Remember This

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J.C. Rite
Write / Remember This / 2

The sun beat down through the window, waves of heat rolling over the dry Nebraska ground.
I lay there, thinking about the rays of blinding light that were giving the entire room a warm,
orange glow. The kitchen was a modest size, able to be fully illuminated at any time of the day.
It was summer, and the ninety-four degree, forty percent humidity day called for emergency
cooling off. There was a warm breeze that periodically came in through the screen door, bringing
a nice change from the stagnant air that replaced it. The fridge cast its cool shadow, providing
sweet escape from the fiery heat that came from the rest of the kitchen floor. The rest of the
house was no better. It was an open house. A lot of windows peppered the golden walls, letting
in more sunlight. On any other day, the house was the perfect fusion of warm and comfortable,
but the heat wave brought it to an unbearable level. No air conditioning. No coolers. The house
was ill equipped to handle this kind of Midwest summer.
Little did the people of the town know that the heat was supernatural in origin. A woman
walked down the fields of wheat, her dress shimmering like a mirage. She was beautiful. She
was imposing. She was Aine, goddess of summer. It was because of her that the heat blanketed
the countryside. It was because of her that there was not a cloud in the sky to give reprieve. She
was draped in chains of gold. She was beauty. She was love. She was lady midday.
I finished typing my writing exercise, and closed my computer. I was happy with the
exercise. We had been practicing description and repetition, and our teacher started to focus
on mythology for our unit. This was my favorite unit by far. I have always loved mythology, but I
wish I had time to delve as deep as I wanted into it. If only the gods were real, I could just ask
them myself. With AP English homework done, I could now relax for the weekend. The weather
had changed slightly from yesterday. About eighty-eight degrees out, it was more welcoming
outside. Some of my friends were having a party that night. My dad hated when I went to
parties, but maybe he would allow this one? Worth a try.
Getting out of my chair, I grabbed a towel thrown haphazardly over my hamper of clean
clothes and walked down the hall to the bathroom. Shedding my shorts, I stepped into the
shower and turned the water on, letting it stay cold. I let the chilled water run down my body,
leaving little goose bumps all over. It was a nice reprieve from the heat, and letting the water
wash away all the sweat and grime you manage to collect in your own house was nice. Washing
Write / Remember This / 3

my hair, my face and my body, and got out of the shower. I wrapped the towel around my waist
and shuffled around for a tank top. Finding one, I started to brush my teeth.
Alex? Uh-oh. Am I in trouble?
Alexander, can you come down here? I need to talk to you!
I pulled a clean pair of shorts on and the tank top, hurrying down the stairs. Walking into
the kitchen I smelled food. My dad was standing there, chopping up bright yellow and orange
peppers. Taking a seat at the island, I waited for him to turn around. After a couple of seconds,
he turned around and saw me. A smile spread across his face. He was a young dad, only thirty-
two. It had been hard being a single parent, but the two of us were close. He pushed his auburn
hair back, smearing pepper juice across his tan cheeks in the process.
Dammit. Can you hand me that towel? he said, pointing at the hand towel near me.
I handed him the towel, whilst preparing how I was going to ask to go to the party in my
mind. My thought was interrupted when he started to talk, his tone playful.
So. I heard that John and Kara are having a party tonight. From what their mom said, it
sounds like it will be a lot of fun.
This caught me off guard. Um Yeah. They texted me about it yesterday. I didnt want to
rush into this conversation. I still wasnt sure what game he was playing, if any.
Well, you should tell me how it goes.
Come on, you heard me. I am fine with you going to the party. I knew you were going to
ask me, and even if I said no you still would have sneaked out. Am I right?
I decided not to honor that with an answer.
Anyways, youre seventeen and I dont want to stop you from having fun. Just make sure
you dont do anything too reckless. There is a limit to how much I can do to get you back up on
your feet.
I was so excited. I couldnt believe it! He was letting me go, and I didnt even have to ask.
Thanks dad. Ill let them know I am coming.
Write / Remember This / 4

