Letter of Recommendation Request

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Letter of Recommendation Request

1) Full Name: Melanie R Perez

2) Date of Birth: lolyouthought
3) I will be applying to four private schools. One of my choices is the

Dominican University of Caifornia because it is in northern California (12 miles

from San Francisco), a small campus with a 9:1 student-faculty ratio, and has a

suburban setting. I will also be applying to Holy Names University. It is located in

Oakland, a small campus, and since it's far Id like to experience being far from

home. The third private university I will be applying to is Mount Saint Marys

University, Los Angeles, because it is located close home (opportunity to save

money), and all women campus,and a medium-sized school with a 13:1 student

faculty ratio. The last private school I will apply for is Marymount California

University because it is a small beautiful campus, and it is located in Rancho

Palos Verdes. I also applied to four Cal States. I applied for Cal State LA

because its close home. The second is Cal State Northridge because it is also

close home. The third is Cal State San Marcos because it is located near San

Diego. The last one i applied for is Cal State East Bay because it is in the bay

area. I really like San Marcos & East Bay because they are far from home and I

want to experience being far from home.

4) I would like to major in either sociology (my top choice), psychology,

anthropology because I want to study about human behaviors and what makes

us the way we are.

5) I would like to become a social worker because many children and

families face social and psychological issues that can develop at home, at work,

or in their community. I have had experience with speaking and assisting those
who face these issues. Although I have been told I dont seem like the type to

help others, I honestly do because I love making a positive difference in

someones life. Ever since I have gotten assistance with my troubles, I have had

the urge to return the favor by helping out others.

a) Unfathomable: I am usually difficult to understand. The

majority of things that I say confuse people (so Im told).

b) Assertive: Confidently aggressive. I am very confident about

myself, and I dont take anybodys unnecessary negativity kindly.

c) Genuine: I am very straightforward. If I have something to

say I will say it without a doubt in my mind.

d) Resilient: Capable to recover. There have been plenty of

times that people have tried to put me down but I always get back up no

matter what.
e) Tolerant: Able to tolerate the opinions and beliefs of others. I

do not judge anybody based on how they look or how they think because

we are all human, we all think differently.

7) Every single person is different. What makes me different than the most of

the students at ASGL is that I first attended this school in the 9th grade and I

dont believe that any other student has attended my middle school, Paul Revere

Charter Middle School. Switching from a top charter school in Santa Monica to

the Robert F. Kennedy Community Schools has changed my perspective on

many things, including learning environment and social life. Im proud to call

myself a feminist, and I am pretty sure nobody loves One Direction in this school

more than me. I also really want to go into sociology because I think it is very

interesting to study the way society thinks because I want to know why some

people think differently than others.

8) Struggles:ADhcodndkcbd obfkfifjdk xpxhdjdoxbdkdofhd

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djdkd dnffkfi. Fjdjdjfjjfjkkkkk d oPalsowkendpaojcjfosufhospcjtu diADhcodndkcbd

obfkfifjdk xpxhdjdoxbdkdofhd ddddddddddddjcjxjx

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fjifdjjdjrjdsjdjjdjdjdjdjdjdjdbdncodhakqpeudjfbcifnfnfkxlsnsnd djdje djdkd dnffkfi.

Fjdjdjfjjfjkkkkk d oPalsowkendpaojcjfosufhospcjtu dirADhcodndkcbd obfkfifjdk

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9) My vision for the world is individual peace, and equality for all. I want

everyone to be happy with who they are, what they have, and where they are,

and for acceptance between everyone. I also believe that the world could use

more confidence, because I notice so many people but themselves down

because of the way they look, think, or act, and we need to change that and

accept individuality within everyone. Also, the world needs to understand that a

wrong cannot correct another wrong, violence is so unnecessary, and we need to

appreciate the greatness of everyone.

10) Thus far, I believe that there is always going to be failure, big or small, but

there will always be a way to make that failure a success (for those who really

care about their success and future). Besides, you learn a lot from failure

because you can see what was done wrong, and what you can do to fix that.
11) My hobbies are blogging, baking, listening to music (I also like to look up

the backgrounds of certain genres because I find it so interesting), going to

museums, and soon hope to take up photography.

12) During my freshman year, I played soccer and did volleyball at a club

named Kids in Sports in South LA until the end of my sophomore year of high

school. I also started to attend a program called Peace Kids and Youth

Leadership when I was 13 years old. During the summer that I would turn 15, I

was given a chance to volunteer with the young kids of the program, and got

promoted to a Youth Intern the fall of 2014. I hope to be promoted to an assistant

teacher next fall.

13) 1234 Unweighted LAUSD GPA
14) SAT with Essay Evidence-Based Reading & Writing: ABC Math: ABC

Total Score: 1234

SAT Subject Test: Literature: 123 Biology M: 123

15) A life well-lived is one where you have had the key things: a place to

sleep, something to eat, and plenty of love.

16) Success is different for everyone, but for me, success is feeling

accomplished and happy with what I have gained through situations big or small,

and making myself proud. Joy/happiness is plenty of fun and laughs (true fact:

the more you laugh the longer you live!), plenty of love and support from family

and friends, and of course being happy with yourself, flaws and all.

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