) today announced a workshop and Dr Michael Bourk, GUST. importance, as well as share research
Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, by their Global Studies Center (GSC), Throughout the workshop, they output and information regionally
Denmark, Estonia, Germany, France, led by Professor Bienvenido Leon of shared results of an international and globally. It seeks to foster public
Kuwait, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, the University of Navarra, Professor research project on online science understanding of global issues and
Russia, Sweden, Switzerland and Lloyd Davis of the University of Ota- communication, involving 15 schol-
go, and Dr Michael Bourk of GUST, ars from ve different countries and support the policy-making processes
Ukraine during prestigious interna-
tional music festivals. entitled Technical Communication nine different universities. of concerned states.
She recorded CDs with organ for Non-Technical People: Opportuni- Their ndings were highlighted to Previous events hosted by the GSC
music, made interviews and perfor- ties and Challenges Communicating help attendees improve their science include a discussion to commemorate
mances in Radio and TV. Science in Digital Environments, communication messages with non- the 25th anniversary of the liberation
She cooperated with different gov- which took place on the university technical audiences and communities. of Kuwait from Iraqi occupation,
ernmental and social organizations, campus this week. The focus of the Attendees were given better tools sponsored by the US Embassy in Ku-
corpus diplomatic; she made music event was to help faculty and staff and advice to enable them to become wait, a lecture by Dr Peter Sluglett, an
therapy projects with disabled people. learn how to communicate scientic better communicators of scientic expert on Middle Eastern history and
Dr Baginska introduced the organ and technical knowledge more effec- and technical knowledge, which can Director of the Middle East Institute
into Kuwaiti music life. Since 2006 in tively to students or colleagues. be used with their students, or during at NUS, entitled: An Improvement
Dar Al-Athar Al-Islamiyyah, she regu- Assistant Professor in the Mass research seminars with a non-special-
larly performs organ recitals, chamber on Colonialism? The A Mandates
Communication & Media (MCM) De- ized audience.
concerts and lectures with versatile partment at GUST, Dr Michael Bourk, The GSC regularly holds seminars and their Legacy in the Middle East,
Dr Michael Bourk of GUST. and another by Dr Daniel Brumberg,
repertoire ranging from Renaissance to said, Academics sometimes struggle with experts in various elds of study.
Modern periods. These include organ, to communicate their research in the and fake news proliferation, we need environments. The center was founded in 2015 in the Kuwait Program Visiting Profes-
symphonic and piano music arranged everyday language of most people. to ensure the ability to communicate The workshop was interactive, partnership with the National Univer- sor at the Paris School of International
by her for organ. She also performed This workshop aims to address this objective truths and rational science taking on a panel discussion style sity of Singapore, and aims to conduct Affairs, on US-Arab Relations in a
Arabic music arranged for organ. issue. In an era of pseudo-science effectively, particularly in online with Professor Bienvenido Leon, cutting-edge research on cross-nation- Time of Crisis.
Maestro Baginska is called a
woman-orchestra since she presents
a modern digital organ Viscount-Pres- Music School in Cracow. In 2001- co-founder and vice-chairman of Carl 1. Somewhere, my love Lyric Lyric by O. Hammerstein II, music by 10. Fly me to the moon Lyric
tige 100 in St Augustine Warsaw and 2006 she graduated with Master Loewes Association in Szczecin, by P.F. Webster, music by M. Jarre; R. Rodgers; from South Pacic and music by B. Howard; from In
the same model of organ in Kuwait. Degree (diploma with distinction) at Poland, organizer of the ofce and Laras Theme from Doctor Zhivago 6. Mona Lisa Lyric and music Other World
She is the initiator and animator for the Academy of Music in Bydgoszcz internal and international activities of 2. My Cherie Amour Lyric and by Y. Livingston and R. Evans; from Cantores Maiores Choir com-
organ music in Kuwait, one from the Piano Department and in 2005-2008 the Society. music by S. Wonder, S. Moy, H. the Paramount Picture Captain prises of Annabelle Valencia, Arlene
founders and a former member of Acting-Vocal Department. Since autumn 2009 she is a piano Cosby Carey Bacani, Jasmine Bitoin, Jocelyn Cello,
DAI Music Circle Committee. For her In 2006-2008 she worked as ac- teacher in private music school Ku- 3. Strangers in the night Lyric 7. Speak softly, love Lyric by Leila Menezes, Marlene Guliban,
untiring efforts to popularize Polish companist at the Academy of Music wait Music Academy in Kuwait. She by Ch. Singleton and E. Snyder, L. Kusik, music by N. Rota; from the Michelle Menezes, Mylene Mosquito,
music abroad, many connoisseurs (Acting-Vocal Department) and as a participated as singer and pianist in music by B. Kaempfert; from A man Paramount Picture The Godfather Nancy Eshak, Olivia Lobo, Pamela
described her as a music ambassador piano teacher & accompanist at Music several music projects leading by Dr could get killed 8. Oh, what a beautiful morning Viegas, Rachael Rodrigues, Rosie
for Poland. Schools. In 2008-2009 she worked Valentina Baginska in Dar Al-Athar 4. Where or when Lyric by L. Lyric by O. Hammerstein II, music by Ferrao, Shaila Lobo, Shanece-Ann
Kinga Masternak is a Polish pianist at Private Music School Pogodno Al-Islamiyyah. Hart, music by R. Rodgers; from R. Rodgers; from Oklahoma DMello, Sybil Fernandes. Albert
and singer. In 2001 she graduated Muzyczne in Szczecin. Choir Concert Springtime Mu- Babies in arms 9. Always Lyric and music by Edulan, Bernie Minucan, Gaspar Bap-
with distinction F. Chopin High In 2009 Kinga Masternak was sic to feature following songs: 5. Younger than springtime I. Berlin tista, Hywel Pinto, Trevor Furtado.


Gratifications and gains

WFK presents insightful poetry, prose at monthly meeting

KUWAIT CITY, April 3: What Boris Paster- Ali Chougle have their own Halo Effect, there (Urdu), Kamaal Ansari (Urdu), Shakeel Jam-
nak said about Literature, could not have been also are present in WFK other ne and shedpuri (Urdu), Chhaya Thakkar (Gujurati),
truer than what the evenings of Writers Forum young creative litterateurs. Umesh Sharma (Hindi), Rajesh Verlekar (Eng-
bring to the fore. He had said: Literature is the While the evening was presided over by lish), Tushar Misra (Oriya), Dr Navniit Gandhi
art of discovering something extraordinary Aamir Diwan who writes poetry in Hindi, (Hindi) and Chhaya Athavale (Hindi). Another
about ordinary people, and saying with ordi- the Chief Guest on the occasion was Dr former member Parminder Kaurs poem in
nary words something extraordinary. Arvind Raina who is one of the founders of English was recited by her father Mohan
At the monthly meeting of the Writers WFK and writes poems in Hindi, Dogri, and Singh. Others who were present included Sunil
Forum, Kuwait (WFK) held at the residence English. The meeting was steered by Rajesh Sonsi, Rajeev Athavale, Ameer Uddin Ameer
of its President Umesh Sharma on March Verlekar. and Milind Rajgolikar.
31, some very insightful and beautiful words In the rst session, Maimuna Ali Chougle The Chief Guest Dr Arvind Raina weaved
in poetry and prose, were presented by its presented a critique on a great scholar, poet, his sentiments beautifully into words and
members. and professor at Aligarh Muslim University expressed his happiness at the WFKs success
The beauty not only lay in the content which Ale Ahmad Suroor. The article was very in bringing and keeping together the languages
had depth and provoked the listeners to think, well received, and so was the short story and poets of all seasons.
but it also lay in the linguistic variety thereof. that followed in Oriya, penned and narrated He said that all the presentations evoked
Original Short Story, Essays, Articles and by Biswa Ranjan. The story was translated some very strong and deeply moving emo-
Poetry were narrated and recited in English, in English by another Oriya poet Tushar tions. He then recited a beautiful poetry in
Hindi, Urdu, Oriya, Sanskrit, and Gujrati. Misra. Dr Navniit Gandhi presented a satiri- Hindi. Aamir Diwan who was presiding
The Forum is unique in the sense that it cal essay in Hindi on the spiritual bonding over the evening, also expressed his elation
unequivocally cherishes each and every Indian that the mobile phones have brought about and contentment, while listening to all the
language and encourages the amateurs and the amongst humans. members. He too recited a gripping poem in
stalwarts to share space and thoughts on the The second session comprised the recita- Hindi.
same platform. While the seniors such as Dr tion of poetry by Preeti Rajgolikar (Sanskrit), The host Umesh Sharma was thanked for
Arvind Raina, Umesh Sharma and Maimuna Ravin Singh (Hindi), Sayeed Nazar Kadapavi A photo from the event. the gracious hospitality.

Photos from the event.

Billava Sangha family picnic 2017 a huge success

By Suresh S. Rao Neramballi waited at the venue since 5:30 am in the The picnic had fun elements for each and and men both tried power of their strength increased number of students.
morning for the rains to stop so as to make every age group. Small kids played musi- in Tug of war. The breaking the pot had a The breakfast for the event was spon-
Billava Sangha Kuwait members feel preparations for the event. cal chair, passing of the ball and ball in the twist with two people playing it blind folded sored by the sports secretary Sandesh
blessed to have successfully organized the The event commenced as the sky got basket, while the bigger kids enjoyed play- and three legged. A game of housie-housie Amin, Mineral water sponsored by Pradeep
Family Picnic 2017 at the Fintas Gardens clear at 10:00 am, with a prayer rendered ing Cricket Ball throw, Javelin throw and was also played with everyone trying their Kotian and delicious lunch was served by
by the future generation, the BSK kids. Rabbit Race. luck. Mughal Tandoori.
on March 24, 2017, a day when Kuwait had It was followed by the ag hoisting, The ladies competed to aim the Ring The picnic proved a platform to launch The event was concluded by the prize
thunderstorms from the early morning. But breaking of coconut by the President Ra- in the wicket and Sooji Dhara while the the 2017 Scholarship program, which was distribution, vote of thanks was given by
the day was spared by the rain god and the ghu Poojary and a lighting of the torch by men Frog Raced and played Single wick- initiated by Billava Sangha Kuwait from the the General Secretary Gautham Suvarna
rain spell followed only after the members the Sports Committee that included Sand- et hit. The couples Raced with the Bal- year 2016, in association with the Shree and the rafe winners names were an-
returned home after an eventful day in the esh Amin, Sudhir Kumar, Dheeraj Salian, loon and Raced feeding orange to their Guru Charitable Trust, Surathkal. nounced.
picnic. Sujith Kotian, Mithun Vishwanath, Avin Su- spouses. BSK had given scholarship to 88 stu- The picnic was beautifully hosted by
BSK applauds its Sports Committee and varna, Ms Jyothi Sudhir and Ms Ashwitha There were team games of Volleyball for dents in the last year and anticipate of Amarnath Suvarna and photographed by
the ground marking team who patiently Surendra. men and Throw ball for ladies, while ladies continuing this charity this year as well with Sandeep Attavar.


Somethin different
By Dean Fosdick Fill the space but leave breathing room, food and have no space.
he said. n Predation. If the bulbs dont sprout, it
Other things to consider if bulb foliage de- may be because voles or squirrels ate them,
D affodils and tulips are almost certain
to bloom when another spring rolls
around, but even they can have an occa-
velops but the blooms dont follow:
n Timing. Maybe youre planting too early
Mason said. There are no wildlife-proof bulbs
but some like daffodils, fritillaria and allium
sional bad season. or too late for spring-blooming bulbs. Plant are more distasteful to foraging wildlife than
Perennial bulbs need a long dormancy pe- too early and theyre susceptible to disease. others.
riod after they nish owering a chance to Plant too late and they may not have enough Unseasonable freeze-thaw cycles also hin-
regenerate. Without that, theyre likely to be time to develop. der bulb performance. A string of late-winter
colorless the following year, or what horticul- n Depth: Perhaps youre not planting the temperatures soaring into the 50s and 60s
turists call blind plants. bulbs deep enough. Bulbs should be placed 2 followed closely by another round of blow-
Even after the plants have nished bloom- to 3 times their height into the soil. ing snow or freezing rain can wreak havoc on
This undated photo provided by Victoria Hannley shows a fairy garden made by Hann- n Growing conditions. If leaves and stems emerging bulbs. But there is little a gardener
ing and dropping their petals, they are active- ley, in Tucson, Arizona. (AP)
ly photosynthesizing, said Christian Curless, dont appear, then dig down and check the can do when the weather turns, Curless said.
a spokesman for Colorblends, a wholesale landscape? approach isnt without its problems. bulbs. Its possible they rotted because the If the owers havent opened, theres a
bulb company in Bridgeport, Connecticut. Thats a big unknown, Curless said. Be sensitive to how much sunlight each ground was too wet. Find areas with better good chance theyll survive the variable tem-
Leave them alone until the foliage is yel- Theres no rule of thumb for how long bulbs needs, Curless said. Daffodils planted next drainage for the next batch of bulbs you plant. peratures, he said.
lowed and withered, Curless said. A plant should be allowed to get the energy they need to a small perennial can op all over that pe- n Massing. If the leaves are small, the Gardeners know from woeful experience
stays green as long as it needs to stay green. to bloom again. rennial. And if you plant daffodils with some- bulbs may have to be divided, said Sandra that you cant control the weather.
What are the odds they will continue to Some gardeners try camouaging their thing like hosta, they may shade the daffodils Mason, an extension horticulturist with the A major part of planting spring-blooming
ower if you gamble and promptly clear bulbs after they ower by planting them to the extent that their leaves arent getting University of Illinois. After a time, they get bulbs is that it requires a leap of faith, Cur-
those unsightly stems and leaves from your among groups of different perennials, but that any light. so tight in there that theyre competing for less said. (AP)


Foundation to mark World Health Day for the first time in Kuwait

Life Again aims to inspire the terminally-ill

By Suresh Shyam Rao Neramballi
KUWAIT CITY, April 3: Life Again Foun-
dations is celebrating the World Health
Day 2017 for the rst time in Kuwait with
Padmasri Shobanas Trance on 8th April 2017
at American International School, Maidan
Hawalli, Kuwait at 6 pm. The programme is
organized by Life Again Kuwait Team. The
entire programme will be conducted in English
and Arabic language to reach more audience.
Life Again Foundation founded by the
renowned lm star Gautami Tadimalla in
Hydrabad in the year 2015 in Chennai & USA
in 2016 and in Kuwait 2017. It is a nonprot
organization established to help and inspire
people who are in the pre/post transformation
stage of terminal diseases. The foundation
is aimed to spread awareness on terminal
diseases like Cancer, Support and sponsor
medical treatment/therapies for the needy.
Message from Smt Gouthami Tadimalla:
We are proud to introduce ourselves as the
Life Again Foundation. We are a young
social service organization that has evolved
out of our own learnings while facing the
challenges that life has offered us. Life Again
is a Foundation that aims to harness the power
of the individual to effect a positive change
in society by means of offering an effective
platform for them to contribute to the welfare
of their fellow human beings and the world
around them.
Our motto is One for One, We are there for
Everyone and it is our aim that this becomes
the universal dictum that our world will live by
without barriers of race, color or creed.
One for One, We are there for Everyone
We recognize the power of One as having
the capacity to bring about great change in the
world. When one human being stands up to
support and uplift another, they create a wealth
of love and support that translates into a
culture of giving and sharing. Those that have
been helped by their fellow human beings in
their time of need realize the power of reach-
ing out and in turn create a network of truly
integrated humanity, connected at the deepest
level of human understanding. It is this vision A photo from the event
of a resurgent humanity that is at the heart of
Life Again Foundation. BSK students perform powerful drama
Life Again was born out of our understand-
ing that, no matter how great a challenge we
face, when we have surmounted it, there is life Hard to Swallow is a play by Mark Wheeller based on when they are extremely thin. It really was theatre laid bare, and with a true storyline deal-
again. And we must prepare ourselves to live Maureen Dunbars award winning novel and lm Cathe- Hard to Swallow was performed over two evenings by ing with such a sensitive topic there was no room for error .
that life with a fresh outlook and understand- rine: The Story of a young girl who died of Anorexia Nervo- Year 11 students studying GCSE Drama at The British School and the performances were superb, with all actors rising to
sa. People with eating disorders often struggle with body of Kuwait (BSK). With a cast of seven, simple costume, mini- the challenge and delivering a play that had the audience on
ing of our responsibilities towards our fellow image and disrupt their normal activities with unusual eat- mal set and makeup the performance was very much about the edge of their seats from start to nish.
human beings. Pursuing our lives with a ing habits to alter their appearance. Anorexia is a condition the ability of the actors to assume multiple roles and to really The hours performance ew past but the memory and
philosophy of consideration, care and sharing where people see themselves as being overweight, or want get into character. The focus of the audience was at all times message contained within the script will remain for much
is a way of building a more harmonious and to control the shape and size of a specic body part, even on the person speaking their lines; there were no distractions. longer; an epitaph to such a tragic life.
progressive society.
Essential building blocks of such a world
are good health practices and an education that available to help. Totally condential. Email: Cancer online support group: If you are help others. October is recognized as National lish- French; Arabic (English upon prior request);
arms one with the tools to live an informed and Cancer patient or family member ghting with Breast Cancer Awareness Month (NBCAM). The Arabic- English- French: Arabic (English upon
empowered life. A life that will allow each of us this deadly disease, come join our online support primary purpose is to promote self examination prior request)
to create our own opportunities and give us the group. Best way of dealing with this disease is and screening mammography as the most effec- Rules and Regulations:
freedom to pursue our dreams with equal ability Narcotics Anonymous: NA can help with providing support and share our experience with tive way to save lives by detecting breast cancer Please arrive in time for your visit.
and condence. A society that is aware of them- addiction problems. Totally confidential: each other. There are lot of things which even at early stage. For more information visit: http:// All visitors are kindly required to abide by the
selves as individuals and that is respectful of the 94087800 English/Arabic. doctors cant tell so be member of this website mosques dress code. Male visitors should wear
collective good, is a progressive and inclusive and start sharing your experiences which may long pants. Shorts and sleeveless shirts are not
allowed. Female visitors: should wear head cover
society. It is our aim to empower our fellow hu- Latest and long loose clothing (available at the mosque).
man beings with these necessary skills and drive Foods and drinks are not allowed inside the
the changes that will enable societies to evolve Chinese Embassy notice: Documents prayer halls.
in a positive and inclusive manner. issued in Kuwait and to be used in China
mainland shall rst be notarized and legalised For school visits, teachers are responsible for
It is our goal that Life Again is a way of life their students and are required to cooperate with
that must belong to every citizen of this world. by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Kuwait,
the staff members of the Grand Mosque.
One for One, We are there for Everyone is the and then be legalised by Chinese Embassy in Photography is allowed inside the Grand
motto that must inspire all of us to live the best Kuwait. Specic requirements and information Mosque (please note that disrespectful poses are
life that we can, in harmony and in pursuit of our for document legalisation, please refer to the strictly prohibited).
dreams with respect and love towards humanity. website of Chinese Embassy in Kuwait. If you would like to book a tour, please contact
For documents issued by member countries us:
This is a journey that must include every one of of the Apostille Convention*, after getting
us in order to be truly meaningful and successful. Tel: 22980813/ 22980815/ 22980812
Apostilles from the competent authorities, they Email:
To raise awareness about responsible health can be used in Hong Kong SAR and Macao
practices and screening for lifestyle diseases Fax: 22473708
SAR of China directly.
and cancer, we have been conducting regular *Refer to the Convention of Abolishing the
health and yoga camps through Kuwait that Requirement of Legalisation for Foreign Public Chinese Embassy notice: Please be noted
have beneted both the Kuwaiti as well as the Documents that effective starting today, the photo used in a
Indian peoples here. We are proud and happy Chinese visa application must meet the require-
that we have been able to make a beginning in ments (For details, please visit the website of
this manner and are anticipating expanding on Invitation to Grand Mosque: The Visits Chinese embassy
our initial efforts. We have received an amaz- Department is pleased to invite you to visit the eng/). Application with non-compliant photos
ing response and support from the people of Grand Mosque, which is one of Kuwaits most will not be processed.
Kuwait who have stepped forward with eager treasured religious and cultural landmarks to dis- Thank you for your attention and cooperation.
cover the beauty of Islamic arts and architecture.
and enthusiastic participation. This gives us
Free guided tours are available all year round
great impetus to carry our work forward and
dream bigger.
on ofcial working days between (9-11 am) and IEI Kuwait Chapter membership: The
(5-7 pm), within a special tour program designed Institution of Engineers (India), Kuwait chapter
One for One, We are there for Everyone. to cater to the needs of different age groups. The invites all its members to update their mem-
Life Again program is as follows: bership information for the year 2016-17 and
Reception; Auditorium show; (according to actively participate in the chapter activities.
age group); Touring the Mosque; Q & A; Art Indian engineers residing in Kuwait are welcome
click workshops; (according to age group between 5
and 18 years old); Snack break; Distribution of
to join the pool of more than 700,000 engineers
by becoming corporate or non-corporate mem-
the Grand Mosque publications and souvenirs; bers of The Institution of Engineers (India). IEI,
Alcoholics Anonymous: If you know End of tour. Kuwait Chapter conducts many technical events
someone who cant stop drinking and would like According to these age groups: for the benet of its members. Please watch for
to help them please check us out and we promise Age group: 5 to 9 years old: Morning: 60 visi- the upcoming events in your registered e-mail
to try to help at There are no tors max; Evening: 20; 10 to 15 years: Morning: or announcement in the media. The chapter has
fees. This is a genuine public service. 100 visitors max; Evening: 45; 16 and above: science club activities for members children, and
Morning: 140 visitors max, Evening: 105: ladies wing activities for the members family.

Tour language: Arabic- English- French; Ara-
Drinking problem?: Friends of Bill W. are A yer of the event. bic (English upon prior request); Arabic- Eng- Continued on Page 27


people & their pets

By Lisa Maria Garza With that amount of time, its not to- tastic shape. In fact, she might need to go
tally impossible hes just been roaming but on a diet when she gets home.
given how far he was from home, its likely How did BooBoo reach Canada?
is a story about a capricious cat
any wayward feline, mind
he had some help getting down here, she
Owner Ashley Aleman suspects Boo-
Boo hitched a ride as she has a habit of
Look out for the Arab Harveys owner Jackie Ewer told TV jumping in cars. The cat was identied by
Times series, the you, but a Tabby who wandered 800
miles from Denver to Dallas, took a side broadcaster Denver7 that the Tabby has a microchip.
Pet Palace, and read always been an outdoor cat and she was Animal protection ofcers will carry the
trip into a 25-foot (7.6 m) pit and is actu-
about how people and surprised he was found in Texas. cat across the border Friday.
ally going home after about nine months
their animals enrich on the road. If any cat would have some crazy ad- Also:
each others lives. The 5-year-old orange cat, who went venture, it would be Harvey. Hes very
funny, Ewer said. NEW YORK, NY: The ASPCA(r) (Ameri-
The Palace welcomes missing last June from his Colorado home, can Society for the Prevention of Cruelty
submissions by our narrowly escaped being cemented into the to Animals(r)) released national shelter
readers. If youd like hole when a utility worker spotted him and A cat that went missing in California estimates showing dramatic decreases in
to tell the world about called Dallas Animal Services. Harveys 2- years ago has shown up many miles shelter intake and euthanasia of homeless
your pet, send us a family was identied through a microchip away in Canada. dogs and cats.
photograph and ac- under his skin. The San Francisco Chronicle reports The ASPCA reports that an estimated
companying article for After a six-hour rescue, Harvey was that BooBoo the cat went missing in Au- 1.5 million companion animals are eu-
publication. caked in mud but uninjured, animal ser- gust 2014 in Watsonville, California. Last thanized in US animal shelters nationwide
Editor vices spokeswoman Gabrielle Vannini week, the tabby showed up in southeastern every year, a decrease from about 2.6 mil-
said. Canada, about 3,000 miles (4827.81 kilo- lion estimated in 2011. Contributing to this
How Harvey ended up in Dallas is any- meters) from home. reduction is an 18.5 percent increase in na-
ones guess and hes not saying. When BooBoo arrived at Guelph Hu- tional adoptions.
Nina Fetter, of Lima, Ohio, the handler for Letee,
a 3-year-old Pomeranian from Canton, Ohio, tries Vannini speculated that he may have mane Society in Ontario, she hardly looked An estimated 3.2 million shelter animals
a bite of a snack on the second day of the Western hitched a ride or walked all the way to the like a grizzled traveler. are adopted each year (1.6 million dogs
PA Kennel Association dog show at the Monroeville afuent Highland Park neighborhood in Humane society Executive Director and 1.6 million cats), up from 2.7 million
Convention Center in Monroeville, Pa on April 2. (AP) central Dallas. Adrienne McBride says BooBoo is in fan- adoptions in 2011. (Agencies)


(KUNA Jaber Abdualkhaleq)

Heavy clouds in Kuwaits sky.

New Look

Moon-based calendar one of his greatest contributions to Islamic world

Dr Salehs legacy soars high among the stars

This is the last in a series of articles on Al Hisban is a voluminous book dealing eclipse was held in great fear and awe. At the During his visit it was proposed to establish a
Dr Saleh Mohammed Al Aujairi (1921), the with the movement of the sun and the moon moment it was happening the whole popula- large observatory bearing his name. Saleh was
rst Kuwaiti astronomer and outstanding and predictions of main events befalling the tion took to the streets beating puts and drums, deeply moved.
gure in the development of Kuwait cultural years from 1900 to 2500. making a deafening noise, singing special In 1980 the Science Club was relocated
awakening. Another interesting book deals with how chants to scare away the terrible monster that at the Meshrif district, on the Sixth Ring
Editor one can predict eclipses of the moon and of was threatening to swallow the sun. Road; on the following year (in 1981) Saleh
the sun. When the sun eventually reappeared there Al Aujairi was awarded an honor Doctorate
was rejoicing, everyone was congratulating degree, the first ever issued by the Kuwait
Theories University.
By Lidia Qattan everyone else, and Saleh, knowing better, was
Scholars and scientists inevitably emerge simply smiling. On the 10th April 1986 HH the Amir,
Special to the Arab Times with some theories that question certain Incidentally, because of his connection with Sheikh Jaber Al Ahmad inaugurated Al
O ne of the greatest contributions Saleh Al
Aujairi made not only to his own country,
but to the Islamic world, is the moon-based
phenomena; Al Aujairi theory concerns the
earths plane of inclination to the sun, which
appears to become shorter, due to the moon
the stars and his wide range of knowledge on
cosmic phenomena, Saleh was regarded with
Aujairi Observatory, for Saleh Al Aujairi
that was indeed a proud, emotional moment;
having seen the realization of his dream he
special consideration by people, who believed
calendar he compiled, which was approved by interference. he possessed the power of healing. dropped his project at the Andalos .
a specially appointed committee of professors In his opinion the shortening is one of the Their belief grew stronger when a man Since the observatory was open to the
and scientists from universities from all over causes in changing global weather conditions. forced him, under threat, to perform some sort public it became a magnet to school children
the world, as well as by religious men at the Another interesting observation of Al Aujai- of miracle on his sick horse. By a fortuitous in particular.
conference of Istanbul in 1973. This unied ri is the relation of the earth inclination plane coincidence the animal recovered and the news From the start about 130 boys and girl
calendar, valuable in all Muslim countries, pointing North, which is right in the middle of that Saleh had the healing power spread like In 1981 the Kuwait University awarded began visiting it on a daily basis, about 8000
makes Saleh Al Aujairi the recognized author- the Islamic timing, as well as the precise point wild-re. Saleh Al Aujairi the Doctorate degree. during the rst scholastic year. Membership to
ity in his eld. where the Kaaba stands. Soon people were coming from all over the Club ranged around 6,500 members. The
Saleh also wrote several books, the rst Before the ofcial meteorological report fol- For forty years he pondered on this issue, number has increased since then.
town and beyond to seek help, bringing their till in the early seventies he decided to make
of which Astronomy lesson for beginner lowing the news, Saleh sick ones to Saleh to be cured. All through the years, while studying and
has been written in simple and direct style, to could tell to people what it feasible. working, Saleh has been lecturing on as-
Saleh had a hard time in convincing them He bought a 1,000 square meter of land
make it easy for beginners to appreciate the kind of weather they that he was an ordinary man with no special tronomy and meteorology at the Science Club,
beauty and thrills of astronomy. were to expect in days, in the Andalos district, traveled to the in schools, in summer clubs and taking part in
power at all! USA and the UK to buy equipments for
Knowledge of timing, is a specialized even weeks ahead. He Incidentally that was the time when he symposiums.
book, in it the author deals with the timing could also explain in his project and in 1973 he got the building Society advances on the fullled dreams of
began practicing magic tricks and hypno-
of seasons and other terrestrial or heavenly detail certain phenom- tism, people still remembers some of his best under-way. others. Saleh Al Aujairi has left a legacy that
events, some of them in connection with ena occurring with the performances. Incidentally, at about the same time a group has contributed to the general cultural awaken-
religion. season, for example of young dilettanti, headed by Abdul Sharhan ing of Kuwait.
Universal Almanac is a book of special why the population of Knowledge and Dawd Sleman Ahmad, were also planning In his retirement he is still the same quick
importance to scholars in particular; in it the some insects explodes at From the time Saleh Al Aujairi became to have an astronomy center in Salmiya, to witted, positive minded individual as in his
author had been drawing a comparison of tim- certain period. seriously involved in astronomy he was attract young enthusiasts to the science of younger days.
ing between the Moon-year in respect to the Lidia Qattan He also could predict dreaming of having an astronomy center with astronomy and meteorology. Humble in his greatness, his restless spirit
Solar year. correctly when the month an observatory in Kuwait, where young people In 1975 they founded the Astronomy club soars high among the stars with the same en-
The calculation begins with Year One Al of Ramadan starts and ends, and when a solar could become acquainted with the beauty and within the premises of the Tourist club. thusiasm with which he gazed at the night sky
Hajry (Moon year) up to 2000, the total cor- or moon eclipse is due. purpose of astronomy , and gain some useful When the secretary of the club met Al Au- when he rst opened his eyes to this world and
responds to the year 2562 AD (Solar-year). In the old days of superstitions a solar- knowledge. jairi in 1977, he invited him to visit the place. fell in love with the stars.


Award recognises bank strategy to provide tailored services

Gulf Bank wins Excellence in VIP Customer Service Award

KUWAIT CITY, April 3: Gulf Bank to thank Kuwaits Public Relations and customer service experts. The
was pleased to receive the Excellence Association for this recognition. The evaluation was based on international
in VIP Customer Service Award Excellence in VIP Customer Service standards in regards to the level of
from Kuwaits Public Relations As- award afrms the success of Gulf client servicing and the ability to meet
sociation. Held under the patronage Banks strategy to provide its valued the clients needs.
of HH the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al- customers with services tailored to The event also featured a number
Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, the awards their needs. of workshops about the strategies of
ceremony took place on March 29, With Gulf Bank Priority Banking, public relations and customer service
2017 at Sheikh Jaber Al-Ahmad customers enjoy a personalized and targeted at employees of ministries
Cultural Center. preferential treatment coupled with and organizations, in addition to a
The event convened a high level a suite of Banking and investment small exhibition area where partici-
of attendance, where the Minister of products and services designed to pants showcased their products and
Social Affairs and Labor HE Hind Al- meet their nancial goals. services.
Subaih and the Chairman of Kuwaits The awards aim at underscoring the The Kuwait Public Relations
Public Relations Association, Jamal- importance of customer service and Award is one of the most prestigious
Al Nasrallah presented the award to public relations that require unique events in Kuwait. The main objectives
Gulf Bank representative, Meshari skills and high experience, and at of the association is to promote the
Shehab, Assistant General Manager highlighting the efforts invested in the role of the State of Kuwait in public
Priority Banking. elds of public relations and customer relations practice and functions, to
Upon receiving the award, Meshari service across all industries, from the create channels of cooperation with
Shehab commented in a statement to public and private sectors. international and regional public
the press: We are proud to be recog- A judging committee was formed relations associations, and to raise
nized for our efforts in Priority Bank- Meshari Shehab, Assistant General Manager Priority Banking at Gulf Bank accepting the award from the Min- to select the winners. It consisted of awareness of the importance of this
ing customer service and would like ister of Social Affairs and Labor HE Hind Al-Subaih. international and local public relations industry.

All 10 777-300ER aircraft to be in service by Q3 2017

Kuwait Airways 6th Boeing arrives on time

KUWAIT CITY, April 3: Kuwait
Airways, the ofcial national carrier
of the State of Kuwait, has once again
welcomed a further addition into its
eet today, with the arrival at Kuwait
International Airport of the sixth of
10 Boeing 777-300ER aircraft on
order. The sixth delivery in only four
The new aircraft is to be called
Meskan named after the small
Kuwaiti island just off the East coast A photo from the event
of the mainland.
The addition of Meskan brings
Kuwait Airways operational eet Live presentation held
up to 25, with the ve 777-300ER
aircraft already in service having
made an immediate impact on the
ofcial national carrier of Kuwaits
Centrepoint showcases style
improving product, seat capacity and
frequency increases to its passengers.
The sixth Boeing arrives during a
inspiration for SS17 collection
Summer Season that Kuwait Airways
Rasha Al Roumi, Chairperson and CEO, Kuwait Airways, welcomes the airlines 6th Boeing 777-300ER with ight, cabin recently announced has seen its KUWAIT CITY, April 3: Regional
and ground crew. weekly frequencies increased by 16
per cent, across its network a total
fashion retailer, Centrepoint, recently
launched its fabulous collection for Burgan Bank sponsors
of 324 ights per week. The 777- a stylish Spring Summer 2017 at the
beautiful rooftop of Landmark Tower.
Greek Musical Night
300ERs introduction has also seen
seat capacity boosted by up to 58 per The prestigious event introduced the KUWAIT CITY, April 3: Burgan
cent, on certain routes. regions top tier media and fashion Bank, the second largest conventional
inuencers to a range of trendy and bank in terms of assets, in partnership
Support contemporary fashion, footwear and with the Embassy of Greece in Ku-
With the sixth 777-300ER now set accessories for women, men, teens and wait and Dar Al Athar Al Islamiyyah
to enter commercial service within tots. recently sponsored a Greek musical
days, this allows Kuwait Airways to The presentation primarily show- night event at the Yarmouk Cultural
not only support existing routes on its cased the style inspiration from Cen- Center on April 2, 2017. The musical
regular 36-destination network, but trepoints Spring Summer collection. night, held under the patronage of the
has also meant that certain routes are Models, including men, woman and Greek Ambassador in the State of Ku-
now exclusively served by the new children, strutted on a styled runway, wait, HE Andreas Papadakis, aimed to
aircraft. These routes include: Lon- amidst the season backdrop campaign celebrate the rich Greek music and en-
don; New York; Frankfurt; and soon colours in sophisticated hues of purple, courage the exchange of cultures.
to be Dhaka; Bangkok and Manila. blue and yellow; allowing guests to see The night hosted a group of famous
The addition of the Boeing the key pieces come to life. Greek musicians as well as renowned
777-300ER into our eet is not only The SS17 collection is comprised of Zoe Tiganouria, the Greek com-
making a signicant difference to the nautical styling with a neo-twist with poser, accordion soloist and performer
overall product and service Kuwait colourful stripes seen in both an opti- worked as a composer and accordion-
Airways can now offer our passen- cal re-arrangement and in the classical ist with famous singers in the Greek
gers, but the fact that we are receiving nautical style for women. Fashionistas discography, as well as with interna-
more than one new aircraft per month, can show off their pretty feet in a range tional artists (such as James Brown,
since the rst delivery in December of oral-printed sandals and feminine Al Di-Meola, Omer Faruk Tekbilek,
2016, proves that we are well on pearl-detailed wedges this season. La- Goran Bregovi, Chico Freeman, Zl-
schedule for this order of 10 to be dies can choose from a range of fash- f Livaneli, and others). Zoe enter-
Ms Sahar Al Therban (ABK) and Ali Al Baghli (ABK) with Kuwait Dream Centers staff and children during World completed by Q3 2017, said Rasha ionable accessories to complement tained the audience through her Greek,
Autism Day celebration. Al Roumi, Chairperson & CEO, their summer outts with lighter tones Middle Eastern, Latin and internation-
Kuwait Airways. embellished with Swarovski crystals al music performance.
ABK marks World Autism Day We are pleased to note that and bright bohemian prints on bags. A Burgan Bank believes that sponsor-
Kuwait Airways aircraft acquisition range of matt, glossy and frosty make- ing cultural events such as this, gives a
programme is backed fully by all up shades to suit every womans style chance to the public and younger gen-
Reinforcing its support towards the ment, and overall awareness for a sign of solidarity. stakeholders and the Kuwaiti govern- sentiment complete the Spring Sum- erations to meet international artists and
special needs segment in Kuwait, those with the disorder. The Bank is keen to play an ac- mer look. get introduced to different music genres
Al Ahli Bank of Kuwait (ABK) cel- ABKs sponsorship and support tive role in encouraging a stronger
ment and we are condent that the
ebrated World Autism Day in col- to this cause stems from its strong sense of belonging among these ofcial national carrier of Kuwait will As for men, the collection is in- from different cultures. As art contin-
laboration with the Kuwait Dream belief in the value of supporting individuals by celebrating them be a signicant driver of success spired by 90s graphic styling teamed ues to play a powerful role in bringing
Center; a UK accredited Early In- individuals with special needs and and offering them the opportunity not just for the airline but for the with modern minimalism. Men can put people of different cultures together and
tervention Centre Specialized in raising awareness of the impor- to realize how special they truly overall ambitions of the government their best foot forward from a range of supporting progress and advancement in
autism. The event was held at the tance of recognizing them among are. It will continue to participate for the diversication of the economy trendy footwear, with a collection of society, Burgan Bank is proud to support
Centers headquarters in Khaldiya, Kuwaits communities, and provid- in impactful events and activities and the countrys long-term commer- smart and comfortable sandals, high- such an important musical event.
on April 2. ing them with a sense of equality. in an effort to make a true differ- cial status, infrastructure develop- top sneakers, and formal leather loaf- This sponsorship falls under Bur-
World Autism Day is an interna- The children from the Center ence in the lives of these individu- ment and wider business and tourism ers. A pretty palette of pinks for little gan Banks full-edged community
tionally recognized day, which aims enjoyed a fun-lled day and were als. goals. girls and bright aquatic greens and program entitled ENGAGE To-
to raise awareness of children with engaged in various activities. The For more information about Al A further 25 Airbus aircraft are also blues help dapper tots and teens get gether to be the change. This program
autism around the world. The day event was concluded with a pow- Ahli Bank of Kuwait, please visit on order by Kuwait Airways, over the ready for the season. sheds light on important aspects af-
itself brings individual autism orga- erful message sent across by the or contact a customer next four to ve years, including those The main inspiration behind the col- fecting every segment of the society
nizations together to aid in things children, where they released blue service agent via Ahlan Ahli at from the A320neo and A350 families lection this season is distinctive styles by promoting social welfare through
like research, diagnoses, treat- balloons into the sky of Kuwait, as 1899899. of aircraft. and trendy looks to add glamour to the educational, cultural, social and health
Spring Summer night! initiatives. Burgan Banks approach
Get your hands on the latest Spring to ENGAGE begins with a vital prin-
Summer collection at Centrepoint stores ciple that as a Kuwaiti nancial institu-
located in Al Rai, Avenues, Hawally, tion, its conduct and policies should be
Salmiya, Fintas, Jahra, Fahaheel, Sulaib- aligned with the needs and interests of
hikhat, Kuwait City and Khaitan. the Kuwaiti society.