Okay. Hey, you need to be home by 11:30 though. I know their house is only a few blocks
away and we live in a small town, but
Alright, I understand. Thanks again dad. I replied as I gave him a big hug and went back
The rest of my day went by without any problems. My dad had to go to work and meet up
with one of his coworkers, Linda. Linda was a nice woman, and often had dinner with my dad
and I. She was a behavioral psychologist so she always had something to diagnose one of us
with. But, nonetheless, we still enjoyed her company. She was big though. Not overweight big,
oh no. She stood around 6, and was incredibly muscular. She is in her early sixties, but damn
she was she active. Doesnt act like her age at all.
I ended up playing some Call of Duty, but decided to go across the street to the tennis
courts in the park after I beat the computer players three times in a row. I played tennis by
myself for about an hour and a half. But, as I ended playing, I felt someone watching me. I
looked over at one of the park benches, and there was a woman sitting there. She had to be
about my dads age, give or take a year. She was pretty, but I am not a good judge of female
beauty. The guy running behind her? He was my type. Hopefully hed be at the party tonight.
Anyways. She was almost too pretty. Her hair was pulled up in a ponytail, and shone like spun
bronze. This was contrasted by the hard, almost cold, green eyes she had. She had gotten up as
I was staring at her, and was walking over to me. I got a weird vibe from her, and couldnt quite
make up my mind about her. She walked up to the net, and stood across from me.
Just staring off into space? she smiled wryly at me.
Oh, uh, no. I was just people watching I guess. And, you are really pretty Why would you
say that Alex?
Oh. Well, I was curious why you were playing alone. Last I checked, tennis is a two-person
This woman was definitely weird. She didnt blink an eyelash at the fact that I had called her
pretty, or that I had been watching her too.
Youre new here arent you? I havent seen you around town before.
Write / Remember This / 5

No, I just moved here. Wanted a change in scenery I guess. I am staying with a family down
the street. Nice family, but very different than I am used. she flipped her hair back and cocked
her head to the side. She looked like a predator sizing up her prey. Yeah. She definitely gave me
the creeps.
Oh really? You must be staying near me and my friends then. Why are you staying with the
family though? Dont you have family?
No. My family is dead. Her voice was indifferent. Flat. Almost like her family didnt matter
enough for her to bother wasting emotion on them.
Shit. Oh. I am so sorry So, where are you from? You have a slight accent.
Its fine she replied with a quick smile and I am from Greece. Athens. Its a beautiful
place, but I wanted to follow the center of civilization. That leads me here. America.
Oh. Well, it was nice meeting you, but I have to go and get ready for a party.
Of course Alex. I will see you around. She smiled and started to walk away.
Hey wait! I called as she walked away. She stopped and turned around, one eyebrow
raised. Whats your name?
She smiled. My name? My name is Tricia. Just call me Trish though.
She turned around, and disappeared behind the thick trunks of the trees in the park. I
forgot about the fact she knew my name, which I never mentioned, in my excitement.
After I had gotten home from the park, I took another shower. Afterwards, I put on a nice
black button down shirt, a pair of jeans, and my black NIKEs. My dad had gotten home shortly
after I started my shower, and when I got downstairs to the living room, he was watching the
news. I recognized the picture on the screen. It was of a little girl who lived down the street
from us.
Angelique Devalos went missing yesterday morning at 8:30 in the morning. Her mother
had let her go play outside in the back yard. Neighbors say that they only saw Angelique playing
near the trees of the park behind their houses, and then the little girl was gone when they
looked back out again. This morning at 10 a body of a little girl was found in the river running
Write / Remember This / 6

