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Marching onward:
The season is fast changing, and we mossy denizens of the North begin to dig in, literally- The muddy soil
calls, (wait for it to dry-out a bit first!) the blossoms buzz with happy bees, the creeks rush, and seeds
burst to life with the hope of fulfilling their potential- a rich harvest. Im not talking here about growing
what you may think, but rather, the thing that matters most when hunger calls, the most important harbin-
ger of health: Fresh food, and of course food for the soul- The flowers.
This issue focused organically on The Economy an amorphous beast that seemingly rules everything.
Tax season looms- A good time to think about what we, personally and as a society, are willing to pay for.
Under President Obama, House Republicans voted more than 50 times to repeal or rewrite the Affordable
Care Act, but this month the Republican led House couldnt find the votes needed to pass its own health-
care law. Minutes before the vote was scheduled, House Speaker Paul Ryan canceled the vote. The bill
was opposed by every Democrat, many members of the ultraconservative House Freedom Caucus and
some moderate Republicans. The Freedom Caucus wanted more drastic cuts to Obamacare, while the
moderate Republicans were concerned with the potential fallout from a bill that would leave 24 million
more people uninsured and gave a major tax break to the rich. Another strike for Trumps at-bat.
A day later, Bernie Sanders told constituents that hell introduce a single-payer health care bill in Con- You can subscribe to
gress, as he has in the past, within a couple of weeks. Sanders said the defeat of the Republican health
care bill demonstrates widespread dissatisfaction among Americans with GOP health care policies., He Greenfuse for 12 issues:
thinks his Medicare for all bill will have strong appeal even among the red-state voters that put Trump
in the White House. It is a common sense proposal, and I think once the American people understand it, $25 (suggested) receive email up-
we can go forward with it. Plant that bell and let it ring. dates as a member of the Greenfuse
-Joshua Golden Insiders Clique.
In other national expense news: the Defense Department budget- Your Tax dollars at work. Anything over that up to $100 will

Military Excess
Second to the F-35 in ridiculous expense is the qualify you as an un-indictableco-
next generation of aircraft carriers, the Navys most conspirator.
expensive warships at $14 billion each.
The very existence of the Marine Corps, which has Over $100, you will receive a
Powered by a lethal pursuit of dubious security
more planes, ships, armored vehicles, and per- papier-mch Anonymous mask
interests, Trump has proposed the U.S. military
budget be increased by $54 billion- equal to the sonnel than the entire British military, is and a link to a safe house in Mexico
former budget of the Department of State as well questionable.The Marines have not conducted an or Canada.
as the entire defense budget of Russia. amphibious landing in 65 years, and there is no Over $500, any staff member still at
other nation in the world that has such a Corps in
The U.S. is the only country in the world with a large will intercede for you at any
terms of numbers and capabilities.The Marines
military that can project force anywhere on the V-22 Osprey, an ambitious vertical takeoff and attempted guillotining.
globe.There is no rival of the U.S. Air Force, no landing hybrid aircraft, is neither reliable nor safe Free to prisoners.
other country has access to the countless ports and even President George H.W. Bush and Secre-
and anchorages and military bases the U.S. has. tary of Defense Dick Cheney tried to kill the pro-
The most wasteful of all military expenditures-The gram 25 years ago. RE: Greenfuse:
Air Force, is obsessed with fighter superiority in A spirited collection of opinion & fact.
According to the National Priorities Project, the
an era without a threat, and has an advantage Published mostly monthly 2000-2015
2015 budget for the military was $598 billion,
over any combination of air powers.There was no Distributed in Six North Coast Counties.
which represented 54% of all federal discretionary
adversary for the F-22, the worlds most effective Resurrected- Winter 2017
spending. However that number didnt include
and lethal air-to-air combat aircraft, but the pro- $65 billion in veterans spending and $26 billion for "Greenfuse bears witness to the love &
gram was killed in 2011 to make way for the more nuclear weapons, bringing the total to about $690 enduring stubbornness of a small group of
costly and contentious F-35, the Pentagons most billion, which is 63% of the $1.1 trillion in U.S. creative activist known as the:
expensive weapons program.In flight, fighter discretionary spending. Just 8% of the military
jets can consume up to $34,000 an hour.
The Navy has had total dominance at sea since
budget would end global poverty. Waking Dog Collective
Our country has been in a state of war 88% of the
the end of the World War two. time since its inception. Reducing the military
Unlike sleeping dogs,
Even the chief of naval operations con- dominance of federal tax spending, is the only way waking dogs never lie.
to de-escalate provocative aggression, reorder
cedes that the United States enjoys a
U.S. priorities, and make the world a safer place The paper is a Non-Profit Project
degree of overmatch [with any poten- for everyone. produced with volunteer effort.
tial adversary] that is extraordinary. Weapons of war never buy safety. With time, interest, dedication and a bit of
The United States is in an arms race cash anyone can print something like this-
The Navy has its own air force, its own army, and
It is a shame more dont-
its own strategic weapons, and it is equal in size with itself that must be stopped.
to all the navies of the world combined.The But we must!
Coast Guard alone represents the worlds This Tax day start thinking about
Our time is donated & we are grateful for the
seventh-largest fleet. withholding your support. supporters of our mission, we compensate
-Thanks to counterpunch.org them with space in these pages. If you would
like to be included, contact us for details. We
also appreciate those who with pennies &
carefully wrapped bills, with small money or-
ders & now and then a splash of largesse
keep us solvent, contributions are
welcome- as printing & distribution regularly
outpace our financial resources.

Waking Dogs include, but are not limited to:

Joshua Golden: wakingdog@greenfuse.work

Paul Encimer: thepeopleswhistle@greenfuse.work
Shakti: theprivateeye@greenfuse.work
Debra Carey: thepubliceye@greenfuse.work
Tom ONeil, Solar Dan, Michael DeLeon,
Okra P. Dingle, John Hardin, Derrick Jensen,
Nat Pennington, Kate Carlson, Monkey, & Nora.

Send any: Comments, Ideas, Suggestions.
Help: Distribute, Support, Contribute.
Reveal: Hot tips, Leads, Stories.

GreenfuseBox 493 Redway, CA 95560

(707)923-4488 (707)298-7702

Atonement 1912. Franz Marc- Killed at the battle of Verdun 1916

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