2 winners each working day

Gulf Bank announces winners

of Al Danah draws for a week
KUWAIT CITY, April 3: Gulf Bank draw for the prize of KD250,000 will
held its Al Danah daily draws on 2 be held on 29 June and the 3rd Quar-
April 2017 announcing the names of terly Draw for the prize of KD500,000
its winners for the week of March 26 will be held on Sept 28. The nal Al
March 30 2017. The Al Danah daily Danah draw for 1 Million Kuwaiti
draws include draws each and every Dinars will be held on Jan 11, 2018
working day for two prizes of KD whereby the Al Danah Millionaire will
A photo from the event
1,000 per winner. be announced.
The winners were: (Sunday 26/3): Five reasons why the Al Danah ac-
Food festival features various competitions Latifa Mohammed Bader Al-Bader,
Fahad Abdulaziz Al-Hamad Al-
count is the best:
1) Kuwaits single biggest yearly
Thwaikh. cash prize of KD 1 Million
(Monday 27/3): Abdelshakur Ab- 2) Kuwaits biggest quarterly cash
LuLu Hypermarket awards prizes to Food Expo 2017 delhameed Ibrahim, Sadeq Abdulreda
(Tuesday 28/3): Soud Abdulaziz
prizes, up to KD500,000
3) Two winners of KD1,000 every
working day
KUWAIT CITY, April 3: LuLu Hy- riod, featured a Cookery Contest, Live ners were handed KD 75 and KD 50 longest egg roll and more. Mohammed Sherif Al-Shri, Majed 4) The most chances to win
permarket, the leading hypermarket Cookery Demo, Junior-Chef Contest, worth of gift vouchers respectively. Indian celebrity chef and culinary Hashem Al-Tamemy. 5) Only Bank that transfers your
brand in the region, capped its Food Wow the Master Chef Contest, Taste In addition to the food competitions, consultant Hari Nayak inaugurated the (Wednesday 29/3): Salah Sulai- chances to win from year to year
Expo 2017 with a prize distribution & Win Contest, Make and Eat Com- the Food Expo 2017, which started Food Expo and interacted with his fans man Othman Al-Nasralla, Mohammad Only Al Danah Makes Millionaires.
ceremony held on April 2 at its Al Rai petition, Carving Competition, Pickles on March 22 and ended on April 1, during the Chit Chat with Master Chef Fayrouz Abed Ali Karam. Al Danah also offers a number of
outlet. Winners of the various competi- Contest and Kitchen Queen Contests. featured various other cooking and program. LuLu Hypermarkets Food (Thursday 30/3): Waleed Moham- unique services including: the Al Da-
tions held during the food festival were All of the winners displayed re- food-based activities that drew in large Expo 2017 marks another brilliant en- mad Abdullah Al-Ali, Hashem Ab- nah Deposit Only ATM card which
felicitated by LuLu management in the markable cooking talent and skills in crowds. Among the programs were deavor by the hypermarket to provide dulrasoul Askar Al-Saffar. helps account holders deposit their
presence of a large crowd of shoppers preparing distinct dishes. The top place special promotions, a live demonstra- shoppers with an exciting and unique Gulf Banks Al Danah 2017 draw money at their convenience; as well
and well-wishers. The competitions, winners in each segment were awarded tion of Arabian-cooking by Chef As- shopping experience that includes a lineup includes daily draws (2 win- as the Al Danah calculator to help
which were launched on March 19 KD 125 worth of gift vouchers, while maa Al-Bahar, and an assortment of wide variety of high-quality products ners per working day and each receive customers calculate their chances of
and extended throughout the expo pe- the second place and third place win- displays such as the biggest pizza, the at competitive prices. KD 1,000). Al Danahs 2nd Quarterly becoming an Al Danah winner.


h o r o s c o p e
By Jacqueline Bigar
Happy birthday for Tuesday, April 4, 2017:
person very soon, and make sure you keep the
lines of communication open. Tonight: Dinner Aries - (Mar 21 - Apr 19) **** You could surprise a friend, or vice
versa. The unexpected is likely to run through
your day. At the same time, youll realize that
will feel more like yourself. Tonight: Happy
wherever you are. Scorpio - (Oct 23 - Nov 21)
for two.
This year you often wear your heart on your **** You will share some news with a loved you are becoming more and more accustomed Virgo - (Aug 23 - Sept 22): *** You will need to keep your feelings
under control. You tend to assume the role of
sleeve. People tend to misread your intentions.
Be open to questions. If you are single, you Aquarius - (Jan 20 - Feb 18)
one, who, based on his or her reaction, seems
rather surprised. You could be taken aback by
to these bouts of chaos. Feelings seem to be
intense. Tonight: Go along with the moment. **** You could be full of fun, despite the
the leader, and you also enjoy maintaining the
status quo, at least for the most part. You might
could attract someone who is emotionally una- this persons response. Tap into your imagina- fact that a loved one seems to be acting in an
vailable. Be careful, and get to know potential
suitors well before committing. If you are
**** You could feel out of place, no mat-
ter what you are doing. Your generosity goes
tion for some help in dealing with this differ-
ence of opinion. Tonight: Add more spice to
Cancer - (June 21 - July 22) unpredictable way. You suddenly might feel
feel caught off guard when disruptions occur.
Tonight: Make plans to visit with a loved one.
attached, your sweetie often acts in surprising above and beyond, and others know it. Stay very concerned about issues that exist between
ways. The good news is that this creates an true to yourself, and you will be A-OK. Trust
your life. **** You are full of fun, and you are able
to see what is happening around you. You will
you. Try to keep your cool, and decide to have
a talk in the near future. Tonight: Get some
Sagittarius - (Nov 22 - Dec 21)
element of excitement for your relationship.
LEO is always great company.
that you will land on your feet, no matter what
happens. Tonight: Say yes to a special offer.
Taurus - (Apr 20 - May 20) come up with some strong ideas, but without
testing them out rst, you wont know whether zzzs. ***** Your impulses might point you in a
The Stars Show the Kind of Day Youll different direction from where you thought you
Have: 5-Dynamic; 4-Positive; 3-Average;
2-So-so; 1-Difcult Pisces - (Feb 19 - Mar 20)
*** Your mind is likely to keep replaying
the same story over and over. Take a walk, or
they are likely to backre. Listen to others sug-
gestions and feedback. Tonight: Indulge a little. Libra - (Sept 23 - Oct 22) were headed. Your knee-jerk reaction is far from
subtle. Listen to what others have to say, even

Capricorn - (Dec 22 - Jan 19) *** Use the daylight hours to the max. Your
throw yourself into some other kind of physical
activity that helps your mind relax. Return calls Leo - (July 23 - Aug 22) **** Someone is likely to showcase his or
her unreliability. You could experience a whole
if it frustrates you. A solution will appear soon
enough. Tonight: Detach and observe more.
creativity soars to an almost unprecedented and emails. You will hear some unusual news range of emotions as you react to this persons
level. Be aware of the costs of your ideas and today or in the near future. Tonight: Happy at ** You cant seem to get a word in edge-
unpredictable display. Recognize how impor-

**** Let a close friend or loved one know wise, as others seem to dominate right now.
how you feel. You might get a moody or tear- actions. You do not want any surprises to ap- home. You also might not choose to be part of that tant it is to understand this person but also be Born today: Actor Robert Downey Jr.
ful response, but know that he or she will re- pear and ruin a project or turn off a key person. energy. Clear out as much as you can, then call as independent as possible. Tonight: In the (1965), magician David Blaine (1973), actor
cuperate quickly. Plan to get together with this Tonight: Get some much-needed R and R. Gemini - (May 21 - June 20) it a day. By sunset, youll sense a change and limelight. Heath Ledger (1979)

home decor indoor gardening beauty tips taste buds

recycled-sweater sham saintpaulia ionantha pumpkin for skin buko salad

To make this sham, youll need an 18-inch square African violets are easy-to-grow, rewarding house- Pumpkins orange hue is from carotenoids, wrinkle- Ingredients: 4 cups young coconut (buko), shred-
pillow insert and a large sweater, cut into two 19- plants. They bloom well with lower light than most ghting plant pigments that help neutralize free ded, 6 ounces sugar palm fruit (kaong), drained, 12
inch squares. Sew the right sides of the wool to- other blooming plants, although they will perform radicals in the skin, keeping them from damaging ounces coconut gel (nata de coco), drained, 2 cans
gether along the edges, leaving the bottom open. better with medium to bright, indirect light. All bear the cells that fast-forward aging. Pumpkin is lled (15 ounces each) fruit cocktail, drained, 8 ounc-
Turn right side out and insert the pillow form, then clusters of purple, pink, white, rose, or lavender with vitamins C, E, and A, as well as powerful en- es pineapple chunks, drained, 1 (14 ounce) can
stitch the bottom closed. For the ower, cover a owers over fuzzy leaves. Flowers may be single, zymes that help to cleanse the skin.Plus, pumpkin sweetened condensed milk, 7 ounces table cream.
two-inch circle of card stock with a piece of a thin double, rufed, or edged in an accent color. has hydrating properties, Ionescu adds. Although Procedure:
sweater; hot-glue to the circles back. Next, fold a African violets thrive in warm conditions (65F or the seeds make a great ber-lled snack, you get In a mixing bowl, combine young coconut, kaong,
3- by 20-inch strip of another sweater in half length- warmer), although newer varieties tolerate cooler the skin-saving antioxidants from the pulp. nata de coco, pineapple chunks, and fruit cocktail.
wise. Glue the edges together, then sew a running conditions. Keep the soil evenly moist, and water Gently stir to distribute the ingredients.
stitch down the strip lengthwise along the glued from the bottom to prevent leaf browning from wa- Add sweetened condensed milk and table cream.
seam. Once youve stitched the entire length, pull ter spots. Mix until all the ingredients are properly distributed.
the thread to gather the fabric and knot. Hot-glue Refrigerate for at least 4 hours or place in the
the gathered edge in a circle to the back of the card freezer for 1 hour.
stock, then hot-glue a pin-back in the center and Transfer to a serving bowl.
afx to the pillow.

Dear Abby whats on today emergency number 112

Civil ID info: 1889988
Pink grad gift comes Site for checking travel ban

right out of the blue Fresh at Dar Al Funoon: Dar Al TIES Center events: TIES Center
By Abigail Van Buren Funoon is presenting exhibition titled announces following events Tajweed
Fresh by Karim Ghidinelli until April 22 and Recitation: Learn and practice the
Karim Ghidinelli was born in Brescia, art of reciting the Holy Quran (tajweed).
Dear Abby: My daughter is graduating from high Italy. He received his Bachelors and The instructor will also answer ques-
school in May. She has been accepted to a prestigious Masters degrees at Savannah College tions related to the meaning of the Ara-
university, entirely due to her own hard work and dedica- of Art & Design, Savannah, GA. He has bic words and verses.
tion. widely exhibited in the United States of Every Sunday & Tuesday @ 10
My father-in-law recently informed us that his new wife America and Europe. For the third time, 11:30am; every Monday @ 5-6:30pm.
had selected our daughters graduation present, and they are Ghidinelli will present his most recent The TIES Center is the social and
excited to give it to her. They chose a work at Dar Al Funoon. Karim lives and educational hub for English Speaking
pink luggage set. My husband and I are works in New York, USA. expats in Kuwait. For more informa-
mystied about why they decided this Artists statement: Fresh, as in re- tion, please call 25231015 or e-mail
would be the perfect gift for our daugh- newed, innovative and free. Freshness or visit www.ties-
ter. We know she will be embarrassed as the liberation from stagnant and re-
but gracious if she receives this dundant policies and tendencies. Fresh
gift in front of our family and friends on
as positive, peaceful and meaningful
graduation day. We would like to spare evolution. In this ever certain world of IPC Islamic Courses: Say: O my
her the awkwardness and having to re- absolute truths and populist totalitari- Lord, let me grow in knowledge. IPC is
turn an inappropriate gift. anism. I offer no answer, merely the offering Islamic courses in English (for
Abby, would it be rude of us to honesty of my journey, my reections ladies only). Muslims and non-Muslims
strongly encourage them to rethink and dilemmas, Id rather continue to are welcome.
Abigail Van Buren their gift? How do we broach the sub-
ask, than attempt an overly simplistic 1. Tilawa Surah Ar-Rad and Surah
ject so we dont cause hurt feelings or answer. Ibrahim Sundays at 5:30-7:00 pm;
a rift? We are grateful for their generosity, but we know Gallery hours Sunday to Thursday: 2. Principles of Tafsir (part 2) - Sun-
the gift wont suit our grad. 10:00 am-1:00 pm and 4:00-8:00 pm. days at 7:00-8:30 pm; 3. Tajweed 3 -
Mystified mother Saturday: by appointment. Getting To Tuesday, at 5:30-7:00 pm; 4. Jesus in
Dear mother: I do not advise your becoming The Gallery A1-Watiah, Behbehani Surah Mariam (part 2) - Tuesdays at
involved with this. Warn your daughter in advance Compound, House No. 28. For further 7:00-8:30 pm.
what the gift will be so she isnt caught at-footed information call +965 2243 3183. web- Instructor: Sr Zeinab Hassan Ashry
on graduation day. If she chooses to exchange the site: www.daralfunoon-kwcom. Place: IPC - Women Section Al-Raw-
luggage for something she feels will be more appro- dah, Area 3, Street 30, House 12, opp
priate, she should do so. Luggage that stands out 4th Ring Road.
KTAA 18th annual exhibition: Ku- A yer of the event. Email:, Tel-
like a sore thumb may be easier to spot on an airport wait Textile Arts Association 18th an-
carousel, but it can also be more vulnerable to theft ephone: 22512257.
nual exhibition: Alfunoon Hall, Dahiyat
than something that blends in. Abdulla Al Salam, exhibition hours:
Monday, April 3 and Tuesday April 4, Redeemed Christian Church: The
Dear Abby: I have a tough problem. I care very much 2017, Time: 9:00 am to 1:00 pm and Redeemed Christian Church of God
for my girlfriend. She keeps me in check and does every- 4:00 pm to 9:00 pm. The exhibition will (HOD Parish) worship in English.
thing for me. However, my best friends sister and I are feature the judged show of recent works Celebration Service: Friday 9 am
extremely close. By close, I mean we have conversations of members of Kuwait Textile Arts As- 11 am; Divine encounter: Sunday, 6:30
about how things would be if we were dating. We have sociation, Sadu weavers and also pm 8:30 pm; Digging Deep (Bible
so much fun together. We never, ever argue, whereas showcase display pieces from Weav- studies): Tuesday, 6:30 pm 8:30 pm;
my girlfriend and I are constantly ghting. I legitimately ing Stories a contemporary interactive Night vigil every last Friday of the month
want the other girl, but I dont know what I should do. exhibition and outreach initiative honor- from 10 pm.
ing the textile arts of Kuwait along with Venue: New Mishref. For more infor-
Scared and stuck in St. Paul display Walls of Appreciation and Wall mation and direction please call 9927-
Dear scared and stuck: You are a free man, of Recognition as special features. 6603, 6557-7482. Email: rccghouseof-
neither married nor engaged. Because you have
romantic feelings for someone else, gather your
courage and level with your girlfriend. Tell her
that while you appreciate everything she has General
done for you, you want to be free to date other
people and think she should, too. The news will KIFF anti-drugs campaign: As part of
probably come as a shock to her, but its the hon- the Fraternity fest, Kuwait India Fraternity
est thing to do and better for both of you. click Forum (KIFF) is conducting Anti-Drugs
Campaign among Indians living in Kuwait.

According to the available statistics of Indian
Dear Abby: My ex-husband recently died, and I have
just learned he had an illegitimate son 25 years ago. The son Latest Embassy, 60% of the convicted Indians in
Kuwaiti Jails are arrested on drug-related
tracked me down wanting to know things about his biologi- cases.
cal father. My late husband and I had two children before Continued from Page 24 The recent cases of death and captives of
this one was born. So, do I tell my children they have a half- Indian drug abusers is a threatening news. To
brother and his aunts they have another nephew? IEI, Kuwait chapter has facility to register
defend and to campaign against such social
Tracked down in Illinois student members for AMIE Examination for crisis by protecting individuals as well as the
those interested in pursuing career enrich- society has become obligatory. In this cur-
Dear tracked down: I see no reason to make ment.
any announcements right now. Keep the news to rent situation, Kuwait India Fraternity Forum
For more information and on chapter is conducting campaign by distributing
yourself until you are sure that the man wants more membership, kindly contact IEI, Kuwait
contact with his relatives and isnt just looking for handouts, conducting counseling, seminars
chapter office on 22445588 extn. 314 A yer of the event. etc. to educate the Indians living in Kuwait
medical information that could affect him. You also between 5:30 pm to 8:30 pm (Sunday
should make absolutely certain that he truly IS your informed President Saifudheen Nalakath in a
late husbands son by discussing it with an attorney through Thursday) or through email to press release. You may also contact from 1914-1967, the ofcial period of offer- 2. Please write your story or memory and
before sharing any news or details. ing medical services in Kuwait? sign it with your full name, and your contact For more details contact: 55062071 or
Engr Ashok Kumar (97275974) or Engr email at
Karthikeyan (99840191) for any further Please share with us your story or your number.
memory during those old days by writing 3. It will be great if you send us your
Dear Abby is written by Abigail Van Buren, also clarification.
known as Jeanne Phillips, and was founded by the event and sending it to the following personal photos or those of the place related NYF offers free yoga classes: NYF
email address: to the story (optional).
her mother, Pauline Phillips. Contact Dear Abby Kuwait offers free yoga, breathing, medita-
at or P.O. Box 69440, Los Share your story with Amricani: Do kw Your story will be part of a new book to be tion and reiki classes by a well-experienced
Angeles, CA 90069. you or any of your family members, acquaint- Notes: 1. Please send your story only to published by DAI. female yoga teacher for all age groups.
(Source: Universal Uclick) ances or friends happen to have a story with the above mentioned email. Story shared in I am condent that your contributions will Classes are given on the basis of different
the American Missionary hospital in Kuwait Instagram, Facebook or Twitter will not be be an essential part of the history of Amri- health problems, stress and other problems
(Mustashfa Lemraicani) during the years considered. cani. Share with us! by different techniques. Contact: 99315825.


Couch slouch
Shocking twist

War breaks out in Walking

Dead season seven finale
By Ian Servantes well as to her at the Sanctuary, in a ashback
with Maggie, and in another ashback with
Abraham. Most of those are still unnecessary,
D onny Hathaways Someday Well All Be
Free was interpreted by many to be about
black rights. But in truth, the 1973 song from
save for the more immediate events. As she
gets into the cofn at the Sanctuary, she asks
Extension of a Man was written by Edward only for a glass of water. And while listening
Howard about the mental pain he saw Hatha- to one last song, she pops her suicide pill.
way experiencing. The song meant so much to Cut back to Alexandria, where Negan
Hathaway that he cried upon hearing the nal opens the cofn and is attacked by Walker
mix. More than 40 years later, Sasha too nds Sasha. Her sacrice opens the window for the
catharsis in it in the Season 7 nale of The Alexandrians not held at gunpoint to begin
Walking Dead. opening re. Still, Rick is immobilized, and so
Sasha listens to it en route with the Saviors too is Michonne, by the Scavenger sniper who
to spill the blood of one more Alexandrian. was supposed to be her partner in crime. Rick
Having caught wind of the Alexandrians tries to make an even better deal with Jadis,
making moves, he wants to kill three people as but shes having none of it. She pops a shot in
punishment, but Sasha is able to talk him down his hip and kicks him off the platform. Then
to just one casualty. She has him wrapped she brings him to Negan, who has Carl on his
around her ngers, although he insists its not knees and surrounded by a gang of Saviors. Vidhan Soudha or Legislative Assembly during, the premises where Karnataka states lawmakers conduct their business is partly lit up in
a man-woman thing. Outlines blue to mark World Autism Day in Bangalore, India on April 2. (AP)
The Alexandrians are prepared for the visit Once again, its monologue time for Negan.
after Dwights apparent betrayal. He warns
of Negans arrival and offers to set up some
He outlines his fondness for Carl If I had
a kid, Id want him to be just like him but
New cancer drugs show success at a steep price
roadblocks to slow the Saviors down. This says hes going to kill him in front of Rick,
gives Rick and co enough time to rig up some then cut off his arms. As this is happening,
dynamite outside the fences and get the Alex-
andrians in place alongside the Scavengers.
The Hilltop is on standby, and unbeknownst to
Michonne is in a ght for her life with the
Scavenger. Shes nearly choked out when she Babies cry more in UK, Canada, less in Germany
gets a hit in, but still not safe. Rick then hears
Rick, Ezekiel and his regiment are en route to a womans screams from off-camera. Unde- LONDON, April 3, (RTRS): Babies cry more babies crying as little as 30 minutes a day, and For cancer drugs in general ... it is hard for
join the cause. terred, and unwilling to return to his neutered in Britain, Canada, Italy and Netherlands others more than ve hours. us to drive down cost, said Steve Miller, chief
self, he repeats his taunt from the Season 7 than in other countries, while newborns in The research, published in the Journal of medical ofcer at Express Scripts Holding Co,
Shocking Denmark, Germany and Japan cry and fuss the Pediatrics, was a meta-analysis of studies cov- the nations largest manager of drug benet plans
premiere, saying he will still kill him one day.
All this preparation is for naught, however, In yet another twist, this one much more least, researchers said on Monday. ering some 8,700 babies in countries including for employers and insurers. You dont want to
after a capital shocking twist in the form of expected, Ezekiel and his regiment arrive just In research looking at how much babies Germany, Denmark, Japan, Canada, Italy, the be in the position of being told to use the second
another betrayal. Eugene leads the Saviors in time to spare Carls life and allow the war around the world cry in their rst three Netherlands and Britain. best cancer drug for your child.
cavalry to Alexandrias gates and makes a to continue. Shiva pounces on one of Negans months, psychologists from Britain have Wolker said the new crying chart would Lawmakers on both sides of the aisle, as
plea for Rick to fall back in line. Conicted, henchman just as he pulls the bat behind his created the rst universal charts for normal help health workers reassure parents whether well as President Donald Trump, have been
he asks where Negan is. Eugene is Negan, he shoulders, ready to swing. Ezekiel, Morgan, amounts of crying during that period. their baby is crying within a normal range grappling with how to restrain rising pre-
says. This seals his fate, or seems to, at least, and Carol all come in guns blazing, with the Babies are already very different in how in the rst three months, or may need extra scription drug costs. They have talked about
as Rick gives the nod for Rosita to set off the king delivering a properly dramatic decry: much they cry in the rst weeks of life, said support. solutions ranging from more price negotiation
dynamite. But it fails, and Jadis puts a gun Alexandria will not fall, not on this day. Dieter Wolker, who led the study at Warwick to faster approval of new drugs, often invoking
to Ricks head and the rest of the Scavengers The Scavengers ee, and eventually the University. increased competition between drugmakers.
follow suit. Saviors are run out of Alexandria. Along the We may learn more from looking at cul- Newer cancer drugs that enlist the bodys Competition is key to lowering drug
It was her crew who tipped off the Saviors, way were treated to some awesome action tures where there is less crying (including) immune system are improving the odds of prices, Trump told pharmaceutical executives
so we can spare at least some of our ire toward shots, particularly the pairings of Ezekiel whether this may be due to parenting or other survival, but competition between them is not at an Oval Ofce meeting in January.
Gregory, who is still a scumbag but less of a and Carol and Rick and Morgan ghting factors relating to pregnancy experiences or reining in prices that can now top $250,000 a But that is not happening with new drugs
scumbag than we thought. The surprise gives alongside each other. The newly aligned genetics. year. called checkpoint inhibitors that work by
Negan a chance for another one of his mono- army attempts to chase Negan and the rest of The highest levels of colic dened as The drugs success for patients is the result releasing a molecular brake, allowing the im-
logues. He taunts Rick once again and outlines the Saviors, but a crew left behind is able to crying more than three hours a day for at least of big bets in cancer therapy made by Bristol- mune system to recognize and attack cancer
his demands: all the guns, all the lemonade, a ward them off with gunre and allow them three days a week were found in babies in Myers Squibb Co, Merck & Co Inc and Roche cells the same way it ghts infections caused
sacrice for Lucille, Daryl, and the pool table to escape back to the Sanctuary. War is just Britain, Canada and Italy, while the lowest col- Holding AG, among others in big pharma. The by bacteria or viruses.
with all its accessories. Furthering his air for getting started. ic rates were found in Denmark and Germany. industrys pipeline of cancer drugs expanded For cancers like melanoma, the treatments
the dramatic, he has Simon and Dwight unveil The First Day of the Rest of Your Life On average, the study found, babies cry for by 63 percent between 2005 and 2015, accord- can mean long-term survival for around 20
a cofn. Negan reveals that Sasha is inside and written by Scott M. Gimple, Angela Kang, around two hours a day in the rst two weeks. ing to the QuintilesIMS Institute, and a good percent of patients.
says hell kill her and everyone else (prob- and Matthew Negrete; and directed by Greg They then cry a little more in the follow- number are reaching the market. Bristols Yervoy, rst approved in 2011,
ably) if Rick doesnt comply. Nicotero isnt quite a perfect nale, but ing few weeks until they peak at around two The global market for cancer immuno- targets a protein known as CTLA-4. Other
Sashas nonlinear journey is somewhat its damn fun and undeniably satisfying. My hours 15 minutes a day at six weeks. This then therapies alone is expected to grow more than immunotherapies, including Bristols Opdivo,
frustrating in the episode. The First Day of only real beef is with the gratuitous Sasha reduces to an average of one hour 10 minutes fourfold globally to $75.8 billion by 2022 from Keytruda from Merck, Roches Tecentriq,
the Rest of Your Life opens with her listening ashbacks and the indulgently sappy ending by the time they are 12 weeks old. $16.9 billion in 2015, according to research and Pzer Incs Bavencio, involve a different
to Hathaway and takes turns returning there, as monologue from Maggie. But there are wide variations, with some rm GlobalData. protein called PD-1.

tv highlights
Cinema programme from Thursday 30/03/2017 to Wednesday 05/04/2017

Akher Deek Fe Masr (Arabic Film) 01:00 (Thu, Fri) 360 3 11:45 (No Fri) Fanar 1 17:45 13:30, 15:30, 20:00, Monday
14:45, 17:30, 20:30, 23:15 Marina 3 00:05 22:00, 00:05
Sharqia 1 13:15 (No Fri) Kong: Skull Island Showtime Available for Groups 09:30 am
Ajial 4 15:45, 21:15 Avenues 10 11:45 (No Fri) Grand Hamra 8 14:30, 16:45, 19:30, 22:15
20:00, 22:15 A Beautiful Planet 3D 10:30 am
Sharqia 2 23:00 18:30 (Thu) 17:00, 21:45, 00:05 Grand Gate 3 14:30, 16:30, 18:30,
Fanar 3 21:30, 23:45 05:30 pm, 07:30 pm
Muhalab 1 14:30 360 5 13:00 (No Fri) 20:30, 22:30
Marina 1 22:15 Collide Humpback Whales 3D 11:30 am
Muhalab 2 19:30 (No Fri, Sat, Mon) 15:30, 20:30, 22:45, 01:00 00:30 (Thu, Fri)
Avenues 1 13:15 (No Fri) 09:30 pm
22:30 Sharqia 3 19:45 360 13 14:15, 16:30, 21:15
15:30, 17:45, 20:00, Hebbuli (Kannada Film) Flying Monsters 3D 12:30 pm, 06:30 pm
Fanar 2 14:15, 19:15 Muhalab 3 22:00, 00:05 Grand Hamra 4 15:15, 17:30, 20:00, 22:30
22:15, 00:30
Marina 1 15:15, 19:45 Fanar 4 23:45 Grand Gate 6 14:00, 16:15, 18:45, 21:15 Avenues 8 18:30 Journey to Space 3D 08:30 pm
Avenues 4 12:45 (No Fri)
Avenues 2 12:15 (No Fri) Marina 1 13:15 (No Fri) 23:30 (Thu, Fri) 360 14 21:30
17:45 (No Mon)
14:45, 19:45, 22:15, 00:45 17:45, 00:30
22:00 Power Rangers Smurfs: The Lost Village
Avenues 4 15:15, 00:15 Avenues 9 19:15, 21:15, 23:15, 01:15 Showtime Available for Groups 09:30 am
360 8 12:15 (No Fri)
14:30, 16:45, 19:00,
Avenues 8 13:30, 16:00 360 2 11:45 (No Fri) Fanar 2 16:45 (Arabic Film) Journey to Space 3D 10:30 am
Avenues 11 00:05 14:15, 16:15, 18:15, Avenues 2 17:15 Avenues 9 13:15 (No Fri) 04:30 pm
21:15, 23:30 360 7 12:15 (No Fri)
360 9 15:00, 19:45 20:15, 22:15, 00:15 Avenues 10 19:15 15:15, 17:15 Flying Monsters 3D 11:30 am
14:45, 17:15, 19:45, Al-Kout 2 23:45 360 5 17:45 360 4 12:00 (No Fri) 09:30 pm
Al-Kout 2 11:45 (No Fri) 22:15, 00:45
16:45, 21:30 Grand Gate 7 20:15, 22:15 360 14 11:30 (Sat) 14:00, 16:00, 18:00, A Beautiful Planet 3D 12:30 pm, 02:30 pm,
360 9 12:30 (No Fri) 16:00 (No Thu, Fri, Mon)
Bairaq 3 18:00, 20:45, 23:15 00:15 (Thu, Fri) 20:00, 22:00 05:30 pm, 08:30 pm
17:15 360 15 14:15, 19:15
Laila 20:15 Bairaq 3 12:00 (No Fri) Kenya: Animal Kingdom 3D 01:30 pm
360 13 11:45 (No Fri) Sleepless Grand Hamra 5 19:45, 22:30 14:00, 16:00 Humpback Whales 3D 03:30 pm, 06:30 pm
Dont Knock Twice 18:45, 23:30 00:45 (Thu, Fri)
Muhalab 2 11:30 (No Fri) Ajial 3 17:00 Secret Ocean 3D 07:30 pm
360 14 18:45 (No Thu, Fri, Mon)
Grand Gate 8 14:45, 17:15, 19:15, 01:00 Grand Hamra 7 14:30, 17:00, 19:30, 22:00 19:00, 21:00 (Thu)
360 15 11:30 (No Fri)
21:15, 23:15 16:45, 21:45, 00:15 Avenues 7 16:15 Grand Gate 7 14:15, 16:15, 18:15 Wednesday
Avenues 8 11:30 (No Fri)
Safra 5 Njoom (Arabic Film)
Al-Kout 2 14:15, 19:00 Logan Showtime Available for Groups 09:30 am
Daylights End 00:15 Fanar 5 12:00 (No Fri) Flying Monsters 3D 10:30 am
Bairaq 2 17:30
Sharqia 1 15:30, 17:45, 00:30 Grand Gate 4 14:15, 16:45, 19:30, 22:00 360 14 14:00 (Fri, Sat) 14:00, 16:00, 18:00, Avenues 10 14:15 05:30 pm
Fanar 2 12:00 (No Fri) 00:30 20:00, 22:00, 00:05 360 4 00:05
A Beautiful Planet 3D 11:30 am
21:45, 00:05 Max Steel Grand Hamra 3 15:00, 17:00, 19:00, 21:00 Avenues 3 12:15 (No Fri)
06:30 pm, 09:30 pm
Avenues 7 11:45 (No Fri) 23:00 (Thu, Fri) 14:30, 16:45, 19:00, The Windmill Massacre
Grand Hamra 1 14:15, 16:15, 18:15, Humpback Whales 3D 12:30 pm
14:00, 18:15, 20:30, 20:15, 22:15 21:15, 23:30 360 6 17:30
Guru (Telugu Film) Avenues 4 20:00 Kenya: Animal Kingdom 3D 07:30 pm
22:45, 01:00 01:00 (Thu, Fri)
360 6 12:45 (No Fri) Grand Gate 5 14:45, 16:45, 19:00, Muhalab 2 13:30, 16:30 (Fri) 360 9 22:00, 00:05 Hamah (Kuwaiti Film) Journey to Space 3D 08:30 pm
15:00, 19:30, 21:45, 00:05 360 11 13:15 (No Fri) 360 14 15:30 (Thu)
21:00, 23:00 19:30 (Fri, Sat, Mon) Thursday
Al-Kout 4 12:45 (No Fri) Fanar 3 15:30 (Fri) 15:30, 17:45, 20:00, 17:00 (Thu, Fri)
15:00, 21:45, 00:05 Get Out 22:15, 00:30 Showtime Available for Groups 09:30 am
18:30 (Fri, Mon)
Sharqia 3 12:30 (No Fri) Ajial 2 15:30, 18:30, Al-Kout 3 12:30 (No Fri) Honey Bee2: Celebrations A Beautiful Planet 3D 10:30 am
Smurfs: The Lost Village 14:45, 21:45, 00:05 14:30, 16:30, 18:30, (Malayalam Film) 07:30 pm
21:30 (No Thu)
Sharqia 2 13:00 (No Fri) Muhalab 1 12:15 (No Fri) 20:30, 22:30, 00:30 360 14 18:30 (Thu, Fri, Mon) Flying Monsters 3D 11:30 am
15:00, 17:00, 19:00, 21:00 17:00, 22:15, 00:30 Life Bairaq 2 11:30 (No Fri) Plaza 15:45, 21:30 (Thu) 06:30 pm, 09:30 pm
Muhalab 3 12:00 (No Fri) Fanar 1 13:00 (No Fri) 18:45 Kenya: Animal Kingdom 3D 12:30 pm
14:00, 16:00, 18:00, 20:00 Journey to Space 3D 05:30 pm
Fanar 4 11:45 (No Fri)
15:15, 20:00, 22:15, 00:30 How to find us Ajial 1 15:45 (No Fri)
Marina 2 12:45 (No Fri) 18:45, 21:45 Humpback Whales 3D 08:30 pm
13:45, 15:45, 17:45, 15:00, 17:15, 19:30, 1. 360 Zahraa Area, South Surra, 6th Ring Road, corner of
19:45, 21:45 21:45, 00:05 King Faisal Highway Dora (Tamil Film) Friday
Marina 3 12:00 (No Fri) Avenues 5 21:00 (No Fri) 2. Ajial Ajial Complex, Fahaheel Plaza 15:45 (No Thu) A Beautiful Planet 3D 02:30 pm, 06:30 pm,
14:00, 16:00, 20:00, 22:00 23:15 3. Al Bairaq Between Jaber Al Ali East & Al Agalia West Ajial 4 18:30 (No Thu) 09:30 pm
18:00 (No Thu) Avenues 6 11:30 (No Fri) 4. Al Fanar Al Fanar Complex, Salem Al Mubarak Street, near Journey to Space 3D 03:30 pm
Avenues 5 13:00 (No Fri) 13:30, 15:45, 18:00, Sultan Center, Salmiya Kavan (Tamil Film) Humpback Whales 3D 04:30 pm
15:00, 17:00 20:15, 22:30, 00:45 5. Al Kout Al-Kout Complex, at the end of the Coastal Road, Plaza 21:30 (No Thu) Secret Ocean 3D 05:30 pm
19:00 (No Tue) 360 1 12:30 (No Fri) Ajial 3 19:00, 22:00 (No Thu)
Fahaheel Kenya: Animal Kingdom 3D 07:30 pm
Avenues 11 12:00 (No Fri) 14:45, 17:00, 19:15, 6. Al Muhalab Al Muhalab Complex, Behind Hawally Clinic, Hawally Flying Monsters 3D 08:30 pm
14:00, 16:00, 18:00, 21:30, 23:45
7. Al Sharqiya Arabian Gulf Street, Souq Sharq, near the Amiri Hospital Loot 2 (Nepali Film)
20:00, 22:00 360 10 20:15, 22:30, 00:45 Saturday
360 10 12:15 (No Fri) 360 12 01:00
8. Laila Gallery Salem Al Mubarak Street, near Sultan Center, Salmiya Ajial 1 16:00 (Fri)
14:15, 16:15, 18:15 9. Marina Marina Mall, Between Salem Al Mubarak Street & Showtime Available for Groups 09:30 am
Al-Kout 1 22:00, 00:15
Arabian Gulf Street, Salmiya
Katamarayudu (Telugu Film)
360 12 13:00 (No Fri) Al-Kout 4 17:15, 19:30 Flying Monsters 3D 10:30 am
10. Metro Metro Complex, Farwaniya, near Crowne Plaza Hotel & Ajial 2 15:30, 18:30, 21:30 (Thu) 05:30 pm, 07:30 pm
15:00, 17:00, 19:00, Laila 22:30
21:00, 23:00 Grand Hamra 2 14:15, 16:30, 19:15, 21:45 Farwaniya Garden A Beautiful Planet 3D 11:30 am
Al-Kout 1 12:00 (No Fri) 00:00 (Thu, Fri) 11. Plaza Salem Al Mubarak Street, near Sultan Center, Salmiya IMAX 03:30 pm, 08:30 pm
14:00, 16:00, 18:00, 20:00 Grand Hamra GC 15:00, 17:30, 20:00, 22:30 12. The Avenues The Avenues Mall, Al Reggai near Al Rai, 5th Ring Imax film programme at The Scientific Journey to Space 3D 12:30 pm, 06:30 pm,
Bairaq 1 13:00 (No Fri) 01:00 (Thu, Fri) Road & Ghazali Road Intersection Center 09:30 pm
15:00, 17:00, 19:00, Grand Gate 2 14:15, 16:30, 19:15, 21:30 NB: Friday no show before 1:30 pm Humpback Whales 3D 01:30 pm
21:00, 23:00 23:45 (Thu, Fri) Sunday
Regular show KD3:000; 3D-Digital KD3.500; VIP show Kenya: Animal Kingdom 3D 02:30 pm
Laila 16:15, 18:15 KD6.000. On Monday, price is KD1.500 except Digital movies. Showtime Available for Groups 09:30 am Secret Ocean 3D 04:30 pm
Grand Hamra 5 14:45, 17:15 Naam Shabana (Hindi Film) Flying Monsters 3D 10:30 am
Grand Hamra 6 14:00, 16:00, 18:00,
Cinescape cinema movies inquiries and Fax Back hotline 1803456 07:30 pm Notes: All films are in Arabic. For
Sharqia 3 17:00
20:00, 22:00 Muhalab 1 19:15 13. The Scientific Center IMAX Opp Holiday Inn, Salmiya, Gulf Road A Beautiful Planet 3D 11:30 am English, headsets are available upon
Grand Gate 1 14:00, 16:00, 18:00, Muhalab 2 13:30, 16:30 (No Fri) 06:30 pm, 09:30 pm request. Film schedule is subject to chang-
14. Grand Al-Hamra Grand Al-Hamra, tel: 22270333, www.grand Journey to Space 3D 12:30 pm es without notice.
20:00, 22:15 Fanar 3 12:45, 15:30 (No Fri)
Grand Gate GC 15:00, 17:00, 19:00, 18:30 (No Fri, Mon) 15. Grand Gate Grand Gate, tel: 22056464, Humpback Whales 3D 05:30 pm For information call 1 848 888 or visit
21:00, 23:00 Avenues 8 21:30 Kenya: Animal Kingdom 3D 08:30 pm

