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Coexisting chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and heart

failure: implications for treatment, course and mortality

Joana Mascarenhasa,b, Ana Azevedoa,b,c and Paulo Bettencourta,b
Servico de Medicina Interna, Hospital S. Joao, Purpose of review
Unidade de Investigacao e Desenvolvimento
Cardiovascular do Porto and cServico de Higiene e
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and heart failure are prevalent
Epidemiologia, Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade comorbidities affecting a huge proportion of the world population, responsible for
do Porto, Instituto de Saude Publica da Universidade
do Porto (ISPUP), Porto, Portugal
significant morbidity and mortality. Their coexistence is more frequent than previously
recognized and poses important diagnostic and therapeutic challenges. Prognosis of
Correspondence to Dr Joana Mascarenhas, Servico de
Medicina Interna, Hospital S. Joao, Alameda Prof. patients with concurrent heart failure and COPD has not been comprehensively
Hernani Monteiro, 4200-319 Porto, Portugal addressed. With this review, we intend to emphasize the diagnosis and prognosis
Tel: +351 966104032; fax: +351 225513653;
e-mail: implications of the two coexisting conditions and to highlight the therapeutic constraints
posed by the combination.
Current Opinion in Pulmonary Medicine 2010,
Recent findings
Progressively, more attention has been given to the interplay between COPD and heart
failure. The combination is frequent, but largely unrecognized due to overlapping clinical
manifestations. Patients presenting with both conditions seem to have an ominous
course. Despite the overwhelming evidence supporting cardioselective b-blockade
safety and tolerability in COPD patients, b-blockers are underprescribed to heart failure
patients with concomitant COPD.
COPD and heart failure coexistence is often overlooked. COPD diagnosis can remain
unsuspected in heart failure patients due to similar symptoms. Although b-blockers are
well tolerated in COPD patients, they are overall less prescribed in this challenging
population. COPD, at least at severe degrees of airflow obstruction, predicts a worse
prognosis in heart failure patients.

b-blockers, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, heart failure, prognosis

Curr Opin Pulm Med 16:106111

2010 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

agents are considered the cornerstone of systolic heart

Introduction failure management [79]. Although extensive evidence
Heart failure and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
concerning safety of selective b-1 blockade in respiratory
(COPD) are major public health epidemics, with increas-
disease has accumulated [10,11], COPD is commonly
ing prevalence [1,2,3]. Although both conditions
advocated as the principal cause for nonadherence to
have been extensively studied separately, clinicians
heart failure therapeutic guidelines because it is gener-
often fail to recognize one syndrome in the presence
ally perceived as a contraindication to b-blockers use
of the other, mainly due to the similarities in clinical [12,13]. Indeed, patients with coexisting heart failure
presentation and additionally due to scarcity of reports and COPD are often deprived of the long-term benefits
specifically addressing the combination [4]. According to
of this intervention [12,14]. Apart from these therapeutic
available evidence, COPD and heart failure often coex-
issues, the prognosis of patients with concomitant heart
ist, and the prevalence of the combination is variable,
failure and COPD is not completely understood. In an
depending on the population studied (community, out-
increasing number of studies [15,16,17], COPD has
patient or hospitalized) and on the diagnostic criteria
been found to adversely impact on prognosis of heart
applied [4,5]. The coexistence of the two conditions is
failure patients, being an independent predictor of
further supported by shared risk factors, notably age and mortality and hospitalization.
smoking [1,5,6].
The present review focuses on the therapeutic dilemmas
Since the publication of several trials demonstrating the and prognostic impact of coexisting COPD and heart
efficacy and the survival benefits of b-blockers, these failure and outlines the diagnostic challenges presented
1070-5287 2010 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins DOI:10.1097/MCP.0b013e328335dc90
Coexisting COPD and heart failure Mascarenhas et al. 107

by the combination. The prevalence of the two coexisting concerning the diagnosis of the two coexisting syn-
syndromes will be addressed briefly. dromes.

