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The Sag Harbor Express SEPTEMBER 18, 2014

E ditorial YOUTH NOTES

Call for By D e b o r a h Sk in n e r

Volunteers This Weekend
ational Fire Prevention Week, when local fire de eptember is the start of another school year and the
partm ents typically hold open houses, perform
firefighting demonstrations, and more or less beg
for members, is not until next month, but that doesnt
S start of many fall events already off to a quick start.
Mark your school calendar with the rapidly approach
ing fall dates!
Join us in the Community Room which opened this
mean we cant take a moment now to thank local volun
teers who performed yeomens service this weekend. past Monday, September 15 at Pierson for the 2014/2015
school year. Youll find us between the hours of 2:25 and 5
From Springs, where a house was gutted early Satur P-m. where you can watch a movie, or play foosball, ping
day morning, to West Hampton Dunes, where the Beach pong or pool. The after school drop-in is a safe and super
Hut at Cupsogue Beach was destroyed that night, to vised location to stay after school, before and after clubs,
Sagaponack, where a historic house dating to the 17th during play tryouts, after practice or while you are wait
century was largely consumed by a fire that is being ing for your ride home. Our doors are open from Monday
investigated as arson, local departments were kept on through Friday and you can reach us directly by dialing
their toes. 725-5302, ext. 750.
Add to that a fire that caused major damage to a You have been preparing for Piersons Homecoming
Weekend. Look for that event this weekend, September 19
house in Bridgehampton a week earlier, and it is hard through September 21. Float building and banner paint
not to shake your head in wonder at the amount of ing should be nearing completion with just a day to go.
service provided by volunteers, who roll out of bed in There will be parades (Saturday morning at 9 a.m.), home
the middle of the night, or walk off the job site at a mo games (both Friday and Saturday) and the Bonfire (Friday
m ents notice to protect us. evening from 6:30 p.m.)! The greater the class participa
And anyone who has witnessed our departments tion, the higher number of points your class will earn.
battle a blaze know that firefighting is anything but Friday evening, all classes will be competing in a
Dance -Off". Students will choose a song that relates to
a bunch of local guys randomly spraying water from >unoay Afternoon, Long W harf the theme - Cities of the World - and perform at the
high-pressure hoses, but a carefully choreographed dis bonfire. Saturday morning, students will participate in
play of well-practiced skills. the Homecoming parade and perform a skit based on the
Because some departments have specially trained
The Walking Tour I BY MICHAEL HELLER theme. Come to the events, support the classes and join
units or equipment, a fire in Sag Harbor, Bridgehamp the fun.
ton, or anywhere else for that m atter is rarely a local- Speaking of after school activities, Stages Franken
department-only event, as was the case with a barbecue stein Follies returns for the 20th yearl Actors 8-18 are
invited to join in this popular Halloween tradition. The
fire reported on North Haven Tuesday evening that sent Letters to t h e E d it o r performance workshop for Frankenstein Follies rehearses
Sag Harbor firefighters racing over the bridge instead of Mon-Wed-Fri 4:30-6:30 p.m., now to October 28 at the
enjoying dinner at home. Southampton Town Recreation Center (SYS) at 1370A Ma
Calls for mutual aid are commonSag Harbor fire chose to make Manhattan Clam Chowder, with eight mak jors Path in Southampton. Rehearsals culminate in the
Leaving th e Scene performance of Frankenstein Follies at the Bay Street The
fighters were called out in the middle of the night to ing New England style chowder.
last weeks fire in Bridgehampton and this weekends atre in Sag Harbor on October 26,27 and 28. For further
To the driver who hit my son and left him lying in the information visit, call Stages at 631-
fires in Springs and Sagaponack, for instance. street Vying for the title in the Manhattan Clam Chowder
were: 329-1420 or write
That said, it is not hard to notice more and more I m not quite sure where you could have been going in This year, the Pierson Middle School play will jum p off
gray hair among our volunteer firefighters, or the signs such a rush that you could knowingly leave another per Cromers Market in pot #2,
Dock House in pot # 3, to an early start. Joining the MS play is a rewarding and
erected at the borders of local fire districts calling for son bleeding in the road. According to the police, Maybe enjoyable experience for everyone in the troupe. This
he didnt realize he hit you." Its kind of hard to believe you Endless Summer Event Catering in pot #1,
volunteers. and II Cappuccinos in pot #4. years early start has taken many by surprise so take note
missed seeing a six-foot-four teen. He certainly saw you as that try-outs will begin next Monday, September 22, with
There are certainly people in the community with you sped into a driveway. And he imagined it safe to skate
time on their hands, who, for whatever reason, have Making New England Clam Chowder were: dance auditions from 3 to 5 p.m. Tuesday will be acting
past the drive, not expecting you to quickly back out and and vocal auditions from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. for the A group
not given volunteering with their fire departments or drive off. And you must have heard him yell. The neigh Bell & Anchor in pot #6,
Dock House in pot #8, and repeat from 4 to 6 p.m. for the B group. Students
ambulance companies a chance. Perhaps now that sum bors across the street heard from inside their house. should check the district website, eboards and listen to
m ers rush is past and the memory of this weeks blazes We locals like to believe our streets are safer during the Dockside in pot #5,
Doppio in pot #11, daily announcements for more information.
is still fresh, they will be inclined to inquire about vol off-season. Six oclock on a Thursday is usually a calm re Youth Court is now in session. The Town of Southamp
laxing time on our streets. We rarely get outside traffic Golden Pear in pot #12,
unteering. Their help would certainly be welcome. Harlow in pot #10, ton Youth Court, for students in grades 9-12 is held every
and most of us are aware that our neighborhood is full Monday starting Monday, September 29, from 6-7:30 p.m.
of both children and older adults who like to walk to the LT Burger in pot #9,
and Page 63 in pot #7. at Southampton Town Justice Court. This is a national
nearby beach. My son was hit feet from a bus stop that half
Trampling on a dozen teens stand by each morning, and an hour later
are replaced with half a dozen elementary students.
I suppose I could thank you for teaching him the valu
Winning the Manhattan Clam Chowder by a wide mar
gin was The Dock House, located on Long W harf in Sag
program in which young offenders are sentenced by their
peers for minor offenses. Leaml public speaking, the law
and justice system. Transportation is available east of the
Shinnecock Canal. Community service hours available

