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New Year and Tortoise

Circle of Life - Winter

After moving in with the Magical Girl, Tepsekemei had become busy. They had to renovate the
house to improve and stabilize its defense. The Magical Girl said that they would not be able to live
without finishing that work, and so Mei pitched in to help. In her daily life with the Magical Girl, Mei
came into contact with all sorts of food, drinks, and activities.

Gradually, Mei learned many essential things.

She observed the places where people gathered, watching TV, reading books, and learning new
words. She understood that the objects called books were books, television was television. There
were also other things such as the news, but those were more difficult for Tepsekemei to
comprehend. If she continued studying, surely she would also be able to use the news someday.

She was fine with the news for now. What was more worthy of attention was that, recently,
Tepsekemei noticed her surroundingseverything around her homewere changing somehow.

The TV was changing. The books did not change, but the places where people gathered were
changing. On one or two occasions, Tepsekemei decided to float in the air above her home from the
time the sun rose to when it set, certain that she would understand what was going on if she was
airborne. Over there, there too, there too, there too, there was additional lighting everywhere, and
they sparkled brightly. The humans walking in the distance somehow also looked happy. Their faces
were filled with the so-called smiles, something which was still tricky for Tepsekemei to do.

One cycle from the morning when the sky was bright until night when the sky was dark
constituted one day. As many days went by, it became hot, and then cold. This repetition of heat and
coldness made a year. As many years went by, you would die. That made it a life. Mei had learned
these from the books.

When she had been raised by humans, Tepsekemei did not know these concepts. The humans
considered Mei the tortoise to be very important. They had controlled the temperature so Mei would
not die, they had given Mei food so she would not die, they had provided water and oxygen so Mei
would not die, and thanks to their care, Mei had survived until now.
However, compared her time under the human's care, Mei preferred her current life. More fun. That
was why she thought something big might also happen over there. Something fun was usually
accompanied by something big. Little boys and little girls in particular had to be careful. The
television said so.

The plants and insects in the yard had lost their vitality. This was because the weather had grown
cold. However, the human crowds and the TV did not seem to lose any energy. Rather, they had
become more lively. The town was filled with the sounds of clamor and lights were everywhere,
giving it a sense of energy and activity. The humans changed their clothing endlessly in order to live
in both the heat and the cold. When the weather turned chilly, humans would increase the amount of
fabric on their clothing to resist the cold. However, this did not seem to be solely for resistance
purposes, because the humans looked more energetic as well. In any case, it seemed quite strange
how a simple change of clothes could have such an effect. Tepsekemei wanted to figure this out, so
she asked that question to the Magical Girl she lived with.


Ah, thats because Christmas is coming.


Its when Santa Claus rides on a sleigh pulled by reindeer and gives everyone presents.


Er, why huh Because its a tradition.

If hes giving out presents with no conditions at all, he must be a fraudster.

Youre pretty alert about the strangest things and know some difficult words huh.

Something too good to be true must mean he is a swindler.

Youve been watching too much TV, havent you...

Pity Frederica is someone like that.

No, well, it might be so but Speaking of which, why do you perfectly remember the enemys
name, yet never mine?

Santa Claus is a swindler.

Thats not true. Lets seeright, there is a condition. Santa only gives presents to good kids. Bad
kids dont get presents.
Good kids.

Yes, good kids. This is to encourage children to become good kids, which in turn would make the
world develop into a better direction. See, Santa Claus doesnt give presents out for nothing, you
can see that, right? So its okay, Santa Claus isnt a swindler.

Meis a good girl too.

Immediate declaration, huh

Several day-and-night cycles had passed since she had learned the concept of Santa Claus from
the Magical Girl. Then, one morning, Tepsekemei found that the long stocking beside her lamp had
been filled with treats, and a card which said, To Mei the good girlSanta Claus.

Chocolates, caramel, candies. They were all wrapped in sparkling film. and the contents inside
beautifully sparkled as well. They were not just beautiful, but also delicious when she put them in her
mouth. Whether she licked them slowly or crunched them noisily, they were very sweet.

While eating the treats, Tepsekemei figured it out. Santa Claus had come here. The person who
gave out food as presents and secretly took care of the worlds children most certainly existed.