Coexisting chronic obstructive pulmonary Diagnostic challenges presented by the

disease and heart failure: epidemiology and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease/heart
the interplay failure combination
There are several observations reporting a high rate of The diagnostic assessment of concomitant COPD and
coexistence of COPD and heart failure, particularly in heart failure is demanding and requires a high level of
the elderly population [1,2,3,5]. The prevalence expertise from the involved physician. First, both con-
of heart failure in COPD patients varies between 7.2 ditions usually present with similar nonspecific symp-
and 20.9% [1821], with the highest estimates coming toms and signs (exertion dyspnoea, functional disability,
from studies that have used standardized heart failure nocturnal cough, peripheral oedema, pulmonary crackles
diagnostic criteria [20,21]. Considerable variation of and jugular venous distension, among others), and there
COPD prevalence in patients with heart failure is also is no distinctive feature exclusive to each of them.
found across studies, with estimates ranging from Second, these characteristic clinical features are fre-
approximately 10.0 to 39.0% [2226,27,28]. In these quently masked by or attributed to additional comorbid-
investigations, the diagnosis of COPD was almost ities [37], present mainly in the elderly [3]. Moreover,
always based on clinical data or on self-reported infor- the absence of an objective definition of heart failure,
mation [2226], with the exception of two studies whose diagnosis requires the typical clinical picture as
[27,28] that have evaluated the prevalence of physio- well as objective evidence of cardiac dysfunction [2],
logically defined disease according to Global Initiative can compromise the correct recognition of this entity
for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease (GOLD) when echocardiography is not available, as other con-
criteria. In light of previous observations showing poor ditions can mimic the clinical syndrome of heart failure
agreement between self-reported and objectively [38].
defined COPD [29], the higher prevalence of COPD
observed in these two studies, 39.2% in a cohort of To assist in the diagnosis of each disease, a number of
elderly stable patients with chronic heart failure and complementary tests can be performed. However, the
35% in patients consecutively admitted with heart coexistence of COPD and heart failure can interfere with
failure, is not surprising. Noteworthy, using self- the quality of the information obtained. Although a
reported information may leave COPD diagnosis unre- normal electrocardiogram is useful to exclude heart fail-
vealed in a considerable number of heart failure ure, this tool lacks specificity to undoubtedly assert that
patients [28] or, alternatively, may label with the diagnosis because abnormalities found frequently over-
diagnosis of COPD patients not fulfilling the criteria lap with those seen in other conditions, including COPD
for airflow obstruction [30]. In patients with preserved [39]. The interpretation of chest radiography may be
left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF), some degree misleading because chest hyperinflation present in
of misdiagnosis probably occurs, and the finding of a COPD patients can mask an increased cardiothoracic
higher prevalence of COPD can be at least partially ratio and right ventricular enlargement can obscure left
explained by the inaccurate attribution of heart failure ventricular dilation [40]. Also, whereas extra shadows
diagnosis to patients who actually have COPD [28]. At commonly seen in lung disease can suggest spurious
last, given the strict selection of patients included in pulmonary oedema, the remodelling of pulmonary vas-
heart failure trials, the reported prevalence of COPD in cular bed may hide the typical alveolar pattern found in
this setting is lower than in population-based studies acute heart failure [5,40]. Poor acoustic window caused
(713%, with only one study reporting a prevalence of by pulmonary air trapping may hinder accurate echocar-
23%), reflecting a selection bias [5,3134]. diographic assessment of LVEF in 1035% of COPD
patients, particularly in those with more severe degrees of
In order to explain the high rate of coexistence of these airflow obstruction [41,42]. To overcome this limitation,
two a etiologically distinct conditions, several plausible the use of cardiac MRI (CMRI) is currently being advo-
theories have been proposed, namely, the sharing of cated as an alternative. Apart from providing accurate and
smoking as a major risk factor [5] and the association reproducible measurements of left ventricular volumes
of low-grade systemic inflammation present in COPD and LVEF that are not affected by lung hyperinflation,
patients with the development and progression of ath- this technique is also valuable in the correct evaluation of
erosclerosis [35,36]. Regardless of the potential mech- right ventricular volume and function [43]. The useful-
anisms underlying the combination, current estimates of ness of natriuretic peptides to reliably diagnose or rule
COPD and heart failure concurrence are worrisome and out heart failure as the cause of acute dyspnoea is well
underscore the need for greater physicians awareness established in patients without COPD [44]. Although at
108 Obstructive, occupational and environmental diseases