from the park to the countryside. Authorities cannot positively I.D the body however, as the
face, teeth, lower jaw and hands are all missing. However, there is almost no doubt in the
authorities minds that this little girl is, indeed, Angelique Devalos. The
I turned the T.V off. I was at a loss for words. I had occasionally babysat Angelique, and she
was so sweet. I couldnt believe that this had happened.
Hey, I swear I will be home at 11:30. I need something to keep my mind off the fact that
this happened. I tried to reassure him.
Okay. Have fun. Please, please be safe though. Promise me.
I promise.
I had gotten to the party on time, and now there were enough people there for everyone to
start going off on their own. There were a lot of conversations going on at once. If it werent for
the party atmosphere, it would have been too much noise. But, I was with my friends and we
were having a good time. Thats all that mattered.
My friends and I were standing in the kitchen, talking about anything and everything that
came to mind. Then I remembered the woman, Tricia. Did I tell her my name? How did she
know it?
As I was thinking this, I glanced at the T.V. An emergency news announcement was rolling
on screen. What I saw sent chills down my spine.
Breaking news. New information has turned up in the case of the murdered little girl. Near
where she was found, more bodies have been found. Children ranging from the ages of six to
nine have been found dead, with a myriad of different causes of death. Authorities say that
there is no identification anywhere for this serial murderer, and that the killer seems to have
slipped away into the shadows again The anchorwoman continued talking, but I had stopped
listening. How fucked up was that! I had a sick feeling in my stomach as I thought of all those
parents whose young children would never come home.
My friends had started talking to me again, and we all went into their family room. I still felt
a little nauseous, but it is surprising how fast those feelings can be suppressed when you are
Write / Remember This / 7

having a good time. The party went on, with music blasting, drinks spilling and people
screaming and yelling. I looked down at my phone as I sat down on the couch, having been just
dancing with that cute guy from the park. 11:23. It was about time to go home. I got up and got
the number of the guy I had danced with, and said goodbye to my friends. As I walked down
onto the street connecting their house to mine, I felt odd. Like someone was watching me. I
looked around but saw no one. Must be because of the news. I have nothing to worry about.
This just in, not too far from the site where the children were found, a new body dump has
been found. However, the victims are all males ranging from ages 16-25. The M.O also appears
to be different from that of the Child Killer. Most of the new bodies have blunt force trauma to
the head, as well as ligature marks on their wrists. One man, age 23, was found eviscerated,
and it appears that he was kept alive for several hours before he died. A boy, age 16, was found
with bite marks that match those of Copperhead snakes. There are approximately 27 bodies
found, and more are being uncovered
I walked down the street, humming tunelessly as I put one foot in front of the other. The
night was not too cold, and not too hot. I turned a corner when all of a sudden, a dark shadow
came flying at me. I felt a sharp pain, and the world went cold and dark.
I woke up unable to move. Something was tightly tied around my wrists. It was dark, but I
could tell it was still nighttime. And I was outside somewhere. My head was throbbing, with a
dull, painful throb alternating with the incessant chirp of crickets. After a few minutes I opened
my eyes up. The throbbing had died down, while my eyes had started adjusting to where I was.
It was a small, dark clearing. Thats when the fear hit me. It was cold, and I could hear the
sounds of the forest at night clearly now. I started to breathe faster, and thats when I noticed
the little red glow coming from a wireless alarm clock. It was a timer, with blood red numbers.
What could it be counting down? A bomb? Gas? Something even worse? As I was thinking
about what it could be counting down, I felt a tickle on my leg. I kicked my leg to shake it off
Write / Remember This / 8