No government support

Hospital struggles with Mosuls injured and its dead

QAYARA, Iraq, April 3, (Agencies): The hos- The hospital is also responsible for general to reclaim the areas that it lost to IS in 2014
pital in Qayara sometimes receives so many health care, including maternity care, for the have been uneven at best. Military operations,
dead bodies that they do not t in the refrig- hundreds of thousands of people living in the assisted by the US-led coalition, have been pro-
erator unit and have to be left in the corridors. surrounding area. Yet it receives no govern- ceeding relatively evenly, if slowly, but the pro-
Inside the mortuary, the dead are simply put on ment support even doctors salaries are cov- vision of public services, let alone reconstruc-
the oor because there are no containers, some- ered by a foreign aid organization. It has only tion, has only barely begun or not at all in most
times piled one on top of the other in a grue- six surgeons who get so busy when the injured liberated towns.
some fashion and wrapped in a blanket, just as start owing in that sometimes they sleep no Also:
they were brought in. more than a few hours in several days. It has
The bodies are casualties from Mosul, where only two operating theaters and 50 beds be- BEIJING: China reported six new cases of
Iraqi forces backed by US-led coalition forces cause the upper levels of the hospital were de- H7N9 bird u including one death in Hunan
have been battling the Islamic State group for stroyed in the ghting, leaving only the ground after live poultry markets in the province were
over ve months to take control of the city. oor usable. Medical equipment is also lacking. shuttered last month.
We asked for shelves but they gave us noth- It is shameful to say this but we have re- The infections were reported in the last week
ing, shrugged Dr. Mansour Marouf, the hospi- ceived no help and no support from the govern- of March by the provincial centre for disease
tals chief surgeon. ment at all even though the town was liberated control and prevention, according to a report by
The beleaguered Qayara hospital is one of eight months ago, said Dr. Mansour. Xinhua news agency on Sunday.
only two public hospitals within a 120-mile He said the only public help they got was A total ban on live poultry trading in the pro-
(193-kilometer) radius, between Mosul and the from the local governorate, which sent forensic vincial capital of Changsha has been in effect
central Iraqi city of Tikrit. It is overwhelmed inspectors twice a week to try to identify the since March 17 and will continue for another
with casualties from the eld clinics in Mosul. dead who come in without an identity card or ve days, the agency said.
Activity in the hospitals mirrors the intensity of a relative. Everything else, including all the In March authorities reported an outbreak
the operation: There were 21 dead on Friday, equipment and the medical disposables, have Dr Mansour Marouf (center), stands with a patient in Qayara general hospital, south of of the virus in the province originating from
nothing on Saturday. been paid for by WAHA, a foreign aid organi- Mosul. (AP) a farm with about 29,760 infected birds. Over
Since it reopened in January, after Qayara zation that focuses on health issues. 170,000 birds were culled as a result.
was retaken by Iraqi troops from IS, the hos- It has even occurred to Dr. Mansour that they who spent over two years under IS rule. But that, he said. The number of human infections this season
pital has treated over 2,000 patients, including are being ignored by ofcials because of suspi- every employee has been checked by the secu- The hospitals situation underscores the ex- has surged to the highest level since 2009. At least
some 600 battle casualties. cions they might harbor toward local residents rity services so they cannot even blame it on tent to which the Iraqi governments efforts 162 deaths have been reported since October.
Mashreqs Iossifidis to become CEO of Noor Bank Mediterranean gas pipeline could be built by 2025
The head of corporate and in- UAE and internationally over the select group of government of European and Israeli govern- This is an ambitious project, Along with the European
vestment banking at Dubais past eight years. It said Nabeel Dubai nominated shareholders, ments gave their support on which as the Commission, we market, it is exploring options
Mashreq is leaving to become Waheed, currently Mashreqs according to its website. Monday to moving forward with clearly support, as it will have a to export to Turkey, Egypt and
chief executive of Noor Bank, head of treasury and capital mar- Iossidis, who has been at a Mediterranean pipeline project high value in terms of security Jordan.
to carry natural gas from Israel to of supply and diversication tar- Cyprus Aphrodite natural gas
sources familiar with the matter kets, would take over from him. Mashreq since 2009, helped Europe, setting a target date of gets, said European Climate and eld holds an additional 128 bcm,
told Reuters on Monday. Noor was not available for im- overhaul the structure of 2025 for completion. Energy Commissioner Miguel and Cypriot waters are expected
Mashreq, Dubais third-big- mediate comment. Mashreqs wholesale bank to The planned 2,000 km (1,248 Arias Canete. Israel has discov- to hold more reserves.
gest bank by assets, said John An Islamic bank, Noor was bring in more exposure to real mile) pipeline aims to link gas ered more than 900 billion cubic Israeli Energy Minister Yuval
Iossidis was leaving to pursue launched in 2008 and is 87.8 estate, non-bank nancial insti- elds off the coasts of Israel and metres (bcm) of gas offshore, Steinitz said the pipeline could be
other opportunities, adding he percent owned by the govern- tutions, education, healthcare Cyprus with Greece and possibly with some studies pointing to completed in 2025. But we will
had made a signicant contribu- ment of Dubai, members of the and multinational companies Italy, at a cost of up to 6 billion eu- another 2,200 bcm waiting to be try to speed up and to shorten the
tion to the banks growth in the ruling family of Dubai and a across the region. (RTRS) ros ($6.4 billion). tapped. timetable, he said. (RTRS)

Market Movements 03-04-2017

Change Closing pts Change Closing pts
AUSTRALIA - All Ordinaries +5.90 5,909.70 GERMANY - DAX -55.67 12,257.20
JAPAN - Nikkei +73.97 18,983.23 FRANCE - CAC 40 -36.59 5,085.91
S. KOREA - KRX 100 +15.24 4,373.72 EUROPE - Euro Stoxx 50 -27.99 3,472.94
PHILIPPINES - All Shares +13.71 4,413.42
INDIA - Sensex +289.72 29,910.22
HONG KONG - Hang Seng +149.89 24,261.48

Move to support growth in local funds industry

Bahrain unveils new Investment Limited Partnership Law

MANAMA, April 3: Bahrain has
become the rst country in the GCC
region to introduce an Investment
Imports needed after start-up of Clean Fuel Project
Limited Partnership Law and inte-
grate it in the countrys legal sys-
tem. The new move allows inves- Kuwait set to import fuel oil in 2018: KNPC CEO
tors to establish limited partnerships DUBAI, April 3, (RTRS): Kuwait is with the scheduled decommission- products such as diesel and kerosene
nationwide, as oppose to only in set to import fuel oil to use mainly ing of the 200,000 barrels per day for export.
identied free zones. in power generation for about a year (bpd) Shuaibah renery on April 1, Fuel oil imports will be needed af-
The law offers new nancing following the start-up of the Clean Kuwait would be forced to import ter the startup of the Clean Fuel Proj-
structures that complement the Fuel Project by 2018, the chief exec- the residual fuel from next year ect by around October 2018 until the
existing opportunities available utive of state rener Kuwait National until the al-Zour renery starts run- new al-Zour renery, currently under
in the Kingdom. It is expected to Petroleum Co (KNPC) said. ning in 2019. construction, starts running later in
provide a strong boost to the - Fuel oil to meet the requirements The fuel oil import is not linked to 2019, Mutairi said.
nancial sector, supporting growth of the Ministry of Electricity and Wa- Shuaibas retirement, Mutairi said. When operational, the al-Zour re-
in real estate funds, private equity ter is currently being produced from Part of the countrys 30 billion di- nery is expected to produce some
funds, venture capital and technol- Khalid Al Rumaihi, CE of EDB Abdulrahman Al Baker, ED of CBB the other existing reneries, Mina nar ($100 billion) economic develop- 225,000 bpd of fuel oil, he said.
ogy funds, start-ups, and Shariah Abdullah and Mina Al-Ahmadi, the ment plan, the Clean Fuel Project will Post Shuaiba retirement, imports
compliant funds, as well as captive by investors as a more cost effective The new law joins two others, CEO of KNPC Mohammad Ghazi al- upgrade Kuwaits the Mina Abdullah of gasoline will be needed from time
insurance. option than in other GCC econo- the Trusts Law and Protected Cells Mutairi told Reuters. and Mina Al-Ahmadi reneries, with to time until the start up of the Clean
The ILP will have its own legal Reuters reported last week that a focus on producing higher-value Fuel Project, he added.
mies, which currently only offer it Companies Law, to be highlighted
personality while allowing inves- through free zones. in an outreach programme by the
tors to contribute to the investment Khalid Al Rumaihi, Chief Execu- EDB and the CBB that focuses on looking for ways to nurture this many new lines of business and dom of Bahrain in these develop-
fund without taking an active man- tive of the Bahrain Economic De- the importance of recent changes to growth with the joint support of the investment structures not previ- ments.
agement role, which will be mostly velopment Board (EDB) said: We the regulatory environment in Bah- EDB, our main partner. ously available and brings Bahrains The new law provides an extra
led by banks and investment rms see great potential in the GCC for rain. We have introduced the outreach structuring options in line with the degree of exibility for companies
with a Category 1 or 2 licence. The investors looking for strong returns The outreach programme will programme to stress the importance best modern international examples. structuring investment in different
new legislation will allow new ILPs and the development of the local facilitate an ongoing dialogue with of the three laws enacted last year The Kingdom of Bahrain is the areas in Bahrain. With partnership
to be incorporated and permits ex- funds industry can play an impor- industry to discuss opportunities of and to show the favourable position rst country in the GCC region to laws being a longstanding staple
isting partnerships to convert to an tant role in facilitating that invest- further boosting Bahrains position of Bahrain in the region, providing introduce such structures into its within Common Law jurisdictions
ILP. ment. as a nancial hub. said Abdulrah- investor friendly, cost and time ef- mainland legislative framework such as in London, New York and
Activities within the newly intro- These reforms will provide a man Al Baker, Executive Director fective solutions. and we know that investors and Singapore, the new law will allow
duced law include collective invest- strong boost to the sector, support of Financial Institutions Supervi- Brian Howard, Partner at Trow- institutions have been looking for- nancial rms to be able to operate
ment undertakings, private invest- growth in a number of areas and sion at the CBB. ers & Hamlins, said: The addi- ward to the new opportunities these within a familiar legal framework.
ment undertakings, securitisation help to make Bahrain a highly com- The Kingdom has a strong and tion of the new investment limited laws present. We are delighted to The Law will also support nancial
and insurance captives. The exi- petitive location for those looking to mature nancial sector that is only partnership law, the protected cell have been able to support the Cen- rms in establishing nancial in-
bility to develop tailored investment access the opportunities around the growing in par with international companies law and the new trusts tral Bank of Bahrain, the Economic vestment funds, and grant them ac-
terms is expected to be welcomed Gulf. markets, and we at the CBB are law in Bahrain, opens the door to Development Board and the King- cess to new funding mechanisms.

8-1/2 year high

Turkey inflation
jumps in March
Qatar restarts development of biggest
ISTANBUL, April 3, (RTRS): Tur-
keys annual ination hit its highest
in 8-1/2 years in March as chronic
weakness in the lira currency stoked a
surge in consumer prices that could be
gas field after 12-year freeze: QP CEO
unwelcome news for President Tayyip Doha faces stiff competition from US, Australia and Russia
Erdogan ahead of a referendum to ex-
tend his powers. DOHA, April 3, (RTRS): Qatar has lifted a self-imposed ban on develop- Executive Saad al-Kaabi told reporters Monday at Qatar Petroleums headquarters in Doha. For oil
Ination jumped 11.29 percent last there are people who see peak demand in 2030, others in 2042, but for gas demand is always growing.
month from a year earlier with prices ment of the worlds biggest natural gas eld, the chief executive of Qatar The development in the southern section of the North Field will have a capacity of 2 billion cubic feet
for food, transportation and alcohol all Petroleum said on Monday, as the worlds top LNG exporter looks to see per day, or 400,000 barrels of oil equivalent, and increase production of the eld by about 10 percent,
booking double-digit increases, data
showed on Monday. off an expected rise in competition. when it starts production in ve to seven years, he said.
Hit by political concerns and worries Qatar declared a moratorium in 2005 on the development of the North Field, which it shares Qatar is expected to lose its top exporter position this year to Australia, where new production is due
about the direction of monetary policy, with Iran, to give Doha time to study the impact on the reservoir from a rapid rise in output. to come on line. The LNG market is undergoing huge changes as the biggest ever ood of new supply is
with the central bank apparently reluc- The vast offshore gas eld, which Doha calls the North Field and Iran calls South Pars, accounts for hitting the market, with volumes coming mainly from the United States and Australia.
tant to raise its benchmark interest rate nearly all of Qatars gas production and around 60 percent of its export revenue. President Vladimir Putin said on Thursday Russia aimed to become the worlds largest LNG pro-
to defend the currency, the lira has lost We have completed most of our projects and now is a good time to lift the moratorium, QP Chief ducer. The urry of LNG production has resulted in global installed LNG capacity of over 300 million
3 percent of its value against the dollar tonnes a year, while only around 268
this year, on top of a 17 percent dive million tonnes of LNG were traded in
last year. 2016, Thomson Reuters data shows.
Erdogan has declared himself an That has helped pull down Asian
enemy of interest rates, and repeat- spot LNG prices by more than 70 per-
edly railed against what he says is the cent from their 2014 peaks to $5.65
high cost of credit in Turkey. Some per million British thermal units
investors are concerned that the cen- (mmBtu).
tral banks increasing reliance upon Qatars decision to lift the mora-
unorthodox methods to tighten policy torium on new gas development now
shows it is wary of raising borrowing could help the tiny Gulf monarchy
costs. maintain a competitive edge after
Todays gures on their own are 2020, when the global LNG market is
probably not enough to prompt anoth- expected to tighten.
er interest rate hike, William Jackson With global activity levels and
and Liam Carson of Capital Econom- costs low, now is a good time to add
ics said in a note to clients. new capacity, even if the LNG market
The recent rise in the lira, last does presently look over supplied,
months rate hike and renewed pres- Giles Farrer, research director, global
sure from the government to reverse LNG at Wood Mackenzie, said in an
the tightening cycle make this unlike- email. Its a signal that Qatar intends
ly. Nonetheless, there is no scope to to increase its market share, which has
loosen policy. been falling as other regions have built
The Turkish central bank last month new capacity.
hiked the cost of funds from its late An energy advisor to the Qatar gov-
liquidity window by 75 basis points ernment said he saw it as a preemptive
while leaving conventional policy rates step to warn competitors who are con-
on hold. sidering LNG investments that Qatar
The ination data may not be good Photo from the event remains an aggressive seller.
news for Erdogan, who is counting on It will certainly give rivals some-
broad support in an April 16 referen-
dum that would change the constitu-
Attendees include renowned personalities, key decision makers thing to chew on, he said, declining to
be named as he was not authorised to
tion to give him sweeping executive speak publicly.
Consumer prices rose 1.02 percent
from the previous month in March,
AIM 2017 to focus on topics for attracting FDIs The announcement coincides with
the start of a major LNG industry con-
ference this week in Japan, attended by
the data showed, outstripping the 0.6 DUBAI, UAE, April 3: The Annual overall competitiveness of businesses ties for their rms and people. To be even in an uncertain future and allow many of its competitors and potential
percent increase predicted by a Reuters Investment Meeting (AIM 2017) has all around the world. competitive in the market, we must more safety and prosperity to the resi- new customers. Kaabi said low prices
poll. Annual ination was at its highest brought together on day two a wide One of the major discussions at the create new ideas, trends and strate- would not pressure Qatar.
since October 2008. dents, thereby posing a positive impact
range of attendees including renowned forum was about the Relationship gies. As such strengthening both global on the current global economic land- By the time this project comes on-
Erdogan adviser Bulent Gedikli said line in ve years or so it should be a
on Twitter that the upswing in ination personalities, key decision makers in between international investment and openness and domestic competitive- scape.
industry, nance and politics from the competitiveness and how it is changing ness has never been more important. good market for gas, he said.
was temporary, and the impact of gov- The Annual Investment Meeting Iran, which suffers severe domes-
ernment measures would be seen from MENA region and around the globe. the current global economic landscape. To revive sluggish productivity and (AIM) unites the growing number of
This edition is continuing until Tuesday In an increasingly market-driven global tap new sources of growth, innovation, tic gas shortages, has made a rapid
the second quarter onwards. He did not international investors, corporates, fund increase in production from South
elaborate. (4th April 2017) at the Dubai Interna- economy, a national economy needs to job creation and development, a trade- managers and think tanks that engage in Pars a top priority and signed a pre-
It is possible to say that the ina- tional Convention and Exhibition Cen- be competitive to develop and prosper. and-competitiveness agenda should be the transformation process of sustain- liminary deal with Frances Total in
tion data is driven by the impact of for- tre. As such, the discussion has highlighted a priority for policymakers around the able nance. It is offering sessions on November to develop its South Pars
eign exchange rate, is temporary and Having cemented its status as the a detailed analysis of the nature and world which will not only benet the lo- 12 different topics for debate and reec- II project. Irans oil minister last week
that we will see the reections of the foremost meeting destination dedicated determinants of nance and trade and cal economies, but also the global land- tion, allowing participants to hit strate- vowed to ramp up production of its
measures taken from second quarter to the development of the foreign direct their relationship between international scape, said Dawood Al Shezawi, CEO, gic topics for driving international cor- part of the shared eld.
onwards, he said after the data was investments (FDI), this years theme investment and competitiveness. AIMs Organising Committee. porate growth. In addition, the Annual Irans gas production in South Pars
released. International Investment, Path to Com- As trade and competitiveness are In lieu of the above, the Middle East Investment Meeting (AIM) participants can exceed Qatars before the end of new
Producer prices rose 16.09 percent petitiveness & Development, has been connected, it is the competitiveness of region and the world step ahead to in- are having an exclusive opportunity to Iranian year (ending March 20, 2018),
year-on-year, and 1.04 percent month- offering a unique platform for facilitat- economies the level of productiv- crease foreign direct investment. The have access to some prominent stake- Zanganeh was quoted as saying by Tas-
on-month, the data also showed. ing thought-provoking and forward- ity of continents, nations, sub national governments of the world are formulat- holders and pioneers of the sustainable nim news agency on Thursday. Total
The lira weakened slightly after the thinking discussions, as well as unique regions, and even cities that deter- ing principles of transparency, effective nance community, said Al Shezawi. was the rst Western energy company to
data and was at 3.6420 at 0809 GMT, opportunities for business development, mines how well they translate openness communication and engagement. This sign a major deal with Tehran since the
from Fridays close of 3.6350. strategy renement and improving the to trade and investment into opportuni- will help people to seize opportunities Continued on Page 31 lifting of international sanctions.

imagination technology shares dive 60% architect of modern VW cuts ties with share sale
Shares in chipmaker Imagination will no longer use the groups in- sign to control its products. Former Volkswagen chairman which in turn owns 52.2 percent SE of Piech, who turns 80 on April
Technologies plunged over 60 per- tellectual property in its new prod- Imagination said it would be Ferdinand Piech has agreed to of voting shares in VW, exercis- 17, had been expected after the
cent on Monday after the British ucts within two years. extremely challenging for Apple sell a major part of his stake in the ing their right of rst refusal on the company said last month he was
company announced that Apple That would mean the company to design a new product without rm that controls Europes big- shares, Porsche SE said on Mon- in talks about selling his holding.
plans to stop using its products. wouldnt be eligible for royalty infringing Imaginations intellectual gest carmaker, reducing his links day. It did not say exactly how It marks an end to the inuence
The development highlights payments under existing agree- property rights.
how, through its sheer size, Ap- ments. Accordingly Imagination does
with Volkswagen after more than much of the stake the families of one of the last towering gures
ples decisions can make or break Imagination says Apple has for not accept Apples assertions, the two decades of undisputed rule. would buy and gave no details in the auto industry, who has had
the fortune of entire companies years used the companys technol- company said. Volkswagens (VW) ruling Por- on the price. Piechs total stake in a rocky relationship with VW since
that work with it. ogy in the graphics processor units There are longer-term issues sche and Piech families have Porsche SE is worth about 1 bil- he was ousted as chairman in
Imagination, a multimedia, pro- of its phones, tablets and watches than the loss of royalties and li- agreed to buy a large part of the lion euros ($1.1 billion) at current 2015, months before the company
cessor and communications tech- but has asserted that it is working cense fees, which amounted to 14.7 percent stake Piech holds in market prices. was engulfed in an emissions test
nology company, said Apple Inc. on a separate, independent de- 60.7 million pounds last year. (AP) Porsche Automobil Holding SE, The withdrawal from Porsche cheating scandal. (RTRS)

US factory activity retreats from 2-1/2-year high

Global manufacturing growth caps strong first quarter, led by China
WASHINGTON, April 3, gested a more cautious outlook, rais-
(RTRS): An index of man- ing questions about whether the export
recovery can be sustained. Carmakers shares drop
ufacturing activity retreat- Julian Evans-Pritchard, an econo-
ed from a 2-1/2-year high
in March amid modest
mist at Capital Economics, said the
strength in China wont last meas-
ures to cool its overheated property
US in March auto sales
declines in new orders and
production, but a surge
in manufacturing jobs in-
market and tighter central bank policy
is likely to curb investment and indus-
trial activity in coming quarters.
lag market expectations
But the biggest risk for China may DETROIT, April 3, (RTRS): Major US can consumers continued to shun small-
dicated that the sectors be brewing halfway across the world. automakers on Monday posted sales er vehicles amid low gasoline prices.
energy-led recovery was US President Donald Trump is due to gures for March that came in below No. 1 US automaker General Motors
hold his rst meeting with his Chinese
gaining momentum. counterpart, Xi Jinping, in Florida
market expectations and heightened Co reported a 2 percent increase in sales
Other data on Monday showed concerns the countrys boom in vehi- to just over 256,000 vehicles, with sales
later this week and those talks may be cle sales may be losing steam, sending of its Tahoe and Suburban SUV mod-
construction spending rising to a tense.
near 11-year high in February amid shares in car companies down. els seeing their best sales month since
On Friday, Trump sought to push
General Motors Co and Fiat Chrysler 2008.
robust gains in home building in- his crusade against US trade decits
Automobiles NV shares both fell al- But sales at Ford Motor Co fell more
vestment. The reports pointed to and for more manufacturing jobs back
to the top of his agenda, by ordering a most 4 percent, while Ford Motor Co than 7 percent to 236,000 vehicles, with
strong economic fundamentals, was off 3 percent. eet sales to rental agencies, businesses
despite growth appearing to have study into the causes of the trade de-
cits and a clampdown on import duty Also of concern for the market was and government entities down nearly 17
slowed sharply in the rst quarter. In this le photo, recycled plastic chips destined to be made in to thread
evasion. that inventory levels and consumer percent on the year. Sales of Fords F-
The Institute for Supply Manage- are shown at the Repreve Bottle Processing Center, part of the Uni textile discounts have continued to rise as au- Series pickup trucks rose 10 percent on
company in Reidsville, North Carolina. On April 3, the Institute for Supply The failure of the new US admin-
ment (ISM) said its index of national istration to push through healthcare tomakers have had to push harder to the year.
factory activity slipped to a reading Management, a trade group of purchasing managers, issues its index of sell their products. A pricing war in the The F-Series has been the best-selling
manufacturing activity for March. (AP) reforms last month has also added to
of 57.2 last month from 57.7 in Feb- global worries Trump will struggle to market could undermine automakers model in the United States since 1982.
ruary, which was the highest since reading since June 2011. manufacturing Purchasing Managers pass the tax cuts and spending plans he prots. The full-size pickup truck is a key prot
August 2014. Manufacturers reported pay- Index rose to its highly in nearly six- promised, which could boost demand March was a tough, tough, tough generator for the No. 2 US automaker.
A reading above 50 indicates an ing more for raw materials, more year high of 56.2 in March, far above in the worlds largest economy. market, said Judy Wheeler, vice presi- On a conference call, Ford executives
expansion in manufacturing, which evidence that ination pressures are the 50 mark that separates growth Delays to the re-ationary plans dent of US sales at Nissan Motor Co said they expected the seasonally ad-
accounts for about 12 percent of the steadily building up. A report on Fri- from contraction. could see US orders and global invest- Ltd, which reported a 3.2 percent in- justed annualized rate (SAAR) for US
US economy. The manufacturing re- day showed a key consumer ination However, British manufacturers ment slow in coming months as busi- crease in sales for the month. Its go- auto sales of over 17 million vehicles.
covery is being driven by the energy measure in February recorded its big- lost some momentum last month, as nesses grow more cautious. ing to be an aggressive year and I think Analyst polled by Reuters expected
sector as steady increases in crude oil gest annual gain in nearly ve years. export orders grew more slowly and China has strong domestic demand everybody realizes that. a SAAR of 17.3 million vehicles for
prices boost drilling activity. The ISMs prices index rose 2.5 rising ination cut into consumer de- to fall back on, at least for now, but Wheeler said Nissans internal data March.
A report from energy services rm percentage points in February to 70.5, mand. other export-reliant Asian economies showed consumer discounts were $441 Toyota Motor Corp reported a 2.1
Baker Hughes on Friday showed US the highest reading since May 2011. Sterlings tumble following Junes are more vulnerable if Trump goes on higher per vehicle than a year ago and percent decrease in sales, including a
drillers added 137 rigs in the rst quar- Factories across Europe and much vote to leave the European Union a trade offensive. inventory levels were on the rise. decline of more than 7 percent at its lux-
ter, the most since the second quarter of Asia posted another month of sol- helped manufacturers enjoy their fast- Japanese factory activity expanded Nissan trucks, SUVs and crossovers ury Lexus brand. Fiat Chrysler said its
of 2011. That has fueled demand id growth in March, rounding off a est annual growth in three years during at a solid clip in March, though the were up 26 percent and had hit record sales were down 5 percent on the year,
for machinery, resulting in business strong quarter for manufacturers, even the nal quarter of 2016 but the sec- pace slowed from the previous month highs, especially its high-selling Rogue though sales of its popular Ram pickup
spending on equipment rising in the though exporters fear a rise in US pro- tors PMI suggested growth slowed in as growth in new export orders and crossover. were up 6 percent.
fourth quarter for the rst time in a tectionism could snuff out a global the rst three months of this year. output slowed. Car sales in America have risen since Honda Motor Co Ltd reported an
year. trade recovery. The ofcial Chinese PMI on Fri- In South Korea, where exports ac- end of the Great Recession and hit a re- overall decline in sales of 0.7 percent
Last month, the ISM surveys pro- China led the way, with an ofcial day rose to 51.8 in March from 51.6, count for half of the economy and cord last year of 17.55 million. Inves- versus March 2016, but said truck sales
duction sub-index decreased 5.3 per- manufacturing index expanding at the thanks to a months-long construction domestic demand is similarly weak, tors and analysts have been watching were up 8.4 percent.
centage points to 57.6. A gauge of fastest pace in nearly ve years. Sur- boom which is helping to boost re- readings have been decidedly mixed. for signs that the current boom cycle GM shares were down 3.8 percent
new orders fell to 64.5 from a reading veys on Monday also showed encour- sources prices around the world. On a more upbeat note, Indias has begun to wane. at $34.03 and Ford was off 3 percent
of 65.1 in February. But a measure aging growth in Europe, Japan, India That was the strongest reading since manufacturing activity grew at the Trucks and SUVs pushed sales at at $11.29. Fiat Chrysler shares were
of factory employment jumped 4.7 and much of emerging Asia. April 2012, though a private survey fastest pace in ve months as output some major automakers higher in down 5.9 percent in New York trading
percentage points to 58.9, the highest In the euro zone, IHS Markits nal focusing on smaller companies sug- and new orders accelerated. March at the expense of cars as Ameri- at $10.28.

The report also emphasised that dif-

Investment is generally a win-win situation for both countries AIM 2017 to ferent types of FDI generate different
kinds of jobs and thus have a different
Trumps pro-business stance buoys Saudi effort: Prince Saud Continued from Page 30
Held under the theme International
impact on the development of the local
economy. In addition, the report quoted
a UNCTAD (United Nations Conference
DUBAI, United Arab Emirates, April Aramco. to limit Saudi reliance on oil exports. spends heavily on defense, ranking as Investment, Path to Competitiveness
& Development, this years edition on Trade and Development) study which
3, (AP): The Saudi prince tasked with Prince Saud bin Khalid al-Faisal, the Prince Saud said the visit was char- the worlds third largest military spend- revealed that FDI ows to developing
attracting foreign investment said Mon- acting governor of the Saudi Arabian acterized as a reset in the US-Saudi er with billions of dollars in purchases of AIM has been discussing economic
development opportunities and counter economies reached record levels at $681
day that US President Donald Trumps General Investment Authority, pointed relationship, which had cooled under from US manufacturers. billion in 2014 with a total FDI stock
pro-business administration can be a to last months visit to Washington by the Obama administration. A White Prince Mohammed, 30, and Prince challenges. The international forum is
host to 100 high-level ofcials, 500 ex- in developing countries exceeding $8.3
good thing for the kingdom as it over- Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin House statement after Trumps meeting Saud, 38, represent a younger, newer trillion. It said that UNCTAD research
hauls its economy and prepares to pub- Salman, who is second-in-line to the with Prince Mohammed emphasized the generation of royals seeking to diver- hibitors and more than 100 media part-
ners. shows that FDI can trigger multiple di-
licly list shares of state-owned oil giant throne and leading a nationwide push need to strengthen economic and com- sify Saudi Arabias oil-addicted econ- rect and indirect benets in a host coun-
mercial ties between the two countries, omy. More than half of the population As part of the Annual Investment
Meeting (AIM 2017) being held at the try, most importantly the transfer of new
including embarking on joint initiatives of Saudi Arabia is under 25-years-old technology, managerial capabilities and
in the energy, industry, infrastructure and 70 percent are under 35, represent- World Trade Center in Dubai, World
and technology sectors, with opportuni- ing a large potential consumer market, Bank Group (WBG) issued today (Mon- increased productivity, although these
ties worth more than $200 billion. but also a massive challenge for the day, 3rd April, 2017), a global report benets dont materialise automatically.
The new administration being a government to keep up with job crea- discussing the relevance of foreign direct The WBG report stressed that in order
pro-business administration I think will tion and affordable housing. investments (FDI) across the world. to achieve economic and job growth, it
realize that business in Saudi Arabia Prince Saud said Saudi Arabias ma- The new report presented ideas is crucial that Domestic Value-Added
will create benets in the US in terms jority young population should encour- and explanations on the best methods (DVA) is increased on a competitive
of job creation, said Prince Saud. age investors. to achieve sustainable development basis.
Investment is generally a win-win Theres a lot of potential in terms through foreign direct investment (FDI) The report concluded with a note stat-
situation for both countries, he said, of retail and the demand is there for at a time it is considered as a vital source ing that the World Bank Group is cur-
speaking in an interview with The As- goods and services, ranging from pots for sustainable development. rently assisting over 80 countries with
sociated Press on the sidelines of the and pans to building material and eve- The report emphasised three funda- framing their investment reform propos-
Annual Investment Meeting in Dubai. rything in between, he said. mental propositions that policy makers als and improving their investment com-
The Saudi government is preparing Amazon last week announced it pur- should keep in mind when dening a petitiveness. In addition it highlighted
to list less than 5 percent of Aramco chased the Middle Easts biggest on- modern investment vision for develop- the signicance of different types of FDI,
next year on the Saudi stock exchange line retailer, which is based ment in the era of globalisation. The which can generate varied economic, so-
and an international exchange. It is in Dubai. Souq.coms main market is rst proposition highlighted that invest- cial and other benets for a country in
gearing up to be the largest otation in Saudi Arabia, however. Prince Saud ment policy and development is about the short and long-term. It also stressed
history, with ofcials valuing Aramco said the kingdom worked with Ama- connecting foreign and domestic invest- the importance of having a sophisticated
at more than $2 trillion. zon last year to introduce them to the ments. The second, proposition focused framework good enough to differentiate
Saudi Prince Saud al-Faisal who oversees the Saudi Arabian General In- The otation is part of a broad effort region. on investments, and in particular for- between the various kinds of FDI and
vestment Authority about Vision 2030 talks to the Associated Press along- to raise Saudi Arabias prole and boost While Saudi Arabia is courting com- eign direct investment (FDI), which are their potential challenges and benets for
side the Annual Investment Meeting in Dubai, United Arab Emirates on government revenues after a sharp drop panies in Silicon Valley, it has invested not homogenous phenomena. The third development, while being simple enough
April 3. The Saudi prince tasked with attracting foreign investment says in oil prices impacted its ability to pay there too. Last year, Saudi Arabias proposition sheds light on how invest- to enable governments to clearly start or-
US President Donald Trumps pro-business administration can be a good for large infrastructure projects, sub- Public Investment fund pumped $3.5 ments are more than just transactions, en- ganising and prioritising the multiple and
thing for the kingdom as it overhauls its economy and prepares to publicly sidies that have citizens have come to billion into the San Francisco-based tailing multi-staged relationships among complex variables affecting the maximi-
list shares of state-owned oil giant Aramco. (AP) rely on and public sector wages. It also ride-sharing rm Uber. different stakeholders. zation of benets of investment.


