CFR-047 Corporate Social Responsibility White Paper - FINAL

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Corporate Social

and Creating
Shared Value:
Whats the Difference?
May 14, 2014

by Carol Moore
Director of Global Alliances
and Strategic Initiatives

Heifer International
Business and Society to relinquish resources, rewards and decision-making
to local communities for long-term benefit instead of

W hat is the proper role of business in society? The

question isnt new. Debates about the private
sectors responsibility for its economic, social and
short-term profits?

A Brief History of Corporate

environmental impacts have been raging since the Social Responsibility
dawn of capitalism. What is new is the emerging global
consensus that business is the engine of economic The modern Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
growth and international development, and that movement can be traced to Article 23 in the 1948
business can and must play an indispensable role United Nations Universal Declaration on Human
alongside government, civil society and communities Rights, which called for the right to employment,
to solve complex, global challenges like hunger, favorable work conditions, equal pay for equal work,
poverty, inequality, unemployment and climate change. and the right to join trade unions.

At Heifer International, we know the role of business During the social upheavals and activist movements
in society is highly contested ground. Our view is of the 1960s and 1970s, the concept of socially
that private sector firmsfrom leading multinational responsible corporate behavior gained traction.
corporations to small and growing businesses to start- Economist Milton Friedman ignited a debate about the
up social enterpriseshave unique and essential obligation of business to address societal problems
assets and capabilities to contribute to our mission in a 1970 New York Times Magazine article, when he
of ending hunger and poverty while caring for the wrote, There is one and only one social responsibility
Earth. But we also have questions and concerns of businessto use its resources and engage in
about how, when, where and why the private sector activities designed to increase its profits so long as
engages in development, and we believe that power it stays within the rules of the game, which is to say,
structures, motives, performance measures and clarity engage in open and free competition without deception
of definitions matter. or fraud.1

We view Corporate Social Responsibility and Creating Privatization, deregulation, corporate takeovers and
Shared Value practices from a particular perspective: leveraged buyouts in the 1980s led to an explosion
do these efforts actually contribute to the sustainable of CSR awareness and activism in the 1990s,
welfare of rural communities and community as globalization and communications technology
members in Central and Latin America, sub-Saharan accelerated flows of capital, information and
Africa, Central and Eastern Europe and Asia? How people across borders. Informed and emboldened
do smallholder farmers benefit from CSR and CSV stakeholderscustomers, employees, shareholders,
activities? And can we persuade the private sector suppliers, policy-makers, civil society organizations,


international NGOs and mediademanded The Rise of Creating
transparency and accountability from corporations,
rewarding companies that contributed positively to
Shared Value
social and environmental well-being and punishing In their seminal 2011 Harvard Business Review
firms that ignored or neglected the negative article, Creating Shared Value,4 Michael Porter and
externalities of their business practices. Mark Kramer introduced the concept of shared value:
corporate policies and practices that enhance the
Fast forward through the past two decades, and you
competitiveness of a company while simultaneously
can see the influence of the CSR movement by looking
advancing social and economic conditions in the
at todays business language: corporate citizenship;
communities in which the company sells and operates.
sustainability; triple bottom line; ESG (environmental,
social and governance); inclusive business; cause Porter and Kramer argue that all profit is not equal.
related marketing (CRM); pro-poor value chains; Profit involving shared value enables society to
bottom of the pyramid business models (BOP); socially advance and companies to grow faster. They predict
responsible investing and impact investing; social that incorporating societal issues into strategy
enterprise; social purpose; public-private partnerships; and operations is the next major transformation in
green economy; collective impact; license to operate/ management thinking. And they assert that shared
license to lead; corporate ethics; and corporate value models represent nothing less than the next
volunteerism and employee engagement. The lexicon is evolution of capitalism.
constantly changing, refining, expanding and provoking.
In the three years since the article was published,
So what exactly is Corporate Social Responsibility? Creating Shared Value (CSV) has gained credibility,
I like the definition used by the CSR Initiative at legitimacy and momentum as a new way of doing
Harvard Kennedy School, so superbly led by one of my business. The concept is now embraced by many of the
favorite thought leaders on the role of business and worlds leading corporations like Nestle, Intel, Unilever,
society, Jane Nelson2: Corporate social responsibility The Coca-Cola Company and Western Union, and the
encompasses not only what companies do with framework and language of shared value has spread
their profits, but also how they make them. It goes quickly beyond the private sector to governments,
beyond philanthropy and compliance, and addresses NGOs, civil society and academia.
how companies manage their economic, social, and
environmental impacts, as well as their relationships
in all key spheres of influence: the workplace, the
marketplace, the supply chain, the community and the
public policy realm.3