and saw a spider, a huge ass spider, crawling towards me on the ground. Now, I am a pretty
large guy, and not much scares me. But spiders? I cannot stand spiders. I pulled my legs up in
the air, and tried to not think of the spider. Eventually, my thoughts turned to the timer.
1:20:10:06. I started to wonder if anyone was looking for me. The feeling of panic came again,
and I started looking around desperately for a way out. I tried moving my hands. They were tied
tight though. There was no way out. There was nothing I could do, and everything I had had
was gone. I was left with only the clothes I had on for the party. The clearing, I realized, was
smaller than I had originally thought. Ten feet by fifteen feet maybe? I could see a little ways
into the woods, until it was too dark to make out anything. I began thinking of what time it
might be, that people were searching for me, anything to keep me from thinking about the
place I was in. For what seemed like an hour, I sat there staring into the darkness. Thinking
about everything and anything.
40:15:35. Time was going by fast. A horrible realization hit me. I didnt tell my dad I loved
him. I stared at the ground and felt tears starting to form. The last thing I told him was I
promise. I promised him Id be safe. I lied. The trees seemed like they were getting closer. I
couldnt tell if it was my imagination, or the clearing had actually gotten smaller. Logically, I
knew it hadnt. But right now, logic was in the backseat. I could feel my eyes beginning to burn,
tears starting to fall. Why didnt I just stay home? All I could think of was how worried he must
be. 30:15:18.
Was I going to die? Was I another victim of a nameless serial killer? Or is this a joke? It
couldnt possibly be a joke though. I jumped as a cold female voice blared from alarm clock.
Twenty minutes remaining. Twenty minutes remaining. Twenty minutes remaining.
What the fuck? Twenty minutes until what? That voice just crushed all hope of this being a
joke. I was really going to die in here. My thoughts went back to the timer. The more I thought
about it, the crazier I felt. I started pacing again. 16:02:01.
Fifteen minutes remaining. Fifteen minutes remaining. Fifteen minutes remaining.
Shit. Shit, shit, shit. I really was a victim of a serial killer. But in my small town? Really?
Everyone knows everyone. That thought makes me feel even sicker. Someone who I know did
Write / Remember This / 9

this to me. I started to cry. Never, in a million years did I see this happening to me. I began to
yell. I threw my head back and just started screaming. Letting out every emotion I had. Every
regret I had ate away at me, every little thing that I wished I would have done differently hurt.
Five minutes remaining. Five minutes remaining. Five minutes remaining.
I couldnt take it anymore. The good guys always came through in the end right? The TV
shows like CSI and Bones get it kind of right right? Shortly before the timer runs out, the
police will arrive, and I will be okay. Right? I finally stopped crying, and gave up. I gave up on
trying to get someone to hear me. I floated there, just above the ground. Just hoping, wishing
that someone would come to find me. I looked up at the air vent, and closed my eyes.
Time is up. Time is up. Time. Is. Up.
I opened my eyes to see the alarm clock sparking. Before I could realize what was
happening, fire snaking down from the trunk towards me. Omg, no. I am gonna get burnt alive.
The fire was flowing across the ground. Thats when I smelt the kerosene. I cant believe I
hadnt noticed it before. This was my worst nightmare. Being burnt alive was my greatest fear.
Its supposed to be the worst way to die. I was paralyzed with fear. I just watched the fire
getting closer, until I feel the heat from it. I felt it starting to creep up my leg. I closed my eyes,
waiting for the fire to consume me.
Write / Remember This / 10