SNC-Lavalin offers to buy WS Atkins for $2.6 bln Burberry licenses beauty business to Coty
Canadian engineering and con- the possible offer would deliver Atkins shares jumped to a British luxury brand Burberry The company, which brought premium fragrance leader.
struction company SNC-Lavalin value to Atkins shareholders at new high of 2,004 pence follow- said on Monday it would license the perfume business in house Coty has very broad experience
Group Inc has offered to buy a level that the Board would be ing news of the proposal. They its fragrances and cosmetics to in 2013, said it would retain crea- of working closely with other luxury
WS Atkins for about 2.1 billion prepared to recommend, sub- were up 29 percent at 1,986 Coty in a deal totalling $225 mil- tive control while Coty, which brands, she said in an interview.
pounds ($2.6 billion), the Brit- ject to reaching agreement on pence in afternoon trading in lion that will help it develop new counts Gucci, Hugo Boss and We will benet from their deep
ish engineering and consultancy the other terms and conditions London. products and benet from the Calvin Klein in its portfolio, would beauty industry expertise and also
rm said on Monday. of the offer, Atkins said in a In January, the stock rose U.S. groups distribution. bring its global distribution net- their rst class distribution.
Atkins said SNC planned to statement. sharply after media reports said Known for its British-made work to the table. Coty will pay 130 million
offer 2,080 pence per share in The boards are discussing the group had been approached trenchcoats, Burberrys beauty Chief Financial Ofcer Julie pounds for the long-term licence,
cash, 35 percent above Atkins other terms and conditions of the by US peer CH2M about a pos- range is led by fragrances My Brown said Burberry had repo- plus about 50 million pounds
closing share price on Friday. possible offer which is condition- sible $4 billion merger. Burberry and Mr Burberry, and in- sitioned the business by cutting for inventory and other assets,
The board of Atkins has al upon diligence and nancing, Moelis & Co and JPMorgan cludes cosmetics to help introduce secondary-channel sales, and it Burberry said. It will also pay
indicated to SNC-Lavalin that Atkins added. are advising Atkins. (RTRS) its brand to new consumers. was now the time to partner the royalties from October. (RTRS)

CFA Institute research outlines trends and disruptions, suggests roadmap needed

Leaders must transform if investment industry is to thrive: study

DUBAI, April 3: The Future State
of the Investment Profession study
released today by CFA Institute de-
scribes an industry at an existential
crossroads. It warns that investment
industry leaders who fail to trans-
form their business models may
jeopardize the future of their rms.
The report provides a guide to in-
vestment industry leaders looking
to adapt, however, and it is timed
to coincide with
the Putting In-
vestors First
campaign, a
recurring CFA
Institute annual
initiative to fo-
cus the attention
of the industry for leadership success. Respondents especially important. these changes successfully while
on the needs of from North America (61%) and Whatever the future holds, lead- building trust and increasing the
investors around Europe (46%) noted that the most ers in the investment industry will benets to society, CFA Institute
the world. Smith important skill of an asset manager need new skills, and they will need urges asset owners, asset managers
The study CEO will be the ability to articulate a to recruit and develop employees and investment intermediaries to fo-
provides a series of planning sce- compelling vision for the institution. along new dimensions, said Roger cus on these areas for the future:
narios derived by combining mega- In Latin America and in the Middle Urwin, a co-author of the report and Professional transformation: De-
trends impacting all industries with East and Africa, relationship build- chair of the Future of Finance Advi- velop the mindset and practices
other forces specic to the invest- ing skills (42% and 40% respective- sory Council at CFA Institute. Soft by which the investment industry
ment industry. These can be used as ly) and crisis management (39% and skills such as creativity, empathy, evolves into a professional status
tools for leaders in investment man- 37%) will be the two most important and negotiating complex situations akin to law or even medicine.
agement to steer the future of their skills for leadership success. Re- will become increasingly impor- Fiduciary implementation: Master
businesses and ultimately improve spondents based in Asia Pacic see tant. the meaning of duciary in a way that
outcomes for end investors. ethical decision-making (38%), and Roadmap for success can be effectively implemented even
Our industry is at an inection relationship building skills (40%) as To help leaders navigate through with inherent trade-offs and conicts.
point, where success or failure hangs New skills for new circumstances:
in the balance, said Paul Smith, Develop new-era leadership. The era, noted Smith. As the drivers of tion
president and CEO of CFA Institute. industrys biggest challenge is nd- this transformation, industry leaders 70% expect to see more assets go-
Industry leaders will make deci- ing leadership who can articulate hold our professions future in their ing into passive investment vehicles
sions over the next ve years that a compelling vision and instill an hands. They must demonstrate their 63% expect prot margins at asset
will have an impact not just on their ethical culture. Improving diversity purpose and passion to serve others, management rms to remain at or
rms, but also on the entire land- is linked to better performance and show investors the value of what the to contract
scape of the investment profession culture. industry does and elevate the trust 57% expect institutional investors
as we know it. Stronger standards to restore in- that end investors feel in investment will look to reduce costs by in-sourc-
Among the megatrends identied dustry trust: Specify and inuence organizations. ing more investment management
are technological advances, rede- culture and practice with regard to Key survey ndings activities
ned client preferences, new macro- values and costs. Create a culture and The views of more than 1,000 in- Opportunities on the horizon
economic conditions, different regu- business model which align cred- vestment management profession- 55% expect globalization will of-
latory regimes reecting geopolitical ibility and professionalism across a als, including CFA charterholders fer new opportunities for the invest-
changes, and demographic shifts. spectrum of critical attributes. Use indicate that signicant change on ment professionals, while 18% per-
The scenarios are not forecasts but the CFA Institute TRUST checklist: all fronts lies ahead over the next ceive globalization as a threat
include possibilities for the future Transparency, Realistic measures, 5-10 years:
United values, Sustainable and fair Changing investment trends 49% expect technologies will
state of the investment industry.
Leadership Skills Critical to Fu- rewards, and Time-tested relation- 73% expect environmental, social, present new opportunities for invest-
ture Competitiveness ships. and governance factors will become ment professionals, while 23% see
The study also analyzed the most This study clearly shows a critical more inuential new technologies as a threat.
important skills needed for effective need for investment rms to adapt 70% expect nancial centers in
leadership in the future. While there more quickly to new conditions. In the Asia Pacic region will become To learn more, read our report
are common global themes, certain many cases organizations need to more inuential Future State of the Investment
regions differed in their assessment adopt transformational change as Business models facing pressure Profession at
of the skills that are most important we enter a new global investment 84% expect industry consolida- FutureState

Banking sector issues in focus Awareness campaign entitled With KIB, I learnt how to spend and save

Markaz Gold Sponsor to KIB concludes Global Money Week campaign

Kuwait Financial Forum KUWAIT CITY, April 3: As part of the Banks strategy to promote nancial amongst youth and children worldwide. The annual celebrations are spearheaded
by Child and Youth Finance International (CYFI), an organization dedicated to
education and awareness across all segments of the community, Kuwait Interna-
economically and socially empowering children and youth around the world. This
tional Bank (KIB) recently organized an awareness campaign entitled With KIB,
KUWAIT CITY, April 3: Kuwait the banking sector in this high- year, GMW featured a diverse range of events and activities aimed at inspiring
I learnt how to spend and save. The multi-channel campaign was held as part of
Financial Centre Markaz has risk phase. children and youth to learn about money, saving, creating livelihoods, gaining
the Banks participation in the sixth annual Global Money Week (GMW) celebra-
announced its participation as a Alrazi Y. Al-Budaiwi, VP tions, which took place this year under the theme Learn. Save. Earn. employment and becoming entrepreneurs.
Gold Sponsor to (Kuwait Finan- and Head of Media and Com- Speaking about the KIBs participation in GMW, Nawaf Najia, Manager of the
GMW is an annual global initiative which seeks to promote nancial literacy
munications at Markaz said: Corporate Communications Unit at the
cial Forum) that will be held to- Bank, said: KIB was one of the rst
day and tomorrow under the pa- Markaz is always keen on par- banks in the region to have partnered
tronage of His Highness Sheikh ticipating in such constructive with CYFI, highlighting our strong
Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sa- economic events that aim at belief in the importance of spreading
bah, Emir of Kuwait. The forum creating a sustainable economic nancial literacy and economic educa-
is organized by Kuwait Banking environment and enhance the tion amongst children and youth. We
Association in collaboration with national economy. Markaz is have always considered nancial liter-
committed, as one of the lead- acy to be one of the focal points of our
Al-Iktissad Wal-Aamal Group at social responsibility program, and we
Sheraton Kuwait and will include ing financial companies in the have sought through a comprehensive
a number of relevant ministers, Middle East in asset manage- program to promote awareness of the
central bank governors, senior ment and investment banking importance of good money manage-
government ofcials and a group fields, to monitor and keep up ment amongst every segment of the
of senior leaders in the Arab, re- with economic developments population.
and challenges affecting the This year KIB chose to celebrate
gional and international nancial, GMW with a dedicated, multi-plat-
banking, advisory and economic local and regional investment
form campaign, which focused on edu-
institutions. climate. cating youth about the basics of saving
The (Kuwait Financial Forum) He added that the conference and the fundamentals of good money
is a platform to discuss issues and discusses many topics including management, as well as encourag-
challenges facing the Gulf bank- GCC Countries Economies & ing parents to teach their children
the Outlines of the Next Phase, about the values of saving starting at
ing sector in the next phase re- an early age. With KIB, I learnt how
sulting from the falling oil prices Monetary & Banking Policies
in light of the Gulf Econom- to spend and save featured a social
and budgets decit. The forum media awareness campaign which ran
will also discuss future options in ic Changes, Global Economy Photo from the NBKs Al Jawhara quarterly draw. throughout GMW. The education-
depth with governments, relevant Trends & Investment Prospects, focused campaign also included the
regulatory authorities and leaders Gulf Economic Union, Prospects Mohammed Bashier Abdullatef wins KD 250,000 distribution of an educational yer
of Gulf and international banks of the Gulf Banking Industry in along with a specially designed piggy
light of Economic Changes, The bank and a Habboub Account educa-
and companies, as well as nan-
cial economists and experts in or-
der to offer proposals for meeting
Reality and Future of the Islamic
Banking Industry and Digitaliz- NBK names Al Jawhara quarterly draw winner tional coloring book to children and
parents at the Avenues Mall over the
course of the GMW weekend.
ing the Gulf Banks. KUWAIT CITY, April 3: National Ahmad Albouhassan. a customers account entitles them As part of its social responsibil-
those challenges and developing Al-Budaiwi stated: This Bank of Kuwait (NBK) announced On this occasion, NBK held one entry into the draw, thus more ity program, KIB aims to draw on its
sponsorship comes as part of the winner of the KD 250,000 Al an exciting game Al Jawhara money in an account means more vast experience in the nancial sector
Markaz corporate citizenship Jawhara quarterly draw, Mohammed Challenge in Marina Mall-Main chances into each draw. This feature to educate the Kuwaiti community in
strategy that aims at fullling the Bashier Abdullatef, during a spe- Dome, where participates had to enables Al Jawhara Account hold- all areas of nance, business and eco-
corporate social and economic re- cial event held at Marina Mall last look for Al Jawahra to win instant ers to double their chances when nomics.
sponsibilities through three main Thursday. The draw was conducted prizes. Besides, NBKs booth was maintaining their balance without
pillars, which are a) building hu- live on Marina FM through Refresh installed for three consecutive withdrawing. Customers can easily
man capabilities, b) aligning our Program with Ali Nagem on Thurs- days to serve customers and an- calculate their number of chances in
business environment with the day 30th March and under the su- swer their queries. the draw by accessing a customized
principles of sustainable devel- pervision of Abdulaziz Ashkanani, Since the start of the Al Jawhara calculator on
Ministry of Commerce and Industry program, more than 11,000 winners Al Jawhara account is available
opment, c) and promoting good for both Kuwaitis and expats and
governance in the business en- representative. The Executive Man- have already been announced. Al
ager of Communications and PR at Jawhara continues to be the most can be opened at any of NBKs nu-
vironment. Our activities within NBK, AbdulMohsen Al Rushaid, popular prize-giving account in Ku- merous branches around Kuwait,
this strategy include several vari- announced the name of the proud wait and prizes are automatically or safely and easily through NBKs
ety of topics aimed at sustainabil- winner, who is the fourth winner for credited to the winners accounts the website for existing customers.
ity, including the development of the month of March, where 3 lucky day after the draw.
the capacities of young people customers each have won KD 5,000 NBK customers have chances to For more information, please
Alrazi Y. Al-Budaiwai, VP and Head and enabling them to utilize their in Al Jawharas weekly draws: Mo- win KD 5,000 weekly, KD 125,000 contact NBK Call Center at
of Media and Communications at abilities towards achieving a sus- hammed Amin Nasimi, Mahmoud monthly and a grand prize of KD 1801801 or visit NBK ofcial web- The winner posing with NBK repre-
Markaz. tainable future. Murad Ashkanani and Abdulmajid 250,000 quarterly. Each KD 50 in site sentatives.


90 firms interested in supplying grid-scale batteries: Australia Tesla reports record deliveries of vehicles
Dozens of companies from 10 countries are blackout in South Australia paralysed indus- Teslas interest and enthusiasm in this Electric car maker Tesla Inc says it de- Tesla posted its rst prot in three
vying with Elon Musks Tesla Inc to install try for up to two weeks last September, and goes beyond just the Australian market. It is livered a record 25,000 vehicles in the years in the third quarter of 2016, but it
Australias largest grid-scale battery to help outages during a severe heatwave over the proving a concept and providing a solution, rst quarter, up 69 percent from the followed that with a $121 million loss in
keep the lights on in the countrys most wind- past summer. said Gero Farrugio, managing director of re- same period last year. the fourth quarter. Analysts expect an-
dependent state. If successful, the storage project could de- newables consultancy Sustainable Energy Tesla said Sunday that it delivered other loss for the rst quarter.
The South Australian state government liver a political windfall to South Australias Research Analytics. The South Australian about 13,450 Model S cars and about Sundays report indicates Tesla is
said on Monday it had received 90 expres- government, vindicating their investment in government did not name the companies 11,550 Model X SUVs. on track to hit its forecast of 47,000
sions of interest to set up a battery by Decem- renewables, and give Tesla a high-prole who had expressed interest in the project. Tesla says another 4,650 vehicles to 50,000 deliveries in the rst half of
ber with about 100 megawatts of capacity to platform to demonstrate their product. A handful of companies have publicly said were being transported to customers at 2017.
store wind and solar power. That would be Musk was rst to say he could supply 100 they would consider supplying the battery: the end of the quarter and will be includ- CEO Elon Musk said recently that the
used to stabilise the grid at peak times, which MW of battery storage for the state at $250 Zen Energy, privately owned Lyon Group, ed in second-quarter deliveries. Palo Alto-based company will produce
tend to be when the sun and wind are low. per kilowatt hour, in a social media exchange working with US power company AES Corp, Production in the rst quarter totaled 5,000 cars a week later this year after
Grid stability has become a hot-button with the co-founder of Australian software and Carnegie Clean Energy, using batteries 25,418 vehicles, also a record, Tesla production begins in July on the new
political issue in Australia since a state-wide rm Atlassian Corp, Mike Cannon-Brookes. from Samsung SDI Co Ltd. (RTRS) said. Model 3. (AP)

GCC markets monthly report

KAMCO Research

Markets pull back as stocks go ex-dividend

L arge-cap stocks in the GCC went ex-
dividend during March-17 adding to
the softer market sentiments in the GCC
markets. The decline was also reected
in the MSCI GCC index that declined by
1.3% during the month. A total of 43%
of the companies by market cap have
gone ex-dividend by the end of March-
17. Bahrain and Saudi Arabia were the
only two positive performing market
with an index return of 0.5% and 0.4%,
respectively. On the other hand, Dubai
witnessed the biggest monthly decline
of 4.1% as largecap indices, including
Bank and Real Estate, declined. Lower
oil prices added to the market pressure as
crude slid almost 6% during the month
on the back of rising production in the
US, although talks of an extension to the
ongoing OPEC production agreement
provided interim relief to falling prices. value traded chart with KWD 58 Mn of 26.5% although trades in the stock Repton school. All projects announced
Trading activity continued to decline worth of shares traded during the month was marginal at SAR 0.6 Mn. Bank Al are scheduled to start construction this
for the second consecutive month with followed by KFH and Zain with KWD Jazira followed with a gain of 23% af- year and be complete during 2019 and
total value traded down by 7.4% to reach 44.8 Mn and KWD 41.8 Mn worth of ter the bank proposed a 30% capital in- 2020. In merger related developed the
USD 28.4 Bn. Qatar and Bahrain were shares changing hands, respectively. The crease. NADEC surged 22.8% and was NBAD-FGB became effective with new
the only markets that recorded higher monthly gainers chart primarily included third on the list. The decliners side was NBAD ordinary shares of 5,643,000,000
value traded during the month with in- small-cap stocks that was also reected topped by Emaar Economic City record- been issued to those shareholders of
crease of 53% and 35%, respectively. in the positive performance of the price ing a decline of 13.5% followed by Qas- FGB. The new number of outstanding
On the other hand, Dubai recorded the index. Shares of NCCI and Amwal more sim Cement and Sagr Coop Insurance NBAD ordinary shares following the
steepest decline of 39%. Volume traded than doubled during the month followed with declines of 12.8% and 12.3%, re- capital increase is 10,897,545,318.
on the GCC exchanges also declined by by 60% gain in shares of REAM and spectively. Dubai Financial Market
almost a third to 18.9 Bn shares during 32% gain in shares of Educational Hold- On the economic front, Fitch ratings DFM continued its declining trends
the month as compared to February-17. ing. slashed Saudi Arabias credit rating by from February-17 into March-17, and
On the economic front, Fitch ratings On the regulatory front, Kuwait com- one notch to A+ with a Stable Outlook. was the worst performing market for
slashed Saudi Arabias credit rating by pleted the long awaited sovereign in- As reasons for the downgrade, the agency the month that passed. For March-17,
one notch to A+ with a Stable Outlook. ternational bond sale during the month highlighted continued deterioration of DFM was down by 4.1% and closed
As reasons for the downgrade, the agen- achieving a pricing that was better than public and external balance sheets, wider- at 3480.43 points. Sectoral trends were
cy highlighted continued deterioration of that of Qatar, Abu Dhabi and Saudi Ara- than-expected scal decit in 2016 with mixed, but was skewed towards losers.
public and external balance sheets, wid- bia. According to reports, the govern- the low oil prices being the key underly- The Financials pack plunged as Banks
er-than-expected scal decit in 2016 ment sold USD 3.5 Bn in 5-year notes ing factor. Nevertheless, the Fitch down- were down by 6.3% m-o-m, Insurance
with the low oil prices being the key un- at 75 bps over corresponding U.S. Treas- grade brings the Kingdoms rating in line was down by 6.2% m-o-m, while In-
derlying factor. On the regulatory front, uries and USD 4.5 Bn in 10-year bonds with that of Moodys whereas S&P rates vestment & Financial Services dropped
the Kingdom took another step towards at a 100 bps spread after receiving bids it at two notches below the corresponding by 5.3%. The Consumer Staples & Dis-
its efforts to join the MSCI Emerging worth USD 29 Bn, more than three times rating of Moodys and Fitch. Moodys cretionary sector index also declined by
Market index. The Saudi exchange said the total issuance size. On the regulatory highlighted its A1 rating outlook on the 6.2% m-o-m, mostly due to DXB Enter-
it would extend the period for settling front, the CMA Kuwait announced key Kingdom that is supported by the coun- tainments losing ground by 5.6%. The
trades and introduce short-selling on reforms in its bid to qualify as an emerg- trys strong scal position, large oil and Real Estate & Construction continued to
April 23. In addition, Kuwait also an- ing market. The regulator said it would gas reserves at low production costs and slip in March-17 similar to February-17,
nounced similar efforts including intro- extend trade settlement cycle to 3 days signicant external liquidity. The Min- as it fell by 2.5% m-o-m. Indices, which
duction of T+3 settlement, a reorganiza- by the end of April from the current 2 istry of Finance said that the downgrade witnessed higher levels, were led by In-
tion and a new benchmark by next year. days for foreigners, whereas local trad- was anticipated and is based on quantita- dustrials, which was up 6.9% m-o-m,
Boursa Kuwait ers trades would be settled the same day. tive analysis although the fundamentals single-handedly due to National Ce-
Boursa Kuwait retracted during The CMA also plans to introduce short- of the economy remains strong. ment Company, which was up by 6.9%
March-17 amid a broader sell-off in the selling and derivative products allowing On the regulatory front, the exchange, as well. Telecom also moved higher by
GCC. The Weighted index dropped tradable rights issues and ETFs next as part of its efforts to be included in the 1.3%, driven by DU (+1.3%).
2.5% during the month but continued to year. The exchange would also group MSCI Emerging Markets index, said it In prominent earnings, Arabtec re-
trade above the 400 points support level companies in segregated markets based would extend the earlier announced peri- ported revenues of AED 8.2 Bn for FY
to close at 413.27 points. Contrastingly, on market cap and volumes. od for settling trades and introduce short- 2016, up 7.1% y-o-y from FY 2015. The
the Price Index surged during the month Saudi Arabia (Tadawul) selling on 23-April-17. These reforms company announced that order backlog
by 3.6% indicating demand for small cap After two consecutive months of de- are requirements for the MSCI inclusion. stands at AED 18 Bn, which is more than
stocks in the market as against blue chips. cline, TASI recorded marginal gains of In addition, the timing of the reform is two years of book-to-bill based on current
In terms of YTD-17 performance, the 0.4% during March-17 as the positive also crucial as it would be considered year revenues. Group net loss came in at
Kuwait Price index leads in the GCC with performance of banks and telecom stocks during the June-17 review by the MSCI AED 3.5 Bn, higher than the AED 2.8 Bn
a return of 22.3% whereas the Weighted were partially offset by a decline in ener- that would decide whether to included loss reported in 2015, mainly attributed to
index reported a rise of 8.7%, third in the gy stocks. The benchmark mostly traded Saudi Arabia on its review list, one of AED 1.9 Bn of impairment of receivables
GCC. The monthly performance of the below the 7,000 mark during the month the rst steps in the direction towards for the current year. Arabtec mentioned
weighted index reected a decline in most only to surge 0.8% and regain this key inclusion. Nevertheless, even if included that the group plans to raise AED 1.5
major sectoral indices including Banks support level on the last trading session to in the review list, the Kingdom would be Bn through a rights offering. Telecom
and Telecom that declined by 3.5% and close at 7,001.63 points. Food, Healthcare able to join the index not until mid-2019 operator DU reported full year revenues
3.1%, respectively. The banking index and Retail were the best performing sec- as per the normal MSCI schedule. of AED 12.73 Bn for FY 2016, a 3.2%
performance primarily reected 10.8% tors during the month in addition to 2.8% Abu Dhabi Securities Exchange increase from 2015 driven by a 12% in-
and 13.1% fall in shares of NBK and Ku- return for the Telecom index and 1% for ADX followed broad GCC market crease in number of mobile subscribers
wait Finance House, respectively, while the Banks index. On the decliners side, cues and retraced lower in March-17 and a 4.4% increase in y-o-y xed line
AUB and Burgan Bank were the only Insurance and Utilities indices recorded after closing mostly at in the rst two market conditions, as per the announce- Q4-15. The board recommended a cash
revenues. Net prot after royalty however ment on the stock exchange. Qatar Insur- dividend of 50% (2015: 45%).
banking stocks that reported positive per- the steepest monthly decline of 4.2% months of the year. The index was down declined by 9.7% y-o-y, due to a 10% rise
formance during the month. Moreover, each, while the Energy index declined by 2.4% m-o-m and closed at 4,443.53 ance Companys reinsurance subsidiary Muscat Securities Market
in royalty paid to the government. The -Qatar Re (Bermuda) Limited, success- After minimal volatility since the start
8 out of the 10 banks went ex-dividend 3.1% as oil prices were under signicant points, as most major sectoral indices proposed nal AED 0.21 per share, bring-
during the month which also reected pressure during the month led higher pro- closed lower. Investment & Financial ful placed USD 450 Mn of reg S per- of the year with the index being at at the
ing the annual dividend payment for 2016 petual non-call 5.5 subordinated Tier 2 end of the rst two months of the year,
the poor sector performance. In the Tel- duction in the US. Services was the worst performing index to AED 0.34 per share.
ecom sector, Viva was the only positive Monthly trading activity declined in as it plunged by 12.1% m-o-m, followed notes, and the issue attracted more than the MSM30 index recorded the second
Qatar Exchange USD 6.5 Bn. The initial coupon has been highest monthly decline of 4% during
performing stock with a return of 10.6%, line with the rest of the GCC markets. by Energy & Real Estate indices, that de- The QE 20 index reversed its positive
while Zain and Ooredoo dropped 5.2% Monthly volume declined by 12.6% clined by 7.7% and 7.3%, respectively. set at 4.95% per annum. March-17. The decline was broad-based
trends exhibited in the rst two months Bahrain Bourse as seen in declines in all the three sec-
and 4.8%, respectively. The Technology to 3.6 Bn shares as compared to 4.2 Waha Capital largely led the decline of of the year to decline in March-17, as
index recorded the steepest decline of Bn shares during the previous month. the Investment & Financial Services Bahrain All Share Index continued as toral indices with Services sector falling
the index receded by 2.9% m-o-m, and one of the best performing markets YTD by 4.1% followed by 4.0% decline in
7.7%, while the Healthcare index topped Monthly value traded also declined but index as it went down by 12.2% m-o- closed at 10390.60 points. The Qatar All
monthly performance with a surge of 8%. at a signicantly lower pace of 3.6% m, while large-cap Aldar Properties -2017, and was the best performing mar- Financial index and 1.3% decline in the
Share index dropped by a lower 1.4% ket in the GCC in March-17. The index industrial index. Al Anwar Holding was
Trading activity continued to drop for to reach SAR 72.5 Bn in March-17 as declined by 5.8% and pulled the Real for the third month of 2017, while sec-
the second consecutive month. Monthly compared to SAR 75.2 Bn during the Estate index down. In terms of gainers, rose, albeit marginally and closed 0.5% the only Financial stock in the regular
toral trends were mixed. Indices such higher on a m-o-m basis. . The index market that closed with a gain of 5.7%
volumes traded on the exchange de- previous month. Alinma Bank topped the Telecom index led all indices with as Transportation, Telecoms and Insur-
the monthly value traded chart record- a monthly gain of 2.6%, as Etisalat was closed at 1355.99 points at the end of the during the month. Banks in particular
clined by almost 20% to 7.1 Bn shares ance were among the main laggards for had a weak month with Bank Muscat,
as compared to 8.6 Bn shares during ing trades worth SAR 8.2 Bn during the up by 2.6% m-o-m. The Insurance index month. Sectoral performance was mixed
the month of March-17. Transportation as there were indices which gained and the largest stock on the exchange, re-
the previous month. Value traded also month followed by SABIC and Al-Tay- followed and moved up 1.8% m-o-m. index was the index, which receded the
yar Travel recording trades worth SAR In prominent earnings, Etisalat re- receded. Market breadth for the index corded a decline of 19.7%, the second-
declined at an even higher pace of 25% most as all stocks in the index declined, highest fall during the month. The stock
to KWD 653 Mn as compared to KWD 6.8 Bn and SAR 3.3 Bn, respectively. ported FY 2016 revenues of AED 52.4 was positive, as 9 stocks gained ground,
witnessing an average drop of 9.7%. while 7 stocks witnessed declines in going ex-dividend added to the already
866 Mn during February-17. In terms The monthly gainers chart was topped Bn, a 2% y-o-y increase from 2015, de- Ooredoo was responsible for the decline
by United Electronics recording a gain spite a 1% decline in subscriber base to their share prices. Industrials was the weak trends in the sector. Shares of NBO
of stocks, Alimtiaz topped the monthly in the Telecoms index as the stock de- also declined by 8.9% due to the cash
162 Mn. Consolidated EBITDA came in main sector which drove the index up as
clined by over 8.8% m-o-m. Amongst the sector was up 37.8% for the month, dividends announced during the month.
at AED 26.3 Bn, a 1% y-o-y decline in the indices which gained during the
2016 driven mainly by unfavorable FX singlehandedly pushed up by Aluminum Banks in the Sultanate continue to
month was the Real Estate index which Bahrain which was the best performing face tight liquidity conditions, in line
in Egypt, competitiveness pressure in gained by 1.0% m-o-m for the month as
Morocco and non-telecom operations. index in the overall index. The Hotels & with most of the other GCC countries.
Ezdan (+3.8% m-o-m) was able to ne- Tourism sector went up as well by 3.6%, According to the latest monthly report
Net Income came in at AED 8.4 Mn gate the declines in Union Development
which increased by 2% y-o-y. followed by Insurance names which from the Central Bank of Oman (CBO),
and Barwa (-10.3% m-o-m). went up by 1.6% m-o-m in March -17. the prevailing liquidity conditions has
In the Real Estate sector, Aldar an- In corporate ratings related action
nounced the components of their AED Services stocks and Commercial Banks led to an increase in average interest
Capital Intelligence Ratings announced were the two sectors which were key rates with lending rate rising by as much
1.9 Bn capex which would comprise of that it has afrmed Doha Banks Fi-
mid-market residential, hospitality & lei- laggards for the index as it went down as 34 bps year-on-year in January-17
nancial Strength Rating (FSR) at A. by 3.0% and 2.3% respectively for the and deposit rates increasing by 63 bps.
sure, and retail assets on Yas Island and Key drivers supporting the rating were
Reem Island. The capex program fol- current month. However, the funds raised in the interna-
the Banks good capital base, currently In earning releases, Al Ahlia Insur- tional market has alleviated some pres-
lows the AED 1.1 Bn already invested being further augmented by a rights is-
in the Daman House acquisition, Al Jimi ance reported a net prot of BHD 31,808 sure from the domestic banking system.
sue and good overall asset quality. They for FY 2016 as compared to a net loss Contrastingly, credit facilities by the
Mall extension, Al Mamoura school and mentioned that the NPL ratio is above of BD 622,699 for FY 2015. The muted banking sector was upbeat with the CBO
average for the peer group, along with performance was ascribed to the contin- reporting an 8.9% year-on-year increase
more than a full loan-loss reserve cov- ued unfavorable investment climate dur- in credit facilities in January-17. Credit
erage, which points towards a sound ing the year. The net prot from the com- to the private sector increased by 10.6%
asset quality position. In funding initia- panys insurance operations for FY 2016 on the back of diversications initiatives
tives, developer Ezdan Holding Group came in at BHD 1.39 Mn compared to undertaken by the government. Depos-
has mandated HSBC and Mashreqbank BHD 1.42 Mn, a marginal decrease its also increased but at a lower pace of
as joint global coordinators, and Dubai despite heightened claims activity, as a 6.7% with private sector adding 5.3% as
Islamic Bank, Emirates NBD Capi- result of companys prudent underwrit- compared to the previous year.
tal, HSBC, Mashreqbank, Natixis and ing and sound claims management. The The trends in the Services sector was
Standard Chartered Bank as Joint Lead gross premiums stood at BHD 13.5 Mn similar, with only Omantel, in the regu-
Managers and Bookrunners to arrange a for FY 2016 as compared to BHD 10.9 lar market, reporting a monthly gain of
series of xed income investor meetings Mn for FY 2015. Bahrain Commercial 4.0%. Most of the other stocks in the sec-
in Asia, the UAE and the UK. A bench- Facilities Company reported a net prot tor had a weak trend, including Port Ser-
mark USD Reg S senior unsecured sukuk of BHD 19.9 Mn for the FY 2016 up vices Corp., which recorded the steepest
offering under Ezdan Sukuk Company 14.4% than BHD 17.4 million earned decline of 24.2% during the month fol-
Limiteds USD 2 Bn Trust Certicate in 2015. Net prot for Q4-16 was BHD lowed by 14% decline in shares of Sohar
Issuance Program may follow subject to 5.3 Mn as compared to BHD 4.4Mn in Power.


