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First Certificate Skills: Use of English

Unit Test 2
1 In the text below some lines are correct but some have a word that should not be there.
Indicate the correct lines with a tick (). For the incorrect lines, write the words that should
not be there.

How to resign in style

1 ............ He had spent the whole day thinking about what he would do, and going
2 ............ over the time he had been spent at Grumblethorpe and Sons. Ive
3 ............ been working here for fifteen years, he thought. Ive never have taken a day
4 ............ off and Ive always worked hard. In my return I expected a pay rise or
5 ............ perhaps even a promotion. But nobody has ever appreciated me, never
6 ............ thanked me for what Ive done. In fact, Ive been treated like a dog. Ive
7 ............ wasted the best years of my life here, but I wont put up with it any time
8 ............ longer. No, this will most certainly be the last time since I ever set foot
9 ............ in this place, he thought, as he walked quickly down the corridor to the
10 ............ Managing Directors office. He had stopped outside the office
11 ............ Grumblethorpes secretary was away from her desk. He took off of his
12 ............ ID badge and the grey uniform jacket hed always hated, carefully cut them
13 ............ both into small pieces, and placed them in Grumblethorpes in-tray. Then he
14 ............ was walked out of the building, stopping only to check once more that the
15 ............ winning lottery ticket was still in his wallet yet.


2 Underline the correct word for 19.

1 Jills been /gone to the concert I dont think shell be back before 11.
2 I l ived /used to live in America for a year when I was a child.
3 She s been studying /was studying Spanish for three years and shes starting to speak it quite
well now.
4 Jo has spent /spent six months travelling in Asia last year.
5 Have you ever been /gone to a live football match?
6 I ve had /had three different jobs since I left university.
7 Don dropped his bag when he was running /ran for the bus.
8 They had been /have been walking for four hours before they stopped for lunch.
9 I used to play /played a lot of tennis, but now I prefer squash.

Photocopiable Unit Test 2 Oxford University Press 1

First Certificate Skills: Use of English

3 Put the words in bold in the correct sentence.

1 I cant come with you I havent finished my homework already.

2 Dont touch that wall! Ive still finished painting it.
3 There is yet time to enter the competition the closing date is next Friday.
4 Paula had just been to the house several times, so she knew her way around.

5 I havent won anything currently but Im going to keep on trying.

6 Lately, our band is looking for a new building to rehearse in.
7 Most people seem to get their music from the internet so far.
8 I havent seen Tim nowadays has he gone away?

4 Choose the correct word to complete each sentence.

advance ages era forever long

notice period term whole

1 I havent been to the cinema for .

2 At our school the summer runs from 22 April to 15 July.
3 The of the motor car may soon be over, as oil supplies are running out.
4 Sue felt that her time at college was the most exciting of her life.
5 Ray often spent the afternoon in the library.
6 With less than 500 fluent speakers this language could soon be lost .
7 I hope it wont be too before we meet again.
8 The restaurant is very busy at weekends, so its best to book in .
9 I cant believe theyve cancelled the flight at such short !


Photocopiable Unit Test 2 Oxford University Press 2

First Certificate Skills: Use of English

Unit Test 2 Key

2 been
3 have
4 my
7 time
8 since
10 had
11 of
14 was
15 yet

1 gone
2 lived
3 s been studying
4 spent
5 been
6 ve had
7 was running
8 had been
9 used to play

1 yet
2 just
3 still
4 already
5 so far
6 Currently
7 nowadays
8 lately

1 ages
2 term
3 era
4 period
5 whole
6 forever
7 long
8 advance
9 notice

Photocopiable Unit Test 2 Oxford University Press 3

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