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I was told about a relationship from a friend; who is a mother of a 11 year old,

13 year old and a 19 year old. The relationship that her 19 year old has with a
man from Michigan; hope I spelled the state right.

Says she is a good girl and helps my friend out a lot; who is the mom. But the 1
9 year old does things that the mom doesn't approve of. Well, let me tell the st
ory from Fr. Corapi when he did a pre-cana class.

Fr. Corapi was asked to do this class with a couple named suzy and joey. "A nice
young Catholic couple; went to Catholic school all their life; great. Going to
get married and an expert on love; great." First off joey and Suzy asked if they
could have sex; because they love each other and Fr. Corapi replied, "NO! That
is not Love! If you love Joey; Suzy; you wouldn't send him to hell; just because
you want to have sex. Joey; if you love Suzy; you wouldn't send her to hell; be
cause you wanted to have sex too. What is Love? A Catholic couple getting marrie
d; and doesn't know what Love is. What is love Suzy Q? Feelings. Ah, feelings sh
e says; feelings can be up or they can be down or all around. What is love Joey?
We have Chemistry Father. Ah, Chemistry; that can and will explode. Love is Jes
us dying for you on the Cross. That is true love. Don't you want the best things
for each other? Joey said, "yes. A big house, fancy car, dog named spot, a 401
K plan that won't blow up." Those are good things, what about heaven? They reply
; never thought about that. If you love one another; you want the best for one a
nother; which is to get each other to heaven."

Why did I tell this story from Fr. Corapi? Well, it usually scares the hell out
of the young people and wakes them up. In these times we live in; we have so muc
h technology; that could cause us to sin with other people or by ourself. We no
longer learn about the saints who are our age or younger. We have such great rol
e models in the Church; to learn how to live our life; but the devil does not wa
nt that; he pushes and hoards us; then finally we break and we sin. But, confess
ion should be always given when needed at any hour of the day or night.

We should learn from St. Maria Goretti; Patron of Purity. She, a 13 year old gir
l; living with another family and that family had a drunk dad and a son who hid
impure magazines on rape and all those things; then finally he went after Maria
many times; she wouldn't be alone with him after he threatened to kill her. But
the time it was so hot; she stayed close to the house and the boy pretended to f
orget something; so he could go to the house and get it; and then he asked Maria
into the house; tried to advance on her; but she told him; what he was doing wa
s a sin and you will go to hell. She was concerned about his soul. So he had eno
ugh; he stabbed her many times, before she died; she wished he be with her in he
aven and she forgave him. Later on, she appeared to the boy; which now he became
a man; converted him back to the faith and he changed his life and was released
early on good behavior. I think he even became a Franciscan too.

I would strongly recommend the movie this Saturday on EWTN; its Maria Goretti.

Now, how to handle these relationships? Well, you the parent should control the
relationship and call it; if you think your daughter or son is being lost to hel
l. Never leave them alone. Monitor everything. Make sure they aren't dressing im
modestly or acting improperly.

The best way to start a date; is the parents and the couple go to the church; pr
ay the Rosary while in Eucharistic Adoration. Then all of you go to the movies a
nd sit together. Or go out to eat and sit together. Dating is not about having f
un; it's all about finding the spouse to marry. That is it. Dating is not about
sex, making out, kissing or anything else that would lead to sex. You want a pur
e spouse; and you should respect one another; because you are the sons and daugh
ters of God.

If the young man who is going out with the daughter; doesn't like how you start
all dates off; then you should send him home and break it off. If he enjoys goin
g to Eucharistic Adoration and praying the Rosary with the family. Another way t
o start the date off; go to Mass and then stay for Eucharistic Adoration and the
Rosary. This will either break or make the spouse to be.

These are the most scary times; I knew back in fifth grade when I dated only one
girl; if I broke her heart; both brothers would break my neck; just like what V
in Diesel says in Fast and the Furious One. Both did weight lifting when her and
I dated. We did the wrong things; we condemned our souls but we saved them by c
onfession; after our moms broke us up; because they found out.

More and more kids are having before marriage sex; and no one will tell them the
truth why they must wait and stop. No one will tell them the troubles they go t
hrough; if they get pregnant and then raise a children out of wed-lock. My frien
d, who is the mother of these three girls; she's doing good on telling her daugh
ters why and the troubles of it.

Parents need to be parents; they need to be guardians of their children's bodies

and souls. Not allow them to mess around. If they would do this; we could and w
ill save the children. God bless.

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