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February 26, 2017

[Principal name]
[Principal Title]
[School name]
[School address]

Dear [Principals name],

My name is Rhianna Heinz and I am currently finishing up my degree in Applied Biological

Sciences with a focus in Secondary Education at Arizona State University, working closely with
Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College.
My background is in biology, but have the experience teaching 7th and 8th grade science, along with
7th grade math. I have passed the AEPA and NES tests for professionalism, biology, and general math
for 7th and 8th grade. I have also had multiple internships in the local public schools and a charter
school, as well as have taught in a private school setting.
A lot of my experience stems from working in customer service, especially with children and
families in the community, and in family entertainment. This has allowed me to face diversity, gave
me the skills to communicate through emails, phone calls, and face-to-face conferences. Throughout
my adult life, I have also been given the opportunity to lead my peers and direct them in doing things
in a systematic way, with instructions that were easy to follow, and left myself open for questions
and concerns during most times of the day, whether I was at work or not.
I believe that my job is to serve the community and the world by giving students the resources they
need to learn and retain information, along with strategies of literacy and organization, that will help
them well beyond their years in school. Through encouragement and recognizing student potential, I
believe that our schools can produce students who will find a way to reform and improve the world
in all aspects. By the help of the parents, encouraging their student(s) to attend school and complete
the given work, so much could be accomplished. Parent concerns will be my concern and questions
will not go unanswered, whether it is by me figuring it out myself or directing them through the
appropriate channels. If students recognize that they need help or they just need extra attention, it is
expected that they ask for it, along with participating freely in discussion, and doing the work given
to them, with little hesitation.
I am truly excited to be at [Schools name], and I appreciate the opportunity to learn from my peers,
and situations that arise. Please, feel free to contact me at or call 619-410-5690.
Rhianna J. Heinz

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