Yokogawa Article - Process Industry Informer - Pressure To Conform

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The pressure to conform

~ Pressure measurement and differential pressure measurement in the process sectors ~

The early 1960s Meanwhile, in Japan, global automation business In fluid dynamics, Bernoulli's principle states Choosing a pressure transmitter Finally, one should ideally consider
Yokogawa was developing its first pressure that for an inviscid flow, an increase in the advanced digital diagnostics to
In choosing a pressure transmitter, its important to
was a period transmitters, which represented a significant step speed of the fluid occurs simultaneously with a
take into account the key benefits it can provide.
help avoid unpleasant surprises and
forward in pressure and differential pressure decrease in pressure or a decrease in the fluid's minimise downtime. Other essentials
The market for this kind of product is extensive
that featured measurement. Here, Andrew Fenn, the companys potential energy.
and includes many grey market devices that can
are mass flow output direct from the
UK product specialist for transmitters and flow, Differential pressure monitoring applications transmitter, without the need for a
negatively impact on product quality or health
some significant explains how the technology should be specified include filter monitoring and feed pressure and safety.
flow computer, thus minimising cost,
by a process engineer. monitoring in liquid or gaseous media, density and as well as technology to reduce process
engineering Accurate pressure and level readings are essential to flow measurement, measurement of aggressive
Digital precision is an essential element in this leak paths.
choice, something which goes hand in hand with
the safe, reliable and profitable operation of your or viscous media, flow measurement of gases
advancement. In plant. Both are key process variables, alongside and vapours, level measurement of aggressive or
a high level of repeatability. This also removes Common application problems
the possibility of errors in the analogue to digital One frequent application issue is
the UK, the Forth considerations such as flow, temperature and liquid
interface. The pressure under which a material is
adhesive media, measuring liquid in pressurised
vessels and interface measurement. conversion process. impulse line blockage. Common
differential pressure sensor
Road Bridge was opened to link Fife held can severely impact ultimate product quality
Defining our terms
In choosing a differential pressure transmitter,
configuration includes impulse lines
by increasing variance and reducing efficiency. one should ensure that it provides the ability to
that couple the sensor to the process
and Edinburgh, the British Motor Crucially, accurate pressure measurement is also a Because of the pressures we all face as engineers, measure differential pressure and static pressure
fluid or gas to be measured. The
key component of an effective health and safety it isnt uncommon for a non-specialist to come in a single instrument. This kind of versatility is
Corporation launched the Austin strategy. For example, maintaining proper boiler across problems in specifying pressure transmitters essential in the modern, highly adaptive process impulse lines are typically small bore
lines filled with a fluid. This fluid
pressure by controlling the inflow of air used in as the result of loosely defined technical terms. We environment. In such a product, over pressure
1800, which went on to become combustion and the outflow of exhaust gases is all know our own sectors backwards, but who can protection is also essential to obviate the possibility provides pressure coupling between
honestly say they understand the engineering and of damage to the device. the sensor and the process.
crucial in preventing boiler implosions that can
European Car of the Year, and clearly threaten the safety of workers design requirements of every product further up or
In all pressure transmitters, a high level of Dirt in the process can settle in these
down the chain? lines causing blockages to form. Typical
Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin became In my experience, accurate pressure measurement is
Transducer accuracy refers to the degree of
accuracy, repeatability and stability is essential,
blockages include solid depositions,
critical in batch chemical and oil and gas applications as is a robust and reliable design, particularly in
wax depositions, hydrate formation,
the first and only British woman to in particular, as well as the pharmaceutical sector. conformity of the measured value to an accepted
standard. It is usually expressed as a percentage
hazardous environments.
sand plugging, gelling, frozen process
However, its fair to say that its hugely relevant Weight may also be a consideration, depending fluid plugs and air or foam pockets. All
win a Nobel Prize in Chemistry for across the process industries, from food to plastics of either the full scale or of the actual reading
on the application, and easy maintenance almost of these blockages can cause errors in measurement. To give you a clue of scale, extremely high power
and from metals to cosmetics. of the instrument. In case of percent-full-scale
certainly is. This is particularly true in batch water jet cutters might operate at 100,000 psi,