Honda sales fall Name: Kuwait Sharia Bloomberg Todays Todays closing Prev closing % 1-week 3-month YTD 12-month 24-month
Index name ticker value as of value value change change change change change change
Compatible Indices Kuwait Sharia Compatible Index - Composite AMIC April 3, 2017 178.41 178.86 -0.25% -2.72% 6.30% 6.91% 17.98% -3.82%
Honda says its March sales fell just under 1 percent, Kuwait Sharia Compatible Index - Kuwait Only AMIC April 3, 2017 169.61 169.98 -0.22% -2.64% 5.54% 6.14% 15.49% -6.60%
dragged down by sagging demand for its Acura luxury Providers: Al Madar Finance Kuwait Sharia Compatible Index - Active
Kuwait Sharia Compatible Index - Banking Sector
April 3, 2017
April 3, 2017
brand. The automaker sold just over 137,000 vehicles, Kuwait Sharia Compatible Index - Investment Sector AMIC April 3, 2017 57.31 56.70 1.08% -2.20% 20.88% 22.00% 33.56% -9.91%
with the Honda brand up 2 percent, and Acura sales & Investment Co. Kuwait Sharia Compatible Index - Insurance Sector AMIC April 3, 2017 23.25 22.49 3.37% 0.82% 48.42% 47.44% 33.45% -13.67%
down more than 21 percent. Kuwait Sharia Compatible Index - Real Estate Sector AMIC April 3, 2017 52.49 52.49 0.00% -1.55% 6.09% 7.67% 12.15% -6.60%
Sales were led by SUVs and trucks. The company sold Description: Index of Sharia Kuwait Sharia Compatible Index - Industrial Sector AMIC April 3, 2017 149.61 148.84 0.52% -1.79% 23.13% 23.44% 23.14% 5.98%
Kuwait Sharia Compatible Index - Services Sector AMIC April 3, 2017 209.84 209.73 0.05% 1.16% 6.51% 6.29% 23.09% -0.46%
nearly 33,000 CR-V small SUVs, a 23 percent gain. compatible companies traded Kuwait Sharia Compatible Index - Food Sector AMIC April 3, 2017 365.87 374.55 -2.32% 3.37% -4.43% -3.75% -0.31% -9.63%
But Honda said Monday that car sales struggled. Sales Kuwait Sharia Compatible Index - Islamic Sector AMIC April 3, 2017 138.40 138.75 -0.25% -6.54% 6.33% 7.28% 19.85% -4.70%
Kuwait Sharia Compatible Index - Non Kuwaiti Sector AMIC April 3, 2017 539.69 543.55 -0.71% -4.18% 20.86% 21.73% 85.87% 109.98%
of the Accord midsize car fell 12 percent, while the com- on the KSE Kuwait Stock Exchange Index - Price KWSEIDX April 3, 2017 6,999.23 7,021.37 -0.32% -0.47% 21.20% 21.77% 34.40% 12.50%
pact Civic was off 4 percent. Sales of the Acura TLX de- S&P 500 SPX April 2, 2017 2,362.72 2,362.72 0.00% 0.80% 5.53% 5.53% 13.99% 14.71%
clined over 25 percent. (AP) Website: DJ Islamic Index. DJIM April 2, 2017 3,128.62 3,130.30 -0.05% 0.44% 7.91% 7.64% 11.27% 7.01%

global markets report

National Bank of Kuwait

Markets get a small dose of realism in late Q1

T he rst quarter of the year
saw the January inauguration
Political and election risk in
50 bps for Bunds), as well as near
zero-yield Japanese 10-year notes

Japan business outlook of a new US president, the un-

conventional Donald Trump, and
the advent of a more normal or
perhaps more aggressive Fed-
Europe would weigh on the euro
and help the USD.
These three factors remain
in play but appear to have been
are preventing US rates from ris-
ing too fast or too far.
Like equities and the USD,
US rates also corrected slightly
eral Reserve. The Fed also raised largely discounted already. Fur- late in the quarter, driven in part

brightens, survey shows its target rates in March when the

earlier expectation had been for
June 2017.
These events and others (includ-
thermore, expectations are turn-
ing less supportive of the USD, in
all three cases.
EU economic numbers are rela-
by the more realistic expecta-
tions for the Trump economic
and tax agenda. Mr. Trump and
the Republicans (currently with
ing the disappointing performance tively solid, and the days of ag- zero help from the Democrats)
Improvement modest of anti-establishment voices in the gressive ECB easing action may were intent on, in that order:
Dutch election) were taken in stride well be numbered. In fact, the repealing and replacing Obam-
by most markets, and were in line eurozone outgrew the US in 2016 acare, cutting taxes, and push-
TOKYO, April 3, (AP): with expectations. for the rst time since the nan- ing infrastructure spending.
Encouraged by stronger The markets were looking cial crisis (1.7% to 1.6%, in the The rst part, health care re-
export orders, Japanese for rising equity markets, a ris- US, real GDP growth). form, has now been postponed,
manufacturers are feel- ing USD, and higher US interest On the second point, the agenda or scrapped, for lack of suf-
ing a bit more upbeat than rates. That is more or less what of Trump and the Republicans cient Congressional support. This
they got, except for the USD, is indeed in the pipeline but the should further weigh on expecta-
they were late last year, ac- which continues to bafe many, rosy view of a smooth and timely tions ahead.
cording to a quarterly sur- and especially against major cur- policy unfolding has bumped into The US House of Representa-
vey by the Bank of Japan rencies. reality: Congressional votes have tives failure to pass the Ameri-
released Monday. In the case of Trump and his to be rounded; different groups can Health Care Act (ACHA, to
The central banks tankan re- agenda for a friendlier business and factions need to be satised, replace Obamacare) was seen
port put sentiment among large environment, the expected gains parliamentary rules get in the as a crucial rst test of Trumps
manufacturers at 12, up from 10 are many (deregulation, tax cuts, way, etc. leadership in Washington and of
in December. Medium-sized and infrastructure spending), and Finally, point-three above was his inuence on his own party.
small companies also were more stocks had a very strong run af- deated by the results of the Markets have thus turned more
optimistic. ter the election of November 8. Dutch election. These saw the cautious in their anticipation of
The surveys findings fell slight- By quarters end (Q1), US stocks far-right party do well but under- the other expected economic
ly below economists forecasts. were up 13% (Dow Industrials) perform expectations. Now fresh goodies (tax cuts, infrastructure
But they were seen as a sign that and 10% (S&P 500) since the US French polls show support for the spending) down the road.
improved exports are underpin- People stand in front of an electronic stock board of a securities rm in election and some 4-5% year-to- mainstream candidates, so far, for Meanwhile, regional GCC
ning growth in the worlds No. 3 Tokyo, on April 3. Asian markets were mostly higher Monday, cheered by date (ytd). the April-May presidential elec- economies are showing signs of
economy as Chinas economy sta- a positive report on the Japanese economy, as players awaited a meeting Moreover, after a long stint of tion. growing moderately, led by Ku-
bilizes. between US and Chinese leader later in the week. (AP)
daily gains, US politics and the So, the USD, which always had wait and Qatar and the UAE. Oil
Masamichi Adachi of J.P.Morgan US legislative process nally an extremely difcult time break- prices have helped nances and
described the results as a B, or proved conditions. The latest read- er spending. While unemployment
not good but not bad. ing of 52.4 was down slightly from sank to a 22-year low last month caught up with markets late in ing the 1.05 level to the euro, was sentiment by spending a good
The improvement is basically Marchs reading of 53.3 on a scale of 2.8 percent, companies have so Q1. Some (overdue) adjustment trading above 1.08 recently (euro deal of time near $55 per barrel.
consistent with our bullish view on where 50 marks the cutoff between far kept wage increases to a mini- nally weighed in, primarily on up 3% ytd). Similarly, the JPY Prices were pressured lower more
the current Japanese economy, Ada- expansion and contraction. mum. the USD and US equities, espe- had a good run and traded near recently, by strong US (shale-led)
chi said in a research note. Some Japans exports to the rest of The BoJs survey showed large cially after the Trump administra- 111, or up 5.5% ytd. Many ana- production, now exceeding 9 mil-
improvement of business sentiment Asia, especially China, have re- manufacturers intend to increase tion failed to secure enough sup- lysts revised their USD numbers lion barrels per day.
with persistent cautiousness is prob- covered as Chinese factory activ- spending on factories and equip- port to pass its priority health care lower for 2017. The major story in the region
ably in line with the BoJs view, as ity has picked up amid a prolonged ment by only 0.6 percent in this reform legislation. According to For the Fed and interest rates, the past few months has been
well, he said. slowdown. fiscal year, which began April 1. the broad consensus of late 2016, US rates are up roughly 40-50 the massive issuance of sover-
For the current April-June quarter, But Japans own recovery remains Overall, companies plan to cut the USD was supposed to rise in basis points (bps) since the two eign debt, more recently by Ku-
rms of all sizes forecast a slight de- vulnerable: Prime Minister Shinzo such capital spending by 1.3 per- 2017, at least in the rst part of rate hikes of December 2016 and wait ($8 billion) and Oman ($5
terioration in operating conditions, Abe has twice delayed a sales tax cent. the year. That view was based on March 2017 (two 25 bp hikes billion) in what were very suc-
which is typical when conditions are increase to avoid shocks to the But capital outlays often increase
economy. The BoJ, meanwhile, is during the year, Thieliant noted. three arguments: of the federal funds target). The cessful issues (in terms of both
favorable, said Marcel Thieliant of
Capital Economics. injecting tens of billions of dollars The survey of 10,799 companies The stronger US economy 10-year note is currently around interest and pricing). Following
The survey suggests that growth a month into the economy through was conducted from late February would imply a still tighter Fed 2.4% after irting briey with the 4Q16 issuance, Saudi Arabia is
will remain strong for now, purchases of assets, mainly Japanese to the end of March. Readings are policy stance, certainly relative 2.6% level. now looking to issue interna-
Thieliant said. government bonds. based on the difference between to the eurozone and the ECB (and European levels are moving in tional sovereign sukuk.
A separate, monthly survey of The weak links in the strategy those surveyed who say conditions other countries). the same direction, when not im- These issues are also helping
purchasing managers, Nikkei Japan have been lower-than-expected are good and those who say they are Trumps economic agenda pacted by ight-to-quality. At the relieve any liquidity pressures in
Manufacturing, also showed im- corporate investment and consum- unfavorable. would further pump up the US same time, their low yields (sub- the GCC countries.

investment funds
Funds Fund Manager Valuation Valued date Currency Net Asset Prev NAV Prev NAV Dated Funds Fund Manager Valuation Valued date Currency Net Asset Prev NAV Prev NAV Dated
Value (NAV) Value (NAV)

National Bank of Kuwait Index Funds GCC Large Cap Index Fund Global Weekly March 23, 2017 KD 1.202 1.183 March 9, 2017
Equity Funds Al-Mamoun Fund A Global Weekly March 23, 2017 KD 0.655 0.647 March 9, 2017
Money Market Funds
Watani KD Money Market Fund II NBK Capital Weekly March 28, 2017 KD 1.024 1.022 Jan 17, 2017 Al-Mamoun Fund B Global Weekly March 23, 2017 KD 0.655 0.647 March 9, 2017
Watani USD Money Market Fund NBK Global Asset Management Co. Ltd. Weekly March 28, 2017 USD 10.190 10.182 Jan 17, 2017 GCC Large Cap Fund Global Bi-weekly March 21, 2017 USD 144.580 144.080 March 7, 2017
Watani KD Money Market Fund (Acc Al-Noor Fund Global Bi-weekly Jan 31, 2017 SAR 197.090 197.090 Jan 24, 2017
to Islamic Shariah principles) II NBK Global Asset Management Co. Ltd. Weekly March 28, 2017 KD 1.022 1.020 Jan 17, 2017 Global Saudi Equity Fund Global Bi-weekly March 21, 2017 SAR 203.290 206.020 March 7, 2017
Watani USD Money Market Fund (Acc Money Market Funds Global Money Market Fund Global Weekly Nov 20, 2016 USD 1.160
to Islamic Shariah principles) II NBK Global Asset Management Co. Ltd. Weekly March 28, 2017 USD 10.069 Sectoral Funds EPADI Fund Global Weekly March 21, 2017 USD 107.050 107.850 March 7, 2017
NBK Kuwait Equity Fund Watani Investment Co. Weekly March 23, 2017 KD 0.670 Islamic Funds Global GCC Islamic Fund Global Weekly March 21, 2017 USD 99.020 98.670 March 7, 2017
Gulf Equity Investment Fund Watani Investment Co. Weekly March 23, 2017 USD 10.105 Al-Durra Islamic Fund Global Monthly March 23, 2017 KD 1.202 1.182 March 9, 2017

Gulf Bank Kuwait Finance & Investment Co (KFIC)
Al Bashaer GCC Equity Fund Kwt. Fin. & Inv. Co. & Gulf Fin. House Monthly Feb 28, 2017 USD 7.070 7.082 Jan 31, 2017 Al Wasm Fund KFIC Weekly March 16, 2017 KD 0.420 0.421 Feb 15, 2017
Coast Fund Coast Investment & Dev. Co. Monthly Feb 28, 2017 KD 0.672 0.652 Jan 31, 2017 Al Bashaer GCC Equity Fund KFIC Monthly Feb 28, 2017 USD 7.073 6.853 Dec 31, 2016
Sanaya Dow Jones Kuwait Index Fund Industrial & Financial Investment Co. Weekly Jan 26, 2017 KD 0.561 0.561 Dec 30, 2016
Markaz Capital Preservation Program 1 Monthly Feb 28, 2017 KD 0.912 0.917 Dec 31, 2016
Markaz Capital Preservation Program 2 Monthly Feb 28, 2017 KD 0.942 0.940 Dec 31, 2016
KAMCO Investment Fund KAMCO Monthly Jan 31, 2017 KD 1.065 0.889 Nov 30, 2016
Markaz Gulf Real Estate Fund Bi-annual Feb 28, 2017 KD 1.417 1.418 Jan 31, 2017
KAMCO GCC Opportunities Fund KAMCO Monthly July 31, 2016 USD 115.890 114.380 Feb 29, 2016

KAMCO MENA Plus Fixed Income Fund KAMCO Jan 31, 2017 USD 12.551 10.260 Dec 31, 2016
Al Ahli Bank KAMCO Real Estate Yield Fund KAMCO Jan 31, 2017 USD 10.220 10.270 Dec 30, 2016
Al Ahli Gulf Fund Al Ahli Bank Monthly Feb 28, 2017 KD 0.893 0.892 Jan 31, 2017 Kuwait Education Fund KAMCO Quartely Sept 30, 2016 KD 1.457
Al Ahli Kuwaiti Fund Al Ahli Bank Monthly Feb 28, 2017 KD 0.818 0.824 Jan 31, 2017

Wafra International Investment Co.

Burgan Bank Wafra Equity Fund Wafra Co. Monthly Feb 28, 2017 KD 0.902 0.911 Jan 31, 2017
Burgan Equity Fund Burgan Bank Monthly March 26, 2017 KD 1.809 1.794 Feb 26, 2017 Wafra Bond Fund Wafra Co. Monthly Feb 28, 2017 KD 1.034 1.032 Jan 31, 2017
Masaref Investment Fund ISKAN Weekly Feb 28, 2017 KD 0.816 0.817 Jan 31, 2017
Fajir Islamic Fund Wafra Co. Monthly Feb 28, 2017 KD 0.675 0.695 Jan 31, 2017
Boubyan Bank
Boubyan KD Money Market Fund Boubyan Bank Weekly March 28, 2017 KD 1.062 1.061 Feb 28, 2017
Boubyan KD Money Market Fund II Boubyan Bank Weekly March 28, 2017 KD 1.009 1.006 Feb 28, 2017 Shuaa Capital Co.
Emirates Gateway Fund Shuaa Capital Weekly Feb 7, 2017 AED 15.110 15.070 Jan 31, 2017
The Arab Gateway Fund Shuaa Capital Weekly Feb 7, 2017 USD 28.160 29.040 Jan 31, 2017
Boubyan Capital Investment Co.
Boubyan USD Liquidity Fund Boubyan Capital Investment Co March 28, 2017 USD 10.190 10.180 Feb 28, 2017
Boubyan Multi-Asset Holding Fund Boubyan Bank Feb 28, 2017 USD 10.250 10.125 Jan 31, 2017 Al Aman Investment
Al Aman Islamic Fund Al Aman Investment Weekly Dec 31, 2016 KD 0.342 0.322 Nov 1, 2016

Kuwait Investment Co.
Local Fund Al Raed Fund Kuwait Investment Co Weekly March 23, 2017 KD 1.014 1.001 March 16, 2017 Tharwa Investment Co.
Kuwait Investment Fund Kuwait Investment Co Weekly Feb 28, 2017 KD 0.695 0.696 Jan 31, 2017 Tharwa Investment Fund Tharwa Investment Co Weekly March 13, 2017 KD 1.379 1.406 Dec 31, 2016
Al Hilal Fund Kuwait Investment Co Monthly Feb 28, 2017 KD 0.541 0.541 Feb 13, 2017 Tharwa Arab Investment Fund Tharwa Investment Co Bi-weekly July 31, 2016 USD 1.977 2.251 June 30, 2016
Al Atheer Fund Kuwait Investment Co Weekly Feb 28, 2017 KD 1.089 1.112 Jan 31, 2017 Tharwa World Fund Tharwa Investment Co Monthly March 31, 2016 USD 1.024 0.986 March 15, 2016
International Global Bond Fund Kuwait Investment Co Weekly March 22, 2017 USD 24.510 24.210 March 15, 2017 Tharwa Islamic Fund Tharwa Investment Co Monthly March 13, 2017 KD 0.571 0.590 Dec 31, 2016
Diversified Fund Kuwait Investment Co Weekly March 22, 2017 USD 18.550 18.530 March 15, 2017
European Fund Kuwait Investment Co Weekly Jan 31, 2017 Euro 19.890 19.820 Dec 30, 2016 Bank Al-Bilad
Pacific Equity Fund Kuwait Investment Co Weekly March 22, 2017 USD 29.430 29.200 March 15, 2017 Al Seef Fund Bank Al-Bilad Daily March 15, 2017 KD 0.422 0.415 March 1, 2017
North American Equity Fund Kuwait Investment Co Tw. Monthly Feb 28, 2017 USD 18.100 17.570 Jan 31, 2017

Commercial International Bank

National Investment Co. (NIC) CIB Money Market Fund (Osoul) CI Asset Management Weekly March 30, 2017 EGP 286.030 285.700 March 27, 2017
Al-Wataniya Fund NIC Monthly Feb 28, 2017 KD 0.613 0.630 Jan 31, 2017
CIB II Equity (Isthethmar) CI Asset Management Weekly March 30, 2017 EGP 141.400 142.780 March 27, 2017
Al-Darij Fund NIC Monthly Feb 28, 2017 KD 0.355 0.361 Jan 31, 2017
CIB and Faisal Islamic Al Aman CI Asset Management Weekly March 30, 2017 EGP 80.840 81.300 March 27, 2017
Mawarid Fund NIC Monthly Feb 28, 2017 KD 0.513 0.515 Jan 31, 2017
Hemaya CI Asset Management Weekly March 1, 2017 EGP 169.020 168.910 Feb 1, 2017
Zajil Fund NIC Monthly Feb 28, 2017 KD 0.744 0.749 Jan 31, 2017
Thabat CI Asset Management Weekly March 30, 2017 EGP 167.840 168.710 March 27, 2017
Al Mada Investment Fund NIC Weekly Feb 28, 2017 USD 0.773 0.779 Jan 31, 2017
Takamol CI Asset Management Weekly March 30, 2017 EGP 137.140 138.000 March 26, 2017

Misr El Mostakbel CI Asset Management Weekly March 27, 2017 EGP 24.880 24.740 March 23, 2017
Kuwait Financial Centre (Markaz)
Mumtaz Fund Kuwait Financial Center Weekly March 16, 2017 KD 4.036 4.023 March 9, 2017
MIDAF Kuwait Financial Center Weekly March 16, 2017 KD 3.083 3.075 March 9, 2017
Noor Financial Investment Co.
Noor Islamic Fund Noor Financial Investment Co Monthly Feb 29, 2016 KD 0.613 0.645 Dec 31, 2015
Islamic Fund Kuwait Financial Center Weekly March 16, 2017 KD 1.572 1.565 March 9, 2017

Markaz Arabian Fund Kuwait Financial Center Weekly Nov 10, 2016 KD 2.990 2.920 Nov 3, 2016
FORSA Financial Fund Kuwait Financial Center Monthly Feb 28, 2017 KD 0.972 0.996 Jan 31, 2017 Al Zumorroda Investment Co.
Real Estate Fund Kuwait Financial Center Monthly Feb 28, 2017 KD 1.412 1.419 Jan 31, 2017 Zumorroda GCC Fund Al Zumorroda Investment Co Monthly Jan 31, 2016 KD 0.481 0.543 Dec 31, 2015
Markaz Fixed Income Fund Kuwait Financial Center Monthly March 16, 2017 USD 11.490 11.470 March 9, 2017
Mawazeen International Fund Kuwait Financial Center Weekly March 19, 2017 USD 9.140 9.070 March 12, 2017 KFH Capital Investment Co.
Markaz MENA Islamic Fund Kuwait Financial Center Weekly March 16, 2017 USD 10.640 10.720 Feb 28, 2017 Muthanna Islamic Index Fund (MUDX) KFH Capital Investment Company Daily Feb 28, 2017 KD 0.357 0.354 Jan 31, 2017
Muthanna GCC Islamic Banks Fund KFH Capital Investment Company Daily Feb 28, 2017 KD 0.683 0.673 Jan 31, 2017
Kuwait & Middle East Financial & Inv. Co. Baitak GCC Fund KFH Capital Investment Company Weekly Feb 28, 2017 KD 0.916 0.957 Jan 31, 2017
Al Rouyah Fund KMEFIC Monthly Feb 28, 2017 KD 1.414 1.434 Jan 31, 2017
Gulf Gate Fund KMEFIC Monthly Oct 31, 2016 KD 0.944 0.918 Sept 30, 2016 CapCorp Investment Co.
CapCorp Local Fund CapCorp Investment Company Weekly Feb 28, 2017 KD 0.941 0.962 Jan 31, 2017
Global Investment House


Bapco starts talks on Sitra expansion bids

State-run Bahrain Petroleum Co Bahrain relies on output from bpd by adding and replacing a
(Bapco) has started two weeks the Abu Safa oil field that it few units.
of negotiations with international shares with Saudi Arabia for the Four consortia made up of
contractors to clarify bids to vast majority of its oil. A new international engineering firms
expand the Sitra oil refinery, pipeline will replace an ageing submitted bids in December.
estimated to cost around $5 bil- 230,000 barrel-per-day (bpd) These include Japans JGC
lion. link and enable the country to Corp and South Koreas GS;
The negotiations will last at expand the processing capacity Technip, Tecnicas Reunidas and
least two weeks and hopefully of the 267,000 bpd Sitra refin- Samsung Engineering; Fluor,
the award will take place in a ery. Hyundai Engineering and
month or so, said a source Under the Bapco Construction and Daewoo E&C;
familiar with the matter. Modernisation Program (BMP), CB&I, Petrofac and Japans
Bapco declined to comment. Sitras capacity will hit 360,000 Mitsui and Co. (RTRS)

Kuwait market extends

losses; volume ticks up
Commercial Bank dips 25 fils; Zain flat
By John Mathews fils while FTI climbed 6.9 percent to from its earlier close of 530 fils after
Arab Times Staff stand close behind. Alshamel tum- trading over 7 million shares. Warba
bled 12.9 pct, the steepest decliner of Bank stagnated at 255 fils.
KUWAIT CITY, April 3: the day and Ithmaar Bank topped the KIPCO was unchanged at 500 fils
Kuwait stocks tripped fur- volume with over 49 million shares. with thin volume and Kuwait
Despite the days drop, the winners Investment Co inched 1 fil into green.
ther following Sundays outnumbered the losers. 46 stocks Coast Investment Co and was flat at
downtick. The price index advanced whereas 39 closed lower. 48 fils while Al Mal Investment Co
pared back steep early ses- Of the 130 counters active on and Unicap gave up 0.5 fils each.
Monday, 45 closed flat. 6,155 deals Aayan Investment Co closed 1 fil
sion losses to close 22.14 worth KD 25.38 million were trans- higher at 49 fils with brisk trading.
points down at 6,999.23 pts acted a 0.43 pct rise in value from Securities House Co and Securities
amid selling in some of the the day before. Group Co stalled at 50 fils and 99 fils
heavyweights. The broader National Industries Group rose 2 respectively while Sokouk Holding
fils on back of over 2 million shares inched 0.5 fil into green. Bayan
trend however remained to 122 fils while Gulf Cable was Investment Co eased 1 fil and Ektittab
mixed. unchanged at 470 fils. Heavy Holding inched 1 fil higher.
The KSX 15 benchmark slipped Engineering Industries and Kuwait Real Estate Co and
2.1 pts to 9,343.23 points while Shipbuilding Co gained 4 fils and National Real Estate Co were flat at
weighted index inched 0.69 pts up Kuwait Foundry Co was flat at 310 67 fils and 102 fils respectively
to 414.72 points. The volume turn- fils. whereas United Real Estate Co took
Kuwait Cement Co fell 5 fils to in 2 fils. Mazaya Holding Co gave up
over rose for the third straight ses- 485 fils and Kuwait Portland Cement 2 fils to end at 120 fils.
sion to push past the 300 million Co climbed 10 fils partly paring last The market has been retreating so
mark. 318.81 million shares sessions losses. Metal and Recycling far during the week and has dipped
changed hands a 14 pct rise Co was up 3 fils at 77 fils while 30 pts in last two sessions. It had
from the day before. ACICO gave up 5 fils. KBMMC rose gained 238 points during whole of
The sectors closed mixed. 8 fils to 126 fils. March and is trading 21.77 pct higher
Healthcare outperformed the rest year-to-date. KSE, with 208 listed
with 1.81 pct gain whereas technolo- Gained companies, is the second largest
gy shed 1.97 percent, the biggest Kuwait National Cinema Co was bourse in the region.
loser of the day. In terms of volume, unchanged at KD 1.380 and In the bourse related news, Al
financial services garnered the high- Equipment Holding Co dialed up 1 Mazaya Holding net profits soared
est market share of 36.9 percent fil. Boubyan Petrochemical Company 31.7 pct to KD 2.59 million in last
while real estate followed with 35.12 gained 10 fils and Al Qurain quarter of 2016 while profits rose 10
pct contribution. Petrochemical Co added 5 fils. pct to KD 10.25 million during the
Among notable losers, Commercial Independent Petroleum Group stood fiscal year of 2016. The board has
Bank of Kuwait dipped 25 fils to 425 pat at KD 1.120. recommended an annual cash divi-
fils erasing last sessions gains while NAPESCO gained 20 fils and dend of 8% or 8 fils per share.
Boubyan Bank gave up 5 fils to settle Humansoft Holding climbed 40 fils Gulf Glass Manufacturing Cos
at 405 fils. Kuwait Food Co to KD 3.100. Automated Systems Co fourth quarter net profit dipped 64%
(Americana) dived 60 fils to KD dropped 15 fils and PAPCO was up 6 in KD 14,000 from KD 39,000 in
2.500 with thin trading. fils at 110 fils. Mowasat Hospital same period last year. During the fis-
Zain vacillated narrowly before rose 15 fils to 385 fils and Yiaco gave cal year of 2016, profits was down 48
closing unchanged at 460 fils with a up 5 fils. percent to KD 1.21 million from KD
volume of 2.5 million shares and Kuwait and Gulf Link Transport 2.34 mln in the previous year.
Ooredoo too did not budge from its Co clipped 2 fils after trading 1.4 mil- Al Mowasat Health Care has post-
earlier close of KD 1.120. Kuwait lion shares and KGL Logistics Co ed KD 1.8 million profits during the
Telecommunications Co (VIVA) inched 1 fil into green. AWJ Holding fourth quarter of 2016 and for the
stood pat at 910 fils and Agility fol- and Oula Fuel were down 4 fils each fiscal year of 2016, earnings rose
lowed suit to close at 640 fils. at 95 fils and 126 fils respectively. 35.3 pct to KD 4.52 million from the
Sector bellwether National Bank Jazeera Airways shed 10 fils and year before. The board of directors
of Kuwait paused at 680 fils and ALAFCO paused at 244 fils. has recommended a dividend payout
Kuwait International Bank followed Zimah Holding dialed down 2 fils of 20% or 20 fils per share.
suit. KIBs fourth quarter earnings and Mezzan Holding closed flat. The Injazzat Real Estate Development
stood at KD 4.72 million in last quar- company s net profits jumped 23.1 has posted a net profit of KD 550,000
ter of 2016 and the board has recom- pct to to KD 4.0 mln in Q4 while in the last quarter of 2016 and during
mended a cash dividend of 10% or 10 profits for the 2016 profit slipped the fiscal year of 2016, the bank
fils per share for FY16. 11.6 pct to KD 17.1 million. The earned KD 3.2 million. The board has
The market opened weak and fell board has recommended a cash divi- recommended a cash dividend of 5%
sharply in early trade. The price dend of 28 fils per share to sharehold- or 5 fils per share for FY 2016.
index held steady for nearly an hour ers. Ajial Real Estate Entertainment
before slipping further to plumb the In the banking sector, Gulf Bank Company (AREEC) net losses nar-
days lowest level of 6,934.46 pts. It eased 2 fils to 246 fils while Al Ahli rowed by 22.7 pct to KD 888,620
rebounded thereafter amid renewed Bank and Burgan Bank were from KD 1.15 million in Q4 of 2115.
buying in select counters and wound unchanged at 305 fils and 335 fils The annual profits in 2016 clocked
up with moderate losses. respectively. KD 1.5 million and the board has
Top gainer of the day Educational Ahli United Bank fell 5 fils and recommended the distribution of cash
Holding Group jumped 7.4 pct to 290 Kuwait Finance House did not budge dividends at 5% of capital.

Mideast Stocks

TAQA surges on land transfer, higher capex

Dubai, Egypt bourses outperform

DUBAI, April 3, (RTRS): Stock mar- dling for the last 10 sessions as most shares outnumbered advancing ones
kets in the Middle East diverged on institutional investors lacked reasons 101 to 44.
Monday with Dubai and Egypts index to allocate funds. Domestic-focused shares were some
outperforming their peers while shares On Monday, 25 shares rose while of the main underperformers, with
of Abu Dhabi National Energy soared only five declined; Union Properties apparel retailer and mall operator
again on investors optimism that the climbed 2.5 percent and the most trad- Fawaz Alhokair, the worst performer
company had turned a corner. ed share for a second day in a row. on Monday, dropping 3.0 percent.
Shares of Abu Dhabi National Other small and mid sized shares also Qatars index closed down 0.5 per-
Energy jumped 9.6 percent in a second outperformed. cent as a little over half of the 20 blue
day of unusually heavy trade. On Egypts index rebounded 1.2 per- chip shares declining. Islamic lender
Sunday its shares had surged their 15 cent, following global shares higher. Masraf Al Rayan was the main lag-
percent daily limit. Two-thirds of shares listed on that gard, dropping 3.0 percent.
TAQA said it had secured land from index rose and foreign institutional
its top shareholder valued at 18.7 bil- investors were net buyers, exchange Saudi Arabia
lion dirhams ($5.1 billion), and had data showed. The index edged down 0.3 per-
increased its capital expenditure in cent to 6,968 points.
2017. The increase will be self-funded Operations
by cash generated by the business said Juhayna Food Industries added 1.5 Dubai
the companys spokesman. percent. On Sunday a local daily paper The index added 1.4 percent to
This is the biggest clean up the said, citing company spokesman, the 3,539 points.
company is seeing and going forward dairy maker had started operations in
those assets the land will bring its new farm in the west of Egypt. The Abu Dhabi
revenues and be converted into prof- area is 10,000 feddans (10,380 acres), The index edged up 0.4 percent to
its, said Mohammed Yasin, head of with investments reaching 600 million 4,467 points.
NBAD Securities. Egyptian pounds ($33.1 million).
The restructuring that has hap- Alongside its current products, the Qatar
pened has given investors comfort that new facility will also be making a new The index fell 0.5 percent to
the government is supporting the com- milk product. The output capacity and 10,344 points.
pany due to its losses in oil and gas, financial impact were not stated.
Yasin added. Kuwaits index, which has been one Kuwait
Last week TAQA reported a 2016 the best performing stock markets in The index fell 0.3 percent to
loss of 18.55 billion dirhams, largely the world since the start of the year, 6,999 points.
fuelled by 16.9 billion dirhams post- fell 0.3 percent to 6,999 points but
tax impairment related to its oil and closed 65 points above its intra-day Egypt
gas assets. low. The index rebounded 1.2 percent
The index rose 0.4 percent and vol- Kuwait Food Co lost 2.3 percent but to 13,061 points.
umes stayed at the low levels they hospital manager Al Mowasat
have been trading in over the last sev- Healthcare, which had slumped as Oman
eral weeks. much as 6.8 percent earlier in the day The index climbed 1.1 percent to
Dubais index climbed 1.4 percent as its shares went ex-dividend, 5,597 points.
in the highest daily volumes in three rebounded 4.1 percent.
weeks. The benchmark had been trad- Saudi Arabias index fell 0.3 per- Bahrain
ing in a narrow range for most of cent in slightly lower liquidity than the The index edged up 0.1 percent to
March, and volumes had been dwin- previous session. Number of declining 1,348 points.

Germany wants G20 drive for global fast internet by 25 South Africas credit rating cut to junk by S&P
Germany wants to use its presi- Germany wants the G20 to take a leading role in the devel- S&P Global Ratings downgraded view that the divisions in the ANC- we currently project.
dency of the Group of 20 major agree to a concrete plan, includ- opment of the so-called Internet South Africas sovereign credit led government that have led to A downgrade to junk would
economies to promote fast inter- ing rolling out fast internet across of Things (IoT), in which regular rating to BB+ from BBB- grade changes in the executive leader- increase South Africas debt-ser-
net for all, agree common techni- the globe by 2025. objects are connected to net- on Monday, saying the recent r- ship, including the nance minis- vicing costs, seen at 144 billion
cal standards and promote life- The message must be: we are works to send and receive data. ing of its internationally respect- ter, have put policy continuity at rand ($11 billion) in the 2016/17
long digital learning, Economy working together to make the op- By 2020, 21 billion IoT devices ed nance minister posed a risk risk, S&P said in a statement. scal year.
Minister Brigitte Zypries said. portunities of the digital revolu- will be in use worldwide, up from scal policy. S&P assigned South Africa Paying higher debt costs
Zypries comments come tion usable for all and to regulate fewer than 5 billion last year, The rand fell by as much 2 a negative outlook, saying this would mean less money for
ahead of a rst meeting of G20 it through a framework of rules, research rm Gartner has esti- percent to the dollar in response reected its view that political critical services such as housing,
ministers responsible for digital Zypries said in emailed answers mated. However, experts argue to the news of the downgrade, risks will remain high this year, education and sanitation, which
policy later this week in Dues- to questions from Reuters. that the lack of global standards while government bonds also and that policy shifts are likely could incite more protests that
seldorf, ahead of a G20 summit Zypries said Germany and Eu- is stopping the sector reach its weakened sharply. which could undermine scal have rocked towns across the
chaired by Germany in July. rope were in a good position to full potential. (RTRS) The downgrade reects our and growth outcomes more than country. (RTRS)

