2014 - GRAMMAR - Exercises - Wh-Question

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2.Directions: Make questions from the given sentences.

1. Talking on the phone. Bob is talking on the phone.

2. My friend. That letter is from my friend.
3. Mary. Mary wrote that letter.
4. My mother's. That is my mother's coat.
5. In August. Alice and John are going to get married in August.
6. Black. Her hair is black.
7. Herb tea. That kind of tea is herb tea.
8. Coffee. I usually drink coffee with my breakfast.
9. Ten minutes. It usually takes me ten minutes to eat breakfast.
10.By taxi. I got to the airport by taxi.
11. Four. I have four brothers and sisters.
12.Florida. I grew up in Florida.
13.Five hours. It takes five hours to get there by plane.
14.Because he wanted to travel around the world. Frank quit school because he wanted to
travel around the world.
15.Great. Everything's going great.

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