She had unravelled the mystery of Christmas. But mysterious things kept popping up one after the
other. The crowd of people and the television shows did not stop being lively after Christmas was
over. Rather, they seemed to be even more lively.


Ah, thats because the New Year is coming.

New Year? Santa Claus?

No, Santa Claus wont be coming this time.

Then what will come?

What will come, huh It cant be explained in one word. Various things will happen, various.

It seemed there was some kind of work she had to take care of, because the Magical Girl returned
to her room without properly explaining herself. Left alone, Tepsekemei began contemplate the
concept of the New Year. However, the only thing she figured out was that she could not figure it out
at all.

There were several ways to figure out something. Reading books. Watching TV. Asking the Magical
Girl to explain to her. And one more way. Asking somebody other than the Magical Girl. There was
this Mage who would come to visit the Magical Girl, but since she only came occasionally, she could
not be relied upon. There were many humans outside, so all she had to do was ask them to teach
her, Mei thought.

The Magical Girl disliked Tepsekemei going outside as Tepsekemei. But Tepsekemei wanted to go
outside in this form. When they discussed about what to do, the Magical Girl went through great pain
to think and think and think and think, and finally she thought of something.

She wrote Beware of Thieves on a wooden board and glued it on a stick. This was called a sign.
The Magical Girl said that if Tepsekemei held this item, it would be fine even if she looked a little
different from normal people. Mei was forbidden from flying, multiplying, getting bigger, and so long
as she adhered to those restrictions and walked on her feet, there would be no problems.

Tepsekemei took the sign from the bottom of the big chest which contained her lamp, her Christmas
stocking, and her treats. Then she stepped out the door and headed for a place where there were a
lot of humans. Once there, all she would have to do was ask them to enlighten her.

As she followed the human practice of walking on two legs, she noticed a man looking at her on her
way. Tepsekemei decided to ask the man.

New Year? New Year visiting is a pain, I wish I could slack off. By the way, have there been thieves
spotted around here?

She tried asking a woman.

My, how adorable. Eh? The New Year? Lets see, sweet red-bean soup? Soup with the rice cake
mochi? Mochi? Ah, there is also the traditional mochi-pounding to make them. Speaking of mochi,
your skin is so soft just like one. Im really envious.

She tried asking a child.

I guess its for playing stuffs like the traditional badminton battledore, blindfolded guessing games,
top spinning, or kiting? But nowadays, anything goes. Whats more important is that you get lots of
red packets. I got ripped off though, having to give half of what I get every year to my parents. They
say theyre helping me save up for the future, but that sounds really suspicious.

She tried asking an elderly.

I think of First Shrine Visit of the New Year. Your fate of the year is decided at the beginning, so
people go to pray.

She tried asking a male and female couple.

There is First Dream of the New Year.

But before that, there would be hime-hajime, Princess First.'
( = First Sex of the New Year)

Hey, dont talk about such things!

She took the various answers she had obtained and wrote them down one by one on a piece of
paper with a pencil. The lead gradually shortened, so Tepsekemei used a wind blade to sharpen it.
As she had expected, conducting investigations outside was more rewarding than staying inside the

Compared to Christmas which only had Santa Claus and presents, there were many things related
to the New Year. That made New Year more confusing than Christmas. She ought to learn more.
She ought to understand more. Knowledge was very important for living among humans. If she did
not know anything, she would be regarded as nothing but food, the TV had said so. She rushed to
compile the information she had learned about the New Year, then used books and television to aid
in her understanding. However, humans changed faster than Tepsekemei could gather information.

Before Tepsekemei becoming Tepsekemei, she had spent her days crawling around slowly, with no
worries whatsoever. She ate her feed quietly within her personal space, excreting, and looking at the
scenery outside her tank. At that time, she had not realized that the scenery outside the tank was
scenery, she had not realize that the humans were raising her, and she certainly had not realized
she was herself, merely living life lazily.

The humans were unlike the air and food given to Tepsekemei; they had no reason to conform to
Tepsekemeis life. In the land of the humans, changes progressed more swiftly than a dried leaf
falling off a withered branch. The buildings called shops changed. Their door decorations were the
hard, white-colored objects stacked two or three layers deep, and below them were accessories of
red and white papers. There were huge weapons that were hung with pretty ornaments.