Bank to shut toxic assets unit

RBS emerging from ruins

Global stocks retreat ahead of
as shadow of former self
LONDON, April 3, (RTRS): could have triggered a run on every
Trump-Xi meeting; dollar gains
Nine years after the beginning of bank in Britain.
a 45-billion-pound ($56 billion) Still, RBSs story illustrates the
bailout by the British government, perils of bailouts at a time when Oil prices under pressure on Libyan output recovery
Royal Bank of Scotland is emerg- state intervention is back in focus
ing from its restructuring process a in Europe; while EU regulations
shadow of what was once the big- have been tightened to make state NEW YORK, April 3, Oil prices were under pressure as a Tesla shares gained as much as 5.7 cents to $53.45 a barrel by 1356 GMT.
gest lender in the world. bailouts a last resort, the Rome rebound in Libyan oil output over the percent to a record high after the elec- US West Texas Intermediate crude fu-
RBS had a balance sheet of 2.4 government is nonetheless seek-
(RTRS): Global equity weekend offset upbeat economic data tric car maker reported record rst- tures were down 10 cents at $50.50 a
trillion pounds in 2008 almost ing permission from European markets eased on Mon- from Asia that suggested robust energy quarter vehicle deliveries. barrel.
double Britains annual econom- authorities to bail out debt-laden day as investors awaited demand from the region. But, other automakers fell after re- Libyas Sharara oil eld, the coun-
ic output at the time having Monte dei Paschi di Siena and two Benchmark Brent futures eased by porting March sales that came in below trys largest, resumed production on
staged a meteoric rise from be- smaller Italian banks.
the rst meeting later this 8 cents to $53.45 a barrel. US West market expectations. GM dropped 3.7 Sunday after a week-long disruption.
ing a small Scottish lender in the An RBS spokesman directed week between US Presi- Texas Intermediate crude futures were percent, Fiat Chrysler sank 5 percent, State-owned NOC lifted force majeure
early 1990s. queries on whether taxpayers dent Donald Trump and down 10 cents at $50.50 a barrel. while Ford was off 2.4 percent. on loadings of Sharara crude on Mon-
Since the bailout it has ofoaded would retrieve their money to Manufacturing data showed facto- Declining issues outnumbered ad- day, sources told Reuters.
billions of pounds of assets a week, comments by Chief Executive
Chinese President Xi Jin- ries across much of Asia posted an- vancers on the NYSE by 1,869 to The eld was producing around
as it tries to shrink down to being a Ross McEwan last year when ping, as the dollar gained other month of solid growth in March. 1,020. On the Nasdaq, 2,010 issues fell 120,000 barrels per day (bpd) on Mon-
simple UK-focused lender. he said it was possible the state amid a positive US back- The Bank of Japans tankan sur- and 757 advanced. day and about 220,000 bpd prior to the
Later this year RBS will shut its would not get its full investment vey showed business sentiment im- The S&P 500 index showed 17 52- March 27 shutdown.
Capital Resolution division, which back.
drop of rising interest proved, albeit slightly less than ex- week highs and ve lows, while the Adding to pressure on prices, en-
has sold off large chunks of its A spokesman for the Treasury rates. pected. Nasdaq recorded 69 highs and 22 lows. ergy services rm Baker Hughes said
huge stockpile of unwanted assets. said any future sale of its stake is European shares touched a US Asia the US rig count rose by 10 to 662
The closure will mark a milestone dependent on market conditions, 16-month high before paring gains last week, making the rst quarter the
Wall Street fell on Monday after Hong Kong stocks edged up on strongest for rig additions since mid-
in the banks road to recovery, and that the government will seek as they tracked Asian shares higher some US states accused President Monday morning, on track to break a
with its balance sheet around 1.6 value for money for taxpayers. in the wake of upbeat manufactur- 2011 and raising prospects for more
Donald Trumps administration of il- two-day run of losses, with infrastruc- US shale oil.
trillion pounds lighter than when Crippled ing data out of Europe and China. legally delaying certain energy ef- ture-related stocks surging after Bei-
its great sell-off began. Shares on Wall Street fell in morn- Rising supplies tempered data from
It was three weeks after the col- ciency standards, casting further doubt jing announced plans to set up a special Asia that suggested the regions buoy-
For the rst time in a long ing trading as investors assessed how over the governments ability to de- economic zone in the heavily polluted
time there is a distinction between lapse of Lehman Brothers crippled Trumps protectionist stance on trade ant economy would ensure solid de-
global credit markets in 2008 that liver on its promised reforms. province of Hebei. mand for energy.
yesterday and tomorrow, Mark will play out during meetings with Xi A coalition of US states and mu- Mainland markets were closed for
Bailie, who runs the unit told Re- Britains then nance minister slated for Thursday and Friday. Manufacturing data showed facto-
Alistair Darling had to make a snap nicipalities began legal action against a holiday, and will resume trading on ries across much of Asia posted an-
uters in an interview at the lenders Trump held out the possibility, in Trumps administration, saying its Wednesday.
lenders ultra-modern glass-and- decision to buy RBS. an interview published on Sunday by other month of solid growth in March.
The giant bank was hurtling to- delay of energy efciency standards The benchmark Hang Seng index Purchasing managers index (PMI)
steel ofces in Londons nancial the Financial Times, of using trade as for several consumer and commercial had gained 0.4 percent to 24,205.59
district. wards bankruptcy so fast no one in a lever to secure Chinese cooperation data from China showed its factories
government had a chance to nd products violated federal law. points by 0612 GMT, while the Hong expanded for a ninth straight month
RBS has undergone a huge asset against North Korea. The move comes barely two weeks Kong China Enterprises Index edged
sale, ranging from a eet of aircraft out exactly what it owned or how The market will be anxious and in March, although the pace slipped as
to value it. after the administration had to pull leg- up 0.24 percent, to 10,297.92. new export orders slowed.
in Beijing and the largest hospital will be eager to glean whatever they islation to overhaul the US healthcare Shares of China building materials
in Sydney, to a golf course 110 km Reuters calculations based on get from those talks, said Andre Bak- Oil prices had rallied for three days
RBSs nancial statements go- system. maker BBMG Corp surged as much last week, lifted by reduced Libyan
from the nearest road in Florida, hos, managing director at Janlyn Capi- Trumps campaign promises to cut as 46 percent to its highest since May
and a graveyard in the US Deep ing back to the crisis show how tal in Bernardsville, New Jersey. output and helped by expectations
extreme the turnaround has been tax, ease regulations and spend more 2015, making it the top performer in that members of the Organization of
South. The market was a little taken aback on infrastructure had driven Wall Hong Kong. The company said in a
since then. by Trumps comments recently about the Petroleum Exporting Countries
The steep and ongoing asset- Street to record highs. However, after statement it was not aware of any rea- (OPEC) and non-OPEC producers
shedding, plus the deep staff and RBSs management has been the meeting, he said. the administrations recent legislative son for the jump.
selling or running off on average 3 The pan-European FTSEurorst 300 such as Russia would extend produc-
IT systems overhaul still to come, setbacks, investors are worried when LongiTech Smart Energy Hold- tion cuts beyond June.
mean the future shape of RBS and billion pounds worth of assets ev- index lost 0.49 percent, shedding ear- and if these promises will be fullled. ing Ltd, a smart energy solution pro-
ery week, according to the analy- lier gains, and MSCIs gauge of stocks But in a sign investors were more
its growth potential are still un- Trump held out the possibility on vider which also engages in public cautious about further price gains,
known propositions for investors, sis which tracked the size of the across the globe shed 0.39 percent. Sunday of using trade as a lever to se- infrastructure construction, climbed as
banks balance sheet from 2008 German manufacturing growth hedge funds and money managers cut
according to shareholders and ana- cure Chinas cooperation against North much as 70 percent to its highest since net long positions last week by 28,942
lysts. onwards. hit almost a six-year high in March, Korea, in comments that appeared de- April 2015.
Thats the equivalent of selling Markits Purchasing Managers Index contracts to 372,756 lots in the week
Investable signed to pressure Chinese President China VAST Industrial Urban De- to March 28, the lowest since Nov. 29,
Londons Shard Western Eu- (PMI) showed. Manufacturing activ- Xi Jinping ahead of his rst meeting velopment and Tianjin Port Develop-
I think it is not investable at ropes tallest skyscraper every ity in France and Italy also rose, add- data released by the InterContinental
with Trump later this week. ment Holdings Ltd rose 21 percent and Exchange showed.
the current time. There is just too ve days. ing to signs of a pickup in the global Investors are waiting to see if cor- 19 percent, respectively.
much more work to be done, said In total about 1.6 trillion economy. porate reports in the impending earn- China will establish a new special Gold
Julian Chillingworth, chief invest- pounds of assets have been On Wall Street, the Dow Jones In- ings season justify the lofty valuations. economic zone in Hebei province in Gold prices rose on Monday despite
ment ofcer at Rathbone Brothers, stripped out of RBSs balance dustrial Average fell 79.12 points, or The S&P 500 is trading at about 18 order to promote integration with the a rmer dollar, but was trading in a
which holds some RBS shares. sheet equivalent to the eco- 0.38 percent, to 20,584.1. The S&P times earnings estimates for the next neighbouring cities of Beijing and tight range as the market sought more
Britains government has ruled nomic output of Brazil. 500 lost 11.29 points, or 0.48 percent, 12 months, above its long-term aver- Tianjin, the government announced on direction from key US economic data
out reducing its stake in the bank Bailie, 44, a qualied accoun- to 2,351.43 and the Nasdaq Composite age of 15. Saturday. expected later in the week.
until it resolves a multi-billion tant, was tasked with shedding dropped 27.46 points, or 0.46 percent, At 11:56 am ET (1556 GMT), the Kulun Energy Co Ltd rose 4.3 per- Spot gold was 0.23 percent high-
pound US ne for mis-selling much of these unwanted assets. to 5,884.28. Dow Jones Industrial Average was cent, to its highest since July 6, 2015, er at $1,245.71 per ounce at 1530
toxic mortgage-backed securities You had an unsustainable bal- The dollar rose amid investor expec- down 108.03 points, or 0.52 per- while China Shenhua Energy Co Ltd GMT, trading in the range between
and resolves its state aid require- ance sheet, an unsustainable cul- tations US rates will continue to rise cent, at 20,555.19, the S&P 500 was rose 1.3 percent. $1,253.52- $1,244.05.
ments. ture and an unsustainable cost base this year, even as Federal Reserve of- down 14.85 points, or 0.63 percent, at Chinas ofcial Purchasing Manag- Gold is stuck between $1,238-
The banks relatively small and, therefore, I do think it will be cials have said the Fed is in no rush to 2,347.87 and the Nasdaq Composite ers Index (PMI) rose to 51.8 in March $1,260 with the risk to skewed to
size now and the cost of its nine- the biggest turnaround ever done, tighten monetary policy. was down 35.62 points, or 0.6 percent, from the previous months 51.6, and downside based on rising expected in-
year overhaul is raising questions he said. US construction spending and man- at 5,876.11. was well above the 50-point mark that terest rates and failure to break higher
from politicians and industry Much is yet to be done, accord- ufacturing data were positive overall, The CBOE Volatility index, known separates growth from contraction on a which has left it vulnerable to prot-
experts over whether taxpayers ing to the other senior RBS source afrming the economys steady im- as Wall Streets fear gauge was up monthly basis. The reading was stronger taking in the short term, said Ole Han-
who already face a paper loss who said the bank had three to four provement and helping lift the dollar. at 13.34 points, on track to rise for the than the 51.6 that economists had ex- sen, the head of commodity strategy at
of 29 billion pounds on their in- years of cutbacks ahead. Construction spending grew 0.8 per- third straight trading day. pected and the highest since April 2012. Saxo Bank.
vestment will see the kind of Tasks range from reducing the cent to $1.19 trillion, the highest since All 11 major S&P 500 sectors were Hansen said focus now turned to US
stellar RBS growth needed to re- number of payment systems from April 2006. Oil
lower, led by the nancial indexs 1.3 payrolls data on Friday which could
trieve all their cash. 140 to 10, and mortgage process- The dollar index rose 0.31 percent, percent drop. Oil prices were under pressure on provide more clues on the direction
Few in the banking sector or ing systems from ve to one, to with the euro unchanged at $1.0649. The banks faced issues like slow- Monday as a rebound in Libyan oil of interest rates. Supporting gold was
government believe rescuing and cutting thousands of back-ofce The Japanese yen strengthened 0.34 down in commercial lending growth output at the weekend weighed against geopolitical tension sparked by US
reducing RBS was the wrong deci- staff, said the source, who declined percent versus the greenback at 111.01 this quarter. Investors think that the upbeat economic data from Asia that President Donald Trump who on Sun-
sion, given the risks it posed to the to be named as he is not authorised per dollar, while sterling was last trad- banks have not done quite well this pointed to strong energy demand from day held out the possibility of using
wider nancial system. A collapse to speak publicly. ing at $1.247, down 0.60 percent on quarter, said Stephen Biggar, an ana- the region. trade as a lever to secure Chinese co-
the day. lyst with Argus Research. Benchmark Brent futures eased by 8 operation against North Korea.

exchange rates April 3

US dollar Sterling pound Euro Japanese yen Swiss franc Canadian dollar Swedish krona Saudi riyal UAE dirham Bahraini dinar Omani riyal
Cash Draft Transfer Cash Draft Transfer Cash Draft Transfer Cash Draft Transfer Cash Draft Transfer Cash Draft Transfer Cash Draft Transfer Cash Draft Transfer Cash Draft Transfer Cash Draft Transfer Cash Draft Transfer
BEC Buy .301750 .303500 .303500 .378489 .377489 .377489 .321205 .321205 .321205 .002734 .002734 .002734 .301657 .302657 .302657 .221161 .219161 .219161 .029458 .029458 .029458 .079993 .080493 .080493 .081357 .081300 .081300 .799929 .799428 .799428 .783320 .777819 .777819
Sell .306150 .305850 .305850 .388489 .387089 .387089 .330205 .328305 .328305 .002914 .002914 .002914 .312657 .309657 .309657 .230161 .229161 .229161 .034458 .034458 .034458 .081293 .081133 .081133 .083057 .082750 .082750 .808429 .807928 .807928 .789000 .788819 .788819
Muzaini Sell .304650 .305850 .305850 .385980 .385980 .327870 .327870 .002697 .002697 .302970 .302970 .230510 .230510 .081654 .081654 .083356 .083356 .813070 .813070 .795218 .795218
Dollarco Sell .306000 .305500 .305500 .386000 .384717 .384717 .330000 .327087 .327087 .003500 .003690 .003690 .310000 .309220 .309220 .235000 .233480 .233480 .083000 .082500 .082500 .084000 .083680 .083680 .813000 .810915 .810915
Commercial Bank Buy .301000 .304450 .304450 .381000 .382191 .382191 .323000 .324300 .324300 .002837 .002837 .306000 .306109 .306109 .224000 .225454 .225454 .033372 .033372 .077000 .080741 .080741 .082149 .082421 .082421 .800355 .803169 .803169 .784615 .786308 .786308
Sell .306800 .306550 .306550 .389000 .384828 .384828 .333000 .326537 .326537 .002871 .002871 .315000 .308233 .308233 .235000 .227019 .227019 .033603 .033603 .083000 .081301 .081301 .082975 .082993 .082993 .808399 .808742 .808742 .792501 .791764 .791764
Gulf Bank Buy .304450 .304450 .304450 .378070 .378070 .378070 .320830 .320830 .320830 .002810 .002810 .002810 .308020 .308020 .308020 .222680 .222680 .222680 .033320 .033320 .033320 .080170 .080170 .080170 .081890 .081890 .081890 .797750 .797750 .797750 .781220 .781220 .781220
Sell .306550 .306550 .306550 .389790 .389790 .389790 .330720 .330720 .330720 .002890 .002890 .002890 .317690 .317690 .317690 .229520 .229520 .229520 .034340 .034340 .034340 .081890 .081890 .081890 .083600 .083600 .083600 .814380 .814380 .814380 .797480 .797480 .797480
NBK Buy .303700 .303700 .375890 .375890 .323290 .323290 .002863 .002863 .307200 .307200 .225290 .225290 .033320 .033320 .080610 .080610 .082340 .082340 .801620 .801620 .785390 .785390
Sell .306800 .306800 .386170 .386170 .333030 .333030 .002895 .002895 .310750 .310750 .227610 .227610 .033630 .033630 .081310 .081310 .083030 .083030 .808570 .808570 .791970 .791970
Burgan Bank Buy .303200 .303200 .372069 .372069 .320585 .320585 .002792 .002792 .307446 .307446 .225799 .225799 .033837 .033837 .080340 .080340 .082054 .082054 .799406 .799406 .782777 .782777
Sell .307300 .307300 .392484 .392484 .338196 .338196 .002946 .002946 .309736 .309736 .227450 .227450 .034084 .034084 .081115 .081115 .082850 .082850 .807107 .807107 .790274 .790274
ABK Buy .301950 .304450 .304450 .377740 .381110 .381110 .321580 .324450 .324450 .002729 .002729 .303430 .303430 .228110 .228110 .338800 .338800 .079750 .080460 .080460 .082637 .082420 .082420 .800590 .800590 .786930 .786930
Sell .308050 .306550 .306550 .387830 .385630 .385630 .330540 .328650 .328650 .002761 .002761 .307680 .307680 .230820 .230820 .346200 .346200 .082480 .082000 .082000 .083467 .083800 .083800 .815750 .815750 .799850 .799850
KFH Buy .302490 .303200 .303200 .362625 .368024 .368024 .312805 .318087 .318087 .002776 .002776 .305609 .305609 .224967 .224967 .033368 .033368 .080090 .080518 .080518 .081786 .082223 .082223 .794037 .801697 .801697 .777623 .785047 .785047
Sell .308020 .306300 .306300 .398639 .390287 .390287 .346368 .336777 .336777 .002933 .002933 .311255 .311255 .228483 .228483 .033799 .033799 .081861 .081369 .081369 .083591 .083088 .083088 .816600 .808785 .808785 .799556 .791970 .791970
KBE Sell .306250 .306250 .380900 .380900 .332100 .332100 .082810 .082810 .806500 .806500
Danish krone Indian rupee Pakistani rupee Sri Lanka rupee Bangladesh taka Philippine peso Australian dollar Hong Kong dollar Singapore dollar Jordanian dinar Egyptian pound
Cash Draft Transfer Cash Draft Transfer Cash Draft Transfer Cash Draft Transfer Cash Draft Transfer Cash Draft Transfer Cash Draft Transfer Cash Draft Transfer Cash Draft Transfer Cash Draft Transfer Cash Draft Transfer
BEC Buy .040530 .040529 .040529 .000030 .004461 .004461 .002697 .002869 .002869 .001651 .002020 .002020 .003383 .003827 .003827 .006142 .005800 .005800 .224322 .222322 .222322 .037033 .036532 .036532 .213951 .214951 .214951 .423775 .422147 .422147 .017442 .021482 .021482
Sell .045530 .045529 .045529 .004184 .004537 .004537 .002987 .002901 .002901 .002231 .002062 .002062 .003967 .003871 .003871 .006442 .006267 .006267 .236322 .235322 .235322 .039783 .039632 .039632 .223951 .220951 .220951 .432775 .429647 .429647 .024695 .022251 .022251
Muzaini Sell .004578 .004578 .002917 .002917 .002062 .002062 .003853 .003853 .006156 .006156 .039456 .039456 .215040 .215040 .431200 .431200 .023900 .017300 .017300
Dollarco Sell .004650 .004568 .004568 .003100 .002917 .002917 .002300 .002022 .002022 .004150 .003854 .003854 .006350 .006082 .006082 .435000 .432620 .432620 .023000 .019476 .019476
Commercial Bank Buy .044221 .044221 .004000 .002000 .005000 .229000 .228750 .228750 .038936 .038936 .216649 .216649 .420000 .016000
Sell .044749 .044749 .006500 .004547 .004547 .002923 .002923 .003500 .002065 .002065 .003897 .003897 .007900 .006315 .006315 .235000 .231477 .231477 .039400 .039400 .219232 .219232 .434000 .432199 .432199 .024000 .034598 .034598
Gulf Bank Buy .043920 .043920 .043920 .230110 .230110 .230110 .038790 .038790 .038790 .214770 .214770 .214770
Sell .045260 .045260 .045260 .004660 .004660 .004660 .002960 .002960 .002960 .002090 .002090 .002090 .003940 .003940 .003940 .006370 .006370 .006370 .234790 .234790 .234790 .039570 .039570 .039570 .221340 .221340 .221340 .435960 .435960 .435960 .034920 .034920 .034920
NBK Buy .044130 .044130 .004470 .004470 .002010 .002010 .006090 .006090 .232450 .232450 .216640 .216640 .424370 .424370 .033890 .033890
Sell .045080 .045080 .004650 .004650 .002950 .002950 .002080 .002080 .006260 .006260 .235440 .235440 .219340 .219340 .431750 .431750 .034430 .034430
Burgan Bank Buy .043536 .043536 .004399 .004399 .002829 .002829 .002044 .002044 .003838 .003838 .006239 .006239 .228040 .228040 .218767 .218767 .424741 .424741 .033796 .033796
Sell .045929 .045929 .004667 .004667 .003003 .003003 .002066 .002066 .003894 .003894 .006321 .006321 .229778 .229778 .220417 .220417 .428904 .428904 .034417 .034417
ABK Buy .043540 .043540 .004652 .004652 .231160 .231160 .039110 .039110 .217710 .217710 .428480 .428480
Sell .044650 .044650 .004763 .004763 .003003 .003003 .002132 .002132 .006683 .006683 .234220 .234220 .039560 .039560 .220280 .220280 .435740 .435740 .018290 .018290
KFH Buy .044029 .044029 .004492 .004492 .002868 .002868 .002033 .002033 .003802 .003802 .006148 .006148 .231898 .231898 .216405 .216405 .424743 .424743 .017393 .017393
Sell .044901 .044901 .004632 .004632 .002934 .002934 .002078 .002078 .003914 .003914 .006328 .006328 .235376 .235376 .219743 .219743 .429924 .429924 .017702 .017702
KBE Sell .004594 .004594 .002901 .002901 .002057 .002057 .003873 .003873 .006211 .006211 .017995 .017995
Cyprus pound Yemeni riyal Thai baht South African rand Korean won Syrian pound Iranian Riyal Lebanese pound Malaysian ringgit Indonesian rupiah New Zealand dollar
Cash Draft Transfer Cash Draft Transfer Cash Draft Transfer Cash Draft Transfer Cash Draft Transfer Cash Draft Transfer Cash Draft Transfer Cash Draft Transfer Cash Draft Transfer Cash Draft Transfer Cash Draft Transfer
BEC Buy .001374 .001364 .001364 .008291 .008230 .008230 .016426 .000255 .001286 .001285 .001285 .000084 .000147 .000181 .000181 .068677 .067416 .067416 .000019 .000018 .000018 .215304 .213304 .213304
Sell .001454 .001464 .001464 .008841 .008645 .008645 .024926 .000270 .001506 .001505 .001505 .000085 .000247 .000201 .000201 .074677 .074416 .074416 .000025 .000025 .000025 .224804 .224304 .224304
Muzaini Sell .001229 .001229 .008601 .008601 .002182 .002182 .002040 .002040 .068841 .068841
Dollarco Sell .695000 .167990 .167990 .009000 .009715 .009715 .000980 .002425 .002425 .076000 .069500 .069500
Gulf Bank Buy .215310 .215310 .215310
Sell .022540 .022540 .022540 .000020 .000020 .000020 .219690 .219690 .219690
ABK Buy .212340 .212340
Sell .216090 .216090
KFH Buy .001199 .001199 .008485 .008485 .000197 .000197 .070853 .070853
Sell .001229 .001229 .008803 .008803 .000206 .000206 .071672 .071672
KBE Sell .001550 .001550 .002377 .002377

travellers cheques US dollar Sterling Euro local gold Gold 999 kg Gold 999 10 tola Gold ounce Gold gm 22k Gold gm 21k Gold gm 18k 100 gm 999 10 gm 999
BEC .3058500 .3870890 .3283054 BEC All rates in KD per unit of
Commercial Bank .3065500 .3848280 .3265370 Muzaini Exchange 12,376.800 1,463.295 395.410 11.360 10.840 9.290 130.595
.3065500 .3897900 .3307200
foreign currency
Gulf Bank
Al-Ahli Bank .3065500 .3856300 .3286500


Britain expresses regret over disturbance during Saudi aides London visit

EU reiterates support to UN efforts in Yemen

BRUSSELS, April 3, (Agencies): The Ould Cheikh Ahmed, to achieve a re- regional actors to engage construc- to assume its responsibilities in the Yemen that will take place on 25 April Activists said on social media that a
EU stressed Monday that there can be sumption of negotiations and urged tively with Yemeni parties to enable a ght against terrorist groups which are in Geneva co-hosted by the Secretary- demonstrator tried to perform a citi-
no military solution to the conict in all parties to the conict to react in a de-escalation of the conict. taking advantage of the current insta- General of the UN and the govern- zens arrest against Major General
Yemen but that the crisis can only be exible and constructive manner and The statement expressed concern at bility. ments of Sweden and Switzerland. Ahmed al-Asseri as he tried to enter
solved through a negotiation process, without preconditions. the consequences of the war in Yemen The EU urged all parties to the con- an ofce in London on Thursday.
involving all the parties concerned, to The EU called on all parties to ur- for the regions stability. ict to take resolute action against Also: Asseri is also the spokesman of the
an inclusive political solution. gently agree on a cessation of hos- The war has created the conditions such groups, whose activities repre- LONDON: Britain has expressed regret Saudi-led coalition engaged in ght-
EU foreign ministers meeting in tilities to be monitored by the United for criminal and terrorist organizations sent an additional threat to a negotiated to Saudi Arabia after what it described ing against Iran-aligned Houthis in
Luxembourg in a statement reiterated Nations as a rst step towards the like al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, settlement and pose signicant risks to as a disturbance during a visit by an Yemen. Activists accuse Saudi Ara-
the EUs strong support to the efforts resumption of peace talks under UN Daesh in Yemen and others to thrive, the security of the region and beyond. aide to Saudi Deputy Crown Prince bia of committing war crimes against
of the UN Secretary General and the leadership. it said. The EU welcomed the high-level Mohammed bin Salman to London civilians in Yemen, a charge Riyadh
UN Special Envoy for Yemen, Ismail It also called on all international and It urged the Government of Yemen pledging conference for the crisis in last week. denies.

hes not going to get it, the ofcial

Blast on
Syrian govt forces besiege
added, saying it was not yet clear
whether Egypt would escape a cut in
Continued from Page 1 its foreign aid as part of the Trump
administrations plan to cut the over-
A huge hole was blown open in the all State Department budget by 28.7
side of a carriage with metal wreckage percent.
strewn across the platform. Passengers

rebel suburb of Damascus

were seen hammering at the windows
of one closed carriage.
Russian TV said many had suf-
fered lacerations from glass shards and
metal, the force of the explosion maxi-
mised by the connes of the carriage Continued from Page 1
and the tunnel. between 24 and 26 years of age
Ofcials said earlier on Monday that Airstrikes kill 16: activists and had a list of 5 million bank
the death toll from the explosion was accounts, as well as hacking soft-
9, but the health minister later revised ware and millions of dollars in
that upwards to 10 dead. BEIRUT, April 3, (AP): assets, he said. (AP)
Authorities closed all St Petersburg Syrian troops intensied
metro stations. The Moscow metro
said it was taking unspecied addi- their bombardment of op- DUBAI: Etihad Airways bookings
to the United States are healthy
tional security measures in case of an position-held areas around despite last months introduction of
attack there. Damascus on Monday and a ban on most electronics from the
Russia has been on particular alert cabins of passenger flights to the
against Chechen rebels returning from besieged a rebel neighbor- United States, the Abu Dhabi car-
Syria, where they have fought along- hood northeast of the city, rier said on Monday.
side Islamic State, and wary of any at- the latest in the govern- On March 25, the US banned
tempts to resume attacks that dogged electronic devices larger than a
the country several years ago. ments push to erase bat- mobile phone from passenger cab-
At least 38 people were killed in tleeld advances made by ins on direct flights to the US
2010 when two female suicide bomb- insurgents in March. from 10 airports in the Middle
ers detonated bombs on packed Mos- East, North Africa and Turkey,
cow metro trains. Airstrikes on the rebel-held Da- including the United Arab
Over 330 people, half of them chil- mascus suburb of Douma killed Emirates. (RTRS)
dren, were killed in 2004 when police at least 16 people, including three
stormed a school in southern Rus- children, according to the Britain- CAIRO: An Egyptian human
sia after a hostage taking by Islamist based Syrian Observatory for Hu- KUNA photo rights lawyer said on Monday he
militants. In 2002, 120 hostages were man Rights. Douma-based activist His Highness the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah received at Bayan Palace Monday member of had launched an appeal against a
killed when police stormed a Moscow Mazen al-Shami said 16 people the senior scholars authority and special adviser to the Custodian of the two Holy Mosques Dr Abdullah Al-Mutlaq court ruling which backed Cairos
theatre to end another hostage-taking. were killed in Douma, including a and his accompanying delegation on the occasion of their visit to the country. The meeting was attended by Deputy proposed transfer of two Red Sea
Putin, as prime minister, launched Minister of Amiri Diwan Affairs Sheikh Ali Jarrah Al-Sabah and Minister of Awqaf and Islamic Affairs and State islands to Saudi Arabia.
a 1999 campaign to crush a separatist whole family. He gave no further Minister for Municipality Affairs Mohammad Naser Al-Jabri. President Abdel Fattah el-
government in the Muslim southern details. Sisis government announced last
region of Chechnya, and as president The governments siege of the Bar- year a maritime demarcation
continued a hard line in suppressing zeh neighborhood came as President accord with Saudi Arabia, which
Bashar Assads forces work to expand has given billions of dollars of aid
their security belt around Damascus, Other Voices to Egypt, ceding control of the
his seat of power. islands to the Gulf kingdom.
Trump kin After hours of ghting under the
cover of airstrikes and intense bom-
The proposal angered many
Egyptians and the issue was referred
to the courts irritating Riyadh
Continued from Page 1
US personnel helping combat Islamic
bardment, government forces and their
allies captured Hafez Road, according
to the Observatory and opposition ac-
tivist Anas al-Dimashqi, who is based
Ahead of Brussels conference and raising political tensions
between two major Arab states and
traditional allies.(RTRS)
State. near Damascus. By Philippe Lazzarini frugal amount and around 300,000 ample and to embrace a new way of
Trump, who campaigned on defeat- Lebanese and more than one million working together. For Lebanon, this
ing Islamic State, has yet to announce Capture UN Resident and Humanitar- DUBAI: The Saudi cabinet
Syrian refugees are sinking deeper means moving beyond the short- announced a pay increase of up to
any dramatic shift in war strategy. The capture of the road cut off ian Coordinator into a cycle of debt from which they term humanitarian and stabilisation
The trip to Iraq comes as Iraqi secu- 60 percent for air force pilots on
Barzeh from the Qaboun and Tishrin can not escape. Unemployment efforts towards longer-term efforts,
rity forces engage in erce, house-to-
house ghting to retake Mosul, Islamic
neighborhoods, which are partially
held by the rebels.
A s the seventh year of conict
in Syria begins, Lebanon fac-
es overwhelming socioeconomic,
remains one of the most pressing
issues for host communities and
focusing on economic growth and
job creation.
Monday, state news agency SPA
reported, as a military campaign
led by the kingdom in neighbour-
States last major stronghold in Iraq Mondays developments will in- security and demographic chal- refugees alike, disproportionately In advance of the Brussels con- ing Yemen entered its third year.
and the city where leader Abu Bakr al- crease pressure on opposition ghters lenges. It hosts more than one mil- affecting youth and making them ference, the Prime Minister has an- Saudi Arabia and its mostly
Baghdadi declared a caliphate nearly who have suffered major defeats in lion people who have ed the brutal even more vulnerable to involve- nounced that he will present a vision Gulf Arab allies have launched
three years ago. recent months, including the loss of conict in Syria and this, together ment in illegal, extremist, and vio- aimed at achieving stabilisation and thousands of air strikes in an attempt
Nearly 290,000 people have ed the eastern neighborhoods of the northern with the economic slow down, has lent activities. development through a long term eco- to dislodge Yemens armed Houthi
city to escape the ghting, according to city of Aleppo, Syrias largest, and the placed a huge strain on the limited Deepening socio-economic dis- nomic program, driven by a package movement from the capital Sanaa.
the United Nations. western Damascus suburb of Wadi resources and infrastructure of the parities, as well as overstretched of priority infrastructure initiatives. The kingdom is also member of
Although the loss of Mosul would deal Barada, a main source of water for the infrastructure and services are re- This shift in approach is timely, and the US-led alliance against
country. Nevertheless, Lebanon re- Islamic State in Syria. (RTRS)
a major defeat to Islamic State, US and capital, earlier this year. mains unwavering in its hospitality sulting in legitimate concerns over will allow us to collectively address
Iraqi ofcials are preparing for smaller In March, insurgents launched a and support to those in need. With safety, security, and employment, the most pressing needs of Syrian ref-
battles even after the city is recaptured counter-attack, capturing several areas no end in sight for the conict how which fuels discontent and social ugees and host communities affected AMMAN: British Prime Minister
and expect the group to go underground northeast of Damascus before losing will Lebanon continue to cope with tensions. In most of the munici- by the Syrian crisis. Theresa May has begun a visit to
to ght as a traditional insurgency. much of them over the past few days. this crisis? palities that I have visited, the same Turning the crisis into an op- Jordan where she is to announce
What happens to the US military Assads forces are seeking to cap- Lebanon has come a long way concerns and complaints are repeat- portunity, and to nally walk the plans to send more British mili-
role in Iraq after Mosul is recaptured ture rebel-held parts of Qaboun, since the beginning of the crisis in ed time and again: people want run- talk to support critical reforms and tary trainers to help the kingdoms
remain unclear. Tishrin, Jobar and Barzeh areas that 2011. Assistance has changed from ning water, proper sewage systems, investments aimed at creating jobs air force in the fight against
Inuential Shiite cleric Moqtada opposition ghters have held for years. lifesaving support to also supporting schools for their children and access and modernising the economy will Islamic State group extremists.
al-Sadr has previously called on Iraqs Losing them would deal a new blow to host commu- to a job. In Aarsal for example, the require the action of all us the Jordans royal court said Monday
government to order the withdrawal of the opposition. groundwater is contaminated with international aid community, the that May and Jordans King
nity. Together, Abdullah II toured a military facil-
US and allied forces after the battle of The Hafez road represents a stra- we have en- sewage because the local infrastruc- Government and the private sec-
Mosul is over. tegic artery, though the rebels have tor. It will require innovation, both ity, inspecting a rapid response force
sured con- ture, already inadequate for the local and a joint training program.
Dunford said Iraqi Prime Minister been widely known to use tunnels in tinued food population needs, cannot handle the in terms of funding and approach.
Haider al-Abadi understood the need the nearby neighborhoods to smuggle For aid partners, it will require go- May is on a three-day visit to
support to the additional waste water coming from Jordan and Saudi Arabia. (AP)
for continued US military support. ghters, weapons and food. most vulner- settlements hosting Syrian refugees. ing beyond traditional donor grant
Its not our judgment that the Iraqis Earlier on Monday, Syrian govern- nancing by seeking innovative
able, while at This is causing an escalation of ten-
will be self sustaining and self suf- ment forces stepped up the bombing of the same time sion, which could result in violence, investments and engagement of the DUBAI: Bahrains highest court
cient in the wake of Mosul. More opposition-held areas in and near Da- improving the if not addressed properly. Arsaal is private sector. on Monday overturned a nine-
importantly, its not Prime Minister mascus and the central city of Hama. water supply not a unique case. We are at a critical juncture but I year-prison sentence imposed last
Abadis assessment, Dunford said. Theres been a major escalation distribution We should not let the legendary believe we can succeed together. If year on the leader of Bahrains
Across the border in Syria, a US- north of Hama in the directions of Lazzarini Lebanese hospitality turn into a we succeed, Lebanon will become banned main opposition party and
network and restored his original sentence of
backed campaign to isolate Islamic Maardes and Souran, said a local me- the municipal hospitality fatigue. a beacon of stability, progress and
States de facto capital of Raqqa is dia activist who goes by the name of prosperity, known for its openness, four years in jail, local media and
solid waste management systems International solidarity is needed lawyers said.
advancing ahead of an eventual assault Obeida Hamawi fearing for his own of host communities. By shifting more than ever and must be rein- ease of doing business and inno-
on the city. safety. He estimated more than 70 vation. It will offer opportunities They said the Court of
from food delivery towards cash- forced. It is imperative that humani- Cassation cleared Sheikh Ali
US-backed Syrian forces repelled a bombs and rockets had fallen on the based support, millions of dollars tarian and stabilisation assistance not only to its citizens, its youth,
adjoining village and town. but also to those who are seeking Salman of the charge of calling
major counter-attack by Islamic State have been injected in local Leba- continues but the shift from human- for regime change by force. It
militants holding out at the countrys Syrian opposition activists say nese markets, boosting the local itarian to development assistance temporary shelter in the country, upheld an initial ruling that had
largest dam and in the nearby town of airstrikes on a suburb of the capital economy. needs to go further to include sup- enabling them to live in dignity found him guilty of inciting hatred
Tabqa, the group and activists said on Damascus have killed 16 people and Since the start of the crisis, 4.9 port to Lebanon and its economy as and prepare them to contribute to and insulting the interior ministry,
Sunday. The dam is a strategic target wounded others. billion US dollars have been pro- a host country. rebuilding their country once they according to the Arabic-language
in the military campaign, located about The Britain-based Syrian Observa- vided to address the crisis in Leba- Next week, in Brussels, more are able to return. Preserving the al-Wasat newspaper. (RTRS)
40 kms (25 miles) to the east of Raqqa. tory for Human Rights said Mondays non. In 2016 alone, more than 1.5 than 70 countries, together with stability of Lebanon means preserv-
Meanwhile, for Iraqi police ofcer airstrikes on the rebel-held Damascus billion US dollars were provided, civil society organizations, the EU ing tolerance and diversity in the re-
Jassem and his brothers, the battle suburb of Douma killed at least 16 gion. More than ever, international DUBAI: Bahrains king has
assistance eclipsed globally only and the UN will meet to take stock approved a law passed by parlia-
against Islamic State is personal. The people, including three children. of progress made since last year solidarity needs to match the hospi-
by Syria itself. Unfortunately, this ment that allows for military
militants captured and beheaded their Douma-based activist Mazen al- tality of Lebanon as a host country.
Shami said 16 people were killed in has not been enough to signicantly Londons conference. We will re- courts to try civilians amid a
father, a Shiite militiaman, in 2014; turn the tide of increasing poverty afrm the support of the interna- Together let us deliver action to
Douma, including a whole family. He create a better future for Lebanon major crackdown on all dissent in
before that, the family lost another son and decline of the most vulnerable. tional community to address key the island kingdom.
ghting the jihadists. gave no further details. and the region.
Since 2014, the amount of people remaining challenges in Syria and The state-run Bahrain News
We were able to identify my dads Syrian troops intensied their bom-
living with less than 2.9 US dollars in neighbouring countries and the Agency reported King Hamad
body by the tattoo on his arm. The head bardment of opposition-held areas bin Isa Al Khalifa approved the
around Damascus and besieged a rebel per day has doubled to 1.2 million. conference will be an important op- Follow Philippe Lazzarini on
wasnt found. They had also drilled People are struggling to live off this portunity to promote Lebanons ex- twitter: @UNLazzarini constitutional amendment on
holes in his hands and cut ngers off, neighborhood northeast of the city. Monday.
31-year-old Jassem told Reuters on the The islands elected 40-mem-
front line in Mosul as Iraqi forces bat- jihadists seized large areas of Iraq and der, where Shiite ghters have played period for pretrial detention is 24 ber Consultative Council and its
tle with Islamic State in the city. Syria, proclaiming a caliphate. a crucial role in cutting off Islamic Full support months. appointed 40-seat Council of
After the murder, Jassems youngest But the ght has further militarised State supply lines. Human rights groups have estimated Representatives, the two houses
brother signed up with the army and Iraqi society, pushing young men into Before the call-up, they had worked that Sisis government has detained at of Bahrains parliament, had ear-
Continued from Page 1 lier passed the amendment. (AP)
another joined a Shiite paramilitary the armed forces and, increasingly, as farmers in the southern Kut region, least 40,000 political prisoners.
group. With a further brother already sectarian and tribal militias. This has more than 500 kms (300 miles) away. I just want to say to, Mr President, Egypt has long been one of Wash-
with the Counter-Terrorism Service, raised fears of new outbreaks of vio- As well as Shiites from the south, that you have a great friend and ally in ingtons closest allies in the Middle MONTEVIDEO: Uruguays
that meant their mother had all four of lence once the caliphate has crumbled. young men from around Mosul - where the United States, and in me, Trump East, receiving $1.3 billion in US navy said on Sunday it was losing
her surviving sons at war. Iraqs top Shiite cleric issued a fat- Sunni Muslims are in the majority said. military aid annually. It is ghting an hope of finding alive any of 22
Mum wasnt happy, said Jassem, wa in 2014, calling on all men able to are also keen to ght. Sisi said he appreciated that Trump Islamist insurgency in Sinai in which crew members missing two days
not giving his full name because he carry arms to ght Islamic State, which They are now ooding to join Sunni has been standing very strong ... to hundreds of Egyptian soldiers and po- after a South Korean ore carrier
works in intelligence. But his brothers is known in Arabic by its opponents as tribal militias also under the Hashid, counter this evil ideology. lice have been killed. sank in the South Atlantic but was
still answered the call to arms. They DAESH. security ofcials and militia leaders While Trump noted the United A US ofcial said Sisi would nd a still continuing the search, a Navy
said Iraq was falling apart, and they On another Mosul front line, Coun- say. Many residents told Reuters in re- States and Egypt have a few things White House ready to soften US criti- spokesman said.
wanted to protect it, he said. ter-Terrorism Service commando cent weeks they want to join, or know they do not agree on, he made no pub- cism of Egypt on human rights and to Two Filipino crew members
The family from southern Iraq far Hamza Kadhem said that before Is- relatives and friends who are trying to lic airing of US concerns about human work on counter-terrorism but unwill- have been rescued floating in a
lamic State arrived, he was the only do so. rights in Egypt. ing to provide additional aid to the life raft on Saturday, but other
from Mosul which lies near the coun- lifeboats and rafts found in the
trys northern border is just one one of ve brothers to have picked up Many men are volunteering in the Rights groups have called for the most populous Arab nation.
release of Aya Hijazi, an Egyptian- area were empty, South Koreas
of many where entire sets of brothers a gun. The others all joined after the Hashid groups. They either want to Hes going to get an end to nger- Yonhap news agency reported.
have taken up arms against Islamic fatwa, he said. ght terrorism or to get wages, one American who works with street chil- wagging. Were not giving him any The more hours pass, the less
State out of revenge, duty or just to They joined the Hashid Shaabi, or security ofcer in the area said, de- dren and was arrested in May 2014 on more money, said the US ofcial, the chances are of finding them,
earn money. Popular Mobilisation Forces, a state- clining to be named because he was human trafcking charges. who spoke on condition of anonymity spokesman for the Uruguayan
The US-backed Iraqi forces are now run umbrella that includes Shiite mili- not authorised to speak publicly. Its Hijazi has been held in custody for before Sisis meetings with Trump. Navy Gaston Jaunsolo told
set to drive the group from its strong- tias. Two are deployed west of Mosul, easier than joining state armed forces. 33 months in violation of Egyptian Hes going to be disappointed be- Reuters. (RTRS)
hold of Mosul, taken in 2014 when the and another two near the Syrian bor- You just put your name down. law, which states that the maximum cause he wants more assistance and


Shermans Lagoon By J.P. Toomey


Like a pie and

Mutts By Patrick McDonnell clotted cream

Hagar The Horrible By Chris Browne

Beetle Bailey By Mort Walker

Scratch pad

odds n ends
HONOLULU: The US Air Force
will reduce exterior lighting at
a Hawaii facility to help protect
endangered and threatened
seabirds there.
The Air Force agreed to re-
duce lighting at a mountaintop
Garfield By Jim Davis radar facility on the island of
Kauai, The Honolulu Star-Ad-
vertiser reported Sunday. After
the announcement, the Center
for Biological Diversity said it
no longer intends to sue the Air
The nonprot conserva-
tion group says the threatened
Newells shearwater and Ha-
waiian petrel are attracted to
bright lights at night, which can
cause crashes onto the ground
and sometimes death.
The center believes lights
at the Kokee Air Force Station
caused more than 130 birds to
fall out of the air in 2015, includ-
ing Hawaiian petrels, endan-
gered band-rumped storm pet-
Baby Blues By Rick Kirkman & Jerry Scott rels and Newells shearwaters.
Most of them died, the center
The Kokee Air Force Station
was founded in 1961 to detect
and track all aircraft operat-
ing near Hawaii. The Air Force
has taken steps to try to reduce
the bird losses over the years,
including switching from white
and yellow exterior bulbs to
green ones in 2013, according
to the Fish and Wildlife Service.