higher thresholds, natriuretic peptides remain accurate in respiratory disease [49,50], even in those with reversible
the diagnosis of heart failure in COPD patients, mainly obstruction [11]. Although nonselective b-blockade com-
during acute exacerbation [45]. Finally, notwithstanding bined with a-blockade is also well tolerated in COPD
restrictive defects that are commonly encountered in patients without reactive airway component, the safety
stable heart failure patients, the finding of airflow profile of these drugs is not as well established in patients
obstruction should not necessarily be attributed to coex- with reactive airway disease [10,51]. Consistent with
istent COPD in the acute setting, as an obstructive these data, the recommendations of Heart Failure
pattern is frequently found in decompensated heart Society of America advocate b-blocker therapy in all
failure [5]. patients with coexistent COPD and heart failure [52].
However, a recently published randomized controlled
study [53] found a reduction in forced expiratory
Therapeutic dilemmas of coexisting chronic volume in 1 s (FEV1), but not impaired reversibility or
obstructive pulmonary disease and heart quality of life, after initiation of bisoprolol in heart failure
failure patients with concomitant moderate-to-severe COPD.
Despite the publication and regular update of guidelines These apparent conflicting findings underscore the need
to assist physicians on the management of COPD and of additional randomized controlled trials addressing the
heart failure [1,2], the coexistence of both diseases real impact of b-blocker therapy in heart failure patients
creates important therapeutic dilemmas that lead to with concurrent COPD. Although the controversy regard-
suboptimal treatment of patients. In fact, several surveys ing this issue is ongoing, it seems advisable to use these
conducted in order to address clinicians compliance with agents in patients with both conditions, provided that
guidelines have consistently shown underutilization of adverse effects are regularly monitored.
heart failure evidence-based treatment, namely b-block-
ers, and prescription of lower than recommended dosages Additional therapeutic modalities used in heart failure
of these agents, especially in patients with concurrent may also carry particular problems in COPD patients.
COPD [12,14,46]. The available evidence regarding The metabolic alkalosis caused by intensive diuretic
heart failure treatment derives from randomized clinical therapy may interfere with the respiratory drive of COPD
trials from which COPD patients have been frequently patients, causing hypoventilation with subsequent wor-
excluded [5]. Therefore, the best management strategy sening of hypercapnia, although this theoretical effect is
to treat patients with both conditions is uncertain, as it is rarely reported at standard doses [4]. A potential
based on retrospective studies and on subgroup analysis beneficial role to angiotensin-converting enzyme
of heart failure trials [47]. (ACE) inhibitors and angiotensin-II receptor blockers
(ARBs) has been claimed in heart failure patients with
b-blockers have been shown to improve heart failure concurrent COPD due to their effects in decreasing
prognosis across the entire spectrum of disease severity pulmonary inflammation and vascular constriction [54].
[79], being recommended in all patients with systolic
dysfunction [2]. Regardless of their unequivocal mor- Finally, concerns regarding the use of inhaled broncho-
bidity and mortality benefits, these agents remain under- dilators [anticholinergics and b2-adrenoreceptor (B2R)
used and are frequently withdrawn in heart failure agonists] in COPD patients with concomitant heart fail-
patients with concomitant COPD due to fear of precipi- ure have always been manifested by physicians. Whereas,
tating bronchospasm [12]. In a recently published Euro- till the present, no adverse effect has been reported in
pean survey, COPD was the most powerful predictor of heart failure patients treated with anticholinergics [4,55],
b-blockers underprescription in heart failure patients short-acting B2R agonists were found to increase the risk
and was identified as a cause of poor target dose achieve- of mortality and heart failure exacerbations in a restricted
ment [46]. The same report pointed out that, even number of studies [56,57]. These agents were pointed to
though b-blocker prescription increased significantly as potentially deleterious for cardiac muscle because they
after the publication of updated guidelines in 2005, the can increase myocardial oxygen consumption through the
percentage of heart failure patients on these agents is still induction of tachycardia [56,58]. Since the publication of
far from ideal [46]. According to current evidence, stable a recent randomized study [59] that failed to show
COPD should not be considered a valid contraindication increased occurrence of adverse cardiovascular events
to b-blocker therapy because these agents have proved to with the use of long-acting B2R agonists, these agents
be safe and generally well tolerated in patients with are the preferred treatment option in the majority of
pulmonary disease [11,48]. In brief, selective b1 blockade COPD patients, namely, in those with cardiovascular
does not significantly affect short-term pulmonary func- comorbidities.
tion and also does not attenuate b2-induced broncho-
dilation [49]. As a result, selective b-1-blocking agents The analysis of these data, in addition to guidelines on
can be safely used in all heart failure patients with the pharmacological approach of heart failure patients
Coexisting COPD and heart failure Mascarenhas et al. 109