I awoke in an ambulance. My head was pounding, and I was still pretty groggy. I looked
around and realized that we werent moving. The ambulance was parked. I waited for a few
minutes, then got up slowly. Opening the doors of the ambulance, I saw we were in front of a
warehouse on the edge of town. Sirens were blaring, and people were buzzing around like flies
on a piece of meat. Policemen and women, EMTs, firefighters, you name it. There were people
wheeling body bags, as well as other survivors from the forest. I saw maybe 5 other guys
around my age, and 4 body bags. That would have been ten other victims counting me. What a
scary ass thought. I was almost a victim of a mass murderer. I shivered at the thought, as well
as the cold breeze that blew through.
Thats when I saw her. Linda. She was sneaking her way into the forest, towards the spot
where the dumping ground was. No. It couldnt be. I couldnt decide between following her, or
telling one of the emergency responders. I felt something compel me to follow her though.
I made my way down the dirt path, as quietly as I could. I made it to a little clearing, and
saw her. She was an imposing woman when she stood there. I started to feel some real, true
fear. Why the fuck did I follow her myself?! Stupid fucking idiot. We were looking right at each
other, and I could almost hear the cogs in her brain, planning her next move. Like a deadly
She took a step toward me. Curious. You followed me without a care for your own safety.
Now, when I do kill you, it will have to be quick so no one hears you. See, if you had just died in
that clearing, we wouldnt have this problem. She pulled out a pistol and leveled it with my
Linda? Why? I took a step back, and pulled my phone out quickly. Hiding it behind my
back, I pressed the call button.
Why would I do this? Because fear fascinates me. When I see people truly, honestly scared,
I am happiest. It also has a great cover called behavioral psychology. It makes the job of finding
victims easier. And, it just so happened that I was friends with you and your dad. It made my
job especially- she took a step towards me, and cocked the gun easy with you.
Write / Remember This / 11

For the second time that day I felt like I was going to die. I closed my eyes, and tried to
relax. I even attempted to accept my fate. All my regrets, memories and mistakes flashed
through my mind. Life really does flash before your eyes when you are about to die. I couldnt
believe that someone so close to me and my family could do this. Then I had a thought. Maybe I
can keep her talking till the police arrive. Works in the shows right?
Why did you kill all those children?
She faltered. I dont kill children. Only a true monster would do that. I dont know who or
what is doing that, but it is not me.
I was about to say something when Lindas eyes widened. Her veins began to swell, turning
a dark black color. She started coughing up blood and bile, slumping to the ground. I stood
there frozen. And then I realized who it was. Tricia.
Tricia? What the fuck? How did you do that? What My heart started racing, and I was
not thinking clearly. How did Trish just murder a fit, strong 6 womans neck like she was
She looked up, and it dawned on me how inhuman she actually looked. Her hair seemed to
move on its own accord, and her skin looked like the scales of a snake. She stood there, 61 in 5
inch heels, and looked like something from someones twisted nightmare. Every time she
breathed, I heard a rasping noise that sounded like a snakes hiss.
I backed up against a tree, trying to support myself. My knees had gotten weak. Whatever
danger I had been in was nothing compared to what I was in now. Who are you? My voice
barely working.
Oh Alex. Come on. You know that it doesnt matter who I am. But what does matter is?
she chuckled, piercing me with her green eyes. She almost seemed amused by the question.
My blood felt like ice. The air had grown cold around us, and I was afraid of what the
answer to her question might be. What you are.
Thats more like it. Well, you know what Alex? All those legends and myths? Things that go
bump in the night and the hero who saves the princess, blah, blah, blah? Humans think that
Write / Remember This / 12

they are just that. Stories. Well, thats simply not true. They are real. I am real. Can you think of
a Greek legend that punishes murderers?
I thought about it. Even if she was just some psychopath, I could still keep her talking. Keep
to the same plan right? Maybe.
I dont know.
Mm. Disappointing. If I was you, Id read up on your mythology. My name is Tisiphone. I
am one of the Furies. An Erineyes.
So youre the one that killed all the children?
Oh no. That was something else. The Lamia by my guess. The more the world crumbles
into chaos, the thinner barriers between this world and the Underworld get. In fact, I cant
believe this hasnt started earlier!
My back was to the tree. I had nowhere to go. Slowly, I tried to step away from her and the
tree, toward the trail. I hoped that she wouldnt notice me. I was sorely mistaken, however.
With a flick of her hand she threw me further into the clearing. I landed on a rock, and the wind
was knocked out of me. I could barely breathe, and could barely stand up.
Come ON Alex. Have you murdered anyone? No? Then you are in no danger. But, the
Lamia is not the only monster here. Theres something big thats gonna happen. The Old World
is reviving itself. You will continue running into monsters and gods no matter where you go.
And I am considered one of the nicer gods. Just chew on that a little. She giggled, while pacing
in a circle around me. I hoped and hoped, silently wishing that 9-1-1 sent someone to come and
find me.
Yet, she still had not killed me. I was seriously beginning to wonder if I would actually make
it out of here alive. Even if it was farfetched. She said I was in no danger
You know Alex. I really like this little town. Its quaint. Everyone knows everyone. And the
community is so tight knit. Its the perfect town. Perfect little towns tend to get destroyed. They
burn to ashes, blow away in the northern wind.
Thats when I heard it. Dogs barking. And people talking. It sounded like police officers
looking for me! I just had to hold out a little longer, and keep her talking.
Write / Remember This / 13