KATHMANDU: Nepals only
international airport was briey
shut down Monday after a leop-
ard was spotted on the runway,
Conceptis Sudoku Challenger In this Aug 3, 2014 le photo, a grizzly bear crosses through a back country camp-
ofcials said.
Tribhuwan International Air-
port, located in Kathmandu,
site in Montanas Glacier National Park. Grizzly bears continue to expand their Nepals capital, was closed
The grid must be so completed that every row, column range amid an ongoing effort to turn over management of the bears from the US Monday morning as soon as the
and 3x3 box has every digit from 1 to 9 inclusive Fish and Wildlife Service to the states of Wyoming, Montana and Idaho, a federal animal was spotted on the run-
ofcial said, in late March 2017. (AP) way, said airport ofcial Prem
DIRECTIONS: Nath Thakur.
Police and forest ofcers

contract bridge
Fill each square were immediately called and
with a number, one the storm drains where the
through nine. leopard was believed to be hid-
Horizontal ing were blocked.
By Steve Becker Flights resumed after a shut-
squares should down that lasted about half an
add to totals on hour. The search for the animal
right. was continuing. (AP)
Vertical squares
should add to DANA POINT, California:
totals on bottom. Boaters were asked Sunday
Diagonal to be on the lookout for a gray
squares through whale tangled in an unknown
center should add material heading north along
Yesterdays solution Southern Californias coast.
to total in upper Capt Frank Brennan was
and lower right. leading a whale-watching tour
Saturday when he spotted the
THERE MAY BE whale with what looks like some
MORE THAN ONE kind of metal frame around its
SOLUTION. head about 2 miles (3.2 kms) off
Dana Point.
The whale was being eva-
Todays Challenge sive because there were so
Time 6 Minutes many boats around it, Brennan
Answer to yesterdays puzzle 1 Seconds told the Orange County Regis-
Your Working ter.
Time __ Minutes He saw it a second time later
in the day off Laguna Beach.
__ Seconds (AP)

Word by Word

Want Raghebt
If you want a thing well done, do it yourself.
Etha raghebt fe an yakoon ma tatloboho
motqan al sonoi faesnaoho be nafsic.


7521 Seven thousand five hundred

twenty one
Sabat alaf wa khamso maah
wa wahed wa eshroun


Pictured top and below some of the winning teams celebrating on the podium.

Al-Attiyah and
Walkner lead
A good day for us
April 3: Qatars Nasser
Saleh Al-Attiyah found
himself alongside Austrian
KTM Red Bull Factory
team rider Matthias
Walkner at the top of the
leader board of the Abu
Dhabi Desert Challenge
Powered By Nissan, after
the second 289.39km
Nissan stage of the event
through t he Rub Al-Khali
on Monday.
The Toyota driver claimed the
fastest time on the days stage, held
in punishing heat across the mighty
dunes of the UAE. Al-Attiyahs
stage win meant he extended his
lead over Abu Dhabi Racings
Sheikh Khalid Al-Qassimi to 23min
03sec heading into the night halt at
The Under-17 Basketball Team of Kuwait Sporting Club were crowned champions of the youth basketball league after they crushed their rival team from
Qadsiya Club with a score of 106/61 in the final match of the tournament. This led to the Al-Qadsiya Team coming in second place while Al-Tadhamoun Qasr al Sarab. Seeded rider in action
Team took third place. Today was a good day for us. It
was not an easy stage. The stage is
called Nissan. It is very difficult and rally. The heat is really high and, with
hard. We just need to take care. To win the sun, you do not see so easy. I guess it
Pochettino plays down Spurs title chances by a big gap and have a big lead from is the same for everyone.
Al-Attiyah began the gruelling loop
stage with a cushion of 11in 35.1sec
Conte taking season step by step ahead of City test RALLYING over Abu Dhabi Racings Sheikh Khalid
Al-Qassimi and the Overdrive Racing
Toyota Hilux driver pressed home his
LONDON, April 3, (RTRS): Premier Al-Qassimi is good, said Al-Attiyah. advantage from the front for the second
League leaders Chelsea are focused on Sam Sunderlands starting position day in the cars. Czech driver Martin
Prokop produced another useful perfor-
getting results in their remaining nine
games as they fight for the title, instead FA council votes unanimously to accept reforms meant that the overnight leader was
hardly going to win the days stage
and the Dakar champion ceded time to
mance in the Jipocar Ford F-150 Evo to
set the fourth quickest time behind
of dwelling on Saturdays 2-1 loss to
Crystal Palace, manager Antonio LONDON, April 3, (RTRS): The FA council unani- the soccer body risks missing an opportunity for his rivals in the motorcycle category. Qatars Mohammed Abu Issa and the
Conte said. mously approved on Monday a package of gover- real change and could end up with a fudged com- Husqvarnas Pierre Alexandre Renet former WRC star leapt into third place in
Chelsea suffered their second loss in nance reforms put forward by chairman Greg promise. began the day fifth on the road and the overall rankings. Russian Vladimir
10 league games, and their first home Clarke that will see more women appointed to the Clarke previously threatened to quit if the pro- pressed on to take the stage win from Vasilyev got stuck in the dunes and
board of the English soccer body and term limits posals were not approved. Monster Energy Hondas Paolo slipped to fifth.
defeat in the league since September.
imposed. British Sports Minister Tracey Crouch warned in Gonalves. Polands Kamil Wisniewski main-
The loss cut their lead at the top of the tained his lead in the quads from a charg-
A Football Association spokesman said the pro- February that the FA was in danger of losing 30 New overnight leader Walkner was
table to seven points after second- posals, which include an expansion of the council ing group, even though the days stage
placed Tottenham Hotspur defeated million pounds ($37.29 million) of public funding third quickest. I did not know that I
to bring more diversity, would now go to the and that legislation could be brought in to force was leading), said the Austrian after win went to the Dutchman Kees Koolen
Burnley 2-0. annual general meeting of shareholders for final on a Barren Racer One 690. Wisniewski
There are nine games to play and change. the finish. Saying that, tomorrow they
approval on May 18. take the gap back. Hopefully I can fin- now leads the class by 5min 42.8sec
we have to think step by step, Conte Only one woman, Heather Rabbatts, now sits on The FA has proposed reducing its board from 12
to 10 members and increasing the number of ish on the podium. Tomorrow, the from Kuwaits Fahad Al-Musallam.
told British media. the board and the changes have been criticised by Its been another very difficult day
At the end (of the season), if we some as not going far enough. women on it to three by 2018. guys will take three or six minutes and
Nobody will be allowed to serve more than three the lead is changing again. It has been at the Abu Dhabi Desert Challenge
deserve to win the title, we will be Anti-discrimination group Kick It Out said last with heat and fatigue again taking their
very happy ...When you lose this type month that the reforms were a sham that still terms of three years, and 11 new members will be a good two days and I feel more confi-
added to the 120-strong FA Council to ensure it dent riding in the dunes. I get into it toll, said event founder and ATCUAE
of game, in your mind you try to apply failed to give sufficient representation to minority President Mohammed Ben Sulayem.
a lot of questions. But its very diffi- groups. better reflects the inclusive and diverse nature of and I enjoyed it.
Sunderland said: You always lose Its pleasing to see the local drivers
cult to find a reply to this result. Former FA chairman David Bernstein has said English football.
time when you start in front. I opened all showing through and using their expe-
Chelsea host fourth-placed rience and knowledge of the dunes to
Manchester City on Wednesday. Their the way for nearly 300km (the stage) and
only Pablo (Gonalves) and Matthias carve their path towards good results.
last home win against the Manchester Nothing is impossible that is three points but it is still a big gap. while Chelseas lead could be cut fur- The Abu Dhabi Desert Challenge is
side in the league was in 2013. physically caught me. Of all the riders
our idea and our philosophy. We need Seven points is a massive difference. ther after they host fourth-placed here, that meant it was a good day. taking place under the patronage of
They (Man City) have a really to keep going in that direction. It is For us its about being focused and Manchester City, but Pochettino said His Highness Sheikh Hamdan bin
This race is strange with the strate-
tough to compete and win every game trying to improve on last season in there was no pressure on the league gy, you know. You kind of swap times Zayed Al-Nahyan, the Rulers repre-
in the Premier League, Pochettino terms of numbers. leaders. sentative in Al-Dafra region, and has
SOCCER told a news conference on Monday. Tottenham visit relegation-threat- Our challenge is to be consistent
each day. Tomorrow I start back and it
invaluable support from Al Dafrah
will be the opposite.
We reduced the gap to Chelsea by ened Swansea City on Wednesday, but there is still a big gap to Chelsea You just have to take each day as it Region Municipality, Abu Dhabi
and a lot of work to do, he said. comes. Its been really hot the past few Municipality, the UAE Army, Abu
strong squad but I think its right to So many of their players have the Dhabi Police, National Ambulance
think about ourselves, to go game by days and its really unpredictable out
experience of how to manage pressure. there. The bike is good. I am happy. Service, Yas Marina Circuit, ADNOC,
game, the Italian manager said. In They can win or lose but it is not a Abu Dhabi Aviation, Al-Ain Water,
England, every game is very tough, The team have done a great job.
question of putting pressure on them. Stage winner Renet was upbeat: Yes, Abu Dhabi Waste Management,
whether the name of your opponent is We are fighting to keep our position in Rotana and Centro Hotel Yas
City or another team. really happy. Today I start five, so its
the table second and then see easier for me because I have the line and Island, the Qasr Al-Sarab Resort and
City drew 2-2 against sixth-placed what happens. the tracks. Its good to have a win at this Al-Forsan Circuit.
Arsenal on Sunday and will be hoping We will keep to our philosophy
to end their three-game winless streak and if we assess the season it is fantas-
at Stamford Bridge. tic, very good, he said. It is a reality
Meanwhile, Manager Mauricio that we are there, second in the table.
Pochettino has played down Tottenham Now in the last period of the season
Hotspurs chances of beating Chelsea we must focus, give our best and fight
to the Premier League title this season, to the end.
but admitted nothing is impossible The Argentine will still be without
after watching his team cut the gap on striker Harry Kane, fullback Danny
the leaders over the weekend. Rose and midfielder Erik Lamela for
Chelsea saw their lead trimmed to the trip to Swansea, while youngster
seven points after falling to a shock Harry Winks could be out for the sea-
2-1 home defeat by Crystal Palace on son after injuring his ankle at Burnley.
Saturday, while second-placed Spurs The 21-year-old left the field on a
beat Burnley 2-0 away to breathe life stretcher, and Pochettino said it will
back into the title race. be difficult for him to play again this
Pochettino, however, said there was season.
still a massive difference between Michy Batshuayi (center), shields the ball from Crystal Palaces Martin Midfielder Victor Wanyama injured
the teams and insisted that Tottenhams Kelly (right), during their English Premier League soccer match between his back in the Burnley game and faces
main target was to improve on last Chelsea and Crystal Palace at Stamford Bridge Stadium in London on April a late fitness test to see if he will be
seasons third-placed finish. 1. (AP) available for Wednesday. Nasser Saleh Al-Attiyah


Participants at the VIVA Manchester United Soccer Academy.

VIVA Man U Soccer Academy tryouts conclude

VIVA, Kuwaits fastest-growing and
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concluded tryouts to choose elite
players who will have the chance
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technical aspects, such as dribbling,
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ed coaches shortlisted 32 players
among 700 participants and 16 play-
Camp for world-class training in Eng-
land during the summer.
To nd out more about VIVAs
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Barca down Granada,
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chester, for the third year in a row.
The tryouts focused on different

Jeers for Higuain

soon) based on their skills and tness
to go to Manchester United Soccer, or call VIVAs
24-hour call center on 102.
trim Real advantage
Suarez rises to the challenge
Juventus hold out for
BARCELONA, April 3, I do not see a lack of freshness, but
tense draw at Napoli (RTRS): Luis Suarez rose we could not hit the target once we were
in the oppositions half, Sampaoli said
MILAN, April 3, (AP): Gonzalo Higuains every
to the challenge that Lionel after the 0-0 draw with Sporting.
touch was greeted with whistles and jeers by his for- Messis absence provided We must improve in regard to con-
verting our chances. Do we have less
mer fans but the Argentina forward had little impact by powering second-placed energy now than earlier in the season?
as Juventus could only draw 1-1 at Napoli in Serie
A. Barcelona to a hard-fought I do not agree with that analysis.
It was Higuains rst time back at Napoli since 4-1 win at struggling Gra- With Sevilla in poor form, Barcelo-
his move to bitter rival Juventus for an Italian-re- nada on Sunday after La
cord 90 million euros ($100 million) after scoring SOCCER
36 goals last season to break a 66-year-old Serie A Liga leaders Real Madrid
record. laboured to a 3-0 victory
na will expect to earn the three points,
Higuain, who has not scored in ve matches, was over Alaves. particularly with key players rested.
largely anonymous. The Uruguay striker scored Bar-
Higuain had a good game, Im happy with him, Lionel Messi was suspended for the
cas opener with a classy lob in the 4-1 win at Granada on Sunday and
Juventus coach Massimiliano Allegri said. He
should be grateful to Napoli for what it gave him 44th minute and provided assists Gerard Pique was rested after playing
for Paco Alcacer and Ivan Rakitic Barcelonas Luis Alberto Suarez
and Napoli should be grateful to him for what he from Uruguay celebrates after twice for Spain. Andres Iniesta was
did. to seal the points after the home scoring against Granada during a only a substitute and Samuel Umtiti
Thousands of blue whistles had been handed side surprisingly drew level early Spanish La Liga soccer match be- did not feature. But all four players are
out before the match and they were used often by in the second half through Jeremie tween Granada and Barcelona in expected to start against Sevilla.
Napoli supporters to vent their hatred toward their Guess the number of footballs Boga. Granada, Spain on April 2. (AP) Luis Enrique was pleased to be able
former hero. Neymar added extra shine to the to rest his stars and still take three
They will have another opportunity on Wednes- victory with his 100th goal for Barca just after Granadas Uche Agbo was points from Nuevo Los Carmenes.
day, when the two teams meet again in the second AABC offers customers by knocking in a cross from Alcacer in sent off for a second booking. Its great when you can make up for
absent players with the type of squad
leg of their Italian Cup seminal, which Juventus added time. Neymar rounded off the victory
leads 3-1.
League leader Juventus moved six points clear of
chance to attend CL Final Its great when you can make up
for absences with the type of squad we
with his milestone goal.
Meanwhile, Jorge Sampaoli takes
we have, because it is with squads that
win you trophies.
Roma. Napoli remained third, 10 points below the have, because it is squads that win you his stuttering Sevilla to Camp Nou Ranha injured his knee against
KUWAIT CITY, April 3: Abdulmohsen Abdulaziz Al Granada and will be missing, along
Bianconeri. Babtain Company (AABC), the authorized dealer of Nissan trophies, Barceona coach Luis En- on Wednesday in his last chance to
When a team plays like Napoli did tonight, a rique told reporters. prove to Barcelona he has the quality with Arda Turan and long-term absen-
coach can go home with all sorts of emotions apart vehicles in the State of Kuwait, is delighted to kick off a tee Aleix Vidal.
The game became complicated to coach them next season.
from disappointment, Napoli coach Maurizio Sarri competition that offers a chance for 1 lucky winner to attend The Catalans are looking to keep the Real Madrid, meanwhile, head to lo-
the UEFA Champions League Final, started Sunday April 2, with their equaliser in their only
said. Never in Italy have we seen Juventus in such chance of the game but we managed pressure on Real Madrid at the top of cal rivals Leganes, although they will
difculty. 2017 for 10 days only. La Liga ahead of Los Blancos game be without Raphael Varane, who in-
First, all participants have to be following Nissan Kuwait to turn it around quickly and get a
It took Juventus less than seven minutes to take the big scoreline which I think is a fair at Leganes afterwards, but the clash jured his hamstring in the 3-0 win over
lead when Sami Khedira played a one-two with Mi- Instagram account, @nissankwt. Then participants have to with Sevilla isnt as tough as it rst Alaves on Sunday.
either come to Nissan Al Rai Showroom or watch the com- result.
ralem Pjanic and slotted past Napoli goalkeeper Ra- Barca are second on 66 points, two appeared. Madrid coach Zinedine Zidane
fael, who was standing in for the injured Pepe Reina. petition video posted on Nissans account and estimate the For much of the season Sampaolis hopes they can pick up the pace after a
behind Real who have a game in hand
Napoli dominated but Marek Hamsik and Lor- number of footballs that are inside the Nissan kicks. Partici- as they chase a rst title triumph since side were in the title race but their sea- good result though disappointing dis-
enzo Insigne sent efforts wide, while Dries Mertens pants who guess or get a close guess of the actual number 2012. Atletico are third above Sevilla, son collapsed in March, with Leicester play at the Bernabeu.
red straight at Gianluigi Buffon. of footballs inside the Nissan kicks will enter an automated who also have 58 points. City eliminating them from the Cham- We know we have to improve.
Jose Callejon had the ball in the back of the net in draw for a chance to win a ticket for two to attend the UEFA La Liga top scorer Messi was sus- pions League and their Liga form suf- With games every three days, you
the 56th but it was ruled out for offside. Champions League Final live. pended for Barcas trip to the pictur- fering too. cant always play well for 90 minutes.
Napolis pressure paid off four minutes later as Participants have the opportunity to win a complimentary esque Andalusian city, where they Since beating Athletic Bilbao 1-0 We have to consider that this is the
Mertens played in a delightful through ball which trip to attend the UEFA Champions League Final live and clinched the title last season, and Luis on March 2, Sevilla have drawn three way its going to be almost every three
Hamsik curled into the top right corner. enjoy an experience of a lifetime. The UEFA Champions Enrique took a risk by resting regu- games against Alaves, Leganes and days and itll only get worse.
Napoli almost doubled its tally four minutes later League Final match will take place in the City of Cardiff, lars Gerard Pique, Andres Iniesta and Sporting Gijon, as well as falling at
as Mertens ran onto a woeful back pass from Ju- Wales on June 3, 2017. The package includes airplane tick- Samuel Umtiti before losing Ranha Atletico Madrid.
ventus midelder Kwadwo Asamoah but his effort
came off the right post.

ets for two to London from June 2-4, 2017 and a 2-night stay
at the Magellan Cruise Ship.
True to its promise to deliver value and excitement
to injury in the 17th minute.
The visitors dominated but took
44 minutes to open the scoring when
They are now fourth in the table and
10 points behind leaders Madrid, who
have played a game more.
SKorea stick
Striker Mario Balotelli equalized from the penal-
ty spot and then helped to create the winner as Nice
to its customers in a form of unparalleled service
and world-class Japanese engineered cars, Nissan Al
Babtain regularly strives to design offers that people
Suarez calmly chipped Jordi Albas
sumptuous through ball over goal-
keeper Guillermo Ochoa to nally get
Sampaolis chances of replacing
Luis Enrique, who will leave when
his Barcelona contract expires in June,
with Stielike
rallied to beat Bordeaux 2-1 in the French league. simply just cant resist while creating a more memo- SEOUL, April 3, (RTRS): Uli Stielike
The win moved third-placed Nice one point be- the better of the Mexican. have dwindled, with Athletic Bilbaos
rable and enjoyable car purchasing experience. As Ni- Boga grabbed an equaliser ve min- Ernesto Valverde and current assistant will be given more time to get South
hind Paris Saint-Germain and four behind leader ssan is the official automotive sponsor of the UEFA Koreas stuttering 2018 World Cup
Monaco, although they both have a game in hand on utes after the break for second-bottom coach Juan Carlos Unzue now the fa-
Champions League since the 2014/15 season, Nissan Granada and Luis Enriques rotations vourites. qualifying campaign back on track after
Nice, which hosts PSG at the end of April. the Korea Football Association (KFA)
All of Balotellis 11 league goals this season have Al Babtain is providing customers for the third time in suddenly looked misguided before Su- Only a high quality display could
a row the chance to win a trip to the most anticipated arez got them out of jail. help his case, but critics say that Sam- said on Monday it was sticking by the
been scored at home, and the Italian forward con- under-re German coach.
dently struck a 16th-minute penalty after veteran mid- match of the year the UEFA Champions League Fi- He teed up Alcacer in the 64th and paolis high-pressing style has taken
nal bringing Innovation and Excitement closer to its then provided a pass to Rakitic which a toll and his squad is now drained, Stielike guided the South Koreans to the
elder Jeremy Toulalan was adjudged to have fouled 2015 Asian Cup nal just ve months after
right back Arnaud Soquet as he burst into the area. customers as a token of appreciation. was deected in off Matthieu Saunier though the coach disagreed. taking charge but a string of poor perfor-
Bordeaux had taken the lead in the ninth minute mances in the nal round of Asian quali-
thanks to a ne goal from Gaetan Laborde. The fying have left their 2018 hopes in doubt.
striker took advantage of an error from Nices Bra-
zilian center half Dante to break into the penalty
area, beat two defenders and score with an angled
Man U to focus on Europa League: Mourinho Lee Yong-soo, head of the KFAs
Technical Committee, said that while
the qualifying campaign had gone
nish. ENGLAND, April 3, (RTRS): Manchester with the same perspective ... then the Eu- Lennon and James McCarthy. Right-back through some rough patches they still
After leveling from the penalty spot, Balotelli United may eld weakened teams in the ropa League comes and I dont know. Seamus Coleman is out for the season after had condence Stielike would get them
showed clever anticipation to cushion a pass into the league if a top-four nish seems beyond Its possible that you see me play in the breaking his leg on international duty. through to the 2018 nals.
path of midelder Valentin Eysseric, who turned to them in order to boost their chances of Premier League with a team where Im go- The slew of injuries led Koeman to start Weve decided to trust Stielike once
hit a brilliant curling strike past goalkeeper Cedric more, Yonhap News quoted Lee as
Carrasso in the 27th minute from just outside the
winning the Europa League, manager Jose ing to protect the players that I consider the relatively inexperienced Dominic Cal- saying at a news conference. The na-
penalty area. Mourinho has said. fundamental for the Europa League. vert-Lewin, Tom Davies, Matthew Pen- tional team had hard times in the past,
There were no goals in the second half but Bor- United were held 0-0 by West Brom- Manchester United have never won the nington and Mason Holgate in Evertons but theyve always overcome the dif-
deaux missed four chances, with forward Francois wich Albion at the weekend, leaving them Europa League or its predecessor, the UEFA 3-1 defeat by Liverpool in the Merseyside culties and advanced to the World Cup
Kamano missing an open goal and missing with ve points adrift of fourth-placed Man- Cup. derby on Saturday. in the end.
another strike. chester City but with a game in hand. They Meanwhile, Everton manager Ronald Despite the chastening nature of the I dont think its right to judge Stie-
host seventh-placed Everton on Tuesday Koeman is hoping his team can capitalise defeat, Koeman said he would keep faith like by one or two matches, Lee added.
We decided to trust Stielike based on
and travel to bottom club Sunderland on on Manchester Uniteds struggles at home with his youngsters against United. all he has done so far.
Sunday. when the two sides meet at Old Trafford in We will have the same players avail- The Koreans, who are bidding to ap-
United visit Belgian side Anderlecht in the Premier League on Tuesday. able as the weekend. I knew the team to pear at a ninth consecutive World Cup
the rst leg of their Europa League quar- United, who are fth in the table, have start - a really young team - and thats nals, are second in Group A with three
ter-nal on April 13 before hosting the re- drawn eight of their 15 home games in the different to the one if I had all the players games remaining, trailing group lead-
turn a week later. league this season, and Koeman urged his available. ers Iran by four points and just a point
To compete against a strong team is al- ahead of Uzbekistan in third.
A top four Premier League place is need- team to try and impose themselves on the The top two teams gain automatic
ed for access to the Champions League but contest from the outset. ways difcult. But I try to be realistic about berths at the World Cup next year while
United could grab a place in Europes elite We know that they have difculties at the situation of the team, its progress, and the third-placed team goes into a play-
club competition next season by winning home, the Dutchman told a news confer- the project of Everton, said Koeman. off.
the Europa League. ence on Monday. We like to play in our I am a manager who if a young player Korea have a perfect home record in
I just want to think that against Ever- way; that means we like to dominate the is developing and we have injury prob- the group with one-goal wins over Chi-
Napolis Gonzalo Higuain (right), controls the ton we are going to do what we tried to do game. lems it is an opportunity for the young na, Qatar, Uzbekistan and Syria.
balls during a Serie A soccer match between However, away from home it is a dif-
(against West Brom), to try to play with United will have striker Zlatan Ibrahi- players. Everybody is always talking ferent story, with defeats to China and
Napoli and Juventus at the San Paolo stadium our best team and try to win the match, movic available again after a three-game about the Academy of Everton. Im
in Naples, Italy on April 2. (AP) Iran and a draw with the Syrians (held
Mourinho told British media. suspension, while Everton will be without Dutch, Im not afraid to give a chance to in Malaysia for security reasons), all
And after Everton we go to Sunderland midelders Morgan Schneiderlin, Aaron young players. without scoring a single goal.


Cubs make losing start

Giants lose 6-5 despite Bumgarners record performance

PHOENIX, April 3, (AP): Madison in November. Yadier Molina then was
Bumgarner hit two homers but the Ari- awarded the rst no-pitch intentional
zona Diamondbacks scored twice with walk in major league history, part of MLB Results/Standings
two outs in the bottom of the ninth in- baseballs offseason rule changes de-
ning off new San Francisco closer Mark signed to speed up the game.
Melancon to beat the Giants 6-5 in a With two outs and the bases loaded, WASHINGTON, April 3, (RTRS): Results and standings from the MLB games on Sunday:
wild season opener Sunday. Grichuk lined a 1-2 pitch into the gap in St Louis 4 Chicago Cubs 3 Tampa Bay 7 NY Yankees 3
Derailed by a dreadful bullpen last left-center for his second career game- Arizona 6 San Francisco 5
year, the Giants started this season the ending hit. He was mobbed as he round- American League National League
same way even after trying to solve the ed rst in the rain, and what was left of a Eastern Division Eastern Division
problem by bringing in Melancon on a sellout crowd of 47,566 cheered wildly. Tampa Bay 1 0 1.000 - Washington 0 0 0 -
$62 million, four-year contract. They The Cardinals appeared set for a tidy Toronto 0 0 0 0-1/2 Philadelphia 0 0 0 -
wasted a record-breaking performance 3-0 win before the Cubs rallied in the Boston 0 0 0 0-1/2 NY Mets 0 0 0 -
by Bumgarner, who retired his rst ninth. Ben Zobrist was hit by a pitch Baltimore 0 0 0 0-1/2 Miami 0 0 0 -
NY Yankees 0 1 0 1 Atlanta 0 0 0 -
16 batters and became the rst major from Seung-hwan Oh and Jason Hey- Central Division Central Division
league pitcher to hit two home runs on ward singled before Willson Contreras W L PCT GB W L PCT GB
opening day. hit a drive to left for a tying homer. Minnesota 0 0 0 - St Louis 1 0 1.000 -
Kansas City 0 0 0 - Pittsburgh 0 0 0 0-1/2
Arizona got a double and three singles Rays 7, Yankees 3 Detroit 0 0 0 - Milwaukee 0 0 0 0-1/2
after Melancon (0-1) retired his rst two In St Petersburg, Florida, Chris Ar- Cleveland 0 0 0 - Cincinnati 0 0 0 0-1/2
hitters in the ninth. AJ Pollock singled in cher pitched seven solid innings and Chicago White Sox 0 0 0 - Chicago Cubs 0 1 0 1
the tying run and Chris Owings dumped Tampa Bay won the rst game of the Western Division Western Division
a base hit into right eld to end it. Texas 0 0 0 - Arizona 1 0 1.000 -
New Diamondbacks closer Fernando BASEBALL Seattle 0 0 0 - San Diego 0 00 0 -/2
Rodney (1-0) gave up a run in a shaky Oakland 0 0 0 - LA Dodgers 0 0 0 0-1/2 Arizona Diamondbacks Chris Ow-
ninth but got the victory. LA Angels 0 0 0 - Colorado 0 0 0 0-1/2 ings (16) celebrates his walk-off
Houston 0 0 0 - San Francisco 0 1 0 1 single against the San Francisco
San Francisco took a 5-4 lead when major league season, roughing up New
Joe Panik led off the ninth with a triple York ace Masahiro Tanaka. Giants with David Peralta (left), and
and scored on pinch-hitter Conor Gil- Evan Longoria and Logan Morrison Daniel Descalso (3) in an opening
homered and drove in three runs apiece the numbers were nalized and the con- dium roared its approval when Molina Under the new contract, the 34-year- day baseball game on April 2, in
laspies sacrice y. Phoenix. The Diamondbacks de-
Bumgarner struck out 11 with no before a sellout crowd of 31,042 at tract was ready, Yadier Molina cried. was introduced before Sunday nights old Molina will make $20 million in
Tears of joy. 4-3 victory against the Chicago Cubs, each of the following three seasons. feated the Giants 6-5. (AP)
walks in seven innings. He gave up three Tropicana Field on opening day. Tanaka
runs and became the rst Giants pitcher (0-1), who had baseballs best ERA in Molina and the St Louis Cardinals prompting the catcher to doff his cap There has been a lot written about 703 RBIs in his rst 13 seasons in the
to go deep twice in one game since Jim spring training, was tagged for a career- announced a new deal Sunday that adds twice as the cheers continued. He got this being a legacy contract, general majors, but his biggest value to the Car-
Gott in 1985. worst seven earned runs in 2 2/3 innings. $60 million over three seasons through another standing ovation when he came manager John Mozeliak said. To me, dinals likely is on the defensive side.
Cardinals 4, Cubs 3 A rst-time All-Star in 2015 who lost 2020, increasing the likelihood that the to the plate for the rst time in the sec- this is much more than what hes done. Molina is an eight-time Gold Glove
In St Louis, Randal Grichuk hit a an AL-leading 19 times last season, Ar- catcher will nish his decorated career ond inning, and there were chants of What it means to me is what hes go- winner only Ivan Rodriguez (13) and
two-run homer in the eighth inning and cher (1-0) limited New York to two runs with his only major league team. Ya-di! Ya-di! before he grounded a ing to do. In a way, today is just the next Johnny Bench (10) have more among
a game-ending RBI single in the ninth, and seven hits. He narrowly escaped a This is a special day. I cant be more single back up the middle. chapter in our future. catchers. The seven-time All-Star also
helping the St. Louis Cardinals top the bases-loaded jam and turned a ve-run happy than I am right now, Molina said. Molinas previous deal called for a We believe he can compete at the has played an integral role in the devel-
Chicago Cubs in a wild prime-time lead over to a revamped bullpen. This is a dream come true. I always $14 million salary this year and a $15 highest level and we still feel that Yadi opment of the Cardinals pitching staff.
opener on Sunday night. Alex Colome replaced rookie Austin wanted to be here. ... It was a hard week, million mutual option for 2018 with a is one of the greatest catchers in the He has set the standard for defensive
going back and forth with feelings. But $2 million buyout. But neither side had game. Since Molinas debut in 2004, excellence during this generation. ...
Jose Martinez sparked the winning Pruitt with the bases loaded in the ninth, Im just glad that we got it done because any interest in messing with the option, St Louis has made nine playoff appear-
rally with a pinch-hit double against yielding a sacrice y to pinch-hitter There is no question he is without equal
this is the right place to be. preferring an extension of their long- ances and won two World Series titles. in managing a pitching staff, Cardinals
Mike Montgomery, who closed out Chris Carter before nishing for a save. The opening-day crowd at Busch Sta- running partnership. Molina hit .285 with 108 homers and
Chicagos World Series championship Furthermore, when it was over, when owner Bill DeWitt Jr. said.

