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Name: Dylan Thomas Michalel Schiraldo

Module # 3: Diversity, Differences and Disabilities

PowerPoint- NOTE SHEET

While viewing PowerPoint, use this note sheet to write down all your responses. After completing note
sheet, submit it via Blackboard link- Module # 3.

Reflect and write about how you identify yourself and what shaped your identity or thoughts (e.g.,
culture, gender, ideology, social, etc.).
Write your name in the center and write with which particular group you identify (e.g. gender, age,
ethnic, social, political, ideological, athletic, etc.) in the satellite circles and explain why.


Dylan Middle Class,

24, Soccer-
Democrat Schirad Football-
o Hcokey,

Italian & Irish,


-When I was a kid I excelled in all sports, but I only put a few. I loved being active. I am
democrat because I share the same views on welfare programs, abortions, and other ideologies (I
STRONGLY DISLIKE TRUMP). My Italian side is strong within in my everyday life. My family
and I are all loud, talk with our hands, overly loving, and eat way more than we should.
Name: Dylan Thomas Michalel Schiraldo

Watch TED Talk and Write your Response in a note sheet: Maysoon Zayid: I got 99 problems ...
palsy is just one:

o Through humor, what were some of the stereotypes and attitudes of the society Maysoon touched
upon and how did it inform or impact your own thinking?
did everyones homework (being a nerd), being disabled (how we all want to be
sometime), hooking (Dancing for money), failure at theater department (not being
accepted for as lead role), taping her chair down (because she was to fidgety)

o What are some of the insights you took away from this video? Why?
How she feels she can accomplish anything. Her sense of humor is admirable. Despite
everything she faces, she smiles and makes everyone else smile. That we all have
demons, and we are all coping with something intense. The best way to face it is through

o How does this connect with Teacher education? Include examples from your experience or TED
talk to illustrate your point.
Give children of her race hope, such an inspiration

Watch TED Talk and Write: Thandie Newton: Embracing Otherness, Embracing Myself:
o What does Thandie Newton means by otherness?
A nobody, wanting to fit in,desire to disappear, self image
Name: Dylan Thomas Michalel Schiraldo

o What are some of the insights you took away from this TED talk? Why?
Feels better that I am not only human going through anxiety; she looks so normal but
struggles within; not fitting in, we have a function- gives negativity less power- get help-
take each breathe at a time

Watch this video and write down answers to these questions on your Note Sheet:

o What do ELLs bring to the classroom?

Knowledge, understanding the classroom setting, they bring diversity and traditions. We can
all learn from them and their story.

o How can teachers make them feel valued?

Being aware of who they are and their needs.

Watch Video, and as you are listening, pay close attention to 7 Principles of Culturally Responsive
o Why is it important to affirm students linguistic background/heritage and cultural connections?
This is really important because without it not all kids will have equal opportunity to
succeed. What I mean by that is only white children will feel comfortable and have the best
tools to succeed, which is UNFAIR. We need to decorate the classroom (as shown in video)
understand and have arms wide-open to all children. This is so every child feels comfortable
and is in the right path for success.
Name: Dylan Thomas Michalel Schiraldo

Overall, what are two things you took away from this module and write one question you still have
about diversity, disabilities and differences?
o I learned the importance of love for ALL people. Another thing I learned is how important
understanding diversity is, which Ill explain later in text. We all need to treat people the same

o as we would treat people we love. Why? Well this video goes to show that no matter the color,
race, weight, or whatever, that we ALL as humans FEEL and can be affected in negative ways.
Lastly, this module emphasized the importance of diversity. We learned that there are so many
ELLs students and even teachers that are very diverse. It is so important to understand so we
can all ACCEPT.

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