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No of Journal : 2

Practicum Week : 2

Incident date : 1st August 2016 5th August 2016

Title of Journal : Seating Arrangement

1.0 Problem

This is the first week I start to teach my Year 3 Yakin pupils. I even entered all the
relief classes for Year 3 Yakin because I want to spend time with them and get to know
each and every one better. Eventually, I have been informed by the Senior Assistant
teacher that I would be teaching Year 4 Yakin too. So, I entered 4 Yakin as well to get to
know them. I observed few things that I see as a problem in the class during the first
week of teaching itself. The matter that I considered that could cause major problem is
the pupils seating arrangement that effect their socializing with each other. The weaker
pupils sit with the weaker one meanwhile the clever one sit with the clever one. The
development of interpersonal skills between them didnt happen at all. Furthermore, the
concept of peer guidance also didnt occur there. If the pupils sit with partner that has
different level of proficiency level, they could help each other. For example, if the clever
pupil sit with the weaker one, the clever pupils can help the weak pupil by assisting him
or her to read a passage, write a phrase and etc. The seating arrangement also can
elevate their level of socialization, this is because due to their seating arrangement, they
tend to just communicate with their level of peers, thus the clever one will feel that they
are superior meanwhile the weaker one could develop the sense of inferiority. Chomsky
had said in his book, children inferiority complex is very dangerous for their
development as that could effect of how they behave in the future. Hence, a simple
classroom seating arrangement could affect too many of matters in the life of a group of
2.0 Analyze the problem

In my point of view, I couldnt pinpoint anyone for the cause of the problem as I
havent taught the pupils yet. The seating arrangement could be arranged by the
teachers or even the pupils by themselves. There is no any fixed or image of seating
arrangement that been laid out for Year 3 Yakin and 4 Yakin, thus I felt that this seating
arrangement might be changed by the pupils itself based on their own interest. I noticed
the weak pupil in 3 Yakin, like Syafrina seat at the edge of the class, in which it is very
difficult for me to notice him as he is quite hidden. And it is normal for a teacher to focus
on the pupils who sits in the middle because they are easily seen. Thus, when Im
teaching at the front, he tend to do other works such as coloring, looking out the
window, and even lying on the table. I do not want to pinpoint him for each of my lesson,
thus I know that I need to find a way to help these type of pupils who are somehow
effected by the seating arrangement itself.

3.0 Ways to overcome

The way to overcome this problem is to change the pupils seating arrangement.
As I know the pupils level of proficiency through their teachers explanation as well as
my observation, I can identify each and every one of the pupils level. Hence, the
changes in the seating arrangement could settle down all the issues that occur to the
pupils as well as to ease the flow of a lesson. I have my own sketch of their seating
arrangement based on their level of proficiency as well as the level of hyperactivity. This
is my plan of their seating arrangement.


Balqis Ain Afwan Amru Zikri Faruq

Ammar Hazim Alif Danish Ira Muna

Nurin Amjad Hakimi Fif Adam


Alya Umairah Tiqa Dyna

4.0 Time frame

1st August 2016 5th August 2016

5.0 Further Action

I should change the seating arrangement of my pupils, in such a way that the
bright pupils sit with the weaker one at the right and left side of the class, meanwhile,
the pupils who are weak and quite mischievous I should change their place to the
middle row, in where I could give more attention to them during the lesson. This is to
ensure that they are able to learn from their peers who are excel than them in education
and to ensure that the weaker ones are always been helped even though it is not from
the teacher, but through their peers instead.
Checked by Mentor: Checked by Lecturer:

Signature : Signature :
Name : Name :
Date : Date :
(Journal 2 = Seating Arrangement)

5.0 Further Action

I changed the pupils seating arrangement on Sunday, 15 th February 2015 as I

want to make the changes as soon as possible to ensure the pupils can get use to their
new seating arrangement as well as their new peer beside them. As I had paired up the
least proficient pupils with the better proficient pupils, I can see how they help their
friends during the teaching and learning session. Besides that, I also asked the naughty
and daydreamer pupils to sit in the middle row as I can always have my eyes on them.
Somehow, I managed to have all the pupils under my control with the new seating

6.0 Conclusion

Through the end of the third week, this new seating arrangement had helped the
pupils to get used to the changes and each time during the English lesson, they know
that they have to change their seating arrangement. I can see improvements in most of
the pupils, for example, Syafrina who was seated by the window at the beginning, and
now I changed his place to the middle row so that I can always have an eye on him. He
is a daydreamer and now in this a week time; I can see that he is now focused to the
lesson even though I have to keep calling his name in order to ensure he need to

Checked by Mentor: Checked by Lecturer:

Signature : Signature :
Name : Name :
Date : Date :

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