Keselowski pulls away, wins at Martinsville Best of the Rest

Prosecutors wrap trial: Prose-

No problem with being bumped: Busch cutors have wrapped up their case in
the double-murder trial of ex-NFL
star Aaron Hernandez.
MARTINSVILLE, Virginia, April 3, (AP): Brad Keselowski had sam- watch. The prosecution formally rested
The victory came in team owner Roger Penskes 1,000th start in NASCARs top series, and gave its case Monday after more than a
pled success at Martinsville Speedway, but had never put everything to- Ford its rst victory on NASCARs oldest and smallest track since 2002. It also made Keselowski the month of testimony.
gether to get to Victory Lane. rst two-time winner this season, and was his fth consecutive top-ve nish. The former tight end for the New
He changed that on Sunday, passing Kyle Busch with 43 laps to go and pulling away to win This is one Im never going to forget, said Keselowski, who had been the runner-up twice in the England Patriots is charged with
for the 23rd time in his career. past four races here. rst-degree murder in the shootings
It felt like we were due, and if you ever can be, this is one of those tracks and today was one of those Keselowski or Busch led the last 160 laps and swapped the lead several times during a green ag of two men in 2012. Prosecutors
days where we persevered in a special way, Keselowski said. run that began with 64 laps to go. allege he shot the men after one of
them bumped into Hernandez and
The battle there with Kyle at the end was a lot of fun to be a part of. I hope it was a lot of fun to Keselowski had the lead coming out of the 14th and nal caution, but Busch quickly slipped un- spilled his drink at a Boston night-
derneath him to go back in front. Ke- club. Hernandezs attorneys have
selowski stalked him for 14 laps, the pointed the nger at the states star
nose of his Ford inches from the rear witness, a former Hernandez friend
bumper of Buschs Toyota. who was with him the night of the
When he nally got around Busch shootings. The defense claims Alex-
again, he gradually pulled away, ander Brad-
opening a lead of nearly two seconds ley shot the
as Buschs car, dominant for much of men in a drug
the day, faded. The lead paid off at the dispute.
end when Keselowski had to navigate dez is also
around lapped trafc. He won by 1.8 charged with
seconds. witness in-
All we did was put four tires on, timidation
and when we did, it went to junk, and accused
of shooting
Bradley to
CAR RACING silence him. Hernandez
The defense
Busch said of his car. I hate it for our began calling witnesses Monday.
guys. Theyve deserved all year better (AP)
nishes than what weve been able to
produce, and heres another one today. Hearing postponed: A court
Just frustrating season so far. hearing has been postponed for a
Busch led a race-high 274 laps and Texas teenager charged with capi-
nished second, followed by Chase El- tal murder in the shooting deaths
liott, Joey Logano and Austin Dillon. of his mother and father, who was a
It was the rst time NASCAR tried its standout linebacker for Texas A&M
new stage racing on a short track, and before a brief NFL career.
it provided some excitement. A judge Monday delayed the
Martin Truex Jr won the rst stage hearing by two weeks. He ordered
in a three-lap sprint that featured lots Antonio Armstrong Jr. to remain in
of banging as drivers jostled to make jail in the meantime. Authorities say
Armstrong shot Antonio and Dawn
the point-scoring top 10. Armstrong inside their townhome in
Elliott won stage two when Ricky July. They say the teen told investi-
Stenhouse Jr, trying to get back on the gators an intruder shot his parents.
lead lap, nudged Busch on the nal lap A juvenile court determined he
of the stage, getting Busch just loose will stand trial as an adult. He was
enough for Elliott to slide underneath 16 when the shooting happened.
him to score the regular season points The elder Armstrong was a rst-
and coveted playoff point. team All-American who was taken
Busch said he has no problem with in the sixth round of the 1995 NFL
being bumped, as long as Stenhouse draft. He had brief stints with the
Mahindra Racing driver Nick Heidfeld (left), crashes with his teammate Felix Rosenqvis, past Panasonic Jaguar Racing driver Adam Caroll (front), during knows to expect the same treatment in San Francisco 49ers and Miami
the Formula E Mexico City ePrix auto race, in Mexico City on April 1. (AP) reverse. Dolphins. (AP)

No sign of clenbuterol abuse in re-testing samples

Coe apologises after IAAF suffers cyber attack

ZURICH, April 3, (RTRS): The govern- said. rated Olympian with eight medals, who Without mentioning Jamaica or the
ing body of global athletics (IAAF) said It was not known if the information was revealed to have used TUEs before ARD allegations, the IOC said that all
on Monday it had suffered a cyber at- was stolen from the network, the IAAF key races. Wiggins retired last year un- values were in the range of potential
tack which it believes has compromised said, but the incident was a strong in- der something of a cloud after it was re- meat contamination cases.
information about athletes medical re- dication of the attackers interest and vealed he took corticosteroid triamcino- It said it carefully deliberated
cords. intent, and shows they had access and lone for asthma, although he broke no whether or not to proceed with the cases
An IAAF statement said the hack- means to obtain content from this le anti-doping rules. and consulted the World Anti-Doping
ing group known as Fancy Bear was at will. The IAAF banned Russias athletics Agency (WADA).
believed to be behind the attack in Feb- The attack was uncovered after Brit- federation after a WADA commission According to the IOC, WADA said
ruary and that it targeted information ish company Context Information Se- report found evidence of state-spon- that it could not nd any signicant
concerning applications by athletics for curity conducted a sored doping. Almost all Russias ath- and consistent pattern of abuse of clen-
Therapeutic Use Exemptions. investigation of the letes missed the track and eld events at buterol in these cases and that it would
The IAAF said it had contacted ath- IAAFs systems at the Rio Olympics last year and are likely be appropriate not to take these cases
letes who had applied for TUEs since the request of the to also miss the world athletics champi- any further.
2012 and its president, Sebastian Coe, athletics body. onships in London in August. Head of Kuwait Olympic Committee Sheikh Fahad Jaber Al-Ali with Chi-
apologised. Context Infor- Meanwhile, the IOC said it had not
Our rst priority is to the athletes mation Security detected any signicant abuse of clen- OLYMPICS nese ambassador Wang Di.
who have provided the IAAF with in- said in a separate buterol after nding very low levels of
formation that they believed would be statement that it the banned substance during re-testing The IOC stores samples for a decade Sheikh Fahad receives China envoy
secure and condential, he said in the was a sophisti- of samples from the Beijing Olympics. to test with newer methods or for new
statement. They have our sincerest cated intrusion The International Olympic Com- substances. It ordered re-tests of sam- Head of Kuwait Olympic Committee tise in the elds of sports and youths,
apologies and our total commitment to and that the IAAF Coe mmittees comments on Monday came ples from Beijing in the run-up to last Sheikh Fahad Jaber Al-Ali received and agreed on the importance of en-
continue to do everything in our power have understood the one day after German broadcaster ARD years Rio Olympics to try and root out in his ofce the Ambassador of Chi- hancing good relations shared by the
to remedy the situation. importance and impact of the attack and reported that traces of the banned sub- drug cheats. na to Kuwait Wang Di. two nations.
TUEs are issued by sports federations have provided us comprehensive assis- stance were found in samples provided Clenbuterol is a performance-enhanc- During the meeting, they dis- Sheikh Fahad also managed to
and national anti-doping organizations tance. by members of the Jamaican sprint team ing substance that is sometimes found in cussed various issues concerning convey to the Chinese Ambassador
to allow athletes to take certain banned Fancy Bear, widely believed to be at the games in 2008. weight-loss pills and is on the World sports and youths, as well as ways the voices from the Kuwaiti sports
substances for veried medical needs. from Russia, could not immediately be Jamaica won 10 medals in the sprint Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) banned to improve relations in this aspect. street, urging him to help in restora-
The IAAF said that data on athlete reached for comment. events led by Usain Bolt, who took gold list. Sheikh Fahad expressed his tion of deserved right of sports which
keenness to discuss with his guest the people of Kuwait have been un-
TUEs was collected from a le server Last year, the same group hacked in the mens 100 and 200 metres. In 2011, more than 100 players tested the possibility of Kuwait and China justly deprived of, so that Kuwait can
and stored on a newly created le. into the World Anti-Doping Agency In a statement, the IOC said that very positive for clenbuterol during the un- cooperating on sports level, espe- return to the regional and internation-
The attack by Fancy Bear, also (WADA) database and published the low levels of clenbuterol were found in der-17 soccer world championship held cially in the schools sector, which is al sports arenas. This was in consid-
known as APT28, was detected during condential medical records of several the cases of athletes from a number of in Mexico. They were also acquitted of the foundation for building good indi- eration of the fact that the Chinese
a proactive investigation carried out by dozen athletes.Those included cyclist countries and different sports. It said the any wrongdoing after FIFA, soccers vidual and social personality. support in lifting Kuwaits sports ban
cyber incident response (CIR) rm Con- Bradley Wiggins, the 2012 Tour de athletes were innocent and could not governing body, said they were victims They also discussed the need for will be credited in the interest of the
text Information Security, the IAAF France winner and Britains most deco- give any more details. of a health problem in the country. exchanging experiences and exper- sports and the youths.


quarter, topping Rod Strickland in Charlotte, which entered the day in

Cavs keep 1997-98. 10th place in the East, two games be- Garcia has the quality to end majors drought
Celtics 110, Knicks 94 hind Chicago, Indiana and Miami, who
Continued from Page 44 In New York, Isaiah Thomas scored were tied for seventh.
of his 23 points in the fourth quarter,
and Troy Williams, called up from the
19 points in just 24 minutes and Bos-
ton remained atop the Eastern Confer-
Walker went 6 of 12 from 3-point
range. It was the 14th time this season
Johnson, Spieth, McIlroy clear favorites
D-League early Sunday, scored 18 of ence with its 50th victory, beating New Walker hit ve or more 3-pointers in
York. a game. AUGUSTA, April 3, (RTRS): Dus-
his career-high 21 points in the rst tin Johnson returns to this weeks US
Jaylen Brown added 16 for the Celt- Spurs 109, Jazz 103
Williams, who last appeared in an ics, who will be no worse than tied In San Antonio, Kawhi Leonard had Masters a different person than a year
ago, more condent and comfortable,
Pakistan beat West Indies in 4th T20
NBA game on Dec. 16 with Memphis, with Cleveland for the best record in 25 points and seven assists, and San PORT-OF-SPAIN, Trinidad, April Shehzad pressed on in partnership
the East when they host the defending Antonio held off Utah in a matchup of a golfer with greatness in his sights
shot 5 of 7 from 3-point range in the but some Everest-like mountains still 3, (Agencies): Ahmed Shehzad with Babar Azam (38) to take his
rst 20 minutes. NBA champions on Wednesday. Bos- postseason-bound teams. scored 53 from 45 balls as Paki- team to the brink of victory.
ton is off until that showdown, while The Jazz closed to 102-98 on Joe to climb. stan beat West Indies by seven With the target down to 15, both
Tyler Ulis nished with a career- Johnson, the newly-ascended world
high 34 points for the Suns, who were the Cavaliers were set to play two Johnsons 16-footer with 2:06 remain- wickets on Sunday to win the were dismissed in quick succes-
games in between. ing that capped a 10-0 run. Leonard number one, Jordan Spieth and Rory Twenty20 international series 3-1. sion by Kesrick Williams, who
swept in a season series by the Rock- McIlroy are the three clear favourites
ets for the rst time in franchise his- Boston secured its rst 50-win sea- then blocked a shot by 7-foot-1 center Pakistan reached 127-3 in 19 bowled Shehzad with the last ball
son since going 56-26 in 2010-11 and Rudy Gobert to help San Antonio pre- for the years rst major champion- overs in reply to West Indies 124- of one over and had Azam caught
tory. At 22-56, Phoenix has the Wests 8. The tourists won the toss at by substitute Rovman Powell with
worst record by a half-game below the did it easily, shooting 55.6 percent and serve the victory. ship, though at least two dozen others
have a realistic chance of winning if Queens Park Oval and put West the rst ball of his next.
Los Angeles Lakers. Ulis added nine getting 14 points apiece from Marcus Gobert had 19 points, 14 rebounds Indies into bat, and Chadwick Sarfraz Ahmed survived the hat-
rebounds and nine assists, and Devin Smart and Al Horford. and six blocked shots. Boris Diaw the stars all align at the right time. Walton top-scored on 40 with four trick ball and Shoaib Malik was
Booker scored 27 for the Suns. Courtney Lee scored 16 points scored 19 points, making all nine of his But the road to the Green Jacket will sixes and two boundaries for the dropped before the pair saw Paki-
Warriors 139, Wizards 115 and Kristaps Porzingis had 14 for the shots against his former team. lead through Johnson, who ticks all the hosts. stan across the line with an over to
In Oakland, California, Stephen Knicks, who announced during the Utah (47-30) leads the Los Angeles boxes as the man to beat. Before he From 52-1, West Indies slumped spare.
game that Derrick Rose will have sea- Clippers (47-31) by a half-game for is measured for a Green Jacket, how- to 83-7 as Hasan Ali (2-12) and
Curry hit nine 3-pointers and scored Shadab Khan (2-16) produced
42 points, also dished out eight assists, son-ending surgery to repair torn carti- the Western Conferences No. 4 seed ever, it would be wise to remember he
would not be the rst favourite to be economical spells. Former England opener Mi-
and Golden State moved closer to lage in his left knee. They also played and home-court advantage in the open- Some late hitting from Carlos chael Carberry enjoyed a fair-
locking up the Western Conferences without Carmelo Anthony (sore lower ing round. spat out by the unforgiving Augusta Brathwaite, who scored an unde- ytale return to rst class cricket
top playoff seed by beating Washing- back). San Antonio (59-17) is second in the National layout. feated 37 from 24 balls, gave West following his battle with cancer,
ton. Hornets 113, Thunder 101 West behind Golden State. The American, with victories in Indies something to bowl at but it scoring a century for county side
Draymond Green had his 19th ca- In Oklahoma City, Kemba Walker Nuggets 116, Heat 113 his past three starts, has a game tailor appeared unlikely to be enough. Hampshire in their pre-season
In Miami, Danilo Gallinari scored made for Augusta, prodigiously long Pakistan opener Kamran Akmal xture against Cardiff MCCU in
reer triple-double and fth this sea- scored 29 points to help Charlotte Southampton.
off the tee, condent with his irons and fell to Marlon Samuels for 20 but
son with 11 points, 13 assists and 12 overcome Russell Westbrooks sixth 29 points, Nikola Jokic and Wilson
rebounds. Curry scored 10 points over straight triple-double and beat Okla- Chandler each added 19, and Denver short game and a soft putting stroke
the nal 1:52 of the rst half and shot homa City. topped Miami. that seems to be getting better with play the best I can. I played good there said. Putting well next week obvi-
15 for 22, including 9 of 14 on 3s, in Westbrook nished with 40 points, Emmanuel Mudiay scored 17 for age. the last two years. Im excited to go ously is important considering I didnt
the Warriors 11th straight victory. It 13 rebounds and 10 assists. It was Denver (36-40), which got back within He also has a good recent Masters back when the game is in good form. strike it very well last year and certain-
was his 26th career 40-point game and Westbrooks 40th triple-double of the two games of Portland for the nal I feel like everything is working pretty ly was in position to win.
fourth this season. season, putting him one behind Os- playoff spot in the Western Confer- GOLF well. While Spieths short game and put-
John Wall had 15 points and 11 as- car Robertsons NBA record of 41, ence. While Johnson arrives with a spring ting are usually second to none, McIl-
sists for the Wizards, who couldnt set during the 1961-62 season. It was Gallinari hit two straight jumpers in his step, Spieth is hardly looking roy has been working to raise those
make it two wins over the mighty War- Westbrooks rst career triple-double late in the fourth to push a one-point record tied fourth last year and tied forward to being reminded of his 2016 facets of the game to a level close to
riors in just more than a months time. against Charlotte. Denver lead out to six, and the Nug- sixth in 2015 and returns approach- debacle, when he endured arguably the his ball-striking.
He set the single-season franchise as- Frank Kaminsky had 18 points and gets held on at the end to deal Miamis ing a golfers usual peak at the age of worst collapse in Masters history, giv- Perhaps only Johnson can drive the
sists record with No. 802 in the third Michael Kidd-Gilchrist added 16 for playoff hopes another blow. 32. ing up a ve-shot lead over the nal ball as long and accurately as McIl-
I dont think Ive ever gone into a nine holes, due largely to a quadruple roy, whose chances often hinge on the
major being ranked number one, he bogey at the 12th hole. He missed the quality of his wedge game and putter.
NBA Results/ Standings said recently, before adding to laugh- cut in Houston on Friday, but publicly I feel like that part of my game is
ter: Actually, I know I havent. at least sounded an upbeat note. as sharp as it has ever been going into
Its not going to be any differ- I made strides in my putting this Augusta, so thats a good thing, said
ent for me. Im still going to prepare week, which is something I can take a McIlroy, who with a victory would be-
WASHINGTON, April 3, (RTRS): Results and standings from the NBA games on Sunday: come just the sixth man to win all four
like I always do and go out and try to lot of condence into next week, he
Houston 123 Phoenix 116 Cleveland 135 Indiana (OT) 130 modern major championships.
Golden State 139 Washington 115 LA Lakers 108 Memphis 103 Others to watch include American
Chicago 117 New Orleans 110 veteran Phil Mickelson as he goes for
Dallas 109 Milwaukee 105
Toronto 113 Philadelphia 105
Brooklyn 91 Atlanta 82 San Antonio 109 Utah 103 a fourth Green Jacket at the age of 46,
Denver 116 Miami 113 Charlotte 113 Oklahoma City 101 Hideki Matsuyama trying to fulll
Eastern Conference Western Conference the hopes of a nation and become the
Atlantic Division Northwest Division rst Japanese player to win a mens
W L PCT GB W L PCT GB major, and Jon Rahm, young, strong
Boston 50 27 .649 - Utah 47 30 .610 -
Toronto 47 30 .610 3 Oklahoma City 43 33 .566 3-1/2 and fearless, whose chances maybe
NY Knicks 29 48 .377 21 Portland 38 38 .500 8-1/2 be hindered only by his lack of course
Philadelphia 28 49 .364 22 Denver 36 40 .474 10-1/2 knowledge in his Masters debut.
Brooklyn 18 59 .234 32 Minnesota 30 45 .400 16 Fellow Spaniard Sergio Garcia has
Central Division Pacic Division
W L PCT GB W L PCT GB the quality to end his majors drought
Cleveland 49 27 .645 - Golden State 63 14 .818 - if he can turn back the clock and putt
Milwaukee 40 37 .519 9-1/2 LA Clippers 47 31 .603 16-1/2 as well as before several near-misses
Chicago 38 39 .494 11-1/2 Sacramento 30 47 .390 33 started to weigh him down.
Indiana 37 40 .481 12-1/2 LA Lakers 22 55 .286 41
Detroit 35 42 .455 14-1/2 Phoenix 22 56 .282 41-1/2 For those searching for a realistic
Southeast Division Southwest Division dark horse, keep an eye on Australian
W L PCT GB W L PCT GB Marc Leishman, winner of the recent
Washington 46 31 .597 - San Antonio 59 17 .776 - Arnold Palmer Invitational.
Atlanta 39 38 .506 7 Houston 52 25 .675 7-1/2
Miami 37 40 .481 9 Memphis 42 35 .545 17-1/2 Another outstanding ball-striker,
Charlotte 36 41 .468 10 New Orleans 33 44 .429 26-1/2 Leishman tied for fourth in 2013, when
Orlando 27 50 .351 19 Dallas 32 44 .421 27 Mike Weir hits out of the bunker on the driving range during practice for the he played the nal round with eventual
Masters golf tournament on April 3, in Augusta, Georgia. (AP) winner Adam Scott.


Is this a joke?

Ryu wins ANA Inspiration in playoff after Lexis penalty

RANCHO MIRAGE, California, April
3, (AP): Lexi Thompson had no idea
why LPGA Tour rules ofcial Sue Rickie Fowler never in picture
Witters was approaching her on the
way to the 13th tee at the ANA Inspi-
When she found out, Thompson still
couldnt believe it.
Henley wins Houston Open, earns trip to Masters
A television viewers email had HUMBLE, Texas, April 3, (AP): the par-3 ninth at the Golf Club of gey with a wild drive on the sec- tied for 10th, his fourth consecutive
alerted ofcials to a day-old rules vio- Russell Henley no longer gets to Houston. Only the 27-year-old from ond hole, and then got hit driver top 10 as he heads to Augusta Na-
lation by Thompson for a 1-inch ball take a week off, and he couldnt be Georgia was just getting warmed off the deck into the water on the tional for his Masters debut.
placement error . Her three-shot lead happier. up. par-5 fourth hole to drop another Henley won for the third time in
Hes going to the Masters. The decisive stretch came on shot. Fowler trailed by as many as his PGA Tour career, and his rst
Henley overcame a four-shot the par-5 13th, where Henley and seven shots until a urry of birdies since a playoff victory over Rory
GOLF decit Sunday in the Houston by Kang were tied for the lead. Hen- late in the round when it was out McIlroy in the 2014 Honda Classic.
closing with a 7-under 65 for a ley pitched to 3 feet for birdie, while of reach. He was in danger of missing the
three-shot victory, one of the most Kang missed from 15 feet. On the Fowler closed with a 70 and tied Masters for the second straight year
had just been wiped out by a four-shot important nal rounds of his career. par-3 14th, Henley rolled in a 35-foot for third, along with Luke List (68). until winning the Houston Open, the
penalty. Only later did he realize it might birdie putt on the fast greens, cut to Just an alignment problem that only way into Augusta National at
Is this a joke? Thompson asked have his best. try to mimic what players will face at just caused me to make a couple this point.
Witters. He made 10 birdies. He never Augusta National. Kang did well to bad swings, cost me a few shots, I wasnt expecting to go back to
After being assured it wasnt, she So Yeon Ryu holds the trophy went more than two holes without save par from 6 feet. And then Hen- Fowler said. Nice that I got it turned Augusta, he said. I was planning
responded: This is ridiculous. after winning the LPGA Tours a birdie. ley raced out to a three-shot advan- around and started to make some on not going, but I was going to try
Thompson survived the shock and ANA Inspiration golf tournament I made 10 birdies today? he tage with another up-and-down for good swings and made some bird- my best to win. So, the fact I get to
tears, and she forced a playoff with at Mission Hills Country Club in asked. Oh, wow. Wow. Yeah, then birdie on the par-5 15th. ies and fought back, got a good go back is pretty cool and Im ex-
three gutsy birdies that had the Dinah Rancho Mirage, California on I guess its denitely the best. He nished with a bogey for nish out of it. Obviously, yeah, I cited. It hasnt really sunk in yet.
April 2. (AP) Henley ran off ve of them in the 20-under 268, three shots ahead of would have like to have gotten off to Henley became the third player in
Shore Course crowd on its feet.
But So Yeon Ryu managed to take opening eight holes to briey catch Kang. a better start. the last four years to win the Hou-
advantage of the break created by won $405,000 with the victory, and up to Sung Kang, only to make a Rickie Fowler was never in the Jon Rahm, the 22-year-old rookie ston Open and earn a trip to the
Thompsons extraordinary penalty. Thompson went home with just over double bogey from the bunker on picture. He made a double bo- from Spain, closed with a 67 and Masters.
Ryu birdied the playoff hole to $250,000 in second place.
win the LPGA Tours rst major of Every day is a learning process, coin on the 17th green during her third hard thing to do, and it made me sick, at all. I didnt realize I did that. I felt Lets go @Lexi, win this thing any-
the year Sunday after Thompson was said Thompson, who still stopped to round, but she replaced the ball perhaps to be honest with you. strong through the nish, and it was way.
blindsided for an infraction she had ac- sign dozens of autographs after her 1 inch out of position. Thompson fought back tears after great to see the fans behind me. Most golfersweighing inon Twit-
cidentally committed 24 hours earlier. heartbreak. I wasnt expecting what After an extensive video review , getting the news, but she incredibly Golf fans on the course and the in- ter didnt disagree with the ruling, but
Thompson, the 22-year-old US happened today, but ... it happens, and Thompson was penalized two strokes birdied the 13th hole. She battled back ternet reacted with bewilderment and condemned the practice of allowing TV
Olympian who won here in 2014, Ill learn from it and hopefully do bet- for an incorrect ball placement and two into a ve-way tie for the lead, making outrage when the LPGAs decision be- viewers to have their say particular-
was left stunned by the decision that ter. strokes for an incorrect scorecard. Wit- three birdies and a bogey on the nal came understood. Tiger Woods imme- ly an entire day afterward.
stopped her from cruising to what The fateful email arrived during ters regretfully explained the penalty to six holes of regulation at Mission Hills diately came to Thompsons defense on Even Justin Timberlake saw it : @
looked like an easy victory. The Sundays nal round, alerting ofcials Thompson. Country Club. Twitter. Lexi is SO CLASSY. Handled that
ruling cost her more than a strong to the violation committed Saturday. I cant go to bed tonight knowing Its unfortunate what happened, Viewers at home should not be of- with grace and ght. Career dening
chance at her second major title: Ryu Thompson marked a 1-foot putt with a I let a rule slide, Witters said. Its a Thompson said. I did not mean that cials wearing stripes, Woods wrote . moment.

Pens hold off Hurricanes

to move into second place
Sharks pip Canucks
PITTSBURGH, April 3, (AP): Jake Guent-
zel and Conor Sheary scored power-play
goals and Scott Wilson picked up his eight of
the season as the Pittsburgh Penguins held
off the Carolina Hurricanes 3-2 on Sunday.
Matt Murray nished with 33 saves for the Pen-
guins, who moved into second place in the Metropoli-
tan Division with a week to go in the regular season.
Jeff Skinner collected his 33rd goal of the season for Car-
olina and Justin Faulks 17th of the year halfway through the
third period gave the Hurricanes momentum but Pittsburgh
tightened up in front of Murray to beat Carolina for the sev-
enth straight time.
Eddie Lack made 23 stops for the Hurricanes in his rst
start since being taken to the hospital with a strained neck
last week. The loss inched Carolina closer to missing the
playoffs for an eighth consecutive season.
Capitals 3, Blue Jackets 2
In Columbus, Ohio, Braden Holtby stopped 35 shots, An- Montreal Canadiens right wing Alexander Radulov
dre Burakovsky had a goal and an assist and Washington (47) celebrates his winning goal in overtime during an
NHL hockey game against the Tampa Bay Lightning
held on to beat Columbus. on April 1, in Tampa, Florida. (AP)
T.J. Oshie and Matt Niskanen also scored for the Capitals,
who improved to 8-1-1 in their last 10 games. Washington,
with a league-best 112 points, leads Pittsburgh by ve points
St Louis Blues Magnus Paajarvi (56), of Sweden, is checked by Nashville Predators Mike Fisher (12) during the
third period of an NHL hockey game on April 2, in St Louis. (AP)
in the Metropolitan Division. The Blue Jackets are another
point back in third. McIlroy inks new deal
Holtbys 41st win of the season also tied him with his Blue
Jackets counterpart Sergei Bobrovsky for best in the league. LONDON, April 3, (RTRS): World number two
Rory McIlroy has signed a long-term extension to
NHL Results/Standings Rangers 4, Flyers 3 his contract with Nike ahead of this weeks US Mas-
In New York, Oscar Lindberg and Chris Kreider scored ters at Augusta National.
2:09 apart midway through the third period, and New York Looking forward to the next 10+ years as a @
held on for its rst home win in six weeks. nike athlete, the Northern Irishman said on his
WASHINGTON, April 3, (RTRS): Results and standings from the Tampa Bay 6 Dallas 3
NHL games on Sunday: Mika Zibanejad and Brendan Smith scored in the rst veried Twitter account.
Washington 3 Columbus 2
Arizona 2 Los Angeles 1 Pittsburgh 3 Carolina 2
period, and Henrik Lundqvist stopped 20 shots to help the The worlds biggest sportswear maker said last
Anaheim 4 Calgary 3 St Louis 4 Nashville 1 Rangers win at Madison Square Garden for the rst time August that it would stop selling golf equipment
NY Rangers 4 Philadelphia 3 NY Islanders 4 Buffalo 2 since beating Washington on Feb. 19. New York was 0-5-3 including clubs, golf balls and bags to focus on
San Jose 3 Vancouver 1 Chicago 2 Boston 3 on home ice since. footwear, apparel with the familiar swoosh logo and
Minnesota 5 Colorado 2 partnering more golfers.
Western Conference Eastern Conference ICE HOCKEY The company, which built its golf business on the
Central Division Atlantic Division
success of Tiger Woods, gave no details about the
W L OTL GF GA PTS Ducks 4, Flames 3 deal in a separate statement.
Montreal 45 24 9 216 191 99
Chicago 50 22 7 239 202 107 Boston 43 30 6 228 207 92 In Calgary, Alberta, Logan Shaw scored with 3:06 left in Ive loved this company since I was a kid, it
Minnesota 46 25 8 254 201 100 Toronto 38 24 15 238 226 91 the third period to lift Anaheim past Calgary. quoted McIlroy as saying. Im really happy to con-
St Louis 43 28 7 219 204 93 tinue this journey with Nike.
Ottawa 41 27 9 199 203 91 Patrick Eaves, Jakob Silfverberg and Korbinian Holzer
Nashville 40 28 11 231 217 91 Tampa Bay 39 29 10 222 218 88 British media estimated, however, that the new deal
also scored for the Ducks, who moved ahead of Edmonton
Winnipeg 37 35 7 237 249 81 Florida 33 34 11 201 227 77 into sole possession of rst place in the Pacic Division. could be worth $100 million with the 27-year-old re-
Dallas 32 36 11 213 250 75 Buffalo 32 34 12 195 225 76
Colorado 21 54 3 154 264 45
Ryan Kesler nished with three assists and Jonathan Bernier maining free to negotiate with equipment makers.
Detroit 31 35 12 196 234 74 made 18 saves to improve to 10-0-2 in his past 12 games.
Pacic Division Metropolitan Division
Kris Versteeg had two goals and Michael Frolik also
W L OTL GF GA PTS Ryan Spooner, Patrice Bergeron and Kevan Miller
Washington 52 18 8 254 178 112
scored for Calgary. TJ Brodie and Mark Giordano each had
Anaheim 43 23 13 212 196 99 two assists and Brian Elliott nijshed with 30 saves. scored for the Bruins, who jumped over idle Toronto and
Pittsburgh 48 19 11 266 221 107
Edmonton 44 25 9 231 200 97 Ottawa into second place in the Atlantic Division. Boston
San Jose 44 28 7 213 195 95
Columbus 49 21 8 239 180 106 Blues 4, Predators 1 began the day in wild-card position, four points ahead of
NY Rangers 47 26 6 252 213 100
Calgary 44 31 4 220 214 92 In St Louis, Alexander Steen scored the tiebreaking goal early Tampa Bay for the final playoff spot in the Eastern Con-
NY Islanders 37 29 12 228 237 86
Los Angeles 37 34 7 188 191 81
Carolina 35 29 14 204 220 84
in the second period, David Perron had a goal and two assists, ference.
Vancouver 30 39 9 174 228 69
Philadelphia 38 33 8 212 229 84 and St Louis prevented Nashville from clinching a playoff berth. Lightning 6, Stars 3
Arizona 29 41 9 190 251 67 Vladimir Tarasenko and Joel Edmundson also scored, and
New Jersey 27 37 14 175 229 68
Jake Allen stopped 35 shots as St Louis earned at least at point In Tampa, Florida, Adam Erne scored twice and Ondrej
Note: Overtime losses (OTL) are worth one point in the standings and are not included in the loss column (L)
for the ninth straight game (7-0-2). Allen improved to 9-1-2 Palat added a power-play goal and two assists as Tampa Bay
with two shutouts and 16 goals allowed his past 12 starts. beat Dallas.
Brayden Point scored the go-ahead goal in the third period
Islanders 4, Sabres 2 to break a 2-2 tie, and Braydon Coburn and Anton Stralman
New US rule having unintended consequences In Buffalo, New York, Anders Lee scored third-period also had goals for Tampa Bay. Backup Peter Budaj made 23
goals a little more than ve minutes apart, and New York saves to help the Lightning move within three points of the
overcame the absence of captain John Tavares to stay in the idle Ottawa Senators, who hold the second wild-card spot in
Female hockey facing off-ice obstacles playoff hunt.
Cal Clutterbuck and Joshua Ho-Sang also scored and Ja-
the Eastern Conference.
Wild 5, Avalanche 2
roslav Halak stopped 35 shots to improve to 3-1 since being
PLYMOUTH, Michigan, April 3, get it to move forward. I look forward old enough to play 14U hockey next recalled from the minors. In St Paul, Minnesota, Erik Haula had a goal and assist,
(AP): The best womens hockey play- to see how far womens hockey is go- year have limited options. They can Devan Dubnyk stopped 30 shots and Minnesota beat Colorado.
ers in the US can now make a living ing go. drive 2-plus hours, each way, to join Bruins 3, Blackhawks 2 Martin Hanzal, Jared Spurgeon, Zach Parise and Jordan
playing the sport they love thanks to a In a border town about 300 miles a 12U team in Kalkaska, Michigan; In Chicago, backup goalie Anton Khudobin made 41 Schroeder also scored for Minnesota, which recovered from
landmark agreement with USA Hock- north of suburban Detroit, a new USA play with 12U boys in their area; par- saves and Boston held on for its fth straight win. a tough 3-0 loss at Nashville a day earlier with a resounding
ey reached after a threat to boycott the Hockey rule appears to be having unin- ticipate in house hockey with girls win against the NHLs worst team.
world championship. The deal will tended consequences for girls trying to just learning how to skate; or quit Sharks 3, Canucks 1
likely help their counterparts north of nd their stride. playing the sport.
the border make more money in their The Soo Lady Lakers, an organiza- Its heartbreaking to tell the girls In Vancouver, British Columbia, Tomas Hertl scored
next Olympic agreement with Hockey tion based in Sault Ste. Marie, Michi- I dont know what our team will look twice in the rst period and Martin Jones made 29 saves as
Canada. gan, participated in the states Tier II like next year, McCormick said. San Jose beat Vancouver after losing Joe Thornton to an ap-
Even those who will benet, though, 14-and-under tournament with just 11 Kristen Wright, USA Hockeys man- parent injury to his left leg.
acknowledge the off-ice ght isnt over. ager of girls player development, said Patrick Marleau scored an empty-netter and Jannik Hans-
At every level of female hockey, the new rule was put in place for safety en picked up an assist in his return to Vancouver for the
from pre-teen girls to college to post- ICE HOCKEY and development reasons because girls Sharks, who have won 11 straight regular-season games at
graduate players, there are obstacles. usually hit a growth spurt at about 13. Rogers Arena dating back to Jan 21, 2012.
Womens hockey has come a long girls that were mostly from Canada and The rule hasnt gone into effect Coyotes 2, Kings 1
way with the amount of teams that 12 years old or younger. Beginning yet and we want to see whats going In Los Angeles, Anthony Duclair scored 3:09 into the sec-
are popping up and support and vis- next season a USA Hockey rule states, to happen, Wright said in a telephone ond period, Mike Smith made 34 saves and Arizona ended
ibility, said Meghan Duggan, cap- no player 12 years or younger is eligi- interview Saturday night. We think Los Angeles slim playoff hopes.
tain of the Americans team playing ble to play on a team intending or de- more good than bad will come up this, Alexander Burmistrov scored a power-play goal and
in the world championship. I think clared to compete in district or national but well review this over time and Oliver Ekman-Larsson had two assists for the Coyotes,
it has a long way to go, and Im ex- championships. well see how it changes the landscape Bieke van Nes (right), of The Netherlands ghts for the who followed up an impressive 6-3 win over Presidents
cited to push it ahead. Im certainly Malory McCormick, who coached of the game. puck with North Koreas Jong Su Hyon during their IIHF Ice Trophy-leading Washington by guaranteeing the Kings
proud to be someone standing up for the Lakers at this years tournament, Given the chance to comment on Hockey Womens World Championship Division II Group A would miss the postseason for the second time in three
womens hockey and really trying to said the girls on her team that are not this story with a conversation or email, game in Gangneung, South Korea on April 3. (AP) seasons.
tuesday (all times are kuwait local)


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10:15 auto mundial ................................. bein sports 7hd
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KUNA photo
A photo shows part of the closing ceremony activities of Sheikh Jaber Al-Sabah Shooting Tournament.

Shooting tournament concludes

Cavs maintain slim Sheikh Jaber Al-Abdullah Al-Sabah

Shooting Tournament concluded
its activities on Sunday, April 2 at
Kuwait Shooting Club.
The tournament consisted of
competitions in skeet, trap, double
trap, pistol, rie and archery cat-
egories for men, women and ama-
Present at the closing ceremony
was the President of Kuwait and
Arab shooting associations Duaij
Al-Otaibi, who afrmed that the
political leadership supports the
sport of shooting, stressing that
such support is reected in the
performance and results of various
shooting competitions held inside
and outside the country. At the end
of the event, Al-Otaibi distributed
the prizes to the winners.

lead over Celtics

Rockets hand Suns 12th straight loss
(AP): LeBron James made
a big 3-pointer in the nal
minute of the second over-
time and scored 41 points to
offset 43 by Indianas Paul
George, and the Cleveland
Cavaliers opened their
April schedule with a 135-

130 win Sunday over the
Indiana Pacers, who re-
main on the outside of the
playoff picture in the East-
ern Conference.
James added 15 rebounds and
11 assists in 52 minutes for the
defending NBA champions, who Indiana Pacers Paul George (right), drives against Cleveland Cavaliers
ended the game with some drama LeBron James during the second half of an NBA basketball game on April
as Tristan Thompson and James 2, in Cleveland. The Cavaliers won 135-130 in double overtime. (AP)
angrily exchanged words during a in the overtime sessions and adding Harden was ruled out with acute
timeout in the second OT. nine rebounds and nine assists. But he viral syndrome, the team announced
Kyrie Irving made four free throws couldnt prevent the Pacers from their before the game. He had not missed
in the nal 16.5 seconds and Kevin eighth straight road loss. a game all season and entered Sunday
Love had 20 points and 12 rebounds as Rockets 123, Suns 116 tied for second in the league in scoring
Cleveland stayed within a half-game In Phoenix, Patrick Beverley scored at 29.2 points per game.
of Boston for the top spot in the East. a career-high 26 points and the Hou- Beverley played despite a sore right
The Cavs visit the Celtics on Wednes- ston Rockets sent the Phoenix Suns ankle and scored 11 of his points in the
day night. to their 12th straight loss with a 123- third quarter. Lou Williams scored 16
George was magnicent in defeat, 116 victory despite not having James
scoring 19 straight points for Indiana Harden in the lineup. Continued on Page 42

Former official
gets a life ban
ZURICH, April 3, (RTRS):
Former Guatemalan foot-
ball chief Brayan Jimenez
has been banned from the
sport for life for offences
which included bribery
and corruption, FIFAs
ethics committee said on
Jimenez, also a former
member of a FIFA com-
mittee for fair play and
social responsibility, was
among several dozen of-
cials who were indicted in
the United States in 2015,
sparking the biggest cor-
ruption scandal in the his-
tory of the global soccer
He pleaded guilty to
racketeering and corrup-
tion charges before a US
judge in July and is due to
be sentenced on April 28.


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