with COPD, suggests that patients with both conditions Figure 1 KaplanMeier event-free survival curves according to
should be able to profit from the therapies known to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease coexistence
improve prognosis of heart failure patients.

1.0 ++
Prognostic implications of concurrent chronic +
obstructive pulmonary disease and heart +++
failure 0.8
++ +
The association between COPD and several cardiovas- ++ +
+ ++
cular endpoints has been previously suggested [18,19]. +
+ +
++ + ++ +
COPD patients, notably those with concomitant heart + ++ + + ++
failure [19], were found to be at an increased risk for +
hospitalization and death due to cardiovascular diseases, P = 0.16
independently of the presence of traditional cardiovas-
cular risk factors [19,60]. In patients with heart failure, 0.4

the presence of noncardiac comorbidities, including

COPD, has been strongly associated with adverse
clinical outcomes [16,25,31,37]. The prognostic impact 0.2
of COPD was observed in patients with both preserved Yes
and reduced LVEF [15]. A recently published review
[5] concluded that, across several studies using multi- 0.0
variable models, COPD was consistently an indepen-
dent predictor of death and hospitalization in patients 0.00 200.00 400.00 600.00 800.00

with heart failure. Its coexistence prolongs time to Time (days)

discharge, promotes frequent readmissions and incurs
significant additional costs in patients hospitalized due COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Reproduced with per-
mission from [27].
to decompensated heart failure. The specific cause of
death was ascertained only in one study [32], in which
COPD was found to independently predict noncardiac
mortality and hospitalizations but not cardiovascular
Figure 2 KaplanMeier curves comparing event-free survival
according to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease stages
Contrasting with these observations, we found, in a
cohort of elderly stable patients with chronic heart failure
[27], that only severe COPD (stages III and IV as
defined by GOLD criteria) was associated with an 1.0 ++
+ +
adverse course (Figs 1 and 2). Differences in our results
++ ++
can be partially attributed to the adopted COPD defi- + +++
+ +++
0.8 +
nition because the diagnosis of COPD based on objective + + + +
+ ++ +
+ ++
measurements of respiratory function identifies patients ++ + +++
++ +
across all degrees of disease severity, even those mini- 0.6 + ++
mally symptomatic who generally do not seek medical + ++
attention. +
GOLD stages +
The mechanisms underlying increased cardiovascular 0 0.036
risk in patients with COPD are yet to be completely 0.2 II
understood [3]. Although impaired pulmonary function, III/IV
as expressed by reduced FEV1, has been shown to be a
strong independent predictor of cardiovascular mortality 0.0

[61], the relationship between COPD and cardiovascular 0.00 200.00 400.00 600.00 800.00
events remains unclear. Recent investigations have Time (days)
focused on the interplay between systemic inflammation
and airflow obstruction as a potential explanation for the Stage I: HR 1.06 (95% CI 0.472.37); stage II: HR 1.31 (95% CI 0.72
development of cardiac injury in COPD patients [35]. 2.38); stages III and IV: HR 2.10 (95% CI 1.054.22). CI, confidence
Apart from the mechanism(s) involved, cardiovascular interval; GOLD, Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease;
HR, hazard ratio. Reproduced with permission from [27].
conditions are the leading cause of morbidity and
110 Obstructive, occupational and environmental diseases

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