It was not just the exterior of her house which had changed, but the interior as well. The Magical Girl
worked hard as always, carrying out the task known as spring cleaning, and making the traditional
New Year dishes arranged in multi-compartment boxes known as osechi. Everything seemed to be
preparations for the New Year. Tepsekemei helped out the Magical Girl. Right now, she was not too
sure what exactly she was doing, but it must surely be essential for the New Year, Mei thought.

The sun appeared and vanished several times after this, and the weather grew colder and colder. It
became livelier outside, and so did the TV. Something was changing. The change spread slowly, up
and forward, rising and advancing. Where would it go? The sky? Or higher? Somewhere even
greater than that? Mei thought.

When the sun was not aroundin other words, during nighttimea ringing came from somewhere
in the distance. The Magical Girl called it the New Years Bell, the temple bell rung 108 times on
New Year's Eve. Apparently, ringing it once was enough to clear away ones troubles. Humans
were so hard to understand, Mei mused as she slurped on her soba. Tepsekemei was very pleased
with the soba, which was filled with spring onions.

Is now the New Year?

Right now is the New Years Eve. New Year will come in a little bit.

The sound of humans celebrating came from the TV. Tepsekemei recognized this. This was what
they called singing and dancing. Humans sang and danced when they were excited or happy. They
must be excited and happy because of the New Year.

From then, Tepsekemei continued asking the Magical Girl, Is it the New Year yet? Soon, came
the reply. This exchange repeated countless times before the New Year finally arrived.

Is now the New Year?

Yes, it is. Happy New Year. Lets have some New Year cake and soup.

The New Year had come. Santa had come when it was Christmas. Then who would come when it
was the New Year? Tepsekemei was unprepared for the impending New Year. Just like how one
could not receive presents at Christmas if one was not a good girl, did that mean she had to make
certain preparations for the New Year as well?

What does Happy New Year mean?

Its a greeting, like the New Years version of 'How are you?

Happy New Year.

Yes, Happy New Year.

The New Year had crept up on Tepsekemei before she had realized it. What could she do? What
should she do? None of these had been decided. She picked up her notes and began considering
her future course of action, but before she had decided, the Mage showed up.

Mana-san, Happy New Year to you.

Happy New Year.

Happy New Year, Ill be in your care this year as well.

Tepsekemei, pour some tea for Mana-san.

The person who had come for the New Year was not Santa, but the Mage. Tepsekemei gave a cup
of tea to the seated Mage, and then staring at her face.

The Mage went, Huh? Whats up? and then after some thoughts, her face changed. Tepsekemei
recognized this. She had paid particular attention to the humans faces when they smiled. This ought
to be a smile.

Do you want a red packet? Heh, of course I've prepared one. Accept it with gratitude!

The Mage produced a paper packet from her bag, and handed it to Tepsekemei.

Tepsekemei recalled what had been written in her notes. There was an entry called Red Packet in
there. Since the Mage had given it to her, it was probably a red packet. She had to be on her toes in
order to come through this New Year safely, because carelessness meant death for a Magical Girl.
Tepsekemei recalled what her notes said about receiving a red packet. Okay, next would be this.

Red packet.


I will get ripped off.

Eh? Really? By 7753?

For future savings.

Ah, that is quite important.

It seemed she could carry out a conversation smoothly. She had made the right decisions. As long
as she said the words written down in her notes, she would be able to get through the New Year
perfectly. And so she continued.

First Shrine Visit.

Hm? Ah, its nice I guess. Youre surprisingly religious huh.

That one was not quite right. Something was lacking.

Soft and silky skin.


Not this.

Blindfolded guessing games.

Whats with you?


First Dream.

What are you saying all of a sudden

Also wrong.


Huh?! What?! You

The intelligent Tepsekemei immediately noticed that the Mages voice had risen in pitch. This was a
completely different reaction from when she had heard soft and silky skin, blindfolded guessing
games, First Dream, or other phrases.

In other words, this was it.

Hime-hajime! Hime-hajime! Hime-hajime! Hime-hajime!

Stop saying that over and over!

It is essential for the New Year.

No no no no!

Now then...

What do you mean now then, you Oi, s-stay away! 7753! 7753! Come here to stop her! Oi! Stop!
Keep away from me!

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