She had noticed the dogs barking too. She suddenly changed. Her features became sharper,
and snake skin spread across her body. Her eyes changed color, the entire eye becoming bright
orange, with pupils like a viper. Her mouth curled back in a snarl. Skin stretched to the point of
almost ripping over her mouth. Teeth grew to fangs, and her fingernails grew into claws. I tried
to move but I couldnt. My fear kept me from moving. I tried to scream, but my body would not
do that either. My heart was racing, and I could feel the blood pounding through my veins.
She took a step towards me, but then stopped. In my mind, I heard her voice.
Alex You know, in your human legends I was seen as evil. Feared. And they were right. I
am unstoppable. She walked up to me, standing almost an inch away. But you know, they
are just that. Legends. No one really knows what I am capable of. Humans feared us so much,
they never came close enough to learn.
I closed my eyes and I waited for it to be over.
I dont have the desire to kill you. If I did, it would have happened already. But death
may come tomorrow. It may be next week. It may be never. You will never know. Remember
though, Alex. Always look over your shoulder. Always be aware of where you are, and where
you are going. Because in the end, if it is not me that gets you it will be another person, an
animal, a freak accident, or even Death themselves. Remember this. She smiled, almost with
I could move again, and watched as she walked away from me. She turned, and I saw her
become human again.
Goodbye, Alex. Dont forget, and dont be afraid of the dark. Level of lighting doesnt
matter when it comes to monsters she whispered softly, her words her words chilling me to
the core. She laughed, a deceptively sweet and pure sound booming in my head, and stalked
away into the trees.
I stood there, shocked. Even though I could move, my body didnt want to. I vaguely
remember the police finding me, and taking me home. I couldnt stop thinking about what she
had said. Because in the end, if it is not me that gets you it will be another person, an animal, a
freak accident, or even Death themselves. Remember this.
Write / Remember This / 14

After many visits from the police, things had finally quieted down. It had been a month
since the incident. In the end, with my fathers newfound paranoia, we moved far away from
that small Midwest town. We decided, unanimously, that we were city people. No small towns,
no more rural living out in the middle of nowhere.
We moved to Chicago, having sold our house and many of our less sentimental possessions.
John, Kara, and their family moved as well. They are in Milwaukee now, and we still see them
on a regular basis. I still thought about what happened though. We may have left, but the
memories never will. I will never forget what I went through. I learned two things that night. I
learned that people can be more frightening than any monster story, but also that those
monsters that we joke and make crappy movies about are out there. I am more cautious now.
Constantly wondering if the woman next to me on the bus, or the man walking down an alley, is
one of those creatures the Tisiphone mentioned.
My dad and I had lived in this new apartment for about two months now. I had applied for
college near here and would begin attending there in the spring term. Our life had slowed down
finally, and we were settling in really well. Sitting down to eat, I turned the T.V on. The news
popped on, and was a good background as we were filling up our plates with Chinese food.
Thats when I saw it.
My blood ran cold. In a panic I turned the T.V up. I couldnt believe what I was seeing.
Earlier today the body of a young boy, around 8 years old, was found in an alleyway in
Southern Chicago. The boys identity is still a mystery, as the body is too charred to make out
any identifiers. Authorities are still

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