History able lesson of always looking behind him as he backs out of

a drive. Although he is a bright boy and really did not need
a hands-on lesson on why that is important. While grate
ful for the fact that his injuries are not worse, I shudder to
Harbor. Cromers at 3500 Noyac Road and II Cappucinos at
30 Madison St. tied for 2nd place.
Winning the New England Clam Chowder contest was
Harlow, also on Long Wharf. The Dock House came in 2nd
for participation and there is no experience necessary. For
more information, please call 702-2425.
Reminders: LIGALY now has a drop in center in Sag
Harbor at the Whalers Church, 44 Union Street 2nd Floor.

ast month, it was members of Save Sag Harbor think of what could have happened. As you drove off, prob place by a narrow margin.
sounding the alarm about the growing number of The Sag Harbor Chamber of Commerce and the Sag Har They have daily drop in hours are from 4 to 7 p.m. during
ably happy you got away with it, my son spent the next six the week. Contact j for information or
teardowns in the village. Last week, it was a lone hours in the emergency room getting his wounds cleaned, bor Community Food pantry want to thank all the contes you may text 646-535-4528.
preservationist and a member of the Eastville Commu the next day getting x-rays. tants for their continued support of both organizations,
and their willingness to participate in a local contest that The Southampton Town Parks & Recreation sent out
nity Historical Society, who raised concerns before the I hope as you are relaxing this weekend, your conscience their Fall Brochure via email. Right now, you have the
kicks in, although your actions have shown me that you benefits all. The Sag Harbor Community Food Pantry pur
Sag Harbor Village Board of Historic Preservation and chases food for over 70 families weekly. opportunity sign up early to go to the Air & Space Mu
dont really have one. As for my youngest son, he will not seum in November or for the Holiday Bus Trip to NYC
Architectural Review about the possibility that impor be working at his job because he cant use his hands. He Sincerely,
tant historical artifacts will be lost if an archaeological Alan Fruitstone, Chamber Harborfest Chair early in December. If you do not automatically get this
will not be running in the first invitational cross-coun in your email box, give them a call 728-8585 or go to:
survey is not completed before a derelict house at 11 try meet of the season because his knee was injured. Nor Barbara Manning, Chamber Beverages and Chowder
Contest Co-Chair to get your
Eastville Avenue is demolished and replaced with a new will he be able to participate in his Boy Scout troops an copy.
one. nual fundraiser at HarborFest or help with the fire depart Regina Humanitzki, Community Food Pantry Beverages
and Chowder Contest Co-Chair So many of you are enrolled in fall school sports but
While it is hard to argue that the propertys owner ments pancake breakfast because he cant use his hands. may want more time on the court. For you, there is open
should be asked at the 11th hour to foot the bill for a Hope you enjoy your weekend. gym which includes boys basketball held Tuesday and
Elizabeth Yennie More Secure Cars
survey and wait for the delay that will surely follow, it Thursday from 7 to 9 p.m. in the Pierson Middle School
Sag Harbor Dear Editor: Gym. Boys grades 8 through 12 began September 9. There
begs the question why a historic preservation consul
tant does not routinely review such applications in the I sent this letter to a number of our elected officials and will be Girls Basketball Open Gym on Wednesday eve
C howder C hallenge got no response. nings 7 to 8:30 p.m. at the Middle School Gym for girls in
first place. A consultant would be able to quickly deter Here is a suggestion that could save hundreds of lives grades 6 through 12 which began September 10. Boys and
