Advertisement Assignment Sheet

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Advertisement Assignment Sheet Due:

12th Grade Language Arts

Students will use their working knowledge to create and evaluate an advertisement. Critical
literacy skills can be used in students day-to-day life because of the massive amount of
advertisement media adolescents take in. the advertisement gives students an opportunity to
show their skills in a creative way, but the written component is writing and synthesis practice in
a semi-informal genre.

Students will create an advertisement for a real product or a fictional one of their own creation.
They will do so by employing strategies and elements of critical literacy acquired in the
beginning of the unit.
1. First, students will create a plan. This plan will be the deadline sheet that both teacher and
students are held responsible for. Students will create their own timeline and due dates. The
teacher ill check for completion of these assignments on the previously agreed upon due dates.
Proposals for timeline must be approved and signed by both teacher and student.
2. Second, students will create a working draft of their advertisement. This will be
workshopped informally in class. The peer reviewer comments that you make in class on the
workshop day must be included in the final packet for full credit. Students will be graded on
completion of the graphic organizer.
3. Third, Students will revise and develop a final draft of their advertisement and write up.
4. Finally, students will write a reflection about the creation process of their ad. This reflection
is due in the final packet as well. Use the same reflection model we have been using all year. If
you need a copy of the criteria they are posted online.
These items must be compiled into a binder or folder. I have folders you can use, but feel free
to use other materials.

Papers must be in Times New Roman, 12 point font, and double spaced. To receive full credit for
your rough draft it must be at least 75% complete. The completeness will be based on afore
mentioned plan made by the student.

Target Audience: Brainstorm the audience that you think your personal narrative will be
addressing with a partner or small group of three.
Grading Information: The final product that will be turned in and graded must include all of the
list items above. Since this is a final project for the unit, it will serve as your summative
assessment of this material. The point value of each item being graded is as follows.
Final Ad and Writing Component 150 pts. Due:

Peer Review A 5 points Date in Class:

A - Having your marked rough draft and reviewer sheet B 20 points Due:
B - Quality of comments on peers work

Self-Reflection 15 points Due:

Written Component
The written component must be in Times New Roman, double spaced, 12 point font. In 1-2
pages the student will write a rationale for the creation of their advertisement. What is the
product being sold? Who is the target audience? What Marketing Decisions were made in order
to appeal to the consumer? Who is the ad including/excluding? Who has a voice/does not? Who
is the ad benefiting?
Your rationale is not limited to these questions (you can inquire with additional questions) but
must at least address all of the questions listed.

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