CSR and CSV: Whats doing something separate from the business and
CSV is about integrating social and environmental
the Difference? impact into the business, using that integration to
The distinction between CSR and CSV can be puzzling drive economic value.
and theres a considerable amount of confusion and
debate about the difference. Organizations like the Forward thinking businesses want to be part of the
Shared Value Initiative at FSG Social Impact Advisors solution to tackling the complex problems facing
(, Business for Social our communities, our countries and our world.
Responsibility (, the World Business Companies and employees know that charitable
Council on Sustainable Development (http://www. donations are important. However, they want, the Clinton Global Initiative to expand their engagement so that their core
(, Business business models improve the well-being of people
in the Community ( and the and the planet, reduce or eliminate negative
Aspen Network of Development Entrepreneurs (http:// externalities, and earn a profit. Multinational corporations in Europe and the
development-entrepreneurs) are at the forefront of this U.S. are slowly but steadily ramping up their CSR
conversation, and Heifer International is an active and CSV efforts on complex global problems, but
participant in the global discourse with these leading companies in the BRICS and frontier markets
organizations. are rapidly taking the lead on national and
Heres my take on the distinctions between CSR and regional issues of hunger, poverty, inequality,
CSV, based on a Michael Porter interview in 2012: unemployment and climate change. These
emerging market businesses are embracing Shared
CSR is fundamentally about taking resources from Value as a smart, sustainable and profitable
the business, and investing those resources in business model.
being a good corporate citizen: recycling, giving
money to social causes, reporting on social and
environmental impacts, and engaging employees
in community works.
Click here to watch the 3-minute video:
Shared Value is aimed at changing how the core
business operatesstrategy, structure, people, porter-corporate-social-responsibility-vs-
processes and rewardsin order to deliver triple shared-value
bottom line returns.

The fundamental distinction is that CSR is about


What is the difference between CSR and CSV? Heres my top line view of
the key characteristics:

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Creating Shared Value (CSV)

Corporate values and corporate citizenship Design new products and services that
meet social and environmental needs while
Corporate philanthropy: sharing money the simultaneously delivering a financial return
company has already made
Access new markets
Contributions-in-kind, pro-bono service and
volunteerism: sharing the companys products, Reconfigure and secure the value chain by
expertise, talent and time tapping new or better resources and partners to
improve productivity
Corporate sustainability
Improve the capabilities (skills, knowledge,
Cause related marketing productivity) of suppliers
Compliance with community, national and Create local clusters to strengthen and capture
international standards economic and social benefits at the community
Reputation management
Deploy corporate assets to achieve scale and
Employee recruitment & retention spur investment
Risk management; changing business practices Typically led by CEO, senior executive team and
in response to external pressure individual champions across the company in
Typically led by CSR, Marketing, Corporate close collaboration with corporate affairs and
Communications, External/Public/Government sustainability departments
Affairs, Community Relations, Sustainability and
Foundation departments

Beyond the Bottom Line Here are some of the hot questions we are debating at
Heifer International:
So, what is the proper role of business in society? It
depends. It depends on who is asking the question and Can CSR/CSV actually move the needle on ending
who is answering. It depends on ones values, belief hunger and poverty?
system, worldview and life experience. And it depends How can we evaluate and measure the value
on our own individual economic, social and political and benefit of CSR/CSV efforts for smallholder
choices, as global citizens, community members, farmers, and how have these efforts contributed
employees, consumers and voters. to or detracted from sustainable, agroecological


How can we strengthen local cooperatives, and environmental benefits to our smallholder farmer
producer organizations and farmer business project participants. Our engagement channels with
associations to shift ownership, production, corporations include value chain design, philanthropy,
decision-making and rewards from powerful cause related marketing, employee engagement,
corporate interests to smallholder farmers? corporate social responsibility initiatives, event
sponsorship, matching gifts campaigns, employee
Is Shared Value really about sharing? When giving and employee education.
it comes to research, technology, innovation,
resources, control, access to finance, ownership Heifer International is an active participant in the
and decision-making, how can Heifer International Shared Value movement. By harnessing the expertise,
ensure that the private sector does not capture assets and scale of business, we are accelerating
or recapture the value created by the local our work to end hunger and poverty while caring for
entrepreneurs and local communities we support? the Earth. To learn more about Heifer Internationals
work with corporations like Keurig Green Mountain,
How does a Shared Value model incent Elanco and Danone, visit
corporations to internalize their fair share of costs corporate-partners/index.html.
for global public goods like healthy, peaceful
communities, biodiversity and clean water? Carol Moore is Director, Global
Alliances and Strategic Initiatives,
How can Heifer International work with private at Heifer International, where she
sector firms to unlock government (local, regional, manages a portfolio of partnerships
national, bi-lateral, multi-lateral) investments in and strategic alliances with
climate change resilience, infrastructure, trade corporations, foundations and
and commodity pricing policies, land ownership international NGOs. Her 30 years
and access to capital for smallholder farmers? of nonprofit sector experience includes senior level
What is Heifer Internationals role in promoting a fundraising, strategic alliance and management
more equitable, sustainable economic system for positions with CARE, Emory University, St. Charles
the 21st century? Medical Center, Atlanta International School and
the Society of International Business Fellows. Carol
received her undergraduate degree from Emory
About Heifer International University and her Master in International Service
Heifer International co-creates partnerships and degree from American University.
strategic alliances with companies to deliver social Email:

1 3
Milton Friedman, The Social Responsibility of Business is to
Increase Its Profits, New York Times Magazine, 4
Michael Porter and Mark Kramer, Creating Shared Value,
13 September, 1970. Harvard Business Review, January-February 2011.


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