mine whether the house on a given property was built Dear Kathryn, and thousands of dollars. Girls Open Gym may participate on Saturday mornings,
150 years ago or 250 years ago and whether or not it can The Sag Harbor Chamber of Commerce and the Sag Har Before any car can obtain license plates, proof must be from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. also in the Middle School Gym.
reasonably be expected to be the site of historic artifacts bor Community Food Pantry are pleased to announce the submitted to the state that the car is equipped with an al Boys and girls grades 4 through 7, started September 13.
well before the application process gains steam. winners of the annual Clam Chowder contest, held dur cohol checking interlock feature. While initially this cost Its not too late to join any of the fun.
ing HarborFest the weekend of Sept. 12,13 and 14; and we may be high the number of deaths and injuries which
Years ago, the village hired historic preservation con want to thank the restaurants and caterers that help to
sultant Alison Cornish for just that purpose. It would be would be prevented would be immeasurable.
make the event so successful. I think the cost of this project should be paid for by DEBORAH SKINNER writes on behalf of The Youth Resource
well served to find someone else to fill that role today. Each restaurant donates at least 6 gallons of chowder the insurance companies who would save a tremendous Center (formerly YARD), which provides out-of-school" recre
That would allow the board to fulfill its mandate of to the contest. Each pot is numbered so the tasters do not amount of money in the reduction of claims for accidents. ational activities for the Sag Harbor community. For more infor
both reviewing architectural plans and, as the first part know which restaurant made the chowder. There were David J. Lee mation about any of the events found in this column, you may call
of its name states, overseeing historic preservation. 12 contestants, all local area restaurants or caterers. Four Sag Harbor 725-5302, ext. 750 or

Sag a rb o r $ PAWPRINT*' T H E Q U E S T IO N
Published continuously since 1859
Official newspaper fo r the Village o f Sag Harbor / the Village o f North Haven A PUBUC AWARENESS EVENT H ow d o y o u fe e l P resid en t O bam a h a s
the Town o f Southampton / the Town o f East Hampton
Bo rne b is e a s e " a t b a y s t r e e t b e e n h a n d lin g th e ISIS situ a tio n ?
n o t a A)USical , r ig h t ?
the Sag Harbor School District / the Bridgehampton School District T H IS WEEKEND, ARENfTW E? J
W inner of

T he N ew Y ork P ress A ssociation s Jimmy Fink

2000, 2003, 2011 Stuart D orman A ward for Editorial Excellence
2013 N ewspaper of the Year Award I think he needs to be much, much
stronger than hes being, and I do be
Bryan Boyhan, consuitantandpublisheremeritus lieve hes drawn a red line in the past
Gardner Pat" Cowles, publisheremeritus and has allowed people to cross it and
did nothing, and really needs to step up
Kathryn G. Menu Gavin Menu
managingeditorStephen J. Kotz accountexecutiveTerry McShane Joe Franklin
reporterTessa Raebeck accountexecutive, H. Michael Howell I dont think much of how hes han
reporterMara Certic classifiedsales, Renee Sabloski dling the whole ISIS situation, because
its out of control and he doesnt have
administrativeassistant, Mireille Sturmann graphicartist,Judy Clempner any answers.
photographerMichael Heller
Christine Bellini, Lauren Chatman, A1 Big Time" Daniels,
Richard Gambino, Hope Harris, Helen Harrison, Mary Ellen Monahan
Annette Hinkle, Jim Marquardt, Paige Patterson
Too little too late. I feel that he was
very strong in getting European sup
port - that was a very wise thing to do
when people were calling for him to be
hasty-but I think he waited a little too
long for their support.

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