her work using X-rays to determine Differential pressure transmitters compare two
devices, error increases as the absolute value of the
chemicals, oil and gas, where factors such as The impulse line condition can be detected by
the pressure on the hydraulic system of an Airbus
measurement drops. extracting the fluctuation component from the
validation and traceability, lack of access to remote
structure in biochemical substances. pressures and transmit the difference to a control
Repeatability refers to the closeness of agreement applications and the hazardous nature of the differential pressure and static pressure signals. The
A380 is around 5000 psi and the blood pumping
through your veins while you read this is probably
unit, performing multiple functions. For instance,
among a number of consecutive measurements of extracted component of the process fluctuation
by applying Bernoulli's equation, differential environment mean that maintenance opportunities somewhere between 1.55 psi and 2.35 psi.
the same variable. is used to determine the amount of impulse line
pressure transmitters can be used to infer the flow have to be carefully scheduled.
blocking. The ability to detect the early signs The demand we face as manufacturers of
of fluid through a pipe. Linearity is a measure of how well the transducer Similarly, in these sectors its essential that the pressure transmitters is the continually developing
of instrument impulse line blockage problems is
output increases linearly with expanding pressure. manufacturer you choose to partner with can requirement for even higher pressure measurement
a key requirement of an advanced differential
Finally, hysteresis error describes the phenomenon provide a range of materials for wetted parts to than is currently offered to the market place. While
pressure transmitter. While this isnt by any means
whereby the same process pressure results in cater for aggressive process media. we provide this, we have to also maintain our high
a common function of even the most advanced
different output signals, depending on whether standards of accuracy, stability and repeatability
The most advanced pressure transmitters on the products currently on the market, it is very useful.
the pressure is approached from a lower or along with robust construction, low maintenance
market use silicon resonant sensors, fabricated from
higher point. Standards and accreditations and suitability for the application.
a single crystal, using proven 3D semi-conductor
micromachining techniques. As with most equipment used in the process sectors, Pressure measurement has certainly come a long
its essential for the pressure transducer you choose way since Yokogawa introduced its first products in
In these cases, two "H" shaped resonators are
to provide the appropriate accreditation to the this sector in the early 1960s. However, just like the
patterned on the sensor, each operating at a
most relevant industry regulations and standards. Forth Road Bridge, many of our oldest technologies
high frequency output. As pressure is applied,
Typically, these would include hazardous area are still relevant today and, in the spirit of Dorothy
the bridges are simultaneously stressed, one in
accreditation such as ATEX (Appareils destins Crowfoot Hodgkin, we are still committed to
compression and one in tension. The resulting
tre utiliss en ATmosphres EXplosibles) and continuous innovation and product development.
change in resonant frequency produces a high
differential output (kHz) directly proportional testing-house approvals from accreditation agencies Whether we will need to work on a 200,000 psig
to the applied pressure. This simple time-based like FM Approvals and CSA, as well as the IEC application in the near future is very much in
function is managed by a microprocessor. (International Electrotechnical Commission). One doubt, but what is certain is that we are relied
might also expect marine certificates, CE marking, upon in thousands of process industry applications
The net effect of silicon resonant technology is
GOST for transportation into the Soviet Union, PED across the world.
that temperature effects are reduced to less than
(Pressure Equipment Directive) compliance and
1/10th of other silicon technologies (10 ppm/deg C),
SIL2/3 capability (Safety Integrity Levels determined
making these sensors extremely stable in the most by TUV Nord and certified to IEC61508) as standard.
demanding process applications.
The output produces a much higher signal to What does the future hold?
noise ratio than traditional analogue sensors and, Generally in industry, pressure exceeding 1,000 Yokogawa UK, Runcorn. Cheshire
compared to piezoresistive silicon sensors (the psig (pounds per square inch gage) is considered to Can be contacted on:
silicon resonant sensor's immediate predecessor) be high pressure. However, due to advancements Tel: +44 (0) 1928 597100
the output is at least four times greater. Errors across the sector, there are now devices that can E-mail: simon.rogers@uk.yokogawa.com
resulting from temperature and static pressure are measure high pressure up to an incredible 200,000 Web: www: www.yokogawa.com/uk
thus insignificant in relation to total output. psig or more. Twitter: https://twitter.com/Yokogawa


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